2 minute read
News from our Local Community Engagement Officer
I'd like to introduce myself for those of you who don’t know who I am - my name is PC Katie Jarrett and I am the Community Engagement officer for Hadleigh and the many villages in the surrounding area. I transferred to Suffolk last April but prior to that I’d been a Police Officer in Surrey Police for 17 years. I have been in this role now since September and if there was a role made for me this is it. From School inputs, attending fetes, partnership working, attending community meetings and of course the social media posts keep me extremely busy.
On the whole this remains a really lovely area but it’s not exempt from crime and disorder. On top of the list is vehicle antisocial behaviour. This is a fairly frequent occurrence involving the car parks around Hadleigh. Meeting in large groups, loud exhausts, performing donuts (skidding in a circle). Primarily just having a complete disregard for the locality and the people effected by their behaviour. My Safer Neighbourhood team colleagues work tirelessly trying to reduce this type of activity.
Sadly its not just vehicle ASB we are suffering from but ASB from a group of youngsters in the villages who think its amusing to knock on doors and run away, to congregate in places not meant for them and leaving a pile of rubbish in their wake. Do you know where your children go after school/at night? Perhaps a word to find out what they are doing. My colleagues have been making enquires and visits to see children and parents are imminent.
PC Katie Jarrett 582, Ipswich West and Hadleigh Community Engagement Officer