Launceston City Council
Annual Plan 2013/14
Integrated Planning Framework Aligning strategic, corporate and operational plans
Mayor Albert van
Robert Dobrzynski General Manager
Message from the Mayor and General Manager Vision 2020 was developed by the Council after extensive consultation with the community and this underpins the Council’s integrated planning process. In 2006, the Council adopted the Community’s Vision 2020 following substantial community engagement and consultation. This underpins the Councils integrated planning process and guides the Council’s and other community organisations in setting its priorities within the Annual Plan. This Annual Plan translates the broad strategic vision alongside our 5 Year Strategic Plan, into day to day actions that make a difference to the community and provide the high quality of life we enjoy in this great City. 63 high level actions are listed within this Plan and these demonstrate the Council’s commitment to key issues such as clean air, river quality, climate protection, flood mitigation, effective land-use planning, our heritage, effectively managing our assets, community well-being, economic prosperity for our region and financial sustainability for Council.
Strategic (10 year) Financial Plan
Strategic Plan (6 year 2008-2014)
ANNUAL Annual Actions
Annual Budget
Directorate Plans
The Council’s Annual Plan is also directly linked to financial, Directorate and Department plans, as well as our employees’ individual strategic performance objectives. The Council reports on progress against the Annual Plan quarterly. As a Council we are focused on delivering essential quality of life elements to the Launceston community. We look forward to continuing our work with residents, businesses and all levels of government to ensure that our City remains a crucible for people that enriches their lives both socially and economically. Albert van Zetten MAYOR
Robert Dobrzynski GENERAL MANAGER
Service Unit Plans
Individual Performance Objectives
Table of Contents The Council
Organisational Structure
Our Vision
Our Mission
Council’s Organisational Values
How to Read the Annual Plan
Natural Environment
Built Environment
Social and Economic Environment
Cultural Environment
Governance Services
Summary of Estimates
Public Health Goals and Objectives
Section 71 of the Local Government Act 1993 requires all Councils to produce an Annual Plan for the municipal area each financial year.
The Council
Mayor Albert van Zetten
Deputy Mayor Jeremy Ball
Alderman Rosemary Armitage
Alderman Annette Waddle
Alderman Ian Norton
Alderman Tony Peck
Alderman Rob Soward
Alderman Robin McKendrick
Alderman Hugh McKenzie
Alderman Jim Cox
Alderman Ted Sands
Alderman Danny Gibson
Organisational Structure General Manager Robert Dobrzynski
Civic Affairs
Corporate Services
Development Services
Infrastructure Services
Facility Management & Governance Services
Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery
Director Michael Tidey
Director Michael Stretton
Director Harry Galea
Director Rod Sweetnam
Director Richard Mulvaney
Customer Service
Building Services Community Development
Architectural Services & Projects
Infrastructure Assets: - Asset Planning - Hydraulic Modelling - Road & Stormwater Assets - Spatial Sciences
Information Management Information Technology Light Vehicle Fleet Rates Princess Theatre
Development Planning Events Environmental Services Launceston Travel & Information Centre Strategic Planning & Urban Design Tourism Development
Infrastructure Operations: - Road Services - Heavy Fleet Services - Waste & Cleansing Services Projects - Design & Project Management Parks & Recreation
Communications Economic Development Emergency Management Human Resources
Exhibitions History Natural Sciences Planetarium Visitor Operations Visual Arts
Inveresk and Aurora Stadium Precinct Launceston Aquatic Organisational Development Parking & Carr Villa
Our Vision Our Mission Organisational Values
Launceston - a thriving and sustainable city
Everyone working together as one organisation to deliver services to our community
The Council’s Vision and Mission are underpinned by our commitment to the following fundamental values. These values guide the way the Council undertakes its business and how the Council delivers all its activities and services for the benefit of the community. Integrity We behave ethically • We tell the truth • We keep our commitments • We meet both the spirit and intent of the law
Stewardship We care about people and the community in which we live • We operate safely • We are environmentally responsible • We strengthen the community
Inclusion We value diversity and respect the dignity of each person • We value differences in people and perspectives • We build relationships based on mutual trust • We recognise the contributions of every individual
Initiative We lead the way • We have the courage and creativity to shape the future • We have the discipline to manage risk • We act decisively in a timely manner
Teamwork We work together to achieve superior results • We share ideas and talents to develop solutions • We support and rely on each other • We value clear and open communication
Accountability We take responsibility for our actions • We live our values • We set clear goals, measure results and seek to improve • We build and protect the Launceston brand and reputation
The linkages between the Council’s Vision, Mission, Values and Priority Areas in the Strategic and Annual Plans is shown in this chart.
