2 minute read
What Next?
Visitors to the recent ‘What’s About Hadleigh Event’ (WAH) were able to view the proposals for the renewal of St Mary’s Church. A pictorial display and model highlighted the plans for making this iconic building fit for the future. A representative of the Save St Mary’s Community Project was on hand to answer any questions. If you were unable to attend the WAH event and have an interest in the proposed adaptations, there is still an opportunity, in St Mary’s, to look at the architect’s photos of the suggested changes and the order in which these will be carried out.
A much-needed sound system will be installed very soon which should greatly improve the quality of the various public performances staged in Church.
The next consideration will be heating and lighting. Happily, there is a possible single solution for both; chandeliers. Fourteen in all will be needed and these will elegantly provide both services. With running costs in mind, it is reassuring to know that these attractive units can all be used at the same time or independent of each other. A final decision has yet to be made by all involved in the renewal programme. As with York Minster, Kings College, Cambridge and many other iconic UK churches, newly installed solar panels will assist with the overall cost of power and be externally unobtrusive. If proof were ever needed that the Church is vital to the community’s activities, a look the recent numbers should be sufficient. Apart from worshippers, over 700 people have crossed the threshold to participate in a wide variety of activities from pop-up cafés to classical concerts and much more. How Hadleigh would miss these facilities and what potential there is if they were greatly improved.
If you would like to be part of this ambitious, exciting project, please contact Jan Devey for further information deveys@btinternet.com 01473 827091