Habs Weekly: Junior School edition - Friday 13 May

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Habs Weekly Junior School edition Friday 13 May 2022 Summer Term

Head of Junior School’s Message Mrs L Flynn

On Thursday evening, Mrs Joanna Millman organised an informative and important talk on our provision of Relationships and Sex Education here in the Junior School. It was also an opportunity for the school community to come together to ask questions and share experiences about the broader context within school and at home. It is our overwhelming experience, echoed through the Young Peoples Poll 2021, that pupils want answers and teachers want to set the record straight, levelling the playing field of knowledge and information. Curiosity is one of our core values at Habs and we always want to encourage our pupils to explore the world and find answers to any questions they may have. Our RSE provision is one of the many opportunities we provide at school that offers those equal opportunities for pupils to question, reflect and form personal opinions. All to supply our pupils with the power and autonomy to make correct, informed and healthy decisions now and in the future. We would like to thank those parents who joined us for these important discussions on Thursday. We will be sharing helpful resources in our newsletter next week.

Important Information Parent meetings NOTICE Summer Term parent meetings will take place remotely in the two weeks following half term. All class teachers will be available for appointments on Wednesday 15 June between 4pm and 8pm and will also have additional slots available throughout those two weeks. Appointments with subject specialists will be also available for Year 1 and 2 students. All appointments will be available to book on Monday 16 May at 8pm until Friday 20 May at noon and can be booked via this link. For instructions on how to add an additional parent or guardian to your booking and how to access your appointment, please click here. This document details information about how to add an additional parent or guardian to your booking and how to access your appointment. Written reports for students in Rainbow and Years 1, 3 and 4 will be shared with parents on Thursday 26 May. On receipt of this should you feel that no further discussion is needed with your child’s class teacher please contact the Junior School office on 0208 266 2425 to cancel your appointment.

Year 6 Play REHEARSALS AND FINAL PERFORMANCE Year 6 are so excited to come together to perform Madagascar: A Musical Adventure. They will be spending the week commencing Monday 16 May rehearsing the play, ready for show week. The dates for rehearsals and the final performance are as follows: Sunday 22 May, 10am to 3pm: Rehearsal Please ensure that your child comes to school that day with a water bottle, snack, and a packed lunch, that does not contain nuts or sesame. Tuesday 24 May, 7pm to 8pm: Performance 1 Please ensure that your child arrives at school at 6.30pm and comes to the lecture theatre. Refreshments will be served in the dining hall at this time. Wednesday 25 May, 9.15am to 10.15pm: Performance 2 Refreshments will be served from 8.30am in the dining hall. You can book your tickets for the Performances on our School Box office from Thursday 19 May, 9pm. Click here to do so.

Important Information The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee NOTICE We are planning a whole school celebration on Thursday 26 May to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Junior School students will be off timetable and take part in a range of class, house and whole school activities to mark the significant occasion. On that day, Junior School students are invited to come to school with a red, white and blue accessory. Year 3 students will be joining in with the celebrations in the afternoon following their camp night experience. We look forward to marking this special occasion as whole school community.

Class and Sports Team photographs NOTICE Class and Sports team photographs will take place on Monday 23 May. Students should come to school wearing their summer uniform and have full PE kit in school if they are part of a team.

Important Information: Reminders Family Friday - Rainbow and Years 1, 3 and 5 F R I D AY 2 0 M AY 8AM We are looking forward to welcoming parents of pupils in Years 1, 3 and 5 to their final Family Friday event of this year. We have looked forward to our Family Friday events each half term, as there has been the most wonderful community feel in the Junior School whilst they are taking place. We very much look forward to continuing with these in the new academic year. The middle doors to the Junior School will open at 8am. We politely remind parents that photos may not be taken. Years 2, 4 and 6 Family Friday will take place on Friday 1 July.

Year 1 Picnic with Habs Boys W E D N E S D AY 2 5 M AY We are looking forward to joining Year 1 pupils from Habs Boys for a picnic and some afternoon activities! Normal school uniform is to be worn. If the weather is hot, please provide your child with a sun hat and apply suncream before school. Please also ensure that your child has their raincoat - if it is raining, an alternative location will be used. Pupils will be provided with a vegetarian school packed lunch. Should you chose to provide your child with their own packed lunch (no nut, sesame seed or products with nut traces and no glass bottles), please provide it in a disposable bag.

Date change: second performance of Year 6 Play W E D N E S D AY 2 5 M AY Please note that the second performance of our Year 6 Play will be on Wednesday 25 May.

Warm weather P L E A S E B E AWA R E The weather looks set to be lovely next week. Please ensure that your children have applied sunscreen before they come to school, and bring in a clearly named water bottle and school sunhat each day. Sun hats can be purchased from Junior School reception, Rainbows £5 and Years 1 to 6 £4.50

Author visit: Jeremy Strong W E D N E S D AY 1 5 J U N E Later in the term, we are excited to announce we will be hosting author Mr Jeremy Strong in the Junior School Library. Mr Strong will be conducting a book signing during his time at the school. If your child has any copies of Mr Strong’s books, please bring them in on the morning of the visit and leave them with your child’s class teacher.

