Hakeem Muhammmad's Design Thesis 2020 | M.Arch Part ii

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Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Abstract ] Kenyir Lake is located at Hulu Terengganu, Terengganu. Even though it is a man-made lake Kenyir Lake is rich with natural flora and fauna resources. It has been people favourite location for fishing activities and also the resources also the main income for the local people. Which is the aquaculture product. The aquaculture product is the freshwater fish that has been branded as Red Kenyir (Red Tilapia). However the product was not a huge success for the producer which are the Lembaga Kemajuan Terengganu Tengah (KETENGAH) and also the Department of Fisheries Hulu Terengganu. Thus, part of the design thesis will focus on how to improve the economic and also the social stability in this suburban Kenyir Lake with tourism. In addition the aquaculture resources are important to the locals for decades. Moreover with environment issues at Kenyir Lake as the ecosystem of the environment has been disturb because of the human greed due to their overfishing without any counter measures and water logging activities. Thus, the objectives of this study are; to educate and create awareness of aquaculture issues, to propose spaces for aquaculture tourism, and to improve economic and social stability in suburban Kenyir Lake. Therefore, the methodologies applied to achieve the objectives are interview, observations, literature review and case studies. This methodologies will help to build up the needs of the design for the desired proposed solution for the building programme. Kenyir Lake needs the aid of the aquaculture tourism to utilise the unique and potential of its natural resources to the optimum as it will benefits to the locals and the environment itself.


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Acknowledgement ] Alhamdulillah, I offer my highest praise and utmost gratitude to Allah S.W.T for His continuing, guidance and mercy. Without His guidance, thus research would not have been possible to complete. The successful completion of this research could not have been accomplished without supports of many individuals. I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor Asst. Prof. Dr. Zaiton Abdul Rahim for her time in supervising my research intellectually and meticulously as well as her ability to get me on track whenever needed. Her meticulous supervision, and suggestion as well as her constructive ideas are very much appreciated which initiated me to work on this research. Special thanks are also goes to the coordinator of this subject, Assc. Prof. Datin Dr. Ar. Norwina and Asst. Prof. Dr. Zuriani Binti Denan for their understanding and constant coordination on this subject. Through their understanding and generosity, all the deadlines are met accordingly. Most importantly, I would like to express my appreciation and enormous debt to Lembaga Kemajuan Terengganu Tengah (KETENGAH) and Department of Fisheries Hulu Terengganu for giving me opportunity to do my research at their facility. Their sincere cooperation and support deserve more than words can express. Not to forget many thanks to all my family and friends for their constant encouragement towards the end of this research. Once again, we glorify Allah for His endless mercy on us one of which is enabling us to successfully round off the efforts of writing this thesis. Alhamdulillah

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[Contents] Copyriting Acknowledgement Abstract

i ii iii

1. Introduction/Research Background 2. Literature Review/Theoretical Framework 3. Site

1 13 24

Inventory Analysis Synthesis

4. Design Brief Case and Precedent Studies Regulation Client Users Program Activities Schedule of Accommodation (SOA)


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[Contents] 5. Design Development


Concept Design Strategies Design Solution

6. Design Proposal


Site Planning/Master planning Layout Elevation Section Three Dimensional (3D) Perspectives Detail Construction Design Details Services

7. Special Studies


8. Conclusion 9. Reference 10. Appendices

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Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como



Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

Aquaculture ecotourism helps in reviving and cultivate the natural habitat and preserve the aquatic environments. This chapter will gives a brief review on the design thesis on aquaculture issues and its potential towards ecotourism sector and briefly explained the background and framework of aquaculture ecotourism in Kenyir Lake, Terengganu. This design thesis is to describe the core problem, project’s aim, the expected outcomes, operational objectives, the limitation and issues of the studies through the framework studies. Furthermore, the design thesis structure will help in better understanding of the ecotourism approach with the feasible alternative for aquaculture industry. Last but not least, this chapter will discuss the conceptual framework and relationship between ecotourism, biological and local community in the development of the project as the basis of the proposed architectural intervention as the outcome of the thesis.

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[what is aquaculture ?] Aquaculture by definition is the farming of organisms in an aquatic environment, inclusive of culturing fish, molluscs and aquatic plants, in a fresh, marine or brackish environment (Pillay and Kutty, 2005; Stickney, 2005; El-Sayed, 2006). Thus, in this design thesis the species that will be focused is primary on Tilapia species. In Tasik Kenyir Tilapia species have been branded as Red Kenyir that targeted to be the primary aquaculture production from Kenyir’s lake. The practices of aquaculture in Tasik Kenyir is through fish cage farming located at Sg. Como in Tasik Kenyir. The location are under Zon Industri Akuakultur (ZIA) and supervised by The Department of Fisheries Hulu Terengganu. This thesis highlights some of the issues and treat to the lake and proposal for a sustainable management of its aquaculture in providing a balance development that protect the biodiversity of Lake Kenyir while promoting ecotourism for the both economic and social welfare of the locals through architectural intervention.

[what is ecotourism ?] Ecotourism is often perceived as a tool for promoting sustainable management of the country’s natural resources whilst providing social and economic benefits. As a concept, it gains support mainly for its contribution to environmental conservation, cultural preservation and economic values. Kenyir Lake and its surrounding rainforest is home to a rich diversity of species and supports a community of indigenous people, the Orang Asli, who depend heavily on the region’s natural products and ecosystem services. Meanwhile, aquaculture involves utilization of natural resources such as clean water, vast tracks of land, feed materials and fertilizers to produce desirable products with simultaneous production of organic and chemical wastes. However, uncontrolled tourism, excessive logging and poaching, overlapping policies and management issues are some of the factors that could potentially harm the area and diminish Lake Kenyir as a potential sustainable ecotourism destination.


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[Remember these keyword]

[Design Thesis aim] To create a sustainable way on improving eco-tourism and aquaculture farming in Kenyir Lake

[Design Thesis Objectives] i. To educate and create awareness of aquaculture issues ii. To propose spaces for aquaculture tourism iii. To improve economic and social stability in suburban Kenyir

[Design Thesis questions] i. How to educate and create awareness of aquaculture issues ? ii. What are the spaces for aquaculture tourism ? iii. How to improve economic and social stability in suburban Kenyir ?

