W e lc o m e To The F o s s A c a d e my The Foss Academy is a unique training company that specialises in delivering prestigious education to the men’s grooming market.
Our clients choose us because we provide innovative and memorable training programmes in a highly creative and inspiring learning environment.
At The Foss Academy education, programmes are all accredited and endorsed by the British Barbers’ Association. They are specially designed to meet a full range of needs from the complete beginner through to the experienced professional.
We provide the perfect foundation for achieving individual and business success. With our technical and creative excellence and award winning credentials The Foss Academy can help you build a great career.
C hr i s F o s t e r The Principal of The Foss Academy Multi award-winning hairdresser Chris Foster is renowned for pushing traditional barbering well beyond its conventional boundaries. He has brought his extraordinary conceptual talents to the world’s leading hairdressing brands and is a celebrated international stylist.
The Foss Academy brings the high level of technical experience and design skills of Chris Foster to the wider hairdressing community.
Chris Foster works at the leading edge of contemporary hair design, breaking conventions with constant innovation and flair. Setting the highest standards of his craft, he provides a
“ Our programme of education focuses on the finest, creative
range of services to the hairdressing industry, from training
and commercial elements of the male grooming industry.
and skill-development with the Foss Academy, to
Giving you the skills that link personal success with
session services, platform styling and show organising.
barbering mastery. Learning is a life long process that is why we focus on building confidence on your road to excellence. You want the best in men’s education, then choose The Foss Academy.”
- Chris Foster
De sig n Philo s oph y The Foss Academy speaks of a diversity of cultures where each hairstyle acts as a testament to creative energy.
This design philosophy has always been to question conventions through consistent innovation and refinement. It incorporates the time-proven skills of traditional barbering with a modern creative flair that captures the essence of contemporary style trends.
This result is an approach that values the highest levels of technical excellence, coupled with a design innovation and stylistic sensitivity that has been sought after by the industry’s leading brands to promote their products and services.
As Chris Foster says: “Innovate or die! That remains my motivation to keep looking at new ways of telling old stories.”
Pr e c i sion B a r be r ing
The perfect balance of innovative style and exact finish.
The Cor e - F u nd a m e n ta l B a r be r ing
Fundamental Barbering will provide you with an introduction to men’s hairdressing in its purest form.
Co u r se Con t e n t • Introduction to the context of men’s hairdressing
Delegates will develop core competencies which create a solid foundation for advanced barbering techniques.
This course is perfect if you are at the start of your journey into
• Assessing head shapes & hair types • Standardised approach to sectioning • Scissor over comb • Efficient use of all core tools – clipper, open razor and scissors • Finishing techniques
the world of men’s hairdressing and demand the finest start to your career. With our small classses we create an intensive and productive learning environment.
S t u d e n t Pr of il e Newly qualified stylist or hair professionals wanting to gain better knowledge of fundamental barbering techniques.
F or m at Observational Learning Tutor demonstration and explanation - Half day. Practical Workshops Hands on learning with tutor demonstration and explanation - 1 or 2 days.
E q u ip m e n t Standard equipment. (See page 23)
R e f ine m e n t
The brilliant craft of a meticulous cut through exquisite artistry.
The Cor e - C l ippe r Conf id e nc e
The clipper is the cornerstone of barbering. Using it with skill and confidence will greatly expand your repertoire.
Co u r se Con t e n t • Speed Tapering
Delegates will learn the core skills associated with confident
• Creating the perfect blend and fade
and effective clippering, using the Cross Fader techniques. You
• Freehand clippering
will gain a solid foundation for personal development and prepare for more advanced techniques.
This course is for you if want to improve your skill and confidence in clipper usage if you are a skilled hairdresser and wish to enhance and expand your skills, or are in need of a refresher.
• Clipper over comb
S t u d e n t Pr of il e Newly qualified stylist or hair professionals wanting to gain commercial skills of barbering.
F or m at Practical Workshops Hands on learning with tutor demonstration and explanation - 1 or 2 days.
E q u ip m e n t Standard equipment. (See page 23)
L u x u ry
Intricate detailing enhancing elegance and depth. A culmination of all that is finest.
The C r e at i v e - I D M e n ’s
Creativity is what makes our industry thrive. The mastery of creative cutting naturally leads to confidence.
Co u r se Con t e n t • Exploration of fashion trends and influences
Delegates will learn the skillful use of advanced scissor
• Shape manipulation
cutting techniques and then reach beyond this to master the
• Masculine texturising techniques
use of a feather razor. You will explore the creation of texture in exciting, new and diverse ways.
