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10 Key Points About Hagley

10 key points about Hagley 0 key points about Hagley Thinking about Hagley for 2022 Thinking about Hagley for 2022 for a Year 12, 13 or pre-tertiary programme? for a Year 12, 13 or pre-tertiary programme?





We’re a Designated Character School. To join us, you must agree to engage with our culture and our values of Whakamarumaru (Responsibility), Mana (Respect), Whakawhirinaki (Trust) and Tika (Integrity). We also need to be confi dent that Hagley has the resources to support you in your learning, that there is a programme that will meet your needs and there is a place for you in that programme.

We’re a restorative school. Building and maintaining positive, respectful relationships is central to our kaupapa.

We’re committed to our bicultural partnership, valuing tikanga Māori, mātauranga Māori, te reo Māori and te ao Māori.

Social action and student leadership are actively promoted and celebrated.

We have an inclusive and diverse learning environment.






We encourage you to study with us fulltime and we can negotiate part-time time and we can negotiate part-time study too. It’s fi ne to choose a combination of It’s fi ne to choose a combination of courses at diff erent levels. courses at diff erent levels. Your wellbeing matters. We off er Your wellbeing matters. We off er timetabled wellbeing modules throughout the year on healthy relationships, study techniques and study opportunities, wellbeing strategies, and skill development for transitioning to tertiary study. You’ll have a tutor to support you. They’re your ‘go to’ person to help you make a success of your time at Hagley. Senior enrolment for 2022 opens in September. Enrolling early will give you the widest course selection, as many programmes fi ll up quickly.


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