1st Issue, Club Bulletin 20-21, Rotaray Club of Dhaka Luminous

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The Promise Fortnightly Bulletin Rotary Year 2020-21 Issue 01, Meeting 131, Date : 18 July 2020

ROTARY CLUB OF DHAKA LUMINOUS Club ID No: C 0000 87004 Chartered Date : 30 June 2015 RI District 3281, Bangladesh

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Avgvi †mvbvi evsjv Avwg †Zvgvq fvjevwm| wPiw`b †Zvgvi AvKvk, †Zvgvi evZvm, Avgvi cÖv‡Y evRvq evuwk \ Igv, dv¸‡b †Zvi Av‡gi e‡b NÖv‡Y cvMj K‡i, gwi nvq, nvq‡i! Igv ANÖv‡Y †Zvi fiv †¶‡Z Avwg wK †`‡LwQ gayi nvwm \ Avgvi †mvbvi evsjv Avwg †Zvgvq fvjevwm| INVOCATION We, the Rotarians are dedicated to maintain the dignity and worthiness of our calling by the acceptance and promotion of high ethical standards, and to regard our business or profession as an opportunity to express ourselves in service to society.

ROTARY CODE OF CONDUCT As a Rotarian, I will

1. Exemplify the core value of integrity in all behaviors and activities 2. Use my vocational experience and talents to serve in Rotary 3. Conduct all of my personal, business, and professional affairs ethically, encouraging and fostering high ethical standards as an example to others 4. Be fair in all dealings with others and treat them with the respect due to them as fellow human beings 5. Promote recognition and respect for all occupations which are useful to society 6. Offer my vocational talents: to provide opportunities for young people, to work for the relief of the special needs of others, and to improve the quality of life in my community 7. Honor the trust that Rotary and fellow Rotarians provide and not do anything that will bring disfavor or reflect adversely on Rotary or fellow Rotarians 8. Not seek from a fellow Rotarian a privilege or advantage not normally accorded others in a business or professional relationship

THE FOUR WAY TEST OF THE THINGS WE THINK, SAY OR DO 1) Is it the TRUTH? 2) Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3) Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

ROTARY CLUB OF DHAKA LUMINOUS Hadi Mizan Al Hossain President +88 01715 005161 hadimukul@gmail.com

Mohammad Abdullah

Secretary +88 01713436355 abdullah1501@gmail.com

Club Mailing Address: House# 3/D, Road # 2/A, Block # J, Baridhara, Dhaka-1212, E-mail: hadimukul@gmail.com Meeting Venue : IBA Alumni Club Limited, Tejgaon Link Road, Dhaka, Date & Time: Sunday (1st & 3rd week) at 7:00 pm

RI Presidential Message July 2020 Holger Knaack President Rotary International 2020-2021

This does not seem like a time for great optimism, but it has to be. Long before Rotary was founded, the world dealt with great crises that tested humankind's ability to progress and endure. In the age of Rotary, the world has faced many more catastrophes; however, we have survived, and every step of the way, Rotary has helped the world heal. Every great challenge is an opportunity for renewal and growth. I revealed the theme of Rotary Opens Opportunities at the International Assembly in San Diego just as the COVID-19 crisis was beginning, but these are words that I have believed for many years. Rotary is not just a club that you join; it is an invitation to endless opportunities. We believe in creating opportunities for others and for ourselves. We believe that our acts of service, large and small, generate opportunities for people who need our help, and that Rotary opens opportunities for us to live a richer, more meaningful life, with friends around the world, based on our core values. Governments and institutions are gaining a greater appreciation for the types of public health partnerships that are critical to our work. People stuck at home, eager for greater connections and hungry to help their communities, are now embracing the values we have promoted since our beginning. All of this is positive news, but just because there are greater opportunities than ever for Rotary to thrive does not guarantee that we will succeed. The world is changing rapidly — and was doing so even before this crisis. People were starting to move away from regular lunch meetings and toward online gatherings. Friendships were being cultivated and revived in social media relationships even before most of our meetings moved to Zoom and Skype. Younger generations have a strong desire to serve — but have questioned whether they could play a meaningful role in organizations like Rotary or whether they might make a bigger impact forming different types of connections. Now is the time to put everything on the table, test new approaches, and prepare Rotary for the future. The COVID-19 crisis has forced all of us to adapt. This is good, and our new Action Plan specifically calls on us to improve our ability to adapt. But adaptation is not enough. We need to change, and change dramatically, if we are to face the challenges of this new age and provide the Rotary the world so desperately needs. This is our great challenge, not just in the next year but into the foreseeable future. It is up to us to remake Rotary for these new times — to wholeheartedly embrace the ideas, energy, and commitment of young people eager to find an outlet for idealism. We must become an organization fully enmeshed in the digital age, not one that simply looks for online ways to keep doing what we have always done. The world needs Rotary now more than ever. It is up to us to make sure that Rotary Opens Opportunities for generations to come.