[Design Thesis Framework]

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[Kenyir Lake ecosystem background] From an environment perspective and consequent to the physical, cultural and historical background of Tasik Kenyir, ecosystem needs should be recognized equally alongside domestic, industrial and agricultural demand on water resource, The whole of Terengganu can be divided into a number of major ecosystem; namely, the hill and forest ecosystems, the river valleys and riverine ecosystems and the coastal ecosystems. Each of these ecosystem require water to maintain their functions: i. e. plants evaporate and transpire water; animals need water to survive; fish and amphibians live in the water; and wetlands, floodplains and mangroves need water to maintain a natural dynamic diversity of species

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Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

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[Design Thesis issues] In order to create a sustainable way on improving eco-tourism and aquaculture farming in Kenyir Lake thare are several issues cocerning the environment, economy and social issues that must be tackle.

[Environmental issues] Over-exploitation and habitat degradation, as an example, that have depleted the stocks and reduced the replacement rate in the population (Khan et al., 1996). Jackson & Marmulla (2001) reported an annual catch of 720 metric tonnes in Kenyir Lake. This figure was calculated based on Yusoff et al. (1995) However, the latest estimated fish production by the Department of Fisheries Malaysia in 2007 was only 105.13 tonnes. An important ecosystem safety measure is very important that especially fish species. The health of water bodies is reflected based on abundance health of the fish (Hamzah, 2007).

Habitat degradation, effluent release of high organic material, pollution of the marine habitat of pesticides, eutrophication, disease outbursts, consequences of escape from the native and diminishing habitats are the negative effects correlated with aquaculture in particular with Intensive Systems and and degradation of biodiversity. Therefore, Ecological approach based on the efficient use of energy sources along the food chain with suitable microbial loop to process the wastes is one viable option to ensure that the aquaculture venture is commercially viable and sustainable.

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[Economy issues] Terengganu has many beautiful places to explore. Most local or foreign visitors don’t realize that Terengganu still offers unique gateways. Nevertheless, the resources at Tasik are also used for farming the freshwater fish at Aquaculture zone in Sg. Como. However, the aquaculture product did not reach the production target that have been set up by the Department of Fisheries of Hulu Terengganu, which are 400 metric tan per annum and now only reach up to 200 metric tan per annum from 2007. The reason are that they are on low production, not well maintain facilities and low on resources. This could harm the production sales of the product. Whilst, these could harm the income of the vendors and workers that the aquaculture industries are initially to be the local source of income.

[Social issues] Social engagement at aquaculture zone In Sg. Como, Tasik Kenyir are very low. This is due to the location are isolated from other communities. In the area of 300 hectares there are only 10- 15 people who are staying and working. The people that can only access the aquaculture zones are only the workers, buyers and researchers or the authorities. The isolation could cause the workers to be in anxiety.


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[Design Thesis scope and limitation] Studies on this research will focus on: Focus area of study: ecotourism on aquaculture Focus user: will focus on the aquaculture farming employer and the employee ( > 20 years old) and for local and international tourist as in family range members. The studies of development may not to the full scale, because it will take a large amount of research time. Meanwhile, the site location is under National Park zone, thus there a limits of exploitations of land for infrastructure.

[Design Thesis Framework]

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[Design Thesis Structure]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

Tasik Kenyir seems to be unlived owing to its small tourist area, notwithstanding an abundance of natural resources and a great number of places to discover. This geographical environment is massive and there is little mobility from location to position. Several groups, such as the elderly, kids and certain family members are not able to visit and take advantage of Tasik Kenyir’s vast natural resources. It can thus be developed as a Dynamic Model Eco-tourism System (Eco-TSD) framework that includes economic, environmental and ecological systems to meet the underlying risks, opportunities and effects of environmental and development practice.

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[Conceptual Framework]

This conceptual framework shows relationship of ecobased tourism development in Tasik Kenyir and tourist arrival, and does eco-based tourism produce sustainability in economic, community and ecology development in Tasik Kenyir. The framework which considers ecotourism in term of synergistic links and uses indicators to determine if the relationships are operating in a way to allow each to make positive contribution to the other.


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[Casual loop diagram]

The diagram above illustrates the main node of sustainability management approaches abd strategies where it correlated with the environmental pressure and tourism. The positive and negative feedback loop defines three subsystems of the effect on the social, economic and biodiversity of sustainable ecotourism in Tasik Kenyir.

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[Socio Economic Subsystem diagram]

The diagram depicts a socio-economic context that reflects the importance of socio-economic experiences including tourism and land developments.


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[chapter 2: Literature Review/ Background] Chapter 2 gives perimeter of the object and subject matters. This chapter will briefly explain the aquaculture issues and its potential to an ecotourism sector at Kenyir Lake, Terengganu. The detailed explanation of background studies and context of the research will be provided in better understanding in the operational objectives, site selection, selected audience and target groups, limitation and delimitation of the studies. Finally, the creation of the chapter is to addressed the importance of aquaculture in the respective place with research questions that could assist with the method used, tools and the sources of information.

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[Lake Kenyir]

[Development of Lake Kenyir]

Lake Kenyir is located at the heart of Terengganu state, which is in Hulu Terengganu district. The lake is the largest man-made lake in Southeast Asia that the water catchment area are 38000 hectares with more than 340 island in the area. Kenyir river gives the attribution in naming the Kenyir Lake. However the river is now beneath the Kenyir’s lake as the rainfall and the surrounding water sources fill up the lake catchment area (Ramli,2009). In 1956-1970 archaeologist discovered some artefacts that come from the civilization of Neolithic era in Lake Kenyir. The significant discoveries of stone tools and axes by archiologist at Gua Bewah and Batu Tok Bidan are caves dating back to Neolithic era (Ramli, 2009).

The completion of the construction of Kenyir Lake dam was on 1985 with the first construction on 1961. The chronicle of the construction of the dam took nearly 15 years and was interrupted prior to low insistent and peremptory request along with high manufacturing costs. The development of the construction of the dam then was continued on the early 1970s until completion date (Kentengah, 2014).