Are you looking for new focus and inspiration, and opportunity to explore creative men’s hairdressing? Would you like to learn the innovative methods for creating high fashion
• Comprehensive insight into directional movement
S t u d e n t Pr of il e Stylists looking to progress their skills and igniting their creativity.
F or m at
techniques from the very latest trends? Then this is the course
Practical Workshops
for you.
Hands on learning with tutor demonstration and explanation - 1 or 2 days.
E q u ip m e n t Standard equipment (see page 23) including Feather Razor.
M a s t e r f u l E x e c u t ion
Absolute skill evokes the best finish. An expert cut flows from intrinsic understanding of one’s subject.
The C r e at i v e - M e n ’s R u n way
The Foss Academy excels in the creative fashion arena, and has generated collections for London Fashion Week with national
Co u r se Con t e n t
and international acclaimed fashion designers.
• Razoring to produce primary and secondary texture • Advanced scissoring techniques
Men’s Runaway - an exciting workshop offered by The Foss Academy, looks at current trends and develops the skills of experienced stylists and master barbers.
• Advanced pictorial design • Reviewing & setting fashion trends • Contemporary styling • Practical demonstrations and ideas factory • Developing your own men’s collection
Men’s runway allows the opportunity to share good practice and exchange new concepts and visions for men’s hairdressing. This
S t u d e n t Pr of il e
workshop is a truly motivational course for the experienced
Stylists with 3-5 years experience who thrive on continual education.
hairdresser. The course gives access to the most innovative men’s hair designs, creating styles that are destined for the catwalk.
F or m at Practical Workshops Hands on learning with tutor demonstration and explanation - 2 days.
E q u ip m e n t Standard equipment (see page 23) including Feather Razor.
C r a f ts m a n ship
A distinct appreciation for tradition with a strong foundation in the contemporary.
The S pe c i a l i s t - The A rt of W e t S h av ing
As the men’s grooming market exapands, it is vital to meet these rising demands fully trained. This course will include
Co u r se Con t e n t
traditional techniques on how to use an open razor, hot towels
• Identifying skin types
and facial massage. It also includes perfecting the art of
• Understanding and capturing this growing market
grooming facial hair. You will be prepared to provide a luxury
• Shaving tools
service that gives each client a superior grooming experience.
• The full techniques of wet shaving • Treating shaving injuries • Conducting professional grooming of facial hair
This course provides a comprehensive insight into this most specialist art form. On completion delegates will receive a diploma in wet shaving, awarded by the British Barbering Association.
S t u d e n t Pr of il e Stylists looking to learn new specialist skill and add that unique touch to their skill set.
F or m at Observational Learning Tutor demonstration and explanation - Half day. Practical Workshops Hands on learning with tutor demonstration and explanation - 2 days.
E q u ip m e n t Standard equipment (see page 23) including Open Razor.
I nno vat ion
Sublime creativity is the heartbeat of a true barber.
The S pe c i a l i s t - The A rt of H a ir De sig n
Take the ultimate creative barbering course! This is the first UK Diploma in Hair Art, awarded by the British Barbers’ Association.
Co u r se Con t e n t • Freehand 2D tattoo/3D pictorial and graphical design
If you are already a skilled barber , stylist and want to take part in the ultimate artistic challenge then The Art of Hair Design is for you.
This creative and rigorous course, will allow you to explore all aspects of design from the fundamentals through to translating intricate designs into hairstyles. You will be stretched and
• Advanced tapering techniques using clippers to enhance design • Advanced blending techniques • Freehand cutting • Insight into the ‘dictionary’ of design
S t u d e n t Pr of il e Stylists that understand the fundamentals of clippering.
challenged, while participating in the most creative and dynamic
Level 1 - For newly qualified stylists/barbers
design course in the UK.
Level 2 - Confident with the skill of clippering
F or m at Observational Learning Tutor demonstration and explanation - Half day. Practical Workshops Hands on learning with tutor demonstration and explanation - 1 or 2 days.
E q u ip m e n t Standard equipment (see page 23).
E xq u i si t e f ini sh
The culmination of brilliant skill and cutting-edge creativity.
The R e f ine ry - F ini shing S c ho ol
Can you imagine success without limits - every weakness addressed? Expertise with confidence is everything! This
Co u r se Con t e n t
intensive course will make you the total barber. By accessing
• Fundamental Barbering
the following key elements of the Foss Academy, you will
• The Art of Wet Shaving
receive the skills needed for your journey to becoming the best.
The Finishing School incorporates elements from Fundamental Barbering, expanding your knowledge of barbering in its purest form. The Art of Wet Shaving - learn the unique skills of giving a five star wet shave experience. Men’s ID - empowers you with commercial creative skill. The Art of Hair Design - allowing you to explore all aspects of hair tattooing.
