Haldimand County Hydro 2014 Rates Insert

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Nuclear Energy




2013 Electricity Supply Mix Ontario’s reliance on nuclear energy increased over the last year, as it continued to account for most of the province’s baseload needs - roughly 60 per cent of total production. Other baseload supply such as hydro and wind generation output also increased - to 23.4 per cent and 3.9 per cent respectively.

Natural Gas






Other Sources

(biomass, solar, etc.)


Nuclear Energy




Gas generation output decreased by more than three per cent to 16.8 TWh, a result in part of lower demand peaks throughout the year. Coal generation, which by the end of 2013 had ceased production in southern Ontario, generated only 2.0 per cent or 3.1 TWh of total production. Demand for electricity in Ontario remained largely unchanged over the year, with overall consumption at 140.7 TWh. This figure represents a slight decrease from 2012, which was a leap year. Local, or embedded generation, and demand management efforts have contributed to flattening demand for electricity from the provincial power grid. Mother Nature also triggered a number of unexpected demand reductions during 2013. On July 8, severe floods resulted in a demand drop as thousands of customers lost electricity service across the GTA. This was the greatest loss of load since the 2003 blackout. The ice storm in late December also resulted in a loss in demand. To view the entire release or for more information, please visit www.ieso.ca.

The data below reflects total electricity output in 2013 by fuel type. Due to rounding, percentages may not add to 100. FUEL TYPE





Nuclear Energy

89.2 TWh, 57.9%

85.6 TWh, 56.4%

85.3 TWh, 56.9%

82.9 TWh, 55.0%


36.1 TWh, 23.4%

33.8 TWh, 22.3%

33.3 TWh, 22.2%

30.7 TWh, 20.4%


3.1 TWh, 2.0%

4.3 TWh, 2.8%

4.1 TWh, 2.7%

12.6 TWh, 8.3%

Natural Gas

16.8 TWh, 10.9%

22.2 TWh, 14.6%

22.0 TWh, 14.7%

20.5 TWh, 13.6%


6.0 TWh, 3.9%

4.6 TWh, 3.0%

3.9 TWh, 2.6%

2.8 TWh, 1.9%


2.9 TWh, 1.9%

1.3 TWh, 0.8%

1.2 TWh, 0.8%

1.3 TWh, 0.8%

Questions? Contact our Customer Service Centre at 1 Greendale Drive, Caledonia, ON N3W 2J3 Tel: 905-765-5211 • Toll Free: 1-877-872-2570 Fax: 905-765-8211 • Email: info@hchydro.ca

www.haldimandcountyhydro.ca Twitter: @HCHydro Mobile App: www.haldimandcountyhydro.ca Register for online billing: myaccount.hchydro.ca


Electricity Rates effective May 1, 2014 HCH 2014.03

Local electricity delivery charges are changing The Ontario Energy Board has approved a decrease in delivery charges effective May 1, 2014. For a residential household using an average of 800 kWh per month, there is a decrease in delivery charges of 8.7% or $4.96. The monthly bill for a General Service < 50kW customer consuming 2000 kWh per month will decrease by 7.0% or $7.43. The delivery portion includes the recovery of costs to build and maintain the distribution system as well as pass through costs for the transmission of electricity. Line loss factor has been reduced to 1.0655 per kWh (a reduction of 0.0025 per kWh). These line losses on electricity charges have been factored into the distribution charges calculated amount and are no longer reflected in the electricity charges portion of the estimated total bill as they have been in the past.

Breakdown of electricity bill charges Haldimand County Hydro’s distribution rates, the portion of the electricity bill that is related to Haldimand County Hydro’s operations, represents only 27.3% of the total electricity charges found on the bill, and includes a $0.79 monthly pass through charge paid directly to the IESO for costs associated with managing and maintaining the Smart Meter infrastructure. The chart below shows the percentage breakdown of the related electricity charges for a residential customer using 800 kWh a month and billed on Time-of-Use rates.

