Land, Coast, Deep Sea: Restoration of the Great Barrier Reef in the Era of Mass Ecological Collapse

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Land, Coast, Deep Sea Restoration of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef in the Era of Mass Ecological Collapse

Hadi El-Shayeb

Meandering green turtle off the coast of Green Island, Cairns


The rate at which anthropogenic disturbances and climate change are impacting the Great Barrier Reef system, in Queensland Australia, is surpassing its regenerative capacity with up to half of the 2300km coral system succumbed to death in the last decade. The project transcends the narrative of independent coral restoration study and dives into deeper examination of Queensland’s manufactured landscapes from; unregulated carbon intensive mines (contributing to climate change and coral bleaching) to tree felling (at a rate of 1000 rugby fields a day) in lieu of coastal industrial agriculture and ocean poison runoff. The narrative advocates for new healing and regenerative connection between land (reforestation of Goonyella mine for carbon sequestration), coast (restoration of Haypoint Coal Terminal and rerouted network of waterflows from industrial agriculture), and deep sea (regeneration of Molar Reef corals), all of which are emblematic of larger regional issues. The novelty of this design research is in its capacity to propose a layering of existing to novel landscape architectural strategies for regenerating massive degraded landscapes, and specific to the Great Barrier Reef context.

EXHIBIT The project was presented in a curated exhibition and through the lens of a fictional company, The Interplanetary Corporation of Resource Extraction (ICRE), in order to render a utopic-dystopic narrative. The Corporation is found culpable by the International Court of Justice for the destruction and damage of one of the world’s Natural Heritage sites, the Great Barrier Reef. ICRE is a massive agglomerate for resource extraction owning Australia’s operating mines including its 50,000 abondonned mines, logging operations, and its industrial farming operations parralleling kilometer long streams and on the coast of the Great Barrier Reef. Ultimately, the court ruling attributes rights to each of its 3000 reefs, orders ICRE to phase out its mining and logging operations and heavily regulate its industrial farming activities. The court also mandates the company spearhead the restoration of the Great Barrier Reef from land, coast, to deep sea. The narrative acknowledges the political and corporate forces at play and the necessesity to re-configure the extraction system in order to regenerate the landscape. Ultimately, landscape architecture and regional planning are practises used to restore a collapsing system and appropriate new moral agency to the landscape.

ICRE The Interplanetary Corporation of Resource Extraction



Mapping Human Extraction to Ecological Resilience 18

Scales and Intervention Sites 42

Reforestation of Goonyella Riverside Mine


Coastal Restoration of Hay Point Coal Terminal


Regeneration of Coral Ecologies on Molar Reef


Conclusion 110

References 117




All healthy ecological systems are in a constant state of flux, yet catastrophic shifts due to anthropogenic or natural changes can lead to a loss of resilience and the ability of a system to recover and change (Scheffer et al., 2011). The Great Barrier Reef (GBR), in the Coral Sea and off the Coast of Queensland, Australia, is the largest contiguous ecological system in the world, spanning 2300km, boasting over 3000 individual reef systems, and the largest diversity of coral and fish communities (Randall et al., 1996). The ecosystem services provided by the GBR are invaluable for; fish population habitats and acting as nurseries for spawning, shoreline protection from storm surges and land erosion, yield of medicinal compounds, and generating oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide (Reef Resilience Network, 2018; Deloite Access Economics, 2017). The ecological system represents a significant cultural heritage icon and identity for local populations and produces a direct economic yield of 6.4 billion dollars a year for the Australian economy supporting more than 60,000 jobs in the form of fishing, recreational activities, and tourism (Deloite Access Economics, 2017). While reef and coral ecologies are intrinsically adapted to periodic disturbances, today, the rate at which extreme weather patterns and anthropogenic disturbances (including climate change) are impacting the reefs is surpassing the tolerance of the system to recuperate. Up to half of the Great Barrier Reef has succumbed to death due to mass coral bleaching from ocean warming events in 2016 (30% death) and 2017 (another 20% death) (James, 2018). Historically, reef systems in the GBR were subjected to major disturbances such as disease, bleaching, and severe weather impacts every 27 years, yet this rate has accelerated to every 6 years today, while coral ecologies can take a minimum of 10 years to naturally recover (James, 2018). Coral reef microhabitats maintain the internal mechanisms to respond to local heat stress after periodic extreme events, however the increase in frequency of thermal stress (ocean warming) threatens to disable coral’s capacity to recover (Ainsworth, T. D. et al., 2016; Hughes et al., 2017). Furthermore, a UNESCO assessment points to the likelihood of complete collapse of world heritage coral reef systems by 2100, if CO2 levels (causing ocean warming) are not drastically reduced (2017).