[Biodiversity of Lake Kenyir] Kenyir Lake is rich in biodiversity with variety living species, including plants, animals, bacteria and fungi that enhance and compliment the natural aesthetics. Citation from Ramli (2009), there are about 800 orchid varieties, 2500 plant and arboreal varieties, 8000 flower species and more than 300 freshwater fish species. There are also treasured wood species that were valuable towards the ecosystem such as Resak (Vatica spp), Meranti (Shorea albida), Neram (Dipterocarpus) and Kapur (Dryobalanops oblongifolia). With the native species such as Neram (Dipterocarprus), Giant yams, Pusan Hutan (Jungle banana), Perik Kera (Nepenthess spp), wild orchids and more that enlighten the jungle. Hence, Kenyir Lake is specified as one of the richest biodiversity in Malaysia compared to other lake that located in Malaysia. Furthermore, Ramli (2009) had mentioned in his studies that the amount of butterflies in Malaysia is more than 100 species, birds such as pigeons, eagles, hornbills etc. with 370 species and 200 species of animals as well as 9 other endangered species (Ramli, 2009). Finally, the weather of Kenyir Lake that is cool and humid is very suitable for wildlife animals’ habitat. Thus, people also seems to favourite the lake because of its environment and weather making it a favourable tourist destination especially to nature lovers.


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[Tenth Malaysia Plan] One of the fundamental key of the Tenth Malaysia Plan was environmental value (1 0MP,2010). This subject is designed to protect areas rich in natural biodiversity such as Lake Kenyir. Areas such as Lake Kenyir are rich in natural biodiversity as a major contributor to the country’s economic growth. Furthermore, after the Kenyir Lake was appointed as one of the eco-tourism destination in Malaysia, this place will be utilized and maximized for the real potential of the tourism industry such as Langkawi Geo-park. The enormous development of Geo-park in Malaysia shows that it is the main tourist attractions in the Northern Corridor of Malaysia. With the rank of 54th in the Environmental Performance Index that was specified by Yale University and Columbia out of 163 countries for industry environmental performance measurement, it shows the importance of how the eco-tourism in Malaysia will affect the environment towards the habitat biodiversity. Furthermore, as mentioned and described in 10MP, there should not be any compromise towards the sustainability of the natural habitat in the growth of the Malaysian tourism industry under the opportunity in promoting ecotourism to develop commercial value that has been strategically outlined in the 10MP (10MP, 2010). Moreover, the development of ecotourism in this area will encourage the growth of understanding in numerous area of flora and fauna that encourage the engagement of the respective community towards socio-economic tourism and education. As a result, the redevelopment of Kenyir Lake should be conduct in positive manner that could enhance the surrounding settings and its natural resources. It is everyone’s responsibility in carrying the Malaysia Plan while preserving the biodiversity of the area for future generations that compatible with sustainable development.

[Estern Cost Economic Region (ECER)]

[Terengganu State Structure Plan]

Regarding 9th Malaysia Plan (9MP), balanced provincial growth and measured development in selected region has been initiated and introduced by the government such as Iskandar Corridor, Northern Corridor Economic Region (NCER) Sabah Development Corridor (SDC), The Sarawak Renewable Energy Corridor (SCORE) and the Eastern Cost Economic Region (ECER). The vision and mission of 9th Malaysia Plan has been carried out by ECER Malaysia that cover few stated in Malaysia including Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang and Johor specifically in Mersing. The balance regional development is basically concentrate on the oil and gas, agricultural, tourism and educational industries. According to ECER, areas that are rich with natural biodiversity will becoming a key industrial area and act as an important economic group. Hence, Kuala Terengganu City Centre (KTCC), Dungun and Kenyir are regarded as Terengganu’s triangle area for 9th Malaysia Plan where the targeted area Kenyir Lake is located. Nevertheless, the development of Kenyir Lake is one of the marked area that will give positive contribution towards the significance of economic growth of the provincial growth. Therefore, to achieve Kenyir Lake as tourism attraction, further development still need to be considered in increasing the local and foreign tourist amount annually in assist the targeted economic growth.

The basis and management growth plan of the state development has been considered and conducted in few studies by the State Government for the last twenty-five years. The issues will be developed according to the needs of the selected area where the tourism department is considered as one of the important sector that playing part in economy growth of the country. Furthermore, Kenyir Lake is one of the attraction place that need to be promoted and aimed to develop as an eco-tourism area as mentioned in TSP in 2006 (TSP, 2006). This leads to the government resolution in tourism management with development strategies of the respected area that contain natural habitat and ecological biodiversity. Hence, the enhancement of tourism facilities need to be implemented in introducing fresh ideas such as the expansion of new goods, development of tourist basic facilities, and bold and dynamic marketing production need to be provided. The growth of the tourism sector need to be reorganized and improved in the terms of the elements that need to be considered which could positively contribute to the state government through repositioning and rebranding in promoting eco-tourism in Malaysia where it is potentially engage more tourist into the area. Other than that, contribution by the on site development is through various local production that focus on the tourism sector such as educational tourism, eco-tourism, medical tourism, sports tourism and cultural heritage tourism. Furthermore, the promising land of Kenyir Lake that rich with natural habitat and its ecosystem is potentially to be a centre for education through research activities and can equip as a place for physical activities that can be included with mountains, waterfalls and the reservoir as a component that will be compatible with extreme sports. Reported by Chairman’s Report National Audit in 2011, the promotion programme in Kenyir Lake gives major environmental changes towards the tourism sector since the promotion of the development strategies in 2006 such as Kenyir International Rainforest Challenge, Kenyir International Mountain Bike Challenge, Kenyir Lake International Triathlon, Kenyir International Motocross Challenge and Kenyir Festival (Chairman’s Report National Audit, 2011). Towards 2014, the tourism sector in Lake Kenyir have been promoted that exceed the targeted economic growth of the state.

