Habs Weekly: Junior School edition - Friday 10 June

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Habs Weekly Junior School edition Friday 10 June 2022 Summer Term

Head of Junior School’s Message Mrs L Flynn

We hope you all had an enjoyable break with your families and friends over the Jubilee weekend. We certainly enjoyed celebrating together within our community here at school. Next time you are in school, do come and look at the fantastic display celebrating the best of the last 70 years which has been put together collaboratively by all pupils in the Junior School (and masterminded by Miss Galvin) which is in the KS1 corridor. This half term is an opportunity for us to celebrate all that has been achieved within our community, alongside preparing for the new academic year. The 21 June will be our school Changeover Day, where pupils all meet their new teachers, we welcome our new students into our community and of course parents come into school for Induction Evening. Please see our newsletter of 27 May for further details. We will be sending out an Induction Handout containing your daughter’s new timetable, class teacher and class information in the afternoon of the 21 June. Rather than sharing the overview of the whole academic year’s curriculum, this coming year we will share the curriculum plans for each coming half term in the last newsletter of the preceding term to ensure all information that comes to you is as accurate and current as possible. I look forward to seeing you in school on Tuesday 21 June.

Junior School Looking ahead...

Whole School Family Friday

D AT E C H A N G E It was wonderful to see so many families in Rainbow this morning! The final date for Rainbow Family Friday this year is moving from Friday 24 June to Friday 1 July. On this same date we also look forward to welcoming families of Years 2, 4 and 6 into the Junior School so pupils can share the work and experiences that they are most proud of. On arrival at school, please park in the hatched area behind the bus stop as opposed to the drop off lanes and walk to the Junior School. The doors will be open from 8am. If no family member can attend and instead you would like your child to bring home a piece of work to share, please email their class teacher directly to request this.


Parents Evening W E D N E S D AY 1 5 J U N E To access your parent’s evening appointment please log into your school cloud account via parent portal or click here for ease.

Summer Concert T U E S D AY 5 J U LY We are excited to invite you to our Summer Concert which will take place on Tuesday 5 July at 7pm in the Prevett Hall. Click here to read more information.

Paradise Wildlife Park F R I D AY 1 7 J U N E Reminder that children should bring a lightweight rucksack - school rucksacks are too large on this occasion. Please choose a suitable bag for a snack (nut-free), packed lunch and water bottle. Please provide your child with a snack; lunch and water bottles will be provided. Children must wear school uniform and bring their named school sunhats, along with sun cream. Normal school timings will operate and 1 Orange will not have their swimming lesson. Please send reading folders in on Thursday 16 June. Children do not need to bring their reading folders or school rucksacks on Friday.17 June.

Junior School Looking ahead...

Y4 to 6 Summer Recitals NOTICE Our informal Summer Recitals start next week. Please note that they are all taking place in the Sime Hall. Parents are invited to watch. Year 4 Music Recital: Wednesday 29 June, 8.45am to 10.15am in the Sime Hall Year 5 Music Recital: Tuesday 14 June, 9.30am to 11am in the Sime Hall Year 6 Music Recital: Friday 17 June, 2pm to 3.30pm in the Sime Hall



Norfolk Residential trip W E D N E S D AY 2 2 T O F R I D AY 2 4 J U N E Only a short while to go until our Norfolk Lakes visit! In preparation please may we have your child’s packed lunch option by completing this form to indicate their choice, by Thursday 16 June. Your child can bring their own packed lunch for Wednesday 22 June if they wish, but please be reminded that any food should be free from nuts, sesame and no fizzy drinks. Please complete the form even if you are bringing your own lunch, to clarify. Please click here to access the brochure provided at the information evening. There has been an additional item added to the kit list, please ensure you review this.

Author and Alumnae visit

Swim squad - CANCELLED


T H U R S D AY 1 6 J U N E

We are delighted that Habs alumnae Alexandra Hart and Phoebe Sleeman are visiting the school on Friday 1 July to talk to Years 5 and 6 about their newly published teen fantasy novel, Alight.

Due the Year 3 and 4 friendly gala taking place Thursday 16 June there will be no Year 5 and 6 swim squad after school, 4pm to 5pm. Normal going home arrangements will apply. If these have change please inform Mrs Walsh.

You can pre-order a copy of Alight for your child at the discounted price of £4.95, which will be signed by Alex and Phoebe on the day. The cost will be added to your end of term bill. To order your copy of Alight, please email fhackett@habsgirls.org.uk by midday on Thursday 16 June.

Chamber Strings T H U R S D AY 1 6 J U N E Rebecca Boyle is unable to run chamber strings on the Wednesday 29 June 4pm to 4.15pm. She would like to run this session on Friday 1 July from 12.30pm to 1.15pm.

