Dieter Freund

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The German government's focus has always been on Education, Health and Agricultural sector The Foreign missions of Pakistan abroad should step forward to project and present a positive image of Pakistan

Mr. Dieter Freund Deputy Head of Mission, German Consulate in Karachi great relationship with the people of Pakistan .My wife had a great social circle in Karachi and made many friends. Interestingly, my daughter also served at the German Consulate in Karachi before my posting, so we all have very fond memories of Pakistan.

I&M: The difference between professionals of Pakistan and Germany?

DF: It is complicated because the conditions, the mindset, is different. But one thing is for sure, that there is huge potential of human resource in Pakistan. Pakistanis are extremely hardworking people. You see the real potential of Pakistanis, when you see them working outside Pakistan. Unfortunately, the potential of Pakistanis is not activated and utilized in Pakistan. For sustainable development in the country like Pakistan, the human resources should be properly utilized.

I&M: What are the major sectors where you see the presence of German organizations in Pakistan?

I&M: Thank you, Mr. Dieter Freund , for sparing some time from your busy schedule, to record an exclusive interview with the editorial team of 'Investment & Marketing' (I&M) International. I&M: Share with us your experiences in the last three and a half years in Pakistan?

DF: I had a very good time in Karachi .If one could describe it in one word it was "Perfect". Although it was towards the very end of my diplomatic career, but it was wonderful. There were some challenges but I had great cooperation with the Pakistani people in general and Karachites in particular. My whole family enjoyed our stay in Karachi .We developed


DF: The most active sector is the chemical and pharmaceutical sector. At the same time , we have the engineering giant in the form of Siemens in Pakistan. The company has a long history in the region and was the first major European company to start its operations in the region. Siemens has a tremendous portfolio here in Pakistan. There are many German organizations that are involved in the business of supplying new and used machinery for textile.

I&M: Major sectors where there are exports from Pakistan to Germany?

DF:Pakistani textile is extremely popular in Germany. The quality of the textile and related items is world class. Leather


EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW garments manufactured in Pakistan and leather articles are also popular in Germany. Agricultural products especially mangoes are also exported to Germany and are in demand.

I&M: Your views about the business environment in Pakistan?

DF: These are difficult times all over the world and Pakistan. The major businessmen don't often visit Pakistan .The major companies are hesitant to send their employees to Pakistan because there are high risks involved .Just to give you the financial side of it the insurance coverage premium increases immensely for workers/employees in Pakistan. So working in Pakistan would be risky and at the same time will add cost to the company. They prefer to have their business operations in the Middle East for Pakistan.

I&M: What are the major areas and sectors where we see Germany government cooperation with Pakistan?

DF:The German government's focus has always been on Education, Health and Agricultural sector. Lately, we have witnessed that there is investment and cooperation from the German government in the energy sector.

I&M: Your views about the quality of education in Pakistan?

DF:Pakistan is slightly left behind in the education sector. A very small percentage of the federal Budget is spent on education. In my humble view education is vital for a country's development. A country has to invest in education for sustainable development .For a viable democracy there has be an educated electorate. So education should be the number one priority of the government.

Role of Goethe Institute

The Goethe-Institut is the Federal Republic of Germany's cultural institution operational worldwide. They are doing a great job in cooperation with the Germany Embassy and Consul .The Institution has played a central role in the cultural and educational policies of Germany for over 50 years. It promotes the study of German language abroad and encourages international cultural exchange and at the same time fosters knowledge about Germany by providing information on its culture, society and politics.

I&M: Your concerns about the Law and order situation in Pakistan?

DF:The correct perception of Pakistan should be made through media. The media should project positive things about


Pakistan as well. The majority of the foreign media does not project the true picture of Pakistan effectively. There should be a major effort to boost the positive image Pakistan. The Foreign missions of Pakistan abroad should step forward to project and present a positive image of Pakistan. The social, cultural, political and economic picture of Pakistan.

I&M: Your analysis on the global situation?

DF: I am deeply concerned with what is happening worldwide.Globally there is an effort to make world a better place. There were some initiatives like Millennium Development Goals for 2015 were taken under the supervision of the United Nations. I am not a supporter of the term first world, second world, third world. To me there is only one world .We share same air in which we breathe. We share this earth's resources from which we all gain food to survive. There are too many egocentrics walking around the world .Harmony would bring betterment to the world. There are few of the uncontrollable organizations and businessmen and have only one goal i.e to maximize their profit. There has to be more emphasis on morals and ethics. There has to be an increased role of Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) from the organizations and at the same time the politicians should also come forward and resolve issues.

I&M: What is your message to the coming generations?

DF:I was born at the time of the end of World War 2. I grew up seeing city of Berlin in shambles. There were remnants of disaster and destruction around the city . In the late 40s and early 50s the industrial and manufacturing development started in Germany and with a clear strategy and goal from the country's leadership to build the country. I believe that groups of people can achieve great heights. The youth should be given trust and confidence with the right direction and right line of thinking to the people, surely you will see progress and development. I strongly believe development can be achieved by Pakistan as well

I&M: To conclude we wish you all the best for your future life .We acknowledge your efforts of improving the diplomatic and business ties between Pakistan and Germany

DF: Thank you for your kind words. I had a great time in Pakistan. I will definitely miss Pakistan and the people of Pakistan. I will carry good memories of my excellent relationship with Investment & Marketing.n


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