3.6% 3.3% Regulatory charges (eg. OEB, IESO)

For information on electricity rates, contact:

Debt retirement charges, related to the former Ontario Hydro

11.5% Taxes HST (portion of total bill)

Ontario Energy Board www.ontarioenergyboard.ca 1-877-632-2727

Additional Information Available at: Ministry of Energy www.mei.gov.on.ca 1-888-668-4636

Ontario Power Authority www.powerauthority.on.ca 1-800-797-9604

Ontario Statutes & Regulations www.e-laws.gov.on.ca 1-800-668-9938



47.7% Electricity Charges paid to generation companies (eg. OPG)

Distribution charges paid to and portion of the bill controlled by Haldimand County Hydro

6.6% Transmission charges paid to Hydro One

Haldimand County Hydro Schedule of Rates effective May 1, 2014 Rate or Charge


Residential Service


50 kW to 4,999 kW

50 kW to 4,999 kW (interval metered)

Sentinel Lighting (unmetered)

Electricity Charges (Regulated Price Plan - Time-of-Use Rates) Off Peak 1 (May 1, 2014 to October 31, 2014)



Mid Peak 1 (May 1, 2014 to October 31, 2014)



On Peak 1 (May 1, 2014 to October 31, 2014)



Electricity Charges (Regulated Price Plan - Tiered Prices) First 600kWh (May 1, 2014 to October 31, 2014) 1

First 750 kWh (May 1, 2014 to October 31, 2014) Balance of kWhs 1






Electricity Charges Hourly Ontario Energy Price/kWh 1 (HOEP)


Returned Cheque


Collection Charge


Reconnection Charge at the Meter

$65.00; After Hours $185.00

Reconnection Charge at the Pole

$185.00; After Hours $415.00

Legal Letter Charge


Credit Reference Check per Customer (plus credit agency costs)


Transformer Allowance


Overdue Interest Charge

1.5% per month; 19.56% per year

Meter Dispute Charge (plus Measurement Canada Fee)


Monthly Service Charge


Time-of-Use Rates


Weighted Average Price/kWh 1 (WAP) Global Adjustment

Account Set Up

microFIT Generator



Other Charges


Charges are calculated based on the time of day that the electricity is used. Please refer to the chart below as a guideline in shifting your usage to the most economical time period in order to reduce the amount you are charged for electricity.

1, 3

Delivery Monthly Service Charge






Distribution Volumetric






Low Voltage Service Rate


















Rate Rider for Deferral/Variance Account






Rate Rider For Global Adjustment







Smart Metering Entity


Transmission Network Service


Transmission Connection Service



Rate Rider for Recovery of Stranded Meter Assets




Rate Rider for Application of CGAAP Accounting Changes $(0.0015)/kWh





Funding Adder for Renewable Energy Generation






Wholesale Market Service Rate 1






Rural Rate Protection Charge






Standard Supply Service Administration Fee






Debt Retirement Charge






Shift from on-peak to off-peak periods when possible to help manage electricity costs, reduce strain on the electricity system, and help the environment.

Regulatory Charges 1

ONTARIO CLEAN ENERGY BENEFIT Eligible customers will receive an on-bill credit of 10% on total electric charges including HST from January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2015. Legislated changes to the Ontario Clean Energy Benefit may take place from time to time. Based on loss adjusted usage factor of 1.0655 applied to kWh. Charges related to distribution line loss included under the delivery section of the bill. • 2 Rate effective until October 31, 2018 • 3 This charge only applies to customers NOT on the Regulated Price Plan which includes Time-of-Use electricity rates.


Reviewing your bill Haldimand County Hydro is required to display your electricity charges in a summarized format under headings that have been standardized across the province. The standardized bill format makes it easier for you to understand your electricity charges no matter who your local electricity distribution company is. The following are the standardized headings: Electricity Charges Global Adjustment Delivery Regulatory Charges Debt Retirement Charge Under each standardized heading are several rate components. These are displayed in the schedule of rates. Haldimand County Hydro has posted its complete Rate Order on its website and it can be viewed at www.haldimandcountyhydro.ca or at the Ontario Energy Board at www.ontarioenergyboard.ca.

Nuclear Energy




2013 Electricity Supply Mix Ontario’s reliance on nuclear energy increased over the last year, as it continued to account for most of the province’s baseload needs - roughly 60 per cent of total production. Other baseload supply such as hydro and wind generation output also increased - to 23.4 per cent and 3.9 per cent respectively.

Natural Gas






Other Sources

(biomass, solar, etc.)