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[Special Area Plan (Kenyir)] Hulu Terengganu geographical area is surrounded mostly with forestry and agricultural areas. This leads to the greater improvement through local economy in achieving the timber and forest import and export production supply. These materials can bring positive aspects in country’s economic sector and support the SME sectors such as furniture and timber production for domestic and international markets. Furthermore, this area is potentially to gain advantage for the growth of the development of the community centres that will aid in providing the education and urban tourism that covers Kenyir Lake area (TSP, 2006). Hence, this generate Kenyir Lake as one of the Top Tourist Destination in Central Asia that comprise with the main growth of Kenyir Lake with reinforced roles and capacity as a tourist attraction under the Special Area Plan (SAP) in 2010 in the following aspects; i. Rearrange the function and role of Kenyir Lake Local Tourism Centre into a primary Tourist Centre with variation of activities to be provided; ii. The opportunity of Kenyir Lake’s strength and potential of eco-tourism to be considered; iii. Rebranding Kenyir Lake as a leisure destination providing a broad range of sustainable tourism items;

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Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

iv. As a tourist centre, Lake Kenyir is continuing to compete with other similar tourist centers in Asia. For 2020 plan based on the Draft Special Area Plan of Lake Kenyir (2010), Lake Kenya will be divided into the Pengkalan Gawi Tourism Centre, the Kenyir One Service Center, the Forest and Farming Reserve and the Basong Village Center as well as the Institutional Centre. The development will soon be completed in the direction of the project with numerous facilities, such as resort, hotel, cable car and the Public Transportation Terminal. The natural ecosystem of Lake Kenyir would be impacted by increased construction of Lake Kenyir to accomplish the country and state government ‘s dream and goal of rising economic growth. The development of Kenyir Lake with proper planning and strategies for the sustainable use of natural resources for future generations. Without proper administration and monitoring on regular basis of Kenyir Lake development, the Lake Kenyir’s development will harm the surrounding area which will effect Kenyir Lake biodiversity.

[Aquaculture Activities] Aquaculture, the farming of animals and plants in aquatic environment, declining fish production and relief pressure on marine resources are becoming an important industry around the world. The world’s aquaculture output is more than 10% annually relative to 1.5% capture and 3% livestock production (FAO , 2001). The rapid growth of aquaculture in the recent years involved small-scale ventures as well as large-scale enterprises; from low value crops for local consumption to high value products for international markets, which contributes significantly to foreign currency earning. The growth is expected to continue with Asian region contributing approximately 90% of the world’s aquaculture production (FAO, 2001). Aquaculture industry, which involves different techniques for hundreds of fish species and aquatic invertebrates, has great potential for the increase in production of food, health and cosmetic products, as well as alleviation of poverty, and generation of wealth for nations with vast water-bodies. While the mode of processing is vary from area to area, based on crop species cultured and related environmental conditions, the use of the natural resources and the use of biological processes are both depends on the forms of aquaculture. This includes utilizing resources like clean water and extensive property, feedstuffs and fertilizers in order to generate goods which are attractive while at the same time could produce and reuse the agricultural waste and chemicals. Such agricultural waste, which is an unintended product of the practices of aquaculture, will not be detrimental because it can be treated and successfully incorporated into the global food chain.

Aquaculture brief history: • The massive polyculture of Chinese carps in former mining pools began in 1920’s. • Navy trapping ponds in the mid 1930s. • Blood cockle production in the early 40’s. • In the mid-1950s, extensive cultivation in earthen ponds of freshwater fish. • Semi-intensive shrimp production in the early 1970s. • Commercial aquaculture (fish and shrimp hatcheries establishing private feed mills). In the 1980s, commercial aquaculture was introduced. • Integrated shrimp farms (from hatchery to plant processing and export) on the commercial scale of the 1990’s. • Priority in 2000 on consumer protection and the control of fish welfare from source to source.

Roles of Aquaculture • Loss of the gap between supply and demand for fresh fish (National Food Safety) • Less fish capture strain, • Building foreign exchange profits, • Providing work and professional development; • Diversify the farming & farmers’ alternate income; • Create incentives for business and innovation.

Commercial Aquaculture Species: Freshwater aquaculture: • Tilapia (Oreochromis sp.), • Catfish (Clarius sp., Pangassius sp.), • Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii).

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[Aquaculture Industrial Zone (AIZ) in Lake Kenyir] The Aquaculture Industrial Zone (AIZ) is designated as a land and water zone for commercial aquaculture projects granted by the state Government. There are currently 49 sites across Malaysia covering over 28000 hectares. Aquaculture Industrial Zone in Lake Kenyir are located at Sg. Como which premises 2800 hectares. The zone is under supervisions Department of Fisheries Hulu Terengganu. The aim of the program are to increase the production of aquaculture product in Sg. Como. In addition the related bodies in the program are Terengganu’s PPRT under E-kasih, ICU and JPM. This is to reduce the poverty among local. The project component are hatchery, farming, infrastructure, settlement, quality control and processing of aquaculture production..

Chronology of AIZ in Sg. Como • 2006: Phase 1. construction of 200 cages unit • 2007: Launch by former Prime Minister at SK Tapah, Hulu Terengganu under program “High Impact Project” (HIP) – RMK-9 • 2008: Terengganu Agrotech Development Corporation (TADC) Sdn. Bhd. Positioned as an Anchor compoany. • 2009: Less resources and workforce from (TADC) allowing the cage to be rent to the individual or compony • 2012: (TADC) handover to DOF (department of fisheries) • 2012 – present: Open tender to individual and compony. While dividend scheme still proceed.

Advantages in Aquaculture Development • Strategic location: In strategic location in central South-East Asia, Malaysia is an important manufacturer, marketing and trade country in fish and fish products State. State. • Good climatic condition: The country is highly conducive to aquaculture and fishing, because the climate is good and free from natural disasters. • Blessed with abundant fisheries resources: Malaysia has plenty of fish supplies and can support a broad variety of fishing operations and plenty of raw materials. Nearly 2,0 million tons of fish were produced in the nation in 2012, comprising 1,47 million tons of wildfish and 637,517 tons of aquaculture products, including seaweed. • Strong Government backup: The national agro-food agenda (2011-2020) and the national economic development plan offer good impetus for government funding. As part of policy policies for rising food supply for the domestic market, enhancing trade balance and growing exports, deep-sea fishing and aquaculture is established by policy.


