By: Sara Salih The only adventure bigger than travel is marriage, so what a combination it is to travel as newlyweds!
We’ve supposedly learnt enough about someone in the courting stage in order to choose them for a permanent role in our life. But they say you only really get to know someone once you’ve either travelled with them or lived with them. One of the first things we do as soon as we get married is jet off to somewhere exotic with our newly acquired life partner; for our very first taste of living together while simultaneously travelling. But the honeymoon is where we can either strengthen the marriage journey we’re embarking upon or face some real shockers and allow the first cracks to appear in the relationship. Whichever way it goes, it’ll certainly add some flavour but perhaps through communicating, exploring each other with sincerity and learning from other people’s experiences we can choose which spices we taste.
Set the Tone Oftentimes, we carry certain connotations with marriage that may alter its course from the getgo. If we believe tying the knot makes us captive, then we approach every encounter in the relationship with a defensive lens and get triggered when hearing innocent questions or commentary.