7 Gr t h Ed a d e it i on
H U D SO N SCH O LA RS N EW SLET T ER Published by the Mentors
W ELCOM E BACK, 7TH GRADERS! We are so excited to have last summer's cohort back on the Hilltop. This year we welcome a whole new batch of Scholars into the fold. The returning students will play an important role in welcoming them to the program and showing them what it means to be a Hudson Scholar. Although they take separate classes, both cohorts have a chance to get to know each other during morning meetings, breakfast, lunch, and PE. We have over 50 mentors assisting throughout the four weeks, giving the Scholars the opportunity to interact with a variety of interesting, inspiring students.
July 9th-July 13th , 2018
On Monday, the Scholars received Hackley water bottles along with "Hudson Scholars" stickers and a bracelet. They should plan on bringing this water bottle everyday. It's going to be a hot July. The Scholars will also be provided with a small breakfast every morning, which they will enjoy in the cafeteria with their mentors and teachers. We hope this will provide the Scholars with a great opportunity to connect with each other and the mentors, and plenty of healthy fuel for the day. We can't wait to spend another 4 weeks with the Scholars and we're looking forward to seeing their growth as leaders for the 6th graders.
The Scholars began with an introduction to important terms in biology, focusing on the idea of an ecosystem and it's main players: producers, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consumers, predators, prey, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam and decomposers. Then, they nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut got to experience this science labore et dolore magna aliquyam hands-on in the garden and the woods, erat, sed diamcataloging voluptua. the plants and animals they saw, At vero eos et accusam et justo duo and even helping to care for dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd our vegetables.
Ms. Crainer and Ms. Zalesin began English this week by giving the Scholars a diagnostic test to gauge their current abilities in spelling and reading comprehension. They also received the book, Who isSonia Sotomayor?, which they read a portion of each night for homework. Each day this week, they discussed comprehension questions and worked on spelling and grammar. On Wednesday, they learned about the differences between being Hispanic and Latino/a. They also used IXL to practice their use of common and proper nouns.
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This week the 7th graders worked with probability by experimenting with different booths. These booths included flipping Lorem ipsum dolor sit coins amet, and rolling cubes to try and consetetur sadipscing elitr, sedwin diam points. A popular booth was nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut "Get a Head" where if a Scholar flipped a coin and got heads, they got a point.
DRAM A This week, the Scholars were introduced to the first few rules of acting and improvisation. Each class began with some warm up games, followed by activities that focused on the effects of breathing on their physical action on stage.
LIL The Scholars explored how their experiences and upbringing affect their identities. As a group, they decided they were "chickeneating, bilingual, dancing, Tarrytown/Sleepy Hollow residents."
COM M UNITY RESEARCH To begin their exploration of business and entrepreneurship, the Scholars learned important vocabulary words like "profit", "revenue", "investor", and "interest". They were also introduced to their final project, planning and executing their own lemonade stands!
At 3 PM on Friday, the families and scholars are invited to attend "Annie, the Musical" at the Tarrytown Music Hall. Following this, the Ice Cream Social will take place in front of the chapel at 6 PM. Families should plan to attend if possible. The scholars will be with us all day until the social. There will be no bus service home on t his day. If you cannot come t o t he ice cream social, please arrange t ransport at ion for your child by 7 PM. Save the Date: Saturday, July 28th ,the Scholars should come to Hackley for a special activity.
Viernes a las tres, les invitamos a una producciòn de "Annie" los estudiantes y sus familias Después, les ofrecerémos unaa fiesta de helado delante de la capilla a las 6. Las familias están bienvenidas. Los estudiantes estarán con nosotros todo el día hasta la fiesta de helado. No habrá servicio de aut obús el viernes en la t arde. Si no puede venir, organice por favor el t ransport e de su niño/a a las 7. Guarde la fecha: sábado el 28 de julio para una actividad especial en Hackley.