Master Thesis | Revitalizing Erba

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Colophon September 2016 HĂĽkon Martin Rensaa, 39 342 927 5939 Daniela Petrova, 39 327 817 8786 Politecnico di Milan, campus Lecco Master of Architectural Engineering

Prologue We want to give a special thanks to our supervisors, Angela Colucci, Gabriele Masera and Massimo Tadi, who have assisted us with useful knowledge and help. We want to thank them for the amount of time they spent on the meetings and for their critical views towards our ideas which have helped our project advance. In addition we want to thank Roberto Adami for his continuous support and availability for meetings and discussions during the year. And we would like to express our gratitude to our families, friends and fellow students for supporting and helping us calm down in stressful times. Without their help and support we could not have accomplished this work.

Acknowledgements The master thesis outlines a design proposal which aims to provide a innovative design with ecological and economic effects in the city of Erba. Topics raised in the report are linked to the global issue of deterioration and vacant industrial areas in cities today. And Revitalizing Erba is a project in which provides a guideline from global to local scale in order to solve a world wide issue of disused industrial sites.

Figure 1: Panorama view of Erba, Lombardy

I Introduction Context and situation Project Site and Brief Design Process and Framework


Understanding The Context of Erba Context and Background

Urban Scale Analysis Program History Development

Urban Analysis Social Dynamics Climate Habitat and Environment Functions Transportation and Mobility Morphology Proximity, Accessibility and Effectiveness Nolli Map

Intermediate Modelling and Energy 3D Model Energy Performance

On site Analysis Large scale to local scale Urban outlook Local outlook SWOT Opportunities and Constraints


Revitalizing Erba

Vision and Goals Strategy and Design Catalysts Urban Concept Local Concept Case Studies

8 10 16 22

24 26 27 28 30

38 40 42 44 52 54 55 56 60

62 63 67

71 78 79 82 84 88

90 92 95 98 118 122

IV The EcoCentre

132 Urban Masterplan 134 Masterplan development Implementations and Phasing Planting and Materials Sections and Elevations

136 142 149 152

V Energy Network

159 Problem Setting 160 Smart District 164 Renewable Resources 165 Smart Grid 166 Smart Buildings 168

Ecological Network 170

VI The Research Centre

174 Building Concept 177 Energy Shaping and Strategies 182 Architectural Development 190 Floor plans, Elevations and Sections 196

VII Structural Design Material Assessment Structural floor plan Loads Verifications Steel Profiled Concrete Slabs Steel Beams Steel Columns Structural Model Raft/Mat Foundation

206 210 218 224 234 234 242 246 254 256

VIII Technology and Details

264 Energy and Technology 266 Implementations 272 Smart Network Solar Panels Smart Glass Facade Design

273 275 277 278

Details 282

IX Visualization






Context and Situation


Figure 1.1: World Map

Global Context In order to obtain a more beneficial economy and society for the people living in the rural and peripheral areas. It is important to provide services and functions which serve the local society as well as providing economical benefits for living there. These areas normally has natural resources and a strong human capital. Innovation and economic growth has a strong potential in natural environments and worldwide economy is in need of renewable resources.

A strong increase of unbalance between economical growth in big cities and stagnation in peripheral rural areas is critical in the world today1. Italy is a good example of a country with towns, rural areas and cities linked by solid interconnections. The large scale system is highly complex and it can be laborious to distinguish the communities from one another, in which makes it harder for smaller communities to get acknowledged. The trend of living in larger cities has mostly been due to their wealth of public functions and social life. And the access to essential services such as education, mobility and healthcare is crucial to guarantee an adequate level of citizenship for inhabitants. The more remote these rural areas are, history has shown that they have lost such necessary functions in favour of urban areas1.

Statistics has shown that rural areas are occupying approximately 60 per cent of the Italian territory, and is inhabited by nearly 13.540 million people2. One of many cities included in these statistics is the city of Erba, in which is surrounded by nature and has a high level of unused spaces within the city boundaries.


Figure 1.2: Context transition, urban to intermediate scale

Erba Context Erba is a city located in the region of Lombardy in the North of Italy. A region which is characterized by industry and provides the strongest economic driver in Italy with Milan as the biggest city1. The city is situated only 41 km away from Milan and it’s nearby cities are Lecco and Como. One distinct characteristics of Erba, on a global scale, is the relationship to natural surroundings. Being situated in the end of a valley with view towards mountains in the north, lakes in the south and a river running through the city. The perception of nature and green surroundings is evident. In addition the city is situated close to the border of Switzerland, and has a strong connection with main roads crossing over the north of Italy connecting Erba to nearby cities and providing a fast and easy access for traveling and trade throughout the history and today.

Since the beginning of the 20’th century the context of the area has been industrialized by factories and service functions. And among several other cities in Europe, Erba was mostly created by the development of industry in a strictly agricultural environment. The nature and environment lost it’s economic benefit due to new infrastructure, and the smaller towns merged and created a unique city (Comune di Erba and Alta Brianza data)3. Despite of this industrial sprawl, Erba can still be perceived as a small city with green surroundings and it’s agricultural heritage is still evident near the city centre. The cities need for new economic drivers and visions for the future are stated in the empty offices and factories seen in the area. And the city is facing several problems with low maintenance and few investments for industrial left-overs.



Figure 1.3: Map of Erba in the context of Italy and regions of the city

Industrialization and Disuse Italy is a country in which flourish with beautiful historical centres and incredible buildings. The architectural identity and history is a result of a long time-line of grand civilizations which have left their marks. At the same time, Italy is one of many European countries which had a rapid sprawl of industry from the 19’th to the 20’th century3. The majority of the infrastructure built in this time-period can be characterized with a lack of architectural devotion and social consideration. The built environment often resulted in cultural and historical loss in the cities due to interference with local heritage1.

In this context the project seeks to highlight problems which several towns and cities in Europe are facing now4. Considering urban sprawling and unused spaces in the city context. In addition the problem of energy consumption and pollution due to human activity is a global issue, and action towards these problems must be taken. Holistic approach One of the most important factors to be considered is the amount of energy consumption and pollution emitted in cities. Highlighting these environmental problems as well as economical solutions is essential in this project, and in order to achieve better performances the city must be looked upon through a holistic and multi-scale view. The idea of the following project is not to heal or find an overall design solution for the city. But to inspire a new future for the city by visioning and using implementations from a large scale to a local scale. Design solutions on local scales can catalyse positive effects on larger scales and vise-versa. Hence this project seeks to find new visions for industrial areas within the city context, but also to catalyse ideas that can effect the various scales of the project.

Erba The city of Erba is an example of industrial sprawl. The rapid increase of factories and industry overrun the central city areas in the mid 20’th century3. And eventually this time-period has resulted in several unused and empty industrial zones in the core of the city. The majority of new infrastructure and buildings in Erba are situated in the peripheries and the city is sprawling horizontally which makes it difficult to define the boundaries of the urban area. This is despite of several central areas that are left unoccupied and has fallen to disuse.



Figure 1.4: Panorama image of the centre of Erba, Incino in 1923

Figure 1.5: Disuse of typical industrial building in Lombardia Italy


Project Site and Brief


Large Scale The municipality of Erba has developed several strategies due to the lack of urban planning in the city context. The central part of the city is affected by widespread disposal of industrial areas and a poor perception of it’s role in the city. Hence the municipality aims to create new functions for these areas with economic benefits for the city3. The main reasons for the problems in the city centre are due to lack of design elements and lack of architectural and urban planning during the industrialization. Several private investors and owners have been involved in project planning over the last decades, but construction of larger projects has not been initiated yet for several reasons. One of the main reasons are the amount of land owned by local stakeholders in which tend to want commercial and economically beneficial functions on their land. Every stakeholder has an economical interest in projects happening on their land and it is difficult to plan projects that can suite everyone. This is a common problem and results in undeveloped projects due to stakeholders backing out.

Despite of the history of few projects being realized, the city has a strong interest of a new urban plan. There has been located several transformation areas in correlation with urban designers which are intended to be connected and work together. Local stakeholders and the municipality has initiated a plan of introducing new residential buildings as well as commercial and leisure buildings in old industrial zones. And these functions are a part of a bigger municipal which are interconnected with other ongoing projects. The following project investigates the area of Erba and reflects on the historical development, together with context and landscape analysis. The vision of the thesis is to define strategies towards a sustainable and economically efficient future with the guidelines from the municipality. The final design strategy will branch from a large scale to local scale considering urban design, a architectural building proposal and a structural design solution, which aim to be applicable for other similar situations.

Figure 1.6: Large scale context of Erba with the project site


Strategic Guidelines A overall analysis and investigation of the large scale city context is included in the first phase of the project. Before choosing the project area and boundaries of the site several meetings with mentors and urban designers with knowledge about Erba is essential. In addition the understanding of the transformation strategies and ideas of the municipality is taken in account for the further development3. PGT - Piano di Governo del Territorio The PGT is a territorial administration plan made for categorizing and understanding urban contexts and providing information for urban planning. In the project several PGT maps of Erba are highlighted and included for choosing the main site and for analysing Erba. The municipality have proposed several transformation zones in correlation with urban planners, and the analysis of the proposed project developed from a urban to a local scale based on these maps. In the diagram on the left the main territorial maps used in the project initiation phase are emphasized such as functions, land uses, transformation zones and urban constraints3. An important element to note, before the introduction of the transformation area, is that a global vision for Erba is maintained through the entire project. Each scale and proposed design solution has a connection to a large scale vision and the guidelines taken from the PGT maps as well as the information gathered from the municipality.

Figure 1.7: Overlay of PGT maps including: environment maps, transformation areas, functions and land-use zones



Figure 1.9: PGT map highlighting central transformation areas in Erba

Transformation Area Guidelines Transformation area - Via Fiume The objective of the project is a urban redevelopment characterized by actions leading to the creation of a new urban centre. This intervention is part of a wider perspective urban design with the aim to realize a network of pathways and public spaces, and connection of pedestrian spaces with the road network. In relation to this, the transformation area sets a plan for integration of public facilities, services and residential functions explained in the following. Guidelines for the project based on the municipalities idea selections and PGT’s3:

-The spaces for commercial functions must be located starting from the ground floor -A unique multi purpose solution must be proposed for the recreational and cultural activities -Green areas should be included in the parameters for permeable green spaces -The building known as the former Enel cabin must be protected because of its historical and architectural value During the formation of the final plan there must be organized equal quality of distribution of space allocated to services and public space as defined above. During the definition of the process, the intervention plan should be implemented in portions or excerpts, ensuring the unitary sale of all the spaces, structures and work included in the overall integrated plan for the realization of the intervention3.

-Planning must lead to the construction of parking spaces (outdoor or underground) serving the needs of the residential houses -Ground level spaces must be available for pedestrians and equipped according to set requirements for city neighbourhoods, including public outdoor events.


Figure 1.10: Google earth images of the central city area with highlight of Via Fume transformation area



Design Process and Framework

Figure 1.11: Method and design process of the project represented in a linear diagram. Explaining the multiscale approach of integrating urban and local scales from the beginning to the end of the project





Understanding the Context


Context and Background


Figure 2.1: Site and population comparison between Erba and Milan

Urban Scale On an urban scale it can be hard to distinguish whether the towns surrounding Milan are towns or if the network and profession of the people is integrated in the scale of Milan. Considering a province of more than 3 million people, but a polycentric metropolitan area, known as greater Milan, housing 7 million people. The city undertows most of it’s neighbours1. For this reason several smaller towns and cities such as Erba are struggling to maintain their own identity and culture. Today people are moving and creating infrastructure in larger cities, leaving the peripheral areas without innovation and money. Understanding the towns and their potential for development is important if they are going to survive in the future. And in the following, several analysis and researches for the city of Erba will be introduced on different scales before introducing the design proposal.

Erba is a small city in the scale of Italy and Europe, it houses 17 000 people and consists of approximately 18 km2 of built environment3. In the context of northern Italy, the city is unrecognised and mostly serves as a town with a local purpose. Considering Milan as a sprawling and recognizable city, the towns and cities surrounding Milan tends to be forgotten and less recognized by tourists and economic investments1. In the last decades Milan has been a fast developing city, taking over more land and increasing it’s periphery and population drastically. The towns and cities nearby Milan are continuously undergoing a process of integration within the city, and the border between the periphery and the city itself is difficult to define.


Analysis Program

Urban Knowledge Survey

A main part of the project development is the urban and local analysis taken in account during the different stages of the design. The analysis has been done on large scales, urban scales and local sales in order to form a wide perspective of the area. And two major survey methodologies have been introduced in order to improve the research made. These methodologies have been essential for the development of the project, and are working in crosslinking and synergy with each-other as shown in the upcoming diagrams.

History Texture Nolli Map Landuse Functions Mobility Climate Habitat

Urban Knowledge Survey The urban knowledge survey is a large scale analysis program aimed to form a wide range of information for a project area. It can be described as a set of categories to be researched before project initiation. The method aim is to analyse the urban area in a formal manner with emphasizing urban characteristics as well as the correlation to the local project site5,7. Eventually, when the survey is finished the catalysts and highlights of the survey can be used to form a project and improve the existing environment. This approach gives a highly multi-scale and holistic view of the city, and helps to understand the specific needs, constraints and potentials of Erba. It is also important to emphasize that the analysis are done with the focus towards architectural characteristics, hence the result of the analysis will give a guideline towards the architectural development. The main categories analysed, as shown in the image in the top right corner, are of importance for the understanding of Erba and the project site. Site visits and meetings with professors and urban developers has been included in the analysis, and has helped forming a more realistic and site specific project.

PGT - Territorial plan Demography Economy 3D Model Figure 2.2: Urban Knowledge Survey analysis indicators

IMM - CAS In addition to the knowledge survey the IMM (Integrated Modification Methodology) has been included in the analysis as well as in the selection of design catalysts for the project. The IMM methodology focus on the city as a complex adaptive system (CAS) in which can be analysed by different layers interconnected with each-other. This methodology is directed towards improving the existing energy consumption of cities, which is essential in the highly consuming world we live in today8. Aiming towards optimization of the existing situation and including certain analysis from this method became a important part of the analysis. By introducing the urban knowledge survey and the IMM survey, the overall project has taken form.



Volume Porosity

Effectiveness Void



Vertical Layer


Accessibility Horizontal Layer Figure 2.3: Vertical and horizontal layers of the city according to the IMM -CAS model

Vertical and Horizontal Analysis The multi-scale analysis process, as shown in the image above, is aimed towards dismantling the city into more readable key categories on a vertical and horizontal level. Cities are very complex systems, and in order to understand a city and a project site better, it can be useful to analyse different parts separately6,8. The goal is to find the most effective conclusion to the analysis while a non-linear process has been proposed for the evaluation criteria. IMM (Integrated Modification Methodology) has been used as a project guideline which can be used on an urban scale to improve the energy performance of the design. It is an interaction between global, intermediate and local scales and in the investigation stage a horizontal layer analysis and a vertical layer analysis has been combined.

Each subsystem affect the global scale of the urban configuration, and in order to obtain a environmentally sustainable urban design transformation this type of investigation is useful because it gives a stronger reason for choosing a specific energy catalyst8. Layers included in the analysis: Horizontal categories: - Volume - Void - Transportation - Function. Vertical categories: - Porosity (Volume + Void) - Proximity (Function + Volume) - Accessibility (Function + Transportation) - Effectiveness (Transportation + Volume)


Figure 2.4: Picturesque Lombardy, Laghi del Pian d’Erba, name Stella e figli 1836

History Also in Roman times the land was asserted the Latin name Herba, which means grass, for the high part of the city. Hence properly to grass, so called perhaps because of the green surrounding landscape and for the presence of the mountains in contrast to the vast fields.

Origin The origin of the various villages which later gave birth to Erba is ancient. The site was occupied by several civilizations before the Roman time period, including the Orobi, the Ligurians and the Celts. And there is even archaeological excavations that have discovered arrowheads and polished stones made by primitive men.

Middle Ages to the Kingdom of Italy During the period of Charlemagne and later Visconti the territory was subjected to the rigid feudal system. In 1489, Louis XII conquered northern Italy and Erba came under French control and in 1525 the whole area of ​​Milan passed in hand to the German Emperor and King of Spain, Charles V. Before the arrival of Napoleon Bonaparte all the territories remained under Austrian rule until 1796. And after 1814, the territory fell under Austrian control until 1859 when Erba was annexed to the Kingdom of Italy.

According to historians the Orobi were the first people to settle in the areas around Lago di Como before the Romans, Ligurians and Celts. However, as most of the historic cities of Italy, the Romans left the strongest historic marks that can be found today. Initially, the site where most of Erba’s city centre stand, was called Incino. According to historians this strange name “Incino” would be derived from the name of a character sent from Rome to control the area.



20’th Century Finally, in the early years of the 20’th century, the union of various surrounding countries and Italy led to the town of Erba being independent. The current city is the result of multiple merging stages: 1906: Incino took the name of Erba Incino 1927: Erba Incino merged with smaller villages named Buccinigo, Crevenna and Cassina Mariaga 1928: Arcellasco and Parravicino included inside the border of the city 1935: With another border change for the benefit for Albavilla.

World War II During World War II the town was bombed by a group of 12 German aircraft’s on September 30 and 18 aircraft on 1 October 1944. The result was 77 civilian casualties and a temporary interruption of the railway line between Milan and Asso. In addition a large amount of the cities historic buildings and monuments were destroyed. Several churches and valued buildings were restored and refurbished in favour of their architectural and historical significance for the city. But also a large amount of buildings were not rebuilt and refurbished due to lack of money and interests. Today Erba stands with few monumental and old buildings, but it’s history and heritage can be seen in ethnographic museums in the city.

Figure 2.5: Square of the old Erba-Incino station, 1882

Figure 2.6: Erba-Incino church tower, 1923





Figure 2.7: Urban site maps of Erba 1888, (a) Region scale and (b) Urban scale

1888 The fast increase of buildings and population resulted in farming villages becoming towns, and eventually towns becoming cities. Many of the existing agriculture and local renewable producers were overrun in favour of new infrastructure and housing for the fast population growth.

When investigating the time-line of the city growth of Erba it can be seen that the city was not under a fast population increase before the middle of the 20’th century. Between the end of the 19’th century to the 20’th century the area was composed by many smaller towns and was lacking in connection by the means of infrastructure. Most of the towns were independent from each other and made their income by farming and agriculture. The maps listed above shows a characteristic evolution in the context of Europe during this time-period. The industrialization period branching from England, Germany and France reached the North of Italy but didn’t reach the small town of Erba before after the World War 2. At the same time the average population growth in Europe increased drastically in the 20’th century and resulted in a large population sprawl all over Italy.

Table 1.1: Projected population dynamics of the world from 1800 to 2050 based on the United Nations yearly projection estimates





Figure 2.8: Urban site maps of Erba (a) 1931 and (b) 1982


1982 One of the major differences from today and 100 years ago is that we know the effect of many of our wrongdoings in the context of our planet. The effect of human intervention in nature has been both negative and positive for the environment. And in order to understand and cope with the sprawling development, it is important to investigate the history of the specific site. The economic growth and the drivers for the sprawling phenomenon are site specific, and if they are understood it is more likely to find better solutions for the future in case of a new urban sprawl.

Urban Sprawl As seen on the maps of 1931 and 1982 a large amount of the land has been occupied by humans in the past decades. The city of Erba can still be seen as a city surrounded by nature, but if the development keeps on favouring this type of population sprawl in the future, the result might be different. Several cities around the world have lost their roots to the environment and nature due to industrialization. History has shown that humans have been egoistic and not focusing on taking care of the environment when expanding our territories. When the industrial revolution took place, the goal of earning money became the main focus for most people living in Europe, and eventually most of the world as we see it today.



Figure 2.9: Erba-Incino central station and cafe 1880 characterized by social squares with greenery

1956 - 1965 Today some of the projects initiated in this time-period are working and some remain only at the idea or project level. But there is no doubt that within a decade Erba changed radically, setting the vision for an increasingly modern and active town.

The period between 1956 to 1965 were years of substantial importance to the city of Erba. There was a rapid transformation compared to the first half of the 19’th century and Italy was finishing the period of post-war reconstruction. Italy was at this time striding in the economic boom and the effect of the economy was influencing the population growth drastically. The changes that Erba was undergoing can be summarized in a headline of the newspaper Il Giornale di Lecco, December 26, 1960: “Erba: Da Grosso Paese a una Piccola Citta” which means “From a Big Country comes a Small City”. It is perceived clearly from this period that many new and innovate projects took place and the city was getting acknowledged in the north of Italy.

From a report of the mayor in Erba dated January 26, 1957, it can be drawn a picture of the city at the time. The population is estimated at 11,500 inhabitants, an increase of more than thirty percent in the last twenty years. This increase made it necessary to adapt to many public functions such as: New sewage systems, road networks, kindergartens, and educational buildings were initiated. This data shows that the city realized and initiated many projects in order to keep up with time and infrastructure.



1958 Considering the economy, agriculture still had importance for the economy on the local and municipal level. In 1958 Camp Fair, a market organization, received an important impetus to the development of Erba as a agricultural trade centre. At the same time a municipal sports centre in Valley Lambrunc was proposed, in the middle of the Erba settlements. The ambitious project was framed in a broader discussion of redeveloping the city of Erba towards tourism.

Figure 2.10: Open national trade day in Erba 1958

1960 In April 1960 the construction of a new hospital in Arcellasco was initiated. This was due to the needs of the city that was changing and the population that was growing. This hospital would get an important role for Erba and the towns nearby. Also a rubbish disposal system was established in the city due to typhus and a period of sickness. Figure 2.11: Typical industrial building in Erba 1961

1965 The last sign of the rapid changes is the authorization for the establishment of the first supermarket in Erba that happened in 1965. New requirements constantly appear on the level of social life as well as in the context of cities. Erba was changing and adapting fast in this time-period and most of the functions that were built are still important in the city today. It is interesting to see that the last major implementation was a supermarket which today has become a commercial centre. Considering the time-period, many of the establishments noted above had good and innovative ideas. And the city was constantly answering to the people and their needs. Today the city has reached a point with a low amount of innovation and new thinking. Despite of it’s good economy and resources. Source: Figure 2.12: Monument to the fallen of World War I in art_11_1956-65.htm Erba, built in 1930 and refurbished in 1964



Figure 2.13: Image of Erba and the context taken by airplane in 1954



Figure 2.14: Image of Erba and the context taken by airplane in 1995


Urban Analysis


Figure 2.15: Population growth development and comparison between Lombardia and Erba based on the database from turritalia and ISTAT database

Social Dynamics Population statistics and social dynamics in Erba has been analysed by gathering information from statistic websites. The following graphs gives a summary of important aspects considering the specific site and data which can be useful for the project. By analysing and extracting information about the site, it can be easier to understand the effect of the design solution that will be proposed later. Social dynamics plays a significant role in understanding if people are moving into the city and the specifics of who is populating the city. And it can be useful to understand if there are historical events that can be traced to statistic values such as industrialization and time-zones with considerable innovation.

The chart above shows the demographic development of the population in Erba from 1861 to 2011. The changes of population has been analysed by ISTAT data. In general, the form of this type of chart depends on the demographics of the population. Drastic variations are visible in periods of high population growth or declines in birth rate, war or other events. In Lombardy it can be seen that the population growth was relatively gradual until the baby boom in the 1960’s. While in Erba the population growth had 3 major booms in the beginning of the 20’th century and in the 50’s and 70’s.



Figure 2.16: Inhabitants, age and gender distribution diagram of Erba based on ISTAT database

Figure 2.17: Age group trend diagram of Erba based on ISTAT database

Figure 2.18: Number of family member distribution of Erba based on ISTAT database


Demographics The chart to the left, the Pyramid of age, is the distribution of the resident population in Erba by age and gender on the first of January 2015. The population is reported for ten-year age classes on the Y axis, while the X-axis shows two mirrored bar charts with males (left) and female (right).

Highlighted trends According to these analysis the society of Erba is in a downfall compared to the previous developments happening within the city. The history and demographics indicates that the major investments happening in the city was a result of the industrial time period, and few major investments and projects have become reality after the 1970’s. In addition the birth rate index has gone down and the amount of young families settling in the city is decreasing. In the further development of the project these aspects are essential for defining the scale and necessity for improvement in Erba. It is evident that the city is in need of new visions and ideas that can take form and create investment from stakeholders. And the potential within the existing society is high considering the different age groups living in Erba.

From the analysis it can be seen that the age distribution in Erba is in a relatively good balance. Erba is following the same trend as the rest of the world with an increasing amount of elderly. At the same time the percentage of young and middle age people are not to low compared to other small cities in Europe. The amount of people living in Erba is balanced today mostly due to foreigners moving in and the birth rate being relatively balanced. As seen on the number of family members chart, the amount of members per family has gone down significantly during the last 10 years. And it can be assumed that the amount of families with kids are decreasing for several reasons: lower birth rate than previously in history, families moving out from the city and young people moving out of the city. But despite the number of family members, the inhabitants age distribution is balanced. This could mean that the people living and moving to the city normally are single or have a family with few or no kids. The trend of a decreased birthrate and lower number of family members is significant in Erba. Even thought the number of inhabitants is increasing the amount of young families are decreasing. A phenomenon which be interppreted in the meaning that the locals don’t find the city attractive as a family city.



Climate Wind In the diagram on the right the wind rose in Erba is shown. The amount of wind reaching the city is low considering the amount of hours in the year. However the wind coming from the north tends to be relatively strong which can be influential for human comfort and for taller buildings situated in the city.

Figure 2.19: Annual wind rose direction and speed in Erba based on Meteoblue database

Temperature The summer climate is warm in Erba, while the winter temperature is relatively temperate. Since the city is situated close to the mountains in the north, air temperatures tend to be moderate due to rivers and natural surroundings. This is with the exception of summer temperatures when it is possible to reach more than 40 Celsius and the heat-island effect is hitting hard. Figure 2.20: Annual temperatures and rain perception in Erba based on Meteoblue database

Rain There is a significant rainfall throughout the year in the city, even in the driest months a lot of rainfall is measured. According to KÜppen and Geiger climate classification, the average annual temperature is 11.9 ° C and the average annual rainfall is 1195 mm.

Figure 2.21: Annual rain perception amounts in Erba based on Meteoblue database



Figure 2.22: Amount of PM10 pollution particles emitted in Lombardy based on data from the Italian Ministery of Health

Polution As shown in the map, produced by Arpa Lombardia, in the region the Erba has a high PM10 value. Both Como and Erba achieve quite high values despite of being situated close to the mountains with rainfall and higher wind-rose than Milan. This is something that is important to consider in a society with increased use of cars and combustion processes. Strategies towards better air quality should be considered in any architectural design within city limits. And in the development of the project the result of the analysis will be highlighted by implementing strategic actions aimed to create a better air quality in Erba.

The PM10 (airborne particulate matter) is defined by the Ministry of Health as “the set of solid and liquid particles suspended in ambient atmospheric air�. The term PM10 identifies an aerodynamic diameter of less than or equal to 10 microns. These are characterized by long residence time in the atmosphere and can be transported at great distance from the emission point. These particles have a particular chemical nature that makes it able to penetrate the human respiratory tree, and then have negative effects on human health. These particles can have a natural origin such as volcanic eruptions and combustion of wood, but the majority of it’s origin comes from anthropogenic combustion produced by humans. The daily limit of PM10 was set at 50 micrograms/m3 not to be exceeded more than 35 times in a year, while the annual limit is set at 40 micrograms/m3 on average.



Habitat Value Nature and greenery have been resources for Erba in many years. The land itself almost has an unlimited value since greenery, plants and habitats in the area can be seen as an opportunity for changing the city and connecting it to nature. The focus can be on the economic or material benefits, but also on the pure value of the nature and wilderness. Greenery can be seen as an important part of several projects and have the potential of becoming the bearer of multidisciplinary instances such as botany, social history, ecology and forestry. Evolution of society and community have changed the perception of physical and natural aspects during the last decades. And now we are living in a time where nature is gaining importance in the city context again. Greenery within or close to cities used to be economic and related to farming and agriculture. But today cities are in need of more green areas with trees and parks for contributing to a healthier air quality as well as a more natural environment for people1. During the industrial time-zone this was not considered in cities such as Erba and the industry and housing sprawled rapidly with few green integrations. Several larger zones of the city do not have access to green spaces despite of the river and potential for greenery inside the city. In the following the nature and surrounding of Erba has been analysed, including animal life, flora and fauna existing in the area in order to distinguish what can be used and implemented in the project coming from the existing landscape.

Flora The analysed existing flora are separated into a few categories - urban weeds, colonized shrubs, medium and tall trees. The first category of urban weeds consists of: - Italian woodbine - Dog rose - Carthusian Pink - Yarrow - Common wormwood - Field Sow Thistle The second category: - Elder - German Greenweed - Spartium - Cornelian cherry - Dogwood - Common hawthorn The third category: - Rowan - South European flowering ash - Sessile Oak - Lilac The fourth category: - Hawkweed oxtongue - Amaranth - Spreading pellitory - Chicken weed - Galega - Purslane - Coltsfoot



Figure 2.23: Urban weeds, colonized shrubs, medium and tall trees in Erba based on PGT-Vigente, Comune di Erba




Dog rose

Carthusian Pink


Field Sow Thistle


German Greenweed


Cornelian cherry



Figure 2.24: Urban trees, flowers and shrubs in Erba represented by images based on PGT-Vigente, Comune di Erba


Hawkweed oxtongue







Flowering ash

Spreading pellitory


Italian Cypress

Sessile Oak

Figure 2.25: Urban trees and flowers in Erba represented by images based on PGT-Vigente, Comune di Erba



Crested newt










Wild rabbit






Golden eagle


Eagle owl

Figure 2.26: Animal life in Erba inside and outside the city based on ERSAF Lombardia habitat data


Ecological Focus Focus The loss of plants and animal species has reached levels of emergency according to the International Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) adopted in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro and ratified in Italy in 1994. And global conservation strategies in Italy among many countries have been established over the last decades according to Regione Lombardia.

Fauna and Flora Considering the natural fauna of Lombardy it is important to note that the amount of species are considerably high given the diverse tundras in the north of Italy. The types of flora and nature in the form of lakes and mountains are high, and Erba is a city surrounded by nature and greenery. Several typical animal species and plants to be seen close to the city are highlighted in the images represented. In addition a large amount of bird species and insects travelling during the different seasons are observed in the area several times during the year. Hence it can be concluded that the habitat value is strong in the area surrounding Erba despite of being a city with high pollution rates.

By the year of 2050, at least 100,000 of the 300,000 species of higher plants on Earth may become extinct according to the biological research paper published by Lombardia Osservatorio Regionale della Biodiversita. And thousands of the plants threatened are located in Europe and Italy. As emphasized in the previous, the Lombardy region has a high biodiversity due to the variety of natural environments and the different microclimates, and a important fact is that arthropod species surveyed in Lombardy has shown that almost half of the total Italian fauna amount given 3,550 species of 6000 are known to be in Lombardy. In addition the amount of animal species and natural habitats for birds and insects are high, giving a need for conservative strategies for protecting the natural habitat values and promoting environment friendly design. Hence the problem is addressed in the project as an essential part of the design strategies and will be given focus in the later concept and design phases.

Wildlife by the means of animal diversity is strongly connected to nature and habitat resources. In the city of Erba it will later be focused on natural green spaces and abilities of the urban zones to conserve a high level of natural habitats. While the habitat investigation of the surrounding landscape conclude that the potential of fauna and flora is high and can be included with strategies of design in the project. In the society and urban environments today there is a need for ecological design and innovative solutions for sustaining global heating and pollution impacts. The biodiversity and nature integration in local and urban design has potential of making cities more sustainable, but has not been integrated as a focus in the development of several cities in the human history.



Figure 2.27: Public and private green zones of Erba based on landscape PGT’s and google maps

Greenery Knowing where the greenery is situated can later be used in different scales in order to reconnect the environment with the city. A synergy can be created as a main activation of the public space, and recognition of the urban green spaces and new functions for unused spaces could bring Erba into a new life where inhabitants can experience variety of interactions leading to a more healthy urban community. Biodiversity factors considering flora and fauna has the potential of being integrated in the city context and the habitat value of the city can be improved.

