JORDANELLE JEWEL 3 beds 2 baths
Nestled on the Jordanelle Reservoir, this Village at the Shores jewel is just a stone’s throw from Deer Valley Resort’s new Mayflower Mountain. This immaculate three-bedroom condo not only offers the perfect
1,505 sq ft
mountain escape but also serves as a savvy investment. As the Mayflower
capital appreciation and, if utilized, strong rental income.
development comes online in the coming years, anticipate substantial
9855 Vista Drive #301 | Park City Indulge in captivating views of the Jordanelle from the spacious deck. With its ideal location between bustling Park City and charming Heber City, this turn-key home could be the perfect choice for you.
435.640.5184 |
E a c h O f f i c e I n d e p e n d e n t l y O wn e d a n d O p e rat e d . B u ye r t o ve r i f y a l l i n f o r m at i o n t o B u ye r’s s at i s f a c t i o n . A l l i n f o rmat i o n s u b je c t t o c h a n g e .