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Red Kenyir an Aquaculture Product of (AIZ) Sg. Como] Red Kenyir was registered with the Malaysian Intellectual Property Corporation in 2015 with Trade mark registration No: 2015001820. The product is a branding for production of fishing activities in Como River, Kenyir Lake. The purpose of the Terengganu State Fisheries Department to register this patent is to ensure the quality of livestock production in the Como River, Lake Kenyir as the best product.

[ Type of Red Kenyir Aquaculture Product]

The main species for productions are: • Ikan Tilapia Merah (Oreochromis sp.) • Ikan Baung (Mystus sp.) • Ikan Keli (Clarias gariepinus ) • Ikan Lampam Sungai (Puntius schwanenfeldii Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Fresh water fish Market chain]

[ Impacts of Aquaculture Practices on the environment] The Department of Fisheries statistics show that the increase in aquaculture production is due to the boost of a few species, mainly from pond and cage aquaculture. Thus, the severity of impacts on the environment would roughly mirror the production tonnage. In addition, all the nvironmental impacts of aquaculture are dependent on the sensitivity and type of a particular ecosystem as well as the type of farm practice. The amount of aquaculture wastes and thus their impacts on the environment are closely related to the culture method, cultured species, feedtype and farm management practices. Because processes mimic the energy distribution observed in natural ecological structures, environmental impacts linked to comprehensive industrialized processes are deemed negligible. On the other hand, high rates of storage require high loading of allochthonous feed materials, fertilizers and drugs in semi-intensive and intensive cultivation systems. In addition, high stocking rates also results in high metabolic waste, such as ammonia from the cultured organisms (Shishehchian et al., 1999).


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

The Department of Fisheries statistics show that the the cultured organisms (Shishehchian et al., 1999). Due to huge amount of capital needed to ensure clean discharge, most aquaculture operators in the country do not treat waste-waters before discharge. Those humidity ecosystems are highly fragile such as mangroves, estuaries, grasslands, coral reefs and dungeons, notably where interventions have surpassed the carrying ability of the eco-system. However, carriage capacity is poorly known in various ecosystems so that the trend is common in most environments to exceed the upper limit. Habitat destruction, effluent release of high organic ingredients, chemical contamination in aquatic environments, eutrophication, diseases outbreaks, effects of exotic species and biodiversity reduction, all have adverse effects associated with aquaculture, in particular the intensive systems.

[ Uncontrolled Tourism] Over the last 5 years , nearly 20,000 visitors have visited Kenyir to engage over hunting, sight-watching, hiking, bird-watching or jungle-trekking, a number that continues to rise every year (Figure 2). The lake harbours waterfalls, the Lasir waterfall and the calcareous cave including the Bewah Cave and Taat Cave, are the most prominent of them. The Kenyan Lake is also a popular fishing area. Uncontrolled tourism and fishing might, however, destroy historic places, fish and their ecosystems, rendering Kenyan Lake an ecotourism attraction to create. Zwirn et al. (2005) stated that, if the place was practiced and managed carelessly, recreational and sport fishing could actually lead to overexploitation. It becomes evident because 23 percent of recreational fishing also includes captures of protected species in the United States (Coleman et al., 2004). Hobby fishing can help to introduce and develop alien fish species in Malaysia since attractive fish are sometimes stored to generate new fishing opportunities (Khairul Adha et al. 2013;Walton et al . 2016). For example , in the early 1990-ies irresponsible anglers brought Chicla ocellaris into the man-made lake of the former sports fishing mining area in the Peninsula of Malaysia (Khairul Adha, 2006).

Indigenous knowledge and sustainable practices are important to retain because they can be an attraction in the area around Kenyr Lake. Yet through interaction among indigenous communities and visitors threatens to erode their traditional lifestyle. Orang Asli ‘s business status can be improved by tourism. Tzu-Ming and Dau-Jye (2014) however suggested the change in the traditional social mechanisms of the native tribes in new economic revenue and tourism. Merlan (1998 ) noted that the approaches utilized by indigenous communities are evolving owing to the intervention of visitors with their cultural values. Merlan (1998) also noted, when the visitors clash with their cultural practices, that the usage of natural resources by aboriginal communities is increasing. At the other side, the increasing number of visitors will cause them to rely upon tourism occupations, such as tour guides and boaters, thus altering their conventional way of living. These changes can lead to the deterioration and deterioration of traditional knowledge.

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Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Biological Threats] Modern aquaculture, biological management, aquarium industry and stock enhancement fish species were developed and in Malaysia exotic alien species spilled (Reusink 2005; Walton et al . 2016). The primary causes of extending and translocating by aquaculture and enhanced supplies in Malaysia and maintaining themselves in biodiversity is Khairul Adha et al . ( 2013). Animals have adapt to a broad variety of environmental conditions. The alien species could adversely affect indigenous ecosystems and should be avoided at all costs. Walton et al . , ( 2016) notes that Gambussian afinies, implemented as means of minimizing the spread of Dengu fever over the last few years (Lavinia 2015), posed a challenge to the survival of Kenyan indigenous species by means of tropical rivalry, rivalry for intervention and predation against others, to the management of mosquito-borne diseases (ghosh and dash, 2007). Future commercial fishing and access to sport fishing can be affected through direct predation on the eggs and young individuals of important native species such as Tinfoil barb, Barbonymus Schwanenfeldii and Hampala barb, Hampala macrolepidota.

