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Haere mai!

Welcome to ‘Kete Wana’ - our basket of inspiration.

These are subjects which give you the opportunity to explore your interests, develop your skills, and engage your passion for learning.

Each subject runs for two sessions per week for a block of 12 weeks, and you choose six subjects in a year. The subjects are grouped in this section by topic.

You will learn more about Kete Wana at Orientation in November.

High school is about friends and studies, and you can do both at Hagley. My highlight so far was starting Kapa Haka. I really enjoy the culture.

Sky Rowe Year 9 Student 2023

Tiaho Cultural Fashion Awards

An exploration of identity. Work alongside the School of Fashion to create a new original garment that represents your culture.

Weave the People Together

Whiria te tangata! Weave the people together!

Learn how to harvest and prepare harakeke, some basic raranga techniques and start developing a journal to record your knowledge and monitor your projects.

Kapa Haka

Expand your skills and confidence, with the goal of performing as a group at the Kapa Haka regional competitions later in the year.

Te Ara Matatau Advanced Reo Maori

Ko te manu e kai ana te miro nōna te ngahere, ko te manu e kai ana te mātauranga nōna te ao!

A bilingual, intensive course aimed at ākonga who are wanting to fast-track their reo Māori journey.


Build a foundation of knowledge and skills around kaupapa toi (Māori art), with a particular focus on whakairo (carving).

How About Art?

Explore a wide range of techniques and processes, including drawing, painting, printmaking and mixed media.

Foto Focus

Learn key skills of photography using your camera’s full potential along with important photo editing techniques.

Light Works

Make light sculptures while gaining knowledge about art and how to build electrical circuits.


Have some fun with animation! In this course you’ll learn the skills of character design, photoshop and basic animation.

Science Nerd Academy

Try STEAM challenges (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths), group work and experiments, plus complete your own Science projects.

Learn a Language

Learn to speak a new language of your choice. Explore different cultures.

Sign Language

Learn basic sign language and understand deaf culture.

I feel my maths has improved since being at Hagley. High school is about the proper education that you should be getting, which I think Hagley can achieve.

Radio with Pictures

Design, film and edit your own video for your favourite songs. You will learn the pre-production, production and post-production techniques used by professionals in the music video making business.

Movie Madness

Script and design your very own short film – then create it, using digital cameras and Premiere Pro editing software.

All That Movies Are Made Of

Analyse some classic short films, music videos and feature films to inspire your own film products, which you will produce using industry planning techniques, digital cameras and Premiere Pro editing software.

Jammin’ Juniors

An introduction to music for students who are new to music.

Embrace music appreciation, learn about orchestral instruments and contemporary instruments. Learn to sight read music to an elementary level and have hands-on practical sessions playing various styles of sheet music while trying different instruments.

Scaled Up

For students with previous experience in music who already play an instrument.

Continue to expand your skills of score analysis, using the elements and features of music. Explore a wide variety of genres from classical to hard rock.

Hard Out

Go hard out in high intensity, competitive, fun games and sport related activities. Improve your tactical and strategic awareness, interpersonal skills and team cohesion.

Harder Hard Out

Focus on individual training techniques and methods to improve your own skills to be stronger, faster, more agile and go for longer.

Do the Duke!

Start progress towards achieving the internationally recognised Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award.

Learn new skills and develop existing ones, get physically active, give service to your community, and take part in an outdoor adventure

Kaupapa Pai

Help out around the kura and participate in community and environmental projects to support issues that encourage care, compassion and inclusiveness. Learn about other cultures and groups, and help promote awareness and understanding.

Sports by the Numbers

Watch and analyse some live games and see how your favourite sports have been changed by people who love numbers!

Came from Te Waka Unua School

Games: The Future of Storytelling

Learn the techniques used by video game and tabletop game designers to tell a story and see if we can develop a new language of game features to discuss their merits and flaws.

