2 minute read
President’s message
Living in an endemic
September brings new opportunities @prezhfxchamber
September is always a busy month at the Chamber and in the business community, and we’re happy to report this is once again the case in 2021.
Endemic. It has a much better ring to it than pandemic, doesn’t it? First off, what is an endemic? It’s our next stage of COVID-19. It’s the loosening of restrictions, the world becoming vaccinated, and getting back to gatherings with the people we love.
Endemic is a disease or condition found among particular people or in a certain area. For example, the seasonal flu. To keep the flu at bay, every year, we get our flu shots in the fall. As we move away from high hospitalization rates and shutdowns, it’s important that we recognize our role in this next chapter as we begin to live with covid19.
Businesses and not for profits like us have had a long, tough year. Through layoffs, months with little to no revenue while trying to pay bills, and restrictions of foot traffic have caused massive amounts of stress. We’re in a steady pace now and if we want to see our businesses thrive, let’s patronize them. Have your weekly dinner out, find what you need in a locally owned retailer, and buy gifts for your family and friends abroad from the shops that make Halifax unique and vibrant.
Another key solution to endemic living (besides vaccinations) is workplace rapid testing. Implementing regular testing in your workplace will help keep your staff, your customers, and your community safe. It will secure consumer confidence and get us back to business.

You are even allowed to send tests home with staff to have them test before they every come to the workplace. Testing has kept us safe throughout the last 18 months and will continue to be an integral part of our recovery. Click here to sign your organization up for workplace rapid testing.
Another important development in September this year is a new holiday, Truth and Reconciliation Day on September 30. This day recognizes and commemorates the legacy of residential schools, which more than 150,000 First
Discover Halifax Nations, Metis and Inuit children were forced to attend between the 1870s and 1997. This day is not just another day off — it gives us an opportunity to learn about our history and the injustices that still face Indigenous peoples. It is not enough to just take a day off. We need to reflect about what happened to these children and how we can ensure we can honour their memory. We felt it was important to provide a place where people can learn, understand and pay tribute to these children and their families. The Halifax Chamber in partnership with Sakatay Global will host a Blanket Exercise on September 29. The blanket exercise is an interactive educational program that teaches the history of indigenous peoples in Canada.
Welcome back, Halifax. We’re in your corner. ■
the strategy summit for small business
Digital Marketing Strategist & Entrepreneur
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