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Questions & Answers with the Principals of Effingham County School District

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QUESTIONS & ANSWERS with the Principals of Effingham County School District7/27/2021 IMG_3853.jpeg

LATOYA JONES, Blandford Elementary

As I prepare to enter my 5th year as Blandford Elementary's Principal, I am honored to be able to continue to serve the BES community and stakeholders another year. Raised by a family of educators, being an educator has always been my passion. I have been married for 10 year to Anthony Jones, Asst. Director of Bands at ECHS and we have a sweet little boy named Trenton (6). I feel blessed to be able to fulfill my passion to be an educator each and every day.

What are your goals for the school year?

To continue to create a positive and welcoming learning environment for the boys and girls of Blandford Elementary School.

What is happening this year that you would like the community to know?

BES is continuing to work on the Leader in Me initiative. We have a goal this year to become Lighthouse Certified.

What is your favorite summer memory?

Going on vacations with our entire family.

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Would you like to add anything about the COVID-19 experience?

Thank you to the ECSD School District Office for supporting all schools during the time of a pandemic. We could not have done it without you.

DANA WRIGHT, Ebenezer Elementary

I began teaching 4th grade in Liberty County 31 years ago. I moved to Effingham County my 2nd year of teaching and I taught 2nd grade at Marlow Elementary. When Sand Hill Elementary opened in 1995, I moved to Sand Hill and stayed in 2nd grade there until I started teaching Reading Recovery. Then I became the Instructional Supervisor and stayed at Sand Hill Elementary until I became the Assistant Principal at Ebenezer Elementary 14 years ago. I am starting my 3rd year as Principal at EES this year. My husband and I have been married for 28 years and our daughter just graduated from ECHS. She will be attending SCAD in the fall. I love to go on vacation with my family. My sister lives at the beach, so I like to go visit her. I like to sleep late whenever I get the chance.

What are your goals for the school year?

My goals are based on Effingham’s District Initiatives. We are working on Visible Learning as a school and have a specific plan on what to work on this school year. We want our students to be able to verbalize what they are learning and why. My main goal is to try to make this year as normal as possible. Last year was a difficult year for all of us, and we would like to see most things return back to normal.

What is happening this year that you would like the community to know?

We have exciting things happening at Ebenezer Elementary this year. We have been under construction for the last 8 months. We will begin the 2021-2022 school year with 2 new wings and 14 new classrooms. We are so excited to have more space for teaching and learning. We will be moving in just in time for school to begin. Ebenezer Elementary was voted Effingham’s Best Elementary school for 2021. We are proud of this accomplishment and want to thank our parents for making this happen.

What is your favorite summer memory?

My favorite summer memory would have to be when my family went to Universal Studios. It started raining and we had our cheap ponchos and we kept going even though we were getting soaking wet. It was so much fun!

Would you like to add anything about the COVID-19 experience?

We want to thank parents for being understanding during the COVID-19 experience. Last year, parents were limited on how much they could participate at school with their children. We love parental support at EES and hope to see parents this year supporting our school.

It has been my pleasure to serve in Effingham County Schools for the past 25 years all of which have been at Guyton Elementary. Since moving to Effingham County and starting at GES in 1997, I have taught Pre-K, served as Assistant Principal and will be starting my 11th year as Principal. I graduated from the University of South Carolina in May of 1995 with my early childhood degree. Six years later, I received my educational leadership degree from Georgia Southern University.

I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful daughters, a freshman and senior at Effingham County High School. My girls are very involved in extracurricular activities that keep us all very busy! Our family also owns B and E Farm and enjoy showing, selling and raising goats for the local FFA. Our goats are a large part of our lives and I enjoy sharing them with others. Summertime often revolves around the “two G’s”—our girls and goats!

What are your goals for the school year?

Throughout the 2021-22 school year, GES will focus on closing learning gaps and rebuilding a sense of normalcy by having all students back in our school building. As we all were impacted by the pandemic, we know that our GES Gators will continue to learn and grow and we look forward to seeing them at school.

