^ 1 0 5 0 」 5 V
0 0 0 系 列
,」"^匕匕匕匕匕匕匸 」1^ " ③ " I 一丄''、―'"^
^適用範圍: 。 八 ^ ^ 口 。 八 丁 10门5: 食品業、飲料業、電子業、窀機業、電線電镄業、化妝品業、製藥業、鋼鐵業、石化工業、印刷業等
。特性: "「曰八丁01^55: 方便、操作簡單,體積小、重量輕易於搬動,保養、維護極小化,穩定、清晰噴印品質
^5?曰01「10八丁 10门5:
1.配合各種產品生產線,可作包裝之自動噴印:製造曰期、有效期限、流水號、批號、換班號、條碼、圖型、各國文字及隱形 追蹤暗號。 "!.新開發環保油墨,符合8(^5標準。 3^高效能低成本,達到最經濟與高效率的運作。
7/^10^510? 10 丁 0 0 ^ 170
12-8厂.~0國239^ 5 ^ ^ 1: 0^70^0 ^ . , 51」9旧015丁, "&/V
新北市汐止區大同路-段239號12-8樓 電話:02-26486812 傳真:02-26486819 網址:110卩://^^'"(^(:!!."!!!.^ !^卩://喷卞機 屯子^I箱:11(1.16011^11153.1111161.061
, 日 0 1 丁丫 221. 丁 六 I 画
751: 886-2-26486812 886-2-26486819 (!羊〃喷'?機.^ 6-111311: 114161:|1@11153上||161|161 2 0 1 1 / 2 0 1 2
包 装 機 械 採 媾 指 南
V I 0 5 0 」 5丁 V
3 0 0 0 系 列 0
8 圧 " I 巴 8 2 雷 射 雕 刻 機
^八??口(;八丁 10^15:
3000系列是同級中最快的雷射雕刻機,掃描速度達到1,200字《每秒以上,線速度達到10米〗每秒以上。 即使在高速生產線上,依然保持穩定持續的噴印品質,可打印多行數字訊息,各國字形、圖形、符猇和各種連綃號。
一5?501「10;^!" 101^5:
1.模組化設計和標準化組件,適於各式生產環境可方便快速更換組合使用。 1. 71。60』6 3000系列雷射雕刻機設計了多角度旋轉雷射頭方便適於各式生產環境使用。 3^配合各種產品生產線,可作包裝之自動噴印:製造0期、有效期限、流水號、批號、換班號、條碼^岡型、各國文字及其他可變訊息。 可達1200個字力每秒《視應用而定、 10 1 ,200 0^13^30(6!'3 ^6「 56000^ ((!^^0^109 00 1^16 3 口 口 " ( ^ " ( ^ ) 可達10浙每秒(:1800英毎分鐘,祝應用而定, 11116 3 卩 6 6 。 0卩10 10 1716,6「5 ^6「 560011。 11,800 卩6「 1111门^6^ 。6卩6门。^9 0门出6 31)^)1 ^^!^!!) 靜態打印:接近44x44 ^至177x177 ^ ^標準型〉或226x325 ^選購〉;打印行數無限制 打印範圍 ^3^119 ? 161(1 8131(003^7 ?''0(1110(3: 3^卩「0乂, 44x44 01012 10 177x1 77 ( ^ ! ^ ^ ^ ^ ) 0「 226x325 01012 ^ ! ^ ^ ! ) ; 1^01101 !16(1 110166「 11063 密封002雷射,功率等級10^30^50^ ^射巧 乙356「 丁化6 56316(1 002 1336^ ^6[-01353 1 0 ^ 3 0 ^ 5 0 ^ 精密光學鏡頭:標準焦距64/957127/ 190/254 0101(2.5/3.75; 5 力 〃 ^ 10.0英吋) 焦距 選購焦距:63.5; 85; 100/ 1 5 0 / 測 3 0 0 ; 351 ; 400 0101 12.50/ 3.35; 3.94; 5.9; 7.87! 11.8/ 13.8/ 15.75英吋) ? 001^3109 ?803100 0^103: 3!30。3「。【00311609^5 64; 95; 1211190/ 254 ^(!^! 3.7515.017.5110.0 ! ^ ^ ^ ) 0卩110门31 ^003116门9^5: 635 851 100/150; 200; 300; 351/400 ^ 12.50/ 3.35; 3.94; 5.9】7.87; 11.8/13.8/15.75旧^巧) 100-240 〖白動調整),、50/60!"!^, 1 ?!"!, 0.40^ 范源^求 100-240 ^0 (八"^!^^), ~5^6014^ 1 ? ^ 0.40^ 冷卻系統 氣冷式 八1「 000(6(1 0001(09 5^5*601 選購『65;雷射等級4產品 密封及安全標準 8631109 30(1 83(6^ 3(3063^3 1。545, 0卩1100311^65; 1六568 01^35 4 ^「0^01 打印速度 ^13^109 8卩66。 線速度
7/^10^510? 10 丁 0 0 ^ 170
12-8厂.~0國239^ 5 ^ ^ 1: 0^70^0 ^ . , 51」9旧015丁, "&/V
新北市汐止區大同路-段239號12-8樓 電話:02-26486812 傳真:02-26486819 網址:110卩://^^'"(^(:!!."!!!.^ !^卩://喷卞機 電子^箱:化化化⑨!!^^.!^!^!.!^!
