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In the name of God,

Research on

Knowledge and Islam Date: Friday, 30th of July 2010 The University of New South Wales

1- Definition of knowledge ( 


Different opinions among scholars about its meaning i. Some say that it is a self-evident concept and there is no need for explanation ii. The simple definition: “The picture of things in our mind”

Intellect (

Opposite of ignorance (i.e. not knowing the reality)

Some scholars have divided knowledge into two categories:

) is the primary tool for acquiring knowledge

i. Acquired knowledge: it is obtained from external sources like books ii. Knowledge by presence: it is present within human beings like inspiration and our feelings 2- Importance of gaining knowledge in Islam 

“Gain knowledge from cradle to grave”

“It is obligatory upon each Muslim to obtain knowledge” (

Clearly Quran distinguish those who have knowledge and those who don’t. “Are those who know equal to those who don’t know?” (



There are numerous narrations on its significance which is beyond the scope of this lecture

3- Purpose of seeking knowledge 

It is more important than the knowledge itself

Intention is very significant in Islam to the extent that the quality of the action is evaluated by human’s intention. (


It must be only and only for the pleasure of God and serving his creatures

Seeking knowledge for worldly and personal aims leads human to ignorance

4- Non-religious knowledge 

“Gain knowledge even by going to China”. Suffice it to say, China wasn’t the centre of theological studies; this proves that the recommended knowledge is not limited to Quranic studies, science of Hadith, theology, jurisprudence, mysticism, etc.

Islam encompassed all affairs of life; from worldly sciences to hereafter sciences.

By studying the life of early Muslim scholars, we recognise that they had a high attention on natural sciences like geography, astronomy, medicine, chemistry, physics, etc. Also many Muslims discoveries have been recorded.

5- Benefits of seeking knowledge 

Reaching certainty: doubt is sometime essential for knowledge as a means, but not as an end. In the other world, doubt is a bridge to certainty.

Prevent humans from committing sins.

By studying the universe, we realize the harmony of the nature and consequently we know our God (i.e. divine signs)

6- Tools of gaining knowledge 

Spiritual purifications as a first steps ( some say knowledge without purification is not knowledge at all) i. Becoming free from bad intentions ii. Regularly assessing ourselves to check whether it is acquired for worldly aims. iii. Thinking deeply as to what is our primary intention behind seeking knowledge: why am I acquiring knowledge?

Sense experiences , seeing, hearing, touching, etc

Rational perception (reasoning): Higher than previous as it distinguishes human from animal

Intuition, inspiration and revelation

7- Obstacles of gaining knowledge 

Hypocrisy (seeking knowledge for self glorification in front of people)


Blind following ( Islam implicitly rejects this kind of following)

Pride (“There is only one veil between you and sound piece of advice and it is the pride”)

Compound ignorance (i.e. you don’t know that you don’t know. It is opposite of simple ignorance in which you are aware of your ignorance)

Indulging in sins: truth will not be achieved with impurity

8- Desirable Knowledge 

it can be concluded that the beneficial knowledge is the knowledge which begins with pure Intention, then it follows with: i. Learning: Asking from others (


ii. Acting: practising what you learn (This kind of knowledge is acceptable by Islam) iii. Teaching it to others (“ There is a Zakat for everything and the Zakat of knowledge is to teach it to the one who does not know”)

By: Mohsen Alizadehfard

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