Analysing the environment is an important part of the investigation of the city. In this process two main different green spaces, urban green areas and urban parks, were included. The art of shaping the city comes from the global perception of the elements of Erba. And greenery is an important quality of the environment. On an urban scale it can be seen that new design solutions can be used to rebuild a visual and physical green connection between fragmented green areas. The map above shows that the amount of green spaces in the city context is high and has potential for sustainable territorial development.



Figure 2.28: Water potential map based on landscape PGT’s, greenery analysis and soil condition maps of Italy

Water Potential By emphasizing these potentials of water collection, it can be used for further energy strategies for the urban and local scale of Erba. Since the climate is characterised by significant annual rainfall, the potential for water collection is high in the project site, and connected water networks can be considered. On the map the main blue zones can be considered as main potential water zones, and since the level of underground water hight lays between 3-5 meters underground, most of the land in the city has potential for new green and ecological infrastructure.

Taking in account the previous use of land and the historical development of the city. It can be assumed that the land has a good soil for landscape and growth. In addition, the location of the city which can be considered to be in a lowland of it’s surroundings, the potential for water collection and agricultural land-use is high. In the map above the existing green spaces and potential green zones existing in Erba is highlighted. The main highlights take in account areas that was used for agriculture in previous history, in relation to the areas of greenery today. The zones with a distance of 50 meters from the green spaces is showing the highest potential for water collection systems leading to green spaces.



Figure 2.29: Main urban functions of the city based on Land-use and Function PGT maps

Functions The goal of the analysis is to understand the organization of the city and to create a vision for Erba coming from the opportunities that functions are giving. The analysis shown above can help understanding which type of new functions are needed and to activate diverse new uses. It is important to take in account that the city has been sprawling for decades, and several residential houses as well as commercial buildings are empty in the city centre today. Erba is in need of new functions in the city centre, but functions that can provide economic growth and make the city more attractive to live in.

The Functional map is focusing on the public realm in which gathers all different spaces with their functions, accessible to the public. The gathering of this data can be used to underline the strength of the city, as well as its weaknesses and potentials due to functions. From the analysis it can be seen that the largest economic drivers for the city is industry and agriculture situated in the periphery. Within the main city area most of the functions are related to leisure and commercial purposes such as cafĂŠs and restaurants. As well as some interesting key-functions such as a library and a theatre close to the city centre. In general the map shows that most of the economic drivers for the city are spread out, and that public services, offices and commerce are situated relatively far from the central part of the city. Source:


Figure 2.30: Main urban land-use of Erba base on Land-use and Function PGT maps

Land Use A city working as a small organism takes advantage and grows according to the economic model. A hierarchy will always be present consisted by the numbers of uses of a function. This gives a result showing the face of the city and can be used as a path for a developing approach.

Understanding the land use and the distribution of functions in the form of built area provides knowledge about the use of resources and the variability of the existing market. The idea is first to define the scale for the analysis and to capture the function itself. Focusing on the chosen area the trade links in Erba can be seen. The network is called functional economic area and is the type of region that works best for economic modelling. Five main patterns were considered, which are services, industry, commercial, religious and education. The analysis indicates where a particular function is centralized and what the influence to the area around is (which is called “market reach”). An area is said to be “economically dominated” by its central place. In a small city such as Erba the influence of a particular function can be crucial to the population living there.

In the analysis it can be seen that most of the cities infrastructure buildings are made up by industrial use, while a low percent are used for educational purposes.

Figure 2.31: Ground area percentage of urban land-use in the city base on Land-use and Function PGT maps



Figure 2.32: Transportation connections and nodes in Erba based on Network PGT maps, bing maps and google maps

Mobility Considering the scale of the city, the transportation network is well established and connections to nearby cities such as Milan, Lecco and Como are easily reached. The city also provides a bicycle connection following the river. But the connection is disrupted at several points by private residences. In general Erba is not in high need of a mobility development unless there will be new functions and establishments on a urban scale in the future. The different bus routes provides access for most of the surrounding villages and the periphery of the city except the south of the city centre. And the timetables of the bus routes shows that they go continuously every hour every day of the week.

In the mobility map the main connections and transportation nodes in form of public and private transportation are highlighted. By analysing the different options for getting around the city and it’s context, it is possible to understand if the city has a well functional transportation network. In the image above the map shows a concentration of bus stations in the city centre and towards the north-west of the city. In the south there is a lack of public transportation and most of the residential houses and commercial areas are to be reached by car. In the context of the city the options of travelling are not many, but the bus system provides accessibility for most of the northern part. Erba gives a good amount of travelling options by bus or train both locally and outside of the city.



Figure 2.33: Building typology map based on Typology PGT map and google earth

Building Typology Within the built city area there is a large variation of building heights that effect the general typology of the city. The city typology effect the pedestrian experience of living in and exploring the city as well as the view from buildings. The analysis shown above helps understanding the actual problems of industrial architecture in the urbanized cities. Taking the height as a main criteria for analysing the different shapes that has been made in the central area of Erba. Considering the main building heights reaching from 3 to maximum 25 meters of houses the amount of tall buildings in the city is quite few. The density of the city in some of the central parts leaves the areas without view for pedestrians and between buildings, even though the heights are not significant. This is a typical architectural phenomenon in Italy and gives the Italian feeling of narrow streets with commercial functions on the ground floors.

Concentrating the program into designing a city centre, a master-plan will be developed according to the existing scale and shape of the urban context. The pedestrian experience as well as the residents living in the city centre are important in order to obtain a more liveable and social city.

Figure 2.34: Building typology diagram explaining percentage of building heights in the centre of Erba



Figure 2.35: IMM porosity map of the city explaining the synergy between built volumes and voids

Porosity In the analysis of Erba it was found that the city is of high volume ratios in the central parts of the city, as well as the southeastern areas where streets are narrow and there are few open buildings on the ground floors. The city centre consist of dense and enclosed buildings with only the main streets for car and pedestrian traffic as open voids in-between. When visiting the site the enclosed areas of Italian traditional architecture is evident and can be felt by the visitor. The lack of functions and amount of unused buildings enforces the foundlings of the analysis. And the general impression is that Erba appears to be a dense city with few open streets except from the main city strip. With few walking and bicycle options and passages the city is in need of new urban street networks and functions connecting the city.

Porosity is the correlation between volume and void. The correlation between these definitions provides the physical meaning of the city by identifying the amount of built areas and the open spaces in the city. One can imagine the city as a solid porous volume, sponge like, with various sizes of holes linked by linear “void� layers. When moving in the city the porosity can be understood by the easiness of access as well as the feeling of the city. Hence density can be categorized as an indicator associated to porosity. The built-up space volume ratio to the total area of the site explains the ratio between areas of the buildings to the intervention site area and the inhabitant’s ratio to the volume and area. By analysing these indicators the feeling and understanding of the city is more clear in the sense of the city being dense or open.



Figure 2.36: IMM proximity map explaining the walkable distance between key functions

Proximity Proximity is the correlation between volume and function. In the analysis of proximity the number of different functions in a walkable distance are highlighted. The amount of urban key-functions are numbered with a radius of 800m walking distance from their specific locations. When the functions are situated close to each-other, the walkability and interaction in the city is better. The map above shows the number of functions that can be reached by walking distance in Erba. The final conclusion of this analysis gives the areas which are overlapping by pedestrian movement, and which are more likely to be less active.

- Key Functions: Contextual - Walking Distance: normally between 400m to 500m

Focusing on the accessibility and time to reach a function, the zones which are more dense according to variety of activities are clear. Some of the zones in Erba are completely abandoned in the meaning of few available functions except residential buildings. Activating lively neighbourhoods will cover the opportunity for interaction between the inhabitants and make the amount of movement in the city more fluid.

The process of deriving to the map of Proximity is by using circles with a radius equal to the walking distance, and the centre of the circle is situated on the function. Source:


Figure 2.37: IMM accessibility map explaining the correlation between key functions and public transportation nodes

Accessibility Accessibility is the number of key functions reached by using different transportation methods. By analysing the transportation nodes in synergy with the functions it is possible to understand where the transportation nodes might be unequally distributed in the sense that the areas with low connectivity and few public transportation points are highlighted.

Accessibility is the correlation between transportation and function. In order to arrive to the accessibility map we list the following steps: - Horizontal investigation - Transportation map - Functional map - Overlapping of both maps introducing walking distance as a circle from each transportation node

On the map (number) it can be seen that most of the key functions in Erba are easily reachable by a walking distance of 400 metres from the transportation nodes. This is with the exclusion of the south-west part of the city where there is a sport centre and a green area which is difficult to access without the use of cars.

From this analysis it can easier be understood which functions can be reached and which transportation means are situated close to each-other and close to key-functions.



Figure 2.38: IMM effectiveness map explaining the correlation between built volume and public transportation nodes

Effectiveness In the map shown above it can be seen more clearly that the main transportation node of the city is situated close to the train station and it’s central areas. The different bus stops connecting the city are well distributed along the northern part of the city, connecting most of the local people to the centre. But in the south there is a low connectivity and dense building volume. In this area several functions are hard to reach by public transportation, for example a sport centre in the south-east which only can be reached by long walking distances or cars. It is also important to highlight that the railway and highway are cutting the public transportation network. The public transportation system is unbalanced in certain parts of the city, and the need and potential of creating new transportation nodes are high.

Effectiveness is the correlation between transportation and volume. It defines if the public transportation network is reachable according to the built volume. From this analysis it can be seen which areas has the potential and need to be developed within the intermediate scale. An area with potential means that the transportation infrastructure exists without any built volumes around. The process of analysing starts with analysing the activity sectors and evaluating the number of transportation hubs they can be reached from. And the establishment of a gradient scale showing the effectiveness of the area. Approach: - Locating built volumes - Locating transportation stops - Applying catchment areas to transportation - Establishing an appropriate grid - Analysing each grid by a rating process Source:


Figure 2.39: Nolli map with highlight of public and private spaces, buildings, parks and parking-lots

Nolli Map There are two other categories that have been added to the map - green spaces and parking. Although the parking zones are public, they are noted as private in the map due to the difficulty of distinguishing which ones are completely public. Having all these different layers, the public zones can easily be understood by the connection between them, and the percentage in the big picture of the city.

Giambattista Nolli was an Italian architect and surveyor. He is best known for his iconographic plan of Rome, the Pianta Grande di Roma which he began surveying in 1736 and engraved in 1748, and now universally known as the Nolli Map. It is a map analysing the public space and dividing it into different categories. A public space is a space which is surrounded by private areas, by public but paid zones, by greenery, and by driving pathways inside the city. A public space which is available for the citizen and which encloses different functions for inhabitants of the city.

The analysis is a summary of several previous analysis and provides the most complete understanding of the city. The Nolli map is a strategic map for the architectural interventions and choosing of design solutions in the later stages of the project.

In the map above the main central zone of Erba has been analysed. All buildings have been separated into seven different categories - public buildings, religious, administrative, health, commercial zones, industry, culture and sport.



Private Buildings In figure 2.40 the analysed private buildings and spaces in the city centre is highlighted based on the Nolli map investigation. It is identified that most of the central buildings are private and the city centre appears to be of mostly private residences.

Figure 2.40: Nolli: Highlight of private buildings

Urban Parks The urban parks and social spaces of the city centre is highlighted in figure 2.41. A important thing to note is that most of the areas are without benches and functions, making them less socially active.

Figure 2.41: Nolli: Urban parks

Public Buildings A few of the buildings in the city centre can be considered public, serving city functions such as commerce and library purposes. In figure 2.42 it is observed the few buildings serving public functions in the city centre.

Figure 2.42: Nolli: Public buildings

Parking Spaces The land area dedicated to public parking are highlighted in figure 2.43, showing a high concentration of parking spaces close to river Lambro and the city centre.

Figure 2.43: Nolli: Parking spaces



Intermediate Modelling and Energy


Intermediate Model

Large Scale Model

Figure 2.44: 3D models of the large scale and local scale used for analysis

3D Model The scales of the intervention zones were more clearly defined in the model and the exclusion of certain areas are decided due to lower importance according to the main vision of the project. The intermediate scale is the main intervention focus and contains the main functions considered close to the local site of intervention. Hence this zone was used in the upcoming analysis and summaries for the project. Further analysis of the large scale and urban zones were neglected in the following due to less importance and a need of specifying the main project area in the city centre. But summarizing of the city context appears in the end of the current chapter.

In order to understand the context and situation of the project area in more detail, 3D models of the urban and intermediate scale are built. The models provide a direct understanding of the context and are simplified versions of the existing situation. By integrating parts of the previous analysis of volume, typology, environment and functions it is possible to draw a more integrated map of the city. The model can be used for dividing the complex system of the city into separate parts and can be used as a whole for energy analysis. In the development of the 3D model it was necessary to visit the site and several main attributes and local characteristics such as open green spaces were found. These findings are important for the feasibility of the project and the integration of modelling of the later design.




Mobility Figure 2.45: Highlights of environment, building typology and street network from the intermediate model

Intermediate Model In the overlapping map shown above the main categories of environment, typology and mobility are highlighted in the context of the intermediate 3D model. In the process of modelling the environment these were the main categories analysed and included in the model.

In the typology layer it is more clearly understood that the central parts of the city situated close to the main roads are of higher density and taller buildings. The main project area works as a black hole within the city centre and contains buildings in which don’t interact with the surroundings.

The environment of Erba turned out to be rather diverse with several green areas fragmented in the city. Most of the greenery is private zones and are not used by the public. According to the municipalities wishes to include some of these zones as new transformation zones for future projects, and several of these green spaces contains a high potential for including green fingers in Erba.

In the mobility layer the main street connections of roads and railway lines are highlighted in black. In this analysis it can be seen that the majority of the city have road connections to residential housing. But roads are narrow and central parts of the city are left unconnected in the south direction for pedestrian movement.


Figure 2.46: Topography analysis of the intermediate scale with emphases on the central transformation zone

Topography In the main project site, situated in the middle of the city centre, the degree of elevation is relatively low. With an elevation percentage of less than 2% the height difference can be neglected in the building development. But the connections to the valley-surroundings are of importance for the project site.

Considering the location of Erba nearby mountains and lakes it is important to understand the topography of the site and available resources. In the maps above the general topography of the intermediate scale in Erba can be understood and it is clear that the city is located in a valley between hills and mountains. The topography also shows that the height becomes lower in the south and higher in the north which indicates the path of water flow from the north to the south underground and in the river Lambro. These analysis can be used for mapping future water connections and understanding the potential of water in the project site.

The natural aspects in synergy with surrounding hills and valleys of Erba gives the city a high potential for view and scenery towards the outside. If these aspects are considered, the view and connections to the surroundings can be emphasized and used in the project.



Figure 2.47: Wind analysis of the intermediate scale with wind velocity of 19m/s


Wind Analysis The importance of wind analysis is high in cities that are subjected to the heat island effect during summers. But it is also important to achieve a good comfort and a better air quality for people in the city. If such measures are taken in account by architects and designers, a better air quality can be achieved both for outdoor and indoor environments. Design solutions and choosing of buildings to destroy can strategically be based on such criteria.

In the analysis of wind flow, the main concentration of wind coming from the north-east towards the project site has been modelled, according to the climate information mentioned in the previous analysis. In the image seen on the left, the wind reaches the project site in two main concentration nodes when active. These nodes can be considered in order to improve the natural airflow within the city. It is important to emphasize that the analysis has been made with all the existing buildings in Erba intact. This is due to the fact that not all buildings within the project site will be maintained in the project, and the analysis was included in the process of choosing which buildings to be used and which to be cut. This will be mentioned in more detail in the explanation of the final master-plan.

When analysing in later concept stages it can be seen which different design implementations that can be considered in order to optimize the natural airflow. The image below shows the most important result of the analysis with the main nodes of wind concentration to be considered in the existing project site.

Figure 2.48: Local wind analysis with nodes of high wind velocity in the existing environment



Sun Study The study of sun path is the first step of designing a sustainable building with high energy performance. Sunlight and shadow coming from the buildings surrounding the transformation area are crucial for shaping the master-plan. The two most important seasons have been analysed - summer and winter - which can influence the orientation and position of the main buildings. It is important to protect from the summer light and to let the winter rays inside as well as give natural daylight to the building.

Figure 2.49(a): Summer sun study, july: 08:00 am

In the scale of the images for summer and winter conditions the size of the model has been changed from intermediate to a local scale since the height of the buildings are maximum 25 meters around the project area. After analysing the larger scale it is clear that the buildings on the north are not influencing the master-plan area, hence these buildings have been left out of the sun study.

Figure 2.49(b): Summer sun study, july: 10:00 am

The orientation of the site is such that shadow appears inside the area only in hours when the sun is rising or setting down, according to summer and winter. Optimizing the building might lead to conserving smart energy strategies and prioritizing the infrastructure performance by fostering local energy production. Optimization would mean to shape the buildings and orient them in ways that would include natural daylight without overheating during summer months, and heat gain from the sun in winter times.

Figure 2.49(c): Summer sun study, july: 16:00 pm

Figure 2.49(d): Summer sun study, july: 19:00 pm


On the analysed site of Erba it is important to note that the central transformation area contains industrial buildings meant to be destroyed in favour of the project. Only the buildings kept for the project are taken in account, such as an historical old school building and a previous industrial steel fabric. The influence of the buildings outside and inside the project site are relatively small considering the result of the analysis. This means that when introducing a new design and new volumes inside the area, the freedom to place and organize the volumes according to concepts and goals are high. In the time of winter and summer most of the site is exposed to sunrays except in the very morning or evening, which benefit the options of the design.

Figure 2.50(a): Winter sun study, January: 08:00 am

In general the transformation site has a great potential given by location and surroundings for becoming a significant energy efficient district. The freedom to orient, shape and place the buildings will be take in account in the following project.

Figure 2.50(b): Summer sun study, January: 11:00 am

Figure 2.50(c): Summer sun study, January: 13:00 pm

Figure 2.50(d): Summer sun study, January 16:00 pm


On Site Analysis


Urban Situation On site analysis of the city and project area include visiting the site and talking with locals as well as urban designers involved in the city development of Erba. In the following the experience and impression of Erba as well as the main area will be explained in a summarized form. It is important to note that the analysis are done with the intention of being objective without including personal interests, to the extent possible.

Figure 2.51: Urban private park in Erba

Urban Environment Erba has interests from the municipality for a urban development, and investors such as local stakeholders and development investors have been included in previous projects, but still the projects in action are few and the urban situation of the city seems to be stagnated3. In the images on the right positive and negative aspects of the metropolitan area is highlighted. In the first two images several typical characters of the site can be seen such as private and public park areas with stone walls and tall building blocks giving little view to the surroundings. Erba shows a high rate of density within the main city centre, and several buildings and fences makes it laborious to walk long distances.

Figure 2.52: Typical tall residential building in the city

The second two images show some of the most attractive parts of the city, being cafÊ’s on the first floor of residential buildings and public open courtyards in the city centre. In weekends most of these areas are occupied by locals and appears to be social and lively. These are the main social functions occupying the central area and are situated close to the via fume transformation zone.

Figure 2.53: Central cafe and public courtyard

Figure 2.54: Social commercial streets in the city


Figure 2.55: Map of image locations of the local environment inside transformation area Via Fume

Figure 2.56: The central bank in Erba with commercial activities on the ground floor

Existing environment In this part of the analysis a focus is directed towards the main project area highlighting it’s potentials, problem fields and characteristics. Most of the city centre is occupied by building volumes, and the focus of this analysis is the design options of refurbishing or demolishing central parts of the project site. A central area of the city is planned to be transformed from a previous industrial site into a new social node for the people of Erba. In the images highlighted a few of the main buildings and surroundings characterizing the site are included. In image 1 and 2 an existing bank situated inside the project area is highlighted. The architectural language of the building takes a lot of attention and the building creates a visual barrier towards the project site.

Figure 2.57: Central street towards the Via Fume transformation are

Image 3 shows a new library situated close to the project site and can be considered as a potential for the site. Image 4 shows the characteristics of most of the outdoor space situated inside the project site. Most of the space is unused and serves as a black hole in the centre of the city. It can also be seen that the nature is taking over the built environment and comparing to older images greenery is growing rapidly on the site.

Figure 2.58: New library close to the project site

Figure 2.59: Existing situation inside the transformation area


Figure 2.60: Map of image locations of the existing buildings inside transformation area Via Fume

Figure 2.61: Disuse of industrial building inside Via Fume

Existing buildings The majority of the existing buildings situated at the project site are under fast degradation and their character can be considered of low architectural value. Hence the municipality has chosen to destroy most of the buildings inside the project area, and leave it up to the urban planners to decide which buildings to be kept. The only building suggested to be refurbished is a historical building with origins related to ceramic industry as seen on image 7 and 8.

Figure 2.62: Internal space of previous steel fabric

In the investigation process and visiting of the site it was found that several of the buildings planned to be destroyed have a strong internal structure and their only downsides are their architectural values. Considering this, one building previously used for steel industry is highlighted below. Image 6 highlights a building with a strong internal structure as well as a architectural outlook which can potentially be transformed. In image 5 the building is situated behind the 2-storey building seen in the front, being only 12 meters high and not creating any visual barriers for the project area. This building, in addition to other buildings on the site, are considered as potential for refurbishment and reuse if well integrated in the new purpose of the area. They have a good structural system and their architectural language shows potential.

Figure 2.63: Architectural heritage building

Figure 2.64: Internal image of architectural heritage building


Figure 2.65: Location of public parking zones in the city

Parking Areas The outcome of this local situation is that a high percentage of people keeps on driving in the core of the city until they find a free parking spot. And the circulating traffic during weekends and trafficking days can be considerably inconvenient for the mobility flow of Erba.

Parking spaces are essential in the municipal plans and strategies for improving the mobility in the city. The municipality of Erba has a strong demand for new parking spaces and a more easily accessible city centre which can provide better walkability3. In the map above the existing fabric of the city with highlighting of parking spaces and walkable distances are analysed. From the map it can be seen that the city has a high amount of parking areas in the centre, and most of them are situated in walkable distances to the main city areas and key functions. For further analysis and to understand why the municipality intends to introduce new parking-spaces, it was found that many of these existing parking lots are paid and the local people of Erba prefer to not park in the paid parking zones.

In the core of the city a main road is crossing the railroad, and at certain times of the day the people of Erba can get jammed in the traffic on their way to work in and out of the city. Due to this fact the analysis focuses on finding the key reasons for this problem and highlighting the existing parking situation of the city. In the design solution of the master-plan the local parking-lots and the handling of the traffic within the city will be considered in order to obtain a more walkable centre.



Figure 2.66: The image is showing the cities main parking zone close to the railway on the eastern part of the city. This parking-lot is common to find full in the weekends.

Figure 2.67: A parking-lot situated in the core of the city, close to a new library and the commercial street. It is common to find this parking-lot empty.

Figure 2.68: A parking lot situated in a market area, commonly used for parking except in weekends. Mostly unused due to the need for payment.


Figure 2.69: Analysis of pedestrian friendliness of the central streets in the city connected to the transformation area

Sidewalk Analysis The location of the project site is considerably important according to the need of more walkable streets within the city centre. As seen on the images to the right, these central streets are lacking space as well as maintenance, giving little room for social interaction and making the pedestrian and car movement difficult within the city. These are aspects to be considered in the following project and improvement of certain streets and connections will be highlighted for creating a better movement within the city.

In the process of investigating the local environment and visiting the site of Erba it was discovered a important lack of pedestrian friendliness in the centre of the city. This has been investigated on a conceptual level in order to understand the social and inviting atmosphere of the city. In the map above the main central streets lacking lighting systems and consisting of segregated sidewalks have been analysed and highlighted. Erba seems to be a city with only one main open walkway in it’s core. This walkway is supplemented by many public and open spaces. At the same time there is a strong contrast between this main commercial street and the smaller streets nearby. Nearby the majority of streets are characterized by being narrow and dedicated to cars. The streets highlighted in red are lacking lighting systems, sidewalks and view.


Figure 2.70: Central open and wide street inside the city centre of Erba with parking areas on the street and open public courtyards serving few functions for social interaction

Figure 2.71: Narrow street close to the city centre characterized by few lights and small sidewalks for pedestrians

Figure 2.72: Narrow street close to the city market area with unfriendly sidewalks and few lighting systems


Large scale to Local scale


Figure 2.73: Urban form of the city with street networks and public spaces shown in a conceptual map

Urban Outlook In a complex city with several illogical patterns and developments the need for improved urban connections are high. The image above explains this in a summarized form by showing all the networks in black as well as open public spaces situated in illogical positions. A new urban or local action in the city should consider this scale and provide a contribution to a more integrated and logical city6,9. This by means of acknowledgment of the influence a project can have on the large scale, and by means of choosing design solutions that can benefit Erba. In order to optimize the situation of the city, it is important to know which elements to be focused on, considering constraints and opportunities of the site.

After the analysis of the large, urban and local scale, and before the decision of design strategies and goals for the project, the summarising of the previous analysis is important. Considering the different scales of the project and the objective of creating a design in which can catalyse a vibrancy for a larger area than just the central city, the large scale perspective is justified. Looking at the image above, representing the urban form of Erba, it can be seen that the city is divided by several roads, highways, a river and a railway line in which work in synergy and creates an organic outlook of the city. The organization of the connections are random in several cases, and it can be assumed that the urban form has been developed on behalf of randomized horizontal sprawling without little or no architectural involvement.





Figure 2.74:(a) Urban constraints with highways, car roads and river Lambro cutting the city, (b) Urban opportunities map with highlight of transformation zones and existing pedestrian, bicycle and car connections, (c) Merging of the opportunities and constraints maps on the site




The main constraints regarding the large scale of Erba is highlighted in red on the image to the left. The map shows the main constraints in a conceptual form by focusing on the main highway, city road, river and railway in which strongly influence the city. In the connected network the focused pattern works as a constraint due to importance of city connections, but also as an opportunity for better connecting the city by transportation and pedestrian access. When several transformation zones are situated close to these connections, the potential for improvement is higher and the transformation nodes can be used in order to influence the connections within the city.

Erba is a city in need of development and several stakeholders as well as the municipality is engaged and interested in making changes to the city. In the previous analysis several of the problems regarding unused industrial areas and parts of the city left with empty buildings has been discussed. The positive aspect of this is that the municipality acknowledges that the city is in need of improvement and development for the future. In the opportunities map on the left some of the main transformation areas situated in Erba are highlighted with the attention on which areas are green and have potential for outdoor development. This map is a summary of the main large scale opportunities on in a conceptual form. The zone in the middle with the strong blue colour represents the main project area in a conceptual form. In the south it can be seen a strong agricultural land use with fields and greenery. And most of the northeast and north-west transformation areas are characterized by dense greenery as well as park areas. All of the transformation areas mentioned in the conceptual map are potential for green development and can be used for creating a more connected network in Erba. The city centre is situated near the main transformation area and serves with few public green spaces and few outdoor social nodes today.

One of the boundary lines, represented by two parallel red lines on the image, is highlighting the river Lambro running through the city. This river has few crossovers and serves as a barrier for the city today in terms of pedestrian access and bicycle friendliness. In order to cross this river and the railway cutting the city, it is more convenient to use cars for the local inhabitants of Erba. This results in a city which is highly car dependent and provides few options for outdoor interaction between the two parts of the city. In addition there is a main road going through the city centre, in the north on the map, which can be very trafficked in weekends and high seasons. The railway is cutting this road and since there are no underground passages the traffic is often stagnated.


Local outlook


Figure 2.75: Conceptual scheme of the central transformation area, Via fume with street connections and Lambro river

Centrality The following will explain the main highlights taken from the previous analysis in order to arrive to the project vision, goals and strategies. Regarding the complexity of the city and the different scales considered in the project, it is important to note that several aspects has been developed in different speed and the project has followed a multiscale approach towards the final proposal. The main transformation area and related analysis has been chosen due to the complexity and potential for the entire city. And the summary is part of the process of choosing boundaries of the project, both physically and by means of which parts of the analysis to be included.

In the image above the main project site is highlighted with surrounding connections. This is the site to be focused on for the development of the concept and further development of a master-plan. In the following the project is developed with a large scale vision for Erba, but this site will be the main catalyst and focus for visualizing the project ideas. The characteristics of the site are mostly related to industry as explained in the analysis chapter. It is a transformation area with a huge potential for increasing the urban metabolism due to it’s centrality, but also has several obstacles regarding degradation and nature taking back the area.


Environment - Existing green spaces - No inclination of the terrain

Environment Lack of functions in green spaces Unconnected green network Social Narrow streets without lighting Abandoned industrial buildings Low amount of outdoor activities -

Social - Central historical monuments - Well used central cafĂŠs


Environment - Local food production and market - Agriculture in the periphery of Erba - Good climate for water collection - History of using natural resources - River Lambro is situated close to the main transformation area


Strenths Oppotrunities


Functionality - Potential buildings for new use - Reachable public services

Functionality No bicycle accessibility Car parking on narrow streets -

Social - Open and central public spaces - Social interaction in the centre - Historical and industrial heritage

Weaknesses Threats

Environment Sprawling trend over green fields Increasing pollution in the center Heat island effect during summer Social Trend of more elderly than young Lack of funding for green projects Functionality Deterioration of industrial heritage Increasing car dependency Car stagnation due to railway-

Functionality - Wide public transportation network - Theatre and market area - Municipal interest in a new vision Table 1.2: Highlight of the central transformation area with existing building


Figure 2.76: Highlight of the central transformation area with existing building

Transformation area In the table to the left, on the previous page, it can be seen a summarized version of the main aspects taken from the context of the project site. And each asset has been grouped and written in keywords. The site analysed here is the intermediate scale with focus towards the project site. Several urban and large scale acknowledgements from the previous analysis is included, but summarized in order to extract what is important for the main project site. The order to better clarify the SWOT analysis and explaining the most important assets, main highlights is described in the following.

From the urban and local analysis several key assets are highlighted in the SWOT analysis. SWOT is a an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It is a method evaluating those four elements identifying the internal and external factors that are favourable and unfavourable for a project. The assets are organized into three main subcategories according to environment, social factors and functionality5. The internal factors are in relation to the transformation area of the project and it is focused only on what are the positive and negative sides of the area, what can be described as a strength and what is assumed to be a weakness. The final external categorization takes into consideration a bigger scale which might influence the central transformation zone.


Weaknesses Bicycle and pedestrian connectivity is one of the main weaknesses in Erba. As many other cities in Europe, the mobility is mostly dedicated to car traffic and this can be seen in the number of parking lots along the streets. In addition the city is separated by a railway in which can only be crossed by roads which are mostly dedicated to car traffic. The amount of green spaces and parks nearby the city centre is high, but the spaces are lacking functions and walkable connections in order to reach and use them. Considering these aspects, it can be concluded that the city has been developed towards car accessibility rather than environmental and social aspects during the last decades.

Strengths The main strength to be mentioned from the context of Erba is the fertility and value of the natural surroundings. Since the origin of the city and the small towns Erba originated from, the name Erba, meaning grass, describes the surrounding environment. Today there is still agricultural activity in the periphery of the city, and local food from the area can be found in weekend open markets. Another important aspect of the city is the main street, Corso XXV Aprile, which leads cars and pedestrians through the main core of the city. This street is characterized by large and open areas of public spaces, and hosts several social functions. The street also provides a connection between Parco Majnoni and the river Lambro which gives the most convenient walkable access from one side of the city to the other. Corso XXV Aprile serves connection to the railway station and the bus network as well as hosting functions. This main street has a historical value of being the central gathering point in Erba for many decades, and still serves as the most important central node for the city.

Pollution and environmental problems are also some of the major highlights extracted from the analysis. Erba is situated in an area between nature, but achieves high pollution rates. This is most likely due to dense industry and neighbourhoods in which air flows are circulating without being able to extract pollution out of the central parts of the city.


Opportunities Erba has several strong interests from governmental and local stakeholders in developing the city. The municipality intends to develop large scale strategies towards a new future for the city, mainly considering green networks and a new city centre. In addition, the city holds historical and industrial valuable buildings which host potential for reuse.

Threats Local threats in Erba are mostly related to the high amount of areas left without maintenance and function. The importance of greenery has been replaced with the build environment and hardscape features which are unused if no particular function has been introduces. The sprawling of the city is a main problem we face in many cities in the world today, and needs to be handled. Most of the new construction in Erba is built on fertile soil and is threatening the natural ecological value of the city. At the same time the city is facing a constantly increasing heat island effect during summers, and air pollution is increasing due to high car dependency. These aspects are threatening the environment as well as the liveability of the city in the future. From social point of view, the population has been decreasing and the trend is going to more elderly than young people. Young population is leaving Erba with the main purpose of education and work.

