Haleian Magazine December 2012

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Volume 24 | No. 2 | December 2012

ON THE COVER The 1st XV rugby side finish a hard fought match against Scotch College securing their 10th consecutive Brother Redmond Cup. An amazing achievement for Hale School. Photo by: Thys van der Merwe For all editorial enquiries or feedback please call (08) 9347 9754. An electronic version of The Haleian can be found on the Hale School website www.hale.wa.edu.au



2 | Introduction From the Headmaster Hale Happenings

Oh The Places You’ll Go!

Bill Edgar 43 Not Out

Oxford Tour House Arts Cup

Leap of Faith 11 | Senior School Leadership Valedictory - Class of 2012 14 | Development Rob Barbour Bishop Hale Medalist 2012 Hale School Foundation Leadership Camp 2012

16 | Middle School

Middle School Diversity

Mingenew/Hale Drama Collaboration Brine House Renovation Rescue

20 | Junior School Teaching Intelligence Keeping Education Interesting Junior Happenings

24 | Music and Drama

A Decade of Music

Frankenstein - Creating a Monster

Modern Major Musical

Hale and St Mary’s Musicians

The Scholar - Conductors Programme

Music in the City

Singin’ In The Rain

With Honours

30 | Service Learning Nulsen Youth Patrons 32 | Sport Culture is Everything Kim Hughes a Catch for Hale Cricket Trifecta Cup Triumph

34 | Old Haleians From the President Havelock Lunch Remembrance Day Mentoring Class of 2002 Reunions Hale House Development

A Labour of Love - Mr John Fricker

Etched in Time - Mr John Hyde

Mitch Morton’s Swan Song

Hale Hockey Haleians at the Helm Chapters Keeping in Touch

46 | Out & About

P&F Fine Art at Hale

Act Belong Commit Mad Mile

Junior School Grandparents and Special Friends Day

48 | Who’s at Hale

Art Department





HEADMASTER As I perused the articles that have been included in this publication of the Haleian, I found myself asking the question, “What will readers take from these stories?” I hope the readers, be they past, present or future parents or student, will get an understanding of what lies behind the events and activities outlined in the pages; that the words and images are testament to what I know as an insider to be the truth about what makes a Hale education so special – an unwavering commitment to an education of the highest standard across all endeavours within an environment that is caring, supportive and enjoyable. Every school has a claim to make about their vision, purpose and programmes. It is easy enough to say and to include in glossy brochures and there is always the risk that we will all start to sound the same (already, I hear you say?). Which is why in a survey conducted last year by Independent Schools Queensland, entitled What Parents Want, the main sources of information about schools that were most influential on parent choices were: friends and colleagues; other parents with children at the school; school tours and the internet. The results indicated significantly greater reliance on word of mouth than any marketing material the school might produce. In many ways, it reinforces my belief that amongst our best ‘marketing material’ would have to be the calibre of young man that leaves us in Year 12 or indeed any student who wears the school uniform, formal or sport, during the course of the week. I believe the Haleian provides our families with an insider’s look into what we do and serves to demonstrate that we do ‘walk the walk’. We would rather ‘show’ you than ‘tell’ you and by showing you just a snapshot you will be hopefully informed and excited by what is on offer. One of the student speakers on Valedictory Day this year referred to a quote which said: “No-one normal ever changed the world”. He then spoke to the notion that Hale School is not normal and that the boys at Hale have not had a normal education. His conclusion – that the young men in the room should make the most of what they have experienced during their years at Hale and go forth with the confidence and courage to make a difference in the years ahead. Perhaps a tad romantic but with an insider’s (possibly more than most) perspective, it is a reasonable assertion.

Getting up close and personal with Christian Porter at a Year 11 leadership camp, collaborating with Mingenew Primary School as part of a Middle School drama project, being part of the construction team which re-built the Brine House kitchen, the ongoing Nulsen Association connection or hearing and reading of the feats and experiences of so many Old Boys are re-told in the pages that follow. All have a story behind the story – most involve committed staff and enthusiastic boys. The events will not only provide memories of one’s days at school but will also provide scaffolding for those who follow. And for those of us who are in a privileged position to observe or be part of most of these experiences, it is indeed very special. At the same time as we are showcasing the happenings that have made up 2012, we must never overlook the need for a planned and considered approach to the future. In November this year, the Board of Governors met with the school executive teams to update the Hale School Strategic Intent document. The initial stage involved a think-tank session where external influences and opportunities were discussed as part of the ‘blue ocean strategy’ which examines what is possible when barriers are lifted. It was an energising and very productive afternoon from which detailed investigations will be undertaken as well as internal planning sessions looking at the strengths and problems (we seem to have moved from SWOT to SPOT analyses these days) that need to be addressed. Leading schools, no less than great businesses, must heed the warning call of noted commentator Jim Collins, in his book, How the Mighty Fall “to adhere to the principles that produced success in the first place yet on the other hand continually evolve, modifying their approach with creative improvements and intelligent adaptation”. It is an ongoing challenge and one which needs the support of many people. During Term 1, I shall update the Hale community on the progress made on the next iteration of this important planning document. I trust you will enjoy and reflect upon the stories and articles in this publication. I am very proud to be a part of the Hale School community and to work and associate with staff and students who are not ‘normal’, who don’t want to be ‘normal’ and who are not content to have a ‘normal’ education. Mr Stuart Meade Headmaster

“an unwavering commitment to an education of the highest standard across all endeavours within an environment that is caring, supportive and enjoyable.”

Mathematics an easy Addition



Hale School has over 1,400 students and 275 staff. The varying events, student achievements and ‘happenings’ are a reflection of the school’s rich diversity and dynamic existence.

Neil 25 Years

17 Year 11 students completed the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE): Additional Mathematics course in June this year. At the conclusion of the 18 month course, the boys sat two external examinations. Of the 17 students, the following were awarded an A* grade, meaning they achieved scores greater than or equal to 90 percent: Jack Cooper Sebastian Gay Dan Hoang Jeffrey Lai Christopher McAlpine Hamish Newman Robert Shipway Benjamin Slater Jonathan Tapley Michael Wikarta Congratulations to all the boys on their results and to their teachers; Mr Campbell (Year 10) and Mr Bausor (Year 11) whose valued guidance assisted these boys to achieve at their best.

He may be slight, but Neil O’Connor, who celebrated his 25th year at Hale School this year, has moved more than 1000 tonnes of waste in the past 15 years and throughout that time, has seen the school embrace recycling and a greener approach to waste management. Neil started at Hale School on 12 January 1987, he came from Innaloo Shopping Centre where he was a cleaner. He started out as a groundsman and the only vehicles the school had then were two tractors donated by farming families and two handmade trailers. Neil’s workmates who also started at Hale in that era, Paul Woo and Kim Perrie remember Neil in his first few months at Hale: “Neil was always smiling, he has a knack for remembering everyone’s name and there’s always a hello to everyone he sees throughout his daily travels around the campus”. Neil loves his job at Hale School, has travelled the world extensively over the past 26 years, did square dancing and ballroom dancing in his early years and he is a long term member of St Columba’s Church in Doubleview. We congratulate Neil on 25 years at Hale!

Tree - Second book by Danny Parker Director of Drama, Mr Danny Parker celebrates the launch of his second picture book for children, Tree: a little story about big things follows the journey of a small sapling as it grows in the shelter and protection of a bigger tree, until the events of one night change things forever. Tree is illustrated by award winning picture book artist Matt Ottley. The two met whilst Matt was at Hale School as our author in residence. Shaun Tan officially launched the book during the national reading conference which took place at the Fremantle Literature Centre. Matt wrote a beautiful piece of music for string quintet and piano, narrated by Danny and played by Hale School musicians at the event.

Lister Drake Scholarship 2013/14 Four boys were interviewed for the Lister Drake Scholarship this year – and they should all be commended for their level of commitment to the School both in and out of the classroom. Reece Clark, son of Brent Clark (1975-76) was judged the eventual scholarship winner. The Lister Drake Scholarship is not awarded purely on academic achievement and although Reece did achieve the highest mark in the exam it was well backed up with his involvement in co-curricular activities. He is part of the Hale Stage Band, the Hale St Mary’s Concert Band, plays 10A tennis and hockey and toured Melbourne with the senior hockey team this year. Reece also displayed a great level of understanding about the meaning of being an Old Haleian and commented on the pride and camaraderie amongst Old Boys displayed on Old Boys Day. We congratulate him on his achievement.


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Oh the places you’ll go!

“” You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself Any direction you choose. With your head full of brains, And your shoes full of feet, You’re too smart to go down A not-so-good-street.

Theodor Seuss Geisel’s (or Dr Seuss as you might know him) famous children’s story book has been read to many children throughout the years. It has been read at night, in the car, on holidays, in planes flying to holidays and then coming home again! It is a wonderful story written, in my opinion, to encapsulate what life can be like. It will not always take us on the path we intend and often hope for. Life by its mere nature is unpredictable – who knows where we will be in ten years? Parents, grandparents and children will often have plans in place – complete school, go to university, get a job, settle down. But as many of us know, that is not always what happens. We may end up turning left instead of right, heading north instead of south. The plans we have made may not always come to fruition. Boys and girls of all ages dream about what they would like to be when they grow up – and so they should. How many of us trained in one area only to end up in a completely different field?


When I was in charge of a previous school’s remote Year 9 campus, the programme delivered was outstanding. Students were given the opportunity to flourish in ways that many of them may never have thought possible. Yet while hiking with many groups in the Australian high country, I was surprised that the main focus for many students was to ‘make camp’! The destination was the all-important focus – what happened to the journey? Maybe it was the age group of students which meant that the tough hike being endured was not as important as the resting spot under a favourite tree overlooking Mt Buller! I recently had a most fascinating conversation with a young man in our boarding community. Having not spent much time in Perth, let alone the remote areas of the Kimberleys, I was on the edge of my seat as this young man described where he lived and how he got there! It would take him a three hour flight from Perth, another shorter flight to the closest town, a further hour in a four wheel drive and finally a one and a half hour boat ride to get him home – wow! His life was isolated, yet he cherished every moment – from fishing, avoiding giant salt water crocodiles, retrieving fridges that had been washed away in recent floods to falling asleep when the sun went down and rising when it came up the next day; he loved being home. Our discussion continued as he described his various trips around Australia, from Cooktown to Brisbane, Adelaide to Alice Springs and of course around Western Australia. His journeys were all fascinating. He has spent the past five years boarding at Hale and is uncertain where he might end up next year. He was however, certainly looking forward to the next chapter of his life and the journey it would take. Boarding at Hale provides young men with opportunities they might only imagine possible. It enables students to mix with a variety of people that perhaps being at ‘home’ might not. Access to music, drama, sport, mates all weekend, parties, interesting and challenging school camps, academic support to help them achieve to their potential, teacher interactions which foster a love of learning, are only part of life’s journey as a boarder. So to finish in the words of Dr Seuss -

Out there things can happen, and frequently do, To people as brainy and footsy as you. And when things start to happen, don’t worry, don’t stew. Just go right along, you’ll start happening too!

Mr Alistair Roland and his family reside on campus.

Mr Alistair Roland Head of Boarding


The young men in our care have dreams and aspirations that they hope will come true – it’s good to dream. I firmly believe that all students should set themselves goals, whether they would be written down or even simply in their imaginations. It encourages them to set a path forward, always of course being ready to drift sideways if the path beneath their feet heads that way. During that adventure students should be encouraged to work hard at whatever they are doing – studying, working or travelling. Part of ‘going with the flow’ is being able to adjust to the changes that will undoubtedly find their way into all of our lives – young and the not so young. Managing students in boarding life enables the staff responsible for them to have a great impact on how they tackle life and the manner in which they respond. At Hale we are very proud of the positive relationships many teachers in the boarding community have formed and will continue to develop as part of the journey of life. Surely, the most important part of life is the journey not necessarily the destination.




Doug Poake Former Housemaster of Faulkner (196370) and Riley (1972-76) and legendary swimming coach, Doug Poake, after whom the pool is named, recently visited the School with his family on the occasion of his 90th birthday. Though Doug was the major influence in Hale’s unbroken 18 year run of PSA swimming trophies, he remembers with chagrin that his team, in his second year of being in charge (1966), was disqualified in the last relay when leading the competition. Had it not been for a judge from a rival school claiming that the Hale breaststroke swimmer broke the water with his heel, Hale’s success would have been 20 years in a row!

Doug Poake and Bill Edgar at Hale School, 2012.

43 Bill Edgar Not Out At the end of 2012, Bill Edgar will complete 43 years of devoted service to Hale School. Recent generations of Haleians will remember Bill Edgar as Hale’s archivist, museum curator and the School’s historian. All Year 7 and 8 students will recall class visits to the School museum to hear from Bill of its colonial beginnings and proud history. Similarly Year 10 boys will remember the WA history research activities brought alive by Bill’s passion and encyclopaedic knowledge. Also in recent years, Bill has steered his original vision of the School’s Memorial Grove from conception to successful completion. It comprises a series of low limestone walls set in semi-circles on sloping lawns among Sheoak and Tuart trees, and is the site for plaques commemorating the 125 Haleians killed in wars from the Boer War to Korea. Associated with the Grove, the Remembrance Day services held there, the dedication ceremonies, connection with families and the painstaking research behind each plaque have added greatly to the character of Hale School today. However, Bill’s 43 years at Hale School have other significant dimensions. Appointed in 1970 to teach History and Technical Drawing with the inestimable Doug Poake, Bill made an immediate additional contribution as a coach of tennis, football, basketball and squash. His commitment to those sports are measured in decades: thirty years as a tennis coach (1970 2000) and master-in-charge for many of them; 20 years as coach and organiser of Hale’s squash teams; over 20 years as a football coach. Bill recalls coaching his winning 1st VIII tennis teams of 1976 and 1977 as highlights naming Chris Johnstone, Jeremy Raiter and John Storey as wonderful players and fine sportsmen. Bill’s long coaching partnership with Max Bonner is fondly remembered. Basketball became an official PSA summer sport in 1979. Bill Edgar was a pioneer in organising an informal basketball tournament between Scotch, Wesley, CCGS and Hale

throughout the 1970s culminating in the PSA’s trial competition for all seven schools in 1978, won by Hale. For a few years in the late 1970s Bill was master-in-charge and first team coach of two summer sports, basketball and tennis. Bill’s Hale School career took a new direction in 1976 when he began a seven year term as Head of Brine House. The junior boarding house then had up to 36 boarders from Years 5, 6 and 7. Bill continued to teach and coach in the senior school but the pastoral care of junior boarders became his primary focus. At this time he designed the crests which exist today for Brine House and the four Junior School houses of Walker, Davy, Turnbull and Rosier. After his significant boarding house role, Bill’s next appointment was as Head of the Manual Arts Department in 1984. Within that department Bill taught technical drawing, then a popular subject in all years, but he also taught History and continued to teach Geography. Bill’s knowledge of and enthusiasm for Western Australian history, for military history and above all for Hale School’s history was recognised formally in July 1992 when the then Headmaster John Inverarity appointed Bill as the School’s archivist. Informally, Bill had already carried out that role for several years but as planning for the new school administration building was to include a museum, the official appointment was timely. Bill contributed significantly to the design of the museum and archives centre which now occupies such an important place both physically and symbolically at the entrance to the School. From 1995 when the new museum opened, Bill’s position in the School was adjusted to one of 60 percent archivist and 40 percent History teacher. In 1999 Bill completed a BA at Murdoch University, Majoring in History with units in Local History and Archival Studies to add to his Claremont Teachers College Certificate (1961). He was thus professionally trained for the next stage in his career at Hale.