Launceston - a thriving and sustainable municipality
Everyone working together as one organisation to deliver services to our community
Our Priority Areas 2008-2013
• Integrity • Teamwork
• Initiative • Inclusion
• Stewardship • Accountability
1. Natural Environment 2. Built Environment 3. Social & Economic Environment 4. Cultural Environment 5. Governance Services
How to Read this Annual Plan The Annual Plan outlines Council’s high level actions for the year under five priority areas. The first four priority areas match those outlined in Vision 2020. The fifth (Governance Services) guides Council in its operations to ensure that its services are strategically driven and efficient and underpinned by an engagement culture. Detailed under each of these priority areas are the Strategies for the year. These strategies relate directly to Council’s 6-Year Strategic Plan 2008-2014. Each strategy has one or more specific actions that Council aims to achieve this year. The Departme nt responsible for delivering the action is also listed. Each quarter Council reports on progress against those actions.
Priority Area: 1 Natural Environment Goal:
1.1 Sustainable management of natural resources, parks and recreational areas.
STRATEGY: 1.1.1 Reduce levels of air pollution in Launceston and the Tamar Valley. Provide education to the community regarding actions to reduce smoke pollution from wood fires, whilst discontinuing the wood heater buyback scheme.
Development Services
STRATEGY: 1.1.2 Contribute to enhanced river quality. Contribute to the development and implementation of strategies to improve the amenity, environmental values and functionality of rivers within the City boundaries.
Infrastructure Services
Complete a water quality management plan for Newnham Creek.
Infrastructure Services
Construct/widen boardwalk at ‘Seaport’.
Infrastructure Services
STRATEGY: 1.1.3 Enhance and maintain parks and recreation areas, including river edges. Complete North Bank Masterplan.
Infrastructure Services
Complete Launceston Playground Strategy report.
Infrastructure Services
Complete Civic Square Precinct Plan.
Infrastructure Services
STRATEGY: 1.1.4 Initiate Council and Community action on Climate change. Develop a new Sustainability Strategy.
Development Services
Develop a public sustainability report on Council's actions and key metrics including energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, waste and water.
Development Services
Complete a business plan covering the social, environmental and economic aspects of a kerbside organics collection service.
Infrastructure Services
STRATEGY: 1.1.5 Protect and enhance the enjoyment of the Cataract Gorge Reserve. No action listed
Priority Area: 2 Built Environment Goal:
2.1 Managing and enhancing Council and community assets, including buildings, roads and other above and below ground infrastructure.
STRATEGY: 2.1.1 Facilitate a sustainable approach to enhanced access to and within the municipality. Develop an action plan and begin implementation to provide infrastructure on Primary Routes as outlined in the Pedestrian Strategy 2012.
Infrastructure Services
Complete directional signage project along key cycling routes.
Infrastructure Services
STRATEGY: 2.1.2 Facilitate enhanced flood protection for the Invermay and Inveresk Precinct. Complete all of the elements of the Launceston Flood Protection Levee project.
General Manager
Advocate for State and Federal funding to enable completion of the City and Hobart Levees rejuvenation.
General Manager
STRATEGY: 2.1.3 Establish a long term solution to the movement of traffic and heavy vehicles through the urban areas of Launceston to reduce congestion and accommodate growth. Implement priority projects from joint Council and Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources Launceston Traffic Study.
Infrastructure Services
STRATEGY: 2.1.4 Implement initiatives which recognise the importance of the municipality’s built heritage to residents and visitors. Development of Heritage Precinct provisions in consultation with the Heritage Advisory Committee.
Development Services
Complete the Launceston 'Telling her stories' augmented reality project.