Considering the climatic context of Erba there is a high potential for using natural resources such as greenery and water, as well as providing visual and physical connection to the surrounding nature. All of this gives the opportunity for improving the agricultural use of the territorial system in Erba. Another point of the opportunities is the food and local production which provides weekly markets. Localization of the functions is Erba is an opportunity to reorganize and better connect the open and public spaces by strengthening the interaction in the surround are of the transformation zone. Good transportation is supporting the public network system and the accessibility is high according to distance and time.

Industrial zones have been abandoned in many eras around the city which bring dis-connectivity.


Figure 2.77: Constraints of the transformation site considering urban to local scales

Constraints In the core of the city the buildings are dense and the visual contact with the natural surroundings and mountains are broken in several areas. Few of the buildings situated in the core of the city are of low architectural value and are not respecting the grid of the city. This phenomenon makes part of the city appear disorganized and gives a constraint for new development in the area.

In the constraints map the main obstacles related to the intermediate scale is highlighted. It is important to mention that the scale of analysis is selected due to the functions and aspects influencing the project site. The main constraint regarding the project is related to the physical barrier of the railway. This barrier is mostly crossable by cars and leaves few comfortable crossings for pedestrians and bicycles. Another important constraint for the area is the narrow car roads necessary for reaching different areas in Erba. These roads are characterized by having small or no sidewalks, and the room for bicycles on a trafficked day is minimal. Constraints strictly connected to the site of intervention is mostly related to morphology and building volumes.

Considering the specific project site, there are several existing residential buildings situated less than 5 meters from the transformation area. And the surrounding residential buildings needs to be considered when proposing a new design. On the map above it can also be seen two buildings, highlighted in red, which the municipality intends to maintain for their historical and architectural value.


Figure 2.78: Opportunities of the transformation site considering urban to local scales

Opportunities One of the biggest strengths in Erba is the walkable distance between the main city road and the bus and train station. Most of the existing local cafĂŠs and restaurants are situated in this zone, and it provides the highest amount of social interaction within the city according to the previous analysis.

The map above explains the main existing opportunities situated in Erba. The intention of the map is to highlight existing greenery, local functions with the potential of being included into he project and transformation areas mentioned by the municipality. The amount of green areas in the periphery of the city is high, but most of the areas are in lack of function and connection. A large part of the project site is occupied by trees and nature due to many years of no human activity. And the potential of regenerating the green areas and providing purpose and function to them are high. In addition the river Lambro is a strong feature in the city, but lacks importance in Erba today. This river has a good visual connection to the surrounding mountains and provides a open void between the two sides of the city. The municipality of Erba is lacking vision and strategies to include Lambro in the city context, but the potential is high.

The potential for development is high in the area according to the strategic and central position. And the amount of focal nodes and social functions surrounding the site makes the project area a unique zone for improving the metabolism of Erba.



III Revitalizing Erba


Vision and Goals


Figure 3.1: Panorama image of the city of Erba with mountains in the north and greenery surrounding the city

Vision - Revitalizing Erba Revitalizing Erba will promote ecological corridors and functions where there is a high potential of reconnecting nature. And a final achievement of a urban city which is connected to the site specific environment is promoted.

A change of the mental image coming from citizens and visitors is a focus of the project. The main design idea is directed towards revitalization in which intend to provoke a vibrancy and reconnect Erba on a large scale. By introducing new greenery and functions in the city centre the final vision is to achieve a project in which serve ecological, economic and social benefit for the citizens as well as visitors.

In the following the vision of the entire city will be explained by: - Goals - Strategies - Design Catalysts - Urban Concept - Local Concept

One of the main highlights of the analysis is the feeling of a city centre which is not made for people, but rather for cars. Most of the interactive and social initiatives in the city is not attracting people and many public and green areas are left without function. Hence the project will focus on the aspect and serve as a pilot project for reinvention of urban networks.


Goals The goals of the project are subjects of the specific site, with highlights of the most important aspects that the city needs from an objective perspective. The SWOT analysis together with the opportunities and constraints map gave the idea of the main goals implemented in the project. Erba is a city with many problems to solve on urban and local levels. In this project the approach of identifying urban goals and strategies for the entire city will shape and form the decision of implementations on the local scale in the city. The general main goals of the project are to achieve an attractive city with jobs and social opportunities. In addition the project focus on achieving outdoor and indoor environments which support sustainability.

Figure 3.2: Graphical explanation of the main goals of the project proposal

In order to create a city for the future, it is important to identify goals and strategies which can support the city for a long timeperiod. This has been one of the key guidelines for the choosing of which goals and strategies to emphasize in the project.

Goals and Strategies Inviting city for people 1. Create job opportunities 2. Implement new social and cultural facilities 3. Create family oriented activities

Connected and walkable street network 4. Optimize and connect a green street network 5. Promote walkability 6. Promote cycling Ecological and sustainable society 7. Support local energy production 8. Promote greenery and ecology 9. Management for energy efficiency


Strategic actions 1. Create job opportunities 1.1 Implement agricultural fields with high technology and innovation 1.2 Create a new research centre in the heart of the city 1.3 Activate spaces with a variety of leisure and commercial jobs 2. Implement new social and cultural facilities 2.1 Activate new public cafĂŠs and restaurants in existing unused spaces 2.2 Give the community new facilities dedicated to sport 3. Create family oriented activities 3.1 Activate new integrated playgrounds, indoor and outdoor 3.2 Contribute to the development of existing playgrounds and parks 3.3 Implement educational activities open to the public 4. Optimize and connect a green street network 4.1 Enhance the existing green network 4.2 Implement new greenery and create a connected ecological system 4.3 Provide a water collection system for the streets in the city 5. Promote walkability 5.1 Provide new crossovers for the main physical barriers (Train rail, Lambro) 5.2 Improve the lighting system of the city 5.3 Enlarge the urban furniture 6. Promote cycling 6.1 Implement a cycling path system in favour of parking-lots 6.2 Use “gamingâ€? strategies for bicyclers, including interactive displays 7. Support local energy production 7.1 Introduce geothermal water systems connected to local resources 7.2 Implement PV panels 8. Promote greenery and ecology 8.1 Design a resilient ecologically based system, capable of adapting to environmental changes 8.2 Enhance trees and greenery for lowering temperatures in the summer 8.3 Create ecological water sources for environmental benefits 8.3 Implement PV panels 9. Management for energy efficiency 9.1 Create a integrated community monitoring system 9.2 Design a water management system for greywater usage within buildings


Design catalysts As explained in the goals and strategies there are several implementations to be considered in the concept development. While for the physical master-plan and detailed outlook of the project it is important to highlight that several main drivers have been emphasized strictly according to the vertical and horizontal analysis introduced in the analysis part of the project. These will be essential in the development of the concept and master-plan, and provide a reason for many of the design strategies chosen in the project. Morphology The first catalyst chosen from the urban analysis is the morphology of the city. This is an important instance due to the density factor of the central city as well as the visual connections to the surroundings. Due to the previous lack of morphological consideration in the city, the project will reintroduce the aspect of building typology, visual connections and porosity in Erba. Green network According to the previous analysis the amount of car dependency and few connections for bicycles and pedestrians makes it very difficult to move without using cars or public transportation, even in short distances. Hence walkability has been chosen as one of the main problems to be emphasized in the project. The network of walkable streets as well as green environment inside the central areas are not developed, but has the potential to be improved due to short distances between green nodes and existing greenery. The natural habitat value and sprawling greenery outside of the city centre indicates a fertile land for green development, and will play an essential part in the following development. Supplementing functions connected to the green environment can support a more interactive and social city for the future.


Figure 3.3: Overlay and summary of relevant catalysts from the urban analysis maps. Highlighting the process of deciding urban catalysts of morphology and green networks


Urban Concept


Figure 3.4: Main concept map of the urban scale emphasizing the idea of increasing the attractiveness and metabolism of the city centre


Figure 3.5: Overlaying maps of the urban vision with integrated phasing concepts according to the existing situation and central transformation zones in Erba


Concept Phasing In the development of the urban concept the explanation of phasing and time of implementation has been considered. By developing a structure of phases for the urban scale, the project vision and goals can be described in more detail according to different implementation levels. From a general urban concept and vision of developing Erba as a project directed towards ecology and economy, three main phases are introduced to explain the more specific implementations proposed.

Existing situation:

Phase 1 The first phase of the concept development is the identification of a potential existing growth network in Erba. By identifying and highlighting the potential streets and social nodes combined with transformation areas, the general concept for the city will emerge based on the existing environment.

Phase 1: Existing Potential

Phase 2 In the second phase the focus will be directed towards which actions can be done in order to achieve a new street network as well as improvement of the existing network. Aiming to improve the urban connections and green network, this part of the concept will be essential.

Phase 2: New Street Network

Phase 3 And the third phase is directed towards which social nodes and functions can be introduced in order to achieve a final result of a revitalized city. By introducing new functions and proposing new ideas and potential developments of the city, the project will develop towards the main transformation area according to the urban strategies.

Phase 3: New Functions

- Little social interaction - Few functions - High car dependency

Figure 3.6: Simplified graphical explanation of the phasing concept coming from the existing situation


Figure 3.7: Phase 1 of the concept representing a tree with the idea of resources in the south of the city and nature and social life in the north and central parts of Erba

Phase 1: Tree Network A proposed urban concept of Erba and it’s growth network is graphically represented in the image above. The idea of the concept is strictly connected to the existing functions and analysis of the large scale and takes advantage of the existing situation. As found in the analysis the city contains large areas of agricultural fields in the south, while the northern parts are more occupied by dense forestry and park areas closer to the centre of the city. These areas are not connected and appears to be zones developed with little architectural purpose towards the city itself. Hence the concept of the tree, connecting the resources of agriculture and nature in the south, as well as nature and social life towards the north and inside the city. The idea is to reconnect and revitalize the city through a green network, but also to propose ideas for strengthening the economy and growth.

The tree is a simplified representation of the urban concept and is the key-element for understanding the importance of the main transformation area in a larger context. In the project the concept will be developed and explained more detailed towards a local area and a master-plan considering a part of the urban vision. And it is important to highlight the development of the ideas between scales. In the images on the next page two green areas existing in Erba, river Lambro and the area inside Via Fume transformation zone, is highlighted for emphasizing the potential of green networks on the site. In the following the tree concept will be explained in the urban context by phase 2 and 3 in order to highlight the main ideas, while Via Fume project area will later explain how the urban vision and concept is introduced on a local level.


Figure 3.8: River Lambro situated close to the city centre


Figure 3.9: Sprawling greenery existing in Via Fume transformation site

Figure 3.10: Phase 2 of the concept representing main street implementations in order to create a interactive and green street network in Erba

Phase 2: Green street network In order to re-connect the city a new street network is proposed, aiming to obtain more interaction and social life along the streets9. The network would emphasize on the zones shown in the map on the right with the main nodes of implementation connected to the existing environment and potential. Ecology The space would be designed for creating a lively public realm including greenery and trees in human scales. Street parks with green surroundings can provide a healthy environment as well as ecological and technological solutions supporting the city and the local surroundings.

Social Spaces By supplementing more urban furniture for seating, attractions and influential facades and good lighting. Social spaces along the streets can be more interesting and inviting for people to spend time in the outdoor environment. Transportation Considering the transportation the strategy of the project is to lower the amount of cars circulating and driving through the main core of the city by including more bus stops and improved accessibility for public transportation. Several of the parking spaces along the roads are also proposed to be changed in favour of bicycle lanes.


Figure 3.11: Street transformation objectives considering nodes of the existing situation in Erba


Figure 3.12: Proposed new network of the city with green, walkable and bicycle friendly streets

Connected network In the map above the proposed new network of the city is highlighted in green, with emphasis on reconnecting the river to the city and making the city more walkable and interactive. Three main sections are shown for explaining the idea of the network in a section view and the locations of the sections have been chosen due to their strategic positions and the necessity of improvement in the particular areas.

Figure 3.13: New cafĂŠs and park areas towards river Lambro with a proposal of new pedestrian bridges


Section 2 The central area of the city is highlighted in this section with emphasis on new vertical and horizontal greenery. Creating a real sense of place, a sense of being somewhere unique and interesting, everywhere in the existing metropolitan area.

Figure 3.14: Street transformation and proposal of more greenery, open cafĂŠs and commercial activities in disused buildings

Section 3 A new street network with green bioswales and bicycle paths are shown in the section. In favour of walkability and bicycle access, the parking lots along the main city road are proposed to be replaced.

Figure 3.15: Proposed new street system with including of more lighting, greenery, bioswale and bicycle lanes

Section 1 In these locations a new bridge connection is proposed in order to connect the two sides of the river by walking. The east part of the city has an existing university, green park areas and a bicycle path along river Lambro which can be better connected to the east part of the city and the city centre.


Ecological design One of the essential design solutions chosen for the urban streets are the green areas connected as a network through the city. Ecological bioswales combined with trees and drainage implementations can serve as architectural features as well a benefiting the urban system. According to the existing situation, with a high water level and drainage problems in Erba during wet periods, the need for technological solutions based on the site is essential. The bioswales are used in several urban environments around the world today, and have the benefit of appearing natural from an architectural perspective, despite of being artificially made with a technological design. In addition they improve the environment by supporting biodiversity and improved air quality due to oxygen release10.

In the proposed project it has been considered that local design solutions can benefit Erba with the same vibrancy as urban implementations. Arriving to the idea of the green street network the previous analysis has been used, site visits have occurred and a large scale 3D model has been essential in order to arrive to a final design implementation that can benefit different scales of the site. The implementation of the bioswales can happen in different time-periods and different locations for testing the benefit before a complete network is achieved. The goal is to improve the city centre and the main street going inside the centre (see image on the next page) as a first step, the second step is to see which streets are the most beneficial for creating a network through the city.

Figure 3.16: Green bioswale with water drainage and ecological planting on the sidewalks


Urban planting By introducing vegetation consisting of seasonal trees and plants, the biodiversity and liability within Erba can be improved10. On the right the specific type of trees and one example of an existing bioswale is shown in order to explain the vision for the urban street transformation


Trees The proposed trees are not coming from the existing environment in Erba but are used in several urban metropolitan areas in Europe, including Milan. Due to their aesthetic outlook and environmental benefits they have a high influence in urban environments. Both of the tree types provides year-round interest and tolerates a wide range of soils and urban conditions. Betula Utilis is characterized by fast growth, low height and high O2 formation. While the Trident Maple absorbed a lot of water and gives good shading during warm season. In the main project area different tree types will be implemented based on the general concept.



Ecological flora Along the streets ecological plants with designed elements to remove silt and pollution from surface runoff water is proposed. The system consist of a swaled drainage course with gently sloped sides and filled with vegetation. Most of the vegetation types used are of various ecological flowers, weeds and shrubs coming from the existing environment of Erba. While some additional plants are used with the benefit of providing a stronger biodiversity, better air quality and water absorption capacity.


Figure 3.17 (a,b,c,d): Planting of trees and vegetation in the urban environment



Section 3 The section shows the main street going through the city centre with ecological implementations, a new bicycle lane and urban furniture. The general idea of the transformation is to open the streets for a better pedestrian experience as well as including a stronger connection with the natural environment within the city centre. Each integration with purpose of creating a green and walkable environment is described with proposed sizes of street implementation underneath the section.

Figure 3.18: Detailed section of new street transformation for the central road of the city centre



street transformation vision Re-connecting Erba with green nodes, connections and optimizing the urban furniture is essential in the street transformation strategy. A new identity formed by ecological implementations is the main concept of the urban scale, and can improve the quality of life and economic value of the entire city. Below a conceptual image is highlighting the future vision of the main street going through the city centre with implementations directly coming from the strategic actions and implementations chosen in the project. The idea is to improve ecology, optimize and introduce more outdoor cafĂŠs and restaurants, promote walkability and bicycling, and to create a connected network flowing through the city.

Figure 3.19: Visualization of the proposed street network with emphasis on the greenery and open spaces with social functions






Figure 3.20: (a) Concept of the tree according to the city context, (b) Main connections of new and existing roads with emphasis on river Lambro, (c) Zoning and characterization of transformation areas and existing parks in Erba


Phase 3: New functions According to the vision of Revitalizing Erba the proposal consists of more than urban visions and street transformations. When introducing a new street network and vision for the city, the functions proposed and existing inside the city are essential. A urban connection or green urban space, consisting of social functions and nodes, is of much higher economic value than a zone left without nodes of capture for the people using it10. Hence the third phase expressed in the following is directed towards implementing zones with functions connected by the streets. The zones are used for branding the different areas according to their program of economic incubators. In the maps on the left the conceptual image of the city is shown from the idea of the growth network, urban connections included and the main zones of economic drivers spread out from the city. The most important issue considered from the previous analysis is the central area of the city and the project area left without function and purpose. By introducing new functions and emphasizing this area with new economic drivers, the project intend to bring more investment to the city centre. Preventing sprawling and increasing the diversity of the city is essential in this vision, and the proposed solution of the different zones as well as the central transformation area will highlight this. Each zone has it’s own program, and the EcoCentre will be the main area where the urban vision is implemented. The project area is part of a larger perspective and will be addressed as a pilot project for the entire vision. In the next pages the concept will develop with the EcoCentre as the focal point, while the perspective of the city shifts from urban to local scale.

Leisure Park In the existing area of the Leisure Park there is a park with playgrounds and open fields. The park area is enclosed by a fence and closes after 9 in afternoons. This area is not a transformation area, but has been included in the project with a proposal for open cafĂŠs and restaurants situated inside the park area. Making the park more social, interactive an connected with the central city area. Activity Centre This area is a transformation area on the urban PGT maps. It has a strong potential for forestry and greenery due to existing vegetation, and is proposed to be used for indoor and outdoor sport activities with a new sport centre. Due to nearby schools and the size of the area, it is possible to include large fields as open park areas and dense forestry inside. Agriculture Hub In the south of Erba a large area with agricultural fields and industry can be observed. Here a new business incubator of agricultural farming and solar panel industries are proposed. Several of the buildings are unused and there are several zones included as transformation zones in the PGT maps. The capacity of the area to host new businesses are high, and in a society with the need of food and energy, this is a resilient solution for the future. EcoCentre The EcoCentre is the central part of the city left with industrial buildings and unused spaces today. Here the main idea is to create new business incubators consisting of a ecological research centre, commercial offices and ecological housing. Which will be explained in more detail in the concept of the transformation area.



Figure 3.21: Zoning and branding concept of the urban scale connected to new street networks


Local Concept


Figure 3.22: EcoCentre concept of greenery, water and connection integration

EcoCentre As a main concept the idea of including ecology and creating an ecosystem is the focus of the project area. The idea comes from the urban analysis and has a strong root with the potential of the specific site. Being located in the heart of Erba and having many resources from nature such as water and greenery. The site is perfectly situated for a strong ecological design coherent with the technology available today. Bringing greenery back to urban areas has been done in several cities around the world, as mentioned in the following case studies, and includes several benefits. Ecological districts in Europe are taking form and the liveability and interaction in such areas are highly interesting10. Hence the project will focus on creating a site specific ecological proposal with inclusion of urban connections, greenery and water.

Ecosystem Ecosystems are composed of interacting parts including organisms, the different communities they make up, and the nonliving components of their environment. The ecosystem in the means of the concept idea includes the interaction of key natural elements such as water, habitats, greenery and abiotic components of their synergistic environment10. Topics of interest to be included in the proposal are the diversity, distribution and amount of organisms, as well as their integration within and among the urban ecosystem. In the following the concept will develop into a more detailed master-plan consisting of an integrated ecosystem with ecological integrations. The final goal is to arrive at a design in which include ecology, functions and in a unique system.


Figure 3.23: EcoCentre concept map in plan view with emphases on urban connections

Concept Map Hierarchy of functions and the placing of specific volumes are one of the most elaborate tasks in the design phase. The concept map, shown in the image above, is essential in the development of the master-plan due to its simplified explanation of the vision in a graphical matter. Here main elements such as the connections on the site, placing of mentioned functions and the general vision of the master-plan can be seen. The map indicates main aspects of the master-plan which will follow, and is used as a tool for the later development of the area.

Highlights The most important highlights of the map is the location of the main project functions situated offset from the main street in the north. This decision has been done for morphological reasons as well as for the urban street network to be emphasized on the site. In addition, energy performances and advantages according to the sun can be better achieved with the current locations, as shown in the sun studies and wind analysis previously. And will be better explained in the master-plan development.


Figure 3.24: Program of the EcoCentre with main functions included in the project site

Program In the image above the main program of the project area is highlighted with functions such as education, commerce, leisure and housing. The project area is formed as a leaf in order to emphasize the connection with the urban concept of the tree. The leaf symbolize the spore of where the new life of the tree takes form in the same way as the EcoCentre breaths new life into the city. Guidelines In the municipality plan of Erba there are several guidelines considered in order to arrive at the final program for the core of the project. As mentioned in the analysis, the municipality aims to include residential housing, commercial activities and new parking areas in this central part of the city. According to the urban concept and the need of the city to be more pedestrian and bicycle friendly, the project aims to reduce the parking lots as much as possible in despite of the municipalities wishes to include a large parking area hosting 300 cars. The goal of the project is to obtain existing parking areas and include necessary parking zones for the proposed functions. While most of the space in the master-plan concept is dedicated to the functions highlighted in the image above. And the main aim of the site is to include the urban catalysts chosen, considering green networks and morphology.

Leisure and commerce The concept includes functions aiming to provide a economic driver and business incubator for the central city area. The proposal includes office buildings related to the outdoor environment as well as commercial buildings for shops. These buildings would be of ecological design and the aim is to eventually connect the nature and environment into a unique ecosystem in the heart of the city. Interactive education A big business centre for material and ecological research is the core of the project, this centre will be connected to other research centres in Milan and Como, but will host a unique character by using the outdoor environment and being visible in public. In addition the centre would host interactive education for children and different age groups interested in learning about nature and materials. Ecological housing Residential apartments with the aim to create a ecological district are proposed as a essential element of the concept. These buildings would be characterized by different typologies for achieving diverse prize ranges as well as options for the buyer.


Case Studies


Tools to influence Erba In the transition between the urban to local strategies, the investigation of related case studies and references influence the project. The procedure of mapping ideas and developing the functions and purpose of the project is not a linear process. Several implementations to the project has been introduced during and after investigations and in different stages of the process of development. Some of the main highlights in the following case studies can be considered key drivers to the proposal and gave inspiration to several similar implementations in the project. These projects are related to the main ideas and concepts emphasized from the specific strategies and goals of site.

Figure 3.25: Vanke Research centre, Chenzen, China

The most influential topics researched in the case studies are the following: 1. Ecological greenery 2. Smart building design 3. Residential buildings 4. Interactive public spaces

Figure 3.26: Billitt Centre Seattle, Washington

These are the main topics influencing the later choices of several specific design implementations and are the ones chosen for the investigation of main case studies to be introduced in the following. Case studies and topics included in the following report: - Vanke Research centre - topic 1. - Bulitt Centre - topic 2. - C_Life - topic 3. - Zhengzhou Vanke Central Plaza - topic 4.

Figure 3.27: C_Life, Jatkasaari, Helsinki

Figure 3.28: Zhengzhou Vanke Central Plaza, China


Figure 3.29: Vanke Research centre, Chenzen, China, outdoor material research zone

Vanke Research Centre Vanke research centre is a innovative project situated in Shenzhen, China. The project was finished in 2011 and achieved an award from the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) in 2014 for it’s pioneering innovative and ecological design. Shenzhen is one of the fastest sprawling cities in the world today. The region of Vanke Research Centre was once a natural area with fertile lands, but the increased urbanization and growing of the city created a modern and built cityscape. The Vanke Research Centre is a product of the original landscape of the area and is an innovative project directed towards renaturing city areas. The main goals of the project was to provide ecologically sensitive solutions for containing and purifying storm water, recovering native habitats, and creating opportunities for environmental education.

The result of the project is a green environment which is able to control the rainwater as well as purifying it. At the same time the area is a testing ground for new materials and is used for testing their functionality. For example, testing different materials such as concrete, ceramics and sand for their permeability to water. One of the most interesting features of the project is the focus on low maintenance on the entire site. In order to achieve this two main strategies were implemented: 1. Enhancing storm-water management. 2. Using low maintenance materials and greenery. Several of the design strategies are useful for the project of Revitalizing Erba. By focusing on the long-term sustainability objective of the Vanke Research centre, several of the ecological key implementations are mentioned in order to gather ideas for the following project.



Energy Network The entire site of the research centre is connected through a energy network with water as the central element. Water movement is visualized through the site, making it a educational facility for visitors and in order to let people understand the strategies behind the design. The network contains a characteristic windmill and a visible storm-water treatment system circulating the storm water to keep improving the water’s quality for reuse with minimal energy consumption.

Figure 3.30: Ecological water network and green implementation inside the centre

Water Management One of the main highlights of the design are the outdoor Ripple Gardens. The design technology used in the gardens are used to control storm-water through green fields and are kept within natural greenery. In the Ripple Garden 1, a tilted lawn panel with rolling landforms reduces the runoff of rain water and keeps the water for on-site infiltration. The slope of the land-form is adjusted for a optimal runoff volume. Between each land-form, materials are filled as within the soil in order to test permeability characteristics. Pre-cast Concrete has been used in most of the paved zones because of it’s natural and ecological components. And concrete has a relatively high durability and ability to minimizes the collection of dirt. While the selection of the planting is based on amount of maintenance, water retention and aesthetic values. The project is an example of green ecological design that has reached a beneficial economic and environmental driver for a urban built area. Vanke Research Centre has achieved ecological and aesthetic benefits which serves as a catalyst and inspires other projects around the world.

Figure 3.31: Plan view of material research zones and ecological gardens



Figure 3.32: Billitt Center Seattle, Washington

Bullitt Center The Bullitt Center is a commercial office building situated in Seattle, Washington. The centre was officially opened in 2013 and was designed to be the greenest commercial building in the world. The centre was built by a non-profit organization called Bullitt Foundation which focus their work on urban ecology. In the final construction, most of the six floor areas are dedicated to commercial, while the Bulitt Foundation occupy half of one floor with offices. One of the most interesting features of the project is the cutting-edge technology it represents. The building is serving multifunctional activities and manages several services with high monitoring technology. In addition the building was constructed with mostly ecological materials, and the core of the structure is intended to last for 250 years with wood, concrete and steel as the main elements.

The energy efficiency of the building is characterized by a water and sewage processing system which allows the building to be independent of municipal water newtoworks. And most of the energy used by the building is produced by a massive solar panel roof which cut the energy consumption to approximately 1/3 of a typical office building of similar size The complexity and smart solutions of the centre gives a guideline for integrating energy efficiency in commercial buildings. The project have achieved several prizes for it’s sustainable features such as winning the “High-performance Buildings� category at the 2014 Beyond Green award. AN award organized by the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS). A high level of monitoring of energy performances has been done to give the project this prize, and it has been called the worlds most green building.



Figure 3.33: Diagram of smart building integration of the Bullitt Centre considering materials and energy strategies

Smart Design In the design of the centre the performance of the building according to users and energy was essential. Every design and material decision was evaluated for its contribution to the goals of net zero energy, water and waste, as well as creating a multifunctional workplaces related to it’s surroundings. The program of the building is to create connection between spaces and is designed with the objective of making people interact and have visual connections. The building is highly interacting with users by providing daily statistics available through a live digital dashboard with construction, operation and social data. And today thousands of visitors such as: pubic, students, design communities, government officials, and foreign leaders come to see how this urban building reduces its impact and restores its surroundings. Smart building design and social interaction makes the building interesting for both locals and foreigners. The initial decision of a design connected to social interaction provides a good example of a innovative project directed towards the future.

Sustainability Energy and sustainable features are visible throughout the structure and site, and the building gives a strong impression of being efficient. The initial energy objective was to create a building working as a living organism by the choosing of materials, structure and energy strategies. And for all of the sustainable strategies to be working together in a system. For example the choice of sun panels on the roof which are visible from the outside, as well as the integration of organic wood materials giving the building a dynamic character. In addition the Bullitt Centre is designed to last long with the use of structures and materials which are highly sustainable. The overall smart and energy oriented purpose of the building gives a highly energy efficient design which serves occupants as well as the environment. Designing buildings with a holistic purpose serves the planet by more than just functions. And the result of integrating water and energy management systems, as well as energy production is a building with high innovation and a cutting-edge technology direct towards the future.



Figure 3.34: C_Life living factory of ecology, green roofs connecting residential and commercial buildings

C_Life C_Life - City as living factory of ecology is the winner of a competition called Low2No for an energy- and innovation prototypical residential block in Jatkasaari, Helsinki. The project can be accepted as a demonstration of how people should live, work, play and learn, producing innovation that benefits environment and economy11. The vision of the project is based on seven key elements: 1_ City as a living factory of ecology 2_ Living + leisure + innovation 3_ From low2no to carbon sink 4_ Building applicability 5_ Accessible and transparent decisions 6_ ‘Built on people’ 7_ Economics of c_life The project is conceived with the idea of attracting people to live in more urban environments and demonstrate cities driven by ecological principles.

The environment will provide hubs of human activities to spur entrepreneurship on ecological services. Another point is using the evolving carbon strategy based on a transition starting from financial mechanisms and then moving to on-site and off-site physical strategies, and to broader energy and carbon solutions. The proposal is based on an integrated and performance-based design approach, that can demonstrate benefits for the natural and built environments, delight people and communities, making it desirable to behave more sustainably, and diffuse good practice, strategies and policies that will trigger institutional and market changes11. The team has proposed a structured behavioural methodology, including 50 examples of what can be done to support behavioural change and creation of a “Climate Neutral District”, that ensures a cost effective and ecological project.






Figure 3.35: (a) Public spaces and parks, (b) Public functions and activity zones, (c) Street connections

In urban terms the proposal is based on the desired continuation of the adjacent Helsinki downtown, embracing the principles of the European city. Block, street and park as well as a shoreline promenade form the major elements of the syntax of this plan. With increasing height from shore to land, the building mass is designed to articulate the clearly defined public and private spaces. The streets are planned in a clear hierarchy from boulevard via lanes to alleys. Neighbourhood squares form appropriate syncopations in the continuous fabric of the city, and a central park forms the centre of gravity for the whole district. The key elements are about mixed and social exchange as well as a low carbon lifestyle. Work-place and residence are close; open-air and enclosed public and semi-public spaces encourage meetings, cohabitation and community life, private open space and well laid out apartments allow for a private sphere. Every component is considered to ensure the lowest possible carbon footprint for the urban infrastructure.

Contemporary urban landscape design is concerned with balancing human and ecological needs. The landscape strategy for the Jätkäsaari site sets out ambitious but achievable propositions for an urban environment that brings the environment into harmony with natural systems. The strategy consists of two layers, ‘the human’ and ‘the ecological’ which are initially defined as separate entities to ensure the full potential of both is understood. Landscape and public realm is separated into a few main layers: - System of open spaces - Existing landmarks - Proposal for building typology - Edges and linkages - Sustainable movement modes - Business buildings - Offices - Atrium The master-plan development is a product of overlapping these layers of landscape and public realm.



Figure 3.36: Zhengzhou Vanke Central Plaza, China, outdoor activities zones

Zhengzhou Vanke Central Plaza Zhengzhou Vanke Central Plaza is an example that proves that the best way to bring people together is by designing a place which helps people to meet, interact and connect. The plaza is envisioned to accommodate a high demand for civic spaces and recreational activities for its future residents. The area should serve not only as an events venue for commercial activities, but also an interesting node for the public and residents to congregate, interact and play in the neighbourhood for many years to come. During the design a few key qualities have been followed: People cantered approach Understanding the nature of people who would use the space is an important part of giving life to a space. And the culture has been taken into consideration.