The ever-increasing inflow of donations of School memorabilia from Old Haleians, the need to mount displays of School history, the huge tasks of cataloguing, restoring items and maintaining records were now Bill’s major preoccupation. From 2001 - 2006 Bill reduced his teaching to one class of History, allowing more time for the museum and archives and over the past six years (2007 2012) he has worked solely as archivist and museum curator. Yet another dimension of Bill Edgar - writer and historian, has flourished alongside his commitment to Hale School. His writings include the book ‘Veldt to Vietnam; Haleians at War’ was published in 1994 and his biography of Brigadier Arnold Potts, entitled ‘Warrior of Kakoda’ (1999) was shortlisted for the NSW Premier’s Literary Awards. It made the final three from 55 nominations. ‘The Peter Wright Story’ (1993), the biography of Lang Hancock’s less well known partner in opening up the iron ore mining industry in the Pilbara was written to spur interest in funding the School’s Peter Wright Technology Centre, opening in 1994. To mark the School’s 150th anniversary in 2008, Bill’s new history of Hale School, ‘From Slate to Cyberspace’ was published. His most recent book ‘LAGS: A history of the WA Convict Phenomenon’ (2012) is based on Bill’s PhD thesis about to be submitted at Murdoch University. Bill’s extraordinary contribution will continue in 2013. Bill will continue to assist in Archives with Harry Weston taking over the management of the Archives and Museum in the new year. Mr David Bean Deputy Headmaster



Oxford Royale Academy


Summer School

Studying at Oxford University was a memorable and inspiring experience for 15 Year 11 students over the Term 2 holidays. The students who participated in Hale School’s first Oxford Summer School lived for two weeks in undergraduate rooms in Lady Margaret Hall, one of Oxford’s 38 colleges, and learned what it is like to study with Oxford staff and taste something of the Oxford undergraduate experience. The Hale boys joined 97 students from all over the world at the Oxford Royale Academy Summer School. Each of our students studied three courses from the following list: Applied Mathematics, English Literature, Economics, Medical Biology, Experimental Psychology, Philosophy, Politics and Industrial Relations, Contemporary History, Oxford’s Art and Architecture, Public Speaking, Creative Writing, Team Building and Leadership, Shakespeare on Stage, Business Challenge. Students aged 16-18 years enrol from all over the world, occasionally in school groups, as in Hale School’s case, but more frequently as individuals. Punting on the River Cherwell, visiting Blenheim Palace, browsing in Blackwells Bookshop and getting to know the colleges of Oxford rounded out this memorable fortnight. Five days in London, sightseeing and enjoying the West End hits ‘Matilda’ by Tim Minchin and ‘War Horse’ concluded the tour. Students on the tour were; Will Aitken, Tully Bennett, Seb Bollig, James King, Jack Cooper, Varun Kaushik, Andrew Gordon, Ed Hutcheon, Will Stowell, Dan Smailes, Alex Evangelisti, Kelvin Wong, Seng Pau Wen, Adam Neu, Alex Jellis and Jonty Bean.

Hale’s Oxford “The experience was inspirational for our students. The tutors are typically young post graduate Oxford students who were exciting teachers and the international mix of students in each class was new and stimulating. The learning experiences ranged from very accessible to extremely challenging and a busy social and sight-seeing programme was also a part of the experience. “ Tour leader Deputy Headmaster Mr David Bean



While in Oxford, our students met Ben Spagnolo and Hugo Leith, both Old Haleians (1998) who have completed post graduate law degrees at Oxford University. Ben Spagnolo, Sub Dean of Magdalen College, gave the group an insiders’ tour of his College and Mr David Bean took the group to his own college, New College.

Awards The courses are academic with assignments and presentations set and prescribed reading lists. Our students worked hard and some received awards: Attainment Awards for top of the class: • Jack Cooper (Applied Mathematics, Chemistry)

• Varun Kaushik (Philosophy, Archaeology & Anthropology)

• • • •

Andrew Gordon (Business Challenge) Will Stowell (Leadership & Teamwork) Tully Bennett (Oxford’s Art & Architecture) Jonty Bean (Public Speaking & Debating)

Effort Awards: • Seb Bollig (Politics & International Relations) • James King (Economics)

The Oxford Summer School course was appropriately named ‘Broadening Horizons’ and our students returned with an international perspective and new educational experiences. The Oxford Summer School tour will run again in 2013.



...staff are always amazed at the level of participation and enthusiasm the boys exhibit...

Nulsen residents and their carers attended the annual House Arts Cup to catch a glimpse of ours boys’ musical and creative talent.


Every year, Nulsen is reserved front row at the House Arts Cup day and this year’s performances didn’t fail to impress. From some of the reactions of the residents and carers, the favourite performances were Parry House’s “White Noise” and the choirs that didn’t ‘shout’ were given the thumbs up. For some of the visiting Nulsen residents, this was not their first time to Hale. With the partnership between Nulsen and Hale School growing stronger every year, the front row ‘A reserve’ may need to grow. Having the Nuslen residents visit Hale on a regular basis has allowed our students to form new friendships and share their experiences at school with pride and enthusiasm.We hope all the residents enjoyed themselves and experienced something that made their year or even day, just that much better.





An inclement weather forecast threatened the annual House Arts Cup day, but the weather Gods were kind and the day fined up beautifully. The 2012 House Arts Cup day saw some amazing competition between the houses and with the ever increasing commitment and attention that the house bands are giving to perfecting their performances, Hale School House Arts Cup day is becoming the highlight in the School calendar. Throughout the day, the ten houses competed by showcasing their skills in singing, art, chess and debating, with this year’s art challenge being a rubbish bin art competition. The quadrangle was filled with boys eager to make their rubbish bin the most ‘radical’ with Wilson taking the honours with their bin creation. Inside the hall, the House Choirs, some good, some not so, battled it out to see who would gain enough points to win the Cup. Havelock won the Best Choir category with their version of Big Yellow Taxi! As per every year, the most excitement surrounded the house bands, and this year, the best performance was given by St Georges with their performance of Valerie by Amy Winehouse. Lead singer Karl Glauch tore it up with brilliant support by the St Georges Band. Havelock proved too strong in the chess and even won the debating category with Riley sharing that honour with them.

So not only can Havelock rock… but they can think and argue! Congratulations to Havelock for winning the 2012 House Arts Cup.


e h t f o e l t Bat




Rev Dougall Ethell


Have you ever watched white-water kayakers? The athlete attempts to steer his tiny kayak down a raging torrent of water against the clock. The water resists his control at every turn. Fighting against this tide he is sometimes required to pivot 360 degrees and paddle against the current to negotiate turns and gates. Preparation for the event requires dedication and sacrifice. For some the pressure is too great and all is lost in the white water, along with the prospect of a medal. For others, the water itself is the enemy and they flip their boat, together with all they have trained for. The winners triumph in success and receive their medals with well deserved pride. These athletes twisting and turning their boats through the different gates remind me of our young men here at Hale. The distance between childhood and adulthood is not much when you consider the average span of life, but for a teenager, much like the paddler at the top of the course, the journey seems endless.

Both begin with a leap of faith into wild water and both seem to travel at uncontrollable speed through twists and turns designed to test physical, intellectual and emotional stamina. In the same way that the athlete trains and prepares for the event, a young man also has access to coaching. Primarily this role belongs to his parents who fulfil the dual roles of head coach and support crew. Encouraging your son’s endeavours and steering him in the right direction is of paramount importance. But what about the spiritual dimension? It is all too easy to focus our attention on physical and academic training to the exclusion of the spirit, but for young

men, issues about identity and character, meaning and purpose can be the difference between a gold medal and an ‘also ran’ in the game of life. Nurturing the spirit can be difficult for a young person. Religious matters are not regarded as trendy or worthy of equal status with their studies, social lives or sporting achievements. Like any good Olympic coach will tell you, all the skills and training in the world will be meaningless on the day if the athlete doesn’t have his heart in the game. At Hale we try to ensure that in our ‘life coaching’ with our boys we include opportunities for and encourage them to become connected to the spirit. In triumph and defeat, belief can make all the difference.



As I write this article, the media is ablaze with coverage of the protest violence around the world in reaction to an offensive YouTube video. Closer to home, adolescent violence by gate crashers and party goers at parties around Perth is also newsworthy. At times like these, I am reminded of the need for leadership. Whilst the great majority of young people in Perth, or indeed Australia, are not and would not ever be involved in such activities, it is critical as educators of young people that we provide leadership and role modelling opportunities to our young people.

by Mr Ross Barron Head of Senior School

It is something we are ever mindful of at Hale School where we aim to develop the whole child and provide our students with real, meaningful opportunities to gain experiences in formal and informal leadership situations. It is through these opportunities where success is gained, and sometimes failure experienced that our young people can learn lessons they can use to shape their generation’s destiny. So what are we doing at Hale to provide these opportunities? There are many varied and developmentally appropriate initiatives in the Junior and Middle Schools that are developed further in the Senior School. One of the longstanding traditions of Hale School has been the house system, with boys from Year 7 to 12 mixing in numerous activities. These include winter and summer sport, swimming, cross country, athletics carnivals, Arts Cup, chess and debating. All of these activities provide an opportunity for the older students to lead and guide the younger boys into the ‘Hale way’ of doing things. This inculcation and perpetuation of the school culture is powerful and an influence that as staff we wish we had. Sport and the various clubs and societies are activities that give a real taste of leadership

in the heat of battle. The leadership at various year levels is a fantastic opportunity for students to lead their peers, not an easy task at the best of times. Through the Senior School each house undertakes house rosters for a week each term. This often gives an interesting insight into leading other students when they have no interest in being led. The most common comment boys make to me is “they won’t do what I expect of them”. I inwardly smile and think ‘wait until you are a parent, you will have a better perspective on this’. In the October holidays each year, the Year 11 student body are invited to a weekend leadership camp which generally 120 boys attend. This camp gives an opportunity to learn from some high profile leaders in our community and their perspectives on leadership, as well as time to reflect through active participation of leadership activities. The outgoing School Prefects who attend the camp give valuable insights to the younger students into their experiences. One of the key aspects of each camp run by the Outdoor Education team is providing opportunities for every boy to lead a group in an outdoor environment. From feedback over many years this is one of the most challenging and rewarding aspects of the Exmouth camps.

The traditional House and School Prefects are the more formal positions that provide between 30 to 40 boys with a role each year. The actual application process, interview, induction and mentoring is also an important learning opportunity. The Year 12 students are always reminded that as the senior group, they have an important role in setting the tone for the school and making their mark as leaders.





The Class of 2012 celebrated their rite of passage on Friday 26 October in a positive and celebratory manner. The day and time of year contains mixed emotions of excitement that the school years are over and a sense of melancholy that time with their school mates and teachers is also ending. It always surprises me that so many Year 12 boys mention that they are a little sad to be leaving as they reflect on their time at Hale. The day started with a breakfast in the Dining Hall with their respective Heads of House. This was followed by a walk around the school to three different locations; The Chapel Green, Administration Green and Craig Oval bank, where there was a mixture of short musical items and student reflections. The Senior School assembly at 11.00am was attended by the Year 9 to 12 students and a record number of parents.


The second part of the celebrations began in the evening with a Chapel service, cocktail party and finally the Valedictory Presentation Assembly where each student was presented to the school before signing the Valedictory book.


Although they now move onto the next exciting phase in their life, they are, and always will be, a Haleian. A bond that will last forever.



Gratitude to a school that has made a difference in so many ways...



98 BA -1 RBO UR 1978



2012 Bishop Hale Medallist Rob Barbour (1978-82)

The Join the Journey fundraising initiative is well on its way, with members of the extended Hale community having received the invitation to donate in the mail very recently. Unlike other fundraising initiatives run by the school in the past, this one is different.

The Bishop Hale Medal is awarded annually to an Old Haleian whose actions demonstrate an unselfish, voluntary devotion to duty and acknowledges personal commitment – exemplifying Bishop Hale’s philosophy of voluntary service to one’s community, be it locally, nationally or internationally. Hale School congratulates Rob Barbour (1978-1982) on his selection as this year’s recipient. After completing Year 12 at Hale School in 1982, Rob completed a medical degree at the University of Western Australia. He joined the Army as an undergraduate and went on to complete a Masters Degree in Public Health and Tropical Medicine whilst in the Army. His last four years in the Australian Army were as the beret qualified Regimental Medical Officer with the Special Air Service Regiment (SAS). Prior to this he also spent time on active service with the UN peace keeping missions in Western Sahara and the Middle East.

Hale is always building, always growing and with this comes huge financial commitments. We have always looked to our community to assist with the process, but at times, the ‘ask’ has been too great. I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to be a part of the growth at Hale, and in doing so, be part of the wonderful outcomes a financial gift can have for all boys present and future who attend this great school. But to be part of the Join the Journey Campaign, you need not spend thousands, even hundreds of dollars. All we ask is for a contribution that you feel is appropriate given your circumstances and connection with Hale. I can promise you that every single cent donated to Hale will go to good use. And I also invite you to come and see Hale for what it has become, but more importantly, for what it is going to be.

Rob then developed the Kisampa Private Conservation Area in Tanzania and still resides there with his wife, Jackie and their two children, James and Sarah.

I remember my first day at Hale, no air-conditioning, green screen computers with funny MS DOS programming. I remember the big mechanical sprinklers on the ovals and the full fat cheesy we ate at morning recess. I remember teachers who wore short sleeve business shirts and a tie with shorts and knee high socks… (some of those same teachers are still doing it!). I also remember how the school changed every year and by the time I was in final year, there were fewer black boards and more white boards… Amazing technology! So imagine what has happened since you left school? Imagine how a place like Hale has surfed the wave of technology and implemented changes that to people like you and me, who sat on a plastic chair in the 80’s, sweating through a French class, would now consider an almost science fictional improvement on what we had. Well it has happened and I would like to share that with anyone who is considering to Join the Journey.

Their aim is to help poor communities move out of poverty by assisting them to use their resources to generate income and employment, and also to teach sustainability and to implement community development initiatives. This is done through conservation and tourism.

Please call the Development office for a ‘future tour’ of Hale School, to see how money in the past has made Hale a renowned educational facility, and to see how your help will see it through to the 22nd century.

Their company now operates four conservation and tourism projects around Tanzania and they continue to investigate further vulnerable areas in Tanzania that need to be conserved, following the Kisampa community conservation model.

Mr Dave Reed (1988-92) Director of Development

Upon leaving the Army in the late ‘90s, Rob migrated back to Africa (Tanzania) and spent two years as a volunteer, building a small community clinic and training the staff to manage it for themselves. He then founded AfrikaAfrika (Sanctuary Tanzania Limited) a socially responsible and community based safari operation in Tanzania for which he is still the Managing Director.

Robert is a professional safari guide – taking people on safari in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Zambia, Botswana and Zimbabwe and also supports climbing expeditions on Mount Kilimanjaro.

Class of 2001 Join the Journey!