[ Other Threats] The creation of the Sultan Mahmud Hydro Electric Power Plant which later created Kenyir Lake may have given negative impacts on local community. In addition to the creation of the new dam in the upper stream of Sungai Terengganu which intended to increase and improve electricity output (The Star, 2010), fish species may have significantly decrease and affect the native species. Karim and Mansor (2013) reported that about 40% of fish’s availability and species diversity is reduced due to the affect of the dam in the Temenggor Lake area. The native species in Kenyir Lake may be affected and reduce in numbers. The prestige of Kenyir Lake as angler’s heaven could be damaged and lead to loss of tourists and profits. 22

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ chapter 2: output of the chapter] As tourism in the Kenyir Lake, its flora and fauna and indigenous cultural heritage are significant. In order to maintain the sustainability of its diverse ecosystem, sustainable practices in Kenyir region is important. It is important to prevent unregulated deforestation, wildlife and tourism and aquaculture that can have an adverse effect on the ecology of Kenyir Lake. In Malaysia, the aquaculture industry is essential for food production, and it may minimize fishing pressure on wild stocks, but, to avoid negative environmental impacts it should be strictly regulated. Aquaculture has a high quality aquaculture product in view of its natural environment and is one way of contributing to the economy of Lake Kenyir. In order to reduce pressure on wild stocks and bring economic and social benefits to locals, the commercialization of aquaculture of native fish species should be established. Aquaculture can also be an interesting ecotourism destination which has brought to light the resources of Lake Kenyr and thus enables tourists to understand the importance of sustainable practices and to promote and market aquaculture products on Lake Kenyr more effectively. This also encourages understanding of what the environment of the area wants to survive. Finally, there must be documentation of fish in the area of the dam concerned and the reproduction of sensitive fish species. Overall, ecotourism in Kenyir has great potential to be recognised at an international level, but numerous challenges must be addressed. Its potential as an ecotourism destination largely depends on natural resources and heritage. Based on the discussions presented, there is a need to integrate community, ecosystem and ecotourism in any development in Kenyir. As Lake Kenyir is rich with its aquaculture product, a facility which allow for the production of aquaculture products and at the same time support ecotourism industry, generate income for the community, and create awareness on the biodiversity of the lake will be support the overall intention of the state government. A sustainable architectural intervention which highlighted all the issues of Lake Kenyir will be a potential solution to the development of Lake Kenyir as an important tourist destination. Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[chapter 3: Site Study] The key aim of this chapter shall be to clarify the planned location for the design process. An analysis of the site analyses the site’s state, the natural and man-made features, the local history, the social and economic factors in the community and the site ‘s capacity and restrictions. Furthermore, the section presents the proposed site and explains why the decisions have been taken on the site selection. This chapter lists the site’s inventory, its history, legal aspects and problems on the site where the projects were initiated. Lastly, all the natural and aesthetic factors have comprehensively analysed the site. The chapter summarizes the site study to create the best guideline for the design proposal.


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Site Location] The proposed site for Aquaculture eco-tourism programme is located at the Lake Kenyir, Hulu Terengganu, Terengganu. The best way getting to Tasik Kenyir is by daily flights Malaysia Airlines (MAS) and Air Asia from KLIA to Kuala Terengganu and rent a car or taxi to reach Tasik Kenyir. The simpliest route is by using Karak Highway until Kuantan. Then by using Jabor - Jerangau road or coastal road (Kemaman to K. Terengganu) until reaching Ajil before proceed to Tasik Kenyir. Travel distance between Kuala Terengganu to Tasik Kenyir is 70 kilometers which about 45 minutes travel duration. Another alternative route to Tasik Kenyir is through the Simpang Pulai-Kuala Berang route through Gua Musang (Kelantan). It is roughly 76 kilometers to drive from Gua Musang to Tasik Kenyir within 55 minutes.

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Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Land Particular]

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Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Site Justification]

Aquaculture farming activities for Tasik Kenyir are placed at Sg. Como “ ZON INDUSTRI AKUAKULTUR (ZIA)”

Reason for the location: Centralized - a sustainable method for managing the fish waste Accessible from land and water Part of island hopping Redevelop the existing aquaculture farming facilities Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Kenyir Lake demo-graphic]

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Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Site Analysis & Synthesis] Analysis: The wind path is one of the most important elements in Kenyir Lake, with an average speed of 8 km / H, as seen from North East to South West. The average minimum temperature is 24 ° C average and 32 ° C year-round with annual rainfall of 3482 mm a year.

Synthesis: To prevent excessive heat in the internal building space, the building openings should not be directed towards the East and the West. The orientation of the building will allow air ventilation across the building. Temperature stability gives the passive architecture method adapted to the layout with good benefit. High precipitation volumes in Kenyir Lake area each year gives a good reason to implement rainwater harvesting into the building system.

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Site Analysis & Synthesis]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Site Analysis & Synthesis]

Planted for conservation and breeding purposes of Kelah fish. The uniqueness of the ‘fish spa’ treatment is a memorable experience in the sanctuary. To get to the fish spa, visitors / tourists can take the designated track and through the suspension bridge

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There are 7 trained elephants that attract visitors with activities like Elephant Bath and Elephant Presentation.

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Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Site Analysis & Synthesis]

Archaeological artifacts date back 10,000-15,000 years. The formation of limestone creates unique stalactites and stalagmites.Natural habitat for insects at night and animals.

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Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

The cave of Obedience is known for its secrets in the past. The place is also popular for its many forms and sizes of stalactites and stalagmites that look like beautifully carved marble and are regarded as art galleries carved with art by nature. Travelers can reach the Tavern Cave by boat from the Pengkalan Gawi Pier which takes about 2 hours. As the water level rises, the Taat Cave also sinks and cannot be visited. Tourists can also uncover the mysteries of the cave and enjoy the natural wonders of the Tavern.

[ Site Analysis & Synthesis]

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Two options are available for the access to the site. One is through the main road and secondly from the lake by water transportation. There are two forms of shipping whih is through houseboat and boat.