Public space for all The landscape design strategy was to showcase a variety of programs for people of all ages so they could socialize, play, shop, eat, and relax. The elements include a dry fountain and a ecological garden, connected by a serpentine bench that the children have adopted as a runway. The designers have integrated the edges of the landforms to become long benches, a children’s rock climbing wall, a sunken playground, and a skating rink with seating areas dotted all around to enhance social interactions. The human scale Landscape architecture is about and for people. Thus, the design of a plaza has been designed on a human scale, in indoor and outdoor furniture, framing views and circulation.



Accessibility A plaza that actually works should be well connected and serve as many pedestrians as possible, without creating endless or narrow paths. The developers has avoided adherence to a rigid design by shaping short cuts with angular forms to break up the mass of long paths.

3.37 (a): Urban and local connections

Diversity Various activities were smartly layered together. Starting with a series of al fresco spaces that were integrated all along the shopping area in the north, the designers have broken down the scale of the long commercial facade, opting to insert reflecting pools and water cascades. The water also works to calm the hustle and bustle of the busy Central Plaza, separating areas into zones that are less noisy and buffered with the sound of water, along with open lawns appropriate for enjoying food and beverages.

3.37 (b): Functional placing on the site

3.37 (c): Cuts of functions according to urban and local connections

Sustainability For the sustainability approach, the central plaza was toned with an animated star promenade made of environmentally friendly resin-bonded granules. The star promenade has a way to channel a further flow of energy from the western river front park to accentuate the connection between independent spaces and take it to the future diagonal shopping street to the east.

3.37 (d): Final overlap of connections, functions and outdoor hardscape

Context and Identity The central plaza reveals its own unique appearance through cultural and contextual elements that contribute to enrich its identity. By creating details that complement and enhance the overall picture of the surrounding landscape, a diverse and interesting design has formed.

3.37 (e): Image of the green activity park after construction

3.37 (e): Image of the activity park Source:


3.37: Development of the masterplan and final images of Zhengzhou Vanke Central Plaza


IV The EcoCentre


Urban Masterplan


Local district scale

Intermediate scale

Figure 4.1: 3D model of the local existing situation with boundaries of the proposed new EcoCentre

Vision After the urban to local development and explained concept integration, the project will focus on the main master-plan site. In this part of the report most of the case studies and strategies coming from the urban scale are considered, and a total integration of urban ecological catalysts are represented in a detailed level. In addition several key assets are taken in account and analysed in order to achieve the main goals of promoting green urban connections, create synergy between the outdoor and internal environment and to optimize energy performances. The final goals of the master-plan is to highlight the area as a ecological core of Erba and to suggest a new economical and resilient future for the city.

Guidelines The first criteria proposed for the masterplan is the urban context and the influence of the connection phase of the previous explained urban concept. Establishment of green nodes and green connections is essential for the EcoCentre, and is described in further detail for the masterplan development. The second development phase explain the integration of energy performances and building typologies suggested for the site. It is important to emphasize that the final master-plan is based on architectural perspectives as well as optimized energy performances developed coherently, but represented as a strictly linear process in the report for a more easy understanding.


1. Existing environment consisting of: - Industry - Green sprawling

2. Project boundary chosen by: - Municipality plans - Including of central areas connected to the main street

3. Existing buildings kept according to the maintained structure and architecture

4. Wind analysis highlighting cuts through the site

5. Main connections consisting of: - Pedestrian walkways - Bicycle connections

6. Functions consisting of: - Research centre - Sport facility - Commercial building - Art school - Residential buildings

Figure 4.2: Development of the masterplan with connections, green integration and functions


Masterplan Development Considering the main catalysts coming from the urban vision, morphology and green street network, the hierarchy of the different assets is defined and explained in a simplified matter in the diagrams on the left. The main morphology and typology consideration is described on the next page with the volume development. 1. Existing Environment The first map explains the existing environment of the project site. Most of the area is characterized by industry and sprawling greenery taking over, while the density of the area is relatively low compared to the surrounding city centre. 2. Project Boundary In the consideration of the boundary of the project, a larger part of the site was included connecting the transformation area to the main street. This was a decision based on meetings with urban developers of projects in Erba, and with the mentors of the project. 3. Existing Buildings Several existing buildings are kept for their structural and architectural values based on the previous analysis. All of these highlighted buildings are left unused today but has the potential of being refurbished and included in the project. Existing structure, materials and history has been taken in account in the proposal, and the rest of the buildings located at the site today are suggested to be demolished. It is important to note that the proposal has considered municipality wishes. And two additional buildings are proposed to be refurbished instead of demolished. Existing buildings with active functions today are maintained and optimized according to the final proposal and future vision for the project area.

4. Wind Analysis The consideration of wind analysis in the decision of buildings to be maintained and volumes to be included was essential. Due to a high pollution level in Erba, wind analysis has been included for building volumes and for placing of trees and greenery on the site. Main nodes of high wind rose are represented in the map on the left and will also be included in the volume development. 5. Main Connections A hierarchy of connections are highlighted in the map, explaining how the concept and urban street network will influence the site. An importance is given to the main street of the city, but the project area has the biggest potential of development in the core. The project aims to be a pilot project for Italy by promoting bicycle and pedestrian access inside the central area. This is an important part of the project and the later development of car parking supporting this vision will be explained. 6. Functions In the map the functions explained in the concept are included on the site with a strong relationship to the type of buildings existing. Residential buildings are situated in different zones and functions are spread out with a significant core of a research centre in the middle. Locating the functions in these positions are strategic for energy performances, explained in the next page, and creates a diverse use of the spaces and promotes a interactive environment where walking is promoted. It is important to emphasize that all the new volumes included are of residential use, except for the central building, and the refurbished volumes play important roles in the project.


Base Model

Concept Integration: - Road Offset

Wind Analysis: - Volume Cuts

Sun Analysis: - Maximum surface to sun ratio

View and Connections: - Optimized view Figure 4.3: Volume development of the masterplan according to the maximum height of 20 meters given by the municipality PGT’s


Figure 3.4: Output of volume analysis with main highlights of volume placing and open connections

Volume Development In the 3D modelling phase of the urban scales a main focus is also directed to the city centre in order to optimize energy performances as well as integrate urban concepts. The energy consumption and sustainability of the final design is crucial for the project, and the development of the master-plan volumes explain how this is integrated with a unique and multi-scale analysis approach. Model A model with the main purpose of energy optimization is highlighted in the images on the left, with consideration of several development stages of the master-plan. The model has been used for different energy software, such as Autodesk Force Design, Revit and Sefaira, for understanding the effect of the master-plan development from a energy point of view. And the final decision of volume placing and orientations are based on the main output from the model. Analysis The main phases of the modelling were considered in the order represented, each phase achieving different results according to sun exposure, compactness and wind rose levels. Existing volumes at the site are also included but not influenced by the volume elimination method.

General concept integration, wind analysis, sun analysis and the consideration of compactness are included as keywords for explaining the main ideal of each development stage. And several of the analysis overlap and are interconnected in performance values. A complete overlook of the analysis according to the main central volume can be seen in the chapter of “Architecture and Technology�, while the other volumes represented in the masterplan are based on these analysis. Output In the image above the main output of the volume are based on a unique elimination method. The method aim to optimize all the criteria above and achieve values of volume, surface areas, sun exposure areas and wind rose values. The different parameters are included in several software and the simplified output of the analysis is shown in the diagrams. The last model indicate several zones in which are proposed to give good energy performances as well as being coherent with concepts coming from the architectural point of view. And in the following a final master-plan shows the result of volume development combined with the concept.


Figure 4.5: Final masterplan proposal of the EcoCentre

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Masterplan A ecological city centre is proposed in the heart of Erba, emphasizing connections which are following the urban paths and internal natural connections supporting a fluid movement within the area. The general concept and characteristic of the built environment is explained in the following. Morphology, ecology, diversity and energy network are the key elements necessary in order to explain and understand the final master-plan. Morphology Situating the most important buildings of the master-plan offset from the main street gives a more open and inviting site for users. Taking in consideration the existing environment with several commercial and residential buildings located on the main street, a different approach has been proposed. The master-plan seeks to invite people into green park areas and social functions while maintaining a breathable and green environment and view. Buildings are located in strategic positions for opening up the view towards mountains in the north and towards the main street. In addition the achieved performance in energy is good and the volumes are categorized by high compactness. Ecology Ecological ponds, greenery and flora has been included in the entire master-plan area for achieving a eco-friendly design. A ratio between built green areas and paved landscape floor area, including building blocks, has been introduced in the process of the master-plan development. The final result is a 52% green master-plan. The detailed types of flora included are not highlighted in the master-plan due to the scale, and will be further explained in the following pages.

Diversity Diversity is a key element coming from the case studies and references in the previous analysis. Including functions fragmented around in the master-plan and giving each space a purpose, makes a complex city centre with several options of interest. Various amounts of activities such as skating, playing, hand-crafts, learning, bicycling, shopping, reading, leisure and more are included inside and outside in the built environment. In addition the outdoor green space and ponds are interactive and used for material research as well as energy benefits. All working in symbiotic layers and creating a new future for the city. Energy Network From the energy point of view there are several parameters, explained in more detail later, which were considered in the making of the master-plan. A smart grid network supporting ecology, social life and energy is proposed for the people living and using the site. The network would consist of a grid going under the main paths, connecting water and energy between buildings. The consideration of the pipes and tubes underground has been essential in the choosing of main paths in the master-plan, and would need maintenance points in easily accessible areas. Hence the main connections of bicycle and pedestrian paths are used for the larger grid cables. Social and interactive technology for the users of the site is proposed as a smart district solution. By including interactive screens, home control systems and visible energy technology for the people, the goal is to achieve a resilient and environment friendly district.


Program Building Functions Diverse functions and building typologies are suggested for the master-plan. The main goal of the functions are to work together in harmony with the outdoor green by supplementing interesting connections, as well as providing 24/7 activities for the citizens of Erba. In addition the activity centre is connected to an existing gym nearby and the art school is connected to a theatre nearby the area. Figure 4.6 (a): Building Functions

Outdoor Functions Interactive gardens, outdoor relaxation zones, a skate park and playgrounds are located in different areas on the masterplan are supporting a healthy lifestyle by inviting people to use and interact with the outdoor environment. The relaxation zones are designed with stairs in heights in order to give a view of the area, and they are connected to the nearby library where people are encouraged to bring a book and read in the park. Figure 4.6 (b): Outdoor functions

Ecological Features The aim of the area is to be a central park for ecological habitats, and eco-friendly implementations have been included such as ecological plantation, ecological ponds and green courtyards inside the central building. Inside the ponds several green plants are planted for achieving a natural cleaning cycle for water entering in the site, and serves with similar purposes as the bioswale on a larger context.

Figure 4.6 (c): Ecological features Figure 4.6: Functions introduced in the masterplan


Bicycle and pedestrian connections In the map on the right the main bicycle and pedestrian connections of the site are introduced. Showing the major urban connection as the strong blue, and the more local connections between functions in thin lines. The activity centre is cut inside the building with a indoor buffer zone with greenery inside making the bicycle experience along the route interesting.

Figure 4.7 (a): Bicycle and pedestrian connection

Transportation Connections and Nodes One existing bus line and one new bus stop is highlighted in the image as well as the roads for public transportation close to the site. The most frequent bus lines are situated on the main road in the north of the master-plan. These are only the traffic roads supporting bus access and local roads leading to parking areas within the site are not included.

Figure 4.7 (b): Transportation connections and nodes

Parking Zones The including of several smaller parking areas only supporting the locals and visitors of the area is one of the most important features of the project. Diverting the traffic from the central part of the city has been a main aspect of the project, and a highly integrated solution is to have a underground parking underneath the research centre only hosting necessary parking for the users of the building. There are several parking areas within 15 minutes walking distance from the site, and bigger parking areas has not been proposed.

Figure 4.7 (c): Parking zones Figure 4.7: Mobility and connections introduced in the masterplan


Project Phasing plan Time-lines and development plans are crucial in urban design and the integration of an entire site is not likely to happen at the same speed. Hence a conceptual guideline is proposed for the EcoCentre with consideration of economy, street connections and social development. The phasing consideration of the site have been divided into three main parts in correlation to functions and expense. It is important to note that the urban street connections would take form before the building developments, and the area is proposed to be used as a park and open outdoor area before building integrations. Phase 1 The first implementations of the masterplan are suggested to be of commercial functions in order to achieve a global economy and property market for the city. By proposing to implement a new research centre in the heart of the city, hosting commercial and leisure functions, the zone aims to be a protagonist for the entire project. In addition the outdoor park areas and water pond would host ecological technologies and connect the main street to the project site. It is important to note that this zone is the heart of the district containing all the functions needed for making a central business incubator as well as a centre for people. The total built ground use would consist of 27 000 m2 and the project is assumed to last between 2-3 years. Phase 2 Refurbishment of two existing buildings situated close to the main street and close to a new library existing on the site are suggested for the second phase of the development. In addition three residential blocks are proposed to be included in order to increase the interests of further development by private investors for the project site and provide central housing.

A total developed ground use is estimated 46 000 m2 and functions consisting of a commercial sport centre, housing, cafe area, skate park and a central geothermal energy station would be included in the site. The large building previously used for industrial steel fabrication is proposed to be refurbished with only maintenance of the structure, while the unused building on the main street would be refurbished with new glass windows and integration of green roofs and green courtyards. By introducing this area as a second phase, the project aims to transform the central city area into a smart district. The phase is considered to last between 3-5 years. Phase 3 Phase 3 is proposed to be a refurbishment and new building development project aiming to test the idea of housing more people in the central part of the city. While having included a new street network connecting all the zones, the goal is to obtain a green connection with this zone and to provide a new function of an art centre as a refurbishment project of a architectural heritage building. This phase conclude the refurbishment projects and aim to give opportunity for more new residential building developments. The total ground use is 24 000m2 and the development period is assumed to be 2-3 years. Phase 4 The last phase proposed in the project is the development of residential buildings as well as an outdoor pond giving the complete integration of ecological housing and an ecologically friendly district of the city. The zone is proposed to be integrated as the final step because of the assumed probability of more economic drive in the other zones. The total built ground use is 33 000 m2 and the construction period is assumed to be between 2-3 years.


Figure 4.8: Phasing concept of the masterplan divided into 4 main zones of development


Volume: 130 500 m3

Green: 52% 19 400 m2

Footprint: 48% 17 600 m2

Figure 4.9: Integration of building volume, greenery and footprint of the project site consisting of 37 000 m2 of area

Green integration In the image above the large amount of green integration achieved in the final design is emphasized compared to the footprint used for pavement and building blocks. The volumes built are coherent with the surrounding fabric of the city, and the achievement of a high volume/footprint factor has also been considered in the design phase. Most of the building volumes are characterized by verticality and a smart volume approach is included for creating various design options of the internal apartments inside the new volumes. Compact building design and maximum use of external space for greenery are the main drivers for the final output. And the volumes aim to improve the city centre by preventing urban sprawling and increase the cities metabolism.

By introducing a balanced master-plan between built areas and open park areas the final design aims to support greenery and open hardscape in synergy with each other. The final output of the master-plan has been analysed according to the catalysts chosen in the urban concept decisions. Building morphology in synergy with street connections and ecology are the main elements analysed and included in the district of the EcoCentre. While other categories such as public transportation, energy production and car accessibility has been included with design options as shown in the following pages.


Street Design Several topics from the urban concept have been included in the development of the streets inside the master-plan. In the matrix below the main elements of consideration is shown with categories such as greenery, comfort and connection. The matrix explains how the project sees the future of the streets passing through the site, and explains which elements are consider according to the analysis.

The project area is a catalyst for the urban vision, and it is essential to maintain the urban concepts for the development of the local streets and functions. For example the including of lighting along the streets and using human scales in street design is proposed in order to create a vibrant effect and eventually be used all over Erba.

Figure 4.10: Diagram representing the main street transformation included in the EcoCentre


Flora Weeds Urban weeds coming from the existing surroundings of Erba are included in the master-plan design with the aim to introduce flora with an identity connected to the site. A unique ecological weed collection has been gathered and researched according to their O2 emitting levels and architectural outlook. Several of the weeds seen on the left are of seasonal colours and provide a aesthetic and ecological feature on the site. They have also been used in several urban projects around the world, and have good characteristics for growing and surviving in metropolitan areas. Trees In the images on the right the different trees used in the master-plan are shown. In correlation with the urban street trees, these are also characterized by a strong ecological value, considering high O2 emitting levels and good abilities to sustain different climates. In addition the Lilac and the Sessile oak are existing in Erba today, and are well adapted to the climatic zone. Shrubs and vegetation New volumes included in the master-plan are surrounded by vegetation and have the potential of being the protagonists of the ecological concept. Hence greenery is proposed for the inside and outside of the building volumes. Walls covered with growing ivy and various plants shown in the image on the left are introduced for bringing the greenery into the buildings and connecting the inside with the outside. The specific plants proposed are all categorized by a low need for sun and abilities to grow with little maintenance such as watering and cutting of the plants.

Figure 4.11: Weed planting on the site coming from the existing environment


Figure 4.12: Trees, shrubs and vegetation planting on the site with abilities to survive in urban environments



Figure 4.13: Material proposal for the external and internal environment of the Eco Centre considering structure and architecture of buildings and hardscape


Material Guidelines A majority of natural materials as well as artificially made materials are proposed to be used in the overall master-plan. These are materials that blend in with the natural context and have specific benefits for the environment of the site. An integrated selection of materials coherent with the use of the area is beneficial for several reasons. Being located in Erba with a high rain amount in addition to the proposed water in the design, makes it important to consider the humidity ratio and the influence that water could have on external materials. The book named “Construction Materialsâ€? is used as a guideline for choosing several proposed materials12. Exterior materials for pavement In the image on the left four main materials have been chosen for the pavement and structure of the buildings. Most of the materials are easily accessible in the north of Italy and are characterized by low cost. Permeable concrete has been chosen for the main connections, giving a natural feel for the environment, as well as draining the water more easily in the soil12. This type of material is not cheap, but stands out as one of the more technological solutions connected to the material research and function of the research centre. In several of the areas where permeable concrete is not needed such as the relaxation zones with built in heights, normal pre-cast concrete is introduced. The pre-cast concrete as well as the permeable concrete would be blended with white water resistant paint in order to drain water as quickly as possible, and for the architectural view. Giving emphasis on the greenery instead Granite has been chosen for side blisters and travertine is proposed as a material to highlight the hierarchy between spaces where cafĂŠs and restaurants are.

Interior and exterior structure Pre-cast concrete has been chosen for most of the new building with benefits such as; cheap and easy mounting, durability and the relationship to the surrounding concrete buildings close to the site12. In addition the residential buildings are opening up towards the north-east with green roofs and green balconies. The use of opaque glass for railing around the balconies and on the green roofs are used in order to create a sense of privacy for the inhabitants. Steel and Composite White colored steel is proposed for the structural framework of the building in order to make the history of the site a part of the new design. In addition a unique balance between natural and artificial materials is poropsed for the facades with the use of WPC (Wood Plastic Composite) in combined with dark colored aluminium for structural curtain wall systems. The composite material is produced by a company named LESCO in which can be followed by the link below. And a unique architectural language with combination of dark structures and green ivy walls are created. In which will be explained more in chapter 7. Interior materials Inside the built environments light concrete walls and white coloured steel are proposed for creating surfaces that are easy to clean. Brown oak and weathered hardwood are natural materials working well with humidity and speak with similar colour schemes as the corroded steel. These materials are mostly suggested for the furniture inside the research centre, and are only a part of the whole spectrum of different materials that can be included in the internal spaces.



Figure 4.14: Sections and section view of the masterplan proposal

Figure 4.15: Section A*-A* highlighting the external materials proposed on the site


Sections Three main sections and one sectional view is shown in the following pages in order to explain the master-plan. The views and directions are of different scales due to the complexity of the environment, and the purpose is to highlight the main implementations of the master-plan.


Figure 4.16: Section A-A of the Eco Centre

Figure 4.17: Section B-B of the Eco Centre



Section view The current view shows the general idea of the EcoCentre. The proposal indicates most of the area dedicated to ecological purposes and walking paths. Citizens as well as visitors have the option of visiting and walking in all the park areas on ground level, and bicycle access is promoted in the entire site.

Figure 4.18: Section View of the EcoCentre highlighting ecological landscape and buildings




V Energy Network


Problem Setting


Figure 5.1: Diagram of city metabolism today and the vision of a circular metabolism in Erba for the future

Global Perspective The biggest energy consumers on earth are us humans. Erba, as well as the rest of the world, are going through phases of increased consumption and pollution levels. As a result there is an increasing need for food, water and energy to support this trend and sustainability has become a global concern for policy makers and planners13. Erba is sprawling and taking over land, in which has a direct impact on nature and the environment. And a large amount of the constructions taking place today are of negative environmental, societal and health effects despite of an increased awareness of the global energy problems1. In order to attack this problem in the project, the design as well as social aspects have been taken in account to make a transition towards sustainability and healthy lifestyles. This is a necessity to reduce adverse effect on the environment, and a matter of importance if the society is going to survive the future energy and resource demands.

Several countries around the world with high GPA ratios, including Switzerland, Netherlands and Luxembourg have introduced revolutionary energy strategies and reduced their carbon footprint drastically over the last decades13,14. They set guidelines towards lowering energy consumption, and several approaches used for optimized district solutions have been investigated and integrated in the following project. In order to promote interest in investment to lower consumption and pollution, the project will focus on strategies in different scales and cost. New urban strategies as well as design implementations can have an effect and promote focus towards the issue. And revolutionary changes for the society in Erba can happen through smaller projects or unforeseen changes such as bottom-up effects. The design and vision towards a energy efficient project is explained in the following.






Figure 5.2: (a) Building integrated PV panels, (b) Interactive bicycle display, (c) Remote home energy control system, (d) Park seating furniture with integrate solar panels for charging



Energy Design guidelines Urban and Local scale Strategies from the urban context towards less energy consumption have been proposed in the urban concept while the focus of the main master-plan area is to include several of these strategies. The process of changing the amount of consumption can require a high amount of money investment and can be a laborious process for urban projects and local projects, hence design options on several levels are more likely to be followed through and are of less cost13. With implementing technological design solutions on different scales of the site, the aim is to provoke a new and improved future for the society of Erba. It is important to note that the area has been considered as a unique site with specific culture and lifestyles, and the economic value of the proposed solutions are highly beneficial and can create a vibrancy for the future of the city. Design for a System “Smart cities� has become a well-known term in the society today, and is used for a diverse field of solutions for energy efficient districts and cities. The main purpose of the energy aspect in the project is to create a network which is functioning in synergy with the society of Erba. The final goal is an integrated social city as well as integrated smart building design in which encourage the people living in the site to be a part of their energy network. The proposal will include ecological interventions as well as energy proposals in order to integrate the local inhabitants with the surroundings. Fostering local energy production as well as raising awareness of the environment is a key guideline coming from the vision of the project.

Technological Design One of the most dominant aspect of the time we live in is the increase of innovative technology influencing the society. And the potential of such technology has proven to be almost limitless. In the following energy strategies it has been considered that the economic benefit of using new technology is high due to the amount of publicity and acknowledgements such designs can get. In addition the connection between social life, ecology and technology has become evident in our society, and the importance of the direction technology takes towards the future of our planet is crucial. Some of the most recent technological solutions used in urban and architectural design are shown in the image on the left, such as a green roof with photovoltaic panels, interactive bicycle lanes, a remote home control system and furniture with photovoltaic panels. These elements are all proposed to be used in the project and gives the impression of the diversity the proposal is aiming for. The idea is to promote energy awareness in synergy with specific technological details and ecological solutions in the project. Hence strategies stretching from urban to local design will be discussed in the following and have the intention of working together as a network. Ecological Design One of the most dominant problems of the project area is the high pollution values. Hence the project seek to promote new catalysts for improving the air quality of the site and the natural environment inside the master-plan. The vision and idea will be further explained in the next pages.


Smart District


Figure 5.3: Site specific renewables coming from the existing environment of mountain surroundings, rivers and sun

Renewable Resources The energy proposal for the master-plan is to use the local energy resources such as the high amount of water, greenery and sun exposure on the site. From the urban analysis these main energy resources have been chosen as catalysts towards a ecological energy strategy for the entire site of the EcoCentre. Site Erba is a city situated in a valley in the north of Italy with highlands and mountains nearby. Hence the nature around the area is fertile and serves several benefits related to renewable energy and ecology. In the development of the energy strategies the specific site of the area, where the masterplan is situated, have been analysed for arriving to the energy proposal. The goal of finding energy strategies coming from the site itself is essential in the project, and can be included as ideas and visions for similar project areas around the world.

Development Sun, water and greenery are the main elements found in the analysis which can benefit the location by renewable energy. The extraction of resources from these elements are highly related to the site and the proposal is to use them for the entire master-plan as for the development of the main building volume. A vision of creating a energy district with central systems for energy distribution was included in the development of the masterplan, and will be explained in more detail in the following chapter. The role of the research centre is to be part of the bigger system of the master-plan, and integration of energy strategies on urban and local levels as well as detailed building strategies emerge from the concept of the complete EcoCentre. In addition strategies towards a less energy consuming district is included in the proposal.


Figure 5.4: Smart energy grid network with integrated technology and buildings

Smart Grid As mentioned in the guideline, the project seek to provide a well connected energy network for the entire site. Hence a smart grid network is proposed with the full integration of several key design elements in the EcoCentre. Smart grids with the including of social strategies and energy strategies are used in several projects around the world today, and in particular the ongoing project called ZityZen in the Netherlands has been used as a guide for most of the energy strategies proposed for the site. The ongoing project is happening in districts of Amsterdam and Grenoble and several innovative solutions are demonstrated in the field of smart grid, heat networks and sustainable housing. The EcoCentre aim to prove the economic value, and to catalyse a replication possible in the entire city of Erba as well as in other Italian and European projects. And the aimed result for a 5 year period after the completion of the master-plan is a CO2 reduction target of more than 30, 000 tons per year due to the design explained in the following.

EcoDistrict Renewables The renewable energy strategies proposed are geothermal energy and photovoltaic panels combined with water treatment on green roofs, in the soil and underneath the pond. Erba contains a lot of water resources underground and has a high amount of rainfall during the year. For this reason water has been integrated as a main green strategy in the entire master-plan. In addition the ecology network of the site is proposed to give a strong relationship to the users by including ponds with plants which naturally cleans water. The water contained in the ponds can be extracted for grey-water usage as well as included in a closed geothermal water system when necessary. Smart meters are used for monitoring and automation services related to the energy grid. Interactive displays situated inside several of the buildings are proposed to give a complete 360 degree view of the energy inputs and outputs of the entire EcoCentre.



Figure 5.5: Network of energy plants and grid connecting the buildings of the EcoCentre underneath paved connection

Grid Network A central power plant and a connected network flowing through the master-plan is introduced in the image above. The main power station for the geothermal heating systems and for distributing energy in the network is situated inside the south-east part of the activity centre. And this station would distribute water to the entire site as well as to external buildings over time. The power station is estimated to support 50 households according to it’s size and is in need of electricity to produce hot water. Zone 1 from the phasing concept is proposed to be supported by a separate power station in order to construct this area first, and the thermal water storage has a direct access to the centre. Smart Buildings In the development of the buildings several key assets are proposed to be included such as a home control system for all the residential buildings, smart meters with interactive displays for the users of all the buildings and renewable energy sources connected to a central energy plant.

The Research Centre The research centre is the central building and the first one to be initiated in order to prove the value of the site and attract more investment for the full master-plan. Hence most of the smart building strategies coming from the energy grid proposal is included in the building. A thermal water storage situated in front of the centre and connected to the pond is proposed to be used for thermal heating in floors during winter periods. In addition the pond above the thermal storage can be used for greywater inside the building and has the potential of being used for other uses inside due to the plants cleaning the water naturally. As a overall proposal the energy grid is highly integrated in the development of the master-plan as well as the built volumes. It creates a energy district connected to physical surroundings and has a focus towards less energy consumption for more than the master-plan site.



Figure 5.6: Integrated energy network with connections to buildings inside the EcoCentre

Smart Buildings A complete perspective of the water, geothermal energy system, green roof integration and photovoltaic panels is highlighted in the image above. The perspective is seen from the north-west and isolates the main energy implementation considered as resources. The underground pipe network for electricity distribution is proposed following the main connection pathways in relation to the water network. And each individual building would host service rooms for energy distribution.



Ecological Network


Figure 5.7: Concept of the ecological network connecting the city greenery with the surrounding greenery

Nature Integration The proposal of restoring the ecological diversity in Erba aim to catalyse a bottomup approach focused on wildlife corridors and green spaces within the city. A global vision is again introduced in the proposed energy network, connecting a green environment and habitats with the master-plan area. This is considered part of the energy network and is integrated with smart technology and smart meters used in the environment. The proposed ecological network will host green zones for ecological habitats, integration of two ponds with environmental benefits and green connections as explained in the urban concept. The ecological district seek to obtain a close relationship to research zones for material research and smart meters used for monitoring the complete system by including interactive displays in the outdoor areas.

In the image above the main idea of the ecological system is explained by showing how the proposal aim to catalyse a green effect towards the natural rim of the city. Approximately 2 km from the city centre the external forests as well as green hill and mountain environment is situated, and the overall ecological network aims to catalyse the re-connection of the green system for the entire city. This is a vision for the future and is estimated to take up to 50 years of green development inside Erba. Including renewable resources, as done in the smart grid, is essential for optimizing energy consumption, and by integrating a strong relationship to the environment vibrancy of a healthy and less polluting future for Erba is highlighted.


Figure 5.8: Section of the ecological pond and microsystem in the south west of the EcoCentre with integrated material research zones and interactive displays for visitors

System The conceptual image above indicate the complete outdoor ecological system of the EcoCentre with integrated connections, material research zones, ecological pond areas and monitoring systems placed in the landscape. Social Awareness People have the power to drastically reduce their own footprint if they choose to, but not every person chooses to do so. If a person has a better option, in terms of money savings and efficiency, they normally will choose it. Several awareness researches around the world have shown that people in daily contact with sustainable design solutions tend to save more energy over time5. Hence several energy efficient and social design solutions are included in the project. The idea is that daily life awareness can be a key driver towards more sustainable thinking and can benefit the progression towards a healthier city as well as less polluting society.

Interactive Technology Interactive monitor displays are proposed around the master-plan for integrating the people visiting the site with the natural surroundings and the energy network. The software of the display is proposed to give indication of the energy input and output of the entire site, water treatment process of the ecological ponds and habitat value of the surrounding nature. In addition the system would hold information about the buildings and activities around the site as well as the material research happening in the outdoor. Como NExT is a ongoing project for science and technology in Como, a city situated near Erba as seen in the analysis. The centre is a incubator for business and smart technology aimed to promote knowledge based economy. The including of technology and partnership with this centre as well as other research centres in Milan is essential for the development of the EcoCentre.



Figure 5.9: Time-line consideration of the nature and wildlife development of the EcoCentre

Material Research As explained in the master-plan proposal one of the central elements of the design is the outdoor material research zones connected to the research centre. These zones would be used with similar concepts as Vanke Research Centre explained in the case studies with the integration of several materials to be studied in the nature. Materials such as steel, plastic, concrete and several types of composite products are suggested to be studied for their ability to sustain water and green environments. The research centre would be connected to other research centres in Milan and Como, such as Como NExT, in order to include interactive technology on the site. A combination of interactive indoor and outdoor ecological areas are included for setting a unique atmosphere which can catalyse innovative research as well as connecting people to the site. The dynamic environment seek to be both economically successful and environmentally beneficial.

Biodiversity The complete multidisciplinary approach is proposed to host diverse habitats with ecological benefits for the environment. And one focus of the ecological district vision is to inhabit several animal species, as seen in the image above, over time and in the time development of urban trees and vegetation. If the project is excepted and economy is well established over time, the final goal is to catalyse a green network as a bottom-up approach focused on wildlife corridors and green spaces within the city. Over a time period of 50 years the proposed urban street network would be integrated completely with the site and eventually habitats, nature and energy would connect Erba with the stronghold of the EcoCentre.




VI The Research Centre


The Research Centre


Figure 6.1: Natural layerscape project in Da Nang Vietnam by the architecture company Kien TrĂşc O

Nature and Man-Made Environment A balance between nature and man-made environment is proposed in for the built environment. The core principle of this building concept is to include multiple transitional layers between the inside and outside while the spatial experience is maintained. Outdoor nature become part of the inside by nodes of greenery and nature injections, while the built man-made environment enclose and protect the green. Functional spaces with view and access related to indoor and outdoor gardens are objects of balance with in the buildings. Hence, the boundaries exist in a dimension drawn by a line between inside, outside. In the project buildings of several uses are addressed to the contrast between artificial man-made environment and green nodes working in synergy.