, 日 0 1 丁丫 221. 丁 六 I 画
751: 886-2-26486812 886-2-26486819 (!羊〃喷'?機.^ 6-111311: 114161:|1@11153上||161|161 2 0 1 1/2 0 1 2
包 装 機 械 採 睫 指 南
日 0 」 5 色
?I 0 3 字
^ 「 " 丁 11战5:
1.徹底寞現以最完美的可II度及效率~將自動計算型可粉料~髙,影像~棵識、圈形及訊息~以髙速~大量的方式~自勅列印於軟性材質包裝袋及標搔上~ 2以電腦尖端科技分析方法設計而成^及經8機證明&丄業界最穩定~深得客戶信賴的可^度,完全解決工業界;14期闲色帶問相關問题引起的停機困擾^ 1達到將操作成本降至最低的理想境界,使客戶投资發揮至極致的效應-減少停機時間, 4大螢幕直接18控式、人性化操作介面~操作人貝輕鬆上手~毋需搪心學習困難,或經常發生操作出錯問題,避免人工錯誤的風險。 5.^1?、彈性變化的設計~符台客戶各種階段不同及未來的布品線變化'躬求。
^規格: 列印頭尺寸 列印區域
列 印 ,
170 : 55,0^110)1101,300*1 112 ( ^ ! / ^ 田 ) 6210 : 3217111 , 3004)1 ^ 1200她、 間断列日』模式 53171171 75111111 ( 長 ) ^ 83咖(寬)
連^夕':|卬模式 135咖(長〉^ 53^1111 (宽) 107隱 750101 ( ^ ) ^ 10717101 (寬) 200(1101 ( ^ ) X 107(1101 (宽) 6210 30111111 ( 長 ) X 3211111 (宽) 30(11111 ( 長 ^ X 32(1111 問斷式最小速度 間斷式最大皿 ,式最小速度 迎瑭式玆大速度 5301111 50 0101/560 800^/360 40 !!1/560 1000 0101/360 107隱 5011101/560 7000^11/360 40 01111/560 800 171171/560 6210 50 0101/860 200 0101/360 40 01171/860 500 0101/360 丌0 : 8.4英时7?!3^ ^800 x 6 0 0 全 ^100觸控式面板、所^^所得印前預!8 、完整的面板診斷分析;^巨、3届級密碼保護,支援多 塑;371 6210 : 5.7英吋~彩色0^(^08^《240x320園素)100屬控式面板、所見即附寻印前預贊、面板診断分析功能、3展級密鹏護、支援
^ - ^ ]
最大色帶^度 (不间等級及顏色)
多國蹈霄 ^^的各稗,胎、^脂注3及食:V;級色帶 53(1101 : 發 誦 公 尺 10701111 : 450*600公尺 6210 : 600公尺
。帶^ ^輕微的色帶未^川虽 列印^ ^^計^巧;
扱小 53隱
55 111171
^ 、無雕合器雙向色^驅觔,包括:色帶斷裂侦測、巻軸水端侦測、色帶用^顯示、色帶節^^式:交鉛式、^^^507。色帶1 每 ^ 列 印 , 1&問只"1 "^的夫使川色帶區問 ^^1^130^軟髖,儲々:於打印機內部16記憶體:々,辫山隨&碟^8232戟人
7/^10^510? 10 丁 0 0 ^ 170
12-8厂.~0國239^ 5^^ 1: 0^70^0 ^ . , 51」9旧015丁, "&/V
新北市汐止區大同路-段239號12-8樓 電話:02-26486812 傳真:02-26486819 網址:110卩://^^'"(^(:!!."!!!.^ !^卩://喷卞機 電子^箱:化化化⑨!!^^.!^!^!.!^!
, 日 0 1 丁丫 221. 丁 六 I 画
751: 886-2-26486812 886-2-26486819 (!羊〃喷'?機.^ 6-111311: 114161:|1@11153上||161|161 2 0 1 1 / 2 0 1 2
包 装 機 械 採 媾 指 南
^ 「曰"丁 1^曰3:
" 特 性 :
^^160181 8510簡易輕巧的模組化噴頭設計,保養維護方便。 ^^1@0^@18510可以配合各種行業產品生產線標示,可作包裝之6動噴印:製造日期、有效期限、流水號、批號、換班號、條 碼、圖型、各國文字及其他可變訊息。 高品質噴印 ,高辨識率《達到600^1》噴印,適用於辨識率要求的噴印產品 。 ,可同時連接4個噴頭^完美的噴印品質。 最佳搭配性 ,4個噴頭設計,方便於包裝生產線上使用。 ,方便的操作控制應用。 操作簡便 ,可兑即可得圖形用戶界面。 ,方便簡單的操作界面。 ,五次點選即可完成所有常用操作。 ,操作簡潔明嘹。 防止編輯錯誤 ,彩色觸控螢幕"所見即所得"避免設定錯誤。 ,可選擇11 5 8掃瞄器,方便選擇噴印內容。 使用成本低 ,模組化設計沒有其他活動零件。 ,除了墨水匣更換外,沒有任何其他磨損或更換'零件。
7^10^10? 10 丁
新北市汐止區大同路-段239號12-8樓 電話:02-26486812 傳真:02-26486819 網址:110卩://^^'"(^(:!!."!!!.^ !^卩://喷卞機 電子信箱:11(1.16(111^11153.111061.061
12-8厂.~0國239^ 5 ^ ^ 1: 0^70^0 ^ . , 51」9旧015丁, "&/V , 日 0 1 丁丫 221. 丁六1画 751: 886-2-26486812 886-2-26486819
00, 170
(!羊〃喷'?機.^ ^111311: 11(1.161:1^11153.1111161.1161 2 0 1 1 / 2 0 1 2
包 装 機 械 採 睫 指 南
V 」 2 1 2 0
」 5 丁 大 字 體 外
2 1 2 0 箱
^「巳八丁 0^已5:
^ 特 性 :
2120大字體使用非常簡^方便,可用在多種產品包裝上噴印單行或雙行英文數字編碼.它有多種噴頭和墨水可供選擇,因此能 夠在各種滲透性材料與非滲透性材料上噴印,可以在同一台觸控螢幕上控制多個噴頭。
" 規 格 : ,低成本,保養維護方便。 ,適合在滲透性材料與非滲透性材料上噴印。 ,噴印高度可調整。 ,可噴印二行內容。 ,多組訊息儲存選擇。 ,墨水用途廣泛。 ,可使用1138儲存檔案及噴印資料轉存到其它噴字機上
7/^10^510? 10 丁 0 0 ^ 170
新北市汐止區大同路-段239號12-8樓 電話:02-26486812 傳真:02-26486819 網址:110卩://^^'"(^(:!!."!!!.^ !^卩://喷卞機 屯子^I箱:11(1.16011^11153.1111161.061
12-8厂.~0國239^ 5 ^ ^ 1: 0^70^0 ^ . , 51」9旧015丁, "&/V , 日 0 1 丁丫 221. 丁六I画 751: 886-2-26486812 886-2-26486819 (!羊〃喷'?機.^ 6-111311: 114161:|1@11153上||161|161 2 0 1 1 /2 0 1 2
包 装 機 械 採 睫 指 南
徹底實現以最完美的可靠度、及效率,將自動計算型可變資料、 高解柝影像、標識、8形、及訊息,以高速、大量的方式,自動 列印於軟性材質包裝袋及標藏上。 參以《98尖端科技分析矛法設計而成,及經實機^明 為 工 ^ 界 定 ' 澤 4 客 戶 ^ 賴 的 可 笼 度 - 完 全 解決工業界"&期闪色^相"間^引起的停機III擾 壽遣,':將操怍成本降4^低的埋想境界、使^"客戶投 资發扭《&致的效應^滅少伶機畤開 會大螢慕直接^控式、人性化槺作莽面,樣作人8& &就乎、不用擔心學習阇^ 問^ , 會精實^
、 或 ^ 常 ^ ± ^ 作 出 "
人工"^的^險 ^性-化的^計,??^客戶各#現? ^段不岡
\^111611品牌來自於英國,三十年屹立不搖,樹立 了一種「實用簡約」的風潮及典範。操作簡單, 保養方便。全新推出的^111611 630噴印機,噴印品 質超群卓越,可確保生產效率和正常執行時間的 有效提升。專業的^111611 630噴印機,實為滿足基 本噴印要求而設計的高性能技術典範。
超群的噴印品質 動態校正技術(:^门^^比。 3 1113「 3 110门顶)可確保噴 印品質在各種環境下保持一致。 為獲得最佳效果而專門設計的墨水系列
人性化的操作介面,使得操作資訊一覽無餘。 "!"快速鍵,一鍵檢修,快速簡單。
世 界 第 一 品 牌 1^^
1^1)111116 ?6016 0\
電 8 8 噴 印 機 的 I I 佳 3 攆
一完美、穩定、清晰的產品標識 一符合歐盟6045鹵素標準的環保油墨&食用級油墨! 方便、簡單的操作
啓益科技股份有限公司 丁3I^I8V6|0(^ 10 丁60(1 00^ 1.16. 031^台北總公司:(02^2648-6812
新北市汐止8大同路一 13239號12樓之8 丁 " : 886-2-2648-6812 5-111811: 110.1,0)011188.11111*1.1^1 「八X : 886-2-2648-6819 !!"?:〃""^.!""^:!!.^:。".!" (!"?:〃!!字機.∼ 中 8 : (^^)^^!"/^^^ 台 中 : ( ( ^? "^^^-!^^
Marking, coding and systems solutions
Baked goods & cereal
We know the unique challenges you face on your production lines. From harsh production environments to multiple products and packaging types to tight profit margins that drive the need for operational efficiency, we’ve developed solutions to address each of these issues.