Development Services
STRATEGY: 2.1.5 Ensure assets are adequately developed and maintained by delivering on the Councils 10 Year Major Works Plan. Complete Stage 3 of the Extension of Carr Villa Memorial Park Lawn Cemetery. The area designated is south of lawn 6 and 7 (which is the area recently developed) towards Quarantine Road.
Facility Management and Governance Services
STRATEGY: 2.1.6 Ensure the Council’s assets are adequately maintained and renewed by ensuring asset plans are current.
Undertake Stage 1 of a 3 year program to analyse the Council's urban stormwater systems to identify areas at risk of flooding and appropriate mitigation works.
Infrastructure Services
Implement Strategic Assets modelling software.
Infrastructure Services
Priority Area: 3 Social and Economic Environment Goal:
3.1 Promoting a healthy, prosperous and positive community.
STRATEGY: 3.1.1 Ensure the Inveresk Precinct continues to provide a vibrant hub of community activity. Implement Inveresk Precinct Plan including progression of Student Accommodation in conjunction with the University of Tasmania.
Facility Management and Governance Services
Implement Strategic Facility Redevelopment Plan for Aurora Stadium - Drop in wicket provision
Facility Management and Governance Services
STRATEGY: 3.1.2 Facilitate effective regional and economic development in Launceston and the Tamar Valley in order to achieve enhanced investment, development, livability, tourism, employment and competitiveness. Collaborate with key stakeholders (Government and private) to implement actions from the Northern Region Economic Development Plan.
Facility Management and Governance Services
Implement actions arising from the Greater Launceston Plan which influence economic prosperity in the City and the Region.
General Manager
Leverage opportunities from the National Broadband Network rollout.
Facility Management and Governance Services
Implement the electronic Development Applications (eDA) project funded by the Australian Government Digital Local Government Program.
Development Services
Implement the Tourism Interpretation Plan.
Development Services
STRATEGY: 3.1.3 Develop an effective land use blue print for a sustainable future. Implement, review and as necessary amend the Launceston Planning Scheme.
Development Services
Review the Regional Planning Framework following the development of the Greater Launceston Plan.
Development Services
Priority Area: 3 Social and Economic Environment continued Goal:
3.1 Promoting a healthy, prosperous and positive community.
STRATEGY: 3.1.4 Provide and promote safe City environments Facilitate the Road Safety Consultative Committee reporting to the Council on black spot funding and road safety programs.
Infrastructure Services
Work with Tasmania Police to ensure an effective CCTV presence. Expand system into Kings Meadows and improve infrastructure in the CBD.
Facility Management and Governance Services
STRATEGY: 3.1.5 Effectively operate the Regional Aquatic Centre to encourage healthy and active lifestyles. Introduce dry programmes to Launceston Aquatic.
Facility Management and Governance Services
STRATEGY: 3.1.6 Advocate for enhanced health and community support services. Commence implementation of the Positive Ageing Plan.
Development Services
Complete the Youth Engagement Framework/Youth Policy for the Council.
Development Services
STRATEGY: 3.1.7 Adopt a proactive approach to strategic development opportunities. Lobby/advocate and make submissions seeking to progress the achievement of top 10 Strategic Priority Projects as determined by the Council.
General Manager
STRATEGY: 3.1.8 Review the long term approach to Waste Management. Implement a commercial composting program that involves:
Infrastructure Services
• Facilitating agreements with regional local governments and Ben Lomond Water for the supply of organic materials • Call expressions of interest for a contractor to establish a composting facility and • Commence planning and environmental approval processes. Appoint a suitably qualified organisation to undertake resource recovery operations (including a resale shop) at the Launceston Waste Centre. Design and construct necessary infrastructure.
Infrastructure Services
Priority Area: 4 Cultural Environment Goal:
4.1 Supporting and developing arts and cultural activities.
STRATEGY: 4.1.1 Ensure Albert Hall is effectively managed and operated for active and diverse community and cultural activities. Identify joint marketing opportunities for promotion.
Development Services
STRATEGY: 4.1.2 Complete the redevelopment of the Royal Park and Inveresk Sites. Conduct business review for ongoing sustainability of the QVMAG.
Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery
Increase marketing and signage to ensure recognition of the two QVMAG sites.
Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery
STRATEGY: 4.1.3 Continue to support community arts and events. Seek greater commercial support for community arts and events.
