design basics with cad

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Autodesk Education Curriculum

Introduction The word design is used throughout many disciplines, each with its own slightly different definition. Technical and nontechnical people alike use the word in its generic form to identify something that is the product of a conscious human effort. Design as a process is the cornerstone of all engineering professions. Professionals often use the term design process when talking about a method by which problems are identified and solutions are generated. This sometimes suggests there is only one way to plan or problem-solve. In fact, there are a multitude of methods to design. Some are vague, while others are quite detailed. But they all start with a need, a problem, or a want, and follow through a series of steps or phases that result in the creation of something that serves as a solution to the need, problem, or want.


Autodesk® Design Academy

Unit 1 - Design Overview Standards for Technological Literacy ■ Defining a problem ■ Brainstorming ■ Researching and generating ideas ■ Identifying criteria and specifying constraints ■ Exploring possibilities ■ Selecting an approach ■ Developing a design proposal ■ Making a model or prototype ■ Testing and evaluating the design using specifications ■ Refining the design ■ Creating or manufacturing it ■ Communicating processes and results After completing this unit, you will be able to: ■ Redesign a product. ■ Describe the evolution of a product. ■ Review the design process. ■ Create isometric, oblique, perspective, and multiview sketches of mechanical objects.


Initial design sketches of a watch

Lessons ■ ■


Introduction to the Design Process Introduction to Technical Sketching

Autodesk Design Academy Unit 1 - Design Overview

The Engineer's Notebook Students are expected to start an engineer’s notebook at the beginning of a course. This notebook will be used throughout the year to chronologically document class notes, sketches of project ideas, journal entries, calculations, photographs, and other critical information. In addition to the engineer’s notebook, students should keep a dedicated three-ring binder for class handouts. You are free to use a variety of methods to have students keep an engineer’s notebook. If you want to follow engineering practices as expected in college programs, it is recommended that you visit, print, and read the engineering notebook guidelines found at BookFactory: Engineering Notebook Guidelines. ( The content in this lesson is derived from the course Introduction to Engineering Design developed and copywritten by Project Lead the Way, Inc.

What is an Engineer's Notebook? The engineer’s notebook, as kept by a professional engineer, is a bound text with quadrille-ruled pages. Loose leaf writing paper is acceptable, provided it is well maintained and students understand a proper engineering notebook is bound. They will be required to keep a bound engineer’s notebook in later classes. You may want to have a notebook as an example. It is recommended that the notebook have prenumbered pages, with designated locations for the dated signatures of the designer and witness. Other types of lower cost, bound, quadrille-ruled notebooks are available at most office supply stores, but they generally do not have prenumbered pages or designated locations for the dated signatures of the designer and witness. It would be the student’s responsibility to individually write this information in ink on the front and back of each page before beginning an entry.

Sample Engineer's Notebook Entries The following would be considered excellent examples of entries in an engineer’s notebook.

The Engineer's Notebook




Autodesk Design Academy Unit 1 - Design Overview

The Engineer's Notebook





Autodesk Design Academy Unit 1 - Design Overview

The following list provides reasons why the examples represent an excellent engineer’s notebook: ■ The pages have been numbered sequentially. ■ The pages are part of a bound notebook. ■ There is a dedicated location on each page for the designer’s and witness’s dated signatures. ■ All figures and calculations have been clearly labeled. ■ Inserted items have been properly attached to their respective pages. ■ The student included annotated sketches that help the reader understand the ideas. ■ Detailed explanations of how the designs are supposed to work were given. ■ The student gave evidence of research. ■ Problems that were encountered through experimentation were chronicled, and ideas to fix them were clearly evident. ■ A technical drawing for a prototype was given, which specified the material from which the part was to be made. ■ Included was a digital photograph of the prototype that suggests how the object is to be assembled. ■ The date for each entry is clearly identified. ■ The information given in the entries is proportional to the amount of time given per class period. ■ Any mistakes that were made had a single line drawn through them, and were initialed.

The Engineer's Notebook


The following is an example of an unacceptable engineer’s notebook. Keep in mind that each entry represents a reflection of 75 minutes of continuous work.



Autodesk Design Academy Unit 1 - Design Overview

The following list provides reasons why the examples are unacceptable for an engineer’s notebook: ■ The student submitted a sheet of loose-leaf paper that was removed from a wire bound spiral notebook. An engineer’s notebook must be a bound document. No pages should ever be removed from an engineer’s notebook. ■ The page number is not identified in ink. ■ The student did not sign and date the page. ■ There were several class days between 9/22 and 10/11 that are not represented by notebook entries. ■ There were no sketches, CAD model graphics, or technical drawings to support the idea that the support bar, guide, or displacement arm was actually designed or being built. It also appeared that the student was leaving room so that he/she could go back and add sketches later on in an attempt to satisfy the rubric. ■ Except for wood, which encompasses a broad spectrum, no tools or materials were identified as being used. ■ The student offered no explanation as to functions of the support bar, wood guide, and displacement arm. ■ The entries do not show that the partners talked about their ideas or worked on their designs as a team. ■ Only fragments of ideas have been documented. There is no detail at all. ■ The student used inappropriate expletives in a formal document, and was openly disrespectful to his/her teammate. ■ 75 minutes of work cannot be accurately and completely summed up in one sentence. ■ The entries do not talk about any special considerations or problems that might have been encountered during the design of the parts.

