ACE Provision Year 2

In the Junior School, the ACE (Additional Curriculum Enrichment) programme is designed to offer pupils the opportunity to experience a wide range of activities that compliment the curriculum and encompass our values.
Each pupil will have a unique ACE experience and, over the course of a year, is encouraged to develop and pursue existing skills and interests alongside trying new activities. Everyone will
engage with the lunchtime ACE programme and is also invited to select activities from the wraparound provision.
Sessions are led by members or our teaching and Sixth Form community as well as specialist coaches and external providers and selected activities are run in collaboration with Haberdashers’ Boys’ School.
ACE activities fall into four categories and during the academic year, pupils should aim to take part in at least one activity from each:
For Spring Term 2023, the following activities are on offer for Year 2:
Create and Construct Music and Performance Sport Think and Speak
Creative Craft Drama Games Fun Fitness Quiz Club
Painting By Numbers Sing-Along-Songs Playground Games STEM
Year 2 students will take part in two lunchtime ACE activities.
On Thursday, all Year 2 students will spend lunchtime on the playground and there will be no lunchtime ACE.
Create and Construct Music and Performance Sport Think and Speak Country Dance Chess
Karate LAMDA
Key information and specific activity details are contained within this booklet.
Pupils will sign up for activities in the lunchtime ACE programme in school during the final week of term (week beginning Monday 5 December). Please take time to review the activities on offer with your child before this date.
Allocation of lunchtime ACE activities
Unless an activity is indicated to be invite only, it will be allocated randomly.
Whilst every effort is made to allocate pupils their preferred activities, there may be instances where an activity is oversubscribed. When this occurs, selection for the activity will be at random and every effort will be made to offer a similar activity the following term, where those who missed out will be prioritised during the allocation process.
Lunchtime ACE allocations for the Spring Term will be shared with the pupils at the start of the Spring Term.
You will also be able to view the wraparound ACE activities that your child has been allocated on SOCS.
All pupils are expected to attend their allocated activities for the duration of the term. If there is a known reason why they cannot attend, they must endeavour to let the teacher running the session know. Where possible, if the teacher is unable to attend their ACE activity, it will be run by another member of staff.
If your child is allocated an activity that requires a packed lunch, you will be sent a MS form to state your preferences once the activity has been allocated.
Registering interest in wraparound ACE will be through SOCS. You will need your child’s login details, which have been shared with your child. A step by step guide to using SOCS at home is available via this link. Please take time to review the activities on offer with your child and express your interest for the relevant activities by 12pm on Monday 5 December. Please note: that by adding an activity you are expressing interest and this does not guarantee your child a space if the maximum number of students is reached.
Where an activity builds upon skills and learning from previous terms, priority will be given to those pupils already attending. Any remaining places will be allocated randomly to pupils who have registered interest. Other activities will be allocated randomly to pupils who have registered interest.
Whilst every effort is made to allocate pupils activities they have expressed interest in, there may be instances where an activity is oversubscribed. When this occurs, a waiting list will be created and you will be contacted should a space become available.
After 12pm on Monday 5 December, you will no longer be able to register for interest for wraparound activities. Should there be any remaining spaces, this will be communicated in the first newsletter of the Spring Term together with details of how to sign up. You will be able to view the wraparound ACE activities that your child has been allocated on SOCS by Wednesday 14 December.
All pupils are expected to attend their allocated activities for the duration of the term. If there is a known reason that they cannot attend, they must endeavour to let the teacher running the session know ahead of the session so this can be marked in the register.
Where there is a cost per session, this will be shown in the specific activity details contained within
this booklet. All charges will be added to the next school bill.
Cancellation of wraparound ACE activities
Where these are known, any dates that before or after school ACE activities will not be running will be communicated at the start of term. Where possible, if the teacher is unable to attend their ACE activity, it will be run by another member of staff.
There may be occasions where an activity needs to be cancelled at short notice. Parents will be advised by email with 24 hours advance notice and by phone call if it is less than 24 hours.
Morning ACE activities begin before there is playground supervision and so pupils must remain accompanied until the start time, when they will be met by the adult leading the activity. Alternatively, they may attend breakfast club from 7.30am, which must be prebooked and is chargeable.
For all activities taking place at Habs Girls, pupils should be met in the Junior School playground at the end of their afterschool ACE activities. For all activities taking place at Habs Boys, pupils should be met at the Boys’ Prep School reception.
Key Stage 1 pupils who are attending after school care will be escorted there after ACE.
Key Stage 2 pupils who are travelling on the late coach service or attending after school care may make their way there unaccompanied.
Any pupils not collected from the playground within five minutes of an activity finishing will then attend after school care which is chargeable. On these occasions, parents will be telephoned by a member of the Junior School reception team and collection will be from after school care.