When your ovens are on, your packaging printers need to be running too. In the baked goods industry, Videojet can solve virtually any coding and marking challenge. Whatever you’re baking – from bread and cookies to cakes and cereals – and wherever you need to accurately code information – from bread bags and pouches to cartons and cases – partnering with Videojet offers you these key efficiency, operational and financial advantages: Uptime advantage All our innovations are designed and engineered to give you what we call the uptime advantage. We know continuous baking processes cannot stop for downstream issues, so keeping lines running is mission critical. Fresh products combined with narrow profit margins do not allow for unplanned stops. Code Assurance Even if you’re running multiple product and packaging types on a single line, our Code Assurance innovations don’t just mean getting your coding right. They make getting it wrong virtually impossible. So whatever your production and coding challenges, our solutions enable you to overcome them.
Built–in productivity Our solutions are simply more available, more of the time. Whether your production facilities are hot, dusty and dry, freezing cold or soaking wet, we enable you to maximize your line efficiency and minimize your cost of ownership. Simple usability The extensive Videojet product line could not be faster or simpler for your team to integrate onto your lines and master. The result? Your operators spend less time interacting with the printing equipment and more time focusing on production.
Coding technologies for your packaging type: Packaging Type
Bread Bag
Bread Closure
Flow Pack
✔ ✔
Multiple package types, six technologies, one name - Videojet Coding technologies Baked goods and cereal companies around the world work with a variety of packaging and closure types, each bringing their own requirements and challenges. Videojet offers you a full suite of coding solutions to mark your products reliably, safely and efficiently, even in tough production environments.
Continuous Ink Jet (CIJ) Fluid based, non-contact printing of up to five lines of text, linear and 2D bar codes, or graphics, printed on a variety of packaging types including stationary packaging via traversing systems.
Thermal Ink Jet (TIJ) Ink-based, non-contact printing using heat and surface tension to move ink onto a package surface. Generally used to print 2D DataMatrix and other bar codes.
Laser Marking Systems A beam of infrared light focused and steered with a series of carefully controlled small mirrors to create marks where the heat of the beam interacts with the packaging surface.
Thermal Transfer Overprinting (TTO) A digitally controlled printhead precisely melts ink from a ribbon directly onto flexible films to provide high resolution, real-time prints.
Label Printer Applicator (LPA) Prints and places labels of various sizes on multiple package types.
Large Character Marking (LCM) Ink-based, non-contact printing of multiple data types (alphanumeric, logos and bar codes) in large sizes primarily used for secondary packaging such as cases.
Innovative solutions for every step of your process Bread bagger and closure system The use of preformed bread bags lends itself to a select group of coding technologies. The simple solution is to integrate on your conveyor to allow for bag marking after each product has been sealed and closed. The type of closure you use determines whether it is possible to print on it and what technology should be chosen to perform the task. For optimal results, the printer should be integrated directly with the closure system.
Flow wrapper Videojet has several solutions for flow wrapping applications regardless of your line speeds. Although coding downstream of the flow wrapper is possible, the highest quality codes are typically obtained by printing on the film prior to packaging.
Innovative solutions for every step of your process
Vertical form fill seal Whether intermittent or continuous motion, Videojet has a range of printers to address the growing complexity of VFFS bags and pouches. Packaging features, like zippers and gussets, require a thoughtful selection of the right coding technology.
Cartoner Traditionally good material handling enables a range of technologies either integrated with the machine or immediately downstream in the outfeed. The optimal installation location will depend upon the size constraints of both the cartoner and the preferred coding technology.
Case packer and sealer Printers are best integrated on your conveyor after the sealed case has been discharged. The type and amount of information you want to print on your cases determines which of our solutions is ideal for you.