Detailed Overview Review the Engineer's Notebook.ppt file. It is located in the Instructor Resources folder.

The Engineer's Notebook


Introduction to the Design Process Cars, MP3 players, cell phones, clothes, and video games are just a few products that are familiar to most people. What is it about any of these products that you like? What causes you to want to buy an MP3 player or a cell phone? Is it the commercials or is it the appearance of the product? Whatever the reason, design plays a vital role in the creation and marketing of any product.

Key Terms assessment

design process









problem identification



engineer's notebook


target consumer




timeline chart

design brief



Standards AutodeskÂŽ Design Academy curriculum meets content standards for Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM), and Language Arts. To review the list of standards for each lesson, view the National Academic Standards Cross Reference PDF document.

This lesson relates to science, technology, engineering, and math standards.



Autodesk Design Academy Unit 1 - Design Overview

Lesson Plan - Introduction to the Design Process Time: 11 days 1. TEACHER: Present Key Terms. 2. TEACHER: Present Engineers.ppt. 3. TEACHER: Distribute an engineer's notebook or have the students create their own. 4. TEACHER: Distribute Sample Engineer's Notebook Entries to each student and review typical entries. 5. TEACHER: Present Engineers Notebook.ppt. 6. TEACHER: Distribute and introduce the exercise Redesign a Product. 7. TEACHER: Present Rules for Brainstorming.ppt. 8. STUDENTS: Complete Exercise: Redesign a Product. 9. STUDENTS: Present product redesign ideas to the class. 10. TEACHER: Present Evolution of Product Design.ppt. 11. TEACHER: Distribute and introduce the exercise Product Evolution. 12. TEACHER: Distribute and introduce the exercise Product Evolution Rubric. 13. STUDENTS: Complete Exercise: Product Evolution. 14. STUDENTS: Present their PowerPoint on product evolution to the class. 15. TEACHER: Distribute and introduce the exercise Review the Design Process. 16. TEACHER: Present Design Process Overview.ppt.

Introduction to the Design Process



Exercise: Redesign a Product This exercise is designed to provide an introduction to design. As a team of two, you brainstorm ways to enhance or change a plain white beverage container so that nearly every consumer wants to purchase it.

6. 7.

The content in this exercise is derived from the course 8. Introduction to Engineering Design developed and copywritten by Project Lead the Way, Inc.

After five minutes, select from the brainstorming list, the ideas to enhance or change the item. Your team takes another five minutes to develop and sketch the changes. The speaker from each team presents their ideas to the class.

Supplies Supplies for this exercise include: ■ Paper ■ Plain white coffee cup (1 per class) ■ Pencil

Redesign a Product 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Review the rules for brainstorming that were identified in the PowerPoint presentation before you started this exercise. Form teams of two. Assign a recorder and a speaker for your group. Brainstorm for five minutes with your team to identify enhancements or changes that you would make to the item. The recorder writes down all ideas mentioned in those five minutes. (Changes or enhancements could be anything; you are not limited by cost.)

Autodesk Design Academy Unit 1 - Design Overview

Exercise: Product Evolution People are surrounded by everyday products, such as the automobile, that have gone through seemingly countless iterations of a design process. Any object that is constantly redesigned is experiencing the process of innovation. It is through innovation that a product evolves. As most products evolve, it is assumed they become better. Sometimes this is true, and sometimes it is not. Close examination of the history, purpose, and evolution of a product will greatly enhance your understanding of product design. What is the difference between an inventor and an innovator? If you have ever heard the phrase “reinventing the wheel,” then you probably know the answer. The person who created the first wheel would be the inventor. The person who modified the wheel to be made out of aluminum alloy that is covered by a synthetic rubber tire would be an innovator.

3. 4.


Use the Internet, books, and other reference materials to search for information on the evolution of the product you have selected. To assist you with your research, focus on the following information: ■ When was the product invented? ■ Who invented the product? ■ What materials were originally used to make the product? ■ How was the product originally made? ■ What improvements have been made to the product over the years? ■ Why were these improvements made? ■ Who uses the product? Save information and graphics to your student network folder to be used in the development of a PowerPoint presentation.

The content in this exercise is derived from the course Introduction to Engineering Design developed and copywritten by Project Lead the Way, Inc.

Product Evolution In this exercise, you analyze the evolution of a product and trace it from its beginning to its current use or end. 1.


Individually, select a product from your hobby or interest that has undergone noticeable improvements over some time period. The product that you select must be preapproved by your instructor. Review Product Evolution Rubric.pdf. Your instructor will distribute a hard copy of this file.

Introduction to the Design Process


6. 7.