On a less bleak note, reef systems and coral community responses vary significantly depending on the intensity, and time-scale of disturbances, and while reef fragility has been exhibited on the human time scale, over millions of years coral reef systems have demonstrated robustness to disturbances (Hughes, 1989; Barbara, 1997). Ecological theories attribute the diversity of corals in a reef system to recurrent disturbances that create communities in various stages of recovery (Connell, 1978). Furthermore, recent studies point to coral capacity of acclimatization and adaptation to rapid ocean temperature changes specifically with heat tolerant coral colonies forming partnerships after heat events (Baker, A.C., 2001, Kenkel, C. D., 2016). On the topic of coral community recovery, Gilmour et al. (2016) highlights the capacity for coral reefs to naturally recover if isolated from chronic anthropogenic disturbance after observing an isolated reef on the northwest coast of Australia that had undergone severe bleaching and close to total coral cover loss. The surviving corals grew to maturity and effectively reproduced returning the system to existing conditions (Gilmour et al., 2016). In contrast to passive regenerative approaches, Rinkevich (2008) argues that the “reefs’ future is centered on omnipresent acceptance of restoration, an ‘active’ management instrument”. Akin to forest silviculture program and taking precedence from terrestrial forestation, the coral gardening strategy represents a recent approach to coral species regeneration where on/ off site coral nurseries are formed and species are transplanted to degraded sites for restoration (Epstein et al., 2003). This practise revolves around an active management and restoration process by which an establishment of large-scale seedling, transplant, and decolonization process for large scale reef degradation can be facilitated (Rinkevich, 2008).


Great Barrier Reef





Coral loss as of 2017 due to intense bleaching events

ARC Center of Resilience Coral Reef Studies (2017) 1% Dead Reef 2-17% Dead Reef 11-35% Dead Reef 47-83% Dead Reef


NASA Imagery, California Institute of Technology



Dystopic rendering of complete loss of reef ecologies by 2100 at current climate projection rates


While the above research is seminal in understanding the GBR condition, coral recovery science, and restoration efforts, this design research effort takes one particularly study as the breaking ground for exploring the Great Barrier Reef’s systemic resilience. Hock and Mumby (2017) identify 100 reefs, accounting for 3% of the Great Barrier reef that are exhibiting characteristics of healthy systems and capable of promoting recovery located in areas that are; cool, protected from crown-of-thorns starfish predation, and well connected to other reef systems through ocean currents with capacity to supply larvae (fertilized eggs). While the study claims these connected reefs maintain “a level of resilience that may help [the Great Barrier Reef] bounce back from disturbances” (Hock, and Mumby, 2017), this design research proposal underscores bounce forward resilience (transformation or the capacity to renew and re-organize in the face of disturbance) as the normative ideal (Meerow et al., 2016). This knowledge is crucial whereby restoration efforts can begin tapping into these connected reefs to facilitate greater regeneration. But before this can be actualized, it is necessary to acknowledge Queensland Australia’s manufactured landscapes from; unregulated carbon intensive mines to tree felling (at a rate of 1000 rugby fields a day) in lieu of coastal industrial agriculture and associated ocean poison runoff (The Guardian, 2018).





The research solidifies a spatially analytical framework for the existing context through regional landscape mapping and characterization. This investigative process yielded the most pressing anthropogenic impacts on land and in water to the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland, Australia as well as reef resilience characteristics. Following the three themes and spatial areas of study, land, coast, and deep sea, the primary layer focused on understanding mining processes and extraction in the region. This included the layering of all types of mines, the type of resources being extracted, transportation lines, ports, and shipping data among other relevant spatial information to extractive processes. The second atlas map built on areas that have been cleared of forest for the past three decades, existing agricultural uses, erosion prone areas, areas of high chemical concentration in the ocean, and reefs with crown of the thorn starfish (COTS) outbreaks. The third mapping exercise focused on deep sea connections and explored natural flow patterns such as reef connectivity and larvae dispersal in order to generate new ways of design thinking for the restoration of dying reefs. This also included the 100 reefs identified by Hock and Mumby (2017) as exhibiting characteristics of healthy systems and capable of promoting recovery in local as well as reef areas that are under threat due to human uses and climate impacts. The dynamic change and flux of ecologically valuable landscapes, particularly those that are rapidly degrading due to climate change, require a deeper level of understanding (as invisible and visible flows and processes) if landscape design practices intend to offer meaningful solutions. These atlas maps were all curated and represented as dynamic map drawings as opposed to static imagery through the use of time sensitive data and unique representation methods. The drawings on the regional scale were used to represent the larger anthropogenic issues to the Great Barrier reef from the amount of carbon intensive mines, tree felling areas, to intensive agricultural coastal lands. Ultimately, the aim of this design proposal is not only to produce designs that meaningful engage biotic and abiotic processes over time but to underscore this investigation through the presentation medium and methodological framework.