Building Volumes In the development of the building volumes in the large master-plan, green integration, connections and water is essential. By including these tree elements inside and outside the buildings, the ecological vision of the centre is emphasized. Most of the built volumes including residential blocks and the refurbished buildings are integrated with 2-3 of these elements either by view, physical cuts, green gardens or internal courtyards inside and outside the volumes. The concept of all the buildings is to create diverse implementations giving the people occupying and living in the area options of choosing. The residential buildings have in particular been designed with divergent ecological integration and intend to be covering a spectrum of different prizes.


Figure 6.2: Ecological building concept of the research centre buildings including strategies from the urban concept

Ecological integration The research centre is proposed to include the elements shown in the image above, being greenery, water and connections. This is the building were most of the ecological energy strategies are included and serves as the core of the master-plan as well as the project. By introducing the elements of green nodes and connections the building intends to break the barriers between inside and outside, man-made and nature. The architectural approach of the building development aim to design with intentions such as localizing the architecture by contrast, break the typical office building typology, reduce cost, and optimize the building performance by smart interactive technology in which speaks with people and involve visitors with nature.

A essential design approach for the building itself is to obtain a environment of artificial and natural elements working together. The objective is to make the building a representative of the passage of time and to let the natural environments as well as materials of the building emphasize this principle. In addition the integration of functions and offices are aimed to catalyse a economic business incubator standing out as a pilot project in the context of Italy. Introducing a innovative and smart building design combined with external resources of the site is essential in this vision, and the research centre is developed towards architectural guidelines as well as energy strategies, which will be discussed in the following.


Concept The concept development coming from the urban vision is also included in the concept of the building volume as seen on the diagrams on the left. Three keyelements have been central parts of the concept development, which can be seen in the image on the right. Connection The volume cuts have been chosen in order to include connections flowing through the area. Today the central part of Erba is characterized by enclosure and few breathable social spaces, hence the proposed volume is cut into three parts giving a physical connection between the green environment. Courtyards Inner courtyards are characteristic for residential and commercial buildings in Italy and in Erba. The idea of creating open courtyards inside the volumes comes form the existing environment and has several energy benefits such as creating buffer zones for better temperature and natural ventilation, which will be explained in the energy chapter. In addition the courtyards open up with view inside buildings and creates breathable spaces for offices and commercial areas. Ecology For the maximum integration of ecological strategies inner courtyards with greenery and water features are introduced. External walls towards the south are proposed to be covered with green walls of ivy and the complete integration of the ecological vision is maintained in the building concept.

Figure 6.3: Building development based on the urban concept and including of ecological nodes and greenery


Figure 6.4: Design principals of the building development represented in a graphical manner, highlighting energy goals and architectural goals of the building design


Design Principals Developing the volume of the research centre includes analysis and integration of several aspects. Energy optimization is the most influential strategy and represents most of the design principles used in the design. In the following pages the energy strategies and implementation will be described in more detail, but in the image on the left the general considerations for the volume development are highlighted. It is important to emphasize that the masterplan development and the building development took part simultaneously in the project, but are represented in a linear approach in the report. Sun In the master-plan the sun direction was essential for placing and orienting the buildings. Placing the research centre in the middle of the site provide benefits according to sun exposure and provide options for opening up the front facades towards the main city centre. Hence the orientation is directed towards the northeast and not completely towards the north. Orienting the volumes in this way and placing trees for natural shading has been a key strategy of the design. And in order to achieve maximum daylight the building is opened up in the middle providing a large amount of natural daylight to enter. In addition the consideration of the sun helped forming the facades of the building as well as providing internal functions and connections designed to take benefit from the sun exposer. In the diagrams on the left the general principals considered for the sun are summarized and explained in a diagrammatic manner.

View View and open morphology is promoted in the main building volumes by including open facades and courtyards inside. The character of the building aims to invite people to use and explore the environment inside, such as green courtyards and interactive functions. And several of the functions explained in the following are results of this idea. Including the view as a central concept of the building is related to the urban strategies and need of the city. Erba is today characterized by dense building volumes and few visual connection inside the city centre, hence the open morphology aim to provide breathable social space for the citizens. Ventilation Inner courtyards, vertical cuts, adjustable roofs and windows are proposed to be made in order to increase the natural ventilation inside the building. In the analysis of Erba it was found that the city is heavily polluted and the airflow tends to get stuck within the dense city centre. With this in consideration a master-plan and a building with cuts on the ground to upper levels is proposed. The aim is to achieve a volume in which ventilate naturally during summer time as much as possible, and does not create a barrier for the wind flowing through the site. In general the development of the building took focus on the mentioned elements, and the explanation of energy strategies as well as technical details will highlight this summary in more detail.


Energy Shaping and Strategies


Energy goals The research centre is the main building considered for technical implementations as well structure and detail development. This is the building that will be highlighted in the following project, and the proposed final design comes from several stages of analysis and implementations. In addition several actions towards less carbon emitting and consumption levels are included in the following considering waste management options and reuse of waste water inside the volume. Every proposed strategy is integrated in the complete vision of a smart and energy efficient building inside the EcoCentre. Passive and Active Strategies The research centre seek to become a green building with passive and active strategies towards a smart design. Passive strategies meaning the use of ambient energy resources instead of purchased energy, such as electricity and geothermal energy. And active strategies meaning purchased energy to keep the building comfortable, meaning forced-air HVAC systems, heat pumps, radiant panels and electric lights. In addition the strategies used include natural daylighting, natural ventilation, and solar energy. The strategies are included in the volume and energy development of the building and the design approaches used are to optimize the site orientation, promote a smart facade technology and include onsite energy resources. The proposed implementations are integrated in the ecofriendly district and can be considered as strategies for several of the new building volumes on the site.

Figure 6.5: Highlight of selected passive and active strategies for energy implementations of the research centre buildings


Energy Development Design Software A energy program called Sefaira has been used as a tool for the design development and the optimization of the building envelope and energy strategies. This is a modelling software aimed for conceptual building development and has been integrated in order to perform a overall strategy for the entire building. High-performance buildings use the right blend of passive and active design strategies to minimize energy, materials, water, and land use. And the goal of the software is to include as many of these strategies as possible into the building design development. Modelling Several models were used and changed in the building development, and the final 6 models emphasized in the image on the left are the main outputs aimed to explain the process of the building volume. It is important to emphasize that the modelling is part of the master-plan development and has been integrated in several stages of the project. The six main models included in the report are as follows: 1: The general volume directed towards the north with a optimized orientation for natural shading, used as a baseline for the development. 2: Shape oriented towards the main central roads of the city and according to the morphology of the site with a minimum loss of natural daylight. Several orientation options were included in the analysis and the final result achieved a minimum loss of daylight factor and a benefit for different orientation for PV panels which will be described in more detail in the following.

3: A new model with 3 separate zones connected by the underground for creating more natural daylight as well as visual connections and pathway connections. 4: Re-connected corridors on the first floor of building 1 and 2 with the minimum loss of daylight factor and increased floor area. 5: Development of inner courtyards with increased daylight factor for the internal functions. The design stage considered several options of fragmented courtyards and green nodes inside the volumes. And the final solution of three main courtyards were chosen for the benefit of buffer zones giving natural ventilation as well as the optimization of natural daylight inside the buildings. The natural ventilation strategies will be emphasized more deeply in the following. 6: The last model highlighted represents an including of a shading system on the envelope of the centre as well as trees for shading in the external area. In addition the performance of the walls and glazing properties were modified in this model in order to achieve a good insulation as well as little conduction on the envelope. Trees are placed for providing natural shading, and the small size of the trees are chosen for achieving a more accurate shade result in the Sefaira software. Sun analysis is an important part of the project and has been integrated as a key guideline for the external shaping and envelope design. For internal energy strategies renewables and HVAC systems have been included as well as water treatment in model 6. This will be explained more deeply in the following.


Figure 6.6: Development of volume facades and trees according to sun studies in Sefaira


Consumption and Cost As seen in the diagrams below the six main volumes have been analysed according to several aspects. And the most important ones to be highlighted for the project are the energy consumption levels as well as annual costs with related improvements expressed by percentage values. Each achievement for the lowered consumption has been working in parallel with the sun development as well as the concept development of the shape and envelope. In addition the models are considered as baselines and have no implementation of renewable strategies or HVAC systems yet. This has been done in order to achieve a neutral result with the purpose of optimization. The final result can be seen on the next page, including strategies and the final achievement of the complete energy modelling part.

Consumption Model 1 is the baseline for the conceptual energy development of the volumes, as seen on the image below. The green and red lines are following the baseline categories such as energy use per gross internal area and annual space cooling and heating for all the six models. Each model designed to achieve a better result in at least one of the categories with only the development of shaping and envelope. The percentage of improved cooling and heating demands, as well as the energy use is due to several integrations applied in the model. By cutting the spaces into different volumes and decreasing the floor areas the annual consumption levels decreased drastically. But the improvement also comes from strategic reasons.

Figure 6.7: Shaping and energy optimization of the models for lower energy consumption and cost according to Sefaira energy analysis. Highlighting decrease and increase of consumption by percentage from model 1


In the orientation of the volume the energy use per gross internal floor area went down for reasons of natural ventilation and by cutting the volumes in model 3 the natural ventilation rate has increased drastically with the consideration of the main wind direction coming from the north and northeast. In addition solar gains and natural ventilation help improve the consumption results by adding inner courtyards and using buffer zones in model 5. The inner courtyards are characterized with a movable roof marked as shading in the sefaira software. The proposal is to use integrated movable photovoltaic panels on the roof, enabling the roof to close during winter seasons when natural ventilation is not needed.

Model six represents the most optimized shaping and envelope solution proposed with vertical shading on the east, south and west facades and with the integration of the external environment. The choosing of positions of trees and the placing and fragmentation of the shading system have been developed according to these analysis and will be further explained in the following project. Cost A cost assumption for the model has been included for the sake of achieving a more manageable budget of the building. The results shown in lowered percentage from the baseline, are strictly connected to the consumption outputs achieved.

Figure 6.8: Shaping, shading and energy optimization of the models for lower energy consumption and cost according to Sefaira energy analysis. Highlighting decrease and increase of consumption by percentage from model 1


Figure 6.9: Final model from energy shaping strategies in Sefaira with strategic positions of trees for natural shading

Complete Strategy Proposal In the second part of the design and energy development the final design for a passive energy building is proposed. Here several strategies related to the building envelope, renewable resources and ventilation and HVAC systems are proposed as a final and complete strategy for the building. In addition several strategies, which are not included in the diagram on the right, have been taken in consideration, such as energy shut down in several rooms of the building during weekends and the amount of occupied people contributing to heating the building. The analysis is done in Sefaira and can be followed by a external link in the reference page in the end of the report. And the overall achievements extracted from the analysis are included in the diagram on the left with the main focus on the energy consumption improvements of the entire building.

The research centre is proposed to be composed of several envelope elements such as prefabricated concrete walls on the south and partly on the west and east facades, 3 layered glazing on the open facades with high thermal capacity and concrete slabs and roofs with low U-values. By integrating these elements according to the energy analysis made, the goal of the building is to be a protagonist for the complete master-plan and promote a commercial and economically valuable design in which can create a vibrancy on a larger scale. In the following the energy strategies and concepts will be integrated in the building envelope and technological solutions as well as structural implementations will have a connection to the energy proposal.


Table 6.10: Result of main energy strategies with included renewable and HVAC system integrations given in the form of percentage decrease according to the initial base model 1


Architectural Development


Figure 6.11: Local masterplan of the research centre buildings in the core of the EcoCentre

Research Centre In order to understand the chosen catalysts for the project, a zoom into the proposed master-plan and a presentation of the main architecture and technology is included in the following. The research centre the most fundamental part of the project, and give a complete view of the vision for the EcoCentre. Hence including design elements and concepts coming from the urban vision is done in all the volumes, and the most integrated volume is the research centre. Architectural design as well as structural design and details will be proposed as guidelines to the development of the centre, and will explain how the construction is a central protagonist for the project.

In the image above the main area included in the development of the research centre is highlighted with the centre in the middle. The outdoor environment is dedicated to relaxation zones, outdoor cafe and leisure areas. And the proposal is to blend natural lines of green environment with rigid and strong lines of built artificial environment. This contrast gives a strong emphasis on the research centre and will be highlighted in the 3D perspectives shown later. By including architectural shapes that speak with the existing environment, the volumes and hardscape seek to emphasize the hierarchy of the master-plan. And the architectural development of the research centre is further discussed.


Figure 6.12: Functional bubble diagram representing main functions placed in the research centre buildings with respective internal and external connections

Functional diagram In the bubble diagram represented above all the proposed functions included in the research centre are highlighted. The tree different volumes are represented with green, blue and purple circles respectively showing one commercial building, one restaurant and Cafe building and one building dedicated to offices, research and education. The size of the spaces represents the hierarchy of importance to each of the functional categories, and the connected lines highlights the main functions connected to each-other.

The building in the middle is characterized by being the most accessible space with direct connection to the other buildings. A connection on two levels is proposed for this volume and it will serve as a physical link between the different buildings as well as the external connections and greenery. By implementing diverse functions situated in different volumes, the project seek to promote walkability within the buildings and include several green nodes and connections in-between the volumes.


Services Inside the master-plan several underground zones dedicated to geothermal heat-pump plants and a larger car parking zone serving 50 parking-lots are proposed. The underground parking area is suggested to be placed partly underneath the office building connecting users of the building. In addition heat pumps directly connected to the buildings will occupy the external underground areas and have central stations with monitoring systems placed inside the built area.

Building services such as an HVAC system and service rooms for leisure, commerce and office facilities are suggested to be placed in two main buildings and are directly connected to the underground heat pumps. Inside al the zones ventilation systems, thermal water heating pipes, mechanical pump networks and electrical grids are included and connected to the service rooms which will be seen more clearly in the following energy chapter.


Building 1

Building 2 Building 3

Figure 6.13: Functional placing inside the three main volumes of the research centre with local connections inside

Functional placing A hierarchy of functions are situated in the three main buildings. All dedicated to the purpose of making a multifunctional space integrated within walking distance. The choice of three volumes is meant to encourage walking between the buildings and experiencing the nature and greenery integrated inside and outside. The outdoor and indoor integration of greenery are not included in the diagram above and the connections between the buildings will be emphasized in the floor plans, sections, elevations and 3D images in the following pages. Building 1 Building 1 is the main commercial building. It is suggested to include shops related to ecology and botanic gardening such as flower stores and stores including various plants. In addition shops related to local food production in Erba is promoted in relation to the urban vision. And there is space for including grocery stores with requests from local stakeholders. In the core of the building a open courtyard is proposed with direct connection to all the stores on the ground floor and creating a small area for relax.

Building 2 Building 2 is dedicated to restaurant and cafĂŠ use, and the building is connected to the two other buildings on the first floor. The main entrance is situated on a bicycle and pedestrian path passing through building 1 and 2. And the location is situated there for creating a more private main entrance to the restaurant on the top floor as well as a stronger connection to offices and education areas in building 3. Building 3 Building 3 is the main building for offices, conference rooms services, child care and commercial shops on the ground floor. This is the central building of the project being 3 storeys tall and having an underground connection with car parking and offices hosting up to 100 workers. The job opportunities given are intended to be directed towards research of material properties in humid and green environment. And this function is also proposed for several interactive workshop zones and educational rooms situated in different floors of the building. People of all ages are invited to take part of the workshops, and the main flow of visitors are proposed to be school children participating on indoor and outdoor educational activities.


Figure 6.14: Main zones with dedicated functions of the buildings. Emphasizing the volume and function development on a conceptual level


Floor plans, Sections and Elevations


Level -1

Figure 6.15: Level -1 floor plan with the three main buildings and parking areas


Level 0

Figure 6.16: Level 0 floor plan


Level 1

Figure 6.17: Level 1 floor plan


Level 2

Figure 6.18: Level 2 floor plan


Table 6.1: Functions and floor areas for all the buildings


Figure 6.19: Section through the inner courtyard of the main research volume in the North-East to South-West direction

202 Figure 6.20: Section through the inner courtyards of the three main buildings in the North-West to South-East direction

Ecological Design As seen in the admissible floor plans, sections and elevations (represented on the next page), the ecological and green integration is essential. Green courtyards, walls, water features and a energy network located within the buildings are designed in order to obtain a sustainable image, and the final aim of the buildings are to obtain a harmony between nature and technology. The functions are different in each of the three buildings and in order to read the architectural image of the design, they should be considered working as one. The building working for commercial purposes, leisure and the research centre building are physically connected and serve with interconnected features such as view and green nodes in which makes a integrated ecological stronghold in the overall design.

In addition several spaces and rooms of the buildings are of different needs for privacy, and the consideration of dedicating spaces to the use while maintaining the view and connection to the greenery is of significance in the development. This can be seen in the research centre (figure 5.27) with different organization of spaces and compositions of walls within the building. Several building integrated strategies are explained in the next chapter and in chapter 7 with more detailed information about the proposed design.


Figure 6.21: Elevation of the front facades of the buildings towards the North-East direction

Figure 6.22: Elevation of the facade towards the North-West

Figure 6.23: Elevation of the facade towards the South-West


Figure 6.24: Elevation of the facade towards the South-East



VII Structural Design


Sustainable Design


Guidelines The necessity of sustainable and adaptive buildings is crucial in the stochastic and climate changing environment of today. Hence one of the most important parts of the project is the proposal of a adaptive and sustainable structure, designed for the future. During the selection of materials in several stages of the project, technology and structural properties is considered. Steel and concrete are elements related to the specific site and has been used for their structural benefits, cost and technological reasons in the master-plan. The more detailed consideration of these elements will be considered in the following part of the report. Due to the functions of offices and commercial spaces, as well as a integration of PV panels on the roofs, the building has to resist big loads regularly and the structural consideration is crucial for the design.




The Research Centre In the research centre the proposal is to promote a structural design in which can be resistant, durable and affordable for the existing community. The idea of splitting the volumes into three self-carrying parts was chosen for the architectural concept of connection cuts as well as structural reasons. The main goal is to focus the attention on one self carrying structure, represented as the 3-storey building in the diagram on the right, and to include an adaptive interconnected system for all the buildings. Since the water level is 4-5 meters underground the settling of the soil is assumed to take several years after construction. A structure in which enables movement and adapts to the environment is beneficial in case of soil disruption, and can promote a innovative design as a pilot for similar projects.


Figure 7.1: Layer explanation and explosion of the building skin and structure highlighting the main research centre as the central building for structural analysis


Material Assessment Selecting of materials for construction is important in terms of economy, design to withstand over time, loads and wind power. In order to select materials, all these factors are taken into account. The proposal, in accordance to the municipality wishes, aim to prioritize the choice of material with the focus on durability. This is because the design of the building allows for many solutions in terms of structural systems, and the duration of the chosen solution will be the most prominent factor possible to include. Requirements for functionality and efficient construction process are also important factors taken into account. In the following a general analysis of the material uses for the structure is included with the later decision of structures and calculations. Each element has been summarized based on the books: Structure and Architecture, 2016 edition of Building Construction Cost Data and Structure and Architecture included in the references15,16. Cast-In-Place Concrete In situ or cast-in-place concrete is concrete that is filled into forms and cured on the construction site. The concrete may be formed in many different shapes and volumes as required and is mostly used today for foundation structures as well as ground floor walls within reason. For the rest of the structure cast-in-place concrete has gradually been replaced over the last decades in favour of finished prefabricated elements. The benefit of pre-cast concrete from cast-in-place concrete is a shortened construction time and money savings for the construction phase. It is worth to mention that the different products of in situ concrete are decreasing in Italy as well as the rest of the world due to prefabricated concrete taking over most of the market. While it is still much used as foundation material, finishing products and layers for combined structures which will be explained in the following.

Prefabricated Concrete Prefabricated concrete products are of many varieties and are mostly used for walls, roofs and slabs today. The products available are characterized by having options of a complete systems with possibilities of insulation and detail integration. The mount-ability, compared to cast-in-place concrete, is more efficient and the time of construction is reduced significantly.





- High strength - Low product cost - High resistance to fire

- Requires much form work - Long curing time - Longer construction time

- Low product cost - Integrated electric wire and plumbing distribution - High resistance to fire

- Requires cranes for installation - Difficult to mount and install for structures that are not cubically shaped

Table 7.1: Cast-in-place concrete advantages and disadvantages

Hollow Core Floor Slabs Hollow core slab elements are one of the types of prefabricated products that is taken in consideration in the project. The slab elements contain circular channels midrange along span directions. Covering beams with hollow core slab elements is stable and light due to relatively low weight to strength and stiffness ratios. Because of pretension and cavities hollow core slabs are well suited for large spans with small height and large loads.

Table 7.2: Hollow Core concrete slab advantages and disadvantages


Figure 7.2: Cast-in place concrete pored on a foundation slab with reinforcement rebars

Figure 7.3: Hollow Core slabs placed on carrying concrete walls with the use of cranes


Figure 7.4: Permanent profiled steel slab before application of cast-in-place concrete

Figure 7.5: Prefabricated concrete sandwich wall carried by cranes on the project site


Permanent Profiled Steel/Concrete Slab Permanent profiled steel plates combined with cast-in-place concrete have become much used in several construction projects. The system is composed of profiled zinc coated and painted steel plates in which host concrete as a top layer, the concrete is mounted on the construction site and requires a hardening period. The difference between permanent profile slabs and traditional concrete slabs is that the former acts as shuttering in the casting phase and reinforcement in a finished cover. In addition the slab has more options of shapes and can be used easily for different structural grids where the steel plates are cut to fit the spans and columns correctly. Peva 45 is a reinforced engagement cover product, meaning that the particular type of concrete receives compressive stress and engages with reinforcement in tension stress. The element has been analysed for it’s strong interaction between concrete and steel, achieved mainly due to disc patented microscopic networks. This is a highly technological type of slab system in which has the ability to adapt well to resonance and fits well together with steel structures.

Prefabricated Sandwich Walls Sandwich elements are either self carrying or load bearing elements. In the load bearing elements there is the concrete shell that provides an appearance of the sandwich wall and a bearing sub-structure of the sandwich wall with the required structural reinforcing on the other side. Between the concrete is an inner insulation core and the insulating material used is non-combustible mineral wool or high performing polyurethane foam. System can be used for used for external walls, facades, partitions and ceilings. In addition the elements are suitable for food industry buildings and in areas requiring clean conditions.





- Reinforcing reduced compared to traditional concrete pavement - Thin concrete layer needed - High resistance to fire

- Long curing time - Prone to corrosion if the zinc layer is cut - Expensive compared to hollow core slabs

- Low product cost - Integration of insulation - Speed of building

- Needs to be covered for rain at the construction site - Water infiltration in the life cycle period

In the project the use of sandwich walls have been considered for the economical benefits and easiness of mounting at the construction site. And the ability to use different types of prefabricated products is also an important benefit of the sandwich wall elements.

Table 7.4: Prefabricated Sandwich Walls advantages and disadvantages

Table 7.3: Permanent Profiled Steel/Concrete Slab advantages and disadvantages


Steel Framework Steel framing is a technique consisting of vertical steel columns and horizontal I-beams, constructed in a specific grid to support the floors, roof and walls of a building which are all attached to the frame. This is one of the most common construction techniques used in the time we live in and can be used for both tall and small buildings. The steel frame needs to be protected from fire because steel softens at high temperature and this can cause the building to partially collapse. In the case of the columns this is usually done by protecting it with different types of fire resistant elements such as masonry, concrete or plasterboards. The system is included in the material assessment due to benefits such as quick mounting, simple joining solutions and a low cost. In addition the site of the construction used to be a steel industrial site in which produced construction steel to the northern parts of Italy.

Reinforced Concrete Framework Reinforced concrete is a element in which is characterized by low tensile strength and ductility when reinforced with steel or other materials with a high tensile strength and ductility. A framework structure that is composed of reinforced concrete has benefits according to high fire resistance low cost and options for including several materials interlocked with the concrete. The heavier options include masonry of brick, concrete block, or stone. The lighter options include partitions or reinforcement made of light steel or wood studs covered with sheeting materials. One of the negative aspects of the concrete is the life span estimation compared to steel, in addition all types of concrete have a certain hardening time and cracks are often to appear over a certain amount of years. Hence yearly monitoring and investigation of crack propagations is necessary. In the project reinforced concrete as a framework is considered as a secondary option to the steel framework coming from the large scale master-plan.




- Fast construction period - Long spans and flexible

- Prone to corrosion if the zinc layer is cut - Expensive compared concrete

- Low product cost - More delicate in the - High resistance to construction part fire - Small crack propagations are likely to occur over time

Table 7.5: Steel Framework advantages and disadvantages


Table 7.6: Reinforced Concrete Framework advantages and disadvantages


Figure 7.6: Steel framework building consisting of steel columns and beams

Figure 7.7: Concrete columns with reinforcement rebars on concrete foundation in the development of a concrete building


Material Proposal One of the main design proposals are to have a building in which allow flexibility and provide technical advantages for the future. Structural performance in relation to durability are key drivers for the final choice of structural materials. Steel and Concrete Framework Due to the flexibility and for the benefit of being related to the history of the site, the chosen structural system for the building is steel framework. A combination of steel framework and permanent profiled steel and concrete slabs are suggested for their benefit of working well together for a building shape that is not completely squared, and have several benefits for the particular building. Benefits of steel framework and permanent profiled slabs: • Flexibility and response to impact • Construction Speed • Plant-fabrication quality control • Durability • Permanent profiled steel/concrete slab: greater span-depth ratio and less material usage • Small margin for error

Cast-In-Place Concrete Foundations Foundations and the structural connection to the ground is essential for the project due to the high water level of up to 5 meters below ground in Erba and due to the suggestion of including 50 parking spaces reaching 4 meters underground. It is important to note that the specific water height of the site is assumed to be of a lower level than 5 meters, due to several measurements situated closer to the river Lambro based on municipality documents. Hence 5 meters is considered as a safety margin for the project site. Raft foundations are often used where the soil is week and where columns are closely spaced. It is suggested for the building in favour of individual footings due to the basement being constructed as a slab and in order to obtain a safe vessel in the soil. Benefits of raft foundation are: • Evenly spread weight of the building • Fast construction • Durable for week soils

Prefabricated Sandwich Walls In addition to the main structural elements several different components of sandwich walls are included in the proposal for internal and external walls. The external walls would host at least one side of the building and provide stiffening for the structure for wind impact. While internal elements would be self carrying and not influence the structural system. Benefits of sandwich wall elements: • Product possibilities of self carrying and bearing sub-structure elements • Low cost • Fast construction speed


Figure 6.7: Structural building framework of the main research centre with highlight of carrying elements


Structural floor plans

Figure 7.9: Structural floor plan for the underground level


Figure 7.10: Structural floor plan for the ground level


Figure 7.11: Structural floor plan for the first and second floor level


Figure 7.12: Structural floor plan for the roof level


Design Framework In the process of the structural steel and concrete design all the calculations and methods of development are calculated by hand and with the use of excel sheets. It is highlighted that the structure has been divided into three main parts, giving the focus on the third building with the widest spans and biggest loads due to height and use of the building. The first part of the calculation considers live loads, dead loads and wind loads for the complete building. After this a selection of a proper slab type is proposed and verified. And the report will proceed in the design of beams, columns and foundation of the selected materials, highlighting the most critical elements of the structure. Excel sheets and diagrams are included in order to clarify the design process and the final results. And one of the main assets for calculating and verifying the structure is the Eurocodes specifying how structural design should be conducted within the European Union (EU). In the following calculations the Norwegian handbook called “Betong Konstruksjoner” (Concrete Constructions) with the base of EN 1994 - Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures and EN 1992-1.1: Eurocode 2. Design of concrete structures are used in order to derive concrete verifications17. In addition a handbook called “Stål Håndbok” (Steel Guidelines) with the base of EN 1993-1.1: Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures - Part 1-1. General rules and rules for buildings and the steel construction guideline IS 800 is used for most the steel verifications18.

The following normative is referred to in the calculations: EN 1990: Eurocode. Basis of structural design EN 1991.1-1: Eurocode 1. Actions on structures. Part 1-1: General actions: densities, self-weight and imposed loads for buildings EN 1991.1-3: Eurocode 1. Actions on structures. Part 1-3: General actions: snow loads EN 1991.1-4: Eurocode 1. Actions on structures. Part 1-4: General actions: wind actions EN 1992-1.1: Eurocode 2. Design of concrete structures. Part 1-1. General rules and rules for buildings. EN 1993-1.1: Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures - Part 1-1. General rules and rules for buildings EN 1994 - Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures - Composite slabs EN 1997-1: Eurocode 7. Geotechnical design. Part 1. General rules. According to EN 1990 specifications, the design working life of the building is assumed to be 50 years (Table 2.1 – EN 1990).


Material Properties High Ductility Steel Type S450 After EN 1993-1.1: Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures: Characteristic yield strength: fy=440N/mm2 Ultimate yield strength: fy=550N/mm2 Design yield strength used [According to the “Steel Guideline” handbook for the safety of producer fabrication with a factor value of 1.25%]: fsd=fy*(1-0.125)=391N/mm2=fyd The design yield strength is used for the calculation of beams and columns, while for reinforcement and smaller dimensions of steel the normal yield strength is to be considered. Modulus of elasticity [EC3 - 3.1]: Es=210000N/mm2

Concrete Strength Class C25/B30 Characteristic cylinder compressive strength class: fck= 0,83*37=30.7N/mm2 Design compressive strength class after 28 days [EC2 – 3.1.6(1), Table 2.1N for gC]: fcd=0.85*(30.7/1.5)=17.4N/mm2 Allowable compressive stress under characteristic combination of actions [EC2 – 7.2(2)]: sc,adm=k1fck=0.6*37=22.2N/mm2 Medium tensile strength [EC2 – Table 3.1]: fctm=0.3(fck)2/3=0.3*(30.7)2/3=2.9N/mm2 Characteristic tensile strength [EC2 – Table 3.1]: fctk;0.05=0.7fctm=0.7*2.9=2.1N/mm2 Design tensile strength [EC2 – 3.1.6(2), 2.1N for gC]: fctd=(α*fstk;0.05)/γc= (1.0*2.1)/1.5`=1.4N/mm2 Secant modulus of elasticity [EC2 – Table 3.1]: Ecm=22(fcm)0.3=22(fck+810)0.3= 22*(30.7+810)0.3=31000N/mm2


Figure 7.13: Highlight of structural slab spans, beams and columns used for structural analysis

Loads In the following the main structural load calculations of live loads and dead loads of the building is represented. The focus point of the calculation is to give a sound verification of the entire buildings and in the end to focus on the widest spans and most influential slabs, columns and beams of the structure. The widest spans in the office structure are respectfully 7.1m while it reaches up to 7.5 meters in building 2. Hence a structural span of 7.5 meters are considered for slab verifications of all the buildings. Heavy exposed columns and beams for verifying the steel framework is highlighted in the image above. The zone highlighted between the grid lines A-B-C and 1-2-3 is considered the most exposed area for heavy loads and is the focal point of the structural analysis.


Table 7.7: Self-weight of the concrete sandwich walls Figure 7.14: Layers of concrete sandwich walls

Walls Prefabricated sandwich walls with an insulation layer is chosen to be built along one parameter of the building. The load of the external walls is directly applied on the beams along the perimeter and is not shared along the slabs. The sandwich wall proposed is a finished element product with structural support in concrete, a insulation layer and plaster finishing. In order to obtain a structurally safe calculation the weight of the walls are considered as linear loads and are combined with the loads of the second skin facade system of steel structure. It is important to note that the walls and facades are proposed to be self carrying to the extent possible, as seen in the technical sections in the next chapter. Hence the structural consideration of the loads are included for safety reason and for a complete verification of a structurally sound construction.

