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agency through (de)colonialism

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captive America

captive America

“Data colonialism, a process that normalizes the exploitation of human beings through data” (Milan & Trere 2019: 322)

“the main problem with data universalism is that it is asocial and ahistorical, presenting technology as something operating outside of history and of specific sociopolitical, cultural, and economic contexts” (Milan & Trere 2019: 325)


Datafication occurs within power structures that reproduces, intensifies, and maintains power inequalities. Individuals everyday social life becomes incorporated into capitalism through datafication.

Historically, colonialism shapes and reshapes how individuals view and understand themselves and others, taking away their agency. In order to make sense of the impacts of colonialism on an individual and their relationship to society, a critical consciousness and decolonial framework must be developed.

“a decolonial program should coexist with a constituting movement of holistic conceptual and methodological alternatives within a prefigurative agenda” (Milan & Trere 2019: 327)

Agency can be reclaimed and identities can be redefined. . .

“imaginaries have the ability to embed and embody prefigurative realities capable of producing change” (Milan & Trere 2019: 329)

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