Robert also continues to provide consultancy advice to Oil and Gas and Mining companies all over the world in the area of Occupational Health and Safety, Social Responsibility and Community Development. IMAGE: The Annual Giving Brochure was unveiled recently to all Haleians

...the thing that I have observed will make people’s lives full, rich and interesting is to get involved in something bigger than themselves. The Hon. Christian Porter



Last month I had the opportunity to speak alongside former school captain Will Clapin and Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi to Year 11 boys who had volunteered for the Hale Leadership camp. The idea was to share some experiences about life since school and impart some hopefully not too useless pieces of advice about how to go about that process of moving from school to the next stages of living. It was a measure of the discipline and politeness of the boys assembled that they all managed to look attentive and interested for the full hour and a half (something that rarely happens when we speak in parliament). In fact, talking face to face with a bunch of the students after the formal presentation, what struck me was that Hale School is still doing what it does

best. Producing young Australians who are interesting because they are genuinely interested in the world around them. It is so refreshing to speak with 15 and 16 year old students who have resisted the temptation to adopt the default setting of a lot of modern adolescents (so often marked by a disengaged approach to conversation and inquiry). These boys were keen – hungry to hear about things that intrigue them, to get answers to questions that occur to them and best of all there was little or no sign of embarrassment at the prospect of asking a question amongst and in front of their peers. This alone will be a character trait as valuable as gold when they head out of the confines of the school.

join things. To get involved in activities or causes bigger and broader than your own immediate self and internal interests. It would not matter what particularly; amateur drama clubs, sport, social or political causes, charity - whatever is of interest. As I look down the barrel of my 25 year school reunion in a few days’ time the thing that I have observed will make people’s lives full, rich and interesting is to get involved in something bigger than themselves. I also told the boys that joining any type of club or association is always a good way to meet girls so I am feeling pretty confident that more than a few will take on the advice in the next several years and I wish them all the best.

The one piece of advice I thought may be of some assistance to the group was to

The Hon. Christian Porter (1983-87)



IMAGE: The Hon. Christian Porter speaking at this year’s Leadership Camp for Year 11 students



MIDDLE “ SCHOOL ” DIVERSITY What is evident is the richness and diversity of the talents, capacities, needs and aspirations of all the boys in Middle School

by Mr Michael Valentine Head of Middle School

It is mid-September as I write this piece and the end of Term 3 is looming amidst parent interviews, PSA athletics, the annual lap-a-thon and even some planning for next year! The academic rhythm of the School is strong and resilient and the sense of community quite palpable. I have been away for a few days in Sydney visiting an intriguing school in preparation for my new role next year and the boys in my English class have emailed me extensively about the work I left them to complete. Confident, polite, humorous and well intentioned quips about some of the tasks pour into my email from the boys; this lends colour to the day as I work with a group of similar minded school leaders in an (unsettlingly!) rural location; within the urban sprawl that is Sydney.

The boys’ sense of ease when conversing with me is a feature of working in a boys’ school. What is also evident is the richness and diversity of the talents, capacities, needs and aspirations of all the boys in Middle School. Their interests and their intensities vary and interconnect and so the rich tapestry of life in the Middle School is revealed in more and more detail as we work our way through the year. Certainly there are core events and key academic content that are celebrated and investigated each year; but it is the interconnection of personalities and interests and talents that provide the uniqueness to each year. The journey does vary as we seek to provide the boys with experiences which foster and enrich their many qualities.

Each of our boys has a capacity to uniquely express an appetite for life, possesses a spirit to persevere and enjoy life and utilise an intellect upon which to build wisdom for life. Our educational community in the Middle School offers boys an experience encompassing all these domains across the classrooms, on the fields, in the wilderness, upon the stage and in periods of reflection. It is the essence of Hale School that it is an educational community that recognises its role is to seek to assist in the growth of our boys across such distinct, important and unique domains. I thought I might provide a snapshot of what I mean by highlighting the endeavours of some Middle School boys this year. The diversity of their interest, capacities and achievements are obvious. I would like to introduce you to some of the remarkably positive, good natured young men in our Middle School. Of course, I can only select a small range of the myriad of undertakings our boys in the Middle School enrich our community with each year. Our boys are expressive and for the most part, successfully engaged with their school, their peers and their teachers. I think there is something noble and enduring about a community that charts so many different courses for boys to navigate toward a common end point; an opportunity to excel.

The BHD Productions Team.

Morgan Maruthiah.

Mr Venables and some members of the 2012 Beginner Band.



Year 7 Brine House boys.




In June, the 2012 Hale School’s Year 8 da Vinci Decathlon team were successful in winning the Western Australian da Vinci Decathlon title held at Wesley College. Boys are invited to trial for selection into this academically diverse competition.

The ‘Beginner Band’ is a unique Middle School performance group designed to give boys entering Hale School in Year 7 a chance to begin learning an instrument for the first time. This year 17 boys took up the invitation and under the direction of Mr Venables they have made fantastic progress. The boys have chosen oboe, clarinet, trumpet, saxophone, trombone, euphonium and bass guitar this year with which to commence their musical journey. They will perform at the Middle School Parent Night in Term 4.

Brine House is home for 47 boys who live at Hale School as boarders during term time. The boys come from across the state and overseas and in some cases are carrying on family traditions across generations. The boys deal with all of life’s challenges a long way from home but always with the incredible support of the staff in the boarding team. Their weekend, homework and daily interactions with others all take place within this extraordinary community of people dedicated to looking after one another. The Brine House boys bring fascinating perspectives to our School community and perhaps also at times a sense of reality about our own context.

The Western Australian da Vinci Decathlon is an all-day interschool competition operated in the spirit of an Olympic Decathlon. Teams of eight Year 8 students from each school compete in ten events of an academic nature. The Hale School team, comprising Domenic Quail (Captain), Adi Ganguly, Haseeb Riaz, Christopher Shields, Harry Walters, Matthew Blacker, James Dingley and Jonathon Battista won two events and finished well in several others, demonstrating their wide range of abilities. The challenging events included Engineering, Art and Poetry, Science, Games of Strategy, English, Creative Producers, Mathematics, General Knowledge, Code Breaking and Philosophy. The boys travelled to Sydney to take part in the Australian da Vinci competition at Knox College as a result of the success at the Wesley College event!

THE BHD PRODUCTIONS TEAM Clayton Herbst, James Dingley and Matthew Blacker are three Year 8 boys with a passion for video, amongst other things! The boys have created a production company, BHD Productions, and produced a number of outstanding videos. The boys’ work is being used in Year 6 classes at St Mary’s and another film is currently entered into the prestigious ‘Getyaheadright’ competition, which deals with issues that can arise in School communities. The boys are also preparing a video for the students new to Middle School next year.

The 2012 da Vinci Team: Harry Walters, Adi Ganguly, Mr Andrew Dean, Domenic Quail (Captain), James Dingley, Haseeb Riaz, Matthew Blacker, Christopher Shields and Jonathon Battista.

MORGAN MARUTHIAH The United Nations Youth Voice is a public speaking competition held annually for students in Years 8 to10. It provides an exciting opportunity for young people to speak their mind on international issues that matter to them! On the evening of 10 September, Year 8 boy Morgan Maruthiah spoke with clarity and sincerity on his chosen topic of ‘Worst Enemy’. His major premise was that poverty could be considered to be the global community’s worst enemy, affecting people’s access to food, shelter, education and opportunity. In his initial heat, Morgan competed with students from several other schools including Perth and Shenton Colleges. He was successful in his heat and as a result has been selected to compete in the upcoming semi-finals. In this next round, Morgan will be provided with an impromptu topic on the night of the competition and be asked to develop and deliver a three minute speech on this topic. Morgan’s conviction and initiative are a credit to him and an inspiration to us all.




hat a year it has been for Year 7 Hale Drama students! The boys spent many months working on a collaborative project with students at Mingenew Primary School, which culminated in a four day camp to the small wheatbelt town.

Middle School Drama

Mingenew Year 7 students from both schools made great use of interactive technology, taking part in combined drama sessions over the internet. The boys willingly spent their lunchtimes participating in these sessions and were very excited when they got the opportunity to meet their new friends “in the flesh”. During their time in Mingenew, the students toured the town, participated in local football training, visited the Coalseam Conservation Park and got to see what farm life is really like when they visited the family farm of Hale School boarders. The highlight of the camp was performing a play at the Mingenew Town Hall to an audience of over 100 people. The play, focusing on mateship and the importance of empathy, was about being a ‘new kid’ moving from the country to the city as a boarder at Hale.




ate in Term 2, the Brine House boarders suggested to their Head of House, Mr Steenekamp, that the kitchen and games room in the boarding house was in dire need of a makeover. Mr Steenekamp, ever vigilant in looking for learning opportunities for the boys, suggested they could design a new kitchen and he would help them with the manufacture and installation. With the challenge presented, enthusiasm amongst the boys soon grew and they became more confident they could tackle the task of replacing the old kitchen. Mr Steenekamp outlined the process the boys would need to follow to successfully undertake the exercise. The boys agreed and the project began in earnest. The boys started chasing down quotes on materials, designing the new kitchen and sourcing sledgehammers so they could tackle the job of demolishing the old kitchen and a small brick wall. The work of demolishing the kitchen and removing a wall was approached with great enthusiasm as many of the boys thought the opportunity to smash a part of the school would never come their way again! The floor coverings and skirting boards were removed and the electrician and plumbers came to rewire the electrics and plumb the new pipes in readiness for the new kitchen installation. Jacques Lategan of IKandu Kitchens generously donated his time and the use of his factory to assist the boys in designing the kitchen. At 5am on a Saturday morning in Term 2, a few boys started the production of the kitchen at the IKandu factory. The panels were cut using the latest machines - providing a great learning experience for the boys, and the carcasses were assembled in the Hale School workshop. With the carcasses completed the boys installed them into Brine House.

The design, production and installation process saw the boys gain some valuable life skills; working to a time line, budgeting and dealing with suppliers and tradespeople. The end result of the new kitchen, floor coverings and leather lounges has transformed the Brine House recreation room into a more efficient and inviting place for the boys to spend time. The boys were successful in taking on this significant task because they worked as a team and were prepared to listen and heed advice from the maintenance staff and Mr Steenekamp. All those involved should be extremely proud of their contribution to the project as it was a wonderful example of teamwork and perseverance. Mr Haydn Jackson Assistant Head of Brine House

Renovation Rescue

Middle School Boarding

Boarding Housemother, Jane Hodgkinson loves this new space where she can sit with the boys after school and discuss their day. She says it’s just like the family kitchen at home.



Teaching Intelligence The Teachers At Hale Keep Learning As a community of learners, the Junior School staff is committed to their ongoing professional development. One of the initiatives which we have implemented to ensure we continue to grow in our profession is what we have termed, ‘Communities of Professional Practice’ (CoPs). Our CoPs take place every Wednesday afternoon. The teachers meet to investigate, read about, discuss and reflect upon various ideas and initiatives based on current pedagogical thinking. Depending on their interest, teachers have selected a particular focus group. These are:


Teaching Boys:

Emotional Intelligence:

This group has researched a variety of Apps available and in doing so, have uncovered numerous exciting Apps that will support the current iPad trial being undertaken throughout the Junior School. The team is now exploring the feasibility of producing our own App, which may be used to support learning, school procedures and practices. Once these practices have been trialled and refined, the knowledge and techniques will be passed on to other members of the Junior School team.

The largest of the groups, this team is investigating current literature and research that will inform a framework to guide teachers about ‘boy-responsive pedagogy’, which is research-based and data-driven. The framework will be interactive and provide exemplars of best practice in teaching boys. An annual survey of students will form part of the data that will assist in refining pedagogy in the Junior School, ensuring that practices are always evolving to suit the needs of the boys.

While the idea of Emotional Intelligence (EI) has featured in the corporate world and leadership theories for over a decade, the construct is relatively new to students of Junior School age. It soon became apparent to the group that there was a need to develop a shared understanding of EI and to seek further expertise to answer key questions. Dialogue has been initiated with a research team at Swinburne University, Melbourne who we are hoping to further work with, as we develop a framework for future consideration and implementation.

Mathematical Literacy:

Visible Learning:

This group’s analysis and evaluation of current research in mathematical literacy provides an important rationale for a specific focus in this area. The work concentrates on just one aspect of language, that being vocabulary. In other words, the fluent use of terminology is an important factor for overall mathematics achievement as students need to understand exactly what is being asked of them. The aim is to develop a resource which will incorporate a range of strategies to assist teachers in addressing the challenges of improving mathematical vocabulary in the classroom. Professional learning programmes during 2013 will provide the opportunity for these strategies to be modelled and implemented.

Inspired by the work of John Haitie and Deb Masters, this group has undertaken a review of literature and is developing a proposal to implement a teacher professional learning programme on ‘Visible Learning’. This research will encourage teachers to stop and think about the vast amount they already know about students, and focus on what really makes a difference to student learning. Effective feedback has proven to have a profound effect on student achievement as it potentially doubles the speed of learning. Relational trust is at the basis of building a culture of feedback in a school. The group has found that when teachers provide feedback, it is important to provide information that allows the student to have clarity on where they are going, how they are going, and where they will go next.

These exciting interest groups and projects are empowering the teachers to constantly reflect on innovation and best practice, which is research-based and data-driven. We are looking forward to seeing where these innovations take us. Mr Alex Cameron Head of Junior School


App Design:



Keeping Education Interesting The Year 1 classroom sprung to life this year with many adventures taking place. One of the special highlights during the year was the Year 1 Assembly where staff, parents and teachers were treated to a special tribute song about Hale School. This was a re-worked version of Frank Sinatra’s ‘New York, New York’. The song had the audience toe tapping and highly entertained. After performing their song, the boys told the fictional story of a dragon’s adventure of coming to Hale School. Through the use of a PowerPoint display, the audience were taken on the journey, visiting many parts of the Junior School, including Mr Cameron’s office. The Year 1 boys also formed their own special boy band called the ‘Number Crew’ where they displayed their knowledge of mathematical concepts taught by singing two educational rap songs. ‘Number Crew’ even choreographed their own hip-hop moves.

During Science, ‘Light and Sound’ was investigated through a range of discovery learning activities, where the Year 1 boys learned about reflection, shadows and sound. The unit culminated with the students telling various stories about how shadow puppets were created and projected these on to the SMART Board.

attended Kalamunda History Village, where activities included a visit to a 1860s classroom, a pioneer cottage and carrying out olden day laundry and letter posting activities.

During History, students investigated the concept of ‘Past and Present’. We discussed how objects, places and roles in the family unit have changed over time. The Year 1 students created their own personal visual timeline, showing significant events from birth to present day. To further develop the boys’ understanding of the past, they

Ms Bianca Rosner Year 1 Teacher

It is wonderful creating so many delightful and fun memories with the Year 1 boys.



Benjy Bounces Higher And Higher!

4E Smoothie Fundraiser

Father’s Day Breakfast

In August, Year 6 student, Benjamin (Benjy) Neppe competed in the National Clubs Trampoline Competition in Brisbane. Benjy relished being on the big stage and meeting other young people who enjoy this unique sport.

The boys in 4E have recently discussed, planned and organised a couple of lunchtime sessions selling delicious fruit smoothies. This little venture came about when discussing how lucky we all are to be living in Australia, following on from a unit of work during English classes. These sessions revolved around the question ‘Is the world fair?’ and involved reading a book entitled ‘If the World were a village’. This unit of work developed some insight into the distribution of the world’s resources and whether they believed this was fair. The teams of six were responsible for designing, advertising and providing all the equipment and ingredients. Each team worked together to make, sell and clean up, demonstrating excellent communication and cooperation skills. We raised over $300 which the teams will now lend out via a micro loan organisation such as ‘KIVA’ or ‘Opportunity International’. This allows the boys to control who and where their money will go to assist others who may not be as fortunate as us. All in all, a real-world learning opportunity that was enthusiastically embraced by the boys.