Mine Extraction Flows Mine


Ceased production/ care and maintenance





Copper Silver



















Molybdenum Vanadium





Ceased production/ care and maintenance


Industrial Minerals and Rock



Brick clay








Porphyry stone


Rare earths

Silica sand




Quartz Rutile Thunder Eggs Anorthoclase Antimony Asbestos

Agnite Barite




Magnetite Rhenium


Sodium bicarbonate Agate




Zeolite Analusite

Mineral Sands


Ceased production/ care and maintenance




Ceased production/ care and maintenance


Chrysoprase Opal Sapphire Peridot Zircon Aquamarine







Ceased production/ care and maintenance

Rail Line










Cargo and Passenger Port Shipping point triangulation (May - August 2013) Galilee Basin Bowen Basin Surat Basin

Geology 2.5 Ga (billion years) 541 Ma

Nominated Coal Mining Areas Exploration Perimts for Coal Coal Bore Holes

252 Ma 66 Ma (Million Years)

Proterozoic Proterozoic - Paleozoic Paleozoic Paleozoic - Mesoic Mezoic

Petroleum Ressource Sites



Forest Ckearing and Ocean Poison

Agriculture and Intensive Uses (million hectare) Intensive Uses (1.06) Horticulture

Animal Production

Services/ Utilities


Manufcaturing and Industrial

Residential/ Farm Infrastructure

Waste Treatment and Disposal

Nature Conservation (18.82) Native Forest Production (2.96)

Forest Clearing in Queensland Australia

Crown of the Thorn StarFish Outbreak


Key Sources with High Supply of COTS Larvae


Key Sources with Low Supply of COTS Larvae

2005-2010 2000-2005 1995-2000

Great Barrier Reef Catchment


Erosion Prone Areas Sea Level Rise Calculated Erosion Distance Highest Astronomical Tide

Phosphorous Content High




Ecological Flows of Reef Resilience Minke Whale Migration Paths Green Sea Turtle Migration Path Wave Flow and Direction Intensity

Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly (14-Day Period July 2016)

Rock Cay Island

1% Dead Reef 2% - 17% Dead Reef 11% - 35% Dead Reef 47% - 83% Dead Reef

Resilient Reef (Hock et al., 2017) Connected via Larvae Reproduction Cooler Water Temperature Isolated from COTS Outbreak

Number of Colonization Steps to Reach From Resilient Reef Sources (After 1 day of Dispersal) 1 2 3 4 5



The research exploration relies on field studies as a means of building a context specific repertoire of selected typological sites. The landscape architecture discipline inherits a rich tradition of field studies which stems from the ecological sciences. The method utilized photography, underwater videography and drawing, to document and communicate a narrative of ecological change. The sites examined included sugar cane agriculture fields, Daintree national Rainforest (the oldest rainforest in the world), and a couple of underwater reefs including Agincourt and Flynn reefs. These sites supported a real life understanding of site scale as well as ecological documentation that were further explored in later processes for their connectivity and human to ecological productivity. This background documentation was also used twofold; as a means to understand scale, material and biotic life for design and restoration proposals; as well as advancing the applications of landscape documentation to mobilize public access and legibility in protection of reef sites and climate mitigation. The collected photographic imagery, particularly of underwater reef landscapes was used throughout the thesis presentation to connect the audience, create an experience, and support the storytelling method of the project.

Saraji/ Coal

Earth Scars: Mine Extraction Landscape Australia today boasts 50,000 abandoned mines and a highly productive mining landscape due to minimal regulation on mining operations including no requirements to fill or clean up after extraction. The country exports 15% of the world’s thermal coal while 90% of all mined product in Queensland is exported overseas, ultimately contributing to intense carbon pollution rates, climate change, and coral bleaching. Many of the mines within the Great Barrier Reef catchment are kilometers long and wide and remain literal holes and scares on the landscapes. A simple Google earth scan through Queensland reveals this anthopogenic dominance. Coral

Grasstree South/ Coal

Moorevale/ Coal

Wollombi/ Coal

Tanning Sands/ Mineral Sands

Fitzeroy Resources/ Industrial Mineral

Norwich Park/ Coal

bleaching, and ocean acidification are byproducts of increased carbon in the atmosphere and can both be attributed to activities akin to Queensland intensive mining activities.