Here at GES we promote a community of learners through engagement and effective instructional strategies that motivates students to practice higher-level critical thinking skills. We also want all of our students to be able to express where they are in the learning process. Collaboration and feedback between students and faculty is essential and helps drive instruction and success. My staff will continue to provide all GES students a strong foundation of moral and academic excellence through a safe and supportive learning environment. At GES, we believe Gators CHOMP; they are Collaborative, Honorable, Open minded, Motivated, and Persistent. We feel all GES Gators should exhibit these learning dispositions to be successful not only at school, but also in life.

What is happening this year that you would like the community to know?

I would like for the community and parents to know that the doors of Guyton Elementary will be open once again to everyone! Volunteers and parents are welcome to come and share in the many exciting activities we have planned this year, starting with an in-person open house. The PTO is hoping to recruit new members to help implement fundraisers, parent/student nights and Fun Friday events.

We are super excited about starting back some of our traditional extracurricular activities within our building. Our own Guyton Gator Chorus will be performing at our first evening event in September! We will also be able to provide additional opportunities such as Girls on the Run (promotes mental and physical well being for our 3rd, 4th and 5th grade girls), so stay tuned!

Would you like to add anything about the COVID-19 experience?

As we start our new school year, we want to thank our board of education, faculty, students, parents and community for continuing to support us this past year and a half. We are so excited to start this school year off in a positive direction with a school filled with love, laughter and learning! It is great to be a Guyton Gator!

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TONY MURRAY, Marlow Elementary

I am very excited to serve as the principal for Marlow Elementary and to continue the great traditions and excellent reputation of this amazing school.

I am a lifelong Effingham learner, having gone to Marlow Elementary myself many, many years ago! I graduated from South Effingham High School in 1998 and received a Bachelor of Arts in Music Education from Armstrong Atlantic State University in 2003. I then served as the head Band Director at Effingham County Middle School for 14 years as well as the Assistant Band Director for the Effingham County High School Marching Band. Along the way I furthered my education by earning a Master’s and Specialist’s Degree from The University of Georgia. Go Dawgs!! For the past four years I have served as the Assistant Principal at Sand Hill Elementary.

What are your goals for the school year?

My goal this year is to lead Marlow with enthusiasm, high expectations, and a WHOLE LOT OF FUN! When school is fun, teaching and learning is easy. I am eager to bring the parents and community back into our school to participate in our many wonderful events throughout the year. Our parents and community are amazing and I look forward to building a strong relationship with each and every one.

When I’m not working, my home is my happy place. My family and I reside in Effingham County. I have been married to my husband, Aaron, for 16 years. He has blessed me with three beautiful children, two dogs, and an outside cat.

What are your goals for the school year?

Despite the pandemic, Rincon Elementary had an incredibly strong finish this past school year. I am overwhelmingly proud of the hard work put forth by our teachers, support staff, students, and families. Kudos to Bobcat Nation! Still, there is always work to be done. We can do a little better. We can push a little harder. As a school, we have worked to identify areas of need. We are committed to implementing action steps for continued growth and monitoring those areas to continue the RES Tradition of Excellence. Why? Every moment counts. Every student matters.

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What is happening this year that you would like the community to know?

Community is everything. We are looking forward to hosting our annual school events and adding a few more exciting dates to the calendar. Be on the lookout for Popsicles with the Principal, Coffee and Conversation, and more! I look forward to sharing this time with you.

What was your favorite summer memory?

Summer is a time for sunshine and water. I enjoyed spending time with my family at the lake, beach, and pool. I also spent many afternoons on the back porch taking in the simple beauty of life. Such a time of reflection and gratefulness!

Would you like to add anything about the COVID-19 experience?

We are excited to start this school year! I can’t wait to see the smiling faces of all of our Bobcats, including many virtual learners, returning to the building. While keeping our students safe, we are grateful to be given the opportunity to continue doing what we do best. Let's do this! #BobcatStrong

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MICHELLE CORLESS, Sand Hill Elementary

It is an honor and privilege to serve as principal of Sand Hill Elementary. This will be my second year as principal at SHES. I have been married for 23 years to my husband John, and have twin boys, Johnathan and Graham, who attend Georgia Southern University. Serving the students of Sand Hill Elementary and Effingham County is such an honor. I am passionate about giving all students the foundational skills to continue their educational journey. Every Moment Counts Because Every Student Matters is the mission of our district, as well as, my role as leader at Sand Hill Elementary.