Flow pack coding
Keep pace with flow wrapping technology
Innovations in packaging equipment and industry trends are resulting in increasing flow wrapping speeds. You’ll want to take advantage of this growing capability for higher throughput and enjoy the effect it has on profitability. But cost-effective, high quality coding is still a necessity and not all printers are created equal. In fact, Videojet has matched these innovations in packaging speeds with a range of coding options. Videojet can help you feel confident that your entire message will appear clearly and in the right space on the product, while still keeping your lines running.
Widthwise and lengthwise
Thermal Transfer Overprinting (TTO)
Continuous Ink Jet (CIJ)
Laser Marking Systems
• produces high resolution codes on flexible film without solvents
• meets the needs of high speed flow wrapping applications
• creates clear, consistent and permanent codes with limited consumables
• integrates directly into the line and prints on the film prior to packaging the product
• coding will be applied either before or after the product has been packaged
• integrate directly with the flow wrapper to ensure more consistent placement of the code
• ideal for printing dates, logos, bar codes, nutrition facts, other product information and graphics
• code changes are simple through a user-friendly message creation interface or connection to networking software
• ideal for pre-printed polypropylene films as the laser can remove the ink without damaging the film
Bread bag coding
A more permanent code with clear options
Bread bag closure
While many bakeries choose to code on bread closures, coding on bread bags can ensure a more permanent and visible code as consumers may remove the closure, losing the code on it. However, the light poly preformed bags can only be coded on after the bag has been filled and closed and is on the conveyor. In addition, this packaging material tends to melt when hot methods of coding are used on it. Our printers address these concerns.
The perfect code, perfectly positioned
Top of bag
Getting a CIJ code on a bread bag can be difficult. Crinkling or too much air in the bag can ruin a code. Dark breads may also make a code on the bag difficult to read. Simple solutions, such as adding a metal guide to flatten the bag, help deliver consistent and high quality coding while printing a code on a light colored pre-printed rectangle provides appropriate contrast with ink to avoid obscuring the code on a bag with dark bread as the background. Front of bag
Top and front of bag
Top and front of bag
Continuous Ink Jet (CIJ)
Thermal Transfer Overprinting (TTO)
• versatile coding method for irregular or curved surfaces such as bread bags
• most commonly integrated with a label applicator
• non-contact coding maintains product and packaging integrity
• can include both variable and static information such as bar codes, sell by date and price
• variety of specialty inks including odorless and non-MEK inks
• Code Assurance features help reduce coding errors
Bread bag coding
Not all closures are created equal Special closures have been designed to seal preformed bags to ensure the freshness of the product, for consumer friendly use and to provide an area for marking sell by dates. We offer you three proven solutions.
Global solutions for localized applications While bread in preformed bags is a common sight around the world, the type of closure used can vary from country to country and even within regions of a country. Twist ties, tamper evident tape and plastic clips are the most common closures. Additionally, the location of the code is variable. Depending on where you are in the world, bread may be coded on the bag, on the closure or both. Whatever your location and requirements, Videojet offers you a coding solution.
Bread bag closure
Bread bag closure
Bread bag closure
Continuous Ink Jet (CIJ)
Thermal Transfer Overprinting (TTO)
Laser Marking Systems
• suitable for most closures
• simple, direct contact coding
• most effective when used to print a single line, such as a simple date code
• allows for more information to be printed on tamper evident tape than other coding technologies
• ideal for crisp, clear and permanent coding
• range of inks for different closure materials
• testing on your closure is critical before you purchase a laser for this application
Bag and pouch coding
Get more from your printer
Managing multiple pre-printed films for multiple products running on the same line can be cumbersome and costly. TTO gives you the capability to print product information during packaging and variabilize mark content to limit pre-printed film variations. TTO can print high resolution logos, bar codes and product information, giving you the ultimate in flexibility and efficiency.
Product information
Standard code
Product information and standard code
Thermal Transfer Overprinting (TTO)
Continuous Ink Jet (CIJ)
• directly integrates with vertical form fill seal machines (VFFS) to produce high quality codes
• particularly useful for coding on more complicated applications such as preformed pouches and bags with very thick resealable zippers
• work with an experienced partner as space to integrate on these machines can be limited • suitable to print on lines with intermittent or continuous motion
Standard code
• can seamlessly integrate with your VFFS equipment to take advantage of the material handling of the film
Carton coding
The benefits of integration
Coders are integrated either directly with a cartoner or on the outfeed conveyor after the carton has been filled and sealed. Although integration directly with the cartoner can require more planning, it offers you considerable benefits. These include more consistent coding due to more precise material handling and the use of existing guards on the machine. These advantages are similar for other types of packaging machinery.
Side of carton
Top of carton
Top and side of carton
Top and side of carton
Top and side of carton
Laser Marking Systems
Thermal Ink Jet (TIJ)
Continuous Ink Jet (CIJ)
• simple and clean method of marking text, bar codes or images while utilizing virtually no consumables
• high quality ink-based printing solution that works best with either porous carton materials or in a print window that masks the aqueous overcoat
• a versatile coding method
• prints at a higher resolution than other ink-based systems
• colored inks can be used to create contrast on different colored cartons
• a CO2 laser will remove a top layer of pre-printed ink to expose the layer underneath, resulting in a high quality, bright code against the dark background
• codes adhere to virtually all common carton materials, including those with aqueous overcoats and other varnishes
• ideal for printing multiple lines of text, bar codes and other complex data
Coding on cases
The case for accurate coding
Getting legible and accurate information on your cases is vital to you effectively identifying and moving your goods through your supply chain. We have multiple solutions to offer, from simple text information printed directly on the case to high resolution labelling applied automatically. The right solution will depend on your needs. We’ve outlined the options below.
Case coding improves supply chain efficiency and reduces costs Printing lot, batch and supplier-specific information clearly on your cases creates a traceability point visible to your warehouse, wholesaler and retailer, thus providing rapid identification to aid effective movement of your products. Additionally, printing this information directly on the case simplifies packaging demands by standardizing to a common box style for different trading partners.
