SHADOW RIDGE GEM! Whether for own use or rental, Shadow Ridge is perfectly situated in the heart of Old Town for both Summer and Winter use. Freshly remodeled, the 2-bedroom, 3-bathroom condo is impressive in all respects. Light and airy, featuring lovely mountain views, and a short stroll f rom the Park City Base, what more could you ask! This unit will also benef it f rom the ongoing updating of the public areas and f rom the proposed redevelopment of the resort parking areas, bringing the likelihood of capital appreciation in the future.
50 Shadow Ridge Drive #4410 | Park City, Utah
2 beds 3 baths 1,181 sq ft
Old Town is a charming historic neighborhood that provides direct access to Historic Main Street and Park City Ski Resort. Throughout the year, Main Street is enlivened with festivals and celebrations of all types, including the worldfamous Sundance Film Festival, town parades, and the Tour of Utah. Art galleries, f ine restaurants, and lovely sculptures dot Historic Main Street with its old west mining town architecture.
435.640.5184 |
E a c h O f f i c e I n d e p e n d e n t l y O wn e d a n d O p e rat e d . B u ye r t o ve ri f y a l l i n f o r m at i o n t o B u ye r ’s s at i s f a c t i o n . A l l i n f o rm at i o n s u b je c t t o c h a n g e .