I began teaching elementary music 27 years ago at Claxton Elementary and J.D. Dickerson Primary School in Vidalia, Georgia. My family moved to Effingham County in 2007 where I taught first and fourth grades at Rincon Elementary, and I served as the Instructional Supervisor/Assistant Principal there before coming to Sand Hill. My Bachelor's degree is in Music Education, and I also have certification in Early Childhood Education. I earned a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Georgia Southern University, and a Specialist’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Lincoln Memorial University. I completed the Effingham County Aspiring Leaders Program in 2011 and Aspiring Principals Program in 2016. When I am not at Sand Hill Elementary, I enjoy spending time with my family and our two Yorkies.

What are your goals for the school year?

As we return to fully traditional learning this year, my goal is to continue to support students, parents, and teachers in this transition. Last year was full of challenges for our school district and community with COVID-19, but we managed to offer students in person learning for the entire school year. As we have all students return to our building this year, I want to ensure that they have the best opportunity for growth and continued learning. In addition to this support, it is important at Sand Hill that we continue our focus on Balanced Literacy and creating “Visible Learners” in our classrooms. At the end of last school year, learner habits called “dispositions” were introduced to all students. These habits of good learners were a new focus for all students at SHES. This year, we will continue to develop these habits in the classrooms and help students monitor their own progress and growth in the classroom.

What is happening in the school that you’d like the community to know?

Sand Hill Elementary is taking the journey to become a Visible Learning School. During the past school year, the staff at SHES taught students habits of good learners. We use the STING acronym: Self-Motivated, Take Time to Reflect, Innovative, Never Give Up, We Persevere, and Goal Setters. These dispositions are changing the way our students view learning. In addition, teachers use learning

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What is your favorite summer memory?

My favorite summer memory involves traveling with my family to Homer, Alaska this past July. This area of our country is breathtaking, and the wildlife is amazing. During our many travels to this area, we enjoy hiking up to a glacier, fishing for halibut and salmon, and whale watching from our family’s boat. What a great experience to visit one of the last great frontiers!

Would you like to add anything about your COVID-19 experience?

Many people talk about the challenges that Covid-19 brought to schools. It is true, there were many uncertainties and times where we had to change the way certains things were done at SHES. However, this experience also taught us how resilient we are as educators. During this time of uncertainty, we ate in our classrooms, attempted to stay six feet apart, washed our hands and cleaned high-touch areas numerous times throughout the day, and learned new ways to use technology. It was amazing to see our youngest students interact in Google Classroom and use this platform for learning. This new way of learning is here to stay and our students will be ready for all forms of technology.

MARK WEESE, South Effingham Elementary

I never anticipated or envisioned myself as a principal; however, when the position at South Effingham weese.PNG Elementary School opened, I knew that I wanted to be a part of the success. I have been blessed to be a part of some pretty amazing teams as an educator in the Effingham County School District the past 13 years. I was hired by Ms. Romona Lovett in 2008 as a 7th grade Life Science teacher at Ebenezer Middle School. I stayed in the classroom for the next 9 years while also coaching cross country at Effingham High School. In 2017, I spread my Eagle wings across the county and became a mustang as the assistant principal for South Effingham Middle School. For 3 years I worked along an incredible staff before accepting a position as the assistant principal at the Effingham College and Career Academy. At the high school, I worked with teachers and students facilitating STEM instruction and supporting the career pathways. The inspiration to become a Mini-Mustang leader stems from the energy radiating from the staff and students at South Effingham Elementary. The positive atmosphere is evident the moment you walk through the doors. Teachers and students have a shared vision of learning that is visible in each and every classroom. I am so excited to start my journey as the new South Effingham Elementary Principal. My investment in leading this school goes beyond the professional role. My wife and I will have our two oldest children enrolled at South Effingham Elementary this year, with two more to follow in the next couple years. As the principal and a parent, I am thrilled to be a Mustang!