We are excited to welcome parents and guardians to our Rainbow and KS1 Sports Day!

Friday 24 June 2022 Rainbow: 10.30am start KS1: 1.45pm start Click here for more details

Junior School Sports Day Save the date

We are excited to welcome parents and guardians to our KS2 Sports Day!

Monday 20 June 2022 Click here for more details

Junior School Sports Day Save the date

Photo purchasing

Whole School Junior School team photos

Photographs of the Junior School teams are now available to order in A4 (12 x 8) for £9 each. Click here to see the photo thumbnails. Multiple photographs are charged at discounted rates: •

Two photographs - £8 each

Three photographs - £7 each

Four or more photographs - £6 each

If you wish to order, please use the photograph order form. Orders are availale to make until Wednesday 15 June.


Madagascar: A Musical Adventure photos The photos taken at the dress rehearsal are available to order in sizes A5 (9x6) for £5 each and A4 (12 x 8) for £9 each. Thumbnails of the photographs stating the photograph number are available via this link. Again, the cost of any photographs ordered will be added to the next term’s bill. The proceeds from the sale of the photographs will be donated to St Catherine’s Guild. The deadline for ordering photographs is Friday 17 June and, once the orders have been processed, these will be sent home with your child. If you wish to order any, please use the photograph order form, stating the number, size and quantity.


Y1 to 6 Induction Evening

T U E S D AY 2 1 J U N E Induction evenings will take place for new Year 1 to 6 classes on Tuesday 21 June, following changeover morning for the pupils earlier in the day. We have done our best to accommodate families with siblings and invite parents to join us in the Junior School at the following times: Years 3, 4 and 5: 6.15pm to 7pm Refreshments: 7pm to 7.30pm Years 1, 2, and 6: 7.30pm to 8.15pm Please join the session for the year group your child is entering in September. We look forward to seeing you!


Year 5 class assemblies M O N D AY 1 3 A N D M O N D AY 2 7 J U N E We are excited to invite parents to our Year 5 class assemblies on Monday 13 June (5Aleph) and Monday 27 June (5Aesc), 8.45am to 9.15am, in the Performance Space. Please come past the Junior School and enter through the DT doors. We are all looking forward to having you join us!

Whole School Reminders Tooled Up Education RESOURCES As you will have seen from Mrs Flynn’s message, in school we are starting to think about preparing for September and our new classes. It is always an exciting time in the academic year, and this year is no different. Whether classes are mixing or remaining in their current form, this half of the summer term is about new friendships and experiences. We are enjoying having Rainbow spending more time in the main playground, and to see and hear all about the friendships developing on the Residentials. Kathy Weston outlines some helpful areas, looking at friendships and the importance of play, which you may like to explore here: •

The Importance of Play: Tip Sheet

Dr Weston Talks with Professor Helen Dodd: The Importance of Play

Why is Play So Important?

Habs bookshop

Making Friends


Friendship Issues in the Primary Years: 15 Reflective Questions for Parents

Social Scripts for Getting Along Better

We will be running our own Habs bookshop the week beginning 20 June, offering a selected range of books. Pupils will visit the bookshop during their library lesson, KS2 will also be able to visit during lunchtimes. Most of the books will be priced at around £5; others up to a maximum of £9. To purchase books, pupils should bring cash, preferably in a named envelope. We hope for an enjoyable week, discovering and celebrating books new and old.

Whole School Reminders Lunch Menu Snacks NOTICE Thank you for your queries and suggestions regarding the Snacks list. Given the significant number of inappropriate snacks that have been brought in recently, we are seeking to align to our existing published list for the rest of the summer term. Do please continue to send in your helpful contributions regarding how this list could be extended or modified, via your daughter’s class teacher, as we look to review this for September. This will continue to be in line with our belief that we have a responsibility to ensure that children’s main nutritional input is at lunchtime, whilst recognising the important need for children to have a decent snack during morning break. • • • • •

Fresh fruit or vegetables (no forks). Grapes and olives must be cut in half. Dried fruit Small bag of breadsticks Nut free cereal bar small slice of malt loaf/fruit bread

WEEK COMMENCING M O N D AY 1 3 J U N E Please click here to view the lunch menus for the following week.

Breakfast and After School Care B O O K I N G I N F O R M AT I O N Click here to book your child into the breakfast club or After School Care (ASCF) the week commencing Monday 20 June Prearranged bookings can be made up until 12pm the Friday before. After this time, please email ascf@habsboys.org.uk. Please note, there may be a small charge for ASCF after 4pm.

