Highlights of Resource Planning Conference-2013
Resource planning conference 2013 is held at Chicago. It covers all the concepts and knowledge of Resource Management and Capacity Planning, and how all this applies to Project Portfolio Management.
Resource Planning conference2013
Beyond Resource Planning Steering Toward The Pain Inflection Point A Primer On The Reinvention
Beyond Resource Planning
Today, resource planning is front and center among the concerns of senior business executives. Peter Heinrich, Founder and CEO of PDWare, will describe a world where determining portfolio value and breakeven point is integrated with resource planning in a seamless management process. And just as with resource planning, this world is within your reach now.
Steering Toward The Pain
Meg Smith, VP Product Development Systems, leads a panel of three seasoned veterans of successful resource planning implementations at Resource Planning Conference 2013. Keying on such issues as getting buy in from all functions, gaining top management support and the importance of organizational trust.
Inflection Point Companies are increasingly employing enterprise solutions to improve resource productivity and manage their innovation portfolios. However, there is a point in time on each resource planning initiative where the wrong decisions can cause processes and IT systems to become overengineered, resulting in diminishing, or even negative, returns. Kevin Nguyen, Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers, will discuss where these inflection points typically occur and share tips on how to navigate them.
A Primer On The Reinvention
Catherine Elliott provides a case study of Regeneron's journey, to implement a successful resource planning process, from identifying resourcing needs with the prospect of significant growth in clinical research and development on the horizon, to institution of internal communication and training process.
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