Message from Rtn M Rubayet Hossain MPHF B District Governor R I District 3281

Dear President Hadi Mizan Al Hossain, It is indeed a great pleasure for me to congratulate you for taking over as President of Rotary Club of Dhaka Luminous for 2020-21. I do also thank IPP Md Mushfiqur Rahman and his board to present a pretty successful year in 2019-20. At first, I express my deep sorrow for the extremely sad demise of Past President of your club Abdullah Siddiqui Nizam due to Covid-19. Let’s all pray to the Almighty for the very lively Rotarian and a good human being and also for those who had been taken away from us by this deadly virus. Dear President, we all must understand that because of the Covid-19 pandemic, unlike other years, we have to come across towering challenges during this Rotary Year 2020-21. But you are aware that Rotarians are “People of Action” and known for their fighting spirit for ‘doing good in the world’ to bring ‘a lasting change’. Out of many other activities, it is Rotary that has been successful in to eradicating 99.9% of POLIO from the face of the earth and in doing that, 2.5 billion children have been vaccinated. Therefore, together with you, I have decided to challenge the challenges and I do hope, the way you have stood by my side during the long 18 month journey, especially, the last 3 months, to prepare you as leader of your club, we will overcome all the challenges. I’m happy to notice that you and all other Presidents have already started to show your girds and helped me in creating opportunities to help those who become helpless during this pandemic crisis, in particular. Since May ’20, we’ve launched first time ever Telemedicine Service called “Rotary Medical Support Center”, distributed over 80,000 cooked food packs (30,000 packs on 1st of July alone) among hungry people, established “Oxygen Bank” in Dhaka, Khulna and Barishal, distributed Rotary Branded Face Masks and many more to establish President Holger’s dream theme Rotary Opens Opportunities, as a reality. Finally, I wish once again that Rotary Club of Dhaka Luminous will do much better during this year under your able leadership. Let’s all be safe and Blessed. M Rubayet Hossain MPHF B District Governor Rotary International District 3281

Message from Rtn Hadi Mizan Al Hossain President Rotary Club of Dhaka Luminous

I am pleased to convey this message in the 1st bulletin “The Promise” in the Rotary Year 20-21. As you know during the pandemic Novel CORONA situation, two important meetings are held virtually. One is regular fortnightly meeting and another is the board meeting. Our members of RCD Luminous had joined district’s few seminars and programs in last few weeks over online platform. Luminous members deeply shocked and we mourn for our beloved PP Abdullah Siddiqui Nizam, PHF. We lost one of our dedicated Rotarian. May Allah grant him Jannatul Ferdouse. Two initiatives have been taken - developing website restructuring and club bulletin. These are being published regularly including club’s facebook page. Thanks Rtn CP Kazi Saiful Haque PHF B MD, Rtn IPP Mushfiqur Rahman and Rtn PE Shahidul Haque who is the Editor of “The Promise”. Special thanks for Rtn Redwanur Rahman PHF for providing tremendous support to build the website himself and updating the website regularly. Our commitment and involvement will shape the destiny of our club. Together, we will work for developing community in the society. Luminous is getting prepared to take initiative for a sustainable service project and other community services. Our challenge at the Rotary Club of Dhaka Luminous is to do our part to support RI theme to strengthen the many ways. “We believe that our acts of service, big and small, create opportunities for people who need our help. Everything we do opens another opportunity for someone, somewhere.” Best wishes for a glorious Rotary Year 2020-21.

