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Nurses in the spotlight

Freshwater Bay Aged Care Home

Tuohy Aged Care Home

It was a day to celebrate nurses around the world and for those who work within the Hall & Prior Group, IND was the chance to honour them for all that they do. By Beverly Ligman.
nternational Nurses Day (IND) was celebrated at our 27 homes in WA and NSW on May 12 with morning teas and plenty of thanks from residents for the wonderful work our nurses do.
We have 250 nurses who work with us across both states and CEO Graeme Prior said that as a group, we are incredibly fortunate to have so many talented nurses in our midst. “These amazing women and men are a credit to their profession and to our business,” Graeme said.
“Their kindness, compassion and devotion makes the world of difference to our residents and their families every day. A nurse’s courage and devotion is beyond all praise.” This year’s IND 2021 theme was Nurses: A Voice to Lead - A Vision for Future Healthcare, and the day also commemorates the so-called ‘Mother of Modern Nursing’, Florence Nightingale’s birthday.

THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO International Nursing Day was the perfect opportunity to honour all Hall & Prior’s hard-working nursing staff in WA and NSW.

WA’s General Manager Health and Care Services Jennifer Grieve said the qualities that made a good nurse were simple. “Being a nurse means service and belonging, sometimes giving and sometimes receiving comfort; both spoken and unspoken,” she said, a nurse of many years standing herself. “It is incredibly humbling to be part of a global community of nursing colleagues, friends and kindred spirits who connect and collaborate together in their continued quest to make a positive difference to people’s lives.” General Manager NSW Kris Healy, a nurse for over 30 years, agreed, adding that being a nurse has never been “just a job”. “I don’t believe that’s how it is for anyone who takes on nursing as a career,” Kris said.
“I knew when I first started that it was a lifelong commitment to preserve life to the best of my ability, but it’s so much more than that; it is technical, emotional, physical and requires the very best communication skills to deliver wellness to sick people - I love it!”
Nursing is indeed a vocation and nurses can teach us much about courage and sacrifice. When most people are running in the other direction from an emergency or a pandemic, nurses are bravely running towards it, especially during COVID-19 when they have been working so hard to keep our residents and staff safe and well.
From the bottom of our hearts, to all of our nurses, thank you for the difference that you make every day. Sirius Cove Aged Care Home

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