How often do we take the opportunity to tell our sons how much they mean to us, and allow ourselves to hear how significant we are to them, as their parents?

Benjy has been trampolining for several years and says that the sport has allowed him to develop his acrobatic skills, strength and fitness. Asked whether the heights of his jumps can be scary, Benjy said, “You just don’t seem to think about it when doing twists and tumbles. Plus, there is a lot of padding around if you make a mistake!” At the championships, Benjy placed 21st out of 50, and 37th in the Double Mini Tramp. Benjy hopes to improve on these results next year as he continues to practise and gain experience in competing. Mr Alex Cameron Head of Junior School

Mr Paul Edwards Year 4 Teacher

In the Junior School every year we hold our Mother’s Day and Father’s Day services with this in mind. Recently, we held our annual Father’s Day breakfasts and chapel services and invited fathers and sons to express how much they value their relationship. Even eating together is something busy families sometimes miss out on, and most dads would appreciate eating a full cooked breakfast alongside his son or sons, in the school Dining Hall. At Chapel afterwards, a number of boys talked about their dads, and five dads in turn spoke about what it meant for them to be a father. Some advice shared among the dads included; always be stronger, wiser and kinder and take time to play and pray with your children. It was very clear the boys wanted their dads to know they appreciate and love them very much. Sons were reminded that dads, like Father God, are always FOR them, and they, as children, have a huge impact on their dad’s lives. One dad commented, “It was very touching to hear some of the thoughts from the dads on being a dad and from the boys about their fathers. A great bonding morning.” Sincere thanks to our Junior School staff and catering staff for making these two events possible. Mrs Sally Howe Assistant Chaplain




A Decade T

of Music..

en years ago, Jason La and Richard Lee began playing the violin in the Year 2 String Programme. Students in the programme were provided with a violin and weekly group lessons to kick start their musical journey. As we come to the end of Jason and Richard’s journey at Hale, it is timely to acknowledge and celebrate their unrelenting interest and commitment to playing the violin.

Learning to play the violin and being involved in a string ensemble taught Jason and Richard more than musical skills. Concentration, discipline, teamwork, organisation and responsibility are words that come to mind when describing the type of learning that the boys were undertaking. Listening and responding skills (in analytical listening of music, instructions and playing with others), literacy skills (in reading and writing music notation), mathematical skills (in playing in time and understanding rhythms), motor and coordination skills (in physically playing the violin) and communication skills (in expressing and interpreting music notation) were also nurtured through their early musical experiences. From these initial beginnings, Jason and Richard had obviously ‘caught the bug’ and their appreciation for music grew to become part of their daily learning at Hale. Throughout Junior School, both boys continued with individual violin lessons and their experience in weekly ensemble class was enriched with involvement in Junior String Orchestra and Junior Symphony Orchestra.

tration Concen ne Discipli ork Teamw ion and t a s i n a Org sibility Respon

Connor Delves transforms into Frankenstein’s monster.

As Jason and Richard moved into Senior School, their association with Music has always been unwavering and gently expanding. The boys have successfully completed five years of classroom Music, and have been reliable members of Hale St Mary’s Orchestras, Hale Harmony, Hale Chamber Orchestra, Hale St Mary’s Cantate and various chamber music ensembles. Performances in a myriad of concerts have seen Jason and Richard grow in confidence as musicians and as young men. It is most satisfying to trace and reflect on Jason and Richard’s musical developments throughout their time at Hale. They are excellent ambassadors for the Hale Music programme that engages boys at an early age and aims to nurture their musical interest seamlessly through to Year 12. Jason’s learning journey as a violinist culminated in his solo performance at the Year 12 Recital Night, where he performed the first movement of Vivaldi’s “Summer” from The Four Seasons. And Richard’s performance of the first movement of Mozart’s Violin Concerto No.3 in G Major was also very well received on the night. No doubt they will both do very well in their WACE Music recital and written examination this year. Miss Sarah Ellison, Jason and Richard’s violin teacher, speaks highly of their steadfast commitment to playing and of their quiet appreciation for music. Moreover, Miss Ellison is most impressed with the life skills they have acquired through involvement with Music at Hale over the last ten years. We congratulate Jason and Richard on their musical achievements, thank them for their contribution to Hale Music and wish them well as they move beyond Hale having experienced the joy of making music and knowing that they are well-equipped for whatever lies ahead.

..A valued set

of Life Skills

Hale School’s redfoot youth theatre presents




Ryan Lewis returns to Hale to create a monster!

Creating a


Old Haleian and past redfoot member Ryan Lewis returned to Hale in October and brought with him his own unique adaptation of Frankenstein, that was presented in the Stow Theatre by redfoot youth theatre. Ryan’s direction saw Frankenstein explore the fragile relationship between a monster and its creator. Set in Ingolstadt in the 1800s, this minimalist production delved into the dark world of abandonment, fear and knowledge. Taking place after the birth of the monster, urgent concerns of scientific responsibility, parental neglect, cognitive development and the nature of good and evil were embedded within the thrilling and deeply disturbing classic gothic tale. Ryan was heavily involved in drama during his time at Hale. Prior to graduating in 2011, he performed in 14 productions over five years and had his first taste of directing in 2011 with his student driven production of And Then There Were None. Ryan said

“My first production [at Hale] triggered my love for directing, especially in the redfoot environment.” Ryan has since returned to redfoot, juggling an Arts Management degree at WAAPA and two internships at Black Swan Theatre Company and Perth Theatre Company, to direct his second show. “Directing Frankenstein was a brilliant experience and one that I will not forget for many years to come. The incredibly talented cast made my return to redfoot an absolute pleasure and I am so glad that I had the opportunity to work with them all.” Hale School’s Year 11 student Connor Delves played the character of the monster. His performance was meticulously rehearsed, and stemmed from months of research into human movement, particularly that of infants, to convincingly portray his character. To create the look of the monster, Connor underwent two hours of prosthetic makeup every performance, including fake facial features and charred skin, to create a truly horrific look. Connor too has been heavily involved in theatre at Hale, and is set to follow in Ryan’s footsteps by directing his own redfoot show next year.

Producter and Director Geoff Bennett and David Bambach

Pirates & Pinafores

Modern Major


There was a great deal of commotion in the press recently about an ‘all-male’ cast performing The Pirates of Penzance at the Regal Theatre.

and obviously did a good job. They were invited back recently to a reunion of those ‘pirates’ who took part: the ‘boys’ on whom these two men had such a great influence.

So what’s new? There would have been a certain amount of suppressed laughter from some of the ‘pirates’ who gathered recently for the 50-year anniversary of their ‘allmale’ production of the same thing.

Reviews of the current production used words such as exuberant, engaging, joyous and energetically performed. The very same words could have been used to describe the enthusiasm in the air and the atmosphere generally at this recent reunion.

Geoff Bennett and David Bambach produced and directed this musical and HMAS Pinafore, the very first to be performed at the Wembley Downs campus 50 years ago – with their all male casts,

Needless to say - a good time was had by all! So much so, that a pact has been forged to do it all again for the 60-year anniversary.



20 No.

Hale St Mary’s

Concert Band For almost 20 years the Hale St Mary’s Concert Band has been part of the Tuesday evening routine for more than 500 students from Hale School and St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School. In 1993 Andrew Bushell (Director of Music - Hale) and Lynne Kowalik (Director of Music – St Mary’s) decided that the ad hoc musical relationship that existed between the two schools should be formalised in the form of a concert band. Up until that time, the choirs of the two schools would occasionally come together for various church services and the like. The resulting association has seen music flourish at both schools and 2013 will see the twentieth anniversary of the Hale St Mary’s Concert Band collaboration; a milestone worthy of Andrew Fisenden recognition. (1994-01)

Reunion Friday 30 August 2013

As a celebration to mark the milestone that is the 20th Hale St Mary’s Concert Band there are plans to have a reunion for all members; from those who graduated in 1994 through to the present day. A reunion concert and Sundowner are planned for Friday 30 August 2013. Mark this date in your diary. The Old Boys and Old Girls Associations of both schools will be making contact. We are keen to involve as many past students in this activity as we can. Put it in your diary and if you are willing to play a part in helping to organise this event please contact Philip Venables pdv@hale.wa.edu.au

A music reunion not to be missed

World Renowned Freelance Drummer


Kylie Wheeler Australian Olympian

Matthew Lutton (1994-01) - Theatre Director

Concerts, camps and tours have been an integral part of the life of the band and 2013 will be no exception. The band will tour internationally for the fifth time. Kim Harrison (St Mary’s) and Philip Venables (Hale) have teamed as the band’s conductors almost since its inception. Kim is an Old Haleian and his son Mitchell (Year 9) has been awarded a place in the 2013 band. Members of the Hale St Mary’s Concert Band have gone on to many varied career paths but can look back on their membership with fondness and many to this day comment that they were so glad that they took the opportunity to take part in this when they were at school.

2013 will be a big year for Hale St Mary’s Music


■■Andy Fisenden (percussionist) was featured in the June 2012 Haleian. He joined the Hale St Mary’s Concert Band as a Year 8 in 1997 and was involved in a number of firsts for the band, which included performances in the Perth Concert Hall and the 1997 tour to Malaysia and Singapore. It would be fair to say that Andy possesses freakish talents as a drummer that were well and truly evident when he was at school. On the tour of 1997 the band played to what continues to be its largest audience ever of over 2000 at

Ash Gibson Greig (1984-95) - Composer

Pay Fong School in Malacca. A lasting memory for Andy was when (as a small Year 8) he was mobbed “rock-star” style at the end of the concert. Andy had the rare privilege of being offered early entry to the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts and left Hale, and the Band at the end of Year 10. He remembers his time in the Music Department, and the Band in particular, with happiness and appreciation for the grounding that corporate music making played in his education.



■■To Matthew Lutton (Hale’s Music Captain in 2001 and flautist) the weekly Tuesday evening band rehearsals live on as a defining memory of his school years. The 2000 Hale St Mary’s Concert Band tour to Sydney was a particular highlight for him, but he believes the greatest triumph of the band was not only the music making, but the community conjured by the unique event of bringing together like-minded students from two schools and various year groups on a weekly basis.

■■Ash Gibson Greig (inaugral trumpet player) says, “I remember the atmosphere at band was always fun but focused thanks to the great attitude of the conductors. It’s an attitude I try to maintain in my own professional relationships even today. The Hale St Mary’s Concert Band was a step in expanding my horizons to things that weren’t just about Hale, and most importantly, the Hale St Mary’s Concert Band gave a shy boy much needed exposure to girls!”

■■Kylie Wheeler (trombone player) also remembers the weekly rehearsals being a highlight: the co-educational atmosphere is one that Kylie considers as being integral to the success of the band. She also cites the 1995 tour to Sydney as a strong and happy memory. The 1995 tour was the first of its kind for the Music Departments of Hale and St Mary’s and the trip provided many highlights for the students, not the least being the chance to play in the Sydney Opera House, which Kylie clearly recalls. Kylie played in the band until the end of Year 11, but she says that the chance to play in the Hale St Mary’s Concert Band is one that she very much cherishes and looks back upon with much fondness; it was integral to her education. Since her time at school Kylie has gone on to represent Australia as a heptathlete in two Olympic Games and has twice won Silver at the Commonwealth Games.

Will Huxtable and Ben Clapin

The Scholar Conductors Programme

by Ben Clapin (Year 11)


ver four days in early September, Will Huxtable and I attended the 2012 Scholar Conductors programme in Melbourne, run by Symphony Services International. We were instructed by Christopher Seaman, a British Conductor who has been principal timpanist with the London Philharmonic Orchestra, principal conductor of the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra and more recently conductor of the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra in the USA; and Dan Carter, a conductor with the Victorian Opera Company. The conducting course involved us in sessions of aural training, musicianship, singing, music history and analysis of the repertoire, small ensemble work, piano sessions and classes on conducting technique. The repertoire we studied include Schubert’s Symphony No.8 ‘The Unfinished’, Mendelssohn’s ‘The Hebrides Overture’, Berlioz’s ‘Damnation of Faust Hungarian March’ and Vaughan Williams’ ‘English Folk Song Suite’. The programme was held at the ABC studios and ANAM (the Australian National Academy of Music). At ANAM

we were fortunate to be able to observe the ANAM orchestra rehearsing with the Cape Town Opera Company. Will and I both gained a great deal from working with Christopher Seaman and Dan Carter. We learnt how to annotate a score and study it in detail before conducting an orchestra. We explored conducting patterns, gestures and techniques of conducting, such as incorporating our fingers, wrist and shoulders to make a smoother stroke. We also took turns conducting a group of professional musicians while Christopher gave us individual feedback about the nuances of the repertoire and how best to phrase things and what the best tempos, dynamics and musical ideas would be for each piece. On the final day we had an open session where people could watch us conduct.

The Scholar Conductors Programme has made me want to do more conducting. It has also made me realise that there are many more aspects to conducting than I had originally thought and is definitely more difficult than it looks.




Joseph Havlat (2007-11) with Stuart & Sons’ owner Wayne Stuart at the State Theatre earlier this year for the Terra Australis Concert Series

in the City James Sher (1997-2002) played the trumpet for the Hale St Mary’s Band, but soon realised he didn’t like the practice or having to fill in ‘the diary’. The family was obviously also suffering because one day his mother said “I am sick of being a police woman regarding your trumpet practice! I will give you two days to tell me if you want to continue...” She hadn’t even got out of the room before she heard him say, “Mum, I can tell you now. I want to stop!” James obviously had a propensity for music. Many other boys in this situation would have happily given up music altogether but James then took up bass guitar lessons. As it turns out, it was the guitar that provided him with the “best five minutes” of his school life!

James Sher of Sugar Army

He got to play a five minute solo riff for the ACDC song ‘Back in Black’ on House Arts Cup day! James started tinkering around on a friend’s drum kit in Year 12 and really started playing drums after leaving school, never having had a formal lesson. He is now the drummer for a band called Sugar Army. They are quite well known on the local music scene and at have just completed a tour of the eastern states appearing in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne playing music from their second album – Summertime Heavy. Another recent highlight was their involvement at the ‘Plugged into Perth’ concert: a ‘sound test’ at Perth Arena which was held prior to Elton John’s concert. Also on stage that night was Henry Clarke (2003-05) with his band, Still Water Giants.

Gabriel Fatin (2005-10) and Ben Clapin (Year 11)



James Sher (1997-2002)

Andy Wang (Year 10) plays in the Parmelia House foyer with the Cloisters in the background.

Stuart & Sons partnership The month of August saw Hale School showcase the musical talents of past and present students in a unique concert series called ‘Terra Australis’. Hale School, in partnership with the Hawaiian Group, Stuart and Sons Pianos, the State Theatre and Black Swan Theatre Company resulted in a Stuart and Sons Concert Grand piano being located in the State theatre where Hale musicians provided pre and postshow entertainment. Joseph Havlat was one such student who graduated in 2011 and is now attending the Royal College of Music In London. His piano playing prowess was a treat for all! Following the success of this venture, this very same piano spent the next month in the foyer of

Parmelia House, where schools around Perth were invited to showcase their musical students’ talents at lunch time concerts. The first of these concerts was performed by Hale School music students, Andy Wang, Year 10 and Michael Wikarta Year 11. It was quite fitting that these two young modern day Hale students should be playing the piano surrounded by chrome and glass – but watched over by the bricks and mortar of one of Hale School’s former homes, the Cloisters building directly across the road.