From the Desk of Editor Mohammad Shahidul Haque President Elect 2020-21

The Rotary Year 2020-21 has already been started. This year is so different from all the previous years that we can remember which makes Rotary more and more meaningful and appropriate an organization to the human kind. The Corona pandemic has forced us to come out of our comfort zone, customs and practices. Economy has shrunk more than ever in the last 50 or more years. People dying, losing jobs or business, migrating to other places. A disaster it is! The situation is so bad that more than a billion children worldwide will miss their scheduled vaccination due to non availability of the service. This is an opportunity to keep our marks. Our future actions will determine whether the CoronaVirus outbreak changed us for a better future or not. Which platform could have given us such an opportunity to work for humanity other than Rotary? At the end of the day, we will determine our days to come by planning, hard work and fellowship for each other, no? With the leadership of President Rtn Hadi Mizan Al Hossain, we will bring meaningful positive changes in our lives and others. Let the battle begin!!

MINUTES OF THE 130TH REGULAR MEETING Venue: Google Meet Date: July 05, 2020

Time 7.30 Pm

Meeting Notes1. President Rtn Hadi Mizan Al Hossain called to order the meeting & welcome all the members 2. Rtn IPP Mushfiq Rahman recited from Holy Quran 3. Rotary invocation conducted by IPP Rtn Mushfiq Rahman 4. Discussed about Doa for Rtn PP Nizam’s who is at present in hospital, for Rtn Tarik and his mother, for Rtn Monowar who were recently recovered from Corona. It is decided to conduct Doa at the end of the meeting before adjourned which was led by Secretary Rtn Abdullah. 5. Condolence Message shared for sudden demises of Secretary, Rtn Abdullah’s elder brother. 6. Wished Birthday and Anniversary for few Rotary members and for their family members by Rtn PE Shahid 7. Luminous members have congratulated and appreciated for great achievement to IPP Rtn Mushfiq Rahmani for RY 2019-20 and for completing successfully the RY 2019-20. 8. Luminous members have congratulated and appreciated to Rtn CP Kazi Saiful Hoque PHF B MD for being appointed as member of ARC Task Force of Rotary International and District Deputy Governor, Rotary Year 2020-21. 9. It is requested to all chair and treasurer to do plan and their activities for sharing in next meeting. a. Treasurer Rtn Golam Sarwar Farouqui update- Club dues, Bank balance, Closing Balance Sheet of 2019-20. IPP Rtn Mushfiq Rahman confirmed wihin next few days accounting will be closed. Rtn Farrouqi needs to be present the account status in the next board meeting. b. Plan and Update from Rtn PP M Abdur Rahim PHF, Chair, Club Administration c. Plan and Update from Rtn Al Amin Redwanur Rahman PHF , Chair, Service Project d. Plan and Update from Rtn S A Sheak Sadi, Chair, Membership e. Plan and Update from Rtn Md. Monowar Hossain, Chair, Public Relation f. Plan and Update from Rtn CP Kazi Saiful Hoque PHF B MD, of behalf of Rtn Abdullah Siddiqui Nizam PHF, Chair, TRF Rotary Foundation g. Plan and Update from Rtn Sharwar Hossain FCMA, Chair, Youth Service h. Plan and Update from Club Trainer Rtn CP Kazi Saiful Hoque PHF B MD 10. Next Virtual Board Meeting is finalized for conducting on coming 7.30-9.00pm, Saturday 11th July 2020. Agenda to be provided by president. 11. Any other agenda – a) President will send the Strategic Committee List to respective chair soon. TOR will be provided before next regular meeting. b) Year plan to be shared before the next meeting by President. 12. Secretary’s Announcement: The 131th regular meeting to be held on next Sunday, 7:30pm to 9:00pm, 19 July 2020.