Direct to label
Direct to case
Direct to label
Direct to case
Large Character Marking (LCM)
Label Print & Apply
Laser Marking Systems
• prints information directly on the case including scannable bar codes
• high quality thermal transfer coding direct to the label
• very cost-effective and dependable
• delivers high resolution text and bar codes
• eliminates the cost, stocking and management of labels, as well as the need for customer-specific pre-printed cases
Direct to case
• labels can be configured at the printer via an easy-to-use menu • automatic application offers greater speed, accuracy and error prevention than hand labelling
• a DataLase® coated case marked with a laser will produce a dark black and extremely high resolution print • prints graphics, multisized text and bar codes directly onto corrugated boxes • especially useful for water-resistant coated boxes, as it enables clear, dark printing without damage to the protective coating
®DataLase is a registered trademark of Datalase Limited
Supplies & accessories
Customized solutions for your application
Every coding application is different. That is why we offer one of the most comprehensive selections of supplies and accessories in order to customize our solution for your unique application. For example, with the broadest portfolio of CIJ inks and the industry’s leading team of ink application chemists, Videojet has spent over 40 years developing specialty formulations ideal for baked goods and cereal applications. We also work directly with the major OEMs and have a wide range of accessories for each printing technology to seamlessly integrate our printers into your production lines.
Specially developed inks and fluids
Customized accessories for almost any application
• formulated for most types of flexible films and cartons • high performance in hot and cold production environments • odorless and non-MEK inks
• dual head CIJ printers and traversing systems • stainless steel brackets, sealed rubber rollers and platens for TTO applications • fume extractors, beam turning units and beam shields for laser applications and integration
Advanced TTO ribbons • advanced backcoat technology for higher image quality and for protection and extension of printhead life • wide variety of colors
Videojet – accurate, reliable and cost effective printing
Continuous Ink Jet (CIJ)
Laser Marking Systems
Thermal Ink Jet (TIJ)
The most versatile of all variable coding technologies, CIJ prints on nearly any package type or product shape you might use. Its flexible operation makes it a popular choice for baked goods and cereal applications.
Laser marking systems simplify your process and improve the appearance and readability of your baked goods and cereal products by permanently etching the material surface without physical contact or any need for extra supplies.
This technology is ideal if you print high quality text and bar codes on cartons, ensuring that even complex and detailed codes are clearly readable for your downstream partners and consumers.
Suggested solution:
Suggested solution:
Suggested solution:
Our 1550 CIJ produces clear codes and virtually eliminates ink mishandling by using foolproof ink cartridges. Its CleanFlow™ printhead design reduces ink buildup and doesn’t require plant air. The modular core delivers up to 12,000 hours of production between scheduled maintenance for maximum line uptime.
Our 3020 laser is a versatile entry-level 10-Watt CO2 laser that is compact and easy to set up. With scribing laser technology and large marking fields, it gives you excellent mark quality on cartons, cases, plastics and other packaging types. For faster packaging speeds, the Videojet 3320 is the ideal solution.
Our 8510 TIJ coder delivers high resolution prints and bar codes on your packaging. Its compact design integrates easily into your production processes, while its flexible communications and menu-driven interface make the 8510 easy to configure and use.
Thermal Transfer Overprinting (TTO)
Large Character Marking (LCM)
Label Print Applicator (LPA)
Perfect for your flexible packaging applications, this technology gives you high quality codes and images, from date, time and ingredients to allergy warnings and logos.
Make pre-printed cartons and labels unnecessary by printing your supply chain information directly on the cases, saving time and eliminating the costs and production delays associated with labels.
When your customers demand labels or you are using darker corrugated cases, an LPA automatically applies labels to cases to ensure high accuracy across a range of substrates.
Suggested solution:
Suggested solution:
Suggested solution:
Our DataFlex速 Thermal Transfer Overprinter combines high resolution printing and ribbon-saving technology for highly legible codes and minimal waste. The intuitive interface and color touchscreen make product changeovers simple and efficient.
Our 2300 line of printers are ideal for your high resolution case coding applications such as printing alphanumeric text, logos, images and bar codes. Through our patented micropurge process, the printhead is automatically cleaned and maintained, helping to ensure that your bar codes are scannable and text is crisp and legible.
The P3400 Label Printer Applicator is designed for tough industrial environments, making it extremely capable in countless applications.
Peace of mind comes as standard Videojet is a world leader in industrial coding and marking solutions, with more than 325,000 printers installed worldwide. Here’s why… • We leverage over 40 years of globally gained expertise to help you specify, install and utilize the most cost-effective solution; one best suited to your operations.
• We have earned a reputation for both the long-term reliability of our products and excellent customer service, so you can choose Videojet and relax.
• We deliver a wide range of products and technologies that deliver tangible results across an extensive range of applications.
• Our international network includes more than 3,000 staff and over 175 distributors and OEMs, in 135 countries. So wherever and whenever you’re ready to do business, we’re ready to serve.
• Our solutions are highly innovative. We are committed to investing in new technologies, research and development and continuous improvement. We stay at the forefront in our industry, to help you do the same in yours.
Global Headquarters Videojet Sales & Service Offices Manufacturing & Product Development Countries with Videojet Sales & Service Countries with Videojet Partner Sales & Service
Call 800-843-3610 Email info@videojet.com or visit www.videojet.com Videojet Technologies Inc. 1500 Mittel Blvd. Wood Dale IL 60191 / USA
©2013 Videojet Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. Videojet Technologies Inc.’s policy is one of continued product improvement. We reserve the right to alter design and/or specifications without notice. Part No. SL000566 Bakery/Cereal-0413 Printed in U.S.A.
Ink Jet. Laser. Thermal Transfer. Labelers. Track & Trace. Supplies. Parts & Service.
Marking, Coding and System Solutions Meat and Poultry Industry
Fresh • Frozen • Processed • Cured • Canned
What our customers are saying: “We have put the machine through the toughest trial in the worst possible environments and it has not failed. Code quality has always been consistently good and the reliability and ease of maintenance is a great advantage.” Martin Redfern, Production Manager Premier Foods
Coding in the Meat and Poultry Industry
Answer the challenge of difficult package types and harsh production conditions. Provide assurance of freshness and traceability. Differentiate your meat and poultry through high-quality codes that instill retailer confidence and consumer loyalty.
Videojet understands your challenges and delivers consistently reliable performance to exceed your production requirements. System integration
Robust reliability
YOUR CHALLENGE: Unplanned downtime disrupts production, increases labor expenses, and can affect product freshness and quality.
YOUR CHALLENGE: Meat and poultry lines are subject to extreme conditions that can damage ordinary equipment and degrade print quality.
THE VIDEOJET SOLUTION: We understand meat and poultry processing. Our printers are designed to minimize maintenance and operator intervention, and we provide expertise to help you integrate coding systems efficiently into any process.