Make sure you record and properly reference all information sources in your engineer’s notebook. Develop a three-to-five minute PowerPoint presentation that includes the following information: ■ Title slide with your name, class, period, and selected product. ■ Explanation of the product. ■ A timeline showing the history of the product. ■ Major changes that have occurred in the design of the product. ■ Effects on society and the environment. ■ A reference page of at least four Internet sites and other sources used to gather your presentation information, recorded in APA style. Present your findings to the class.

Autodesk Design Academy Unit 1 - Design Overview

Exercise: Review the Design Process What would you do if you had a teacher who expected you to complete an assignment, but refused to tell you what the assignment was? Imagine, too, that the result of this assignment was expected to be submitted in a specific format, which was also not explained to you. Oh yes, and there was a due date. But you were not told what that was either. How could a person be expected to accomplish anything under such conditions? design brief The content in this exercise is derived from the course Introduction to Engineering Design developed and copywritten by Project Lead the Way, Inc.

Supplies Supplies for this exercise include: ■ The Flight of the Gossamer Condor DVD ■ Television or computer with projector and audio amplifier ■ DVD player ■ Pencil Note: The DVD can be purchased on-line. It may also be available at your local library or school resource center.

Review the Design Process

information in the design brief supplied by your teacher. ■ Who was responsible for the design of the Gossamer Condor? Write your answer on the line next to the word Designer in the design brief. ■ What was the problem that the designer and his team were trying to solve? Be advised, the problem was not to design an aircraft. The design of an aircraft was part of the solution to the problem. Write your answer as a complete sentence(s) on the lines next to the words Problem Statement in the design brief. ■ To what degree was the solution to be realized? Was the designer’s intention to merely sketch an idea and be done? Was the intention to come up with an idea, build it, and stop there? Or, was it the designer’s intention to design, build, and test an idea? ■ What expectation(s) did the design have to meet before it would be considered a successful solution to the problem? In other words, what did the solution have to do? Combine your answer with the answer from question three, and write it as a complete sentence(s) on the lines next to the words Design Statement in the design brief. ■ What limitations did the design team have to work with? ■ What criteria did the solution have to meet?

In this exercise, you witness the development of the first controlled, sustainable human-powered aircraft as chronicled in the Academy Award-winning documentary, The Flight of the Gossamer Condor. 1.


Imagine that you have traveled back to the mid 1970's. You are part of a design team that is attempting to build a human-powered aircraft. The project leader has given you the responsibility of: ■ Defining the problem. ■ Stating the expectations that the solution must meet. ■ Identifying the project constraints. Your design brief will serve as a guide to the team as they work through the design process. From your observations of the film, answer the following questions and record your

Introduction to the Design Process


Introduction to Technical Sketching It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. This proverb is very true when communicating ideas to solve problems. To properly communicate technical information about objects that must be manufactured, fluency in the universal language of technical drawing is required. One of the first steps to learning this language is developing the ability to sketch. Visualizing, communicating, exploring, and documenting ideas occur throughout the process of design. The process begins when a client and an engineer meet for the first time to define a problem; when research requires field measurements to be taken so that a scenario can be replicated; when an idea occurs during lunch and must be quickly recorded on a napkin before it is lost; when teams of people feed off each others's ideas and brainstorm possible solutions; when an engineer works out the details of a design solution so that it can be prototyped and tested; and when a solution has been proven to work and must be documented for reproduction. Technical sketching differs from technical drawing: technical sketches are made with a pencil, paper, and an idea, while technical drawing advances a sketch to follow specific technical drawing guidelines that employ the use of tools, such as isometric graph paper and a computer. Likewise, technical sketching differs from artistic sketching. Technical sketches follow the same standards that govern the development of technical drawings except the sketches are done freehand. As students advance in their experiences and skills through the course, they learn basic rules of technical sketching in this lesson and will learn the drawing standards that apply. The understanding of technical sketching is critical for designers to effectively convey their ideas about a product. Sketching is the beginning stages of product development. Students will learn how to sketch isometric, oblique, perspective, and multiview sketches of various objects.



Autodesk Design Academy Unit 1 - Design Overview

Key Terms construction line

line weight

projection line




projection plane







multiview drawings



object line



oblique sketch



orthographic projection



perspective sketch


hidden line

pictorial sketch


isometric sketch


technical working drawing




line conventions


vanishing point

Standards AutodeskÂŽ Design Academy curriculum meets content standards for Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM), and Language Arts. To review the list of standards for each lesson, view the National Academic Standards Cross Reference PDF document.

This lesson relates to technology, engineering, and math standards.

