2 minute read
Publisher's Thoughts
Jan Southern Owner/Publisher Jan@JDelSURMarketing.com
Lea Thornton-Allen Office Manager Lea@JDelSURMarketing.com
Penny Redmond Distribution
Shelly Mock Sales Coordinator Shelly@JDelSURMarketing.com
A special thank you to Michael Brown Editing
Effingham Magazine is proudly produced by:
P.O. Box 2328 Rincon, GA 31326 (912) 295-5406 EffinghamMagazine.com
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Write to us and tell us what you think. Effingham Magazine welcomes all letters to the editor. Please send all letters via email to Jan Southern at Jan@JDelSURMarketing.com. Letters to the editor must have a phone number and name of contact. Phone numbers will not be published.
ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS Effingham Magazine welcomes story ideas from our readers. If you have a story idea or photo essay you would like to share, please submit ideas and material by emailing Jan Southern at Jan@JDelSURMarketing.com. Stories or ideas for stories must be submitted by email. Only feature stories and photo essays about people, places or things in Effingham County will be considered.
CIRCULATION: Effingham Magazine is published bi-monthly and distributed to over 200 locations throughout Effingham County and beyond.
ow's that New Year's Resolution coming along? If you are like many of us, life has gotten in the way and our resolve to keep those commitments has waned a bit. What I have learned is that a commitment to self care is one of the most critical resolutions we can make to ourselves and our families – as is the determination to perservere, no matter what our circumstances or what challenges come our way. This is illustrated in our cover story about Nevaeh Williams –a little girl with the spirit of an angel and the resilience to which we can all aspire. The stories and images in this Health and Wellness issue are uplifting reminders of what keeping our commitments to ourselves and those around us can do for the quality of life and the feeding of our spirits. I am so happy to share them with you. As we head into February and March of 2020, I hope you will continue to support the many great individuals and businesses that grace these pages. They all have a commitment to providing the very best products and services to our community of Effingham County. I know that I need many of them as I continue to practice self care and that healthy lifestyle I committed to on January 1! Jan Southern H

Owner/Publisher Effingham Magazine
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