Pei-Yi Tsai Portfolio

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Pei-Yi Tsai _ Portfolio _2018


(+886) 963830537 Changhua, Taiwan

EDUCATION Taipei, Taiwan

Sep 2013 - National Taiwan University Of Arts Jan 2017 M.F.A, New Media Art







10:30 AM

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614 車次 Train 04車 Car 13A 2018/11/30







成人 Adult P1 NT$1080 現金 07-2-03-0-363-0505 01844909 2018/11/05發行






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We are dedicated in designing a mobile app featuring Taiwanese night markets to allow users enjoy night market games anywhere anytime, chat with friends in social communities and share experience of the game.


Females (males also) who are into cute and relaxing games. Not suitable for those looking for strategy or quiz-solving games.

Night market is a typical Taiwanese culture. It is popular among locals and also a must-visit for foreign tourists. Besides food and drinks, the love for night market games at night markets is deeply rooted in the locals’ heart. The aim of this research is to find out which are the most popular games, and interviewees’ view on these games.

Field research User interview

User Persona Storyboard




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Times per month


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20-30 31-40

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once 2-3 times 4-5 times over 5 times


three votes per person

From the chart, the top 5 favourite night market games are:

Capsule Toy


Basketball toss


Claw machine

Goldfish scoop

‡ Q: Why or why not would you be interested in this game app?

The games in the app are relaxing and full of surprises. It would be better if it were in the form of VR/AR to enhance virtual reality experience.

I am a big fan of claw machines. It is always good to have more choices, as in reality, I am always restricted to locations and prize varieties.

It’s great to earn prizes at home. Style and mood are important. I would like it to have an atmosphere of night markets, even better if it’s cute!

Night market games should be played at the night markets. Playing on mobiles could be a breath of fresh air in the beginning, but soon people will lose their interest. Besides, prizes and methods of earning them are also crucial. I prefer playing on a real machine. I would give the game app a try, but I think it won’t last. Many customers question fairness of game machines, and often accuse the machine owners of cheating. This problem will be exaggerated when it comes to virtual games.

Only when the game is played at night markets can it be called a night market game, as it is not only a game, but carries memories from people’s childhood. What people like is the bonding between machines and human. If these games become virtual, people might find it hard to relate to them.

About 42% of interviewees worry that they might not like the prize they earn. About 19% of the interviewees explain that they spend too much money on night market games


Experience of playing night market games

I love playing night market games with friends. Capsule toys, claw machines and balloon darts are my top three favourites. Capsule toys are full of surprises and people are always guaranteed of a prize. Claw machines has a wide range of prize variety, though there is no guarantee of winning them. Balloon darts are the best to let off some steam. There is sometimes water in the balloons, and it’s very satisfying to see the water splash. What makes the games fun is to play with friends.



Age: 23 Location: Taipei Visits night markets 3 times a month

Getting the same toys out of capsule toy machines is frustrating. I tend to over-spend on claw machines, especially when the claws are loose. As night markets are outdoors, there will be stalls only if weather permits. Rain is indeed the biggest mood killer!!

Gains The games in the app are relaxing and full of surprises. It would be better if it were in the form of VR/AR to enhance virtual reality experience.

Experience of playing night market games

Office worker Age: 33 Location : Tainan Visits night markets once a month

Taiwan has a really high density of night markets. There people can find snacks and games. Though I have been going to night markets less frequently than before, I never miss out on ring toss, goldfish scoop and pinball whenever I visit one. They are reminiscent of my childhood. In my adolescence, I would invest a large sum of money for winning a certain prize, whereas these games are more of a spice to my life now. However, I am usually too tired to go to night markets after work. Thus, it wouldn’t be better if I could enjoy these games on my mobile.

Pains Only when the games are played at night markets are they reminiscent of my childhood. It would lose its meaning when played on mobiles. I am not fond of virtual games, and prizes are not an attraction to me.

Gains A game app can help me relieve stress from life I hope it can bring back my childhood memory just as a real machine does.


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1 Patty is a 22-year-old student. She likes playing night market games, and dislikes wasting too much money and getting a lousy prize.

2 A friend of hers introduced her a game app featuring night market games.It is not restricted to locations and weather. Moreover, points can be accumulated.

4 Points can be collected and used to exchange for preferable prizes, if a certain match does not offer a prize to player’s liking.