What is happening in the school that you’d like the community to know?

In 2021, South Effingham Elementary School was named the first Visible Learning Associate School in the state of Georgia. We have the honor to celebrate our students and staff as well as speak about our success with Visible Learning in September at the Georgia Association of Curriculum and Instructional Supervisors Fall Conference in Athens. This year we will continue our journey in Visible Learning as our students become more engaged in what they are learning, assessing their own learning, and knowing what steps to take after they have learned it! Our staff is also dedicated to raise the bar in mastering literacy skills that will set up our students for future success. Get ready for more reading and writing! We are so excited to be adding a STEM class to our K-5 weekly rotations. This class will teach students the soft skills to work collaboratively on real-world creative learning. Within our new STEM program, we anticipate engaging students in inquiry learning that is applicable to local industries in Effingham County such as agriculture. We are also in the planning stages of constructing a chicken coop in the school’s backyard, in which students will participate in the observation and caring for the school’s chicken’s and egg production. I am also very excited to welcome Ms. Kelly Fortson as another new member to the administrative team. She is the school’s new assistant principal and testing coordinator. She has a great energy and love for children.

What is your favorite summer memory?

I was able to enjoy some family time up at our cabinon the lake in Northern Michigan. We did a lot of fishing, reading, and enjoying the outdoors. Last summer my children and I read the Harry Potter series and this summer we are finishing the Chronicles of Narnia. Summer time allows us all to rejuvenate our souls and obtain the fuel to start off the school year with energy!

Would you like to add anything about your COVID-19 experience?

I termed last year, “the year with no smiles” as faculty and staff were required to hide their faces behind masks. It was the most difficult year in education to show our students how much we love them through our modified day-to-day interactions. We are thrilled to begin opening up our school again to the public to allow parents and volunteers to join the success in the student learning. We have scheduled many family engagement nights throughout the year to offer the opportunity for our community to get involved again.

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As the new principal of Springfield Elementary School, I am excited to be a part of the Bulldog Family. I am a proud native of Effingham County, and I am honored to serve my community in this new capacity. My husband and I have the privilege of raising two beautiful little girls, aged seven and three. Teaching and learning are my passions, and I can usually be found listening to a podcast or with my head in a good book. When we aren’t in school, our family loves to travel and collect stamps for our passports!

What are your goals for the school year?

After the challenges of last school year, I am confident that the teachers, staff, and students of Effingham County can do just about anything. Our students have been resilient and our schools have been courageous in the face of adversity. This year our goal as a school is to systematically address learning gaps from the previous year and to continue to serve our school and community to meet the diverse needs of learners within our building.

What is happening this year that you would like the community to know?

We are excited to offer an Elementary School-Based Agricultural Education program to our students this year. This new program, coupled with the recent ground-breaking of our new barn will provide new opportunities for our students to explore and learn about the world around them.

What was your favorite summer memory?

This summer was full of great family fun! From watching Hawaiian sunrises on Oahu to checking off the accomplishment of travelling to all fifty states, our little family had a blast. Summers to me are about reflecting upon growth and areas of improvement from the past year as well as spending quality time with my husband and little girls. The days are long but the years are short!

Would you like to add anything about the COVID-19 experience?

Our Effingham County School Board and county leadership made tough calls this school year. They never wavered in their conviction and drive to do what is best for our students within this county. I am proud to be an employee within Effingham County Schools. As a parent of a student within this same school district, I am grateful as well.

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TAMMY JACOBS, Ebenezer Middle School

I started my educational journey as a math teacher at South Effingham High School. I moved to the assistant principal/testing coordinator position for a few years then became the Instructional Supervisor for a few more years at SEHS. In total, I spent 17 years at SEHS. In October 2018, I became the principal at Ebenezer Middle School. I have a wonderful family and support system: Bryan (husband), JoAnn (mom), Tonja (sister), and many more—too many to name. My world revolves around my six-year-old twin boys, Isaac and Asher. God has truly blessed me.

What are your goals for the school year?