Floor Height: (4-0.3)m=3.7m Linear height of the wall: 5.1*3.7=18.87KN/m Assuming 15% of openings due to only one sandwich wall closing the area and considering a safety margin: 0.15*18.87=2.83KN/m Total= 18.87-2.83=16.04KN/m


Table 7.8: Self-weight of the internal concrete sandwich walls

Figure 7.15: Layers of internal concrete sandwich walls

Internal Partition Walls

Assuming a net floor height of 3.7m the linear weight of the wall is: 0.76*3.70=2.81KN/m EN 1991-1-1 [§] permits to consider an equivalent uniformly distributed load all over the floor, instead of the free action of movable partitions, if the slab can well redistribute the load transversally. The nominal value of this uniform load is given in function of the linear self-weight of the wall considered:

A important consideration to note is that for Ultimate Limit State (ULS) combinations the uniform load has to be considered as a live load with a partial safety factor of γQ=1,5, and γQ=0 where favourable. And for Serviceability Limit State (SLS) combinations the coefficients γ0=γ1= γ2 =1,0 are considered. The internal partition walls contain no bearing structure and should be considered only for their load distribution in the following calculations.

- Movable partitions with a self-weight of ≤ 1.0kN/m wall length: qk = 0.5 kN/m2 - Movable partition with a self-weight of ≤ 2.0 kN/m wall length: qk = 0.8 kN/m2 - Movable partitions with a self-weight ≤ 3.0 kN/m wall length: qk = 1.2 kN/m2 The equivalent uniformly distributed load chosen from the Eurocode: qk = 1.2 kN/m2


Figure 7.16: Layers of the internal slabs

Table 7.9: Self-weight of the steel profiled and concrete slabs with additional reinforcement

Floor The slab is a permanent profiled steel and concrete slab composed by construction weight elements seen in the table above. In addition to the profiled steel sheets steel rebars are commonly placed between the supports to create a I-beam section from a T-beam and a rod combined by concrete. A structure like this allows replacing of the top flange by concrete partially, in which makes a considerable cost saving result and simplifies adjustments of the profiled sheets to the beam by screws. All values of the weight are considered according to producers of the particular slab and are assumed in the pre-dimensioning phase. Further information is given in the next chapter.

It is important to note that the slab height is considerably increased due to the additional loads applied for wind and dead load factors necessary in the complete verification. Choosing of dimensions are based on maximum values taken from fabrication products of Peva 45. And the height thickness is an estimate coming from their product. The total floor self weight represented below is estimated with a maximum load integration for the slab and with addition of shafts and equipment above the ceiling which is primarily carried by the beam and gives little load contribution to the slab.

Table 7.10: Self-weight of the entire slab with integrated ceiling plasters, tiling and floor system


Figure 7.17: Layers of the roof structure

Table 7.11: Self-weight of the roof slab composed by a structural system of steel profiled slabs

Roof On the top of the roof there need to be walkable access and a bearing system able to carry photovoltaic panels and part of the load contribution from the steel framework second skin. Hence the main proposal is to create a strong roof slab with steel sheets and a reinforced parapet wall. Slab weight is related to the product and the proposed roof is considered to be a flat roof, similar to the floors but with a bigger height in order to achieve a better insulation and optimise the roof for cold periods. Roof structure through the project are built with the same characteristics but with difference in slope angles. The biggest building considered will have a one slope roof composed by steel beams and rafter layers installed. In addition open space for ventilation and water drainage is proposed and will be explained in more detail in the next technical chapter.

The proposed parapet walls are made of 30cm wide and 45cm height of reinforced concrete in order to support the external second skin of steel sheets. And it is important to note that the second skin sheets are self carrying by a connection on the ground due to heavy loads of Ivy on the walls. But contribute to axial and horizontal loads on the roof and steel columns by being connected in the horizontal direction. Hence the second skin contribution is added in a structural model mentioned for the in the final load verifications including horizontal forces, and a reinforced parapet wall is included in the total load calculation. The linear weight of the concrete parapet walls are: 0.35*1*0.30*25=2.63kN/m2


External Loads and Variables Imposed loads

Snow loads

Imposed load for floors in office buildings and in buildings of retail according to [EN 1991-1-1 §, Tables 6.1 and 6.2]: qk=4.00kN/m2 and Qk=4.00KN Qk= 2.5 KN for car parking

EN 1991-1-3 with specifications according to the National Annex dated 24-11-2004 apply. For the main design situation the snow load on the roof is expressed by the formula [Expression 5.1- EC1-1-3]: S=μi*CeCtSk Where μi is the snow load shape coefficient equal to 0,8 for an angle of the pitch of a roof less than 30° [EN1991-1-3 §5.3.2 and 5.3.3 - table 5.1]. Ce is the exposure coefficient function of the topography of the site. Ce=1,0 for a normal topography, in which means areas where there is no significant removal of snow by wind [EN1991-1-3 § 5.2.(7) – Table 5.1 in accordance with National Annex]. Ct is the thermal coefficient which should be used to account for the reduction of snow loads on roofs with high thermal transmittance (> 1 W/m2K). Ct=1,0 unless otherwise specificified [EN1991-1-3 § 5.2.(8) and National Annex]. Sk=1.5 kN/m2 is the characteristic value of snow load on the ground for Provincia di Milano, for a design working life of the structure of 50 years according to [National Annex EN1991-1-3] The final value of the snow loads are: S= 0,8*1,0*1,0*1,5 = 1,2 kN/m2


Wind Calculations The wind load calculations are performed according to EN-1991-1-4 in which explain natural wind actions for the structural design of buildings and civil engineering works. And the code is applicable for buildings and engineering constructions with heights up to 200 m. Determination of the basic wind velocity Vb is performed according to the Eurocode: Vb = Cdir *Cseason*Vb,0 In which: Vb is the basic wind velocity, defined as a function of wind direction and time of year at 10 m above ground of terrain category II Vb,0 is the fundamental value of the basic wind velocity Cdir is the directional factor Cseason is the season factor And the value recommended for Cdir and Cseason is 1 according to EN 1991-1-4.

The wind velocity is given by the description of wind zones in Italy where: Vb = Cdir*Cseason*Vb,0 Vb = 1*1*25 m/s Vb = 25 m/s Mean Wind Velocity, Vm(z): Vm(z) = Cr(z)*Co(z)*Vb In which: Cr(z) is the roughness factor Co(z) is the orography factor, given as 1.0 unless otherwise specified. Cr(z)=kr ln (Z / Z0) for Zmin< Z<Zmax Cr(z)=Cr (Zmin) for Z < Zmin In which: Z0 is the roughness length Kr is the terrain factor depending on the roughness length Z0 Kr=0.19 (Z0 / Z0, II) 0.07

Table 7.12: Description of wind zones in Italy


Table 7.13: Terrain categories and parameters according to EN 1991-1-4

Z0,II = 0.05 m, according to the terrain category II given in Table 4.1 of EN 1991-1-4. Zmin is the minimum height defined in Table 4.1 Zmax is to be taken as 200m, unless otherwise specified in the National Annex. Z0, Zmin depends on the terrain category, found in Table 4.1 of EN 1991-1-4 in which also provides the recommended values for Z0, Zmin depending on five representative terrain categories. The choice of terrain is done according to the future forest, vegetation and buildings surrounding the research centre in the design proposal. Due to the dense forest nearby, category 3 is proposed.

Cr(z)=kr ln(Z/Z0) = 0.215 ln(24 / 0.3) =0.942 Vm = (0,942)*(1)*(25)=23.55m/s Wind Turbulence, Iv(z) Iv(z)=v/vm (z) for zmin<z< zmax Iv(z)=Iv (zmin) for z<zmin áľ&#x;v=kr*Vb*kl In which: kr is the terrain factor calculated Vb is the basic wind velocity calculated kl is the turbulence factor, which is recommended to be used with the value 1.0 by EN 1991-1-4. áľ&#x;v=(0.215)*(25)*(1) áľ&#x;v=5.375

Z0=0.3m Zmin=5m kr=0.19*(0.3/0.05)0.07 =0.215 Since the minimum level of the building is 8 m high, it can be considered that Zmin < Zi < Zmax for all the number of levels where i stand for the number of the levels.


Peak Velocity Pressure, qp(z) qp(z)=[1+7*Iv (z)]*1/2*ρ*Vm2(z) In which: ρ is the air density depending on altitude, temperature and barometric pressure to be expected in the region during wind storms. 1.20 kg/m3 is the recommended value in EN 1991-1-4. The resulting peak velocity pressure is: Iv(z) = ᵟv/Vm = 5.375/23.55=0.228 qp(z)=(1+(7*0.228))*(1/2)*1.2*23.552 =863.8N/m Pressure Coefficient, cpe The external pressure coefficients cpe for buildings and constructions depend on the size of the loaded area, which is the area of the structure in which produce wind action in the section to be calculated. The external pressure coefficients are given for loaded areas of 1 m2 and 10 m2 in tables for appropriate building configurations as cpe1 for local coefficients, and cpe10 for overall coefficients. Pressure coefficients for vertical walls and flat roofs vary through the wall and roof surface, and the calculation is considering geometry of the structure, the aspect ratio (h/d) and wind direction. Cpe=Cpe 1 for A ≤ 1 m2 Cpe=Cpe,1-(Cpe,10-Cpe,1) log10 1 < A < 10m2 Cpe=Cpe,10 A > 10m2

Since the area is greater than A > 10 m2 in all the cases the wind pressure on the surfaces is calculated from the peak velocity pressure qp(z), and the external pressure coefficient used is Cpe,10. By multiplying the coefficient by the characteristic peak velocity pressure (qp) the external wind pressure is obtained. Wind Force, Fw Fw=cs*cd*cf*qp(ze)*Aref In which: cs,c,d=structural factors, defined as 1.0 according to building sections cf=force coefficient for the element, also defined as 1.0 according to sections qp(ze)=the characteristic peak velocity pressure at height ze Aref=reference area of the structural elements By including this formula the wind forces acting on the structure is verified and are distributed on structural elements for the calculations on the next page. 12m is greater than the building dimension in the orthogonal direction to the wind direction (8.3m), the pressure distribution on the windward side is defined and an upper part consisting of the remain, assuming a reference height equal to the maximum height of the building (ze=12m) for the leeward side and the lateral sides a uniform distribution of pressure will be considered, the value of which will be calculated assuming a reference height equal to the maximum height.

Table 7.14: Wind loads according to essential heights of the buildings


Several values of the pressure coefficients for different walls are evaluated according to Eurocode Table 7.1 – EC1-1-4 with a ratio h/d=12/35.3=0.45, where d is the parallel dimension of the building to the wind direction coming from the north: - Windward wall: cpe = 0,8 - Leeward wall: cpe =-0,43 For buildings with h/d ≥ 5 the resulting force is multiplied by 1, but for buildings with h/d ≤ 1, the resulting force is multiplied by 0.85. For intermediate values of h/d, linear interpolation can be applied according to [EN 1991-1-4 - 7.2.2 (3)]. When obtaining the value of h/d=0,45, 0,85 is considered for the calculation of horizontal forces from the wind actions. Horizontal forces are applied to all the floors and verification of the structure is done in the following, each floor with the individual loads: Roof Floor 0.85*(393.5+262.9)*(8.3*1.6/2+8.3*1.5) =10.8kN 20 Floor 0.85*(393.5+262.9)*11.7*3.06=19.9kN 10 Floor 0.85*((393.5+262.9)*11.7*0.1+(356.8+ 262.9)*11.7*2.95))= 18.8kN Ground Floor 0.85*(356.8+262.9)*11.7*3.06=18.8kN

Wind in y direction, parallel to the shortest side of the building with a building height of 12m is less than the dimension of the building in the orthogonal direction to the wind direction (19.5 m) and consequently a uniform distribution of pressure is applied on the windward and the leeward sides. The reference height is assumed to be the maximum height of the building and local effects on side walls parallel to the wind direction and on the pitched roof is not evaluated in the calculations. For a ratio h/d=12/19.8= 0.61 the pressure coefficients are according to [Table 7.1EN 1991-1-4]: Windward wall: cpe = 0,8 Leeward wall: cpe ≈ - 0,5 According to the h/d ratio the coefficient of 0.88 is taken into account for the lack of correlation of wind pressures between the windward and leeward walls. The final horizontal forces at every floor are verified in the following with consideration of each individual floor, the results will be taken in consideration when calculating the loads of the entire structure and in a model for finding moment and shear forces of the building: Roof Floor 0.88*(393.5+321)*24.4*(0.45+1.6)= 31.5kN 10 ,20 Floor 0.88*(393.5+321)*24.4*3.06=46.9kN Ground Floor 0.88*(393.5+321)*24.4*(1.53+0.55)= 31.2kN


Figure 7.18: Section of steel profile and concrete slab on steel I beam

Slab Calculations

The flooring composite slab is made of concrete, steel reinforcement and profiled sheets 1.5 mm thick in which are serving as a permanent formwork. The slab rest on steel H-beams with flanges oriented in the bottom. The height of the slab is 300 mm and the structure acts at two stages. The first stage is the construction stage where loads are carried out by machinery and reinforcement are carried by the profiled shuttering. The second stage is the operating stage where payloads and loads of the slab self-weight and partitions are carried by the slab itself. In order to obtain a integrated finish, it is proposed to add two layers of gypsum plasterboards connected to the I beams under the slabs. Which will be emphasized in the technical details.

In the following calculations the Norwegian handbook called “Betong Konstruksjoner� (Concrete Constructions) with the base of EN 1994 - Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures are used in order to derive17: 1. Strength and deflection of the profiled sheets during erecting 2. Reinforcement diameter 3. Strength of inclined section 4. Bearing stress of the slab on the supports 5. Deflections of the slab It is important to note that the slab is considered for a span of 7 metres with a support in the middle depending on the values achieved. And the length is larger than 6.4 meters considering the angles of particular spans of the structure reaching up to maximum 7 meters of slab length.


Figure 7.19: Steel profile dimensions

Load Data Imposed load: 4*1.50=6.0kN/m2 Dead load of slab: 5.54*1.35=7.48kN/m2 Construction load: 1.50*1.50=2.25kN/m2 1. Construction Stage During the construction period concrete is liquid and has not achieved the ideal cube strength, hence the profiled steel sheet is considered the bearing structure. In this phase it is important to derive strength and deflection for the sheets as well as for a thin-walled element bearing self weight, the weight of reinforcement, concrete and erection load (workers and machinery). Strength The height of the sheet is 180mm and the height of the entire floor is 300mm, giving a total depth of the concrete: hf=h-hn=0.3-0.180=0.120m The effective height of the composite slab is derived by the following: hb= hf+((b+b’)/2 s0)*hn In which: hf=concrete depth above profiled decking b=width of the bottom flange of the sheet b’=width of the top flange of the sheet hn=height of the profiled decking s0=space between centres of the nearest flanges of the profiled decking

Figure 7.20: Trapezoidal section of the slab

Consequently, the depth of concrete above the profiled sheet: hb=0.12+((0.285+0.17)/2*0.335)*0.18 = 0,242m The trapezoidal cross-section width of bf=335mm is used in the following calculations. Checking if the strength is ensured or not according to the formula: Sagging moment=(wu,DL/12+wu,LL/10)le2 Hogging moment=(wu,DL/10+wu,LL/9)le2 In which: wu,DL=dead loads wu,LL=live loads


Considering le=effective length of each of the two spans =(7000-300+150)/2=3357.5m

Ea=elasticity modulus of the profiled sheet= 21*107N/mm2 Jx=moment of inertia per one metre

Sagging moment: =(7.48/12+2.25/10)*3.3582 =9.57KNm/m Hogging moment: =(7.48/10+2.25/9)*3.3582 =11.25KNm/m

fn=k*((qnl4)/(EaJx) =(5/384)*(7.48*3.35754)/ (2.1*107*3.985*10-5) =0.0175m

And considering the design plastic moment of resistance from the fabrication company of: Mpl,Rd=98,68kN/m

In the deflection calculation it is seen that the maximum allowed deflection is not exceeded by some few millimetres. Consequently, the profiled sheet with 0.8 mm thickness should be exceeded to a thicker steel sheet of 1.5 mm.

Design moment=Mpl,Rd/γap=98.68/1.15 =85.81kN/m > 11.25 kN/m Hence, the profiled deck is safe in flexure at construction stage. And considering the design value of tensile stiffness of the product: Ry= 312.2KN/ m2 σ*=(312.2*1000)/0.95=328631.58KN/m2 The maximum allowed stress is much larger than the actual stress on the slab, ensuring that the strength of the beam can hold in construction phase.


2. Operating Stage In the second stage the composite slab is considered as a bearing structure and the profiled sheets are considered permanent formwork in which do not bear loads. Serviceability and limit state design is carried out in order to derive if the slab meet adequate strength and deflection requirements. The following assumptions are included: 1. Tensile strength of concrete equals zero

Deflection The span to depth ratio is: 7000/180 = 38.9 < 32, hence the deflection is necessary to calculate and characteristic loads are used in order to derive the deflection calculations: fn=k*((qnl4)/(EaJx) ≤ (1/200)l In which: fn=maximum deflection k=5/384 – coefficient, determined according to analytical diagram qn=characteristic load; le=effective length of each of the two spans=(7000-300+150)/2=3357.5m

2. Stresses are evenly distributed along the height and the equal design value of resistance of steel is considered to be: Ry=312,20N/mm2 with the factor γс=0,8 3. Stresses in reinforcement equal the design compression resistance Rsc=360N/mm2 and tensile resistance Rs=360N/mm2 4. h0 is the height of the reinforcing steel from the beginning of the reinforced concrete section in compression to the reinforcing steel bars in tension


Reinforcement Area For the steel type S235 design tensile resistance of longitudinal and lateral reinforcement is fyd=355 N/mm2 and the modulus of elasticity for steel is ES=2*105 N/mm2 as in the material introduction emphasized. And according to fire safety requirements the concrete cover on the top of the reinforcement need to be at least 30mm which is maintained in the proposed dimensions. .

Figure 7.21: Reinforcement section with resulting forces

hf=0.12≤x which means that the compression zone depth is higher than the effective height of the slab. The following reinforcement implementations are suggested: As=219 mm2 for the areas of tensile reinforcement As=570 mm2 for the areas of secondary reinforcement For bottom reinforcement steel type S235 with rods of dimensions Ø18 for each corrugation are considered in the following. In addition concrete of the type B30 is included and has a characteristic of being dense, hence a diameter Ø20 mm in each corrugation is proposed for safety reasons. The negative moment acts in the middle support and it is necessary to calculate the diameter of the top tensile reinforcement rods:

The limited compression zone is calculated in the following for the steel reinforcement:

As=(Ac*Rb)/Rs = (Rb/ Rs)*(((b+b’)/2)*hn) =(10000/360000) *(((0.17*0.285)/2)*0.18 =0.00012m2

ςr=ω/(1+(R*(1-ω/1.1))/ σsr) In which: ω=factor of stress=0.8-0,008*Rb R=reinforcement stress with allowance for reinforcement yield limit σsr=limit stress in compression reinforcement. For reinforced concrete (without prestressing) if fyk≤400 N/mm2 then σsr= fyd=400 N/mm2 is applied ςr=0.718/(1+(360*(1-0.718/1.1))/400) =0.547 As a safety value in case of instant cracks the final compression zone height is: x=ςr*h0=0.547*(0.3-0.03)=0.1477mm


Inclined Section Strength The following calculation is carried out with consideration of construction stages as well as service stages. EN 1991 - Eurocode 3 recommend a minimum of 6 mm diameter of stirrups in bending structures. Hence stirrups with diameter of 10 mm and spacing 150 mm are used for safety reasons. And the inclined crack diameter is calculated for a propagation of 45 degrees.

In which: c=length of projection of the inclined section onto a longitudinal axis. c=h since the angle of the crack is 450 φb2= coefficient 1,5 Qb=(1.5*312.2*(0.17+0.285)0.272)/0.3 =51.78KN Construction Stage Criteria: Q≤0.17Ryγchn2t Q=(3ql)/8=(3*7.48*3.3575)/8=9.418KN 0.17*312200*0.8*0.18*2*0.0015 =22.93KN Strength requirements are met with the new steel thickness with the result of 9.418KN≤22.93KN

Figure 7.22: Vertical stirrups of the slab

Operation Stage Criteria: Q≤∑RswAsw+Qb Q≤0.3 φw1φb1Rb(b+b’/2)h0 Q=(3ql)/8=(3*(6+7.48)*3.3575)/8 =16.972KN

Two conditions must be met for the complete verification of the section: Q≤0.17Ryγchn*2t+∑RswAsw+Qb Q≤0.3 φw1φb1Rb(b+b’/2)h0 In which: ∑= the sum of lateral stresses appearing in stirrups of the inclined section Qb=lateral stress in concrete φw1=coefficient according to EN-3=1.16 φb1=coefficient according to EN-3=0.796 The lateral stress is found by the derived formula: 0.5Rbth0(b+b’/2)≤Qb =(φb2Rh(b+b’/2)h02)/c≤2.5Rbth0 (b+b’/2)

Considering only one stirrup due to the high strength value already defined: ∑RswAsw+Qb=285*0.006+51.78 =53.49KN 0.3 φw1φb1Rb(b+b’/2)h0 =0.3*1.16*0.796*10200*(0.17+0.285) 0.272)*0.3 =239.46KN Q≤ 53.49KN Q≤ 239.46KN The result shows that the strength requirements are met with the including of vertical stirrups.


Local Compression Strength Required condition: N≤0.5RbAloc In which: N=support reaction in one corrugation Aloc=Area of compression, Aloc=b*a in which b=width of the bottom flange and a=length of the supporting of the slab, 0.09m is used according to adequate support distances N=(3q(l-2a))/8 =(3*13.48*(3.3575-2*0.09))/8 =16.06KN

δ=sl2(1/r)max In which: s=coefficient depending on the stress diagram and the load applied=5/48 (1/r)max =maximum curvature in the section considering the maximum moment (1/r)max=(1/r)1+(1/r)2 In which: (1/r)1+(1/r)2=curvatures of short term loads and long term impacts of permanent loads

0.5RbAloc=0.5*10.2*1000*0.09*0.17 =78.03KN 16.06KN≤78.03KN Hence the requirements for the local compression is met. Deflection By summing the deflection of the profiled steel sheets and the concrete slab the total deflection is derived. Characteristic loads are used in the calculation and the deflection is limited to a maximum value in the following. δmax=(1/200)l In which: δmax=deflection of the slab caused by the loads at operating phase (1/200)=maximum tolerable deflection of the slab It is important to note that the spans of the slab work independently, hence a on-span beam is used for the stress diagram later explained.

1/r=M/(Eb1Ired) In which: Eb1=deformation modulus of compressed concrete depending on the duration of the load For short term loads: Eb1=0.85*Eb=0.85*10000000 =8500000KN/m For long term loads: Eb1=Eb/(1+φb,cr) =10000000/(1+2.3)=30303030KN/m φb,c=Creep coefficient for concrete B30 The moment of inertia of the effective cross-section with the relative centre of gravity need to be derived whether there are cracks in the concrete or not: Ired=I+Isa+ Is’a In which: I=moment of inertia Isand Is’= moment of inertia of a section of tensile and compressed reinforcement a=coefficient interlock between concrete and reinforcement


The derived deflection and curvature is within acceptable limits and the choosing of a wide profile steel slab containing a intermediate support is possible. Decreasing the size of the concrete layer or the steel reinforcement is possible but the dimensions chosen are sustainable for heavier impacts used in later calculations. The total deflection of the slab combined with the steel sheet is seen in the excel sheet on the next page.

Ired=I+Isa+ Is’a=(bfhf)3/12+(bhn)3/12 + bfhf(y0-hf/2)2+ bhn(hn/2+hf-y0) y0=((bfhf)2+bhn(2hf+hn))/2(bfhf+bhn) Ired=0.000187m2 Moment of short and long term cases: Mshort=(qsl2)/8=(2.25*3.35752)/8 =3.17KNm

It is also important to note that deflection can be considered at minimum risk with spans up to 5 metres of the proposed slab dimension as seen in the image below. Excel has been used in the calculation process in order to arrive to final values in which allow changes and optimization. And the calculated conditions are results of calculation by hand and excel sheets with use of guidelines from the Norwegian handbook for concrete constructions based on the Eurocode.

Mlong=(qll2)/8=(13.48*3.35752)/8 =18.99KNm The final curvature is then: (1/r)max=3.17/(8500000*0.000187) +18.99/(30303030* 0.000187) =0.00355m δ=sl2(1/r)max=(5/48)*3.35752*0.00355 =0.00417m δ max=(1/200)*3.3575=0.0168m

Figure 7.23: Deflection diagram based on excel calculations


Excel Sheets Excel has been used as a simple tool for creating variable parameters in order to arrive to a final slab proposal in which works for the structure. Below the highlights of the excel calculation is represented.

Table 7.15: Strength of the profiled sheets

Table 7.16: Deflection of the profiled sheets

Table 7.17: Strength of inclined sections

Table 7.18: Bearing stress of the supports

Table 7.19: Deflection of the slab


Figure 7.24: IPE beam with characteristic parameters

Beam Calculations

In the choice of structural system the steel framework with steel beams were decided for the characteristics of being fast to build, taking up less space and for historic purposes to the site. The beams and columns are holding the framework as well as supporting loads subjected to the building. The type of beams proposed are IPE 330 metallic beams to be welded on the caissons with steel grade of S450. The beams will be the structural support responsible to bear the sum of the slab loads and transfer them to the columns and floating foundations. The maximum span of 7.5 metres has been used for including a safe structural calculation and check of the durability for the entire structure. The distance between the beams are suggested to be at maximum 5 metres respectively according to the previously calculated slab properties.

In the following calculations the sources used are a handbook called “Stål Håndbok” (Steel Guidelines) with the base of EN 1993-1.1: Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures - Part 1-1. General rules and rules for buildings and the steel construction guideline IS 80018. The following verifications are included: 1. Flange criterion 2. Web criterion 3. Lateral torsional buckling 4. Deflection For the conditions given, it is assumed that the beam is simply supported in a vertical plane, and at the end of the beam is completely restrained for lateral deflection and twist with no rotational restrains in plan at its ends.


Table 7.20: Geometrical characteristics of the beam

Flange Criterion For the steel type of B450C the criteria mentioned in the introduction of the calculation chapter is noted.

Lateral Torsional Buckling Checking for slenderness ratio with ends of compression flanges fully restrained for torsion at support, the effective length of the simply supported beam is:

The flange criterion for the beam is verified: b*/tf<9.4ε In which: ε=(250/fy)1/2=(250/391)1/2=0.7996 b*=160/2=80mm b*/tf=80/11.5=6.957 6.957<9.4*0.7996=7.516 OK Web Criterion The web criterion for the beam is verified: d/tw<84ε d/ tw=(330-2*11.5)/7.5=40.933 40.933<84*0.7996=67.1664 OK According to the criterion of the flange and web justification, the identification of the section as “plastic” can be made for the further verifications and is considered in the following.

LLT=1.0 L, where L is the span of the beam. LLT=1.0*7.5m*1000mm/m=7500 mm LLT /R1=7500/18=416.67 h/tf = 330/11.5 = 28.69 And the corresponding value of critical stress is based on the values derived from EN 1993-1.1: Eurocode 3 and from IS800 with a conservative safety value: Mc.Rd=(Wel.y*fsd)/γM1 In which: γM1=1.05 for plastic sections Wel.y=elastic cross-section module fsd=design yield strength from the steel characteristic, chosen for safety reason Wel.y=(2*Iy)/h Iy=(1/12)*(bh3-(b-tw)(h-2*tf)3) =(1/12)*(160*3303-(160-7.5) (330-2*11.5)3) =111.45*106mm4

Wel.y=(2*111.45*106)/330 =6.7545*105mm3 The final value appears to be lower than the given value in the steel guideline handbook, but is used for safety reason on the verification of the beam.


Figure 7.25: Beam with factored load distribution

And the final design bending strength obtained:

The flange second area moment around the weak axis:

Mc.Rd=(Wel.y*fsd)/γM1 =(6.7545*105*391)/1.05 =251.52KNm

Iz=(b3*tf)/12=(1603*11.5)/12 =3.9253*106mm4 Aw=(h-2*tf)*tw=(330-2*11.5)*9.5 =2916.5mm2

Considering the simple supported beam of 7.5 m span with a factored load of 20.0KN/m the maximum moment applied is:


Mmax=(ql )/8=(20*7.5 )/8=140.63KNm

Hence: if.z=((3.9253*106)/(1840+1/6*2916.5))1/2 =41.08mm

Given that Mmax < Mc.Rd the beam system is adequate for holding a slab and load applications of more than 20 KN/m is possible.

And the correction factor obtained through the Eurocodes:



Kc=1/(1.33-0.33ψ)=0.75 For the verification of buckling the relative slenderness is obtained:

The final relative slenderness of the tension flange is obtained:

λf.z=(kc*Lc)/(if.z* λ1)

λf.z=(0.75*3.75)/(41.08*72.81) =0.00094

In which the following is derived based on EN 1993-1.1: Eurocode 3 and the Steel Guideline handbook: λ1= π(E/fy) =3.14159*(21*10 /391) =72.81 1/2



Buckling verification: λf.z <Mmax/(Mc.Rd*2)=0.2796


The result shows a big margin of safety considering buckling for the beams, and the verification of further buckling analysis are not needed.



Deflection As the beams are working in flexure the following verification is respected: σ=Mmax/W<fsd fsd= 391N/mm2 Cross section of the IPE 330: W=713m3 Mc.Rd=251.52KNm=25152Kgm

In order to obtain a even cheaper design for the economic feasibility of the structure, smaller dimensions of steel beams and slabs are possible to implement. While the dimension of the entire building will have similar properties but be limited to a less resilient and avant-garde building for the future. Hence this has not been done in the proposed structure, and the final design aim to be more than structurally sound for standards given in the Eurocodes today.

σ=(25152)/(713)=352.28MPa Hence the criteria of a lower stress than resistance and resistance to bending is provided by the beam. Checking if the deflection is lower than the maximum deflection allowed in Eurocode 3 considering serviceability limit state. Limit:


δ=(5*20*7.64*108)/ (384*2.0*105*3.9253*106) =0.01496=1.496cm (1/200)l=0.0375=3.75cm Given the verification that the maximum deflection is smaller than the identified allowed deflection by more than 100% the structure is safe from deflection. An overall analysis of the beam structure is made according to the vision of having a sustainable design able to resist future environment impacts as well as designing for a longer lifetime. Hence the structure is dimensioned with this in mind and the achieved results of structural systems are of low cost and high performance.


Figure 7.26: HEB column with characteristic parameters

Column Calculations One column used for the research centre with the entire height of the building will be used for the structural column analysis. The column is mainly subjected to axial load and bending moments are significant. The “influence areas” method will be used in order to determine the axial load during the pre-dimensioning of the column. In the underground the columns are to be supported by a reinforced concrete layer giving the total column verification of the complete structure with this in mind. The general steel columns supporting all the floors are design to withstand applied forces and impacts by itself, and in addition the concrete reinforcement is proposed as a secondary safety option if the structure is not verified.