28/ 405 Operating Australia Mines (2019)

Sutterland Development/ Metal

Anthony/ Metal

Foxleigh/ Coal

Grasstree/ Coal

Pajingo/ Metal

Daunia/ Coal

Middlemount/ Coal

Moranba North/ Coal

Newland Mine/ Coal

North Goonyella Mine/ Coal

Poitel Point/ Coal

Anthony/ Metal

Mount Coolon/ Metal

Coopabella/ Coal

South Walker Creek/ Coal

Lake Vermont/ Coal

Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal

Coggee Chemicals/ Mineral Sands

Rubyvale/ Metal

Goonyella/ Coal

Miclere/ Metal



Tree Felling and Coastal Industrial Agriculture Over the last decade, Queensland has continued to fell trees at a rate of 1000 rugby fields a day (314,000 hectares (2017-2018) much of the land is converted to industrial agricultural uses (The Guardian, 2018). Furthermore, poorly regulated coastal agricultural continues to be a source of algae bloom and thorn of the starfish outbreaks (COTS) in the Great Barrier Reef Heritage area. Up to 1000 adults can invade a single hectare of reef during an outbreak and infestation can destroy over 97% of a reef’s coral population (BBC One, 2015). On a similar note, the government of Queensland Australia has recently approved 1 million tons of sludge to be dumped in the great barrier reef region which will undoubtly cause toxic water quality and choking of coral (Guardian, 2019).


Moore Park Beach Coast

Mouth of Baffle Creek Conservation Park

Broadwater Conservation Park

Wetland Farming

East of Calloray State Forest Farms

Finch Farming PTY Riverside

Moore Beach

Sanders Creek

Hay Point Coal Terminal

Baker’s Creek

Waterdown’s Lake

Pioneer River

Ilbilbie Coast

Gladstone Coastal farming

East of Surrey

Moore Park Beach Coast

Pioneer River


Sandy’s Bay

6km Newmans Field


Mount Alexandra lookout over Daintree National Rainforest (the oldest rainforest in the world since the age of the Dinosaurs).


Agricultural cotton fields between Cairns and Port Douglas - Sugar cane and cotton are Queensland’s largest agricultural exports


Increase in CO2 concentration > ocean warming and coral bleaching. Healthy Reef

During Bleaching



Reef Resilience Hock and Mumby (2017) identify 100 reefs, accounting for 3% of the Great Barrier reef that are exhibiting characteristics of healthy systems and capable of promoting recovery. These reefs are located in areas that are; cool, protected from crown-of-thorns starfish predation, and well connected to other reef systems through ocean currents with capacity to supply larvae (fertilized eggs). Recent studies also point to coral capacity of acclimatization and adaptation to rapid ocean temperature changes specifically with heat tolerant coral colonies forming partnerships after heat events (Baker, A.C., 2001, Kenkel, C. D., 2016).


Increase in CO2 Concentration > Ocean AcidiFication and Erosion of Limestone Coral Skeleton


Imagery from attenboroughsreef (2018)



Beautiful corals on Agincourt reef, 45km from Cape Tribulation



Beautiful corals on Agincourt reef, 45km from Cape Tribulation


Increase in Pollutant Sources from Industrial Farming > Algae (Food Source) Bloom Propelling Star of the Crown Fish Outbreaks

Major algae bloom from Mackay to Townshend Island (NASA, California Institute of Technology)

Sediment Runoff from Agricultural Land Use, Forest Clearing, and Dredging for Mining Port Development > Toxic Water Quality and Choking of Coral Species when Covered

400,000km2 is almost completely developed for agriculture, predominantly beef grazing and sugarcane, horticulture, cotton and grains cropping (NASA, California Institute of Technology)


1000 adults invade a single hectare of reef during an outbreak and infestation can destroy over 97% of a reef’s coral population (attenboroughreef, 2018).

Coral spawning during annual event (citizengbr, 2017)





If one is to be meaningful about the restoration of the Great Barrier Reef, then a holistic approach from land, coast to sea must be undertaken. Consequently this design project explores Queensland’s mining landscape, coastal intensive uses, and coral reefs as the spatial opportunities for intervention. Three sites are selected (emblematic of the larger regional issues) along a 300km transect and are operationalized throughout to communicate alternative restorative configurations for an ecologically productive identity via existing to novel landscape architecture strategies. Project drawings are communicated as processes and systems over time in contrast to static architectural representation in order to capture the nuances of regional geographies and dynamic landscapes.