Introduction to Technical Sketching



Lesson Plan - Introduction to Technical Sketching Time: 11 days 1. TEACHER: Present Key Terms. 2. TEACHER: Present Line Conventions.ppt. 3. TEACHER: Present Isometric Pictorials.ppt. 4. TEACHER: Distribute Isometric Graph Paper. 5. TEACHER: Distribute and introduce the exercise Create Isometric Sketches. 6. STUDENTS: Complete Exercise: Create Isometric Sketches. 7. TEACHER: Assess the exercise using the Create Isometric Sketches Answer Key. 8. TEACHER: Present Oblique Pictorials.ppt. 9. TEACHER: Distribute and introduce the exercise Create Oblique Sketches. 10. STUDENTS: Complete Exercise: Create Oblique Sketches. 11. TEACHER: Assess the exercise using the Create Oblique Sketches Answer Key. 12. TEACHER: Present Perspective Sketches.ppt. 13. TEACHER: Distribute and introduce the exercise Create Perspective Sketches. 14. STUDENTS: Complete Exercise: Create Perspective Sketches. 15. TEACHER: Assess the exercise using the Create Perspective Sketches Answer Key. 16. TEACHER: Present Multiview Sketching.ppt. 17. TEACHER: Distribute and introduce the exercise Create Multiview Sketches. 18. TEACHER: Review the use of hidden lines and centerlines in technical sketches. 19. STUDENTS: Complete Exercise: Create Multiview Sketches. 20. TEACHER: Assess the exercise using the Create Multiview Sketches Answer Key.



Autodesk Design Academy Unit 1 - Design Overview

Exercise: Create Isometric Sketches How do reading the face of a clock and sketching isometric pictorials relate to each other? Picture a cube in your mind. All of the surfaces of the cube form right angles with their adjacent faces. If you were to draw an isometric pictorial of the cube, you would see that the edges point toward 2 and 8 o’clock, 4 and 10 o’clock, and 6 and 12 o’clock. This idea helps when sketching isometric pictorials on writing surfaces that do not have isometric grids.


Complete all the steps listed in the exercise.

Isometrics are very common in computer-aided design (CAD) programs and are only slightly more difficult to sketch than oblique pictorials. The content in this exercise is derived from the course Introduction to Engineering Design developed and copywritten by Project Lead the Way, Inc.

Supplies Supplies for this exercise include: ■ Engineer's notebook ■ Number 2 pencil ■ Various objects

Create Isometric Sketches PDF In this exercise, you develop isometric sketching skills by drawing views of objects that are already given in an isometric orientation. You will apply your sketching skills throughout the remainder of the course. 1. Review Create Isometric Sketches.pdf. Your instructor will distribute a hard copy of this file and isometric graph paper.

Introduction to Technical Sketching


Exercise: Create Oblique Sketches Have you ever tried to explain to another person what an object looks like using words and hand gestures? The technique does not work very well, especially if the person does not understand the vocabulary you use. In the engineering world, it is often the case that an idea needs to be communicated and explained quickly. Questions, such as what does the idea look like? or how will it work? need to be answered. In most cases, words and hand gestures alone cannot answer these questions. Sketching ideas is a quick and efficient method that is used in all fields of engineering to get ideas down before they are lost. If the idea turns out to be a possible solution, the sketch will serve as the basis for more advanced drawings and conveying ideas such as computer-aided design (CAD) solid-modeling. The content in this exercise is derived from the course Introduction to Engineering Design developed and 2. copywritten by Project Lead the Way, Inc.

Complete all the steps listed in the exercise.

Supplies Supplies for this exercise include: ■ Engineer's notebook ■ Number 2 pencil ■ Various objects

Create Oblique Sketches In this exercise, you practice sketching and technical communication skills by creating general oblique sketches of objects on graph paper. A general oblique sketch has lines that can be drawn at any scale and any angle. The most common angles are 30, 45, and 60 degrees, but any angle can be used. 1. Review Create Oblique Sketches.pdf. Your instructor will distribute a hard copy of this file.


Autodesk Design Academy Unit 1 - Design Overview

Exercise: Create Perspective Sketches If you can stand on a straight road and look down the road, the sides of the road begin to look as if they are narrowing to one point and the center of the road vanishes when the road meets the horizon. If the road is straight enough and long enough, the sides of the road not only look like they are converging to a single point, but the road seems to appear to vanish as it meets the horizon. A similar effect happens if you stare upward from the base of a tall building. The vertical edges of the building will appear to angle in toward each other. This effect is called perspective. The human eye sees the world in perspective. Objects that are further away from the eye appear smaller, and edges appear to recede into the distance. Perspective sketches depict objects in much the same way that the human eye sees the world. There are three different types of perspective drawings: one-point, two-point, and three-point perspective. The different types of sketches are frequently used by architects, industrial designers, and illustrators when representing large-scale objects or environments in which the effect of distance must be taken into consideration.


Complete all the steps listed in the exercise.

The content in this exercise is derived from the course Introduction to Engineering Design developed and copywritten by Project Lead the Way, Inc.

Supplies Supplies for this exercise include: ■ Engineer's notebook ■ Number 2 pencil ■ Various objects

Create Perspective Sketches In this exercise, you practice sketching skills by generating a one-point, two-point, and three-point perspective of a given object. You then apply your skills by creating either a one-point, two-point, or three-point perspective of an object you select. 1. Review Create Perspective Sketches.pdf. Your instructor will distribute a hard copy of this file.