In the following calculations the sources used are a handbook called “Stål Håndbok” (Steel Guidelines) with the base of EN 1993-1.1: Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures - Part 1-1. General rules and rules for buildings and the steel construction guideline IS 800 and the use of Eurocode 2. Design of concrete structures. Part 1-1. General rules and rules for buildings18. And the main verifications consider: 1. Pre-dimensioning for centred axial force 2. Buckling resistance 3. Flange criterion 4. Web criterion 5. Bending resistance 6. Shear resistance 7. Combined bending and axial resistance


Centred Axial Force Influence area of the column: 6.75*((6/2+7/2)*0.88)m2=38.61m2 With consideration of 88% reduction of the floor area due to the angle of the slab. The reduction factor is derived from the square metre floor area in the AutoCad file. Modified influence area with redundancy coefficient 1.4:

A reduction factor can be applied to column calculations considering variable loads according to [EC1-1- Annex]: αA=(5/4)*ψ0+(A0/A)≤1.0 In which: ψ0=0.6 A0=10m2 A=The influence area of the column αA=(5/4)*0.6+(10/54.054)=0.935

1.4*38.61m2=54.054m2 Roof Loads Roof slab: 6.62 kN/m2*54.054m2 =357.84kN Weight of the rib of the beam including the weight values from the producer and the redundancy coefficient 1.2: 1.2*(0.00626m2-((0.0075*0.0115)m2) *6.75m*2*49.1kN/m3 =3.25kN Given the low weight of the Snow loads: 1.20 kN/m2*54.054m2=64.87kN Floor Loads Slab self-weight: 5.54kNm2*54.054m2=299.46kN Variable loads included partition sandwich walls: 4.76kN/m2*54.054m2=257.29kN Variable loads included partition sandwich walls for the underground with parking: 7.26kN/m2*54.054m2=392.43kN Weight of the rib of the beam including the weight values from the producer and the redundancy coefficient 1.2: 1.2*(0.00626m2-((0.0075*0.0115)m2) *6.75m*2*64.68kN/m3 =3.25kN

Hence there is a possibility of a small reduction factor for the variable loads in the structure. Loads on every Storey Roof +roof slab: Permanent loads=357.84+3.25 =361.09kN Variable Loads=64.87 20 Floor: Permanent loads=299.46+3.25 =302.71kN Variable Loads=257.29*0.935 =240.57KN 10 Floor: Permanent loads=299.46+3.25 =302.71kN Variable Loads=257.29*0.935 =240.57KN Ground Floor: Permanent loads=299.46+3.25 =302.71kN Variable Loads=257.29*0.935 =240.57KN Underground Floor, calculated for the later foundations, not considered in the column verifications: Permanent loads=299.46+3.25 =302.71kN Variable Loads=392.43*0.935 =366.92KN


ULS Combination of Actions A single multiplicative factor is referred to as a simplification in the ultimate limit state combination, ɣF*, and the factor is found as the weighted mean of the following coefficients considering permanent and variable loads: ɣG=1.35 and ɣQ=1.5

In order to obtain a sound structure for the columns the calculation of axial loads is modified in order to take into account the self-weight of the column at each floor of the building. The final axial loads on the column are given on the next page while the column self weight is considered:

Multiplication factor: γF=(γG*Gk+ γq*Qk)/(Gk+Qk) For the roofs: γF=(1.35*361.09+1.5*64.87) /(361.09+64.87) =1.39 Pre-Dimensioning of Column Considering the design yield strength according to [EC3 – 3.2.7, Table 2.1N for gS]: fsd=391N/mm2

20 Floor: 0.0218m2*4m*64.68kN/m3=5.64KN 10 Floor: 0.0218m2*4m*64.68kN/m3=5.64KN Ground Floor: 0.0218m2*4m*64.68kN/m3=5.64KN Underground Floor, calculated for the later foundations, not considered in the column verifications: 0.0218m2*4m*64.68kN/m3=5.64KN


In addition the including of axial wind loads are taken in account for the final design. According to the Steel Guidelines book the wind in axial direction can be considered 5% of the horizontal wind force, hence:


The wind loads are respectively:

And considering the functions of: N=Fkj

In which: Fkj=represents the characteristic value of the axial load for each storey N=the nominal value of the axial load to be considered in the pre-dimensioning NEd=design value obtained by multiplying N with γF

Roof: 31.5kN*0.05=1.575KN 20 and 10 floor: 46.9kN*0.05=2.345KN Ground Floor: 31.2kN*0.05=1.575KN

And the values below are obtained by the geometry of the column:

Table 7.21: Pre-dimensioning for centred axial load


Table 7.22: Design axial load with self-weight of columns and wind loads

Considering the geometrical properties of the column with regards to steel type the axial load can be verified:

Table 7.23: Geometrical characteristics of the column included

Properties While considering the geometry in the predimensioning phase the final geometry is verified by the following calculations. The properties of the steel columns are based on EN 1993-1.1: Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures and the Steel Guidelines handbook. Several of the steel properties are possible to calculate from a base starting point as done in the beam verification, but in this part of the design stage the given properties of the steel type S450 and the steel profile HEB450 is considered:

Compression Resistance Bucling lengths of the columns: Lcr.y=4m Lcr.z=4m According to EC3-1-1: table 5.2: cc=max((b-3t),(h-3t)) =(300-3*14),(450-3*14) =408mm (max) cf=(b-tw-2*r)/2=(300-14-2*27)/2 =116mm Slenderness factor:

Wel,y=7814*103mm3 Wpl,y=1198*103mm3 iy=191.4mm iz=73.3mm r=27mm γM0=1.05 fy=391N/mm2 Yield strain εy=(235/fy)1/2=0.775

λf=(cf/tf)*(1/εy) =(116/26)*(1/0.775) =5.76 And according to the EC3-1-1: table 5.2 the value of λf<9 equals the section class 1 which is lower than , and the following can be used: Ac=A0=21800mm2


Buckling - Strong Axis According to EC3-1-1: αy=0.34 if (h/b)<3=0.34 Relative slenderness: λy=(Lcr.y/iy)*(1/93.9*εy) =(4000/191.4)*(1/(93.9*0.775)) =0.287 Parameter: φy=(1/2)*(1+αy*(λy-0.2)+ λy2) =(1/2)*(1+0.34*(0.287-0.2) +0.2872) =0.556 Reduction factor obtained: χy=1/(φy+(φy2-λy2) =1/(0.556+(0.5562-0.2872)1/2) =0.969 Buckling - Week Axis αz=0.49 if (h/b)<1.2=0.49 Relative slenderness: λz=(Icr.z/iz)*(1/93.9*εy) =(4000/73.3)*(1/(93.9*0.775)) =0.589 Parameter: φy=(1/2)*(1+αz*(λz-0.2)+ λz2) =(1/2)*(1+0.49*(0.589-0.2) +0.5892) =0.767 Reduction factor obtained: χy=1/(φy+(φy2-λy2) =1/(0.767+(0.7672-0.5892)1/2) =0.795

Final compression resistance value with buckling verification: Ncl,Rd= χmin *A*(fyγM0) =0.795*218*102*(391/1.05) = 6451.29KN Considering that the maximum load of 2899.82KN is the resulting axial force on the underground and that the maximum force of 2134.65KN is resulting on the columns in the underground it can be concluded that the structure is safe for the axial force. Flange Criterion For the steel type of S450 used and the criteria mentioned in the introduction of the calculation chapter, the following is taken into account. The flange criterion for the column is verified respectfully: b*/tf<9.4ε In which: ε=(250/fy)1/2=(250/391)1/2=0.7996 b*=300/2=150mm b*/tf=150/26=5.769 5.769<9.4*0.7996=7.516 OK Web Criterion The web criterion for the beam is verified: d/tw<84ε

Minimum reduction factor: χmin=0.795 The minimum buckling reduction factor needs to be used in the final verification of buckling capacity of the column.

d/ tw=(450-2*26)/14=28.429 28.429<84*0.7996=67.166 OK According to the criterion of the flange and web justification, the identification of the section as “plastic” can be made for the steel structure and is included in the further verifications.


Heavy loads are distributed through the steel framework of the building, and the final structural verifications are considering several steel column verifications done by hand and by the including of a structural 3D model as an additional tool for the complete verification of the structure. For the area of 54.054m2 the following final distributed loads on each floor is obtained by calculation and corresponds with the model. The results are considered as an estimate for the further analysis and for the verification of the structural model used for the analysis:

Structural Model In order to obtain a safe design of the entire building a structural model is built in the software of Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional. The model was developed during the structural calculation phase and was essential for assuring the choices of influential areas for slabs and pre-dimensioning of beams and columns through the analysis. In addition the following moment and shear forces for the column is defined by the analysis results.

Roof +roof slab: 602.02KN/54.054m2=11.14KN/m2 Total area of slab subjected to loads: 592.2 m2 20 Floor: 1368.39KN/54.054m2=25.32KN/m2 Total area of slab subjected to loads: 558.29 m2

Figure 7.27: Basic model with steel framework

10 Floor: 2134.65KN/54.054m2=39.49KN/m2 Total area of slab subjected to loads: 558.29 m2 Ground Floor: 2899.82KN/54.054m2=53.65KN/m2 Total area of slab subjected to loads: 558.29 m2 Underground Floor: Permanent loads=302.71*1.35 =408.66KN Variable Loads=366.92*1.5 =550.38KN And the final sum of the loads to the foundation slab: (2899.82KN+408.66KN+550.38KN) /57.87m2= 4087.31KN/57.87m2 =70.63KN/m2 Total area of slab subjected to loads: 592.2 m2

Figure 7.28: Total axial forces with live and dead loads

Figure 7.29: Wind forces


Figure 7.30: Model output of axial stress, bending moments and displacement of columns underground


Model Verification By including the model of the structure with final load combinations for all the floors, a overview of the structure proposal is included for the further column verifications. In addition the model is verifying the previously calculated load and axial forces done by hand, and the final results differ by a few percent from the calculations.

Shear Resistance From the structural model the maximum shear force obtained for the columns in the underground floor is: VEd=53.29KN Shear resistance criterion of the crosssection of the column according to EC3:

Axial loads calculated by Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional: Maximum axial force: 82.49KPa=82490Pa=82490N/m2 =82.49KN/m2 And given that the maximum axial force for the foundation slab calculated is 16% lower, 70.63KN/m2, the final estimate of the model will be considered as the actual axial force. The difference in values are most likely due to the more correct including of wind forces and the including of an ultimate limit state vector representing accidental forces and residual deformations. Hence the achieved result is a more safe design value. Bending Resistance For the column verification the maximum moment and shear forces obtained from the model are used for verifying bending resistance of the structure:

VEd/Vc,Rd<1.0 The shear resistance in plastic condition is: Vpl,Rd=Av*(fy/(31/2))/γM0 In which: Av for hot rolled steel of I and H dimension is equal to: Av=A-2*b*tf+(tw+2r)*tf =21800-2*360*26+(14+2*27)*26 =4848mm2 Vpl,Rd=0.004848*(391/(31/2))/1.05 =1042.29KN Having that the maximum shear force on the columns in the underground level is 53.29KN, the shear resistance is verified. Bending and Axial Resistance The final criteria verified for the structure is the combined bending and axial resistance of the columns:

MEd=432.9KNm Bending resistance of the cross-section of the column According to EC3-1-1: Mpl,Rd=(Wpl*fy)/γM0 =(1198*103*10-3*391)/1.05 =2644.3KNm

MEd≤MN,Rd In which: MN,Rd= Mpl,Rd*(1-(NEd/Nc,Rd)) =2644.3*(1-(2134.65/6451.9)) =1769.33KNm Where Nc,Rd is the previously calculated value of 6451.29KN, and the final result of the bending and axial force is sufficient.


Structural Model As the model is verifying all the previously calculated load and axial forces done by manual calculation, the final results of the model are obtained with: moments, shear forces, axial forces, deflection, buckling and many more represented in a graphical manner. Comparison with some of the output has been made during the calculation process, and the final product appears to be bearing for all the loads subjected to the structure. But it is important to highlight that some of the elements are not adequate in the robot model and are calculated in a more accurate procedure by hand. For example the slab calculations by the model a similar slab of the one proposed is included, but lacking some of the strengths of the proposed element.

Development of models are important in the design phases of any product. The virtual model give immediate results in form and function, and adjustments are faster to be made. In the process of the project, modelling of the urban environment as well as the local environment and main buildings are essential for understanding the site. The final proposal of structure has been considered in many phases of the urban design and architectural design in order to end up with a safe and sustainable final proposal. It is important to note that the proposed virtual model is developed during several phases, and the process of obtaining a model to rely on is a ongoing process and the final output is not made before both architecture, structure and details have been considered.

Table 7.24: Load cases and combination of loads fro ULS analysis in the model

Table 7.25: Table of load combinations

Table 7.26: Global extremes output of main reactions and moments


Figure 7.31: Deflection analysis of the slabs and highlight of essential zones


Figure 7.32: Raft or mat slab section with main bearing characteristics

Foundation Calculation

Mat/Raft Foundation Considering the soil of the ground in Erba being soft with a high amount of water, the choice of a solid foundation for the building is essential. The properties used in the analysis of the foundation in the program of Autodesk Robot Structure Professional are based on parameters given in the area of Erba and analysis of the site. If a single square footing need to be designed under the maximum axial load that occur in the columns calculated, the foundation will be used for a sandy and weakly developed soil, as seen in the table on the right. The choice of soil is according to the soil region database of Italy. For the evaluation of foundation type the following is considered17: The total maximum service Axial load: = 2899.82KN

Table 7.27: Properties considered in raft design

Allowable bearing stress: qe=100kN/m2 And the size of the foundations considering a area of a single square footing: =(1.1*2899.82)/100=31.89m2 B*B=(31.89)1/2=5.65m (* 5.65m) The area of 5.65m*5.65m is considered to be very big to be excavated under one column. Hence the raft foundation is more efficient and more economical for the particular structure due to soil and size.



Table 7.28: Applied parameters in the model

Method The simplest approach to structural design of mats is the “rigid method” also known conventional method of static equilibrium. The method assume that the mat is much more rigid than underlying soils in which means that distortion in the mat are too small to significantly impact the distribution of bearing pressure. The bearing pressure is depending solely on the applied loads , and if eccentric or moment loads are present the uniformly distributed weight of the mat varies linearly across the area. The calculation and verification in the following shows the structural design of the raft foundation. The raft is modelled in Autodesk Robot Structure Professional and all the analysis and design solutions are based on the Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design - Part 1: General rules, and in addition several handbooks for concrete structures17.

Parameters In order to obtain a safe structure the use of a loose sand soil is included in the soil specifics and the final design intend to be adequate for the long life time sustainability of the building. A raft thickness of 800mm is assumed for the underground as a pre-dimensioning size in the model, and This foundation will be done for the 4-story building and the raft foundation is a type of combined footing that may cover the entire area under the structure supporting several columns in one rigid body. In this project, the soil profile shows that the bearing stress is approximately 100kN/m2 which is characteristic for the use of raft foundations. The raft will be designed as flat plates in which has a uniform thickness and does not need beams and pedestals.

Raft foundation can be designed using several methods and in the particular project the method used in the design is called “the conventional rigid method” with attention to the most important verification checks. In order to obtain the final values several assumptions and facts are taken from the urban analysis due to difficulty in finding precise soil properties of the area. Hence the final verifications will be done in Robot Structure with use of characteristic porous soil settings which are related to the site.


Figure 7.33: Deflection and reactions of the mat foundation

Model Output Given that the design of reinforcement is based on one meter unit of the strip. The distance to the rebar centre of the slab is assumed equal to 75 mm, hence the effective raft depth of the x and y strips equals: dx=800mm-75mm=725mm dy=800mm-(75+25)mm=700mm

X strip, bottom reinforcement: Finding the reinforcement size for the bottom reinforcement with consideration of positive moment according to Mu,x+: ρ=((0.85*fc’)/fyd)*(1-(1-2Ru/ (0.85*fc’)) 1/2) In which: Ru=(Mu*106)/(0.9*b*d2) =(1371.8*106)/(0.9*1000*7252) =3.11

And the maximum and minimum moment obtained from the model in the X strip is: Mu,x+=1371.8KNm/m Mu,x-=1146.9KNm/m And in the Y strip: Mu,y+=1088.2KNm/m Mu,y-=1221.6KNm/m

ρ=((0.85*30.7)/391) *(1-(1-(2*3.11)/(0.85*30.7))1/2) =0.00849<ρmax=0.0244 As= ρ*b*d=0.00849*1000*725 =6155.25mm2 Hence choosing the reinforcement type of: 13∅25/m As=6381mm2/m


Checking for the maximum moment the reinforcement can take, Mc:

Checking for the maximum moment the reinforcement can take, Mc:

Mc=∅*As*fyd*(d-a/2) In which: a=(As*fyd)/(0.85*fc*b) =(6381*391)/(0.85*30.7*1000) =95.61mm

Mc=∅*As*fyd*(d-a/2) In which: a=(As*fyd)/(0.85*fc*b) =(4557*391)/(0.85*30.7*1000) =68.28mm

c=a/B1=95.61/0.85=112.48mm Intermediate tension verification:

c=a/B1=68.28/0.85=80.33mm Intermediate tension verification:

∈t=((d-c)/c)*0.003 > 0.005 =((725-112.48)/112.48)*0.003 =0.0163 > 0.005 ok And the final moment verification:

∈t=((d-c)/c)*0.003 > 0.005 =((725-68.28)/68.28)*0.003 =0.0289 > 0.005 ok And the final moment verification:

Mc=0.9*6155.25*391*(725-95.61/2) =1466.82KNm >1421.8KNm The result is just within limit and the design is safe. If a higher safety factor is needed it is possible to increase the size of the rebars but will not be considered in the proposal.

Mc=0.9*6155.25*391*(725-68.28/2) =1496.43KNm >1146.9KNm And the final reinforcement proposal for the x direction of the slabs are compared with the robot analysis and integration of reinforcement in the following.

X strip, top reinforcement: Finding the reinforcement size for the bottom reinforcement with consideration of negative moment according to Mu,x-: Ru=(Mu*106)/(0.9*b*d2) =(1146.9*106)/(0.9*1000*7252) =2.42 ρ=((0.85*30.7)/391) *(1-(1-(2*2.42)/(0.85*30.7))1/2) =0.00651<ρmax=0.0244 As= ρ*b*d=0.00651*1000*700 =4557mm2 Hence choosing the reinforcement type of: 10∅25/m As=4909mm2/m


Y strip, bottom reinforcement: Finding the reinforcement size for the bottom reinforcement with consideration of positive moment according to Mu,y+:

Y strip, top reinforcement: Finding the reinforcement size for the bottom reinforcement with consideration of positive moment according to Mu,y-:

ρ=((0.85*fc’)/fyd)*(1-(1-2Ru/ (0.85*fc’)) 1/2)

ρ=((0.85*fc’)/fyd)*(1-(1-2Ru/ (0.85*fc’)) 1/2)

In which: Ru=(Mu*106)/(0.9*b*d2) =(1088.2*106)/(0.9*1000*7002) =2.46

In which: Ru=(Mu*106)/(0.9*b*d2) =(1221.6*106)/(0.9*1000*7002) =2.77

ρ=((0.85*30.7)/391) *(1-(1-(2*2.46)/(0.85*30.7))1/2) =0.00703<ρmax=0.0244

ρ=((0.85*30.7)/391) *(1-(1-(2*2.77)/(0.85*30.7))1/2) =0.00817<ρmax=0.0244

As= ρ*b*d=0.00703*1000*700 =4921mm2

As= ρ*b*d=0.00917*1000*700 =5719mm2

Hence choosing the similar reinforcement type of the x-strip top reinforcement for simplifying the construction: 10∅25/m As=4909mm2/m

Hence choosing the similar reinforcement type of the x-strip bottom reinforcement for simplifying the construction: 13∅25/m As=6381mm2/m

Checking for the maximum moment the reinforcement can take, Mc:

Checking for the maximum moment the reinforcement can take, Mc:

Mc=∅*As*fyd*(d-a/2) In which: a=(As*fyd)/(0.85*fc*b) =(4557*391)/(0.85*30.7*1000) =68.28mm

Mc=∅*As*fyd*(d-a/2) In which: a=(As*fyd)/(0.85*fc*b) =(6381*391)/(0.85*30.7*1000) =95.61mm

c=a/B1=68.28/0.85=80.33mm Intermediate tension verification:

c=a/B1=95.61/0.85=112.47mm Intermediate tension verification:

∈t=((d-c)/c)*0.003 > 0.005 =((700-68.28)/68.28)*0.003 =0.0278 > 0.005 ok And the final moment verification:

∈t=((d-c)/c)*0.003 > 0.005 =((700-95.61)/95.61)*0.003 =0.018 > 0.005 ok And the final moment verification:

Mc=0.9*6155.25*391*(700-68.28/2) =1442.27KNm >1088.2KNm

Mc=0.9*6155.25*391*(700-112.47/2) =1394.42KNm >1221.6KNm


Table 7.29: Comparison between manual and computer design

Evaluation A comparison between the results of structural reinforcement of the software and the manual calculations show that both manual and computer calculations have certain different output. A important example is the reinforcement arrangement done by the software compared to the calculations by hand. The software solely consider the lowest amount of rebar reinforcement necessary for the structure to hold, but does not consider the material property in which can be of many forms. Hence the final decision of reinforcement is done mostly by the calculations by hand and can provide a more cheaper and easy construction process. The decision of using 14 times diameter 25mm for the rebars of the x strip bottom reinforcement is proposed in order to achieve a more safe final design. And the proposal was obtained from the structural model considering steel type S450. Considering the rest of the raft foundation, 25mm rebars used and the a specific detail of the footing edge of the foundation is included in the technical drawings in the next chapter.

Result Considering the final design of the model with integration of reinforcement for the foundation and the resulting forces applied, the conclusion is that the model and the manual design are partly offset despite of continuous optimization done. Several of the values included for the foundation calculations are obtained by the model, but the complete verification requires further manual calculations as well as site visits with geothecnical sampling. The final structural proposal of foundation would require correct values and the amount of geothecnical considerations in the specific area of many due to the high amount of water in the soil. Nevertheless it is also important to note that the verifications included are done with strict consideration to structural safety and safety factors as well as general safety estimates taken from structural guidelines have been considered throughout the calculation process. And the final decision of mat foundations are highly applicable for the given structure.


Figure 7.34: Visualization of wind analysis loads applied in the model

Wind Analysis A highlight of the wind simulation of the final structure is done in order to understand the impact of the wind on the site. As mentioned in the urban analysis a low amount of wind is entering the site, but occasionally in the year the wind can reach up to more than 20 m/s and the including of the precise wind velocity on the structure is essential for the bearing capacity. Looking at the model above and on the next page it can be seen that the maximum pressure obtained are respectfully 0.26 KPa which equals 260N/m2. The pressure can be considerably high in these cases and it was previously estimated that the structure would need a strong support for horizontal forces. Hence a support is included in the calculations and structural model proposed.

In synergy with the structure, the wind wall on the south-west direction of the building provide enough support for holding horizontal forces. And the maximum wind forces are not causing large enough deflections or buckling to be of significant threat for the building. These assumptions have been made according to autodesk robot structure, and are not considered verified through further calculations. The wind wall is made of load bearing sandwich elements and are connected with the structure through bolts. The results from the analysis made in Robot Structure show that a rigid wall perform better stability than insertion of diagonal bracing elements and the framework render a more stable equilibrium of the building.


Figure 7.35: Wind contribution from the North direction for analysing loads and deflections on the structure. Used for previous load analysis and verifications of the total structure

Figure 7.36: Wind contribution from the West direction for analysing loads and deflections on the structure. Used for previous load analysis and verifications of the total structure



VIII Technology and Details


Energy and Technology


Figure 8.1: Examples of energy and technology implementations included in the buildings. Considering PV panels, water features and vertical geothermal heating plant

Overview In the following chapter some of the main highlights of technology and details of the final building is explained. A project of high innovation and energy efficient solutions is proposed with integration of several smart systems inside the built volume. In addition details of the structure and how the complete building design aim to achieve structural performance is specified. Considering the scale of the entire project proposal, the report explain main highlights of the strategies proposed coming from urban to local scale, and focus on main design aspects of the building design. Eco Building A goal of achieving a ecological building with green integration and smart energy solutions is essential for the project. The general proposal is a building in which speak with the users and keep some of the technological design visual and open.

And by integrating interactive displays in which users can touch and see the goal is to obtain a unique building in which promote energy awareness and ecofriendliness. A smart network, considering all the three buildings, will be integrated with technical control systems, HVAC systems, solar panels, geothermal heat pumps and monitoring systems in which are all interconnected. Hence the total energy overview of the building is highly complex and need a simplified monitoring system in which give the complete overview of the buildings energy use and optimization possibilities at all times. In the following energy sections strategies are proposed in order to achieve a energy efficient building, and the main strategies for the local building design is explained in more detail.


Energy Implementation Considering the ecological network of the main buildings several implementations, including architecture, structure, details and technology development are a part of the larger district perspective. And in the following the global view is maintained while key strategies with a focus on the main buildings and the Research centre is proposed. The idea is that several solutions proposed will be possible to integrate in other buildings in the Eco Centre over time. It is important to note that the central heat pump station and the energy network of the complete district is considered working together, and there is a low necessity of complete energy equilibrium of the main buildings due to the district smart grid as mentioned in the energy development.

Several energy implementations and built highlights are included in the long section below, giving a overview of the locations of several proposed design solutions. And the most influential energy implementations consist of a central heat pump system in the underground level, ceiling integrated ventilation and energy networks, PV panels on the roofs and open green courtyards. A highlight to be notified of the design is the two inner courtyards providing natural ventilation inside the buildings and daylight by the use of transparent PV panels. The courtyards are working as a greenhouse and can contribute to natural heating or cooling of the building by opening windows and doors as well as opening windows on the roof for natural ventilation.

Figure 8.2: Long section of the building volumes emphasizing energy implementations of the buildings


Energy and Architecture In addition to energy strategies a focus is drawn to the impact on the architecture of the building. The central courtyards contain greenery and small water features in which provide a small oasis in the heart of the buildings. Hence the natural ventilation rate is high and the courtyards contribute to energy and architecture benefits. The choice of integrated PV panels which are highly visible is made in order to draw attention to the design solution and create energy awareness for the people visiting the site. Hence the complete building gives a strong appearance of being ecological and sustainable while maintaining a inviting architectural language for visitors.

The final design solution developed is in favour of the architectural vision of creating a contrast between man-made and natural green environments. Artificial features are visible in the entire building and blend with the green landscape. Smart meters and interactive displays are included and the overall goal is a smart energy building for in which can sustain environmental impacts and be a protagonist of new innovative constructions happening in Erba and Italy.


Energy Section In the section of the research centre the proposal of energy strategies for the main building is explained in a graphical manner.

Figure 8.3: Energy section of the main research centre building





Figure 8.4: System of open platform for interaction and learning between the smart grid and visitors

Smart Network In the urban development of the project the idea of smart meters were discussed in synergy with the overall energy district. By including electronic devices that records consumption of electric energy and gives feedback to the users the entire system of the building as well as the district can be included. Smart meters enable two-way communication between the meter and the central system, and it is more easy to establish a strong energy performance of the building with the integrated control of energy strategies. The main connections of the smart meters are proposed to condensely monitor several aspects of the building, including the amount of stack ventilation, HVAC energy use, water born thermal energy used, geothermal heat pump contribution, PV panel contribution and many more. Giving the users of the building a more easy job in managing and making adjustments, as well as displaying the complete performance on displays for visitors.

Integrated Network The general idea of the technology used in the building is connected to the electric grid of the site. As mentioned in the urban analysis the ZityZen project in Amsterdam is used as a guideline for achieving a well integrated system in which allows users to interact on their phones, computers and tablets while visiting the area. Considering the research centre being a central node of the complete design, all the following use of innovative implementations and energy strategies are proposed to be included in a virtual open platform that people can use on their tablets while connected to a open internet source inside the district. In the following the main elements of the energy network and building technologies are proposed, all connected to the open platform and allowing people interested to be a part of the building technology.



Figure 8.5: Overall energy strategies of the buildings integrated in the urban EcoCentre district

Energy Strategy Considering the local and district scale of the proposal, a energy network connected to the urban EcoCentre is highlighted. The network is proposed to be consisting of energy resources coming from PV panels and underground heat pumps. The heat pump for the local building is used in order to support cooling and heating demands of the building, while the larger plant of district heat pumps is mostly producing water for the district scale of the site. Strategies of energy implementations are considered to be implemented in several of the buildings in the district. The goal of the main buildings are to work as a strong protagonist of the site and increase interest in future development of a larger energy efficient district in Erba. It is important to note that several strategies are coming from other projects built in Europe and the complete network is a result of analysing and research on similar projects.

System The system of the plan is highlighted in the diagram above representing water as the central element. Water has a high potential for thermal storage and based on the urban analysis it is a strong resource in the context of Erba. Hence a system with a integrated water and geothermal resource network is proposed in which has a relation to the specific site resources. In the diagram above it can be seen that the local heat pump and the local water storage tank is powered by electricity from PV panels, and the including of an efficient PV panel systems is crucial. In addition it is shown that extensive gains from the network in terms of electricity is proposed to be used for charging vehicles and storage into large batteries placed inside the activity centre building. In the following several of the main implementations will be described in more detail.


Figure 8.6: Panasonic solar panels on the roofs of several buildings in the EcoDistrict

Solar Panels A proposal of high efficiency solar panels for the roofs of the main buildings as well as residential buildings in the master-plan is emphasized. The specific product is named Panasonic Solar Modules and is produced in New York but are highly commercialized and shipped to several countries. The main area of commercial activities for the company is situated in Europe and the modules are widely spread in Italy as well. Panasonic is a module in which have a electricity conversion percentage of 22% to 27% and maximum power output of 330 watt, in which has been used in the energy modelling of the building design and satisfy the need of the buildings. In addition a high ductility and strength for impacts are notified in the product, and the composed layers of the module indicate a compact and strong design as seen in the layer composition on the left. In order to produce energy for the smart grid in the master-plan, the solar panels play an essential part and high efficiency values are needed. And the including of PV panels in directions rotated to the south and south-west is deliberately proposed in order to achieve high efficiency levels through the day which will be explained in more detail in the following.

Figure 8.7: Layer composition of the high efficiency performance Panasonic solar panels



Building Integrated PV A choice of integrated photovoltaic panels for the particular open roof inside the courtyards are here proposed in order to achieve a higher level of energy efficiency and in order to include visible technology for the users and visitors. The system is designed to let natural sunlight reach the inside of the building while giving a high energy efficiency. A product of double glazed PV panels with the structural support of aluminium and steel frameworks are introduced and will be modified in order to fit the particular purpose of the movable roof. It is important to note that the completely transparent PV panels available today have a lower energy efficiency and cost more money, hence the particular system seen on the left giving 40 % natural daylight through the roof has been chosen. The product proposed has a energy output of maximum 120 watt and is produced by a company named Xiamen Solar First Energy Technology in China. This product has a relatively low cost and high efficiency values given the design. Figure 8.8: Building integrated PV panels with opaque glass openings for natural daylight produced by Xiamen Solar First

Figure 8.9: Layer composition of lightweight and transparent solar panels

Angle and Direction Placing and monitoring the performance of the district grid is essential for obtaining a maximum efficiency level. The angles between 30-45% is optimum for the sun exposure and will be maintained as much as possible for the Panasonic PV panels and for the BIPV transparent glass panels. In addition it is important to note that the district is working as a whole with a connected energy grid. Hence the ability to maintain a high energy efficiency from the PV panels is depending on the entire system. The proposed idea is to orient the PV panels in different directions between south and west directions in order to achieve a high efficiency rate through the year. Based on several analysis of the sun direction on the site it concluded that a diversity of directions can improve the annual energy gain.



Smart Glass Facade A characteristic feature of the building is the facades being composed by a load bearing curtain wall mullion system and glass facades on most of the walls. Finding the component and making adjustments and modifications is a labourers process, and the final proposal contain a fabricated component working together with a unique steel curtain wall framework able to support the glass as well as additional horizontal loads coming from the second skin, which will be better explained on the next page. External Glass With an abundance of window styles, types and materials to choose from, achieving the best performance from the glazing is important. Several glass components have been analysed and the final proposal achieve a low U-value as well as being constructed by lightweight glass and frameworks possible to modify. And the final glass facade is proposed to be taken from the producer Pilkington located in the UK and performing commercial shipment around Europe. The chosen glass facades are proposed to be composed of a 3 layer glass with injection of Argon filling and the airspace width being 16mm. Each glass layer is considered 12mm and perform good sound insulation according to needs of the building and Eurocode standards. Considering the cost of products with tree layers glass available on the market today, the achieved energy savings are likely to be achieve over time, and despite of being more energy friendly the glass facades consume a big part of the budget. Hence the decision of glass facades and layers to be used is an essential part of the building development and has been done carefully according to the need of a energy efficient building.

Figure 8.10: Pilkington three layered glass

Self-Cleaning The particular glass product support self cleaning and reduces the need for cleaning exterior glazing through a unique dualaction coating. It uses daylight and rain to break down and wash away organic dirt, and if needed the glass can be cleaned by hydraulic water if certain stains appear. A innovative end technological envelope of the building is achieved with the specific glass chosen, and the aim is to obtain a facade with energy benefits in which can be visual and promote interest for visitors on the site. It is important to mention that the product is not cheap, but has been considered as one of the more specific implementations done in the project in order to obtain the final structure. Internal Walls A few of the internal walls are composed of glass and mullion systems also produced by the Pilkington company, these systems are characterized by being of low cost, low weight and giving good sound insulation for the internal rooms.