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Site Analysis & Synthesis]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Site Analysis & Synthesis]

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Site Analysis & Synthesis]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Site Analysis & Synthesis]

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Site Analysis & Synthesis]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Site Analysis & Synthesis]

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Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Site Analysis & Synthesis]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[chapter 4: Design Brief] This chapter will discuss the proposed design brief. -Case and Precedent Studies -Regulation -Client -Users -Program -Activities -Schedule of Accommodation (SOA)

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Case & Precedent Studies]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Case & Precedent Studies]

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Case & Precedent Studies]



Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Case & Precedent Studies]

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Case & Precedent Studies]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Case & Precedent Studies]

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Case & Precedent Studies]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Case & Precedent Studies]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Case & Precedent Studies]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Case & Precedent Studies]

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Case & Precedent Studies]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como



Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Schedule of Accommodation ]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Schedule of Accommodation ]

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Schedule of Accommodation ]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[chapter 5: Design Developement] This chapter will discuss the proposed design development. -Concept -Islamic design approach -Design Strategies -Design solutions

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Design Concept]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Masterplan Zoning strategies]

[ Islamic Design Approach] Space planning must abide and be more sensitive of the spatial zone -processing area must be in clean space and hygiene Abu Malik Al-Ash`ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Purity is half of iman (faith) -Therefore, the space planning for processing the fish will placed far away from difuse chamber. -orientation of praying building space will be oriented toward the qiblah,thus the space of praying will be utilized fully for saf.

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Masterplan design development]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Masterplan design development]

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Implement ideas]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Implement ideas]

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Implement ideas]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Implement ideas]

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Implement ideas]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Implement ideas]

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[ Implement ideas]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Implement ideas]

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Implement ideas]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[chapter 6: Design Proposal] -Site Planning/Master Planning -Layout -Elevation -Section -3D -Perspectives -Details Construction -Design Details -Services

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Masterplan design development]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Masterplan design development]

zone_E [ tourist accommodation facilities ] -accomondation -cabin -water park -campsite -agriculture/aquaponics interactive landscape

zone_A [ Production facilities ] -fresh water fish processing production -education on the product -drying fish process -freshwater fish keropok lekor -warehouse

zone_D [ Fisherman cabin facilities ] -accomondation -cabin

zone_C [ Commercial facilities ] -cooking class -restaurant -fishing -agriculture/aquaponics interactive landscape -community meeting area -cultural activities

zone_B [ Aquaculture interactive facilities ] -aquaculture interactive farming -exhibition -aquaculture port -jetty -part of island hopping -traditional and cultural meeting

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Building Plan ]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Building Plan ]

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Building Plan ]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Building Plan ]

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Building Plan ]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Masterplan Component ]

Production facilities -fresh water fish processing production -education on the product -drying fish process -freshwater fish keropok lekor -warehouse

Fish dock Arrival of freshwater fish from the cage -Fish will be trasported to the fish dock by a pully that carries the fish from the temporary cage. -The dock is important as it is a strating point of the fish cleaning process that will be carried out inside the building.

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Production Building ]

Visitor walk path visitor can experience the processing without distrubing the production process

Drying Fish area fish that have been cleaned and salted will be dried at the desired space at the rooftop

Fish processing cleaning the fish with the Ikejime method.

water tunnel visitor can experience the underwater exploration of Kenyir Lake

Production area Production Zone -The fish cleaning area is the main processing area that shows the method of cleaning the fish before being exported to the consumers and others production area.


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Production Building ]

Visitor walk path visitor can experience the processing without distrubing the production drying fish process

vehicular entrance Land vehicular entrance, with buggy and car

Drying Fish area

visitor exit

Part of drying fish process that are cleaning and salting the fish before the fish being dried under sun.

Land vehicular exit, with buggy and car

Production area Drying fish processing zone -dring fish process can be watch by the visitor as the surrounding space are windows. Thus visitor can watch the process and learn closely of the process.

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Building Programme Component ]




Entrance building 1 2 3


2 1


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

|breifing room |pre-function area |exhibition hall

[ Aquaculture Component ]

Aquaculture interactive facilities -aquaculture interactive farming -exhibition -aquaculture port -jetty -part of island hopping

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Aquaculture Component ]

Aquaponics garden -surrounding the decking are placed with aquaponics garden. planted with vegetables. logs are constructed with the module. The logs functions as the wave barriers that protects the deck structure.


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Aquaculture Component ]

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Aquaculture Component ]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Aquaculture Component ]

Underwater Adventure -Visitor can experience the deep water of Kenyir Lake. As there the living history of the Kenyir Lake ecosystem. It is an new experience to the people as they will know that the deep water of man-made Lake are not the same as other lake or oceans. Man-made lake are fill with drown forrest that are full of mysterious. Thus, this will provide a close education and new perspective of the nature and man-made lake would be.

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Aquaculture Component ]

Melur Pier -Melur Pier located in the water are the indication of the forest under the deep water. The pier are to provide an additional shelther to the fish and others species. -people can observe the Melur pier as it is the alternative of the fish habitat. -Fish can lay thier eggs and find their source of food at the pier.


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Production Building ]

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Masterplan Component ]

Commercial facilities -cooking class -restaurant -fishing -agriculture/aquaponics interactive landscape -community meeting area


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Masterplan Component ]

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como



Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

section a-a

|not to scale

section b-b

|not to scale

section b-b

|not to scale

section a-a

|not to scale

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Construction Detail ]



Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Construction Detail ] rotation_A



aquaponics |Aquaponics plans will grow surrounding the column. that will provide food source for the freashwater fish. Thus, the freshwater fish will have the natural food source.

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Construction Detail ]

detail_d Peripheral glass and bamboo facades are equipped with glass sun shades which automatically turn towards the sun. The light filtration provided by these slides is possible because their surfaces have been treated and printed with alternate bands of white, allowing the passage of diffused natural light. All other openings are equipped with removable blinds consisted of bamboo wood. The coating for lightweight opaque spandrel glass, which has been well-insulated, maximises heat reflection through glass panels etched (on the outside) and enamelled (on the inside).


near zero energy building

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

In terms of energy performance, the aim for the building is to achieve zero energy. Energy saving, throughout (natural light, insulation etc.) the use of efficient materials (energy-saving circulation,

[ Services Diagram ]

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Services Diagram ]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Services Diagram ]

Anaerobic digestion The left over of the aquaculture product will undergo anaerobic digestion.

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Masterplan Component ]

tourist accommondation -accomondation -cabin -water park

Cabin tourist/backpakers can accommodate themselve to the cabin, as to be closer the Kenyir Lake nature.

visitor cabin lobby visitor will register themselve at the cabin lobby for accommodation


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Masterplan Component ]

Fisherman cabin -accomondation -cabin

fisherman cabin fisherman will be provided with their own cabin rather than staying on the boathouse, as this will provide them more options of staying and closer to the land.

boat parking direct acces to their own cabin, as they come back from their working area.