Next Regular Fortnightly Meeting

19 July 2020, Sunday, 7:30pm to 9:00pm

Next Board Meeting 14 August 2020, Friday, 7:30pm to 9:00pm

STATISTICS OF LAST MEETING Total Members Members Exempted Members Present Percentage of Attendance Last week Percentage of attendance Visiting Rotarian Club Guest Members Guest

21 0 15 71% 67% 00 00 00

Words of Honor to RC Dhaka Luminous Leaders

Club of Dhaka Luminous

Congratulations To

Rtn CP Kazi Saiful Hoque PHF B MD Being appointed as Member of ARC Task Force of Rotary International & Deputy Governor of RI District 3281 for the Rotary Year 2020-21 From

All the Members of Rotary Club of Dhaka Luminous RI District 3281, Bangladesh

Club of Dhaka Luminous

Congratulations To

Rtn Hadi Mizan Al Hossain President 2020-21 From All the Members of Rotary Club of Dhaka Luminous RI District 3281, Bangladesh

Words of Honor Members of Rotary Club of Dhaka Luminous gratefully acknowledge To

Rtn M. Mushfique Rahman President 2019-20 For his outstanding contribution and dynamic leadership during his tenure. His capable leadership led the club to a greater height. He drives the club to earn a number of milestones and to make the club distinctly visible in the Rotary world by achieving and exceeding the performance matrix for his tenure. We show gratitude and honor to our President Rtn, M. Mushfiqur Rahman and wish him a brighter year ahead with full of actions and achievements. All Members of Rotary Club of Dhaka Luminous RI District 3281, Bangladesh

Certifiactes & Award given to RC Dhaka Luminous at the District Virtual Award Ceremony for the RY 2019-20 held on 30 June 2020

Doa Mahfil


Dynamic President Forum organized a Doa Mahfil for Rtn PP Abdullah Siddique Nizam PHF dated 7th July from 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm online zoom platform. In the Doa Mahfil attended few PDG, DGE, DGN, District Leaders huge number of Rotarians. Members of Rrotary Club of Dhaka Luminous also attended the Doa Mahfil. As part of commitment in the Doa Mahfil Dynamic President Forum distributed a cow as Sadaka to Darul Ulum Madrasa & Orpanage in Rampura at 8th July 2020 and also distributed a goat and finalcial support to Jannatul Maoa Madrasa & Orpanage at 10th July, 2020 .

With profound grief we inform of the sad demise of our Past President 2018-19

Rtn PP Abdullah Siddiqui Nizam PHF 14th July 2020,12.15 pm @ Square Hospitals Ltd. Innalillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Rajiun


We convey our sympathy and pray for his departed soul.

Glimpses of Doa Mahfil for Rtn PP Abdullah Siddique Nizam PHF

Rotary Club of Dhaka Luminous I RI District 3281

Glimpses of 1st Board Meeting of RC Dhaka Luminous held on 11 July 2020

Birth Day & Wedding Day Greetings

Birthday ( 01 July -15th July ) Rtn Farzana Nazmae Rabbane Spouse of Rtn IPP Md Mushfiqur Rahman 02nd July Rtn Mohammad Monjurul Karim 6 July

Wedding Anniversary ( 01 July -15th July ) Rtn M. Atikur Rahman & Nusrat Jahan 01st July