All in attendance were enthralled by the boys’ musical talents and appreciative of the rich tones of the piano which caused many of the passing lunch-time parade out on the Terrace to also stop and listen.

Sugar Army play the Perth Arena for ‘Plugged in to Perth’, a concert to ‘test the sound’ before the official opening headline artist, Elton John!

IMAGES L to R - The dramatic journey of Matthew Salter and Lincoln Vickery: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, 2008 Rehearsal UK Tour, 2009 Requiem For a Beast, 2009 Running Man, 2010 Guys and Dolls, 2010 And Then There Were None, 2011

Batavia, 2011 The Importance of Being Earnest, 2011 Peter Pan and the Panto Pirates, 2012

What a wonderful feeling... What a wonderful I’m happy again!


feeling indeed as our talented team of actors and musicians performed Singin’ in the Rain to sell out crowds in the Music and Drama Centre!

This year’s senior musical was a team effort to end all efforts – magical design and lighting, immaculate costuming and above all, exceptional performances from the company.

Year 12 students Matthew Salter and Lincoln Vickery receive our highest accolade for drama. From wandering through Narnia to singing out in Hollywood they’ve done it all. Matt and Lincoln have been the heart and soul of performance here at Hale school for years! They’ve taken on some of Shakespeare’s greatest roles, performed for school children throughout Perth, taken Western Australian stories to the UK on tour. It has been a whirlwind journey for these two wonderful young men.

Even those who came just to see the rain were not disappointed – it’s hard to imagine any other school being able to command the weather with such precision! For many of our performance students this marks the end of their time at Hale – we are so much richer for having shared in their growing maturity and striking talents.

To gain honours here is an enormous achievement – they have taken leading roles in at least three major productions as well as having been role models to all. Their commitment to drama has never wavered.

Singin’ In The Rain with Matthew Salter as Don Lockwood

It’s hard to pick out favourite moments. They paired up for our story telling tour of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. They were in Year 8 and ready to take on the world. The tour of primary schools helped to cement their discipline and showcased their obvious early talents.

Matt’s performance as Skye Masterson in Guys and Dolls was breathtaking. He came into his own, it was artistically and technically perfect. Lincoln provided Hale with a Romeo that will never be surpassed – his articulation and emotional connection way beyond his years. These were master classes in the art of character creation. For sheer joy, you’d be hard pressed to look beyond The Importance of Being Earnest. This was a real highlight – two friends enjoying and respecting one another’s abilities, in a beautiful production. And then of course there was Singin’ in the Rain. What can you say? On some joyous occasions you just have to sit back and let the boys do their thing! What a privilege to have seen these two perform, what joy to know them – and what a challenge they’ve set for those coming after! Mr Danny Parker Director of Drama



IMAGE: Singin’ In The Rain with Lincoln Vickery as Cosmo Brown



2012 has set a new record for funds raised by the group with


in total being donated to the organisation.


YOUTH PATRONS RAISE $1500+ Nulsen Youth Patrons ran in the inaugural Nulsen City to Surf fundraiser with a fantastic response from the community - raising upwards of $1500. Theo Stapleton, pictured here, ran his first Marathon with a time of 4:26 hours, an amazing effort indeed.




RUN FOR A REASON By The Nulsen Youth Patrons

Hale student Varun Kaushik (Year 11) at the register at Scope Café with Nulsen CEO Gordon Trewern

2012 has seen the Nulsen Youth Patrons and Committee engage at new levels to raise funds for awareness of the organisation. Having the Nulsen residents attend key school events has become a tradition at Hale School, and every year the students and staff alike look forward to seeing which ‘old friends’ come along to these events. The Year 11 students involved in the Nulsen Service Learning programme set a goal this year to raise as many funds as possible for the organisation. After the annual ‘Open Early for a Cause’ event where the students raised over $2500 by making coffees, they organised a raffle and then a sponsored team entry in the City to Surf which raised upwards of $1500. Theo Stapleton even competed in his very first marathon, an amazing effort indeed. 2012 has set a new record for funds raised by the group, with $5000 in total being donated to the organisation. The intention was to always promote the great work of Nulsen, but to be able to hand over a cheque for this amount was an added sweetener to an amazing year of Service Learning and making friends.

“The Youth Patron programme serves an important role in community education and in shaping values and attitudes towards people with disabilities in our community. This programme was conceived as means to provide some of Hale’s young people, our leaders of tomorrow, with opportunities to better understand the community and the people in it. Hale School has always had a strong focus on nurturing a community service ethic in its students, and to help its students understand that they have an obligation to give something back. We at Nulsen are really pleased with this Youth Patron programme and I am equally pleased to note how successful and important this programme has become. It’s done good things for Hale, for Nulsen, and not least for the young men who have been involved. We are also certainly grateful for the recent donation and generosity of the Patrons and Committee members involved.” Gordon Trewern - CEO of Nulsen



Culture is...


In many ways, our voluntary sport policy in Years 10 to 12 dictates the sporting landscape at Hale School. Boys are afforded the opportunity to choose to play sport for Hale School yet if they choose not to play, that choice is respected. In terms of team numbers, our senior teams in summer and winter are the equivalent of schools with compulsory sport policies. Amazingly, we often have more teams than our opposing schools on any given Saturday. Naturally, the attitude and willingness of boys choosing to play creates a wonderful sporting culture, given the boys are involved for the right reasons. A great example of this is the commitment shown by Year 12 boys in their final year. Whilst their academic focus becomes narrowed, most boys will participate in one, two or even three sporting seasons throughout the year. Not only do they learn to sharpen their time management skills but they learn that life can go on through exam periods, a lesson that serves them well for life outside of the Hale bubble.

Impressionable young teenage boys are, funnily enough, impressionable young teenage boys! There is often much talk in the community about whether high profile sporting stars should be considered as role models – absolutely they should be. At Hale, the evidence is overflowing as young boys stand awestruck when 1st team boys walk past them in the school corridors. In 2012, a group of Year 12 boys formed a committee to ensure that 1st team players assisted at Junior and Middle School trainings, particularly throughout the winter season. In turn, the younger boys would turn up on Saturday to watch the Senior boys in action. One only needs to stand near a few young boys on a Saturday morning to hear them pointing out the who’s who in each of the 1st teams. One feature that separates Hale from our rival PSA schools, and most schools in Australia, is our teacher-coach philosophy. 95 percent of Hale teams, across all seasons, are coached by Hale teaching staff. Some staff enjoy a wealth of playing and coaching knowledge whilst others simply rely on their professional nous, intuition and enthusiasm to motivate their young charges. It isn’t an exact science, but we are the envy of all schools in the PSA community. The challenge now is to ensure our teachers are provided with the right professional development. This must be ongoing, rather than one-day events, and we have already implemented the model in a number of sports at Hale through the employment of a Head Coach whose primary role is to coach the coaches. The intangible benefits that flow from the sporting arena to the classroom are immeasurable. True sport – the possibility of losing and the hurt that goes into winning – is as much about feeling bad, or at least feeling shattered, as it is about feeling good. Protecting allegedly fragile young people from the ethos of competition actually means shielding them from the full joys and potential of sport. Our teacher coaches have the skill set to ensure the life lessons learnt through sport are not lost as post-mortem discussions are often heard throughout the week – and in the occasional classroom! The culture of participation, excellence and duty breeds qualities such as discipline, sportsmanship, and selflessness. These are all qualities associated with Hale School boys and ones we trust will continue to roll off the assembly line in years to come.

95% of Hale teams, across all seasons, are coached by Hale teaching staff.

Mr Simon Young Director of Sport



2012 will be a historic year for Hale School as premierships were won in football, rugby and hockey. The only other school ever to win this winter combination in the history of the PSA was Aquinas College back in 1972.

lding the sporting

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Kim Hughes A Catch For Hale Cricket It’s not every day a former Australian Cricket Captain calls to offer their services to a school cricket programme. So when they do, you have to grasp it with both hands. Kim Hughes has joined the Hale School Cricket Coaching team for the 2012/13 season in a role where he will coach the coaches and offer his wealth of knowledge and expertise to all young Hale cricketers.

“rebel” Australian team in a tour of South Africa, who at the time were subject to a sporting boycott.

Kimberley John Hughes (born 26 January 1954) is a former cricketer who played for Western Australia, Natal and Australia. He captained Australia in 28 Tests between 1979 and 1984 before captaining a

Refreshingly, Kim’s simple philosophy for boys is:

No doubt many of the boys have recently typed the name Kim Hughes into their Google search engines but they are clearly inspired by his presence at training and around the grounds – as are many of their fathers!

1. Watch the ball 2. Hit it 3. Have fun

Hale students Da

ris Carter with n Smailes and Ch

new coach Mr Kim


The 1st XVIII has won the Alcock Cup for the third time in four years. The team was undefeated, winning all 12 games in the home and away format with a percentage just under 250 percent. Aquinas College were second having lost four games, followed by Scotch College and Trinity College. The team were superbly coached and mentored by Jason Norrish and Brad Wira. Undefeated teams are often referred to as “champions” which seems fitting given this was a champion team and not a team of champions - as the team played a selfless and attractive brand of football. Over 30 boys played a role this year and there is a genuine belief amongst the coaching group that many of the Hale 2nds players would be walk-up starts for a 1st XVIII spot at other schools, such was the depth in 2012. Craig Oval has become a fortress in recent years as the 1st XVIII have lost only one game in the last five years when playing at home. The Ray House Hockey Cup sits proudly in the Hale School trophy cabinet for the first time in 22 years. 1990 was the last time Hale won the Cup and this year is only the third time it has been won by Hale. The 1st XI needed a draw or win on the last Saturday of the season to win the competition outright but finding the back of the net proved harder than last time as a determined Christ Church keeper and rotten luck meant that the cup would have to be shared with Wesley College. Hale finished with a superior goal difference of +26 as opposed to Wesley College’s +11, testament to their free flowing attacking style built from an incredibly solid defensive platform. Congratulations to Kane Greenaway, who was assisted by Chris Bausor, in leading the team to success in his first year as 1st XI Coach at Hale School. Further evidence of the increasing strength of hockey at Hale is highlighted by the retention of the Tregonning Trophy (all teams included) for the second year in a row against Christ Church Grammar School. For the tenth year in a row, the Brother Redmond Cup will remain at Hale School in what has become its rightful resting place. It would be easy to say looking in from the outside that the 1st XV rugby boys did it easy this season but results can often be misleading. Guildford Grammar School and Scotch College proved to be the ‘big games’ but a disciplined game plan, 555 points for, 145 points against and a fear of failure saw the Hale boys seven points clear at the top of the table, collecting ten bonus points along the way (nine for four tries or more). Once again, Steve McFarland and Rob Barugh were at the helm and managed the team through a pre-season tour of the United States of America and a 12 game PSA season with all the usual challenges in the form of a representative season and injuries.



As 2012 comes to an end, I have had cause to reflect on the year, the organisation’s achievements and recognition of those who have played a part in maintaining the strength and relevance of our alumni association.



PRESID AGM Notice of Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Old Haleians’ Association will be held in the Memorial Hall, Hale School on Friday 22 March 2013 commencing at 12.15pm. There are thousands of Old Haleians situated all around the world and we are always looking for news of their achievements. If you have stories or items of interest you would like included in the next Haleian magazine please contact the Association’s Manager, Judy Greaney, on (08) 9347 0169 or by email at oldhale@hale.wa.edu.au

The OHA committee is made up of a group of men all dedicated to giving back to the school in some manner. Some have been on the committee for over 50 years and whilst others have been involved for a short while, their contribution has been just as important. One such member is Clark Maul (1995-99) who leaves the committee due to the time constraints placed on him with his new medical career. Clark joined the committee with his friend and classmate, Tim Greaney (1995-99), two years ago. Their primary interest was to create programmes designed to re-engage the younger Old Boy cohort with the OHA. One of their initiatives, which is being launched this month is a networking event for Hale’s legal fraternity. This function is designed to bring Old Boys who have recently graduated with a law degree together with their older counterparts who now constitute the senior ranks of many of Perth’s leading firms. The aim is to expand our members’ commercial network. 70 Year reunion at the


Quite often we don’t realise that the person facing us over the negotiating table could well be another Old Haleian and common ground is always beneficial in progressing any commercial interaction. The event is being hosted by Jason Ricketts (1979-84) and Stuart Barrymore (1969-76) of Herbert Smith Freehills, with the guest speaker being the former State Attorney General, Christian Porter (1983-87). Thanks also go to Mark Foster (1984-89) for his help in organising the event. Once the template has been tested, we intend to extend these events to other professions such as the accounting and financial services industries. The concept isn’t designed exclusively for the corporate services industry as it can just as easily be applied to industry groups such as the construction, mining, medical or public sectors. Let us know if this could be of interest to you and we will work with you to facilitate a similar event for your industry. One of the other areas where the committee has been engaged this year is working on establishing a way to fund and expand our Scholarship and Bursaries programme. This programme has assisted many sons and grandsons of Old Haleians with the opportunity to attend Hale when it may not have otherwise been possible. In order to ensure the programme’s long term sustainability we have proposed to hold an annual raffle for the families of boys attending

Havelock Lunch

Remembrance Day

The Havelock Lunch is held in conjunction with Remembrance Day each year and begins with a moving service involving the whole Senior School. The names of Old Haleians who lost their lives during wartime are read out and wreaths are laid to commemorate their lives.

As is customary at this time we welcomed 200 new members to the OHA at this year’s Valedictory assembly. How times have changed. These Valedictory occasions seem to have more things happening than the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games. This year, the morning began with breakfast, followed by the open assembly in Memorial Hall. Other events took place throughout the day and the evening concluded in the quadrangle with each boy presenting their mother with a rose. Talk about the new age man. We wish all these young men the very best with their coming exams and future life after Hale. It is always with regret that the OHA acknowledge the loss of several of our number throughout the course of the year. We trust their families will take comfort in the knowledge that they will always be remembered by their classmates and kept in stories of schooldays past at reunions in years to come. On behalf of the Committee I would like to extend to all Old Haleians and their families a very Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year. John Garland (1972-76) President

Cameron McAlpine and Grandad, Tony Ryan (1951-56)


the school. At a cost of $100 per ticket per boy attending, one family stands the chance of winning a full year of tuition fees. We believe the popularity of this raffle will not only make one family very happy but more importantly fund our Bursary programme well into the future.

