Building Terms Explained A list of common building terms used in the construction industry.
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Glossary of Terms 88b Instrument Details showing any restrictions applicable to the block of land – i.e. easement
Borehole Report Two holes drilled into the surface of your block to provide additional information on the soil type.
Absorption Trench Is a trench designed to hold the storm water. Some Councils specify the requirement of an absorption trench and this will form part of your Hydraulic design.
Building Adjacent To Sewer (BAS) The proposed development will be partially or wholly constructed within the zone of influence (close to) the sewer. Additional measures are required to protect the water authorities’ asset of the sewer.
Acid Sulphate Soils This is the name given to soils which contain iron sulphides. Additional measures are required to ensure the structural integrity of your home. The classification is 1,2, 3, 4 or 5.
National Construction Code (NCC) A uniform set of technical provisions for the design and construction of buildings throughout Australia.
Acoustic Requirements Some Councils will require a report from an Acoustic Engineer to accompany your Development Application. Additional measures may be required to comply with an internal noise level (L10) of 50DA(A) for busy urban areas. ACTPLA (ACT) Is an assessment which must be completed on your new dwelling to assess it’s energy and water efficiency. Application Plans (AP) Initial set of plans drawn to reflect the tender. Articulation The architectural requirement to alleviate flat faces (long straight walls). Association Of Building Sustainability Assessors Report (ABSA) Refers to detailed assessment of the sustainability of your new home. Some Councils require this as part of your Development Submission. Australian Height Datum Survey (AHD) A more detailed survey where levels are calculated from the average of many tide gauges on the East Coast of Australia (sea level). Authority To Commence Construction (ACC) Letter issued from the relevant lending authority confirming all documents have been signed and received, loan has been settled and construction may commence. NATHERS (NSW) Is an assessment which must be completed on your new dwelling to assess it’s energy and water efficiency. Bearers & Joist Construction The use of timber (on top of brick piers) to construct the support for your new home in lieu of a concrete slab. This form of construction is used when the house needs to be raised due to a flood prone area or when a level platform is unable to be achieved on the block. Benched Site Site has been prepared with level platforms in preparation for construction of your slab.
Building Over Sewer (BOS) The proposed development will be constructed over the top of the sewer. Additional measures are required to protect the water authorities’ asset of the sewer. Bushfire Rating Is the rating used to determine the risk of your property from bush-fire. The rating will determine which additional measures are required to reduce the risk of your home in the event of a fire. The rating is measured as BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) 12.5, 19, 29 through to 40. Compliance Certificate Plans (CCP) Third set of plans drawn to reflect any Council conditions as a result of the DA and selections made at your Colour Selection Appointment. These plans are used to apply for Construction Certificate where required. Complying Development Certificate (CDC) An alternative method to DA approval, where council is not involved in the approval process. Approval is obtained through the certifying authority. CDC requires 100% compliance with relevant regulations. Construction Certificate (CC) A Construction Certificate (CC) is required prior to construction commencing on site. It can only be obtained once DA approval is received. Hall & Hart Homes obtains the Construction Certificate through the certifying authority. Contour Survey A survey completed to illustrate the levels / slope of your block to assist in the siting of your new home. Contract Issued after Submission Plans have been signed off and the Submission Fee has been paid. This is a formal contract binding Hall & Hart Homes and yourself to proceed with the construction of your new home. Council Verge The portion of land owned by Council between the road and the front boundary of your property. Cut & Fill Describes the movement of soil over your block as required to provide a level platform to construct your new home on. Demolition Clearance Certificate Certificate provided by the demolition company to
confirm that the site is free of hazardous material and safe to commence work.
FSR Floor Space Ratio (FSR)The ratio of the building’s living area over the size of the site.
Development Application (DA) Application to build the house obtained through Council.
Geotechnical Report Provides critical and vital information for the owner, architect, design engineer, and the contractor to use and evaluate.