At EMS, we always strive for excellence. We will focus on student achievement and growth, as well as continue to teach our students the characteristics of a good learner, which will carry them far throughout their lives. Last year was a difficult year and we know that there are going to be gaps to fill; however, the faculty and staff at EMS are ready, and we will do our best to close those gaps and help students be successful in their educational endeavor.

What is happening this year that you would like the community to know?

Scholastic states, " Reading just 20 minutes a day exposes your child to about 1.8 million words per year. Reading helps students develop a stronger vocabulary, and in addition, students who read for pleasure average higher grades in English, mathematics, science, and history." Literacy is so important, which is why we created our Reading Rocks program a few years ago. Students read approximately 20 minutes each school day, while setting and evaluating literacy goals for each nine weeks.

What was your favorite summer memory?

My favorite summer time memory is spending time with my family. We went to Dollywood, Splash Country, hiking in south Tennessee, Parrot Mountain, Pirate's Voyage, Ripley's Aquarium, and Clark Hill. We had such a great time and made memories I will always cherish.

Would you like to add anything about the COVID-19 experience?

As mentioned earlier, last year was extremely difficult. It was probably the hardest year I have ever experienced as an educator. However, we persevered. I am thankful that our Board of Education and Superintendent opened the school buildings for our students and offered virtual classes for those that could not be in the school environment. I am blessed to work in a county in which our decisions are based on our students' well-being.

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I’m proud to have grown up in Effingham. I went to Rincon Elementary, Effingham Middle (then called Central Junior High), and Effingham High School, graduating in 1991. I went to UGA for undergraduate and Georgia Southern for graduate school. When I look back on my time as a student, I can think of many, many teachers whom I adored and who were a major influence on me. And not just teachers, bus drivers, coaches, and administrators too. To give just one example, I remember with fondness my elementary school bus driver, Mrs. Mayola Sanders. Each day as she drove, she smiled and talked to us about being good and kindhearted. I didn’t think too much of it at the time, but it resonates with me today, because that’s what we all want to be—a positive influence on students.

What are your goals for the school year?

You might say Mrs. May represents what we hope to accomplish at ECMS. The faculty and staff works extremely hard to be a positive influence. For example, teachers spent the past few months revising the curriculum for what we call “literacy block and talent time.” This is a special part of the day where some students get extra reading practice, some get extra writing practice, and others do hands-on enrichment activities. We’ve been doing this a few years, and it has been successful. Now, we’re excited about the updates we’ve made-adding a writer’s workshop, tweaking the literacy strategies, vetting reading selections based on student interest, and developing new and interesting activities for enrichment.

What is happening this year that you would like the community to know?

I’m thankful to be part of such an outstanding faculty, such a terrific learning culture. The staff is dedicated. The students are a joy. The growth that occurs each day is extraordinary. No, all is not perfect. Some days are a struggle. But with 22 years of experience, having worked at a number of different schools, both public and private, I can say without a doubt, ECMS is a really cool place to be, and I’m honored to be a part of it.

What was your favorite summer memory?

Spending so much time with my family, my wife Paige and our two sons and daughter. We’ve had more time to spend together in the past four months than ever, and it’s been a pleasure.

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CHRISTY BROWN, South Effingham Middle School

I am proud to serve as the principal of South Effingham Middle School. I have worked in the Effingham County School District since 2003 serving in various roles including teacher at Marlow Elementary, assistant principal at South Effingham Middle, and principal of Sand Hill Elementary. It is with great honor that I’m back at South Middle where I started my administration career. Go Mustangs! I believe that all students can learn, given a positive and safe environment in which all stakeholders collaborate together. I’m a dedicated educator, but also a mom and wife. I’ve been married for 17 years to Paul Brown and have 3 children that attend Effingham County Schools.

What are your goals for the school year?

