www.facticity.blogfa.com b.khodapanah@gmail.com Heidegger: A Very Short Introduction By: Michael inwood Oxford university press 1997
dasien dasein
Da dort
hier da xx.343 sein Da-sein
eigentlich Eigentlichkeit uneigentlich Uneigentlichkeit eigen
eigen fremd
man man dasman
Martin heidegger Existential phenomenology authentic Jean paul sartre Michael inwood Bing and time to exist to be there 8 to be here 9 entity 10 to be 11 being 12 Being is an issue 13 existence 14 properties 15 looks 16 In each case mine 17 present at hand 18
what 19 Dasein is its possibility 20 accidents 21 thrown 22 inauthentic 23 What it is 24 Manner,mode,or way of being 25 existence 26 to stand forth 27 standing forth 28 categories 29 existentials 30 Rational animal 31 circumstances 32 existentiality 33 facticity 34 real 35 proper 36 authenticity 37 Not literal 38 figurative 39 own 40 Having a room of ones own 41 Having a mind of ones own 42 Being ones own master 43 (an)others 44 alien 45 anothers 46 they 47 One48 we 49 they 50 you 51 people 52 They-self 53 eccentricity 54 questioners 55 choosers 56 Self-producers 57 soul 58 spiritual 59 Realism 60