RI Events

District Events Participated E-SETS and E-TETS: Club Secretary Rtn Mohammad Abdullah & Treasurer Rtn Golam Sarwar Farrouqi attended E-SETS and E-TETS on 5th June 2020. E-PETS: Rtn Hadi Mizan Al Hossain, President, Rotary Club of Dhaka Luminous attended E-PETS held on 12-13 June 2020. District Training Assembly : RC Dhaka Luminous members attended Virtual District Training Assembly, 19 -20 June 2020 in Zoom Platform. Grant Management Seminar: RC Dhaka Luminous members attended Online Grant Management Seminar on 26 June 2020 in Zoom Platform. Zero Hour Celebration: RC Dhaka Luminous members attended Zero Hour Celebration on 30 June 2020 in Zoom Platform. Year Launching Ceremony: RC Dhaka Luminous members attended Year Launching Ceremony on 1 July 2020 @ Zoom Platform

Upcoming District Events August : Membership and New Club

September: Basic Education and Literacy Month

Development Month Space Available for Advertisement

Back page and Back Inner page space available for Advertisement Back Page price 30,000.00 for 6 months, 12 Issue Back Inner Page price 20,000.00 for 6 month, Issue Contact Editor, Cell : +8801711394755, E-mail: mdshahidulhaque@gmail.com

Rotaract Leadership Training : Online Rotaract Leadership Training, 24 July 2020 Vibrant Club Workshop: Vibrant Club Workshop (TRF, Membership and Public Image) 14 Aug 2020 Shilpokola Academy, Khulna and 21 Aug 2020 Momo Inn, Bogra RI convention: RI convention Promotion, 26 Sept 2020@ Dhaka Club

Club of Dhaka Luminous

Committees 2020-21 Strategic Planning Committee MEMBERS

Rtn CP Kazi Saiful Hoque PHF B MD(Trainer)

Rtn Sharwar Hossain FCMA(Chair)

Rtn PP Md. Abdur Rahim PHF(Chair)

Rtn IPP Mushfiqur Rahman FCMA

Rtn S A Sheak Sadi(Chair)

Rtn Hadi Mizan Al Hossain (President)

Rtn Monowar Hossain (Chair)

Rtn PE Mohammad Shahidul Haque

Rtn Al Amin Redwanur Rahman PHF(Chair)

Rtn Mohammad Abdullah (Secretary)

Rtn PP Abdullah Siddiqui Nizam PHF (Chair)

Rtn Golam Sarwar Farrouqi (Treasurer)

