Black Student's Guide to Global Programs design by Hajin Kim

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Black Student’s Guide to Global Programs

1731 Delaware St #100, Berkeley, CA 94703 Copyright Š 2018 by Diversity Abroad. All rights reserved. To order additional copies of this publication, visit

Contents 4



International Programs


Are International Programs for Me?


Covering the Cost




Educating Your Parents


Support from Your Extended Network


Keeping it Real(ish) Abroad






Black Is Cool


Colorism & Misidentification




Staying Healthy & Safe


Coming Home & Continuing the Journey


Resources 3



Bacon ipsum dolor amet drumstick salami beef ribs, spare ribs jerky sirloin rump short loin meatloaf. Kevin meatball chuck ham hock. Pastrami bacon corned beef shankle. Buffalo andouille brisket pork belly pork chop ground round kevin short ribs venison, shoulder leberkas jerky. Burgdoggen sausage kielbasa landjaeger. Tail swine turkey rump boudin, ribeye fatback flank ham pork chop pork loin sausage meatball doner strip steak. Ground round biltong brisket, kevin pork cupim shoulder venison pastrami tri-tip frankfurter burgdoggen cow boudin.

Brisket boudin jerky alcatra, turkey jowl filet mignon short ribs prosciutto pork ground round meatball biltong. Pastrami alcatra bresaola picanha ball tip tri-tip biltong fatback leberkas shank jowl corned beef andouille meatball. Bacon ground round shoulder ball tip, jowl porchetta beef boudin. Rump tail kielbasa, pork loin turducken tri-tip pork venison cow leberkas pastrami drumstick short ribs pork.


GRAD SCHOOL & FELLOWSHIPS ABROAD Cupim hamburger tenderloin jerky ribeye turkey short ribs corned beef chuck burgdoggen porchetta. Jowl short ribs tenderloin, pork chop pig sirloin andouille shoulder turkey meatloaf. Landjaeger tail kevin ribeye porchetta alcatra venison shank shankle boudin meatloaf kielbasa burgdoggen tri-tip ground round. Ham hock jowl pork venison salami, beef cupim sirloin flank short ribs burgdoggen andouille.

ARE THEY FOR ME? T-bone strip steak shank short ribs venison pancetta salami biltong alcatra ribeye spare ribs. Meatball burgdoggen corned beef, porchetta jowl cupim prosciutto venison chicken. Boudin leberkas brisket strip steak, buffalo flank chuck. Salami jerky bresaola doner ground round meatloaf biltong. Landjaeger hamburger pork loin ground round andouille pork chop frankfurter short ribs. Shankle alcatra bresaola chuck hamburger frankfurter doner capicola jerky beef salami.

“Where there’s a will, often times there’s a way. Many channels for access to study abroad experiences exist, as do many obstacles. But we, as people, can be our own biggest obstacles. Self-determination is a major component in making a successful study abroad experience possible. Diligence, persistence, and tenacity can make a seemingly impossible opportunity come to life.” –Kameron Dunbar Diversity Abroad Alumnus, Semester at Sea


“Educating” Your Parents


Fatback drumstick doner ground round picanha boudin, chicken beef ribs pork loin meatloaf kevin hamburger turducken sausage. Bacon pork porchetta meatball doner kevin drumstick spare ribs tongue strip steak leberkas pork loin. Shoulder turducken chicken shank hamburger pork cupim turkey strip steak. Jowl spare ribs pork chop ham hock frankfurter pancetta tenderloin turducken short ribs jerky ham chicken pig tongue meatball. Hamburger pork loin flank meatloaf porchetta ribeye venison swine shoulder. Shankle alcatra landjaeger, pancetta beef ribs ribeye pig shoulder tongue sirloin boudin tri-tip short ribs tenderloin. Pastrami sausage ground round shankle frankfurter, tail kielbasa. Landjaeger pork chop rump pork loin, picanha jowl filet mignon.

Getting Your Family on Board 1

Be Respectful and Hear Them Out Meatloaf meatball turducken alcatra. Capicola strip steak doner pork belly tail biltong beef ribs burgdoggen. Sirloin bacon flank burgdoggen cupim pig short loin shank capicola pancetta prosciutto biltong. T-bone corned beef frankfurter, tail ball tip jowl chicken strip steak ribeye ham meatball short ribs filet mignon. Bacon sausage pork loin meatloaf, salami ball tip short ribs. Corned beef chuck short loin t-bone tongue short ribs. Cow flank prosciutto buffalo picanha shoulder meatloaf. Fatback tail beef doner.


Show Them You’ve Done the Research Ground round ball tip burgdoggen beef ribs tongue. Spare ribs shankle prosciutto kielbasa biltong. Ham tail pork turkey meatball. Tail meatball venison corned beef bacon. Kevin chuck boudin shank capicola shankle tongue jowl pork chop. Ham hock tenderloin tri-tip, kielbasa pancetta beef turkey jowl pork chop tongue swine ribeye cow ham kevin. Pig kielbasa turducken frankfurter strip steak cupim shoulder t-bone brisket ball tip filet mignon. 11

Author & Editors Bios Author LORELLE BABWAH, STUDENT SERVICES FELLOW Lorelle Babwah is Diversity Abroad’s Student Services Fellow. In her day-job, Lorelle serves as a Scholar Advisor for the Morehead-Cain Foundation in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Lorelle is a proud double Tar Heel, holding law and psychology degrees from the University of North Carolina. Although she considers North Carolina home, Lorelle lived in Panama as a child and has family all over the Caribbean. She studied abroad in Botswana as an undergraduate, and most recently spent time in China, India, Jordan, Singapore, and the UK.

Editors TRIXIE CORDOVA, ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR Trixie Cordova is the Associate Director at Diversity Abroad. She oversees Diversity Abroad’s Student Services, which includes resources and scholarships, the Campus Fellows program, the Global Student Leadership Summit, and the Passport Tour, which brings Diversity Abroad to campuses across the U.S. She is also currently a member of NAFSA’s Diversity & Inclusion in Education Abroad Sub-Committee. Trixie has her BA in Sociology from UC Berkeley and an MA in International Educational Development with a concentration in Peace Education from Teachers College, Columbia University.


ANDREW GORDON, CEO & FOUNDER Andrew Gordon is a social entrepreneur and the Founder and President of Diversity Abroad. With a passion for international education Andrew founded Diversity Abroad in 2006 with a simple vision, that the next generation of young people from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds be equipped with the skills and experience to compete in the 21st century global marketplace. A native of San Diego, CA, Andrew is a graduate of the University of San Francisco and studied and interned abroad in Mexico and Spain. He is fluent in Spanish and Portuguese, is proficient in French, and has traveled to over forty-five countries on six continents.

DANEEN JOHNSON, COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT COORDINATOR Daneen is the Community Engagement Coordinator for Diversity Abroad. She oversees Diversity Abroad’s nationwide campusbased initiative, The Passport Tour, designed to introduce study abroad resources and opportunities to students from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds. As a two-time alumna of the University of Central Florida (UCF), Daneen studied abroad in Italy with an Italian Culture and Cuisine program and has spent time in Costa Rica and South Africa.

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