LED BY: Mrs Ciucan MAX CAP: 20
TIME: 12.35pm to 1.10pm COST: None PACKED LUNCH: N/A
DESCRIPTION: Come to Creative Craft! You will be cutting, sticking, gluing, folding, using a range of different materials. You will complete small projects to take home and have lots of fun.
VENUE: 1 Purple LED BY: Mrs Miller MAX CAP: 24
TIME: 12.35pm to 1.10pm COST: None PACKED LUNCH: N/A
DESCRIPTION: Do you enjoy being creative? Join us for Painting by Numbers and create something to be proud of with this gentle, mindful activity.
VENUE: 2 Alpha LED BY: Mrs Bakrania MAX CAP: 20
TIME: 12.35pm to 1.10pm COST: None PACKED LUNCH: N/A
DESCRIPTION: Quizzes help you learn. Quizzes help you become better at concentrating. Join in as a team or play with your friends. Come to Quiz Club for a fun lunchtime.
VENUE: Art Room LED BY: Mrs Tatman MAX CAP: 20
TIME: 12.35pm to 1.10pm COST: None PACKED LUNCH: N/A
DESCRIPTION: How do we know about the stars and planets? Have you ever wondered why things float? How are rainbows made? How do we taste? Find answers to these questions and more at STEM Club
VENUE: 1 Purple LED BY: Mrs Kemp MAX CAP: 20
TIME: 12.35pm to 1.10pm COST: None PACKED LUNCH: N/A
DESCRIPTION: Do you love playing make-believe and learning new games? Drama Games is perfect for you! You will have great fun and you will become more confident as well as more creative along the way.
VENUE: Rainbow Blue LED BY: Sixth Form MAX CAP: 20
TIME: 12.35pm to 1.10pm COST: None PACKED LUNCH: N/A
DESCRIPTION: Want to sing songs from your favourite musical or movie or your favourite pop song? Join our Sixth Formers at Sing-Along-Songs! Not only is it fun, but good for you as singing helps your memory and your breathing during singing helps you relax.
VENUE: Confrence Room LED BY: Miss Ryan MAX CAP: 20
TIME: 12.35pm to 1.10pm COST: None PACKED LUNCH: N/A
CLOTHING/SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: Trainers and water bottle
DESCRIPTION: Keeping fit is important for our body and our brains, so come along to Fun Fitness and join us as we jump, dance and move our bodies to music and play games.
VENUE: Top playground LED BY: Mrs Tiller MAX CAP: 24
TIME: 12.35pm to 1.10pm COST: None PACKED LUNCH: N/A
CLOTHING/SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: Trainers and water bottle
DESCRIPTION: Join Playground Games, where you will get the chance to run around and have fun! Share playground games with your friends and learn new ones along the way.
VENUE: Science Lab LED BY: Mr Eden MAX CAP: 25
TIME: 3.30pm to 4pm COST: £7 per week PACKED LUNCH: N/A
DESCRIPTION: Learn the game of chess and develop your strategic play. With Mr Eden, you will enter competitions in the National Primary Schools Chess Championships and Mr D’Costa’s ‘She Plays To Win’, UK Girls chess project which has a half termly UK Primary Girls Online Chess League. You can sign up for free classes via the official website.
VENUE: Prevett Hall LED BY: Mr Patel MAX CAP: 25
DAY: Monday
TIME: 3.30pm to 4.10pm COST: £9 per week PACKED LUNCH: N/A
CLOTHING/SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: Gi or PE kit and water bottle
DESCRIPTION: Join Mr Patel, a qualified karate instructor, for Karate after school. Perfect for those who are starting to learn Karate or have some experience, you may even get the opportunity to progress onto your next colour belt!
DAY: Wednesday
VENUE: Prevett Hall LED BY: Mr Patel MAX CAP: 25
TIME: 3.30pm to 4.10pm COST: £9 per week PACKED LUNCH: N/A
CLOTHING/SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: Gi or PE kit and water bottle
DESCRIPTION: Join Mr Patel, a qualified karate instructor, for Karate after school on Wednesday. Perfect for those who have already attended two terms of karate, or have some experience of martial arts, you may even get the opportunity to progress onto your next colour belt!
LED BY: Mrs Kaye
TIME: 3.30pm to 4.15pm COST: £15 per week PACKED LUNCH: N/A
CLOTHING/SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: Journal (this will be provided in the first week)
DESCRIPTION: Play drama games, practise tongue-twisters and learn all about stagecraft with Mrs Kaye at LAMDA!
VENUE: Performance Space
LED BY: Mrs Flynn and Ms Lansdown
TIME: 3.30pm to 4.15pm COST: None PACKED LUNCH: N/A
DESCRIPTION: Do you enjoy dancing? Then come and learn how to do-si-do, dance a reel and a jig with Mrs Flynn and Ms Lansdown. It really is great fun!