Facade Design Emphasizing energy, technology and ecofriendly design is the key strategies of the building proposal, and several innovative and new solutions have been included as options for the building development. One of the design solutions proposed is a curtain wall system combined with steel reinforcement and a composite second skin connected to the curtain walls. Figure 8.11: Facade example of the WPC elements

Figure 8.12: Close up on the WPC elements

Wood Plastic Composite Wood plastic composite elements of size 100x35mm is used for shading purposes and for supporting Ivy growing on the external facades. With the exceptional low thermal conductivity, WPC sun shading products can effectively reduce the solar radiation and refraction of the facades and the product selected is called LESCO Sun Shading as given in the link below. The development of the facades can be seen in figure 7.13 with integrated vertical and horizontal supports as a framework.

Characteristics of the panels: - Realistic wood appearance - Consist of composite processed wood and polymers - Made from 70% recycled hardwood - Low maintenance - Water resistant - Fire retardant

Figure 8.14: Profile dimension of the WPC element Figure 8.13: WPC and framework development Source:


Figure 8.15: Layer composition of the facade design of the buildings

A general and simplified perspective of the final facades from a architectural point of view is represented above and the complete understanding of the facades is highlighted in detail in the next pages. It is important to note that the final facade design is connected to columns and slabs and can be seen in the details. Ivy For connecting green walls with Ivy to the second skin and providing good conditions for vertical growth a system of strings between the WPC elements are suggested. English Ivy has the benefit of not needing large roots and can be planted to the ground while growing vertically on the facades. In addition the wall provides an amount of insulation and sun shading in the areas where it grows.

Connections Loads of the system are proposed to be distributed by horizontal and vertical bolts and welded connections to the unique curtain walls as well as to the columns of the structure and concrete walls. And by including several strong connections to the framework, the vertically growing ivy is supported and can grow naturally without extensive use of maintenance. Given the final output of the wall system, a ecological and open appearance of the building is achieved with transparent glass on continuous walls from the bottom to the top of the building. Greenery can be seen from the inside and outside of the building in several directions, and the amount of maintenance due to the self cleaning glass is minimal.


Figure 8.16: PV roof structure giving natural daylight and ventilation inside the courtyards of the building

PV Roof structure A waterproof and adjustable roof able to open and close according to the needs and climate is proposed for the project. A unique component is developed as the solution with integrated aluminium rails and aluminium framework holding the solar panels and making it possible for air ventilation on the sides with the help of mechanical force. The system is developed on a design stage with consideration of horizontal and vertical forces. The maximum span between HEB beams is set to 3 meters giving the possibility of integrating two 1.5m wide solar panels on each width. And the angle proposed is given 33 % due to exposure of wind.

The system is suggested to be supported by HEB beams in longitudinal direction and T beams in the short span direction. And the weight consideration of the system is considered as a linearly distributed load in the modelling of the structure analysis. Giving the solution of supporting the PV panel two by two, the structural loads are distributed on shorter spans. Detailed information of the proposed PV panels are given in the details on the next pages. A overall goal towards energy benefits and architectural features is maintained in the design, and the proposed system serve as a innovative solution with an idea coming from architectural perspectives.


Figure 8.17: Composition explanation of the raised access floor system

Heating integrated Floor System A U-shaped bracket is mounted on to the pedestals containing the heating and cooling system. The 35mm x 100mm insulation panels are made of high density insulation and foiled to optimise the energy transfer. And the overall system can take flow temperatures up to 60°C producing outputs between 50-60 w/m2.

A system for integrating water heating underneath the floors of the buildings is a key element in the energy proposal. The system chosen for the project is a highly flexible and innovative system coming from the British company WMS Underfloor Heating. The system called AmbiAF is uniquely designed in order to incorporate underfloor heating into raised access floor constructions. It provides a primary heating or cooling source whilst maintaining full access to services within the floor void as seen on the figure above. Characteristics of the floor: - Provides primary source of heating and/ or cooling - Low profile modules allow easy access to floor void underneath - Modules can be easily dismounted and repositioned when office layout changes





Overview The final step of the design is the details and explanation of the technology used in the project. The chosen details explained are the most essential details of the project in which show how the architecture, energy strategies and structure of the building is working in synergy. Given that the 4 storey office building contains all the essential elements of the design, all the details will be focused on the particular building. Core elements of the details: - Three layer glass facade - Raft/mat foundations - Heating integrated floor - Shading system and Ivy - Roof PV panels - Green courtyards

Figure 8.18: Architectural section cut of the main office building with hight of floors and levels


Figure 8.19: Vertical section of the glazing walls indicating details represented

284 284

Figure 8.20: Vertical section of the open green walls indicating details represented

285 285

Figure 8.21: Blow up 1. Roof and glazing wall


Figure 8.22: Blow up 2. Glazing wall and intermediate slab

287 287

Figure 8.23: Blow up 3. Glazing wall and ground floor

288 288

Figure 8.24: Blow up 4. Glazing wall and foundation

289 289

Figure 8.25: Blow up 5. Green wall and roof connection

290 290

Figure 8.26: Blow up 6. Green wall and intermediate slab connection

291 291

292 292

Figure 8.27: Blow up 7. Green wall and ground connection

Figure 8.28: Render of building section

293 293

Emphasized Details Detail 8, 9 and 10 are highlighted in the figure below giving the final overview. A aim of integrating innovative ideas with the use of industrially manufactured components are of essence in the design. And in detail 9 and 10 on the next pages the most original ideas of the project is represented giving a solution for the integrated photovoltaic roofs and the green courtyards with water features.

294 294

Figure 8.29: Section with highlited detail 8,9,10

Figure 8.30: Blow up 8. Concrete wall to shading system

295 295

Figure 8.31: Blow up 9. PV panels

296 296

297 297

298 298

Figure 8.32: Blow up 10. Green courtyards

299 299


IX Visualization



Figure 9.1: Exterior and facade view of the research centre


Figure 9.2: Urban perspective view of the EcoCentre



Figure 9.3: Pedestrian bridge between building 1 and 2

Figure 9.4: External view of the cafe area in building 2


Figure 9.5: Green facade with wood shading


Figure 9.6: Typical office module inside the research centre



Figure 9.7: Green courtyard inside office building 1



Bibliography 1. Casavola, P, A strategy for inner areas in Italy: Definition, Objectives, Tools and Governance Wetlands, (2014), Materiali Uval Series 2. UN Documents, Gathering a body of global agreements, (2008), Chapter 4: Population and Human Resources 3. Comune di Erba, Dinale, S, Hugues, P, R, Semenzato, A, Robazza, E, Documento di Piano Indicazioni per la pianificazione attuativa, (2013) 4. Allen P, M, Sanglier M, Urban evolution, self-organization and decision making, (1981), Environmental Planning A 13: 169–183 5. Palazzo, D, Steiner, F, Urban Ecological Design: A Process for Regenerative Places, Island Express (2011) 6. Rogers, R, Urban Task Force, Toward an Urban Renaissance, (1999), Editor: E & FN ESPON, London, year addition 1999 7. Colucci, A, Porta Garibaldi, Rethinking the urban dimension, (2013), Maggioli 8. Tadi, M, Vahabzadeh S, ” Integrated Modification Methodology (I.M.M): A phasing process for sustainable Urban Design“. (2013) World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology; 77: 1215-1221 9. Lynch, K, The Image of the City, (1960), Massachussets Institute of Technology and the President and Fellows of Harvard College 10. Yang, Z, Eco-Cities: A Planning Guide, (2012), Applied Ecology and Environmental Management 11. ARUP, Sauerbruch Hutton, Experientia, Z_Life, City as a Living Factory of Ecology (2009), urban development project, Jätkäsaari area of Helsinki 12. Illstone, J, M, Domone, P, L, J, Construction Materials, Their nature and behaviour, (2001), Spon Press 13. Brownlee, J, Complex Adaptive Systems, (2007), CIS Technical Report 070302A 14. Csobod, E, Grätz, M, Szuppinger, P, Overview on Analysis of Public Awareness raising strategies and actions on Energy Savings Report (2015) 15. Charleson, A, Structure as Architecture: A Source Book for Architects and Structural Engineers, (2014), Architectural Press 16. RSMeans Engineering Staff, Plotner, S, C, Building Construction Cost Data, (2016) 17. Sorensen, S, I, Concrete constructions after Eurocode 2 and Eurocode 4: Design Guidelines, (2010), Tapir Academic Publishing 18. Aasen, B, Constructions of steel after Eurocode 3, (2010), Norwegian Steel Academy


Additional References Books: Allen, E, Rand, P, Architectural Detailing, (2007), John Wiley and Sons Carmona, M, Taner , O, C, Tiesdell, S, and Heath, T, Public Places Urban Spaces, (2010), Taylor & Francis Ltd Cutler, L, The urban design process, CBI publishing company Davies, L, Urban design compendium, (2000), English Partnerships Donald, A, Lynch, K, The view from the road, (1965) MIT Press Gehl, J, Gemzoe, L, New city cpaces, (2000), Copenhagen: The Danish architectural press Gössel, P, Leuthäuser, G, Architecture in the 20th century, (2005), Taschen Jodidio, P, H, Architecture now 7, (2010), Taschen Katz, P, The new urbanism: towards and architecture of community, (1994), McGraw-Hill Lansing, J, Marans, R, and Zehner, R, Planned Residential Environments, (1970), University of Michigan Rudling, D, Falk, N, Building the 21st Century home: The sustainable urban neighbourhood, (1999), Architectural press Tibbalds, F, Making people-friendly towns, (1992), Longman Articles: Anderson, E, Barthel, S, T, Borgström, S, Reconnecting Cities to the Biosphere: Stewardship of Green Infrastructure and urban ecosystem services, 2014, Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien Beatley, T, Planning for sustainability in European cities: a review of practices in leading cities, 2003 Gehl, J, Outdoor space and outdoor activities, 1980 Steiner, F, Landscape and urban planning, (2014), The university of Texas at Austin


Sitography Chapter I and II Comune di Erba: Alta Brianza: TuttItalia: Wikipedia: Meteoblue: Valutazione Integrata dell’Impatto dell’Inquinamento atmosferico sull’Ambiente: Arpa Lombardia: Parks Italia: Region of Lombardia: Biodiversity of Lombaridia: ERSAF Lombardia: Google Maps: The Nolli Map Website: Earth Point: IMM DesignLab: Chapter III Friends of the Urban Forest: Vanke Research Centre: Bullitt Center: C_Life: Zhengzhou Vanke Central Plaza: Chapter IV Recommended Urban Trees, Site Assessment and Tree Selection for Stress Tolerance: Trient, Driven by Systainability, Shading:


Chapter V Energy Data: Smart Grids European Technology Platform: AmSmartErdam, Zity Zen: Como NEXT: Chapter IIV Soil Regions of Italy: Chapter IIIV AmSmartErdam, Zity Zen: Panasonic Solar Panels: panasonic-quickly-beats-solarcitys-solar-module-efficiency-record/ Xiamen Solar First Panels: Pilkington 3 Layer Glass: LESCO Wood Plastic Composite: AmbiAF raised access floor system:


List of Figures Chapter I Figure 1: Panorama view of Erba.....................................................................................................................5 Figure 1.1: World map....................................................................................................................................11 Figure 1.2: Context transition, urban to intermediate scale............................................................................12 Figure 1.3: Map of Erba in the context of Italy and regions of the city...........................................................13 Figure 1.4: Panorama image of the centre of Erba, Incino in 1923................................................................15 Figure 1.6: Disuse of typical industrial building in Lombardia Italy................................................................15 Figure 1.7: Large scale context of Erba with the project site.........................................................................17 Figure 1.8: Overlay of PGT maps...................................................................................................................18 Figure 1.9: PGT map highlighting central transformation areas in Erba........................................................19 Figure 1.10: Google earth images of the central city area.............................................................................20 Figure 1.11: Method and design process of the project represented in a linear diagram............................22 Chapter II Figure 2.1: Site and population comparison between Erba and Milan..........................................................27 Figure 2.2: Urban Knowledge Survey analysis indicators..............................................................................28 Figure 2.3: Vertical and horizontal layers of the city according to the IMM -CAS model.................................29 Figure 2.4: Picturesque Erba, Stella e figli 1836.............................................................................................30 Figure 2.5: Square of the old Erba-Incino station, 1882.................................................................................31 Figure 2.6: Erba-Incino church tower, 1923....................................................................................................31 Figure 2.7: Site maps of Erba; 1888...............................................................................................................32 Figure 2.8: Site maps of Erba; 1931,1981......................................................................................................33 Figure 2.9: Erba-Incino central station and cafe 1880...................................................................................34 Figure 2.10: Open national trade day in Erba 1958.......................................................................................35 Figure 2.11: Typical industrial building in Erba 1961......................................................................................35 Figure 2.12: Monument to the fallen of World War I.......................................................................................35 Figure 2.13: Image of Erba and the context taken by airplane in 1954.........................................................36 Figure 2.14: Image of Erba and the context taken by airplane in 1995.........................................................37 Figure 2.15: Population growth development and comparison.....................................................................39 Figure 2.16: Inhabitants, age and gender distribution....................................................................................40 Figure 2.17: Age group trend diagram...........................................................................................................40 Figure 2.18: Number of family member distribution.......................................................................................40 Figure 2.19: Annual wind rose direction and speed.......................................................................................42 Figure 2.20: Annual temperatures and rain perception.................................................................................42 Figure 2.21: Annual rain perception amounts................................................................................................42 Figure 2.22: Amount of PM10 pollution particles emitted in Lombardy.........................................................43 Figure 2.23: Urban weeds, colonized shrubs, medium and tall trees............................................................45 Figure 2.24: Urban trees, flowers and shrubs................................................................................................46 Figure 2.25: Urban trees and flowers.............................................................................................................47 Figure 2.26: Animal life in Erba inside and outside the city............................................................................48 Figure 2.27: Public and private green zones..................................................................................................50 Figure 2.28: Water potential map...................................................................................................................51 Figure 2.29: Main urban functions..................................................................................................................52 Figure 2.30: Main urban land-use..................................................................................................................53 Figure 2.31: Ground area percentage of land-us..........................................................................................53 Figure 2.32: Building typology map...............................................................................................................54 Figure 2.33: Building typology diagram explaining percentage of building heights.....................................55 Figure 2.34: Building typology diagram explaining percentage of building heights.....................................55 Figure 2.35: IMM porosity map......................................................................................................................56 Figure 2.36: IMM proximity map.....................................................................................................................57 Figure 2.37: IMM accessibility map................................................................................................................58 Figure 2.38: IMM effectiveness map..............................................................................................................59 Figure 2.39: Nolli map....................................................................................................................................60 Figure 2.40: Nolli: Highlight of private buildings.............................................................................................61 Figure 2.41: Nolli: Urban parks.......................................................................................................................61 Figure 2.42: Nolli: Public building...................................................................................................................61 Figure 2.43: Nolli: Parking spaces..................................................................................................................61


Figure 2.44: 3D models of the large scale and local scale............................................................................63 Figure 2.45: Highlights of environment, building typology and street network..............................................64 Figure 2.46: Topography analysis of the intermediate scale..........................................................................65 Figure 2.47: Local wind analysis with nodes of high wind velocity................................................................66 Figure 2.48: Wind analysis of the intermediate scale.....................................................................................67 Figure 2.49(a,b,c,d): Summer sun study......................................................................................................68 Figure 2.50(a,b,c,d): Winter sun study..........................................................................................................69 Figure 2.51: Urban private park in Erba.........................................................................................................71 Figure 2.52: Typical tall residential building in Erba........................................................................................71 Figure 2.53: Central cafe and public courtyard..............................................................................................71 Figure 2.54: Social commercial streets in the city..........................................................................................71 Figure 2.55: Map of image locations of the local environment......................................................................72 Figure 2.56: The central bank in Erba with commercial activities on the ground floor..................................72 Figure 2.57: Central street towards the Via Fume transformation area..........................................................72 Figure 2.58: New library close to the project site...........................................................................................72 Figure 2.59: Existing situation inside the transformation area.......................................................................72 Figure 2.60: Map of image locations of the existing buildings.......................................................................73 Figure 2.61: Disuse of industrial building inside Via Fume............................................................................73 Figure 2.62: Internal space of previous steel fabric.......................................................................................73 Figure 2.63: Architectural heritage building....................................................................................................73 Figure 2.64: Internal image of architectural heritage building........................................................................73 Figure 2.65: Location of public parking zones in the city...............................................................................74 Figure 2.66: Main parking zone close to the railway on the eastern part of the city......................................75 Figure 2.67: A parking-lot situated in the core of the city...............................................................................75 Figure 2.68: A parking lot situated in a market area......................................................................................75 Figure 2.69: Analysis of pedestrian friendliness of the central streets in the city...........................................76 Figure 2.70: Central main street inside the city of Erba.................................................................................77 Figure 2.71: Narrow street close to the city centre.........................................................................................77 Figure 2.72: Narrow street close to the city market area................................................................................77 Figure 2.73: Urban form of the city with street networks and public spaces.................................................79 Figure 2.74(a,b,c): Urban constraints and opportunities...............................................................................80 Figure 2.75: Conceptual scheme of the central transformation area.............................................................82 Figure 2.76: Highlight of the central transformation area with existing building............................................85 Figure 2.77: Constraints of the transformation site considering urban to local scales..................................88 Figure 2.78: Opportunities of the transformation site considering urban to local scales..............................89 Chapter III Figure 3.1: Panorama image of the city of Erba.............................................................................................93 Figure 3.2: Graphical explanation of the main goals of the project proposal................................................94 Figure 3.3: Overlay and summary of relevant catalysts from the urban analysis maps................................97 Figure 3.4: Main concept map of the urban scale.........................................................................................99 Figure 3.5: Maps of urban concept with integrated phasing concepts.......................................................100 Figure 3.6: Simplified graphical explanation of the phasing concept..........................................................101 Figure 3.7: Phase 1 of the concept representing the tree............................................................................102 Figure 3.8: River Lambro situated close to the city centre...........................................................................103 Figure 3.9: Sprawling greenery existing in Via Fume transformation site....................................................103 Figure 3.10: Phase 2 of the concept representing main street implementations........................................104 Figure 3.11: Street transformation objectives...............................................................................................105 Figure 3.12: Proposed new network of the city.............................................................................................106 Figure 3.13: New cafĂŠs, park areas and bridge proposal............................................................................106 Figure 3.14: Street transformation and proposal of greenery, cafĂŠs and commercial activities..................107 Figure 3.15: Proposed new street system....................................................................................................107 Figure 3.16: Green bioswale with water drainage and ecological planting.................................................108 Figure 3.17(a,b,c,d): Planting of trees and vegetation in the urban environment.......................................109 Figure 3.18: Detailed section of new street transformation for the central road of the city centre...............110 Figure 3.19: Visualization of the proposed street network...........................................................................112 Figure 3.20(a,b,c): Phase 3 concept of functions and zoning.....................................................................114 Figure 3.21: Zoning and branding concept of the urban scale...................................................................116 Figure 3.22: EcoCentre concept..................................................................................................................119


Figure 3.21: Zoning and branding concept of the urban scale...................................................................116 Figure 3.22: EcoCentre concept..................................................................................................................119 Figure 3.23: EcoCentre concept map in plan view......................................................................................120 Figure 3.24: Program of the EcoCentre........................................................................................................121 Figure 3.25: Vanke Research centre, Chenzen, China................................................................................123 Figure 3.26: Billitt Centre Seattle, Washington.............................................................................................123 Figure 3.27: C_Life, Jatkasaari, Helsink.......................................................................................................123 Figure 3.28: Zhengzhou Vanke Central Plaza, China...................................................................................123 Figure 3.29: Vanke Reseach centre, outdoor material research zone.........................................................124 Figure 3.30: Vanke, Ecological water network and green implementation..................................................125 Figure 3.31: Plan view of material research zones and ecological gardens...............................................125 Figure 3.32: Billitt Centre Seattle, Washington, ecological and sustainable building..................................126 Figure 3.33: Diagram of smart building integration of the Bullitt Centre......................................................127 Figure 3.34: C_Life living factory of ecology.................................................................................................128 Figure 3.35(a,b,c): Diagrams of masterplan development of Vanke Central Plaza.....................................129 Figure 3.36: Zhengzhou Vanke Central Plaza, China, outdoor activities zones...........................................130 Figure 3.37: Development of the masterplan and final images of Zhengzhou Vanke Central Plaza..........131 Chapter IV Figure 4.1: 3D model of the local existing situation with boundaries...........................................................135 Figure 4.2: Development of the masterplan.................................................................................................136 Figure 4.3: Volume development of the masterplan.....................................................................................138 Figure 4.4: Output of volume analysis..........................................................................................................139 Figure 4.5: Final masterplan proposal of the EcoCentre.............................................................................140 Figure 4.6: Functions introduced in the masterplan.....................................................................................142 Figure 4.7: Mobility and connections introduced in the masterplan............................................................143 Figure 4.8: Phasing concept of the masterplan...........................................................................................145 Figure 4.9: Integration of building volume, greenery and footprint..............................................................146 Figure 4.10: Diagram representing the main street transformation included in the EcoCentre..................147 Figure 4.11: Weed planting on the site coming from the existing environment...........................................148 Figure 4.12: Trees, shrubs and vegetation planting on the site...................................................................149 Figure 4.13: Material proposal for the external and internal environment of the Eco Centre.......................150 Figure 4.14: Sections and section view of the masterplan proposal...........................................................152 Figure 4.15: Section A*-A* highlighting the external materials proposed on the site.................................152 Figure 4.16: Section A-A of the Eco Centre..................................................................................................154 Figure 4.17: Section B-B of the Eco Centre.................................................................................................154 Figure 4.18: Section View of the EcoCentre highlighting ecological landscape and buildings...................156 Chapter V Figure 5.1: Diagram of city metabolism today and in the future of Erba.....................................................161 Figure 5.2(a,b,c,d): Local and urban technology implementations.............................................................162 Figure 5.3: Site specific renewables coming from the existing environment...............................................165 Figure 5.4: Smart energy grid network with integrated technology and buildings......................................166 Figure 5.5: Network of energy plants and grid.............................................................................................167 Figure 5.6: Integrated energy network with connections to buildings inside the EcoCentre.......................168 Figure 5.7: Concept of the ecological network connecting the city greenery...............................................171 Figure 5.8: Section of the ecological pond and microsystem......................................................................172 Figure 5.9: Time-line consideration of the nature and wildlife development................................................173 Chapter VI Figure 6.1: Natural layerscape project in Da Nang Vietnam, Kien TrĂşc O architects..................................177 Figure 6.2: Ecological building concept of the research centre buildings...................................................178 Figure 6.3: Building development based on the urban concept..................................................................179 Figure 6.4: Design principals of the building development..........................................................................180 Figure 6.5: Highlight of selected passive and active strategies for energy implementations......................183 Figure 6.7: Development of volume facades and trees according to sun studies in Sefaira......................185 Figure 6.8: Shaping and energy optimization of the models.......................................................................186 Figure 6.9: Shaping, shading and energy optimization of the models........................................................187 Figure 6.10: Final model from energy shaping strategies in Sefaira...........................................................188


Figure 6.11: Local masterplan of the research centre buildings in the core of the EcoCentre....................191 Figure 6.12: Functional bubble diagram representing main functions placed in the research centre........192 Figure 6.13: Functional placing inside the three main volumes of the research centre..............................194 Figure 6.14: Main zones with dedicated functions of the buildings.............................................................195 Figure 6.15: Level -1 floor plan with the three main buildings and parking areas.......................................197 Figure 6.16: Level 0 floor plan......................................................................................................................198 Figure 6.17: Level 1 floor plan......................................................................................................................199 Figure 6.18: Level 2 floor plan......................................................................................................................200 Figure 6.19: Section through the inner courtyard of the main research volume..........................................202 Figure 6.20: Section through the inner courtyards of the three main buildings...........................................202 Figure 6.21: Elevation of the front facades of the buildings towards the North-East direction....................202 Figure 6.22: Elevation of the facade towards the North-West direction.......................................................203 Figure 6.23: Elevation of the facade towards the South-West direction.......................................................203 Figure 6.24: Elevation of the facade towards the South-East direction.......................................................204 Chapter VI Figure 7.1: Layer explanation and explosion of the building skin and structure..........................................209 Figure 7.2: Cast-in place concrete pored on a foundation slab with reinforcement rebars.........................211 Figure 7.3: Hollow Core slabs placed on carrying concrete walls with the use of cranes...........................211 Figure 7.4: Permanent profiled steel slab before application of cast-in-place concrete.............................212 Figure 7.5: Prefabricated concrete sandwich wall carried by cranes on the project site............................212 Figure 7.6: Steel framework building consisting of steel columns and beams...........................................215 Figure 7.7: Concrete columns with reinforcement rebars on concrete foundation......................................215 Figure 7.8: Structural building framework of the main research centre.......................................................217 Figure 7.9: Structural floor plan for the underground level...........................................................................218 Figure 7.10: Structural floor plan for the ground level..................................................................................219 Figure 7.11: Structural floor plan for the first floor level................................................................................220 Figure 7.12: Structural floor plan for the roof level.......................................................................................221 Figure 7.13: Highlight of structural slab spans, beams and columns used for structural analysis.............224 Figure 7.14: Layers of concrete sandwich walls...........................................................................................225 Figure 7.15: Layers of internal concrete sandwich walls..............................................................................226 Figure 7.16: Layers of the internal slabs.......................................................................................................227 Figure 7.17: Layers of the roof structure......................................................................................................228 Figure 7.18: Section of steel profile and concrete slab on steel I beam......................................................234 Figure 7.19: Steel profile dimensions...........................................................................................................235 Figure 7.20: Trapezoidal section of the slab.................................................................................................235 Figure 7.21: Reinforcement section with resulting forces............................................................................237 Figure 7.22: Vertical stirrups of the slab.......................................................................................................238 Figure 7.23: Deflection diagram based on excel calculations.....................................................................240 Figure 7.24: IPE beam with characteristic parameters................................................................................242 Figure 7.25: Beam with factored load distribution........................................................................................244 Figure 7.26: HEB column with characteristic parameters............................................................................246 Figure 7.27: Basic model with steel framework............................................................................................251 Figure 7.28: Total axial forces with live and dead loads................................................................................251 Figure 7.29: Wind forces...............................................................................................................................251 Figure 7.30: Model output of axial stress, bending moments and displacement of columns.....................252 Figure 7.31: Deflection analysis of the slabs and highlight of essential zones............................................255 Figure 7.32: Raft or mat slab section with main bearing characteristics.....................................................256 Figure 7.33: Deflection and reactions of the mat foundation.......................................................................258 Figure 7.34: Visualization of wind analysis loads applied in the model.......................................................262 Figure 7.35: Wind contribution from the North direction..............................................................................263 Figure 7.36: Wind contribution from the West direction...............................................................................263 Chapter VII Figure 8.1: Examples of energy and technology implementations included in the buildings.....................267 Figure 8.2: Long section of the building volumes emphasizing energy implementations...........................268 Figure 8.3: Energy section of the main research centre building................................................................270 Figure 8.4: Open platform of the interactive energy network.......................................................................273 Figure 8.5: Overall energy strategies of the buildings integrated in the urban EcoCentre district..............274


Figure 8.6: Panasonic solar panels on the roofs of several buildings in the EcoDistrict.............................275 Figure 8.7: Layer composition of the high efficiency performance Panasonic solar panels.......................275 Figure 8.8: Building integrated PV panels with opaque glass openings for natural daylight......................276 Figure 8.9: Layer composition of lightweight and transparent solar panels................................................276 Figure 8.10: Pilkington three layered glass..................................................................................................277 Figure 8.11: Facade example of the WPC elements....................................................................................278 Figure 8.12: Close up on the WPC elements...............................................................................................278 Figure 8.13: WPC and framework development..........................................................................................278 Figure 8.14: PProfile dimension of the WPC element..................................................................................278 Figure 8.15: Layer composition of the facade design of the buildings........................................................279 Figure 8.16: PV roof structure.......................................................................................................................280 Figure 8.17: Composition explanation of the raised access floor system...................................................281 Figure 8.18: Architectural section cut of the main office building................................................................283 Figure 8.19: Vertical section of the open glazing walls indicating details represented................................284 Figure 8.20: Vertical section of the green walls indicating details represented...........................................285 Figure 8.21: Blow up 1. Roof and glazing wall.............................................................................................286 Figure 8.22: Blow up 2. Glazing wall and intermediate slab........................................................................287 Figure 8.23: Blow up 3. Glazing wall and ground floor.................................................................................288 Figure 8.24: Blow up 4. Glazing wall and foundation...................................................................................289 Figure 8.25: Blow up 5. Green wall and roof connection.............................................................................290 Figure 8.26: Blow up 6. Green wall and intermediate slab connection.......................................................291 Figure 8.27: Blow up 7. Green wall and ground connection.......................................................................292 Figure 8.28: Section render of the walls.......................................................................................................293 Figure 8.29: Section with highlighted detail 8,9,10......................................................................................294 Figure 8.30: Blow up 8. Concrete wall to shading system...........................................................................295 Figure 8.31: Blow up 9. PV panels................................................................................................................296 Figure 8.32: Blow up 10. Green courtyards..................................................................................................298 Chapter VIII Figure 9.1: Exterior and facade view of the research centre........................................................................302 Figure 9.2: Urban perspective view of the EcoCentre..................................................................................304 Figure 9.3: Pedestrian bridge between building 1 and 2.............................................................................306 Figure 9.4: External view of the cafe area in building 2................................................................................306 Figure 9.5: Green facade with wood shading..............................................................................................307 Figure 9.6: Typical office module inside the research centre.......................................................................308 Figure 9.7: Green courtyard inside office building 1....................................................................................310


List of Tables Chapter I Table 1.1: Projected population dynamics of the world from 1800 to 2050...................................................32 Table 1.2: SWOT analysis for the local scale..................................................................................................84 Chapter V Table 5.1: Result of main energy strategies with included renewable and HVAC system integrations.......189 Chapter VI Table 6.1: Functions and floor areas for all the buildings.............................................................................201 Chapter VII Table 7.1: Cast-in-place concrete advantages and disadvantages.............................................................210 Table 7.2: Hollow Core concrete slab advantages and disadvantages.......................................................210 Table 7.3: Permanent Profiled Steel/Concrete Slab advantages and disadvantages..................................213 Table 7.4 Prefabricated Sandwich Walls advantages and disadvantages...................................................213 Table 7.5: Steel Framework advantages and disadvantages.......................................................................214 Table 7.6: Reinforced Concrete Framework advantages and disadvantages.............................................214 Table 7.7: Self-weight of the concrete sandwich walls.................................................................................225 Table 7.8: Self-weight of the internal concrete sandwich walls...................................................................226 Table 7.9: Self-weight of the steel profiled and concrete slabs with additional reinforcement....................227 Table 7.10: Self-weight of the entire slab with integrated ceiling plasters, tiling and floor system...............227 Table 7.11: Self-weight of the roof slab.........................................................................................................228 Table 7.12: Description of wind zones in Italy...............................................................................................230 Table 7.13: Terrain categories and parameters according to EN 1991-1-4.................................................231 Table 7.14: Wind loads according to essential heights of the building........................................................232 Table 7.15: Strength of the profiled sheets...................................................................................................241 Table 7.16: Deflection of the profiled sheets................................................................................................241 Table 7.17: Strength of inclined sections......................................................................................................241 Table 7.18: Bearing stress of the supports...................................................................................................241 Table 7.19: Deflection of the slab..................................................................................................................241 Table 7.20: Geometrical characteristics of the beam...................................................................................243 Table 7.21: Pre-dimensioning for centred axial load....................................................................................248 Table 7.22: Design axial load with self-weight of columns and wind loads..................................................249 Table 7.23: Geometrical characteristics of the column included..................................................................249 Table 7.24: Load cases and combination of loads fro ULS analysis in the model......................................254 Table 7.25: Table of load combinations........................................................................................................254 Table 7.26: Global extremes output of main reactions and moments..........................................................254 Table 7.27: Properties considered in raft design..........................................................................................256 Table 7.28: Applied parameters in the model...............................................................................................257 Table 7.29: Comparison between manual and computer design................................................................261


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