South Effingham Middle School’s theme this year is “Full STEAM Ahead" as we continue to focus on STEAM with our students, staff, and community. Booker T. Washington said, "Excellence is doing a common thing in an uncommon way." and we believe this describes the instruction that takes place at SEMS each day. We understand that in order to be excellent, we have to continue to reflect on our practices and strive to make improvements to teach in an “uncommon” way. We are excited to start our third year incorporating school-wide STEAM linking hands-on experiences at Honey Ridge Agricenter with grade level standards. Other major focuses this year will be building strong relationships with our South Effingham families and surrounding community partners as we welcome visitors back into the building. We are also excited to begin the process of STEM certification through Cognia.

Tell us of any special events happening this coming school year that you would like the community to know about.

Our staff will receive professional development throughout the year to continue to strengthen our STEAM program. Our professional development will be provided by our partners, Discovery Education, and some of our own staff members that we consider building leaders. STEAM provides SEMS students the opportunity to work hands-on at our campus and at Honey Ridge to solve real world problems. We know that this work will increase student engagement and learning. Our staff is excited to provide these "uncommon" learning opportunities to our students. Please join our Facebook page @SouthEffinghamMiddle to learn more information about our school and upcoming events.

We look forward to an awesome year!

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Would you like to add anything about your COVID-19 experience?

I am very proud of Effingham County Schools for being able to stay in school last year for the entire year. We were faced with some challenges throughout the year, but our teachers, staff, students, parents, and BOE worked together to make the best decisions for our students while keeping safety a top priority. It was great to see such hardworking and dedicated educators come together to complete another successful school year.


AMIE DICKERSON, Effingham County High School

I have been an educator for 25 years. I have had the awesome opportunity to work as a paraprofessional at SEHS, a teacher at ECMS, a teacher at EMS, an assistant principal at EMS, a principal at EMS and finally the principal of ECHS. I have been married to Jamie Dickerson for 28 years and we have two children. My daughter is 22 and just graduated from UGA with her AG Ed degree and will begin working in Barrow County as a middle school AG teacher. My son graduated from ECHS this past year and will begin an internship in the workforce.

What are your goals for the school year?

I am so excited to start the 2021-2022 school year. We have many goals we are actively working on that include positive school culture, encouraging leaders within our student body, and providing students with the knowledge and opportunity to become "owners" of their own learning. I am confident all of these goals will provide a positive high school experience for our ECHS student body.

What is happening this year that you would like the community to know?

Similar to last year we continue to encourage community involvement at ECHS. Our homecoming activities (paint your business blue), exciting athletic events, new drama productions, outstanding band performances, and winning CTAE activities will provide our students and community a true sense of what it means to be a Rebel and commit to the "E". Our students continue to be at the forefront of our goals at ECHS. We continue to support them as they strive to meet their individual goals.

What was your favorite summer memory?

If I had to pick one "favorite" summer memory it would have to be my trip to Mount Rushmore, I have never had such an overwhelming feeling of true patriotism as I did when I walked up and saw this enormous presentation of our country. It was truly a breathtaking experience. It was not only beautiful but also reminded me who I am and where I come from.

Would you like to add anything about your COVID-19 experience?

COVID-19 is definitely something I will never forget and honestly made us all stronger. It made us review how we were doing things and what we needed to do differently in order to meet the needs of our students and their situations. This has provided us with a whole new vision of how to present material and make it meaningful. Finally, as I am sure everyone will agree....if we can get through COVID 19 we can get through anything. The 2021-2022 school year will be the best yet and as always... GO REBELS!

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DR. TORIAN WHITE, South Effingham High School

I am a proud 1999 South Effingham High School graduate, and I am excited welcome back our students, staff, and families for a new school year. Professionally, I have served as a mathematics teacher, graduation coach, and assistant principal at the high school level for the first ten years of my career. Then, I transitioned to the world of middle school as principal for a total of seven years, and this will be my third year as principal at SEHS. Personally, my family and I live here in Effingham, and we are grateful to spend time with family and friends nearby. I enjoy playing basketball, watching ‘90s TV sitcoms and movies, playing Scrabble, traveling, and relaxing near the water with family and friends.

What are your goals for the school year?