3 Points are awarded through signing in every day, playing with friends and competing with other players.

5 Patty thinks that she is not wasting money on night market games anymore. Moreover, she thinks that she has now one more thing in common with her friends.



10:30 AM


ket a r M N ight


Colour Scheme







Mediot Online Consultation Services APP


Depression, cancer and AIDS, have been listed as the three major diseases of the century. In year 2020, depression will result in the heavy burden of disease, early death and disability, only second to cardiovascular disease. With the rise of National Health Insurance abuse now in Taiwan, patients in need of medical assistance are deprived of health care benefits indirectly. Though telemedicine is currently not yet ubiquitous in Taiwan, more and more emphasis has been laid upon it to reduce unnecessary waste of medical resources.

Mediot is an online psychological consultation app. Patients can make reservation with psychological consultants, and receive preliminary consultation sessions online. Mediot devotes in the development of telemedicine tools, through which it investigates the feasibility of telemedicine in distance health care. This study aims to look into the ways to promote correct understanding and proliferation of telemedicine to the public. This study is an extension from an UX Workshop. In the workshop, my team and I distributed the survey to 198 respondents, and selected 26 from the target group to conduct in-depth interviews. We analysed the results retrieved from the survey and interviews, to draw up Insights and Journey Map. Lastly, we pinpointed current issues and proposed possible solutions.




In-depth Interviews










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User Journey Map

Affinity Diagram KJ





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Theme: Consultation rate Insight: Some students experience depressed mood. However, they often refrain from seeking assistance from psychological consultants or attending multiple sessions due to financial reasons. Thus they are vulnerable to treatment delay.

Theme: Information of consultants Insight: Most patients gather required information online or through friends and relatives.

Theme: Issues of consultation sessions Insight: Some patients responded that they were only prescribed with medication without any substantial psychological feedback , for they believe medication is only a suppression of symptoms, but not an effective cure. And thus, many patients think that consultation sessions are not effective.

Theme: App Interface Insight: Users interested in Mediot do not find the interface easy to use. Users have to click onto the profile of each and every doctor before finalizing on a suitable one. Theme: Distance consultation Insight: Gesture and body language are lacking in distance consulting. Therefore, such consultants may not be able to provide comprehensive diagnoses. Insight: Though distance consultation bears the advantage of time and location, reliability of diagnoses is questioned due to the lack of face to face consultation. Besides, patients also worry about personal information leak.


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“How Might We encourage specific target groups to use distance consultation under affordable price range?” “How Might We match expectation of patients to the consulting sessions? ” “How Might We improve the telemedicine App’s Interface? “How Might We increase the overall satisfaction of the patients during distance consultation?" “How Might We improve information security?


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‹  Before Consultation

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feeling stressed out complaining to friends

“I want to vent my woes�

friends recommended her professional psychologists

“Professional psychologists must be able to help.�

heading to a clinic

“Which department should I go to?�

registe and wa

“It won’t t

“It has to be covered by National Health Insurance.�

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Expecting an immediate emotional relief

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Lack of knowledge to register at the right department

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Waiting lo

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After Consultation

During Consultation

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ake long.�

g for too ong


given prescription

“Why isn’t there feedback?�

“Didn’t expect medication!�

Results do not meet expectations

going home

“I’m still feeling terrible.� “It took me a lot of time.�

taking medicine

experiencing side effects

“Medicine will help.� “I want to throw up� “I am feeling worse.�

Still feeling emotionally distressed

Causing resource waste by going to the wrong department






Background Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) is becoming the first choice transportation for travelling between cities. Tickets are sold out fast especially on holidays. From my observation, a major cause to the congestion at the ticket gate is the time spend on the staff’s checking of each passenger’s ticket.

Current design:

Problems existing in this design: It’s hard for passengers to uncover crucial information on a ticket. In current design, there is inappropriate priority levels of information and insufficient white space to ensure eyes are drawn to the message needed. Information on a ticket should be easily accessible at a glance to reduce anxiety level of passengers who are in a hurry, and to improve staff efficiency, and thus, in turn to provide a better riding experience. In my opinion, stroke weight and line spacing has to be reconsidered to help tickets clearly surface the information a user needs.

Moreover, it is not intuitive to insert tickets into ticket gate slots vertically, while tickets have a horizontal design.