School Community Year 3 Camp

On Wednesday 25 May, Year 3 began their adventure! Pupils set up their tents ready for their evening and then after a wonderful BBQ dinner they undertook a survival game, escaping teachers with water guns! There was archery and a talent show and after smores and hot chocolate it was time to camp! Tents were pitched in the philosophers garden and as the sun rose so did the children! The next day saw tag archery and capture the flag followed by the bushtucker trial where the brave ate mealworms! A wonderful and fun time was had by everyone!

ACE Programme feature Cook and Bake, on Thursday afternoons, is an enjoyable club for people who love working in the kitchen. We have made a range of sweet and savoury delights, decorated gingerbread people and rolled falafels, complete with a luscious sauce. Jo and Teresa, who run the club, are extremely friendly. At the start of the term, we were asked for ideas of what to bake and over the weeks we have made some of these things. I love this club as I love the joy of making my own delicious food. My favourite dishes have been chocolate brownies and flapjacks. Everyone will love this club! Whether cooking and baking is your passion, or you enjoy sampling the scrumptious treats, Cook and Bake club is a winner! Mihika (5 Aesc)

Rainbow pupil’s charity work - 70 Challenge! Bo (Rainbow Blue) spent her half term break organising a collection for our local Borehamwood Food Bank and set herself the challenge of collecting 70 items to mark the Jubilee. She has really enjoyed this challenge and it’s been lovely to organise something for the local community which she hopes to continue.

Goods for Good Goods for Good – Collection of Hygiene Items Many of the pupils in our community have been seeking ways in which they can positively respond to the current conflict in Ukraine. Four girls in Year 4 have asked if it was possible to collect items in school, to be distributed here and abroad. Along with Mrs Millman they have arranged the following:

100km for Ukraine Watching Newsround every day at school, made me very sad, seeing all the Ukrainians having to leave their home to escape the war. My grandma, who loves walking, told me she was doing a 100 km walk to raise money for Ukraine and I decided to join her. I looked at the website to understand more about the charity and what they do. The charity was Nishkam SWAT and they serve at the Polish border, providing food and other supplies directly to those refugees from Ukraine. After school, I always tried to find time to walk with my mum or dad and, over the Easter holiday, I walked around 7 miles a day. I achieved my target of 100 kilometres and a bit more. Once I started training, I wrote to my friends, letting them know what I was doing and, asking them to sponsor me, which they kindly did! Every day I would look at the website to see how many people sponsored me. In the end, we jointly raised £6,651 for Nishkam SWAT. I was so thrilled to see that we raised this amount. Despite being so far away from Ukraine, this was my little way of helping. I hope that peace returns to Ukraine very soon and that its people can return to their homes and get on with their lives. I will pray for them. Maanya (3A)

We will be collecting items from the list of Hygiene Goods below that can be distributed to those who have fled the conflict in Ukraine. Some of these goods will be utitlised for local needs, and many will be shipped to their contacts in other countries who are assisting Ukrainian refugees there. Do please see their website for further ways to support, including providing funds required to deliver the contributions. Please bring in your items to be collected by Mrs Walsh’s desk. We will be collecting items from Monday 13 to Friday 17 June. • • • • • • • • • •

Wet wipes Toilet paper Toothbrushes Toothpaste Shampoo Shower gel Soap Deodorants Nappies child and adult) Packs of tissues

• • • • •

Laundary detergent Paper towels Ladies hygiene items Sanitary pads Soap dispensers

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

CALENDAR DATES W E D N E S D AY 1 5 J U N E Parents’ Evening Year 6 Rounders Author visit - Jeremy Strong T H U R S D AY 1 6 J U N E * Years 3 and 4 Swimming S AT U R D AY 1 8 J U N E * Year 6 Swimming * Year 5 and 6 Football - Watford and Distrct tournament M O N D AY 2 0 J U N E Year 3 to 6 Sports Day Beginning of Habs Bookshop week T U E S D AY 2 1 J U N E Junior School changeover day Year 1 to 6 Induction evening W E D N E S D AY 2 2 J U N E * Years 5 and 6 Rounders W E D N E S D AY 2 2 T O F R I D AY 2 4 J U N E Year 4 Norfolk Lakes Residential F R I D AY 2 4 J U N E Rainbow, Year 1 and 2 Sports Day T U E S D AY 2 8 J U N E Year 2 Playstrings Performances

* Selected pupils will be invited to participate in fixtures via Evolve

CALENDAR DATES F R I D AY 1 J U LY Rainbow, Years 2, 4 and 6 Family Friday Years 5 and 6 Author visit: Alexandra Hart and Phoebe Sleeman Year 6 Valedictories to parents M O N D AY 4 J U LY Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly Year 6 Leavers’ Party T U E S D AY 5 J U LY Junior School Summer Concert

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