Driveway Layback Or Crossover The flatter portion of your curb, between the road and your driveway. The location of the layback is determined by the developer/council and may require relocation to suit your house design. Dropped Edge Beam (DEB) If you want to build your new home on a slope you may need to have the additional cost of drop edge beams to contain the fill on the low side of the slab (instead of using a retaining wall that is away from your home). These are a type of retaining wall that hold the fill under the house slab as shown in the drawing below.
Housing Industry Australia (HIA) An industry association for members of the residential building sector. Hydraulic Design A design completed by a Hydraulic Engineer to deal with the collection, disbursement and use of water on your property, dependent on: water collection area, volume of water, councils requirements and site constraints. Interim Occupation Certificate (IOC) A certificate provided by the PCA when all critical stage inspections have been completed and the house is able to be occupied however there may be a few minor outstanding items required to be completed prior to the issue of the Final Occupation Certificate e.g. Landscaping. Land Title Certificate Certificate from the land titles office showing the name of the person that owns the land.
Easement The right of use to a section of your property by another party.
Landscape % The percentage of the site which is designated to soft landscaping.
Energy Efficiency Rating (EER) The EER used in the ACT is confined to a rating of the thermal performance of the building shell. It is designed to provide accurate and standardised information about building energy efficiency (excluding the hot water and lighting system, other fixed or movable appliances and occupant requirements for temperature control). Efficient thermal performance means that a house achieves a comfortable temperature for the occupants for the time they are in the house with minimal energy input from fossil fuel or other unsustainable or polluting sources.
Long Service Levy A levy applied by the state government to building and construction works costing more than $25,000. This levy is paid by Hall & Hart Homes as part of your Development Submission.
Estate Design Guidelines Rules which have been created by the developer on the estate to guide the development within that specific area to ensure a high standard of design and consistency.
Material Handling Additional costs required to unload and store materials on tight sites.
Final Occupation Certificate (FOC) The final certificate provided by the PCA (See Private Certifying Authority) to confirm that your home has been constructed in accordance with the BCA and allows a person to occupy the building. Finished Floor Level (FFL) The level to the top of the slab. Finished Ground Level (FGL) The excavated level on which we intend to build on. Flood Levels Flood levels are a determination of the levels of floods which have been recorded over the past. These levels help determine if your block is likely to be affected by flood waters and the depth of these waters. Flood levels are determined by the occurrence in years ie (1:5) one in five years, (1:20) one in 20 years to a maximum of (1:100) one in 100 years.
Marine Environment When you live within the vicinity of breaking surf, your property is prone to corrosion. Therefore, additional measures are required to ensure the structural integrity of your home.
Merit Track A merit track development application is assessed against the rules or criteria in the applicable assessment code of the Territory Plan (ACT only). Mine Subsidence When building in an area affected by underground mining, a Geotechnical Engineer must complete an independent inspection. Conditions may be imposed and additional measures required to comply with the Mine Subsidence Board including but not limited to the type of building materials used, use of control joints, additional footings, a maximum height of foundation brickwork. Moroka Finish Is a coloured textured coating system used over brickwork. Please note that the brick joints remain visible through this system. Piering Concrete, timber or metal supports dug in to the ground to provide a solid foundation for your slab.