One social emotional learning goal for the school year is to emphasize the power of empathy and connection amongst the Mustang Nation in each classroom every day. Our instructional goals will emphasize the district Visible Learning initiative and continuous instructional improvement throughout all content areas. In addition, we plan to use our counselors and faculty leadership to promote Future Ready graduates through a variety of future focused opportunities that include College, Career, and Workforce development activities. We will emphasize the power of positive relationships as the foundation for what we do each day.

What is happening this year that you would like the community to know?

As it has been outlined by our Superintendent, Dr. Ford, and district leaders, I want our community to know that our administrators, faculty, and staff are committed to the physical and emotional safety of our students and staff! To stay connected to the Mustang Nation, I encourage our community to follow our social media outlets on Facebook and Twitter, check our school website, and look out for weekly email updates from me. I encourage our parents and students to monitor grades and attendance in Parent Portal weekly and communicate with teachers and administrators if there are questions. I am particularly excited to work with my administrative team for this year that includes both familiar and new faces: Nick Smith (athletic director), Jen Lawson (instructional supervisor), Michelle Coburn (10th grade administrator), and Judson Alford (9th grade administrator). They will join returning administrators Mrs. Krystle Shuman and Mrs. Jennifer Curry, and as a team, we look forward to supporting teachers, students, and families this year!

What was your favorite summer memory?

This year, my favorite summer memory was time with our extended family in Florida this summer. Anywhere near the water works for me!

Would you like to add anything about the COVID-19 experience?

Our community, state, and nation, and world have all been impacted differently by trauma in some form as a result of the pandemic. This trauma, on top of regular “life happenings”, has unveiled the commonality in our humanity. That’s what I want our Mustang Nation to ponder and embrace. We are this together! As our team works alongside students and parents en route to graduation, this mindset will cause us to approach each day with a renewed sense of community and collaboration. Let’s make this a great year—together!

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DR. BRIGID NESMITH, Effingham College & Career Academy

I grew up in New Jersey and attended college in Texas, but luckily ended up in Effingham County, Georgia! I am entering my 24th year in education and most importantly, my 24th year working for Effingham County Board of Education. I began as an English and French teacher at South Effingham High School for 8 years. I then moved to teach Gifted ELA at South Effingham Middle School for 2 years. In 2006, I received my first administration position at Sand Hill Elementary School as Instructional Supervisor. Then in 2008, I was moved back to South Effingham Middle School to be the Instructional Supervisor. I then took over as principal of SEMS, and last year, I moved to Effingham College and Career Academy as principal.

I am married to Travis Nesmith with whom I share my love of education in Effingham County. We have two children, Kiera and Coleman Nesmith who are products of the school system and grew up as administrators’ children. Kiera attends Piedmont University and Coleman is beginning college this fall at Auburn University. I also have 3 fur babies, Tucker, Aggie, and Winnie.

What are your goals for the school year?

My goal for the 2021-2022 school year is to engage all students in an innovative STEM education that will support their goals for college, technical school, workforce, or military. ECCA teachers will create a classroom culture using the 4Cs of Creativity, Communication, Critical Thinking, and Collaborating which are valued skills to learn in our 21st Century classrooms. We will also focus on the whole student and embed social emotional learning within the heart of all learning through building relationships.

What is happening this year that you would like the community to know?

There are so many amazing things happening at ECCA each and every year. This year, we are branding our new slogan, WE ARE UKNIGHTED! ECCA has students from both high schools and also focuses on both CTAE and STEM, so being united seemed a fitting slogan to include with our new Knights mascot. We are also excited to have a new STEM Facilitator, Shelly Hobbs, who will support our STEM efforts in all classrooms as we move forward to becoming STEM certified. Our 9th grade STEM students will have a new bell schedule to allow for more interdisciplinary learning within their math, science, and scientific research classes to support our STEM goals. We will also offer an AP Seminar class, taught by Mrs. Habersham, that will allow STEM students to continue research, collaboration, and communication after their first three scientific research classes. CTAE classes can look forward to business connections and opportunities being presented both in person with guest speakers and off campus with field trips. ECCA will also be encouraging students to join and participate in clubs and organizations that support their future goals or interests through their pathway student organizations. We have a lot of new faces within our staff this year and we welcome them to the ECCA family!

