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Middle School News




Social and Emotional Learning is off to a strong start at HAFTR Middle School! Led by Dr. Yali Werzberger, Director of Guidance and PPS, students are learning about managing the many emotions that one may feel throughout the day. Through interactive conversations, the boys and girls are also discovering the power of pausing before reacting. Mindfulness discussions and activities teach the students that control over what we focus our attention on, is a powerful tool to promote well-being and study skills. Interactive activities and videos make these discussions tangible for students.


When students enter sixth grade at HAFTR Middle School, they are faced with many new challenges, from having a multitude of new teachers, to navigating a new building, to trying to figure out the combination to their locker. It is important to HAFTR Middle School to help our students develop skills to successfully navigate their Middle School years and beyond. With this in mind, on Friday, September 11, the sixth grade gathered outside for a team building activity. Students lined up by cohort between two buckets; one empty and one filled with water. They then worked as a team to fill the empty bucket one cup at a time. The ruach and excitement that was heard as friends cheered each other on was inspiring and uplifting. At the end of the activity, the students spoke about the different challenges they faced, and how by working together and communicating with their friends, they were able to succeed.



This has been a truly exciting and reflective time as HAFTR Middle School prepared for the Yamim Noraim of 5781. In preparation for the holidays, students were asked to bring in their machzorim. They created bookmarks in their Gemara classes as they studied the meaning and message of each tefilah, enabling them to follow along and maintain the appropriate frame of mind. In sh Parsha ofar, se and Halacha lichot, and re c c l i asses, tation studen of ירוא ts ה discu דודל. ssed In C t h h u e m cus ash toms class o e f s, the stu month of dents wer E e lul ta incl ugh u t ding the k b ri l ’ o a w t ing haT the orah for Rosh Hashana, studying the topics in depth, and reflecting on the connections between the stories and the themes of Rosh Hashana. Boys and girls classes took part in dynamic discussions relating to what we can learn from these stories, and how we can apply the lessons to our personal spiritual growth. In preparation for Yom Kippur, students reviewed the account of Yonah, deciphered the deeper meaning of each perek, and considered how to internalize these messages on Yom Kippur. In preparation for Sukkot, students learned about the calendar, the arba minim, the Ushpizin and Megillat Kohelet.

Every year, before Sukkot, HAFTR Middle School holds a special activity for the students to visit and ‘hop ’ around Congregation Beth Shalom on a Sukkot Hop & Learn. Rebbe and Coordinator of Student Development at HAFTR Middle School, Rabbi Yisroel Moshe Siff, ran the program in a distinct way this year. He reviewed the halachot of the arbah minim, explained the different parts of the lulav, the correct way to assemble it, how to hold the lulav and etrog together, and the correct shaking method. The students went over the halachot of building a sukkah that they learn in Gemara. Bringing these lessons to life, the students are excited to enjoy the chag, and the Rebbeim are so excited to hear about their Sukkot experiences. On September 10, HAFTR Middle School hosted its annual Parent Orientation with opening remarks by Mr. Gold and Mrs. Landau, as well as a social emotional overview workshop with Dr. Werzberger. Held this year as a Zoom event, parents followed their child’ s schedule with each of their teachers. During each session, teachers reviewed the framework of their course, needed materials and objectives, and some forthcoming highlights. The evening was very successful and set the tone for what is sure to be a great, albeit different, school year.


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