The Newsroom

Learn and use interviewing, reporting, photography, writing and editing skills.

Create our own stories in the Hagley Newsroom.


Think quickly and build on other people’s ideas! Create characters and stories that matter! Develop performance and collaboration skills to make improvised scenes and skits.

The Actor’s Voice

Explore the voice through the work of spoken word. Combine elements of slam and performance poetry, monologues and duologues, and radio play to deliver an experience that is both literary and loud. Gain skills and confidence to perform.

Stage Action

Explore the world of Physical Theatre and learn basic stage combat techniques, as well as the principles of mime and slapstick theatre. We will film the best slapstick scenes and stage combat sequences, compiling a class showreel of Stage Action highlights.


Stage make-up and costume design, making props for the stage or screen.

Centre Stage

Junior Major Production

Strengthen your performance skills and your understanding of drama techniques, conventions and elements. Develop your problem-solving skills and communication skills during the rehearsal and production process.

Gods, Heroes and Monsters of Greek


Explore the world of the ancient Greek Gods. Get to know the stories of the creation of the Gods, heroes and monsters with all their powers, relationships and rivalries.

Great Queens of the Ancient World

Cleopatra VII, Hatshepsut and others

Explore the lives of some of these notable leaders and the impact they had on their societies and continuing impact on people today.

Amazons: Female Warriors of the Ancient World

The Amazons were the warriors that the ancient Greeks feared most of all. Explore the world of these mythical female soldiers and their famous Queens and how they terrorised Greek society.

Food for Life

Learn about the function of foods by testing and trialling recipes. Try a range of food preparation techniques to develop meals for a variety of situations. Learn sustainable eating habits, health, and safe kitchen protocols.

Kai Pai, He Rawe!

Eat Well, Feel Fantastic!

Create great food while improving your kitchen skills and consolidating basic techniques. Learn and use te reo Māori words and phrases for your favourite kitchen activities.


Learn sewing/garment construction skills to re-purpose textile items in a sustainable way into new and different garments or articles. Save money while having a positive impact on reducing textile waste in the environment.

Colour It, Print It – Creative Textile Craft

Personalise your clothing or make your own piece of fabric to then sew into a garment or craft item. Try screen printing, fabric dyeing, glow in the dark threads and embroidery.

Fashion – Make It, Wear It!

Learn how to read and follow a commercial pattern of your own choice. Develop some design ideas for garments, then sew and create statement fashion garments.

Make it, Move it!

Design an item of transport, use hard materials (metal, wood, plastic) to construct your vehicle and take it for a test drive, then pimp your ride with lights!

Learn the skills of Hard Materials Technology.

Make it, Market it!

Using hard materials (metal, wood, plastic), design and build items for a market.

Make it, Box it up!

Design and make your own treasure box, maybe with a secret compartment.

Taonga Tech - Jewellery

Develop modelling skills to ideate and create jewellery relevant to you!

Laser wood cuts, glass work, beading and mixed media are explored.

Synergy Architecture

- Contemporary Architectural Design

Discover the architecture and parallel lives of famous architects. Witness the effects their architectural legacies have had on the world, while taking part in our own architectural design journey using Avant-garde techniques and task challenges.

Synergy Architecture

- Class Bridge Building

You will compete in a class bridge building competition while taking part in tasks that develop your team synergy.

Code ++

Step into the computer – learn the science behind its working. Boss the computer around – learn how to programme and command it. Get it to entertain us – make your own computer game.

Dance for Everyone

Whether you have danced before or have never danced at all and want to give it a go. This is an inclusive dance course for all body types, genders, age and abilities.

Dance Magic Dance

Explore a variety of genres and styles. Improve and extend skills. Learn how to choreograph.

Dance Your Heart Out

More dancing for those that love to move! Extend and consolidate your skills.

Take leadership. Learn a variety of styles while having fun.