What was your favorite summer memory?

My favorite summer memory would have to be my parents and sister coming to Georgia from California for my son's graduation. Due to COVID, it had been about a year and a half since I last saw them and hugged them. The separation was challenging, but the reunion was amazing.

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#search/bnesmith%40effingham.k12.ga.us?compose=DmwnWrRnXmtxDNldwFDQCqtDTNhtBxjCqnjbcrTzRpRXFBDWWRVcgkQgjLjMLkQSgNTmQvSPqtRl&projector=1 1/2

Would you like to add anything about the COVID-19 experience?

As Aaron Davis said at our Georgia Association of Educational Leaders conference, "hard days are behind...better days are ahead!" We made it! Our ECCA students, staff and parents showed such resilience during the COVID-19 storm. I think we learned that we can do anything! The gaps for students are an education concern, but I am excited for the amazing comeback story that we will see written this year.

DR. DEREK SKAGGS, Encompass Academy

I am originally from Louisville, Kentucky. I have a B.S. in Computer Information Systems, and M.A. in Special Education, and a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership with an emphasis on Special Education. I started my teaching career at Anderson County High School in Lawrenceburg, Kentucky, where I also coached high school football and track. I moved to Beaufort, SC in 2010 where I helped open up WBECHS. I worked in South Carolina in multiple capacities, as a teacher, coach, assistant principal, a special education coordinator and a Director of Special Education. This is my 2nd year working for Effingham County Schools and look to build on the tremendous improvement we saw last year with our students.

What are your goals for the school year?

My goal to this year is to continue to enable my staff to provide the best possible educational and functional services to the students and families we serve to help ensure they have the opportunity to reach their maximum potential. We will be continuing with our trauma sensitive interactions trainings as we strive to learn new methods for reaching our most needy population.

What is happening this year that you would like the community to know?

Our staff will be working diligently to ensure we are providing the best possible supports and services to all of our students in all settings. We will continue to implement brain based research to ensure we are providing the most up-to-date interventions to students who require specially designed instruction.

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What was your favorite summer memory?

My favorite summer memory from this past summer is spending time with my son catching fish, hiking and exploring. n

Effingham Magazine wishes every student & teacher a WONDERFUL School Year!



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Personal Attention & a Friendly Smile Make All the Difference

When Donna Trapani was starting her career more than 32 years ago, she lacked credit and experience with finances. The Union Camp Federal Credit Union—now Georgia Heritage Federal Credit Union (GHFCU)—gave her an unsecured loan and taught her very important skills at an early age.

“What big bank gives a young girl an unsecured loan?” At that point, she knew her Credit Union was special.

Donna has been a resident of the Savannah area for more than 42 years and is an employee of Kraton Chemical. Kraton Chemical was formerly Union Camp. Union Camp was bought by International Paper who eventually sold the chemical portion of the company to form Kraton Chemical. Kraton develops, manufactures and markets the products that help the paper industry provide valuable products around the globe.

Donna, along with her husband, has been a proud employee of the company and a member of the Georgia Heritage Federal Credit Union since she opened her checking account that day many years ago. Donna knows that GHFCU is a unique financial institution. Whichever of the four branches she walks into, she knows the team members will take the time to learn her name and get to know her as part of their extended Credit Union family.

“Georgia Heritage has all the products and services of the big banks but with the personal attention that makes its members feel special,” says Donna. “Whether it is the competitive checking and savings rates to the rewards cards and discounts at local businesses, members can get all of their financial services needs met with one institution.”

When Donna’s 78-year-old mother moved to Chatham County, Donna made sure her mother experienced the same benefits. GHFCU immediately helped her mom open a checking, savings and IRA.

Donna serves as a board member for the Georgia Heritage Federal Credit Union Board of Directors and has been on the supervisory committee since 2014. She is happy to give back to GHFCU and knows that anyone who walks into one of their branches will be greeted with the same friendly smile and the opportunity to take advantage of the wonderful services GHFCU provides to all its members.

Donna Trapani

Georgia Heritage Federal Credit Union is an Equal Housing Lender (NMLS ID# 446248).

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