A Club Administration Standing Committee CHAIRMAN

Rtn PP Md. Abdur Rahim PHF


Rtn CP Kazi Saiful Hoque PHF B MD

Rtn Farzana Nazmae Rabbani

Rtn Mohammad Abdullah

Rtn Golam Sarwar Farrouqi

Rtn PE Mohammad Shahidul Haque

Rtn IPP Mushfiqur Rahman FCMA

Rtn Al Amin Redwanur Rahman PHF

1 Club Program Sub-Committee CHAIRMAN

Rtn Mohammad Abdullah


Rtn CP Kazi Saiful Hoque PHF B MD

Rtn Golam Sarwar Farrouqi

2 Club Communication Sub-Committee CHAIRMAN

Rtn PE Mohammad Shahidul Haque


Rtn Mohammad Abdullah

Rtn M. Atikur Rahman

3 Website Sub-Committee CHAIRMAN

Rtn Al Amin Redwanur Rahman PHF


Rtn Farzana Nazmae Rabbani

Rtn Md. Monowar Hossain

4 Attendance Sub-Committee CHAIRMAN

Rtn Golam Sarwar Farrouqi


Rtn Mohammad Abdullah

Rtn Fahmida Begum

Club of Dhaka Luminous

5 Fellowship Sub-Committee CHAIRMAN

Rtn IPP Mushfiqur Rahman FCMA


Rtn PP Lt Col Md Tarikul Islam, psc, lsc (Retd) PHF Rtn Sharwar Hossain FCMA

6 Families in Rotary Sub-Committee CHAIRMAN

Rtn Farzana Nazmae Rabbani


Rtn Sahana Sultana Poppy

Rtn Fahmida Begum

B Membership Standing Committee CHAIRMAN

Rtn S A Sheak Sadi


Rtn CP Kazi Saiful Hoque PHF B MD

Rtn S. M. Matin

Rtn IPP Mushfiqur Rahman FCMA

Rtn Sahana Sultana Poppy

1 Recruitment Sub Committee CHAIRMAN

Rtn IPP Mushfiqur Rahman FCMA


Rtn CP Kazi Saiful Hoque PHF B MD

Rtn PE Mohammad Shahidul Haque

2 Retention Sub Committee CHAIRMAN

Rtn S. M. Matin


Rtn Mohammad Monjurul Karim

Rtn PP Abdullah Siddiqui Nizam PHF

3 Orientation & Education Sub Committee CHAIRMAN

Rtn CP Kazi Saiful Hoque PHF B MD


Rtn PP Md. Abdur Rahim PHF

Rtn IPP Mushfiqur Rahman FCMA

4 Diversity Sub Committee CHAIRMAN

Rtn Sahana Sultana Poppy


Rtn Ahamed Karim PHF

Rtn S. M. Matin

Club of Dhaka Luminous

C Public Relation Standing Committee CHAIRMAN

Rtn Monowar Hossain


Rtn S A Sheak Sadi,

Rtn Al Amin Redwanur Rahman PHF

Rtn PP Lt Col Md Tarikul Islam, psc, lsc (Retd) PHF

1 Media Relation Sub-Committee CHAIRMAN MEMBERS

Rtn S A Sheak Sadi Rtn S. M. Matin

Rtn Ahamed Karim PHF

2 Advertisement & Marketing Sub-Committee CHAIRMAN

Rtn PP Lt Col Md Tarikul Islam, psc, lsc (Retd) PHF


Rtn PP Abdullah Siddiqui Nizam PHF

Rtn Sharwar Hossain FCMA

3 Social Media Sub-Committee CHAIRMAN

Rtn Al Amin Redwanur Rahman PHF


Rtn PP Abdullah Siddiqui Nizam PHF

Rtn PE Mohammad Shahidul Haque

D Service Project Standing Committee CHAIRMAN MEMBERS

Rtn Al Amin Redwanur Rahman PHF Rtn CP Kazi Saiful Hoque PHFB MD

Rtn Mohammad Abdullah

Rtn PE Mohammad Shahidul Haque

Rtn IPP Mushfiqur Rahman FCMA

Rtn Mohammad Monjurul Karim

1 Vocational Services Sub-Committee CHAIRMAN MEMBERS

Rtn Mohammad Monjurul Karim Rtn PE Mohammad Shahidul Haque

Rtn PP Md. Abdur Rahim PHF

2 Community Service Sub-Committee CHAIRMAN

Rtn Mohammad Abdullah


Rtn IPP Mushfiqur Rahman FCMA

Rtn Golam Sarwar Farrouqi

3 International Service Sub-Committee CHAIRMAN

Rtn CP Kazi Saiful Hoque PHF B MD


Rtn Ahamed Karim PHF

Rtn Sahana Sultana Poppy

Club of Dhaka Luminous

4 Fund Rising for Service Project Sub-Committee CHAIRMAN

Rtn IPP Mushfiqur Rahman FCMA


Rtn CP Kazi Saiful Hoque PHF B MD

Rtn Sahana Sultana Poppy