Mapping the three intervention sites across a 300km transect

Molar Reef

City of Mackay

Hay Point Coal Terminal

Goonyella Mine



Through a literature review, mining restoration, sustainable practices for industrial agriculture, and coral regenerative techniques are explored. On the coral regeneration front, existing to novel coral techniques were analyzed including; 1) coral transplantation via in-situ nurseries, 2) coral transplantation via ex-situ nurseries, 3) artificial reefs using existing materials, 4) design specific artificial reefs such 3D printed modules, 5) drone use for coral larvae transportation and the application of molecular biology tools for coral stress adaptation, and 6) Substrate stabilization (Rinkevich, 2005). On the mining front, mine restoration techniques are explored and it was identified that reforestation in most cases is a viable solution to recreate ecologically productive land in addition to enhance carbon sequestration for climate mitigation. The Forest Reclamation Approach is particularly reknown in the United States (Adams, 1970). Lastly, sustainable agricultural practices and methods for rerouting water flows are investigated from embankment formation to wetland management and projects such Orongo Station in Povery Bay, New Zealead are explored (Nebraska, 2019). The investigation of these restorative techniques in the literature examined their applied value in unique contexts, the scale and capacity to propagate the interventions on degraded sites, and their ability to support ecological systems connectivity locally or across the region. The restorative techniques were also investigated on the degree of public and stakeholder engagement to offer great stewardship opportunities. While the overall intent is to produce solutions on a mass and holistic system scale, the approaches were analyzed and conceptualized as modular time-based design interventions.


3 dimensional abstracted visualization of mining landscape in a 100km radius near Goonyella mine.

Sutterland Development Mi

Goonyella Riverside Mine North Goonyella Mine

East Goonyella Mine


Isaaz Plains Mine

Poitrel Mine Coopabella Mine Moorvale Mine

300km Transect Abstracted: Goonyella Mine The three selected sites are emblematic of the larger regional issues in the region. On the mining front, Goonyella Riverside mine, where coal is extracted, is selected due to its extensive scale and opportunity to be reclaimed and meaningfully contribute to ecological productivity for the surrouding region. The mine continues to be in operation since 1970 and is an open pit mine in the Bowen Basin owned by BHP Mitsubishi Alliance.


Dows Creek


Mia Mia State Forest

Lucy Creek

Hail Creek Mine

South Water Creek Mine



3 dimensional abstracted visualization of industrial landscape to coral reef and underwater bathymetry

l National Park

Bluff Hill National Park

Pioneer Peeks National Park

Constant Creek Shoal Point Pioneer River

Coral Sea

City of Mackay

Bakers Creek Sandy Creek Tree Felling Sedimentation

Sandringham Bay Industrial Runoff Munbura

Hay Point Coal Terminal

Sarina Beach

Fresh Water Point

300km Transected Abstracted: Hay Point Coal Terminal and Molar Reef The spatial examination of the coastal industrial farming front reveals an artificial patterned landscape paralleling kilometer long-streams with no to minimal buffers. Hay Point Coal terminal, is a key node for coal shipment and is surrounded by intensive cattle grazing as well as other industrial agricultural fields. It is a significant node for shipping coal from the region’s mines and also hosts a refinery on site. Bathemetry data and tools for visualization underwater landscape are explored to create a render of a section of the Great Barrier Reef.


Whale Aggregation zone

Molar Reef

Cockatoo Reef Rip Reef

Olympic Reef

Neville Coleman Reef






The narrative advocates for a new regenerative connection between land, coast, and deep sea while offering new human agency to engage. The first target site is Goonyella Riverside mine, a 3km wide coal mine where clean-up and reforestation strategies are proposed to enhance carbon sequestration. This design research project re-configures the design workflow through design sensing, analysis, and process-oriented landscape systems to engage with the invisible ecological flows. Furthermore, proposal weaves the socio-ecological dimensions in order to restore and appropriately manage the degrading natural landscapes of the 21st century.


Molar Reef

Hay Point Coal Terminal

Goonyella Mine 175km

The primary focus is Goonyella Riverside coal mine in Queensland, Australia with a depth of 100m where a reforestation strategy is proposed to sequester carbon and support climate mitigation as well as counteract the rates of tree felling in the region. The primary strategy towards returning the mine condition to its ecologically productive state involves the topographic manipulation and fill of mining holes. The secondary purpose through this strategy is to promote new microclimate conditions through slope adaptations and water bed creation. The primary fill to cover up existing rock faces comes in the form of dredge material from shipping channels in the GBR heritage area presenting a novel opportunity. Currently, sludge and other dredge material is being dumped into the Great Barrier Reef region covering and choking coral reefs.


The proposal adopts techniques of analyzing topographic formation in order to optimize planting schemes and desired microclimate creation through novel 3D tools including Ladybug and Bison’s topographic analysis tools (an extension of Rhino-Grasshopper). Variables including height, slope, and degree of solar exposure based on the region’s weather data dictated the type of microclimate being created and necessary for specific forest types, and ultimately serving as a method of analysis for optimizing topographic forms. This on its own can serve as its own field of inquiry bridging the field of landscape architecture and forest ecology.