Alex Panarese and Tom Hoar

This function continues to be one of the most popular events on the OHA calendar for the senior members of the Old Hale community and each year it seems new and amazing stories about OHA members are uncovered. The story of this year’s Havelock Lunch was that of Merv Roberts (194348). Merv was celebrating the fact that this outing was his first, unaided trip since 2007, when he fell in the garden and hit his head on his neighbour’s brick wall. Courtesy of that fall he suffered a subdural hematoma; spent two years in rehab learning how to walk again; has titanium plates in his

Condolences are extended to the families of the following Old Haleians whose deaths are known to the Association: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Peter Raymond Boultbee (1965-69) Colin Garstone (1944-46) Humphry Lloyd Gilbert (1934-37) Rodger Arthur Hall (1956-59) Peter Louis Mann (1942) Douglas Anthony Mason (1972-74) William Michael Kennedy McGeehan (2001-08) Russell D F Lloyd (1938-47) Richard John Moore (1962-63) Robert Reid (1943-49) Gale Ormond Samson (1936-42) Rolland Leslie Tasker (1936-42) Neil Innes Williamson (1945-49)



Greg Lupton - Past staff member The Ven. Stanley F Threlfall - Past board member

Laying of the wreaths

head and has not been out and about much for nearly five years. We were honoured to have Merv in our midst after such adversity and happy to report that, though tired by the end of it - he thoroughly enjoyed his day out. We were also pleased to see Captain of School from 1938, Ross Ewen (1930-38) who at 93 was our oldest attendee, Jim Muir (1936-37) who turned 92 on Remembrance Day, Val Bonney (1935-38) and a group organised by Geoff Morris (1937-42) who were celebrating their 70-Year Reunion! Even though the emphasis for this event is on the older members of the Association the highlight of the day was the presentation made by current Year 11 student and Lister Drake Scholarship holder, Cameron McAlpine. Cameron’s entertaining and informative account of his life at Hale School as a boarder in 2012, illustrated just why he was the recipient of the Old Haleians’ Scholarship for his final two years at Hale School. Grandfather, Tony Ryan (1951-56) sitting in the audience, was a very proud man indeed. The feelings generated, particularly at this event are priceless and ought to be able to be bottled.

“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.”

John Crosby

According to Greek mythology, when Odysseus went to the Trojan War he appointed his good friend, Mentor as a role model, guardian and adviser to his son Telemachus. Thus ‘mentoring’ became the word used to refer to a relationship in which, “an older more experienced person acts as a guide or a model for a less experienced colleague”. Mention was made in the last Haleian magazine of a mentoring opportunity offered to a current student after our ‘Business of Commerce’ Careers Investigation Series evening held earlier in the year. In attendance at this same function were Bruce Williamson (1977-81) and Emerson Walker (2002-09): colleagues on this occasion. Bruce is CEO at Westminster National and Emerson a third year law/commerce student at UWA. Both acted as mentors and were on hand to offer advice and inspiration to current students planning future business related career paths. It was this vertical grouping of Old Haleians gathered together for these evenings, which has provided the necessary catalyst for mentoring to further develop. Bruce, the older more experienced person has recently become mentor to Emerson, his less experienced colleague. The Williamsons and the Walkers did already have a connection through school football but this mentoring relationship evolved over time and independently of that, with Emerson being invited to ‘give it a try’ for a few weeks to see how it worked out. It obviously worked out quite well as Emerson has been going into ‘work’ each Friday for the past couple of months. Bruce feels that he is able to pass on the more practical side of business. “Universities clearly cover a large amount of theory,” he says, “but after

Arthur Lodge (1942-52) and Jim Drysdale (1947-49)

30 years in business, you soon learn that very little day-today business happenings go by the book.” Bruce is also able to explain other less tangible aspects of the business world such as the importance of relationships, networks, process, efficiency, productivity etc: the sorts of things you just cannot learn from a book or extract from online research.

when compared to the dozens of other graduates in the market at the same time.” Westminster National has a history of taking on work experience students, some of whom have gone on to be offered full or part time employment, but Emerson is the first Old Haleian to be involved. Bruce would welcome other Old Haleians who may be interested in being involved

“I get valuable insight into the industry and hands on experience”

Emerson thinks it’s great. “I get valuable insight into the industry and hands on experience,” he said. “Learning how to speak with professionals at such a young age can only be beneficial to me – and to be able to have this kind of experience to put on my CV might just be the thing that puts me ahead of my competitors when it comes time to get a job.” Bruce agrees wholeheartedly! “When a graduate goes out into the employment market,” he says, “their value proposition to a prospective employer is enhanced if they have tried a few things such as work experience, part time work, voluntary work etc. They do have a point of difference

in the future. He is only too happy to ‘give back’ and suggests that there are many other businesses out there run or managed by Old Haleians who may also be happy to do the same. If you think you have the skills to ‘listen’ and ‘push’ - and would like to lend your brain to be picked over by a less experienced colleague, please give the OHA Office a call as we are compiling a list of mentors who are willing to foster the personal and professional growth of others. Similarly, if you would like the opportunity to obtain work experience let us know and we may be able to put you in touch with your own Mentor.






The Class of 2002 is scattered all over the world and people like Phyl Georgiou and Phil George were unable to attend their ten year reunion. 50 of the group were able to meet over a drink and a BBQ on campus at the pavilion.

Who goes off to Harvard to play with toys? Phyl Georgiou (19982002), that’s who. Phyl is the founder of Tiggly, a start-up that intends to change the way young children experience the digital world. He and his team are working on a suite of iPad toys and apps that bridge the real

and virtual world for toddlers. The team set out to make the iPad more engaging, fun, educational and age-appropriate for toddlers. Most of us would be inclined to keep toddlers right away from our iPad! It’s a sign of the times however, that children today are growing up in a world of technology and are exposed to ‘toys’ like iPhones and iPads from a very early age. Watch the great authority with which a two year old can scroll through photos or apps on a mobile phone. ‘Tiggly Shapes’, Phyl’s first product, is a modern take on some of the early learning toys that we are all familiar with. They are a set of toy shapes for toddlers (18 months to 3 years) which can be uniquely identified by the iPad. Remember those jigsaws with little knobs attached that had to be fitted in to a matching shape on the board – or the ‘posting box’? Well Tiggly is modernizing that classic wooden puzzle whilst not losing the tactile and tangible nature of the originals! They are taking pre-orders through a Kickstarter campaign which you can find via their website: www.tiggly.com . So if you know any toddlers - why not buy them a set of Tiggly Shapes and support an Old Haleian? Phyl will graduate in May with a joint degree from the Harvard Business School (MBA) and the Harvard Kennedy School of Government (MPA).

Head In The Clouds To coin a phrase, Phil George (1998-2002), pictured above left, thinks he is living the dream! As we speak, he may well be driving a Chevrolet convertible from LA, along the coast to San Francisco to meet potential new business partners. Phil went from Hale School to Murdoch University where he completed a B.Sc in Internetworking and Security: Murdoch

being the only university at the time to offer such a course. Next came a 9–5 job working as an IT consultant, which he soon realised didn’t suit him one bit! He wanted to get to work at 6.00am and leave at 2.00pm so he could go to the beach - and that just didn’t work for his then employer. The solution was obvious to Phil – “I’d start my own business.”

So four years ago, Phil did start his own business, Nurv Consulting which currently provides cloud computing solutions to WA businesses. The next big step for Phil and business partner Scott Vaughan (1996-2002) is to open offices in the US. If successful on the east coast, the plan is to replicate the expansion across Europe and Asia. Phil plans to be in the US initially for four weeks but hopes to be able to spend a lot more time there in the future. Whilst in the US this time he will be meeting up with fellow classmates Phyl Georgiou (19982002) who is currently studying at Harvard and John Zorbas (19982002). “Owning your own business is not easy. It is the hardest, yet most

Craig Ashton (centre) with Haynes House boys

02 Rob Rose addresses the 2002 reunion group

Observations on the night. . . “The stories were good, but it still felt odd to be drinking on campus.” “Sure - a decade has passed, but the change and growth the school has gone through since we were here, surprised most of us.” “The boarding house some grew up in is no more; the new library replaces our beds. Other buildings have popped up, some look smaller than we remember, and the lockers are definitely nicer!” “Once teenagers, now - lawyers, engineers, farmers, accountants, journalists and IT experts filled the room.” “Another bus trip ended the night instead of wearing mouthguards and shin pads to Guildford we wore nice clothes and name tags into the city. It was a great night and the next will be even bigger.”

rewarding thing I have ever done,” said Phil. “It is not for everyone, but for someone who struggles with set structure and inflexible settings it can provide a more positive and enjoyable working environment.” Phil is thankful for his time at Hale School, it provided him and his friends with the building blocks that would give them the confidence and skills to get started. Staying in touch with Hale friends has proven extremely valuable with growing the business to where it is today.


Greg Milner, Steve Home, Paul Bedbrook and John Russell

Photos taken on the night, plus extra photos of all other reunions are now online.


72 77


Mike Shipway and Doug Riley

Ian McLarty, Neil Bolton and Mark Smith

John Storey, Ray Yong and Andrew Foulkes

Simon Adonis, past teacher - Doug Simpson and Antony Thornton

Brian Lauri and Peter Hanson

Dan Watkins, Clive Dawkins and Vaughan Rayner

Ian Beecham and Bret Treasure

The Hon. Christian Porter

1968 Different permutations of the Class of ’68 get together every year for a class reunion. This year they gathered at Paddy O’Reilly’s for a ‘Winter Dinner’. One of the past boarders was heard to say that he is going to make a concerted effort to make the next one a ‘major get together’ for all his former boarding colleagues – from all the boarding houses. So – we are expecting a big turn-out in 2013.

1972 A group of the Class of ’72 still meet every Thursday for a drink! With so many helpers, this made it quite easy for John Atkins to oversee a good turn-up for the 40-Year Reunion. “All in all it was a very good night,” said John. “Everyone turned up and stayed and stayed and stayed - with the last of us leaving at about midnight.” Not a bad effort when you think they met at 4.30pm! Thanks to John and his team for arranging the night and to Glenn Lyon, Paul Bedbrook and John Dunn who travelled from interstate.

1977 Despite a hiccup along the way which necessitated a complete change of plan – the enthusiasm of a core group of the Class of ’77 was unwavering! “Each reunion seems to be a completely different experience,” said organiser, Bret Treasure. A casual dinner at the Northbridge Hotel was enjoyed by the group, with former staff members Tom Greenwell and Dick Truscott adding a new dimension. Tom flew over from Adelaide especially for the occasion – and has already signed up for the 40th, whilst Quentin Richards attended his very first reunion ever.




• London Chapter Drinks

• Beverley Dinner Beverley Golf Club

• Havelock Lunch


• Year 13 Morning Tea FRI 22 MARCH


• Proposed date for OHA v The School Hockey

• Old Boys’ Day and AGM SAT 23 MARCH

• Head of the River


• Hale St Mary’s Concert Band 20th Anniversary





1987 Gary Davis and Troy MacMillan joined forces to put together an awesome night – for 40 classmates, including the Hon. Christian Porter and ex-teacher, Doug Simpson. There was supposed to be a lawn bowls challenge but most of the lads were happy just to catch up on old times. Those who did take part in the bowls showed that, after all these years - sledging was still rife; regardless of the sport. Christian brought the house down with a very entertaining speech and attention is now turned to the 30-year reunion!



For further information about these and other events scheduled in 2013, check the Old Haleians website or contact Judy Greaney in the OHA Office on (08) 9347 0169 or by email: oldhale@hale.wa.edu.au





Construction close to finished


SITE The hype surrounding the impending ‘sneak peak’ at the new Office of the Premier and Cabinet Secretariat’s offices at Havelock Street was no different to any other school excursion – apart for the fact that these participants were in their 70s, 80s and 90s! At last year’s Havelock Lunch, Grayam Sandover (1964-71) gave an overview of the refurbishment of School House and suggested that a tour of the buildings could possibly take place prior to its new occupants moving in. There was an air of scepticism from those at the lunch, but true to his word, Grayam took three groups of past students into their old boarding house late in September, so they could see just what had become of their old digs. At the assembly area the site manager told of some of the contraband found during the refurbishment: ‘longnecks’, cigarette packets, newspaper cuttings and even a tin with a string attached that was hidden in a wall cavity! Grayam pointed out the differences between the new buildings and the old, explained how different areas would be utilised and assured everyone that it really would be finished on time. Internally, walls had been knocked out, doorways filled in and openings created that weren’t there before, but that didn’t stop its past occupants from being filled with nostalgia.

John Garland (1972-76) is shown some unearthed treasure

Tom Hoar and Rex Lee Steere (1951-52)

“That’s where the Masters used to sit. Remember? And we used to line up outside there. And there was a doorway over there. It’s not there anymore.”

The beautiful wooden staircases are still intact and stories abound about the competitions held to see just how few times you could touch the steps between the top and the bottom. Rumour has it that some could leap down the whole flight without touching any of the steps at all.

Most people were surprised at how small the Dining Hall now looked! It didn’t fit with their memories at all. If anything, Grayam suggested that it should look larger, as when a false ceiling was removed another was found underneath it, and another underneath that. Once the original ceiling was discovered, a beautiful decorated frieze was also uncovered which has been totally restored and painted, giving a much more formal feel to the room which will now be used as a formal ceremonial room for receiving dignitaries.

Everyone who toured through the building were admiring of the way it has been restored and even though there was still a lot of internal work to be done it wasn’t hard to visualise just how it would look in the end.

Upstairs was an eye-opener to many. The Headmaster’s rooms, which will now be used as the Premier’s office, were taboo to most of the students and it was the first time many of them had been inside. The rounded wall used for shaping the Cadets’ slouch hats has been beautifully repainted and even though many of the dorms have been remodelled and amalgamated they still evoked great stories from the past of how the boarders slept in alphabetical order and how it was better to sleep as far away from the door as possible to escape ‘dorm raids’.

The Premier and his staff have since moved into the restored Hale House (on Friday October 26) and are reportedly delighted with their ‘new’ offices. A grand old building has been lovingly restored and will now play an important part in the operations of the executive government of Western Australia for decades to come.


The site manager responsible for overseeing the refurbishment programme was a man from Ireland called Denis who has worked on castles and stately homes all around the UK. He has a passion for history and the workmanship of yesteryear. He pointed out a part of the foundations that had to be matched to existing stonework and explained that the only person in WA he could find to do the job was a 68 year old retired, Italian stonemason. Right slap next to this new piece of stonework was an interesting example of the ‘workmanship of yesteryear’ which was uncovered when plants and bushes were cleared away to make way for new landscaping!

Back on the steps of the Havelock Street building

Back in 1950, one little boy left his mark while hiding behind a very large shrub. Back then it may have been considered graffiti – but sixty years on it is an indelible reminder that the building, now the working office of the Premier, his support staff and the Cabinet Secretariat, was once home to some 90 small boys each year. What is even more ironic is that this mark was made by a young boy who went on to make his own mark in the world of politics.

Rob and John Fric



You may have guessed by now that the boy responsible is one John Martin Hyde (1949-52).

The job of an Old Haleian lasts for ever! John Fricker (1957-59) was first introduced to School House when he moved in as a boarder at the age of thirteen in 1957. At that time all he could think of - was going back home to the farm and it was a relief, he said “when home he finally went!” These days, John has quite a different view and a better outlook. He has been at the site since the start of the refurbishment and as an Old Haleian he has looked upon himself as the guard and custodian of the ‘old lady.’ John’s son Rob Fricker (1982-84) has completed all the civil works for the builder

The boy responsible went on to become a farmer, the Federal Minister for Moore and Leader of the Drys. He started a policy think tank AIPP (Australian Institute of Public Policy), held the position of Director of the Institute of Public Affairs, wrote a book of political experiences and views called Dry and a poetry book of largely political humour. He was a columnist with the Australian Financial Review, The Australian and the Brisbane Courier-Mail having written over 700 articles.

at the Havelock Street site and they have both been involved since the building work began late last year. “What an experience to be able to walk down the same passages and into the same rooms I walked as a boy,“ said John. “To watch the old School House stripped and revamped into a fine monument for the people of Western Australia to view with pleasure and pride, is an opportunity I have enjoyed immensely. The job is drawing to a close and it will be with regret, when the time comes to eventually leave it all behind,” he said.