Rtn PP Md. Abdur Rahim PHF

E Rotary Foundation (TRF) Standing Committee CHAIRMAN

Rtn PP Abdullah Siddiqui Nizam PHF


Rtn CP Kazi Saiful Hoque PHF B MD

Rtn IPP Mushfiqur Rahman

Rtn Ahamed Karim PHF

Rtn Fahmida Begum

1 Polio Sub Committee CHAIRMAN MEMBERS

Rtn Ahamed Karim PHF Rtn Al Amin Redwanur Rahman PHF

Rtn S. M. Matin

2 Fund Rising Sub-Committee CHAIRMAN MEMBERS

Rtn CP Kazi Saiful Hoque PHF B MD Rtn PP Md. Abdur Rahim PHF

Rtn Ahamed Karim PHF

3 Grants Sub-Committee CHAIRMAN MEMBERS

Rtn IPP Mushfiqur Rahman FCMA Rtn CP Kazi Saiful Hoque PHF B MD

Rtn Mohammad Abdullah

4 Scholarship Sub-Committee CHAIRMAN MEMBERS

Rtn Fahmida Begum Rtn PE Mohammad Shahidul Haque

Rtn M. Atikur Rahman

F. Youth Service Standing Committee CHAIRMAN MEMBERS

Rtn Sharwar Hossain FCMA Rtn Mohammed Ziaul Sharif Rtn IPP Mushfiqur Rahman FCMA

Rtn M. Atikur Rahman

1 Career Guidance Sub-Committee CHAIRMAN

Rtn Mohammed Ziaul Sharif


Rtn PP Kazi Saiful Hoque PHF B MD

Rtn Mohammad Shahidul Haque

Rtn M. Atikur Rahman Rtn Sahana Sultana Poppy

Rtn Golam Sarwar Farouqui

2 Partners In Service CHAIRMAN MEMBERS

Rotary Club of Dhaka Luminous Club Members 2020-21 As on 1st July 2020 Sl

Name of Rotarians




01 Hadi Mizan Al Hossain

+88016150 05161



02 IPP Md. Mushfiqur Rahman

+88017114 27455



03 PP Abdullah Siddiqui Nizam PHF

+8801711 540286



04 PP M Abdur Rahim PHF

+88017133 76510



05 S A Sheak Sadi

+88019113 00006



06 CP Kazi Saiful Hoque PHF B MD

+8801988 444111



07 PE Mohammad Shahidul Haque

+880171 1394755



08 PP Lt Col Md Tarikul Islam, psc, lsc(Retd) PHF

+8801713 -367885



09 Ahamed Karim PHF

+8801713- 376520


10 S. M. Matin

+88017155- 576195


11 Mohammad Monjurul Karim

+8801711- 539449



12 Al Amin Redwanur Rahman PHF

+88 01911-918647



13 Mohammad Abdullah

+880171- 3436355



14 Mohammed Ziaul Sharif




15 Sahana Sultana Poppy




16 Golam Sarwar Farouqui



17 Md. Monowar Hossain

+8801715 009034



18 Sharwar Hossain FCMA

+8801715 615380



19 Barrister M. Atikur Rahman




20 Farzana Nazmae Rabbani




21 Fahmida Begum




karim@jukidhk.com smatin2007@gmail.com



With the Best compliments to the new Board of Directors of Rotary Club of Dhaka Luminous from

Rtn Kazi Saiful Hoque PHF B MD Member, ARC Task Force, Rotary Interna�onal Deputy Governor 2020-21, RI District 3281 Assistant Governor 2019-20, RI District 3281 Charter President 2015-16, RC of Dhaka Luminous

Rotary Club of Dhaka Luminous Board of Directors 2020-21

Hadi Mizan Al Hossain President

Md. Mushfiqur Rahman Immediate Past President

Mohammad Shahidul Haque President 2021-22

S M Matin Vice President -2

Mohammad Abdullah Club Secretary

Md. Abdur Rahim PHF Director- Club Administration

S A Sheak Sadi Director-Membership

Monowar Hossain Director-Public Relation

Ahmad Karim PHF Vice President -1

Mohammad Monjurul Karim Joint Secretary

Golam Sarwar Farrouqi Treasurer

Al Amin Redwanur Rahman PHF Abdullah Siddiqui Nizam PHF Director-Service project Director-The Rotary Foundation

Mohammed Ziaul Sharif Sergeant-at-Arms

Kazi Saiful Hoque PHF B MD Club Trainer

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