Mines in a 100km radius from Goonyella Riverside Mine Hail Creek

Sutterland Development North Goonyella

South Water Creek

East Goonyella

Goonyella Mine

Coopabella Isaac Plains


Moorvale Poitrel 10km


Zoom-in of north section of Goonyella Riverside Mine


North section of Goonyella mine

100 m

Topographic fill for north section of the mine and landform manipulation for new microclimate conditions


Topographic Manipulation

Top Soil (4 ft. minmum) Mineral Aggregate (Coastal Dredge Material) Existing Mine Rock Conditions

Pond/ Wetland



Height Analysis

Slope Analysis 0

50 Solar Exposure

Hours 1032.00 < 905.10 938.20 891.38 844.48 797.50 750.60 703.70 656.80 609.98 < 563.00


Cattle Grazing for Topsoil Formation

Cattle Cattle Fieces Hay-Mulch Forage Mineral Aggregate (from Dredge Material) Existing Mine Rock Conditions

Top Soil Formation and Perreniel Grasses Introduction

Early Successional Tree Plantings (Tropical Eucalyptus) 5m

In order to create the necessary top soil condition for a productive landscape, regenerative cattle grazing is programmed with a layer of hay-mulch added onto the new land. This begins to remove pressure from coastal industrial farming as well as initiate top soil formation through feces decay.


Underground Seed Vault

From the new earth, underground seed vaults are proposed, taking advantage of the gapping landscape holes and which house seeds of a new planned forest. This will include the region’s native species including 51 species predicted to be extinct within the next 10 years (Australian Government Department of Environment and Heritage). The underground structures will also remind the public of a deeper past through a glass façade that reveals a section of the earth where objects of the past industrial operations are left as archeologic remnants. On the surface however emerges a new diverse forest landscape that counteracts rising emission and climate change. The mining landscape restoration proposals combines a technical understanding of clean up after operation in addition to publicly engaging approaches.



The seed vault’s galss facade reveals a section of the earth with industrial reminants used to eduate about an intensive industrial past.


Eucalyptus tree growth in a rocky environment on Fitzroy island


Reforestation of Endangered Species

Cycas Ophiolitica Engangered

Astrotricha Rodii Endangered

Acronychia Littoralis Endangered

Acacia Purpureceptala Critically Endangered

Omreau Bottle Tree Endangered


Early Successional Tree Plantings (Tropical Eucalyptus) Top Soil Formation Mineral Aggregate (Coastal Dredge Material) Existing Mine Rock Conditions

Late Successional Tree Plantings (Tropical Eucalyptus)



Regenerative Grazing

Topographic Manipulation

Existing Mine Operations


Reforestation of Goonyella Riverside Mine

Seed Vault Entrance

Seed Vault Underground

Endangered Eucalyptus Planting

Wetland Eucalyptus Planting




CNC milled north section of Goonyella Riverside Mine



3D printed restoration objects: regenerative cattle grazing, underground seed vault, and tree object





The spatial examination of the industrial farming front reveals an artificial patterned landscape paralleling kilometer long-streams and coastal ocean landscape with no to minimal buffers. The select site, Hay Point Coal terminal, is a key node for coal shipment and is surrounded by cattle grazing operations.


Molar Reef

Hay Point Coal Terminal

Goonyella Mine 175km

Pioneer Peeks National Park

Pelion State Forest

Constant Creek

Bluff Hill National Park

Shoal Point

City of Mackay

Mount Martin National Park Dows Creek

Cattle Creek

Mia Mia State Forest

Pioneer River

Lucy Creek

Bakers Creek Hay Point Coal Terminal

Pioneer River Sandy Creek


Industrial agriculture across from the City of Mackay and the Great Barrier Reef


Hay Point Coal Terminal



The regenerative process is initiated by analyzing the water flow patterns through landscape modelling. This knowledge begins to inform the spatial re-organization of manufactured coastal landscape patterns in order to mitigate poison runoff into the Great Barrier Reef Heritage Area. A second set of Bison (Rhino-Grasshopper digital tools) is used to produce the existing flow mappings. New embankments are subsequently proposed (using shipping channel dredge material as an opportunity again) and reroute the agricultural runoff flows from river and ocean zones. On the new formed slopes, native coastal tree species from red mangroves to Omreau bottle trees are introduced to stabilize the topography and counteract tree felling for agricultural land use conversion. Furthermore, an observatory tower is proposed to deck over this new landscape where farmers and locals are able to visualize new land patterning and the beginning of a rerouted network of water flows. The new undulating embankment wraps around the coastal site like a necklace and offers a new connected path system for public engagement. Both existing and novel farming opportunities are explored; from steel meshes that are electrically conductive, coral fragmentation on floating tree units that are capable of regenerating coral species up to 50 times faster, down to hand size tetrapods where coral larvae is seeded and then transported off site for planting. Along the bridge and through the ocean’s clear waters, farmers and locals are able to claim new agency to these artificial and regenerative processes.


