2 minute read


By Dr. Jan Southern, J. DelSUR Marketing Group

Let me describe a scene to you, and I’m calling myself out on this one. It’s 5 a.m. My feet are propped up on the couch, where I’m drinking my (first cup of) coffee and scrolling through my phone. I read the news but then switch over to apps like TikTok, Instagram or Facebook to see funny videos and get updates on what my friends and family are up to. I just checked on them before going to bed. Not that much has changed.

It’s here where I get a flash of deja vu, because I was just in this spot last night binge-watching a series on Hulu. It was an uncomfortable sensation that had reached a tipping point. I had been consuming so much content through reading articles, watching TV and scrolling social media that I was consuming far more than I created. Plus, I had hours of time unaccounted for. Time that could have been dedicated to reaching my personal and professional goals

Where did the time go?

My career in marketing has been all about creating meaningful imagery and words to help transform businesses and help them be their best. I have seen my work in marketing as a logical extension of my creativity. It is a rewarding career and I absolutely love what I do. But by consuming so much content, I was falling short of the person I wanted to be. I was missing out.

Consuming less and creating more is important for all of us, and it looks different depending on your personal and professional goals. Creating on a personal level can include building deeper relationships, having more meaningful conversations, or setting aside time for improving your health. Professionally, it could mean starting a business, developing new content or taking steps toward a more satisfying career.

This year, I am continuing my commitment to create more and consume less. Here’s a few ways I’ve found work well for me.


• Sit for 10 minutes with my morning coffee without the phone or other distractions.

• Take out my journal and write one page of whatever is on my mind. This is an adapted “morning pages” practice from the book by Julia Cameron—The Artist’s Way.

• Go for a walk and spend the first 15 minutes without listening to music or my favorite podcast. Just walk and take in the nature surrounding me.

• Eat at least one meal per day without technology distractions, either quietly alone or with my husband.

• Go to bed at least 4 nights per week without the TV on.


• I have committed to writing or creating content on a topic that interests me at least once per week.

• I doodle. As I am thinking about how to help a client solve a particular problem, I break out my sketchbook and doodle while I am thinking.

• In my organization, we now have more brainstorming sessions together. We develop client campaigns through fun, easy sessions where we throw each and every idea out and see how we can create something unique and effective for our client’s company.

• When I am stuck, I go for a walk or organize my office. If I am at home, I pick one area to clean or organize. This helps clear the clutter from not only my space but also from my head. With a clear mind I have created some of my best work.

• I’ve also utilized the screen time features built into my phone. Here, I can see how much time I’ve spent on my phone, set time limits for distracting apps and even schedule downtime away from my screen.

I cannot tell you what methods will work for your life. I would simply encourage you to find ways to live in the present and take a break from overconsumption.

I’ll leave you with a prompt to get your brain started: What could you create if you were consuming less? I would love to hear your ideas! Jan@ JDelSURMarketing.com. ■

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