3 minute read

Aid for Ukraine

The war in Ukraine continues, with the relentless destroying of lives and devastation of properties and infrastructure. Ukrainian soldiers and volunteers courageously defend, and even take back some areas attacked, whilst civilians endeavour to continue to live and work where possible, as normally as possible. In my trips to Ukraine and meeting with numerous soldiers and civilians, I am awed by their courage, determination and resilience. They fight for their families and homes, and I believe, for Europe too.

However, we see the media focus predictably moving on and compassion fatigue a natural factor too. But, I am encouraged by so many groups and individuals stirred to add to the overall efforts to try and mitigate against some of the impacts of this terrible conflict. Being retired, moved by this war, and perhaps too due to some Ukrainian heritage in my history, I have found time to do what I find I can, and sometimes joined with others (including ‘Never Surrender UA’ recently), to assist supply deliveries to volunteer soldiers, and transport of refugees to the UK.


My next planned trip (26th August) is delivery of the vehicle in the photo, with Andy Breitsprecher’s proprietor of Ainger Holbrows generous assistance in providing reduced price repair work and a free service – thank you Andy, and with significant funding also from ‘Never Surrender UA’ – to a displaced persons shelter in Ukraine, providing for adults and children who have lost loved ones and whose homes have been destroyed in the east of Ukraine. I will be driving in convoy with another vehicle delivering supplies to a military hospital ‘Never Surrender UA’ is supporting.

The Shelter needs all kinds of items to support everyday living for all ages, babies to the elderly; non-perishable food items, dried dairy/milk products, canned food, cereals, fruit juices, baby food/bottles, nappies, wet-wipes, toiletries, hygiene products, medicines, cosmetics, toys, electric room fans. Support is need too for the children`s start or return to school, including; backpacks, pens, pencils, felt tips, exercise/notebooks, children`s English story books, tablets and laptops (2nd hand ‘cleaned’ is great!) – already a number of kind individuals and businesses have stepped in and provided donations for which I am very grateful!

Partridges have donated children`s boots, hats and gloves - winter will be here soon!! The Idler bookshop and Post office have provided school start supplies - Morrisons and Just Food Hadleigh have together contributed fantastically, thank you Neil and Lisa.

The Ukraine hospitals, I have visited one twice now, have such continuing need for any medical supplies they can possibly access and their gratitude on receipt of even relatively small offerings, is so moving in the face of such great need. The world knows Ukraine health services are sickeningly targeted in this war, even as the need for them ever rises!

Although I have mentioned the worry of ‘compassion fatigue’, it seems that the hearts of Hadleigh`s people (and many others I encounter) still remain warm and receptive to the needs of others, despite the pressures and cost of living crisis we all experience - what a testimony to the image we are all created in!

If you would like to assist in filling the car with the supplies needed by the shelter, offering any health care items for hospitals, or providing for the continuing supplies trips, please do not hesitate to contact me on 07500 531901.

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