Waterflow mapping in the Hay Point Coal Terminal region Runoff from Existing Grazing and Industrial Low

Existing Grazing and Agricultural Fields


Hay Point Coal Terminal Existing Tailings Pond

Existing Wetland Hay Point Coal Terminal Flows Analysis



Cape Tribulation lookout over miles of beach and tropical rainforest


Embankement Formation

Sugar Cane Plantation

Embankement Formation Perforrated Pipe to Constructed Wetland

Slope Vegetation



Regenerative Grazing

Cattle Rotation



Managed Crop Plantation High Acid Soil Content

Soil Mapping Machinery

Water Table

Sugar Cane Plantation

Cotton Plantation

Drip Line Irrigation (Controlled Water Application)



As part of a spatial policy scheme, the proposal advocates to work with local farmers and to initiate holistic agricultural management which includes the analysis of soil mediums in order to promote appropriate agriculture plantations (sugar cane versus cotton native to the region), and ultimately to minimize chemical water leaching potential. Holistic management also includes seasonal grazing where ground cover is not completely decimated to promote stabilization of coastal lands from runoff and increase carbon sequestration. Using the existing agricultural land use patterns and modelled water flows, key drainage lines are designed approximately following the landscape contours, and ultimately laying the foundation for a new spatial restructuring of industrial agriculture patterns. As a tertiary layer to this spatial restructuring that connects with the key lines and creates an ocean buffer, fresh and salt water wetlands are re-introduced in lieu of the existing coal tailing ponds on site. The layering of these landscape architectural strategies proposes a healthier flow pattern.


Fresh and Salt Water Wetland Construction

Settling Pond for Mining Waste Fine Mineral Aggregate Organic Matter Rock Aggregate Water Table

Salt Water Wetland Fresh Water Wetland Organic Matter Mineral Aggregate

Riparian and Wetland Species



Coastal and Riparian Planting

Alectryon Ramiforus Engangered

Angle-Stemmed Myrtle Ptychosperma Blesseri Endangered Endangered

Omreau Bottle Tree Acacia Purpureopetala Endangered Endangered

Rhizophora Mangle Endangered


Coastal/ Riparian Tree Planting

Organic Matter

Mineral Conditions

Landscape Observatory



Coral Farming

Seed Electric Mesh

Coral Fragmentation



Rope Line Farming

Floating Tree Farm

Rugousity Beds (Transportable)

Tetrapods (Transportable)

The coastal restoration chapter is concluded with the introduction of new farming opportunities, coral farming, along the existing 2km coastal bridge that originally facilitated coal shipping on site. Both existing and novel farming opportunities are explored; from steel meshes that are electrically conductive, coral fragmentation on floating tree units that are capable of regenerating coral species up to 50 times faster, down to hand size tetrapods where coral larvae is seeded and then transported off site for planting. Along the bridge and through the ocean’s clear waters, farmers and locals are able to claim new agency to these artificial and regenerative processes.


Embankement Riparian Plantings

Sugar Cane Field Drainage Line


Restoration of Coastal Hay Point Coal Terminal

Sandy’s Creek

Whale Aggregation Zone

Modular Coral Farming Beds

Coral Tree Nurseries

Hay Point Coral Terminal Salt Water Wetland

Tropical Wetland Planting




CNC modelled topography of Hay Point Coal Terminal region



3D printed coastal restoration objects: embankement, tree observatory, and mangrove tree





With the restructuring of Queensland Australia’s manufactured landscape system, coral regeneration on site begins to be more impactful. While corals have a tremendous capacity to recover after disturbance, the rates at which disturbances have been impacting the reef system are irreversible and require adaptive management strategies to facilitate a resilient trajectory. The idea for coral regeneration is to engage on an immediate present time scale where first a spatially and technologically integrated slew of sensors provides feedback of coral reef conditions. Installed underwater camera domes are proposed to provide time sensitive imagery of bleaching events as well as COTS outbreaks. Sea surface and depth sensor products monitor both water and temperature quality through use of existing technologies including chemical composition, turbidity, light, and radiation intensity sensors.


