3 minute read
Doffing & Donning Workshops
from Life & Love Issue 26
by Hall & Prior

COVID-19 preparation workshops took place at Mayfair Street recently to allow staff to walk through our Outbreak Prevention and Management Plan and get used to doffing and donning PPE gear.
The workshops also focused on audit review processes and ran through scenarios including surge workforces and how to manage COVID-19 first cases.
Representatives from within the business spoke to infection prevention and control procedures and staff member Jade Murray, who recently returned from Melbourne where she was part of the NACER (National Aged Care Emergency Response) team spoke to participants about the vital importance of PPE in protecting our workforce from COVID-19.
“Allowing our staff to have hands on experience with PPE is incredibly important as we continue to navigate the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Manager of People and Risk Linda Jackson said.
“This way they can work out how long it takes to get PPE on and off, understand if they’re using it correctly and ask any questions they might have.
“Giving our staff the tools they need to be prepared and letting them walk through possible scenarios makes them feel safe, secure in their knowledge and ready for whatever challenges they might face.”
Workshops are also taking place in NSW and will continue over the next few months in WA.
OUR STAFF have been working incredibly hard throughout the COVID-19 pandemic to support our residents and their families, so last month they all received thank you bags.
The bags contained delicious bespoke chocolates from the Swan Valley along with toiletries sponsored by Bunzl and a note from CEO Graeme Prior.
“My job as CEO has been to support our staff and make sure our residents are safe and well. Without your help, I could not have done this and I want to say thank you very much from the bottom of my heart,” Graeme said.

Thank you bags were also put together recently for our four colleagues who went to Melbourne to be part of the National Aged Care Emergency Response team in Victoria that helped fight COVID-19 in the aged care sector.

VALUED Right above, Fiona
Prior and Caroline Cairns with Melbourne team thank you bags, and right, Rachel
Dillon and Brook Matthews with their thank you gifts.
Day Therapy Program to launch at Tuohy
A NEW day therapy program will be launched at Tuohy Aged Care Home in Midland early next year by Director of Nursing, Mina Pindolia.
Mina said the idea behind the initiative was to open Tuohy up to people in the area who might not be ready for residential care, but wanted the company and the commitment of a therapy program in their day-to-day lives. “This is all about helping older people stay active and connected in their community,” Mina said.
“They might be residents who already live with us at Tuohy and want to take part, or they

might live nearby and want the interaction of a therapy program but not need or want to live in residential aged care yet.”
The Day Therapy program aims to enhance people’s quality of life by providing therapeutic and wellbeing sessions at Tuohy. There will be 10 therapy sessions offered over a 20-week period, held at Tuohy every alternate Friday. The program can be started at any point following a referral. “Day therapy is open to anyone who is willing to make a commitment to the program and to those people who have some mobility and access to their own transport,” Mina said. “You can be referred to the program by a health or social worker and after the referral is received we will meet with you for an individual based assessment.
“We’re very excited about launching the program and we’re looking forward to connecting with our community.”
The Day Therapy Program is due to start at Tuohy in early 2021. For more information please contact Mina at Tuohy on (08) 9274 1756.