THE VIDEOJET SOLUTION: We offer systems that withstand frequent washdowns and extremes of temperature and humidity, plus inks and ribbons that ensure optimum quality and performance in demanding environments.
Meat and Poultry Industry
Marking, Coding and System Solutions
Videojet understands your challenges and delivers consistently reliable performance to exceed your production requirements. Innovative packaging
Safety and traceability
YOUR CHALLENGE: Meat and poultry producers are under pressure to deliver new packaging materials, shapes and sizes to lower costs, improve usability and attract consumers.
YOUR CHALLENGE: New regulations, changes in consumer preferences, food safety concerns and retailer demands call for consistently correct and readable codes. THE VIDEOJET SOLUTION: Our systems print reliably clear and accurate codes while helping you address the root causes of coding and printing errors. Our integrated track and trace solutions help you manage recall risks and keep pace with regulations and audits.
THE VIDEOJET SOLUTION: Our wide range of coding systems and supplies accommodates virtually any package substrate or form – trays, chub packs, shrink film, bags, sleeves, cans, cartons and more.
Accurate, consistent, dependable:
videojet Meat and Poultry Industry
Marking, Coding and System Solutions
Coding Technologies Meat and poultry producers work with a wide variety of packaging types. Videojet offers a full suite of coding solutions to mark your products reliably, safely and efficiently. Continuous Ink Jet (CIJ) Fluid based, non-contact printing of up to five lines of text, linear and 2D bar codes, or graphics, printed on a variety of packaging types including stationary packaging via traversing systems. Thermal Ink Jet (TIJ) Ink-based, non-contact printing using heat and surface tension to move ink onto a package surface. Generally used to print 2D DataMatrix and other bar codes. Laser Beam of infrared light focused and steered with a series of carefully controlled small mirrors to create marks when the heat of the beam interacts with the packaging surface. Thermal Transfer Overprinter (TTO) A digitally controlled printhead precisely melts ink from a ribbon directly onto flexible films to provide high-resolution, real-time prints. Label Printer Applicator (LPA) Prints and places labels of various sizes on multiple package types.
Large Character Marking (LCM) Ink-based, non-contact printing of multiple data types (alphanumeric, logos and bar codes) in large sizes primarily used for secondary packaging such as cases.
Coding technologies for your packaging type: Packaging Type
Chub Pack
Vacuum/Shrink Film
Meat and Poultry Industry
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Marking, Coding and System Solutions
Your Code, Your Line Whether your product is packaged in-line horizontally, through a vertical package machine, on a canning line or another process, Videojet has a coding solution. Horizontal form fill seal
Fill and Seal
Check Weigh
Additional Packaging and Case
Check Weigh
Additional Packaging and Case
Vertical form fill seal
Fill and Seal
Meat and Poultry Industry
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Marking, Coding and System Solutions
TRAY CODING Clear, legible and accurate codes on your tray package, anywhere you want.
Applied Label
1 On Film
Direct to Tray
Suggested Technologies Continuous Ink Jet (CIJ) is an ideal solution for almost all tray applications. Condensation resistant inks ensure code stays in place when printed on any part of the package surface. Changing codes is easy through a user-friendly message creation interface or connection to networking software, and a “no‑code‑no‑run” option is also available.
Thermal Transfer Overprint (TTO) can easily be applied to any tray film prior to filling. This often enables clearer and faster printed codes than other coding methods. TTO can be used for printing on either stationary or moving products, and it is possible to switch between the two types of printing. TTO can be printed on almost any color, including dark films.
Label Printer Applicator (LPA) can customize labels. Variable information such as weight, sell by date and price can be printed for each package prior to automatic placements eliminating the need for manual handling.
Did You Know? Scientific advancements in Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) have kept meats looking red, but have also significantly extended the shelf life of meat and poultry products, enabling them to reach more distant markets than ever before. While good for business, new markets means more codes to manage. With Videojet’s easy-to-use interface, USB capable programming and CLARiSUITE™ networking software, programming or selecting codes is easy.
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Marking, Coding and System Solutions
Chub Pack CODING Chub packs provide ground meat with an easy-to-transport, solid shape and are used in both retail and commercial channels. Due to the lack of air inside a chub package, they often have a longer shelf life for ground meat or poultry than a tray and can easily be frozen.
Product Information
Near Seam
Suggested Technologies Continuous Ink Jet (CIJ) Ground meat and poultry can easily be contaminated. It’s important to ensure that the coding process on chub packs is as clean as possible by avoiding rust and corrosion on coding equipment and making sure ink is contained. Videojet offers 316 stainless steel continuous ink jet coders to prevent rust and corrosion in harsh washdown environments. CleanFlow™ printhead technology reduces the need for messy printhead cleaning and enables clear codes even near package seams.
Thermal Transfer Overprint (TTO) Usually created in an extreme washdown environment, chub packs require codes that can also endure extreme conditions. TTO codes are clear, easy to read and durable in freezing temperatures. TTO technology integrates directly into the line and prints on the film prior to filling. TTOs are ideal for printing nutrition facts, safe handling instructions and other product information in addition to graphics. Videojet offers TTO coders with IP65 protection, so both the code and the equipment provide outstanding durability.
Did You Know? Many meat and poultry producers rely on environmental cabinets to protect their coding equipment in harsh washdown environments. However, the only way to truly guarantee protection from water damage is with certified Ingress Protection (IP). Many environmental cabinets are not IP rated and therefore may not actually provide protection to your coder. Videojet offers a full suite of IP65 rated coders that are protected from steam, splash and overspray without an environmental cabinet. A more robust coder means less water damage, less maintenance and more uptime.
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Marking, Coding and System Solutions
vacuum / SHRINK film CODING Plastic films are the most common form of meat and poultry packaging due to their versatility and ability to significantly increase shelf life.
Uneven Surface
Film Edge
Suggested Technologies Continuous Ink Jet (CIJ) Due to the irregular shape of many meat and poultry packages, code placement and orientation is important in film packaging. While a continuous ink jet coder can print on almost any surface shape, watch out for code distortion on extremely uneven surfaces. Coding closer to the sealed edge or moving the print head to a flatter area can improve code quality.
Thermal Transfer Overprint (TTO) Sometimes a heated vacuum process can cause TTO codes to rub off the package if not properly placed. When using TTO on vacuum or heat-sealed packaging, evaluate how far the code is from the seal. If the vacuum seal is only on the perimeter of the package or if heat is not used, consider using TTO for additional package content such as nutrition facts, allergy information or the product logo. TTO adheres best to films, and because it’s printed prior to the vacuum process TTO enables readable information on uneven surfaces.
