spring 2013
HCH 2013.02
We’re improving reliability of your electricity one capital project at a time. Investing in capital projects each year ensures that Haldimand County Hydro has the required infrastructure to ensure safe, reliable and cost effective distribution of electricity to our community. Our achievements in 2012 include: the installation of underground electrical distribution on Argyle Street in Caledonia; Main Street and Phase 2 of Alder Street in Dunnville; a new 27.6kV line from Jarvis to Townsend and the replacement of 83 single poles throughout Haldimand County. The following projects are under consideration for 2013: • an underground circuit along Wigton Street in Caledonia • conversion and construction of a new line along Haldimand Highway 54 from McClung Road to York • upgrades to increase capacity on Lakeshore Road between Haldimand Road 50 and Bookers Road • voltage conversion to 27.6kV along North Shore Drive near Stromness • rebuilding lines on Orkney, Inverness and Sutherland Streets in Caledonia • voltage conversion to 27.6kV along Kohler Road from Rainham Road to Lakeshore Road • installation of 66 single poles that are identified for replacement throughout Haldimand County These capital projects improve the reliability and power quality across our entire service territory. This means that our customers will experience fewer outages and benefit from a more efficient distribution system.
Quick Fact
4.2% 11.5%
controls only 28.3% of your electricity bill – these funds are directed to the maintenance and improvement of the distribution system. The remaining 71.7% flows through to other corporations and regulatory bodies.
Breakdown of Electricity Bill:
Paul Heeg
Engineering Manager, Haldimand County Hydro Inc.
Distribution charges paid to and portion of the bill controlled by Haldimand County Hydro Transmission charges paid to Hydro One Electricity charges paid to generation companies (eg. OPG)
28.3% 7.6%
Regulatory charges (eg. OEB, IESO) Debt retirement charges related to the former Ontario Hydro Taxes HST (portion of total bill)
The chart above shows the percentage breakdown of the related electricity charges for a residential customer using 800 kWh a month and billed on Time-of-Use rates.
Local students rise to the challenge HCHI President & CEO Jane Albert and Conservation Program Specialist Cindy Marr recently visited the grade 7/8 class at St. Michael’s School in Dunnville. During their visit, they gathered insight on how much this age group knows about Haldimand County Hydro, electricity, and conservation. The students took a pop quiz which generated some very interesting results: • 50% know we distribute electricity (compared to generate electricity or install wind turbines) • 68% knew about TOU rates and that it is more expensive to watch TV after school than on the weekend • 41% said they have looked at a hydro bill • 86% knew about Phantom Power and that some electronic devices still use electricity even when plugged in
The students brain-stormed ideas on how they could reduce their household energy use by 10%, resulting in a lot of great tips such as: 1. Use natural light instead of turning on lights 2. Install energy efficient appliances with the energy star label 3. Use compact fluorescent bulbs 4. Don’t open the fridge every 5 minutes 5. Use cold water for laundry & hang outside to dry
The students also learned about the new peaksaver PLUS program and had a chance to use the in-home Energy Monitor, that will be provided free of charge to customers with central air-conditioning that register for the program. The energy monitor will show customers how much electricity is being used at that time and how much it is costing them. Thank you to the enthusiastic students, teacher Ms. Szalay and principal Mrs. Leonard. Next up we will be visiting a local high school.
Questions? Contact our Customer Service Centre at 1 Greendale Drive, Caledonia, ON N3W 2J3 • Tel: 905-765-5211 • Toll Free: 1-877-872-2570 Fax: 905-765-8211 • Email: info@hchydro.ca Follow us @HCHydro for service updates, customer information and breaking news.