Development Services
Develop an online application process for events held in the Launceston Municipal Area.
Development Services
Continue to provide a clear, transparent and equitable events funding program.
Development Services
Priority Area: 5 Governance Services Goal:
5.1 Engaging our community and delivering responsible management
STRATEGY: 5.1.1 Seek external funding for priority projects. Pursue funding applications to State and Federal Governments to finance priority activities / major projects.
General Manager
Establish an ongoing program of advice and advocacy to State and Federal political representatives on priority projects.
General Manager
STRATEGY: 5.1.2 Enhance employee satisfaction and productivity. Coordinate the conduct of the 2013 Employee Survey.
Facility Management and Governance Services
Facilitate implementation of organisational changes as identified during the Council Form and Function Review.
General Manager
STRATEGY: 5.1.3 Ensure effective communication with State and Australian Governments on matters of importance to the Launceston community. Ensure regular meetings are held with relevant State and Federal Ministers on matters of importance.
General Manager
STRATEGY: 5.1.4 Ensure the city is managed in a financially sustainable manner. Review rating structures in light of State Government legislation change.
Corporate Services
Implement the recommendations from Council's Form and Function review and the review of the Strategic Financial Plan.
General Manager
STRATEGY: 5.1.5 Implement enhanced community engagement. Facilitate an integrated Council wide Community Engagement Framework progressively over a three year period.
Facility Management and Governance Services
Develop a Digital Media Strategy for the Council.
Facility Management and Governance Services
STRATEGY: 5.1.6 Address the challenges in recruiting and retaining skilled employees.
Expand current engineering cadetship program to include Spatial Science professionals.
Infrastructure Services
Develop and implement an approved total remuneration strategy for employees of the Council.
Facility Management and Governance Services
Priority Area: 5 Governance Services continued Goal:
5.1 Engaging our community and delivering responsible management
STRATEGY: 5.1.7 Ensure an effective transition to the new sewer and water arrangements. Participate in the implementation of a single water and sewerage corporation.
General Manager
Engage with the Water Authority to ensure coordination in strategic land use planning.
Development Services
Continue lobbying the State Government regarding the introduction of stormwater charges for areas where joint stormwater / sewerage systems exist.
General Manager
STRATEGY: 5.1.8 Take a leadership role in enhancing regional cooperation. Assume a leadership role in the development of regional priorities in conjunction with adjoining councils.
General Manager
Undertake strong advocacy along with other councils in the region on critical regional, economic, social and environmental issues.
General Manager
Work with councils to develop a strategy for the Bell Bay Port reflecting its importance to the region.
General Manager
STRATEGY: 5.1.9 Enhance efficient delivery of services to our community. Coordinate the development of a new five year Council Strategic Plan.
Facility Management and Governance Services
Seek feedback and input from the community into the Municipal Emergency Management (MEM) risk register and obtain endorsement from Council on a finalised register.
Facility Management and Governance Services
STRATEGY: 5.1.10 Improve criteria for determining priorities for service delivery. Develop a road maintenance level of service plan.
Infrastructure Services
Summary of Estimates
Please refer to Proposed Statutory Estimates 2013/14. Statutory Estimates information will be included in the Annual Plan prior to adoption.
Summary of Estimates
Please refer to Proposed Statutory Estimates 2013/14. Statutory Estimates information will be included in the Annual Plan prior to adoption.
Summary of Estimates
Please refer to Proposed Statutory Estimates 2013/14. Statutory Estimates information will be included in the Annual Plan prior to adoption.
Public Health Goals and Objectives There is a need to prepare and implement the Council’s public health goals and objectives in accordance with the Council’s Strategic Plan and State legislative requirements. The Launceston City Council is committed to ensuring the health and safety of its residents and visitors. The Environmental Services Department is responsible for ensuring the Council meets its statutory obligations under the Public Health Act 1997, Food Act 2003, Environment Management and Pollution Control Act 1994, Local Government Act 1993 and Dog Control Act 2000. • Complete a review of the recreational water (swimming pool) sampling program; • Implement the Development Services e-services improvement program to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Environmental Services Department; • Undertake a community education program to improve domestic wood heater usage in Launceston; • Upgrade dog holding area the Council’s pound facility; • Introduce life-long tagging for dog registrations.