Molar Reef

Hay Point Coal Terminal

Goonyella Mine 175km


Section of the Great Barrier Reef across from the City of Mackay satellite imagery

Molar Reef

Cockatoo Reef

Olympic Reef Neville Coleman Rip Reef




Molar Reef satellite imagery (NASA, California Institue of Technology)



Coral Growth and Rearing (During Seasonal Spawning) Acropora Cervicornis Staghorn Coral (Hard)

Mussidae Fungia Fungites Brain Coral Common Mushroom (Hard) Coral (Soft)


Calcium Reef Structure

Coral Rearing Net

Coral Larvae Spawning (Annual Event)



Alveopra Flowerpot Coral (Hard)

Fabellum Coral (Hard)

The proposal begins to capitalize on reef’s resilient capacity by rearing coral larvae in nets during coral’s annual spawning events and using this natural reproduction as a catalyst for greater regeneration. Reared larvae are then released on dead or dying reefs based on collected sensor data speeding up the regeneration process via underwater drones (technology currently being prototyped by Queensland’s University of Technology). Similarly, a second set of drones is programmed to target COTS outbreaks and release a lethal injection. While smaller target interventions like individual coral plot planting or the use of tetrapods may be effective for individual reef sites, the reality is, there is a need for scaling of restoration methods in order to effectively regenerate reef systems across the 2300km span, like the use of novel drone technology. And a targeted approach of restoring reefs that are most connected to others via larvae reproduction, first, is in order to facilitate natural coral succession. This information on targeted reef selection is extrapolated from the reef resilience mapping discussed in the methodology section.



Mixture between bleached and healthy coral on Agincourt Reef


Sensor Technologies

Underwater Camera

Sea Surface Sensor

Depth Sensor

Ocean Sensors (Existing Technologies)



Photosynthetically Active Radiation

Hyperspectral Radiometer

Water Quality

pH Sensor UV Nitrate Sensor

Back Scatter, Turbidity, Fluorescence

Sea Oil-Water Locator 1m


Underwater Drones (Existing Technologies)

LarvaeBOT (Delivers Coral Larvae to Dead Reefs)

RangerBOT (Kills COTS via Sheep/ Cow Internal Acid Injection)



Sea Surface Sensor

Healthy Coral

Larvae Rearing Net

Underwater Camera

Modular Coral Beds


Regeneration of coral ecologies on molar reef

Depth Sensor


Bleached Coral




3D printed coral objects



3D printed coral regnerative strategy objects: coral farming and sensors



CNC milled Great Barrier Reef sliver



6 CONCLUSION The rate at which anthropogenic disturbances and climate change are impacting the Great Barrier Reef is surpassing its regenerative capacity. The design research critically explores the dynamics between the time-sensitive ecological processes, responsive landscape approaches, and sociological interplays, and ultimately asks what are practical yet meaningful restorative approaches for regenerating massive degraded landscapes like the Great Barrier Reef? A secondary research question also asks how we can better engage with biotic and abiotic systems through meaningful drawing representation? The narrative advocates for a new regenerative connection between land (reforestation of mines), coast (spatial restructuring of coastal industrial agricultural lands), and deep sea (regenerative approaches for coral ecologies), while offering new human agency to engage. The selected sites are emblematic of the larger regional issues in the region and a range of existing to novel landscape architecture strategies are layered to facilitate an ecologically resilient, connected, and productive landscape. The novelty of the project is also in its storytelling method and its engagement with political and corporate realities, as a necessary tool to remediate degraded landscapes at this scale. Ultimately, significant time and human resources investment is required in initiating the proposed processes from mine to reef sites. However, after a 30-year period (an estimated figure based on construction of landscape strategies as well as natural forest and reef growth documented throughout the design process), natural succession will take its course on the selected sites showing a greater return on investment, and hope for regeneration of the Great Barrier Reef. While on the one hand the design philosophy is to restore, and reconnect, these massive landscapes on a holistic scale, the concept pushes for collective reflection on past action as well as agency on present to future conditions; whether it be through the underground seed vaults, landscape tower observatory, or real time-sensors and drones.


Time mapping of design and natural processes to regenerate focus landscapes Human Intervention Molar Reef Coral Regeneration

Coral Maturity and Larve Rearing Coral Fragmentation and Planting

Genetic ModiFication of Coral

Hay Point Coal Terminal Coastal Restoration

Initial Fill and Topographic Manipulation

Goonyella Mine Reforestation

Addition of more Top Soil Layer and early successional Planting Species (Grasses and Legumes)

Coral Fragmentation

Coral Fragmentation Constructed Wetland Maintenance (Chemicals and Sediment Removal) Late Successional Planting

Wetland Creation, Embankement Formation, and Riparian Planting

test test

Top Soil Formation through Cattle Formation

Carbon Sequestration



Natural Succession 0














Reef Sensing and Coral Larvae Rearing and Ex-Situ Implementation Coral Fragmentation

Constructed Wetland Maintenance (Chemicals and Sediment Removal)

Channelization of Water System to Wetland

Second Generation of Tree Species through Natural Seeding Coral Colonies Mature and Form Reef structures

















Thesis exhibit layout



Beautiful view from green island


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