Did You Know? There are hundreds of film types for packaging meat and poultry products. Films are generally classified by the type of barrier they provide, their thickness and flexibility. They can also be used to create different package atmospheres or for different end uses such as freezing or heating directly in the package. Videojet’s extensive ink selection enables clear and durable codes on almost every film type.
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Marking, Coding and System Solutions
BAG AND POUCH CODING Bags and pouches are a low-cost packaging solution for meat and poultry products ideal for smaller pieces such as nuggets, wings or chicken feet. Suggested Technologies Continuous Ink Jet (CIJ) Stand-up pouches and resealable bags are gaining favor with many meat and poultry producers because they are cost-effective, easy to use and family-friendly. Foil pouches can replace cans for processed products, and re-sealable pouches are ideal for larger familysized products. CIJ technology can be seamlessly integrated with a bag sealer to increase efficiency and create clear, readable codes.
Product Information
1 Thermal Transfer Overprint (TTO) Regulatory compliance can be confusing, cumbersome and costly. Getting the nutrition facts, allergy information or country of origin incorrect on a package being exported can result in returned or recalled product. Videojet’s TTO technology can streamline your packaging. Using a TTO coder to print product information during packaging can eliminate the need for pre-printed films. Videojet’s TTO coders can even print high-resolution logos, bar codes and pictures.
Standard Code
Did You Know? Variable-weight items can often be difficult to mark due to unit-specific weight data. Often, label printers are placed at check weighing machines in order to accurately measure and print the weight of the product. However, using coding technology can be cheaper and more efficient. You can save time and money by integrating your check weigher with a Videojet coder to record both the product weight and the required Best By/Lot information.
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Marking, Coding and System Solutions
CARTON and sleeve CODING Cartons are often used for frozen processed meat and poultry products because they can be easily stacked and allow for colorful branding options. Often, the frozen products may still require intermediate bag or pouch packaging inside the carton.
Within Pre-printed Box
1 Direct to Package
Suggested Technologies Continuous Ink Jet (CIJ) This technology can be ideal for cartons and sleeves. Color‑detecting product sensors can enable printing on specific areas of a carton to create cleaner and more professional codes. Pigmented, light-colored inks can also be used on dark carton surfaces for additional contrast. Chipboard sleeves with brand and product information can be wrapped around film or bag products.
Laser Chipboard material is often used for frozen meat and poultry cartons and is ideal for laser coding. With extremely high resolution, lasers are ideal for printing country of origin or additional product information on standard carton packages. Using lasers on sleeves to add logos, bar codes or specialized product information can save pre-printing costs and enable package specialization on site.
Did You Know? Lasers can be powerful coding tools, creating extremely clear and permanent codes with no ink or ribbon required. As with other coding technologies, however, proper maintenance and operation can increase equipment life and operator safety. When laser coding, always use a fume extractor with a clean filter to remove residual dust from the coding area. Videojet can answer all your laser questions and provide everything you need to code your products safely and efficiently.
Meat and Poultry Industry
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Marking, Coding and System Solutions
CAn AND JAR CODING Cans and jars can ensure prolonged preservation for processed or cured meats and poultry.
Direct to Jar On Label
On Label Direct to Can
Suggested Technologies Continuous Ink Jet (CIJ) Videojet Retort Thermochromic Inks are specially designed for CIJ coding on cans, performing as a color‑changing quality indicator to assure that meat or poultry has passed through a critical retort process. Cooking sterilization should be performed at temperatures of 115 to 130°C for 20 to 45 minutes or longer to preserve flavor and texture. MEK‑free ink formulas are also available.
Laser This coding technology creates a permanent code based on one of three techniques: 1. color change as a result of a chemical reaction; 2. engraving of the surface; 3. ablation or removal of the surface coating. When coding on a can or jar, you can either use ablation on the product label or code directly on the container surface.
Did You Know? A laser can be used to remove pre-printed color on any packaging, exposing the color of the underlying material. Known as “ablation,” this technique can be used on almost any pre-printed package type, including films. A combination of the best laser technology and lens type enables removal of the top layer of color on a package without compromising the package barrier. Videojet offers the widest range of lenses and laser technologies in the industry and can help you find the right ablation solution for your pre-printed packaging.
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Marking, Coding and System Solutions
CASE CODING Clear case coding is essential for an efficient supply chain.
Direct to Case
On Label
Suggested Technologies Laser With Videojet’s DataLase™ solution, you can print graphics, multi-sized text and bar codes in clear black directly on corrugated boxes. While suitable for all box types, DataLase is especially useful for water-resistant coated boxes as it enables clear, dark printing without damage to the protective coating. Once coated with DataLase, a laser will produce a dark black and extremely high-resolution print.
Large Character Marking (LCM) Direct-to-case printing using a large character ink jet coder provides more room for product information, graphics and bar codes. Larger bar codes are easier to scan, and larger fonts are easier to read at a distance. Videojet’s 2300 series LCM printer uses micropurging technology to clean the printhead automatically prior to printing, ensuring clear, consistent print quality.
Label Printer Applicator (LPA) This solution is ideal for high-quality thermal transfer coding of high-resolution text and bar codes. Labels can be configured at the printer via an easy-to-use menu. Flighttime compensation for automatic label positioning provides greater working efficiency.
Did You Know? The case level bar codes used in the meat and poultry industry include ITF-14 (Interleaved Two of Five) for fixed weight cases and GS1-128 for variable measure products. The ITF-14 bar code enables the capture of the product GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) while GS1-128 enables manufacturers to include additional information about the product such as case weight and batch/ lot information. Videojet’s case coding solutions can make sure whatever bar code you are using is printed clearly in high resolution.
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Marking, Coding and System Solutions
Integrate with OEM Partners Coders perform best if seamlessly integrated into the packaging process. Videojet partners with the largest, most-innovative meat and poultry OEMs to create custom solutions for your packaging process.
HMI Integration
Networked Integration
Operate printer using host machine PLC.
CLARiNET™ enables networking of multiple printers to increase efficiency and reduce operator errors.
Physical Integration Customized stainless steel bracket for each equipment type with food grade rollers and 3 configurable input/output ports.