SENARIO A ticket-centred train riding procedure:

Purchasing tickets

Confirming ticket information (date and time , departure time, train number)

Pick up ticket

entering ticket gate

( )

exit ticket gate

manual / machine ticket check


manual / machine ticket check

From the above, we may conclude the information required for each user:

date & time

date & time

seat number

train number



ticket type

614 車次 Train 04車 Car 13A Information for passengers







Information for staff

成人 Adult P1 NT$1080 現金

07-2-03-0-363-0505 01844909 2018/11/05發行



train number car number


Increase font size and weight on important information

Reorganise priority level of information

Optimize layout

White space is enlarged, and the top and bottom are shaded with THRS colour. Different shapes of colour blocks are used to tell top from bottom.

Information is reorganised according requirement of users.

614 車次 Train 04車 Car 13A

Limit: Top right corner has to be left blank for hole punching.







Staff check ticket type by reading the bottom left corner .


成人 Adult P1 NT$1080 現金

07-2-03-0-363-0505 01844909 2018/11/05發行

Passengers confirm ticket information by reading the largest words in the centre. This piece of information should stand out from others, as it is the most relevant to passengers.




This is my graduation project at Department of New Media Art of National Taiwan University of Art. From raw ideas to after effect, I completed this art piece myself. I expand projection region from one wall to three and played as VJ to align sound and graphics to the dance, to present an inter-disciplinary performance.

2016 Artist VJ Sound design Dancer

Pei-YI Tsai Pei-YI Tsai Pei-YI Tsai Heng Wang

Motivation of Creation This is an inter-disciplinary VJ performance created through projection mapping, sound art and modern dance. The purport of this art piece is to depict the aesthetics under patriarchy, illustrate females’ breaking through from patriarch framework, and reflect on the capability of females’ defying from current stereotype of beauty.

Play Video


Rethink Elements Female body Images and videos of mannequins are shot prior to performance. Mannequins are chosen to be the base element as they are widely recognized as the standard female figure for garment display. In my art work, mannequins serve as a symbol of shackled body under the ideal female figure of patriarchy.

Slogan Barber Kruger splits the image of a female face into two, to symbolize the fight and pain inside females in striving for kowtowing to beauty standards of patriarchy. The strong contrast in the image leaves an indelible impression upon viewers. Kruger’s work deconstructs the media culture about objectification of females by males. Barber Kruger, “Untitled (Your body is a battleground)”,1989

Measuring tape On the projection screen is a male’s hand winding a measuring tape around a mannequin. This conveys an image of objectifying females, and the numerical values on the tape represent beauty standard of Male Gaze. It slowly shifts females’ expectation on themselves, measuring their own figure with an invisible tape that mentally confines them.

Scissors Scissors shredded the measuring tape wound on the mannequin. This metaphorises the destruction of beauty standard under patriarchy.


This art piece conveys an idea that women should not define themselves according to patriarchy standard of beauty. Instead, they should regain autonomy of their own body.



2017 Artist Interactive Programmer


Pei-YI Tsai Chia-Hsiang Lee

The projectors are extension if the performing. The three projecting screens echo with one another on the concepts from shackles on female body, labelling, self-reflection to incapability to defy patriarchy mentality.

Play Video


I used Processing to project images onto 4 regions, including 3 walls and a mannequin, with 2 projectors.

Layout Wall




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Mapping Storyboard Content It starts with heavy breaths of a female, symbolizing her suffering of suffocation due to the beauty standard.



Heavily influenced by standard aesthetics. The facial image starts to flash faster and slowly blur out, as if she were consciousless.


The shackles of patriarchy weigh her down. The cry for freedom sprouted up deep from her heart, longing to free herself from judges and critics of others.


The banner is to show the irony of measuring a female’s beauty by golden ratio.


A female cuts the shackles of patriarchy with scissors.

Content The skin tone of mannequin coheres with shredding of measuring tape on the three walls in the background. This indicates that she is to accept her original figure.

Content Scissors represent the defiance against patriarchy. Meanwhile, her inner self is also trying to break free from external judges and expectation exerted on her.

Content As she is imbued with the standard of beauty, she returns to the state of breathing, self-reflection and swirls down the spiral of defiance and conforming, living in contradiction.



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