Nuclear Energy




Gas generation output decreased by more than three per cent to 16.8 TWh, a result in part of lower demand peaks throughout the year. Coal generation, which by the end of 2013 had ceased production in southern Ontario, generated only 2.0 per cent or 3.1 TWh of total production. Demand for electricity in Ontario remained largely unchanged over the year, with overall consumption at 140.7 TWh. This figure represents a slight decrease from 2012, which was a leap year. Local, or embedded generation, and demand management efforts have contributed to flattening demand for electricity from the provincial power grid. Mother Nature also triggered a number of unexpected demand reductions during 2013. On July 8, severe floods resulted in a demand drop as thousands of customers lost electricity service across the GTA. This was the greatest loss of load since the 2003 blackout. The ice storm in late December also resulted in a loss in demand. To view the entire release or for more information, please visit www.ieso.ca.

The data below reflects total electricity output in 2013 by fuel type. Due to rounding, percentages may not add to 100. FUEL TYPE





Nuclear Energy

89.2 TWh, 57.9%

85.6 TWh, 56.4%

85.3 TWh, 56.9%

82.9 TWh, 55.0%


36.1 TWh, 23.4%

33.8 TWh, 22.3%

33.3 TWh, 22.2%

30.7 TWh, 20.4%


3.1 TWh, 2.0%

4.3 TWh, 2.8%

4.1 TWh, 2.7%

12.6 TWh, 8.3%

Natural Gas

16.8 TWh, 10.9%

22.2 TWh, 14.6%

22.0 TWh, 14.7%

20.5 TWh, 13.6%


6.0 TWh, 3.9%

4.6 TWh, 3.0%

3.9 TWh, 2.6%

2.8 TWh, 1.9%


2.9 TWh, 1.9%

1.3 TWh, 0.8%

1.2 TWh, 0.8%

1.3 TWh, 0.8%

Questions? Contact our Customer Service Centre at 1 Greendale Drive, Caledonia, ON N3W 2J3 Tel: 905-765-5211 • Toll Free: 1-877-872-2570 Fax: 905-765-8211 • Email: info@hchydro.ca

www.haldimandcountyhydro.ca Twitter: @HCHydro Mobile App: www.haldimandcountyhydro.ca Register for online billing: myaccount.hchydro.ca


Electricity Rates effective May 1, 2014 HCH 2014.03

Local electricity delivery charges are changing The Ontario Energy Board has approved a decrease in delivery charges effective May 1, 2014. For a residential household using an average of 800 kWh per month, there is a decrease in delivery charges of 8.7% or $4.96. The monthly bill for a General Service < 50kW customer consuming 2000 kWh per month will decrease by 7.0% or $7.43. The delivery portion includes the recovery of costs to build and maintain the distribution system as well as pass through costs for the transmission of electricity. Line loss factor has been reduced to 1.0655 per kWh (a reduction of 0.0025 per kWh). These line losses on electricity charges have been factored into the distribution charges calculated amount and are no longer reflected in the electricity charges portion of the estimated total bill as they have been in the past.

Breakdown of electricity bill charges Haldimand County Hydro’s distribution rates, the portion of the electricity bill that is related to Haldimand County Hydro’s operations, represents only 27.3% of the total electricity charges found on the bill, and includes a $0.79 monthly pass through charge paid directly to the IESO for costs associated with managing and maintaining the Smart Meter infrastructure. The chart below shows the percentage breakdown of the related electricity charges for a residential customer using 800 kWh a month and billed on Time-of-Use rates.

3.6% 3.3% Regulatory charges (eg. OEB, IESO)

For information on electricity rates, contact:

Debt retirement charges, related to the former Ontario Hydro

11.5% Taxes HST (portion of total bill)

Ontario Energy Board www.ontarioenergyboard.ca 1-877-632-2727

Additional Information Available at: Ministry of Energy www.mei.gov.on.ca 1-888-668-4636

Ontario Power Authority www.powerauthority.on.ca 1-800-797-9604

Ontario Statutes & Regulations www.e-laws.gov.on.ca 1-800-668-9938



47.7% Electricity Charges paid to generation companies (eg. OPG)

Distribution charges paid to and portion of the bill controlled by Haldimand County Hydro

6.6% Transmission charges paid to Hydro One

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