Introduction to Technical Sketching


Exercise: Create Multiview Sketches It is a very common occurrence to see a product advertisement and think, I thought of an idea for something like that just a few months ago. People spend a lot of time in their various interest areas and envision ideas for making things work better. Spend some time with someone who has a permanent disability and see how many product ideas come to mind that would provide a degree of freedom to a person who has lost a physical capability years ago. Coming up with wonderful ideas is only the first step in developing solutions to problems. At some point, ideas must be built. You have practiced different techniques for sketching objects so that they appear to have a threedimensional quality. These techniques are excellent for quickly communicating ideas to both technical and nontechnical people. Those who make their living building ideas require a different type of drawing format. A multiview sketch, also referred to as an orthographic projection sketch, is the standard sketch format used by engineers to communicate ideas to professionals in the building trades.


Review Create Multiview Sketches.pdf. Your instructor will distribute a hard copy of this file.


Complete all the steps listed in the exercise.

However, pictorials do not provide accurate information about the true size and shape of an object and all of its features. It is often the case that engineered objects have features and edges that are obscured by the standard surface views of a multiview drawing. These views require hidden lines. When engineers create drawings of cylindrical objects, or objects that have holes, they must represent their axes and axes points with centerlines. The content in this exercise is derived from the course Introduction to Engineering Design developed and copywritten by Project Lead the Way, Inc.

Supplies Supplies for this exercise include: ■ Engineer's notebook ■ Number 2 pencil

Create Multiview Sketches In this exercise, you develop your ability to visualize and sketch objects as a series of related twodimensional views. Understanding and using the different line conventions, discussed earlier in this lesson, will help you when creating these views.


Autodesk Design Academy Unit 1 - Design Overview

Autodesk® Design Academy

Unit 2 - AutoCAD Basics The Sketching and Annotation, Pre-Civil Engineering, and Pre-Architecture units use AutoCAD or AutoCAD based appplications. To ensure that you have the prerequisite basic skills to use these applications, a series of introductory exercises are provided. The objectives of the exercises are as follows: ■ Navigate the AutoCAD graphic environment, zooming and panning to view objects, using the command window, the help system, and exploring environment settings and function keys. ■ Configure fundamental drawing settings and options such as Scale, Grid, Snap, Object Snap, file paths, and display colors. ■ Create basic AutoCAD objects such as lines, polylines, circles, arcs, and polygons using menus, palettes, keyboard commands, mouse controls, coordinates, and object snaps. ■ Modify AutoCAD objects using multiple techniques including grip editing and object properties. ■ User layers to control object settings. ■ Navigate and view objects in 3D. ■ Create reusable internal blocks and world blocks. ■ Use externally referenced drawings in the current drawing. ■ Draw objects in paper space (layouts) and configure one or more viewports in a layout. ■ Create a properly formatted layout with required map elements such as a title block, north arrow, border, and scale. ■ Configure the page setup and plot layouts to an engineering scale.

AutoCAD Install and Basics Installing AutoCAD It is recommended that you install AutoCAD® Civil 3D® and use the Civil 3D as AutoCAD option. This provides a basic AutoCAD environment.

AutoCAD Basics Learning Material The AutoCAD Basics material is provided in PDF format. To view the content, open AutoCAD Basics.pdf from the Printable Lessons folder.



Summary This unit introduced you to the basics of AutoCAD. The interface was explained and drawing settings were explored. New objects were created and modified. You navigated in three dimensions and created blocks and external references. Finally, you learned about layouts, viewports, and plotting issues. Completion of these exercises is critical to a good working knowledge of the AutoCAD Civil 3D environment.



Autodesk Design Academy Unit 2 - AutoCAD Basics

Autodesk® Design Academy

Unit 3 - Sketching and Annotation In this unit, you learn about measurement and statistics. After completing this unit, you will be able to: ■ Research and design a CD cover or book jacket on the origins of the measurement systems. ■ Measure and record linear distances using a scale to a precision of 1/16 inch and 1 mm. ■ Measure and record linear distances using a dial caliper to a precision of 0.001 inch. ■ Apply linear dimensions to a multiview drawing. ■ Convert linear distance measurements from inches to millimeters and vice versa. ■ Calculate the mean, mode, median, and range of a data set. ■ Create a histogram of recorded measurements showing data elements or class intervals, and frequency.

Dial caliper measuring depth



Normal distribution on a histogram

The practice of measuring is older than recorded history. Every human civilization throughout history developed its own measuring tools and, along with them, its own measuring standards. It was through the establishment of measuring tools and standards that the Egyptians were able to build their giant pyramids, and the Romans were able to build their roads and aqueducts. Shared understanding and communication established through standardization played a key role in their successful outcome. Standardization is what allows many people to work individually on parts that come together to form a finished product or system. Without measurement standards, manufactured parts would not be interchangeable and mass production could not exist. Measurement is so important that the founding fathers of the United States included it in the Constitution, giving Congress the power to set uniform standards for weights and measures. Today, the American National Standards Institute serves as the unifying force system for the measurement used in the United States. This lesson provides an introduction to measurement through the study of linear distance and angles. Since the beginning, scientists have realized the laws of nature are not bound to the borders between kingdoms or countries, and that uniform standards of measure form the foundation for changing the secrets of the universe into human knowledge. In the midst of the French Revolution, scientists developed a new system of measurement that was simple, logical, and well-suited to the needs of both scientists and engineers. Since its inception 220 years ago, the metric system has spread throughout the industrialized world, and is now the international standard for acquiring and communicating measurements.