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[ Scale Model ]

Aquaculture dock scale 1:200


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Scale Model ]

Master Plan (micro) scale 1:500

detail model scale 1:50

Master Plan (macro) scale 1:3000

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[chapter 7: Spatial Studies] This chapter will discuss: -Spatial Study of the building design


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

|In this section, the fish production process will be demonstrated from the collection of fresh fish cage to the export and selling stage

Fish pully


|the fish will be pick up by pully ( to be transported to others fish sorting area located in building )



Fish sorting


|the pully will arived at the fish sorting area |the fish will be sort to their weight and species |the purposed of sorting is to ensure the processing of cleaning fish is organised


Fish cage

|pully that are not being use or operated will be temporary placed at the designated area.


|fisherman will come from their own designated fishfarm |to transfer their fish into the collecting fish cage |the fish cage is for temporary fish keeping before the fish undergo fish cleaning in the processing area. |the purpose of this method or procedure is to keep the fish fresh rather than keeping them die su suffocating. which will effects their quality.

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


dry fish process Keropok lekor process

management zone

|Fresh water fish can be process to a keropok lekor. which are produced as boneless keropok lekor.

|The portion of the cleaned fish will be undergo the fermentation of the fish, as it is the part of the process before the fish is being dried at the drying area.

|The management office taken place at above the fish processing area. |They could observe and control the working space from above.

Fish cleaning process |The fish cleaning process is following the method of

|The fish pickup area by pully




c b

Fish cleaning process |The fish cleaning process is following the method of Ikejime fish cleaning method. The process will ensure the freshness of the fish long laster


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como



3 6




Fish production 1 2 3

4 5


6 6

|fish sorting |cleaning fish |cleaned fish pick up by pully ( to be transported to others processing area) |office |drying fish area |visitor path hall

4 2 1

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


pully transportation |The goods (fish, keropok lekor, dry fish) are being transported with a pully, that are connected to all processing area. | the method will ease up the transportation process.

|The goods (fish, keropok lekor, dry fish) are being transported with a pully


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

storage warehouse |The goods (fish, keropok lekor, dry fish) are being stored to the warehouse for safekeeping

pully transportation |pully will transfer the goods (fish, keropok lekor, dry fish) to the loading bay. |the pully will be transfer from above level to the lower level (loading bay)

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


water pump system |the water inside the aquarium will be pump inside of the aquarium glass (cone glass) with the water suction pump. |the idea of the floating aquarium is to allow fish to be above the water as peopel can watch the fish closer and more interactive


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

Balak air |(balak air) is trees that have been flooded by water as the result of the construction Lake Kenyir water dam. |the (balak air) is where the freshwater fish create their own habitat for shelter and where their sources foods comes (funges, parasite aquaponics). |local people also find the balak air as their favourite location for fishings activites. |however, there have been balak air logging activities that disturb the ecosystem and culture activities for the locals.

Melur Pier |Melur pier is name after the lost village (Kg. Melur) that is now located in the deep water of Lake Kenyir. The pier is to help in sustaining the ecosystem of Lake Kenyir. |The name Melur also related to the arrangement of the concrete pillar that display as the patels of Jasmine flower (Bunga Melur .

Melur pier arrangement (floor plan section cut)

Jasmine flower patels (Bunga Melur)

aquaponics |Aquaponics plans will grow surrounding the column. that will provide food source for the freashwater fish. Thus, the freshwater fish will have the natural food source.

addition shelter |The Melur Pier are structured with a hollow surrounding the structure. The hollow will allow freshwater fish to pass thru and create their own habitat/shelter.

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[chapter 8: Conclusion]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Conclusion ] In conclusion, Aquaculture Tourism Centre at Sg. Como is not act only as a tourism centre at Lake Kenyir. The project also focus on environmental, social and economy to achieve a positive impact of the lake and its potential. As stated in chapter 1 that the environmental issues happened because of the over exploitation of fish in addition with the fish habitat being disturb because of the logging activities of “Balak Air� and answering the design thesis question which is on how to educate and create awareness of aquaculture issues. The Design of the project focus on educating the users with the implementation of the Melur Pier that provide addition shelter to the aquaculture species, especially the freshwater fish. By providing the addition shelter users can experience the fishing activities with control measures without disturbing the ecosystem, because this to avoid the over exploitation of fish without counter measures. Furthermore, with providing a design for the awareness to the people, such as exhibition space that exhibit about the aquaculture activities and history will provide more awareness to the people. Economic also part of the focus of the project. As the answering the design thesis question on how to improve economic and social stability in suburban Kenyir Lake. Thus the project focuses also on aiding the production and distribution of the aquaculture product, which are mainly the Red Tilapia fish (Oreochromis). The Red Tilapia is the gems of Sg. Como. Therefore the product will process in a well manner from the fish cage to the distribution stage. In addition visitor also can see the all process of the production as they can experience and get to know the product of Kenyir Lake. Thus it will help to grow the brand of Kenyir Lake product from local to larger consumer, which that would be to international export. Aquaculture exploration under and above the water are introduced in the building programme is to provide aquaculture tourism space to be experience for the visitor. Thus, the visitor can get to know more about the Kenyir Lake from the environment under the water of the Kenyir Lake which are rich with aquaculture species and also history of Kenyir Lake. Interaction with the locals people will also enlighten the surrounding social interactions. Therefore with a good environment, the programme will able to inject more knowledge and bring people closer to the Kenyir Lake history and culture. Therefore, the programme will allow to deliver the awareness to the people as they can reflect themselves to be more cautions and care to their surroundings.

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como


[chapter 9: Reference]


Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

[ Reference]

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[ Reference]

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[chapter 10: Appendices]

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[ Appendices]


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[ Appendices]

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[ Appendices]


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[ Appendices]

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[ Appendices]


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[ Appendices]

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[ Appendices]


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[ Appendices]

Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como



Aquaculture Tourism at Sg. Como

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