On completion, delegates will receive a diploma awarded by the British Barbers’ Association.
• The Art of Hair Design • ID Men’s
S t u d e n t Pr of il e Stylists desiring to be the total barbering expert. Level 1 - For newly qualified stylists/barbers Level 2 - For stylists with a minimum of 4 years experience
F or m at Practical Workshops Hands on learning with tutor demonstration and explanation - 5 or 10 days.
Become a total master barber.
E q u ip m e n t Standard equipment (see page 23) including Open Razor and Feather Razor.
E x pe rt i se
Great depth in understanding your craft is acquired through meticulous practice and masterful training.
The R e f ine ry - Be sp ok e E d u c at ion
Do you mean business? The Foss Academy is all about driving your business forward.
Co u r se Con t e n t
Developing the skill set of your team, making them more profitable.
• The Core • The Creative
The Foss Academy offers a bespoke education programme which will inject creativity and excitement into your team. This is delivered in your salon on a non-business working day to reduce disruption while creating vital professional development.
The Foss Academy can deliver bespoke training on all aspects of men’s grooming and tailor make the educational experience according to your salon’s needs. Increased revenues are a product of superior service and outstanding staff.
Providing your staff with an unequaled educational opportunties!
• The Specialist • The Refinery
S t u d e n t Pr of il e Tailored to your salon’s specific needs
F or m at Seminars or workshops in your own salon enviroment
A ppl ic at ion To The F o s s A c a d e my
F e e s & E nr ol m e n t To secure your space on your chosen course complete the appliation form idicating which course(s) you would like to attend. The full course fees must be paid to Foss Academy no less than 28 days prior to the commencement date. Fifty percent of such fees will be required on booking. Registration fees are non-refundable but may be credited against a future course, depending on circumstances. Payments may be made by cheque or via our paypal. Cheque payments must be made payable to “Hair By Chris Foster LTD”. For further information call our Education Office on +44 (0) 845 388 7148 or email fossacademy@hairbychrisfoster.com
W h at W il l Yo u N e e d ? For all course you will need the following standard equipment: • Scissors • Combs • Clippers • Trimmers Some of the course will require specialist equipment. Please see individual course outline for requirements.
A ppl ic at ion F or m To secure your course place, call us on +44(0) 845 388 7148 or send your application with registration fee or full payment to: Hair by Chris Foster, Foss Academy, 13 Willow Way, Hatfield, Herts. AL10 9QD. Please select your course(s) - tick box(es). Course
I enclose the registration course fee of:
First Name
Print Name
Fundamental Barbering
Monday 21st February
1 day
Fundamental & Clipper Confidence
Monday 14 & Tuesday 15th March
2 days
Observational Shave
Monday 11th April
1/2 day
The Art of Hair Design Level 1&2
Monday 23rd & Tuesday 24th May
2 days
Tel (home)
The Art of Traditional Wet Shave
Monday 6th & Tuesday 7th June
2 days
Observational Hair Art
Monday 13th June
1/2 day
Men’s ID
Wednesday 22nd June
1 day
Clipper Confidence
Monday 27
1 day
Fundamental Barbering
Monday 4th July
1 day
Finishing School Level 1
Monday 18th july
10 days
Finishing School Level 2
Monday 8th August
5 days
Men’s Runway
Monday 12th & Tuesday 13th September
2 days
The Art of Traditional Wet Shave
Monday 3rd & Tuesday 4th October
2 days
Men’s ID
Monday 24th & 25th October
1 day
The Art of Hair Design Level 2
Monday 10th October
1 day
Observational Men’s ID Creative
Monday 7 November
1/2 day
Pay m e n t De ta il s
Duration on
Pe r s on a l De ta il s
Tel (work)
I fully understand that this application form is a legally binding instrument when signed by the delegate. I have fully read and understood the Foss Academy Enrolment Policy and understand that the total course fees
E m plo y e r De ta il s
( if a ppl ic a bl e )
includes a registration fee (deposit) which is completely non- refundable.
Title Initial Surname
Tel Email
How did you hear about us? Seminar
Cancellation Policy - A minimum of 14 days notice must be given before the course commencement. No refund can be given after this date.
Con ta c t
+44 (0)845 388 7148
13 Willow Way,
AL10 9QD.
Venue. The Hair Project The Stables, 138 Kingsland Road, London,
E2 8DY.
The Hair Project is positioned near to London’s main transport networks and is easily accessible to attendees from the UK and beyond.