Lessons Measurement and Statistics Sketching Tools and Techniques

â– â–



Autodesk Design Academy Unit 3 - Sketching and Annotation

Measurement and Statistics The practice of measuring is older than recorded history. Every human civilization throughout history developed its own measuring tools and, along with them, its own measuring standards. It was through the establishment of measuring tools and standards that the Egyptians were able to build their giant pyramids, and the Romans were able to build their roads and aqueducts. Shared understanding and communication established through standardization played a key role in their successful outcome. Standardization is what allows many people to work individually on parts that come together to form a finished product or system. Without measurement standards, manufactured parts would not be interchangeable and mass production could not exist. Measurement is so important that the founding fathers of the United States included it in the Constitution, giving Congress the power to set uniform standards for weights and measures. Today, the American National Standards Institute serves as the unifying force system for the measurement used in the United States. This lesson provides an introduction to measurement through the study of linear distance and angles. Since the beginning, scientists have realized the laws of nature are not bound to the borders between kingdoms or countries, and that uniform standards of measure form the foundation for changing the secrets of the universe into human knowledge. In the midst of the French Revolution, scientists developed a new system of measurement that was simple, logical, and well-suited to the needs of both scientists and engineers. Since its inception 220 years ago, the metric system has spread throughout the industrialized world, and is now the international standard for acquiring and communicating measurements.

Measurement and Statistics



Key Terms ANSI/ASME Standards

dimension lines

metric system



english system




extension lines

normal distribution


class interval


numeric constraint







data set






Standards AutodeskÂŽ Design Academy curriculum meets content standards for Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM), and Language Arts. To review the list of standards for each lesson, view the National Academic Standards Cross Reference PDF document.

This lesson relates to technology, engineering, and math standards.



Autodesk Design Academy Unit 3 - Sketching and Annotation

Lesson Plan Time: 10 days 1. TEACHER: Present Key Terms and Essential Questions. 2. TEACHER: Distribute and introduce the exercise Review the History of Measurement. 3. STUDENTS: Complete Exercise: Review the History of Measurement. 4. TEACHER: Assess student work using Review the History of Meaurement Rubric. 5. TEACHER: Distribute and introduce the exercise Determine English and Metric Linear Measurements. 6. TEACHER: Distribute and explain the use of the Decimal Conversion Chart. 7. TEACHER: Present Scale Reading Basics.ppt. 8. STUDENTS: Complete Exercise: Review English and Metric Linear Measurements. 9. TEACHER: Assess the students exercise Determine English and Metric Linear Measurements using the Determine English and Metric Linear Measurements Answer Key. 10. TEACHER: Distribute and introduce the exercise Measure a Block Using Dial Calipers. 11. TEACHER: Present Dial Calipers.ppt. 12. STUDENTS: Complete Exercise: Measure a Block Using Dial Calipers. 13. TEACHER: Present Dimension Practices.ppt. 14. TEACHER: Distribute and introduce the exercise Apply Linear Dimensions. 15. STUDENTS: Complete Exercise: Apply Linear Dimensions. 16. TEACHER: Assess the students exercise Apply Linear Dimensions using the Apply Linear Dimensions Answer Key. 17. TEACHER: Present Introduction to Basic Statistics.ppt. 18. TEACHER: Distribute a dial caliper, 27 hardwood cubes, and the exercise Using Statistics in Quality Control. 19. STUDENTS: Complete Exercise: Using Statistics in Quality Control. 20. TEACHER: Assess the students exercise Using Statistics in Quality Control.

Measurement and Statistics



Exercise: Review the History of Measurement Mass production of medicines and consumer products has resulted in a modern world that enjoys a very high standard of living. However, that standard of living would not exist without measurement standards. Consider the production of your favorite musical compact disc (CD). Without measurement standards, the likelihood that when you purchased a CD it would always fit in any CD player could not happen. Manufacturers might create the CD any size they wanted, and you’d be stuck with a CD that would only work in a few players.

Review the History of Measurement 1. 2.


Have you ever wondered when the need for measurement was first recognized? Do you think it had to do with hunting, farming, shelter, or war? The question may never be answered, but it is safe to say that measurement has existed since before recorded history. Every human civilization has established its own measuring tools and, along with them, measuring standards. The pyramids in Egypt and the Roman aqueducts in Europe are a testament to this fact. Measurement standards came into play when the designers of the JPL Mars Rover failed to convert their metric measurement to English units before they made a part. That error cost the Mars project a robot, and it was lost in space, literally.