What an experience to be able to walk down the same passages and into the same rooms I walked as a boy


Etched In Time



Mitch Morton (2000-04) (left) was an integral part of the 2003 Alcock Cup winning team. Lining up for the Wesley 1st XVIII in the same year was Buddy Franklin. The result during that competition was a resounding 84 point win to the Hale team. Mitch went on to be signed up by the West Coast Eagles straight from school – and Buddy by the Hawthorn Football Club. Buddy has gone from strength to strength over the years and has become a formidable opponent. The journey for Mitch however has not been quite so straight forward.


Mitch was offered a football lifeline by the Sydney Swans just last year after playing for the West Coast Eagles and then Richmond, during what can only be considered a roller-coaster football career. There were times when Mitch truly felt that he had become just another football statistic. Always considered ‘a talented goal-shark,’ the word from the Swans was, that they didn’t care how many goals he kicked – they wanted Mitch to work on his defensive game.

It’s all about timing and making the most of an opportunity but some would say he was the luckiest man in the world!

All of this advice was keenly adhered to by Mitch who finally made his debut for the Swans in round 21, which meant that, come grand final time – he had only played five senior games for his new club. However, his performance in those games ensured that he was included in the grand final line-up.

Come grand final day this year, Mitch scored two second quarter goals and made two crucial and desperate tackles to help the Swans win the game by ten points, which meant that he could sing the Swan’s song with absolute pride and gusto while Buddy was left to reflect on the Halwks loss!

Mitch would be the first to admit that it hasn’t always been easy – but he has never doubted his ability and never given up the hope that he would get his chance to play in an AFL grand final.

“I honestly can’t believe it. It’s been my dream for as long as I can remember. I was shattered when I wasn’t part of the West Coast Grand Final winning team and there were times when I didn’t think I would get the opportunity. All I ever wanted in my life was to be part of something like this.”

Footy Tipping Michael Serra (1972-74) led convincingly right from the start of this year’s Footy Tipping Competition, but Nathaniel Gardiner (2005-09) and Andrew Foulkes (1972-77) made it very interesting coming into the last few rounds. Michael was lucky to hang onto the lead - and the rather splendiferous Footy Tipping Winner’s Cup, eventually winning by just one point.



Many of the guys pictured are members of the Hale Hockey Club. Not only do they play at the weekends and train during the week but they are also happy to pull on their shin pads for a mid-week game against the current 1st XI hockey players each year. The main game played on the turf was a hard-fought contest with the Old Boys literally firing the winning goal into the back of the net in the final few minutes of the game. The ‘Gentlemen’s’ game on the grass, however was played at an entirely different pace with a surprising nil all score line. Surprising because the school team was without a goalie for a good part of the game!

The Club itself has had another successful year. Including Minkey players, they field more than 600 active playing members and the numbers are increasing each year. Of the 43 teams competing, 32 finished sixth or better: 23 of these competed in finals and 13 in Grand Finals for nine premierships! The Minkey programme is the future breeding ground for both school and club hockey champions and it is great to see these young boys and girls being exposed to such high calibre coaches. Anyone who would like more information about the club can contact General Manager, Glen Deuble at gm@halehockey.com.au or phone (08) 9445 3435.




Next time you are flying, chances are, one of the following may be at the controls!

“Flying, beats working “


Richard Sudlow

amian Kutrzyk (1990-95)

My first flight was in 1993 when I was in Year 10 at Hale. I went down to the Royal Aero Club (WA) at Jandakot and hired a Cessna 152 for a trial introductory flight with an instructor. After flying for half an hour, I decided that this was the job for me! After finishing at Hale in 1995, I went to Edith Cowan University to complete a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Aviation. With my degree complete, I set out to find work to pay for my flying training. I worked on various mines doing odd jobs and completed my commercial pilot’s licence in 2000. After that I rushed up north to find any flying job I could get my hands on, firstly in Broome, then Exmouth, Mt Newman and Port Hedland. During this time I flew a variety of piston single and twin engine aircraft including Cessna 210, 206 and Baron 55 and 58. I also met my lovely wife Alison. During 2005, I landed a job back in Perth flying a 30 seat Embraer Brasilia for Network Aviation. It took me 18 months to get a command on the Brasilia. By 2007, with more than 4000 hours experience I began applying to major airlines with the hope of moving into something bigger and faster. I got my first job offer at Cathay Pacific in Hong Kong and started work in 2007 as a Second Officer on the Boeing 777. In 2011, I upgraded to First Officer on the 777 and that is where I sit now with about 8000 hours experience, 19 years since my first flight. It sounds like a long time but the whole trip has been great. Some of the destinations we service include New York, Milan, London, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Paris and South Africa.


ndrew Connor

My flying journey commenced in 1995 during the final year of Bachelor of Science studies at UWA. It was the combination of a life-long interest and the possibility of a career pathway that led me to take a trial flight with the Royal Aero Club of WA at Jandakot Airport.

it’s as old as I am, it really has great manoeuvrability, unlike me!

As destiny would have it, I focused mainly on my Dentistry but flying became a great hobby and I quickly found myself obtaining retractable undercarriage and twin engine ratings. I keep current on a number of aircraft, but the Mooney is a stand out favourite. It’s fast, challenging and even though

Mixing flying with a rural dental practice did allow the occasional flight to work, which always meant for a memorable day. These days, most of my flying is limited to scenic flights over the city at night, or my favourite lunch at Rottnest or Leeuwin Estate. The next challenge is to plan a cross-Australia flight.







My love of flying began when I was about three years old. Climbing the stairs to the aircraft with my teddy bear and way ahead of my parents was the start of a lifetime career!

I started my flying career at Jandakot Airport in 1979 the year after I left school. I eventually gained a private pilot’s licence followed a few years later with a commercial pilot’s licence. I was on my way to earning an income from flying!

eter Chin (1974-78)

Between 1981 and 1983, I worked for the Forestry Department based in the South West for two seasons flying a Piper Super Cub. My job was managing fire control from the air. I then moved to the United Kingdom in 1984. After some training at Oxford Airport I eventually ended up at Southend teaching student pilots and RAF cadets. Next move was Stansted Airport where I taught the Instrument Rating.

ndrew Caldow (1984-89)

It was very early in my childhood when I thought to myself that flying a plane for a living would be a great thing to do. Upon leaving Hale and completing an Economics Degree at UWA, I definitely realised that I was no economist and flying was for me! Whilst at University, I started my flying training at Jandakot, gaining my Private Pilots Licence. I was then fortunate enough to be offered a position at the Australian Air Academy in Tamworth, NSW as part of the Ansett Cadet programme. On graduating in 1995, I was offered a position with Skywest Airlines in Western Australia flying the BAE Jetstream 31 aircraft at bases in Perth, Broome and Port Hedland. I moved onto the Fokker 50 and flew this until leaving Skywest to join Ansett Australia in March 2001 as a Second Officer flying the Boeing 747-400. Sadly this position didn’t last, with Ansett collapsing in September 2001. I re-joined Skywest once more before being accepted into Qantas in October 2002, again as a Second Officer on the B747-400. Based in Sydney I flew their international routes. I chose to commute to Sydney from Perth, which wasn’t always easy, so after six years I grabbed the opportunity of a First Officer position and a Perth base flying the Boeing 737. This is where I am now, loving every minute, flying all over the country and being home most nights with my wife and four kids.

I moved back to Perth in 1987 and my big opportunity came when I was accepted into Qantas to eventually fly the ‘big jets’! I joined Qantas Airways in 1988 where I was trained as a Second Officer on the Boeing 747 ‘classic’ aircraft. A few years later I transferred to the Boeing 747-400. I then moved to the Boeing 767 to complete First Officer training. Some years later had me back to the 747400 again. In the middle of 2000 I was accepted into Emirates Airlines flying the Boeing 777 aircraft. Leaving my national carrier then was a big decision, but in hindsight a good move. A few years later I was promoted to the rank of Captain.


ichard Sudlow

My fascination with flying started at an early age and was cemented when my father bought an aircraft, got his licence and took me flying with him from 12 years of age onwards. After leaving school I obtained my private licence, commercial licence and then studied for my senior commercial theory subjects in Brisbane. In an attempt to find a job I drove from Brisbane all the way to my home town of Geraldton, via Darwin, calling in on every aircraft operator along the way looking for my first job. I was eventually

offered a job in Geraldton flying light aircraft in a range of roles, from instructing people how to fly, aerial mustering, and general charters. Between jobs I was a porter in a hotel in Cairns for three months, then took a job survey flying which required me to fly at 200ft above the ground looking for minerals within Australia and one adventure to Laos. Eventually I was offered jobs with both Cathay Pacific in Hong Kong and Qantas in Sydney. I chose the latter starting out initially on the 747 and after two years, I


transferred to Melbourne and began flying as a First Officer on the 737, flying domestically. Having a training background, I accepted a position as a simulator instructor for a number of years before my promotion to Captain, based in Perth. From the time I left Hale in 1987 to achieving my goal of being a Captain of a jet was 21 years. Shortly after my posting to Perth I was offered the position of Senior Captain 737 Perth, which encompasses a variety of roles from check and training to assisting in Flight Operational issues.


avin Wallace




Upon graduating from Hale, I was accepted into Edith Cowan’s new university degree, Bachelor of Science in Aviation. With my degree came a Commercial pilots licence and a flight instructors rating. My first job was as a flight instructor at Jandakot. I then moved to Kununurra, flying a mixture of scenic, government charter and medical clinic flights. This was followed by a stint in Kalgoorlie before a move to Adelaide. Adelaide brought me into the world of airline cadet instructing. Teaching multinational cadets with varied English skills was (sometimes) difficult though most of the time humorous. One of my China Airline cadets believing his English skill was not sufficient for a solo-flight, decided it was best to taxi the aircraft around the back of the hanger with the

engine running and hide for his two hour lesson, only to later discover he had been in full view of the mess room! He is now a Boeing 737 Captain! After three years in Adelaide I returned to Perth working for Skippers Aviation until early 2006 when I moved to Hong Kong as a Second Officer with Cathay Pacific Airways. I married in 2008 and we now have a daughter and a son. Currently I fly the Airbus 330 and 340 series aircraft as a First Officer and have logged over 8500 hours of flying.


eigh Beaman (1972-73)

Aviation is a funny game. For most it is an inconvenient essential when going from A to B. For a lucky few it is a thrill that stays with you your whole life. This is my story (so far).


Over 50 years ago I went on my first flight, at the age of five, in a Tiger Moth on my uncle’s farm, near a small wheatbelt town called Trayning in WA. That flight was enough to make aviation my great passion, turning it into a job that has lasted over 38 years.

avid Forrest (1968-69)

I started my flying adventure in 1977 at the Royal Aero Club at Jandakot. I was 19 and very familiar with flying having grown up on a station where aeroplanes were part of everyday life, from mustering cattle to just getting anywhere! Financing my flight training was difficult and the sporadic nature of logging training hours was something I endured until 1981 when I was able to fly full time. During the period between ‘then’ and ‘now’ I worked in the bush getting jobs where I could and today I am a self-employed aviator running my own aviation company Ashburton Air Services, which I established in 1992. I have a fleet of four aircraft; a King Air 350, Beechcraft Baron,

Cessna 182 and a Robinson 44 Helicopter, each catering for client’s specific requirements ranging from corporate charters, air work, search and rescue and run-of-the-mill scenic flights. There are few dull moments in this game, always wondering where and when the next job is coming from. The fun/ challenging part of it is flying multi-aircraft types, each having their own unique characteristics and capabilities. The most rewarding part of flying is having happy customers who come back again and again.

After that initial flight my desire to fly never dulled, despite my House Master McMillan correctly observing that I had better pull my finger out if I was to achieve anything good post-Hale! With that extra Mac incentive, I was able to join the RAAF, initially as a navigator, then a few years later as a pilot. A 14 year career followed, flying many types of aircraft, but mainly the C130 and F111. My Air Force career fell between the wars (Vietnam and Gulf Wars), which meant many pilots were leaving the RAAF for the monetary rewards of the airlines. This led me to quick promotion in the RAAF, with my final job as Squadron Leader and Executive Officer of 1 Squadron F111s. However with promotion came the prospect of non-flying

jobs in Canberra, a prospect I did not relish, so I eventually followed the exodus to the airlines. I was lucky that I had gained enormous experience from the RAAF, and with all major airlines recruiting, I had many airlines to choose from. I eventually chose Cathay Pacific in Hong Kong, as it offered quick promotion to Captain (four years for me), good pay, new aircraft, and the opportunity to live and work in exciting Hong Kong. I now work and live in Perth with Cathay, giving me the best of both worlds. In Cathay I have flown the Lockheed L1011, Boeing 747-400, and the Airbus A330, A340-300, and A340-600 aircraft. I have loved it all, and with the prospect of flying newer aircraft such as the B777 and A350, I hope that I can have a few more years before my retirement. Aviation has been fantastic for me, giving me the opportunity to travel the world, from Antarctica to Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe. It all started with that Tiger Moth flight over 50 years ago, and it has been a fantastic journey.

My goals are to keep current and my aircraft immaculate. That way, the business remains efficient, viable and will keep the profession fulfilling for me.



OLD HALEIANS Moez Nomanbhoy

(1954) and Leong

Mah (1970)


15 Old Haleians ventured out into the vibrant Little India neighbourhood of Singapore to meet at Cocotte for drinks and dinner. Head Chef, Anthony Yeoh (1998) delivered a vast array of plates to the table: mussels, fish (flown in from France!), pork, chicken and a variety of vegetables. Richard Hyland (1964-70), who was in Singapore for not much more than 24 hours, en-route from Russia on his way back to Perth, dropped in to say hello to fellow classmate Leong Mah (1966-70). Elder statesmen Moez Nomanbhoy (1951-54) and Frank Kuhn (1963-65) were unable to stay for dinner but a huge amount of camaraderie was shared across the table and across generations by those who did. Ross Ewen (1930-38) rang recently about a piece of paper he had found under his computer! It was about the laying of plaques in the Memorial Groves and he wondered if he had missed the event. Turns out the piece of paper had been under his computer for more than ten years – which meant that he had well and truly missed the event! All’s well that ends well however, I was able to forward Ross the link to the information he was looking for and he was more than happy to read it on his newly acquired Apple iPad! John Hardy (1936-39) has been in Norway visiting friends who have a summer house on Oslo Fjord. Much time was spent swimming and picking and cooking fresh mussels! Following on from the last Haleian, John did get in touch with Bob


De Frank




70), Frank Kuhn Richard Hyland (19 Soucik (1993) (1964) and Victor

h c u o T n i g n i p Kee


Tim Pearson (1958-


Peter Lowe (1964-

Buntine and discovered they have a mutual interest in rowing. He also discovered that Bob lives just three streets away from his daughter in Sydney – and they have now met. Small world! Jeff Langdon (1947-51) received recognition for his 50 years of voluntary service with the Royal Agricultural Society. Chris Moffet (1957-60) is a highly respected farming identity from the Morawa district who quietly goes about making a difference in his local community. This quiet achiever was pushed into the limelight recently when he was awarded a silver medal in the 2012 Pride of Australia Awards. He was nominated in the Environmental category which recognises ‘an Australian or group of

Australians whose actions prove that by making one degree of difference to their local environment, people can make a difference to the broader community.’ From over 320 nominees, Chris was selected as a finalist and ultimately as the silver place getter. Chris has been a director of the Morawa Cooperative, serving member of the Farmer’s Federation including branch president, and executive member of the Grains Council of Australia. His actions as land manager are making a significant difference to the Morawa district. His environmental work encourages others to make a difference in ensuring unique native environments and threatened species are protected. His dedicated efforts have been credited with an increase

in the population of many native birds and marsupials in the region especially mallee fowl, wedge-tailed eagles and red-tailed, black cockatoos. Robert Male (1959-63) recently retired from his position as Vice-President, Woodside Energy. Robert had been part of Woodside for the past 34 years. Ray Fitzgerald (1959-65) announced his retirement at the end of August, after more than 40 years at the helm of Fitzgerald Realty. During that time, Ray has had a particular passion for developing Retirement Villages and throughout his career has been involved in the construction of more than 2000 retirement homes within WA.