Money Makes the World Go Round

A practical, activities-based programme looking at financial life skills that will help you with future decision making eg budgeting, banking, investing, KiwiSaver, impulse buying, credit cards, student loans, and our money personality.

Market Fair

Learn the steps involved in starting and running your own business.

Come up with a product idea, write a simple business plan, create, advertise, and sell your own products at the Hagley College Market Fair.

Q How many Junior classes will there be at Hagley in 2024?

A Five Year 9 classes, five Year 10 classes, and one Targeted Learning class.

Q What are the school times?

A Classes start at 8.30 every day, but 9.40am on Wednesdays. Morning tea is 10.15-10.45am (11.30-11.40 on Wednesdays). Lunch is 12.35-1.20 every day (except Wednesdays which is 12.201.00pm). Classes finish every day at 3.00pm, 2.40pm Wednesdays.

Q How many students per class?

A Junior classes have approximately 25 students, Targeted Learning has 18 students.

Q Who are my go-to people if I have concerns?

A Your Form Tutor, Year 9 and Year 10 Year Advisors, Anne Farrall (College Nurse), one of the Counsellors, or Suzanne Waters (Assistant Principal).

Q Do Year 9 & 10 students choose some of their subjects?

A Yes, there are a wide variety of Kete Wana subjects to choose from.

Q Is there help available for students who are behind in their learning or need extension?

A Yes, we have a strong Learning Support department. We look at individual student needs and work out the best approach to meet them. Support provided might be one-on-one tuition, small group work, a modified programme or other appropriate intervention.

Q Once I’m enrolled, do I get to spend time at Hagley getting to know the campus and staff before starting next year?

A Yes, we have an Orientation Evening for all new Year 9s and their parents/caregivers in November. You get to meet your Form Tutor and your classmates for next year. Parents get to meet each other. Your Form Tutor will talk to you about their role and will take you around the campus again, plus there are lots of opportunities to ask questions. There will be more orientation at the start of the year in 2024 too so you will be very familiar with the College before starting classes.

Q Are there extra transition opportunities for students who are anxious about starting high school?

A Yes, we run a morning Transition Group in December for anyone who needs some extra support through this process. See Suzanne Waters if you want more information about this.

Q Can I do music lessons through school?

A Yes, we have a wide range of tuition available. Lessons are usually free and are timetabled in class or break times. The lessons are taken by the Itinerant Teachers of Music. Signing up for lessons can be done at the Music sign-up desk during Orientation at the start of the year. Students are able to join/form bands.

Q Does Hagley offer sports?

A Yes, we have a lot of different sports teams you can join. The teams compete against other Christchurch high schools. Sign-up is simple – either at the Sports sign-up desk during Orientation at the start of the year or through your PE teacher.

Q Are there clubs that I can join?

A Yes, there are lots of different ones. Some of them are: Enviro Club, Chess, Duke of Edinburgh, Choir, LGBTQI+, Theatre Sports, Pasifika, Junior Band, Book Club, D & D Club, Student Council and Kapa Haka.

Q Are there lockers for students?

A Yes, check at Reception on how to get one. There’s a small key deposit which you will get back at the end of the year.

Q How do I know what’s going on at the school?

A We run a Daily Notices system (on the school app and student portal), plus the screens in the Cafe and main foyer show important notices. The Hagley Website and Hagley Facebook page also keep you up to date with what’s happening in the College. Monthly newsletters are emailed home.

Q Where do I go for lunch if it is wet outside?

A The Cafe, Auripo foyer, Wainuku wellbeing space, or in the corridors where there are seats. There are also student kitchen spaces in the Auripo and Wainuku buildings. The Library is a great place to go once you’ve finished eating.

Q Can parents check their child’s attendance online?

A Yes, we run a “live” attendance system. Staff mark attendance each period and parents can access this via the Parent Portal on the Hagley Website. Usernames and passwords are sent out at the start of the year. The same system works for checking NCEA results once students are in the Senior College.

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