1 minute read

Sample of the work

This area is fully residential area with some commer- cial shops here and there. The site had ‘high income housing groups’.

Not only the site had high rise apartments, bunga- lows but also had wide ar- eas of land empty (barren) or had construction going on. With this there was a significant difference in the income groups of the peo- ple residing- people be- longing to the rich commu- nity and the construction workers belownging to the poor community.


So there were strikingly variations in the social hier- archy which is what is de- picted in the drawing (from top to bottom).

It is showing the functions that our intervention will incorporate and the spaces required to facilitate a program. These all activities (programs) consume a definite space (area) and the manifesto shows the area required for such.



This area is fully residential area with some commercial shops here and there. The site had ‘high income housing groups’.

Not only the site had high rise apartments, bungalows but also had wide areas of land empty (barren) or had construction going on. With this there was a significant difference in the income groups of the people residing- people belonging to the rich community and the construction workers belownging to the poor community.


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