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Potable Water Water safe enough to be consumed by humans. Principle Certifying Authority (PCA) Private Certifiers complete the Construction Certificate and have been appointed to complete inspections during construction to ensure Hall & Hart Homes is in compliance with the National Construction Code and Council Conditions. Private Open Space (POS) The private area of the site designed for recreation of the residents. Proof of Funds Only required if self funded or partially funding the loan yourself. A bank statement or letter from the bank noting client’s name, account number and the balance of the account covering the shortfall or contract amount. Provisional Allowance (PA) Estimate added to the tender for costing that is unknown until further information received in order to fix quotes. Can be added for optional upgrades like electrical, tiling and colour selections in order for clients to obtain finance approval for required funds. Rain Garden Filter Pit A planted pit which allows the rainwater runoff to be absorbed into the ground, reducing the runoff to storm water drains and surface water. Some Councils specify the use of a rain garden. Redefinition Survey An additional survey which may be required to fully define all of the subject boundaries of the property. Relative Levels (RL) Measurement which appears on your survey and is used to illustrate levels on the land. The height above or below a datum. Rendered Finish Is the application of a premixed cement or acrylic finish over brick-work which is to be painted. S149 Certificate Information received from Council showing any additional requirements to the land. This is read in conjunction with the 88b, and will determine whether the land is bush fire prone for example. S94 Contributions Are fees which may be applied by council on a new development within their Council area. These fees are used to help fund local infrastructure e.g. parks. Please note that S94 contributions are the responsibility of the owner/ developer they are not covered by Hall & Hart Homes. Salinity Requirements Some blocks may have salt present in the soil. Salt can erode and disintegrate the concrete piers and slab over time. Therefore in order to ensure the structural integrity of your home a stronger concrete strength needs to be used.
may be as a result of the land being newly registered and therefore not gazetted in the Water Authorities database or in an established area where it is unclear of the location of the sewer running through the property. In some instances we are able to avoid this cost if you can obtain a copy of the Works as Executed (WAE) or Works as Constructed (WAC) plans from your developer. Site Coverage The percentage of the site which is actually covered by the building. Slab Classification Is the determination of the type of soil on your block. This classification is used to determine strength of the slab required for your new home. This strength is measured as M, H1, H2 or E. Spoil Unused soil/debris removed from the site. Statement of Environmental Effects (SOEE) A statement which we will prepare as part of your Development Application. This addresses an environmental assessment, and identifies the planning and environmental information specific to your proposed development and site. Submission Fee The non-refundable fee payable to Hall & Hart Homes to prepare your Development Application. This fee is payable at the time of signing your Submission Plans. Your application will not be repared until we are in receipt of this payment. Submission Plans (SP) Second set of plans drawn to reflect the changes made at Application Plan review meeting. These are the plans used for submission of the Development Application. Tender Formal offer, quotation and outline of items required to construct your home on your block (not a contract, but this form is part of a contract. Tender Acceptance Fee The non-refundable fee payable to Hall & Hart Homes upon acceptance of your tender to allow us to draw your plans. Tiger Tails Black and yellow synthetic tubes which highlight the wires and are clipped over power lines to make persons aware and avoid injury due to accidental contact with live lines. This is a WH&S requirement. Traffic Control Additional costs associated with the safe movement of motorists and pedestrians around the work site. Required on busy roads or where pedestrian traffic is at a high rate.
Setback The required distance between your dwelling and the boundaries of the property.
Tree Preservation Order (TPO) A TPO is a permit to remove trees which is required to be lodged to Council if any trees need to be removed in order to apply for CDC approval. This may also be required for any trees the client wishes to remove that are not within 3m of the proposed dwelling.
Sewer Pegout A survey required if the exact location (depth and position from house and boundary) of your sewer is unclear. This
Underground Rainwater Tank A space saving rainwater tank which is installed underneath the surface of your yard, thereby not taking up
any usable space in your yard. Some councils specify the use of the underground system and this will form part of your Hydraulic Design. Water Service Coordinator An independent assessor who is accredited and qualified to approve the design for construction of your home adjacent to or over the sewer on behalf of the Water Authority. Wind Classification The rating of wind gust speeds typically located on ocean cliffs or on top of hills with no surrounding trees. The rating used is N1, N2, N3 and N4. Workplace Health & Safety (WH&S) A very strict legislation which we must adhere to. This is to ensure the safety of anyone who has access to our work sites. Zone Of Influence A zone of influence is an area either side of a buried pipe where it is considered that a structure may impose a load through the ground on to the pipe, or where settlement or excavation of the sewer or water trench may cause damage to a structure.
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