Cornflower Assembly Friday 13 May

Friday afternoon assemblies are always a time of joy and celebration in the Junior School. Our weekly Cornflower Assembly celebrates individuals who have particularly demonstrated ways in which they have embodied our school values: Courage, Curiosity, Community and Ambition. Without fail, the pupils in our school community celebrate the successes of their peers, as well as take time to reflect on the ways in which they have, themselves, taken risks, wondered why, supported others and aimed high. We all love Cornflower Assemblies, and hope that you enjoy celebrating weekly with us too.


Ambition We set our sights high in terms of what we want to achieve as individuals and as a community, in and outside the classroom, aspiring to achieve our full potential in whatever we put our minds to. Sienna (5 Aleph) Maanya (3A) Joy (5 Aesc) Cressida (2 Alpha)

Romi (1 Purple) Sofia (Rainbow Yellow)


Layla (4 Aesc) Aarna (2A) Khushi (Rainbow Red) Thuvaraka (4 Aleph)


We believe in the courage to face challenge, embrace opportunity and step out of our comfort zones to grow and become our best selves, whilst also having courage in our conviction, remaining true to our moral compass and what we believe is the right thing to do. Darcy (Rainbow Blue) Olivia (Rainbow Yellow) Sveva (6 Aleph)

Since we were founded, we have had an inherent responsibility to our diverse internal and wider community and continue to dedicate ourselves to nurturing it and supporting each other to be our best selves.

Betsy (3 Alpha) Sarah (1 Orange)

In a diverse world, we believe that growth comes from not standing still. We are driven by an unending desire to learn and improve, not standing still and having an open and enquiring mind to anything we face. Asha (6 Aesc)

School Community “I really enjoy sharing stories with Mr Michael and I feel it is very important to battle loneliness. I would encourage everyone who is willing to help with this project.” Radhika

Pupil involved with Silver Stories Charity Radhika has been reading to Mr Michael (registered Silver Stories Listener) for almost a year now. She has shared a variety of books during this time, including picture books and chapter books. It’s been an incredible experience for her, and together they have been on some amazing adventures. They have explored the shenanigans of Princess fa-la-la-la-la from The Perilous Princess Plot, strategised about the wobbler that troubled Barbara in

Barbara Throws a Wobbler and tried marvellous magical spells with the wonderful wizarding world of Harry Potter. Along the way, they have rendezvoused with The Hueys, the giraffe who couldn’t dance and meandered through world of Roald Dahl.

Chess Success Congratulations to Elise (3 Alpha) who played in the U11 team for the Hertfordshire county. On Sunday 8 May, Elise was also invited to play a simul against 2004 Women’s World Champion Antoneta Stefanova from Bulgaria! Well done, Elise.

Sport Division 10 Swimming Finals 21 students in Year 4 and Year 6 took part in the Division 10 Swimming Finals on Tuesday 10 May. It was a very competitive gala and all the students demonstrated excellent effort, sportsmanship and swimming performances. We look forward to receiving the official results in a few weeks time.



M O N D AY 1 6 M AY * Years 5 and 6 Football fixture

F R I D AY 2 7 M AY Inset day

W E D N E S D AY 1 8 M AY Year 5 Rounders vs NLCS

M O N D AY 3 0 M AY T O F R I D AY 3 J U N E Half term

T H U R S D AY 1 9 M AY * Years 3 to 6 Swimming gala F R I D AY 2 0 M AY Rainbow and Years 1, 3 and 5 Family Friday S U N D AY 2 2 M AY Year 6 Play Rehearsal M O N D AY 2 3 M AY Class and sports teams photos T U E S D AY 2 4 M AY Year 6 Play (first performance) W E D N E S D AY 2 5 M AY Year 1 picnic with Habs Boys’ pupils Year 6 Play (second performance) W E D N E S D AY 2 5 T O T H U R S D AY 2 6 M AY Year 3 overnight camp T H U R S D AY 2 6 M AY Years 2 and 5 grades Rainbow and Years 1, 3 and 4 reports The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebration

* Selected pupils will be invited to participate in fixtures via Evolve

M O N D AY 6 J U N E Inset day M O N D AY 6 T O F R I D AY 1 0 J U N E Year 6 Norfolk Trip F R I D AY 1 0 J U N E Rainbow Family Friday W E D N E S D AY 1 5 J U N E Parents’ Evening Year 6 Rounders T H U R S D AY 1 6 J U N E * Years 3 and 4 Swimming S AT U R D AY 1 8 J U N E * Year 6 Swimming M O N D AY 2 0 J U N E Years 3 to 6 Athletics W E D N E S D AY 2 2 J U N E * Years 5 and 6 Rounders

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