Example: Videojet TTO integrated into a Meat and Poultry Vertical Form Fill and Seal machine from an OEM.
Meat and Poultry Industry
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Marking, Coding and System Solutions
VideoJet PRODUCTs These are just a few Videojet products that are ideal for the meat and poultry industry.
Continuous Ink Jet (CIJ)
Lasers print high quality, permanent codes that are ideal on container board material often used for boxes and sleeves. Lasers can also be used on metal, glass and cases, and can print multiple lines and graphics.
CIJ can print on almost any package type and is ideal for harsh meat and poultry environments.
Suggested Solution: The Videojet 1650 CIJ is IP65 rated for washdown environments. Its CleanFlow™ printhead design reduces ink build up, with no plant air required. The modular Core delivers up to 14,000 hours of production between scheduled maintenance.
Suggested Solution: Videojet offers multiple IP65 rated laser models suitable for meat and poultry production. The 3430 model offers high, 50-watt power with an articulated arm and a small scanning head. The lowerwattage 3320 and 3120 are easy to integrate and print on a wide spectrum of materials.
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Thermal Inkjet (TIJ)
TIJ is ideal for printing high quality text and bar codes on paper containers assuring easily readable complex or detailed codes.
Suggested Solution: The Videojet 8510 Small Character TIJ coder delivers high-resolution prints and bar codes. Its compact design integrates easily into industrial processes, while its flexible communications and menu-driven interface make the 8510 easy to configure and use.
Marking, Coding and System Solutions
VideoJet PRODUCTs These are just a few Videojet products that are ideal for the meat and poultry industry.
Thermal Transfer Overprinter (TTO)
Large Character Marking (LCM)
Label Printer Applicator (LPA)
Ideal for flexible packaging, thermal transfer coders offer high quality codes and images, from date and time to ingredients, and from allergy warnings to logos and marketing designs.
Large Character Marking systems make pre-printed cartons and labels unnecessary by allowing you to print high-resolution supply chain information directly on corrugated case packaging.
The label applicator systems from Videojet have a modular, robust design that ensures maximum versatility. All systems are simple to use and can be easily integrated into existing production lines.
Suggested Solution: Videojet’s IP65 rated DataFlex® Plus is specifically designed for advanced performance in the harsh washdown environments of meat or poultry packaging. The intuitive interface and color touchscreen make product changeovers simple and efficient.
Suggested Solution: The Videojet 2300 series is a family of three high-resolution, large character case coders that provide class-leading, consistent print quality for alphanumeric text, logos, images and GS1-compliant bar codes. Other Videojet LCM technologies are also designed for harsh production environments.
Suggested Solution: The P3400 Label Printer Applicator is designed for tough industrial environments, making it extremely capable in countless applications.
Meat and Poultry Industry
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Marking, Coding and System Solutions
Videojet SUPPLIES Videojet formulates, manufactures and delivers more fluids and supplies than any other industrial coding and marking manufacturer today. All supplies are premier, high-quality products specifically designed to enhance the performance of Videojet coders.
Inks for harsh environments
Videojet’s condensation-resistant inks cut through water common on meat and poultry products. These specifically designed inks make sure the code you apply stays on every meat and poultry package, no matter its condition.
Supplies for flexible films/plastics
With many different types of film available, the formulation of Videojet’s flexible film/plastic inks and ribbons focuses on the toughest of these materials to provide optimal adhesion and code durability. Videojet offers a reliable ink to handle most film surface properties and plasticizers.
Thermal Transfer (TTO) Ribbons
Videojet’s versatile TTO ribbons offer high performance with a patented backcoat technology for high-speed printing and excellent image quality and durability on a variety of packaging materials. They’re available in a range of lengths, widths and colors to suit most common label printers and overprinters.
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Marking, Coding and System Solutions
MEAT & POULTRY ACCESSORIES Videojet works with you to customize solutions to maximize the efficiency and quality of all your coding processes. We offer a wide selection of accessories to adapt any coding technology to your specific requirements. These are just a few of the Videojet accessories that have proven to be particularly useful in meeting the unique demands of the meat and poultry industry.
Continuous Ink Jet (CIJ)
Thermal Transfer Overprinter (TTO)
Dual Head Printers Dual head printers provide twice the printing for half the price and are ideal for connected packages prior to cutting. Traversing System Customized traversing systems enable continuous printing over multiple packages on the same line.
Ribbon Heater Specially designed for cold environments, the innovative ribbon heater attaches to the side of a TTO coder to facilitate optimal ribbon adhesion. Stainless Steel Brackets and Sealed Rubber Rollers and Platens Important in harsh washdown environments to help prevent contamination from rust and corrosion.
Fume Extractors & Filters Keep production air clean and safe when using a laser on chipboard, cardboard or plastic packages. Beam Shields Safety solutions enclose laser systems to help prevent laser beam accidents.
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Marking, Coding and System Solutions
Meat and Poultry Industry
Marking, Coding and System Solutions
Satisfying customers worldwide for over 30 years The Uptime Peace of Mind® brand promise represents Videojet’s commitment to providing the right coding and marking solutions, with the most uptime and lowest cost of ownership. With more than 285,000 units installed worldwide, Videojet’s complete line of industrial coders and supplies produces reliable codes at today’s production line speeds.
The largest field service organization in the industry Videojet solutions are supported by over 3,000 employees in 26 countries and a global network of distributors. Partner with Videojet for training, maintenance, genuine Videojet parts, and superior customer service, anywhere in the world.
Global Headquarters Videojet Sales & Service Offices Manufacturing & Product Development Countries with Videojet Sales & Service Countries with Videojet Partner Sales & Service
Best-in-class support for maximum uptime When you partner with Videojet, you can expect:
Seasoned service and support professionals providing prompt on-site service and local support.
Your choice of flexible programs and service agreements for preventive maintenance visits, checkups, operator training, on-site service, supplies, equipment rentals and extended warranties.
800-843-3610 / www.videojet.com / info@videojet.com Videojet Technologies Inc. / 1500 Mittel Blvd. / Wood Dale, IL 60191 / USA Phone 630-860-7300 Fax 800-582-1343 ©2013 Videojet Technologies Inc. — All rights reserved. Videojet Technologies Inc.’s policy is one of continued product improvement. We reserve the right to alter design and/or specifications without notice.
SL000505 Meat&Poultry Solutions-0113 Printed in U.S.A.