It would come as no surprise to many in the community that Peter Lowe (1964-69), won the People’s Choice Award at this year’s Melville Art Awards. As former Head of Art at St Hilda’s and Manager (Education & Visitor Development) at the State Art Gallery he obviously has a wealth of experience to draw upon. Peter’s entry, Numbers Up was inspired by his love of recycling and of using nontraditional materials and is made from galvanised steel number tags taken from old Western Power poles. Peter is currently accepting commissions and working towards a solo exhibition. Damien Pericles (1987-91) is back in Perth after spending time living and working in Germany.

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When Matt Crewe (1989-93), usual convenor of ‘Vic-Chapter events’ succumbed to a heavy workload, Roger Gray (1958-64) was only too pleased to step into the helm. Dinner was organised at the Parkville Hotel and past Deputy Headmaster Roy Kelley was invited along as the special guest for the evening. Roy, now Headmaster at Melbourne Grammar was interested to note that a number of the longtime Melbournians had sent their sons to MGS!

hael Park (1987)

87) and Mic , Mitch Morison (19


Damien Millen (19

Matt Crewe (1993)

with Ann and Roy


You can contact Tim Oldham (1973-77) on 0414 234 968 if you would like more information about the Sydney Chapter.


Director of Development, Dave Reed (1988-92) is heading off to the UK in search of a white Christmas – and to spend time with family and friends. A function for anyone living in or visiting London at this time has been scheduled for 8 January 2013, details of which will be posted on the OHA website once finalised. Tim Pearson (1958-65), a regular exhibitor at the Hale Art Show, has recently returned from a monthlong sketching expedition to the Cook Islands. If you look closely you can see the Hale 150th cap protecting his head from the sun and falling coconuts! Tim used mainly charcoal and pastels during his trip but it was an oil-on-canvas depiction of Kings Park, titled The Soul of Our City that earned him the title of Finalist in the inaugural Black Swan Prize for Heritage Exhibition back here in Perth recently. After completing a Doctorate in Law at Oxford, Andrew Lodder (1998-99) has been admitted to the Bar in London. His first book, Enrichment in the Law of Unjust Enrichment and Restitution was published in July by Hart.


05-10) at The Ellin

ph Addis (1981-86)

99-2000) and Ral

Kenneth Rivers (19

Deputy Headmaster, Mr David Bean was in the Kimberley earlier this year and met up with Old Haleian David Addis (1981-86). David, known universally as Ralph, is Vice-President of the Wyndham East Kimberley Shire, Chairman of the Kimberley Development Commission and CEO of the Warmun Community, one of the larger Kimberley Aboriginal communities. The elected Chairman of the Warmun Community is 29 year old Kenneth Rivers (1999-2000) one of Hale School’s first Indigenous Scholarship winners. Together, Kenneth and Ralph have led the community in the greatest challenge of Warmun’s history: rebuilding the town and its infrastructure after the crisis of the Turkey Creek floods in 2011.

highlight. ver, was probably the The Pyrenees, howe own as a kn is at others in wh It involved joining five m Hendaye fro g lin cyc ed olv ich inv ‘Raid Pyreneen’, wh ean: nine an err dit Me rbere on the on the Atlantic to Ce ) ins with a and 28 cols (mounta days, over 800kms in excess of s tre of 19,000 me total ascent in excess completed ing be ng ssi cro e whole two Mt Everests! Th a puncture. without so much as atory scenery and the oblig Highlights besides the tering un co en re we each climb photo at the top of naging to ma d (an fe dli wil h nc numerous types of Fre id descents) and the avoid them on the rap

10) in action m Marjoram (2003-

Gabriel Fatin (20


Nathanial Cross (2004-08) has been offered a soccer scholarship to St Ambrose College, Iowa, USA. Clint Munro (1988-92) works for Bunge, an agricultural commodity trading and processing company. He manages the commercial operations of two oilseed (canola and soybeans) processing plants and has been in North America for almost five years, which explains why his six year old son has been learning ice hockey, rather than cricket or footy. Anthony Phillips (1997-2000) is now Dr A E Phillips having received a PhD in Physics from Cambridge last year. He is now an Academic Fellow in the Centre for Condensed Matter and Materials Physics at Queen Mary, University of London.

Alexander Ashenden (2001-05) is a medic in the Navy and is currently undergoing his nursing qualification. The Schrum family are living in Vancouver, Canada. Logan Schrum (2004-08) is entering third year Civil Engineering next term and is working in Fort McMurray, Alberta on a co-op assignment. Fellow classmate, Taylor Smith (2004-08) will be in Fort McMurray in November for a work term and they will meet in the frozen North where the temperature reaches minus 40 degrees! Ethan Schrum (2006-11) will be entering BCIT to study Marketing and Commerce.


Frank Paterson (19

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Gabriel Fatin (200510) is in his second year of the jazz course at the West Australian Academy of Performing Arts and is a regular performer at The Ellington Jazz Club. Adam Marjoram (2003-10) is pictured above at Ignition Racing owned by Nick (1984-89) and Andrew Flavel (1980-84). He was putting a group of Year 11 students through their paces before they left on a study tour to the UK with Deputy Headmaster, Mr David Bean. Adam was happy to demonstrate the finer points of motor racing in his virtual Carrera Cup Porsche (the same car he currently races) around Barbagallo Raceway.


OUT AND ABOUT IMAGE ABOVE: Mr Syd Kirkby, MBE, Polar Medalist (1944-50) stands in front of his portrait painted by Mr Tom Macbeth and purchased by Hale School and the Hale Fine Art Committee.

FINE ART AT HALE 2012 This year marked the 20th anniversary of the Fine Art at Hale exhibition. The first exhibition, in 1993, was a collaborative effort by the Hale Hockey supporters group and the Ladies Auxillary, and was chaired by Hale Old Boy and artist, Garry Zeck. Members of the committee transported the borrowed display boards, hung the art, prepared the catalogue and cooked the food for the opening function. It was a resounding success and has continued as an annual exhibition that has subsequently been organised by the Hale Art Committee with the aim of supporting and nurturing art at the school. The 2012 exhibition was opened by the Right Honourable, the Lord Mayor, Lisa Scaffidi. The evening was enjoyed by all who attended, including seven members of the 1993 committee, along with several artists who were featured in the first exhibition. Leon Pericles was congratulated for being the only artist who has featured in all 20 exhibitions. There was considerable interest in the 20 small works that were created by artists to celebrate the anniversary. The exhibition was well attended throughout the weekend by members of both Hale School and wider communities. Each year, the proceeds of the exhibition are used to provide the Art Committee prizes, a partial scholarship for one Year 12 Visual Arts Student, to purchase additional equipment for the

Junior and Senior School Art departments or expert tuition from visiting artists. The most recent purchases for the Junior School include a glass kiln, a Riso screen printer, air brushing materials and reuseable picture frames. For the Senior School purchases include DVDs and texts for the reference library, digital cameras, photographic silk screening equipment, light boxes and refurbishment of the ceramic kiln. The Art Committee was pleased to see that the equipment had been put to good use to create the wonderful pieces of art on display in the Senior School Student Art Exhibition in September. The exhibition showcased work of the Year 12 Art students, who employed a wide variety of techniques to produce pieces of a very high standard. It is hoped that some of these students will continue to study Visual Arts and perhaps have their work included in future Fine Art at Hale exhibitions. Over the past 20 years, the proceeds of the Fine Art at Hale exhibition have also been used to purchase many of the pieces of art that are on display throughout the School. The swan statue, “Cygnet Rising”, in front of the Library, was commissioned by the Art Committee to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Hale School. The mosaic feature at the base of the swan was designed and installed by students from Hale. The most recent addition to the School’s collection was the joint purchase

(with the School) of a magnificent portrait of Syd Kirkby, MBE, Polar Medalist. This portrait was recently unveiled by Mr Kirkby and can be seen by the boys in the Senior School Canteen. An event such as this requires months of preparation. There have been many parents who have served on the committee over the past 20 years, but there have been many more parent volunteers who have assisted with the hanging of the art, serving at the cocktail function, serving Devonshire teas and baking cakes. In addition to the parents, the committee has received invaluable support from the staff at Hale School. It has been the combined efforts of the Hale School community that has contributed to the success of this exhibition.

“The Hale exhibition has grown since its early inception and is now equal to if not better than any major group exhibition of this type across Australia. The enthusiasm and dedication of the many Hale Art Committee volunteers over the years has been creative and professional, and has established a wonderful social and educational event for the whole School. On behalf of my brothers and sisters of the brush, I thank the tireless batonpassing members of the committee for their support of us, and for their support of the whole thriving art environment at Hale School.” Leon Pericles, 2012.





The 2012 Act Belong Commit Mad Mile race through Wembley Downs saw over 400 people coming out to participate. The event, which was sponsored by Act Belong Commit as part of Healthway; and the Downs IGA, commences at Stockdale Road and finishes after one mile at Craig Oval in Hale School grounds. Serious runners, children, seniors and those just wanting to dress up took to the streets to participate in this free community event. After everyone crossed the finish line, the winners were presented with their trophies and prizes with Ross Wallman from 92.9 displaying his flair as the Master of Ceremonies.

Grandparents’ Day

2012 MAD winners:


Overall winner and Open Male Jack Sirett with a time of 5.02 U14 Boys - Benedict Wilson U14 Girls - Georgia Park Open Female - Jessica Byrd Senior Male - Alan Thomas Senior Female - Berit Jardine Best Dressed - Nicholas Floan

Grandparent’s Day, a tradition first introduced in the United States is now widely celebrated in Australia. Queensland was the first state to introduce the day in 2011 and this is the first year that Western Australia has officially named Sunday 28th October, Grandparents Day. Grandparents have always played a valuable role in our society by offering care and guidance to their children and grandchildren. Grandparents are very special in children’s lives and this day provides an ideal opportunity to publicly recognise their valuable contributions.





Hale School Art Department - From L to R: Haydn Jackson, Chris McClelland, Amber Levien, Nick Poole, Pip Gordon, Michael O’Connell.

Who’s At Hale Hale School has close to 300 staff, working in an array of areas to help make Hale the place it is. The Haleian will be showcasing the teams of staff at Hale who make this place buzz. One vibrant team is the Art Department. In no other place on campus will you see boys being taught by, reputably, the ‘coolest’ teachers at Hale (you can read about them on the next page!). It is also the only learning space where boys are allowed to wear their headphones, listening to music whilst painting and creating their masterpieces. What makes a department so successful is the staff and, regrettably, Hale is losing one of the stalwarts of ‘cool teaching’ when Mr O’Connell leaves the school at the end of this year to concentrate his energies on being a full time professional artist.

■Michael ■ O’Connell Michael began teaching at Hale School in 1995 and continued to do so, albeit with a couple of breaks, for the next 17 years. Michael’s contribution in raising the standard of Art teaching and profile of Art as a subject of study at Hale School has been outstanding and it is safe to say that Michael has no peer in WA with a comparable skill set for teaching visual art. He stands alone. Michael has also proven to be a skilful artist. He has had numerous successful solo exhibitions over the last 15 years. His last exhibition titled ‘Quarter Acre’ at the Moore’s building in Fremantle earlier this year was, like his previous exhibitions, a sell-out. Michael’s work displays his clever wit, exceptional art making skills, and wonderfully creative interpretation of his world. Michael’s wit and creativity are infused into his teaching. He has always taught with enthusiasm, demanding all boys in his classes engage and use each lesson to the fullest. His lessons are always interlaced with laughter and at times singing. Michael has a wonderful ability to create a learning environment where boys can take their creative ideas, however challenging in media or process of construction, and guide them to the

complete artworks of outstanding quality. Hale School art students over the last 17 years have been very fortunate to have had Michael as their teacher. It should be noted that one of Michael’s ex-students Christian De Vitri is now considered one of the top ten most collectable artists in the world. We wish Michael all the best and will hopefully have him back one day as a visiting artist.



Year 8 students display their artwork with teacher, Michael O’Connell. Opposite: Self portrait by Michael O’Connell and painting by Chris McClelland. Below: Ceramics by Pip Gordon.

■■ Nick Poole

■Haydn ■ Jackson

Having almost completed my second full year at Hale School, I am delighted with my decision to join the vibrant and challenging environment that exists here within the Art Department. I am pleased to be able to offer a slightly different set of skills and interests, which stem largely from my qualifications and experiences in graphic design. Previously, I worked at Bunbury Cathedral Grammar school for 6 years as the Visual Arts Coordinator. As a secondary student I graduated from Trinity College and my passion for art led me to study Design at Curtin University.

I am nearing the end of my third year as Head of the Art Department at Hale School. I am thrilled that I was given the opportunity to lead the department team made up of our technician, Ms Pip Gordon, and the three teaching staff - Mr Chris McClelland, Mr Michael O’Connell and Mr Nicholas Poole. I am also looking forward to re-welcoming Amber Levien back to the team as she brings with her a youthful energy.

■Chris ■ McClelland I have been a professional artist and art teacher for over 30 years. I studied Art at the Victorian College of the Arts and Melbourne University. I have held several solo exhibitions in Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney and was a recipient of an Australia Council grant, which allowed me to exhibit and work in Paris for a year. I have been at Hale for ten years, having previously been Head of Art at Anglican Church Grammar in Brisbane and All Saints Anglican School on the Gold Coast.

■■Amber Levien After graduating at the end of 2009 with a Bachelor of Contemporary Arts and a Diploma of Secondary Education, I commenced working at Hale School in Semester 2, 2010. For a good part of 2012, I left Hale to travel overseas through Europe and Africa. This was an incredibly enriching experience, exposing me to many different art mediums and movements. I joined the Art Department again at the end of Term 3 this year to cover Chris McClelland’s long service leave. I am very much looking forward to joining the Hale Art Department in a full time position in 2013.

■■ Philippa (Pip) Gordon This is my third year at Hale as Art Technician and I am particularly enjoying providing support with ceramic projects. The students have some great ideas and I am often inspired by their creativity. I balance my role as Art Technician with my studio business ‘Contemporary Ceramics’.

Pi p G





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The Community Relations team thoroughly enjoy producing the Haleian magazine and are constantly amazed at the stories and achievements we cover in every edition. If you have a story that you would like us to consider for the Haleian, please contact us at: community@hale.edu.au

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