Supplies Supplies for this exercise include: ■ Engineer’s notebook ■ Pencil ■ Computer with Internet access ■ Engineering scale



Form a team of two. Search the Internet to discover the following: ■ How measuring units came to be. ■ What tools were used? ■ Who the major contributors were to the development of the devices and units used. ■ What major blunders occurred because of faulty measurement? Use the following websites to start the research. ■ A Brief History of Measurement Systems. ( history_metric.pdf) ■ A Brief History of Measurement. (http:// h=History) ■ History of Measurement. (http:// metricsystem.html) As you perform your research, use these questions to guide you. ■ According to archeological records, which civilizations were the first to record measurements? ■ Around the time of the Roman Empire the terms inch, foot, and yard were defined. What was the length of a foot based on? ■ For what reason did the French Academy of Science create the metric system? ■ What was the Treaty of the Meter (May 20, 1875)? ■ How was the length of a standard meter defined in the year 1791? ■ How was the length of a standard meter redefined in the year 1983? ■ What was the significance of the Metric Act of 1866? ■ What were some of the early tools to help aid in measurement? ■ What major engineering blunders were results of faulty measurement? Each team member will prepare individual documentation and record findings in their journal or engineer’s notebook.

Autodesk Design Academy Unit 3 - Sketching and Annotation


The team members will discuss their findings with their partner and compile the information into one of two forms of documentation as described in Option 1 and 2. Only one document is required for each team. Option 1: Design a book jacket (size 8 x 11 or 11 x 17) cover that depicts the history of measurement. Use the above bullets in your design along with pictures and major dates in history. The book jacket must have a front cover and back flap. Somewhere on the front cover should be the name of the course along with your names. Option 2:


Design a CD (4 x 4 ) cover that depicts the history of measurement. Use the above bullets in your design along with pictures and major dates in history. The CD cover must have a front and back cover. Each cover should be front and back with pictures and information. Somewhere on the front cover should be the name of the course along with your names. To complete the exercise, attach a workscited page to the page cover or CD cover for all of the websites you used, following proper citation style.

Measurement and Statistics



Exercise: Determine English and Metric Linear Measurements What do a driver looking down at a speedometer to make sure the car is within the speed limit, and a chef using a tablespoon to gauge the right amount of sugar have in common? Both are examples of measurements that occur millions of times every day. Modern civilization cannot exist without measurement systems. Have you ever had to move a piece of furniture only to find out that the item would not fit through a door? Using a tape measure to gauge the size of the door opening can save a lot of grief. The abilities to conduct, record, and convert measurements are prerequisite skills in the fields of science, mathematics, and engineering.


Complete the questions by placing your answers in the spaces provided.

The marketplace is global. An object that is designed in the United States may end up being manufactured in another country. The United States is the only country that uses the English system. It is because of this global marketplace that the dimensions of engineered objects must often be communicated in both English and metric units. Converting linear measurements to provide dual dimensioning saves the manufacturer time, which keeps product costs down.

Supplies Supplies required for this exercise: ■ Number 2 pencil ■ Calculator ■ Ruler - English to Metric ■ Decimal Conversion Chart.pdf

Determine English and Metric Linear Measurements This exercise provides you with a foundation of basic measuring skills and simple mathematical calculations. 1. Review Determine English and Metric Linear Measurements.pdf. Your instructor will distribute a hard copy of this file.


Autodesk Design Academy Unit 3 - Sketching and Annotation

Exercise: Use a Dial Caliper How thick is one of the hairs on your head? Could it be measured accurately with a standard inch scale? If the smallest increment on an inch scale is 1/6 inch, then 20 average-size human hairs could fit within the space of a 1/16 inch gap. The required degree of accuracy needed is dependent on the application. If you were to build a home, a standard inch scale is perfect for laying out walls and locating window openings. A dial caliper is a precision measurement tool that is often used in the design and manufacturing of consumer products, and is, perhaps, the most common of all the precision measurement tools. Engineers, technicians, scientists, and machinists all use dial calipers every day to assist the processes of analysis, inspection, engineering design, reverse engineering, and manufacturing.

Use a Dial Caliper In this exercise, you use your knowledge of technical drawings and dimensioning to interpret which part features must be measured and recorded. You then use a dial caliper to perform multiple types of measurements of the actual mass-produced part to the nearest thousandth of an inch (.001”). 1. Review Use a Dial Caliper.pdf. Your instructor will distribute a hard copy of this file.

Supplies Supplies required for this exercise: ■ Number 2 pencil ■ Inch dial caliper ■ Building block


Complete the questions by placing your answers in the spaces provided.

Measurement and Statistics


Exercise: Apply Linear Dimensions If you were given the responsibility of going to a store and purchasing a throw rug that had to fit within a room in your home, how would you communicate the shape and size of the room to the salesperson? Given the sketching skills that you’ve developed, you would probably sketch a top view of the room on a piece of paper. This would be useful, but a sketch alone only communicates shape information. A shape has various sizes that must be communicated in order to make intelligent design decisions. Information about an object’s size must be dimensioned fully so that if given to a manufacturer the object or part could be created. If a part is not dimensioned correctly, and the manufacturer creates the part incorrectly, the problem would be the designer’s and the process would have to start over. This could be costly if mass producing and profits plummet.


Complete the exercise by adding dimensions to the multiview sketches.

Supplies Supplies required for this exercise: ■ Number 2 pencil ■ Engineer’s notebook ■ Inch scale or ruler

Apply Linear Dimensions In this exercise, you apply your knowledge of dimensioning to identify missing dimensions on multiview drawings. You also fully dimension multiview sketches and properly order and locate those on the problems below. 1. Review Apply Linear Dimensions.pdf. Your instructor will distribute a hard copy of this file.


Autodesk Design Academy Unit 3 - Sketching and Annotation

Exercise: Use Statistics in Quality Control Today’s consumers are constantly trying to judge the quality of products. But what is quality? How and by whom is quality determined? Some would say the designer creates specifications, which in turn dictate the quality of a product. That quality is also based on the acceptable value of a part within a whole product.


Label each cube, 1 through 27, with a number 2 pencil on a non-end grain face.


Click the image to review Use Statistics in Quality Control.pdf. Your instructor will distribute a hard copy of this file.


To measure the size of each cube, position the block so the caliper measuring surfaces are touching the end grain faces.

Statistics are commonly used in manufacturing processes to control and maintain quality. This activity will enable you to apply statistics in order to analyze and determine the quality of a set of wooded cubes.

Supplies Supplies required for this exercise: ■ Number 2 pencil ■ 3/4" hardwood cubes - 27 required ■ Inch dial caliper

Use Statistics in Quality Control In this exercise, you use the inch dial caliper provided by your instructor to accurately measure and record the values of twenty-seven ” hardwood cubes. Due to the nature of wood and its ability to expand and contract, reference faces from which to take measurements must be established. 1.

Locate the end grain pattern on each block; there are two such faces on opposite sides of the block.

Measurement and Statistics





Record the size of each cube on the exercise sheet to create a dataset. The accuracy of the measurements should be to the nearest 0.001 in. Complete the exercise by answering the questions on the handout.


Autodesk Design Academy Unit 3 - Sketching and Annotation

Summary/Questions Summary In this lesson, you learned to: ■ Read a ruler. ■ Create sketches using pencil and paper. ■ Use hidden and centerlines in a sketch. ■ Dimension a sketch. ■ Set up a drawing in AutoCAD. ■ Set drawing limits. ■ Use snap and grid. ■ Set up and use layers. ■ Create an orthographic drawing in AutoCAD. ■ Dimension and annotate in AutoCAD. ■ Create a 3D drawing in AutoCAD.



Questions 1. To set up your working area in AutoCAD, which tool would you use first? a. Grid b. Drawing Limits c. Snap 2. To set up your working area in AutoCAD, which tool would you use first? a. Grid b. Drawing Limits c. Snap 3. To set up your working area in AutoCAD, which tool would you use first? a. Grid b. Drawing Limits c. Snap 4. To set up your working area in AutoCAD, which tool would you use first? a. Grid b. Drawing Limits c. Snap 5. How often do you change the grid and snap? a. The first time you begin a drawing b. Once c. As often as needed during a design session 6. Use layers to keep drawings organized. a. True b. False 7. How many layers do you need for a drawing? a. Five b. One c. As many as needed during a design session 8. The orthographic drawing process is the same as hand drawing or sketching. a. True b. False 9. Is your sketch the same as a production drawing? a. Yes b. No 10. You should plan out every production drawing with sketching before you begin to use AutoCAD. a. True b. False 11. There is no need to annotate a sketch to help you create a production drawing. a. True b. False



Autodesk Design Academy Unit 3 - Sketching and Annotation

Autodesk® Design Academy

Copyright © 2010 Project Lead The Way, Inc., All rights reserved. All images and material contained in Design Basics: Units 1 and 3 in this document are the property of Project Lead The Way, Inc. unless otherwise noted and are protected under federal copyright law. It is illegal to make copies and/or distribute any of the contents of this document without the permission of Project Lead The Way, Inc. Duplication of use of this document for any reason without permission from Project Lead The Way, Inc. is against federal law and may subject you to monetary and other penalties. © 2010 Autodesk, Inc., All rights reserved. Except as otherwise permitted by Autodesk, Inc., this publication, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form, by any method, for any purpose. Certain materials included in this publication are reprinted with the permission of the copyright holder. Trademarks Autodesk, AutoCAD, AutoCAD Architecture, AutoCAD MEP, AutoCAD Civil 3D, Autodesk Inventor, Autodesk Inventor Professional Suite, Autodesk Revit Architecture, Autodesk Revit MEP, Autodesk 3ds Max Design are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/ or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, and specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document. Disclaimer THIS PUBLICATION AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS MADE AVAILABLE BY AUTODESK, INC. “AS IS.” AUTODESK, INC. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE REGARDING THESE MATERIALS. Published by: Autodesk, Inc. 111 Mclnnis Parkway San Rafael, CA 94903, USA



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