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Every Dad Has His Day - Father’s Day special

Every Dad has his day

Father’s Day is the perfect opportunity to celebrate what makes Dads so precious - and Hall & Prior have plenty of fathers who deserve to put their feet up on their special day. Here’s how some of them view the business of fathering, in their own words.

DAVID WOODLAND, 78 Sirius Cove Aged Care Home, NSW

Iwas married to my wife Lin for nearly 40 years until she died at the age of 59. We have three children - Jason, Tonya and Danny. Lin and I were Ten Pound Poms and met on the Castel Felice ship on a long but enjoyable journey from England to Australia. We got married in Australia and settled in Adelaide where I owned and ran the Styles Restaurant. I had trained in hospitality in England as a silver service waiter where I learned to cook for guests at their tables. I was the head chef at Styles Restaurant and we served French cuisine; my son Jason was the floor manager taking care of guests and staff.

FAMILY MAN David Woodland, father to Jason, Tony and Danny, and grandad to Maddy, Ethan and Phoenix.

Being a father means everything to me. I have enjoyed watching my children grow up to be the determined, strong, creative, compassionate and successful people they are today. Although Lin and I worked very hard to support our family, it didn’t stop us from making sure we always had time to spend with the kids, being able to enjoy watching them grow up. Tonya always loved sports, she played tennis and netball and I would take her to her weekly matches. As a proud dad I would cheer her on from the sidelines. I always remember her blocking the doorway when it came to me leaving the house for my team soccer matches. Tonya would beg me to take her and I always would. As she grew older, we enjoyed playing golf together. My son Jason followed in my footsteps and played soccer as well as tennis and I coached his soccer team. My youngest son, Danny, has always been the cheeky one and scored the nickname of ‘bucket head’ after running around in the garden with a bucket on his head. He was three at the time and we were able to film it with a black and white super 8 film which we loved to reverse and watch over and over again. I believe it’s important to spend good quality time with your kids, to be active in their lives and give them guidance and encouragement. I think you should also allow them their freedom so that they can transform into the people they want to be. Be the listening ear that they need and support them as much as you can while they grow. Now I have three grandchildren - Maddy, Ethan and Phoenix - and I’m very proud of them all. As a young dad, I was always on the run, keeping busy with three little shadows following behind me. Now I know I can always count on my children - my family mean everything to me and I am incredibly grateful for them and the care and compassion they show me. For me, being a dad is about being protective of my children and supporting them through everything - and anything.

DON SCOTT, 90 Mertome Aged Care Home and Retirement Village, Bayswater, WA

Iwas born in the country on a farm and worked as an apprentice carpenter and built sheering sheds. I went on to have three daughters - Lisa, Andrea (Andy) and Jane. I remember building my children’s cubby house from scratch, going on camping trips and building them toys to play with.

For me, accepting the responsibilities that come with being a father were important. The world changes so much when you become a father - but only for the better; it’s your job to guide them through life.

Now that I have grandchildren, they remind me of my own children in too many ways to count. So much has changed in the world however since I was a father and they are experiencing a different time.

To be a good father, I think you should keep children happy while also teaching them important life skills, and help guide them through life. I’ve tried to teach them to always be helpful.

SURROUNDED BY LOVE Don Scott understands the importance of teaching his children (Lisa, Andrea and Jane) important life skills.

Although the world is changing, being a dad will always be a constant . . . “

My other advice would be to make sure you listen to your wife’s influence - she always knows best and although the world is changing, being a dad will always be a constant.

LEON GARBERG, 81 Sirius Cove Aged Care Home, NSW

Iwas born in Minnesota in the USA, in a town called Brainerd, in the northern part of the state in Crow Wing Country. My wife is Barbara and I have a son called David.

I had many jobs in the US and the UK but I particularly enjoyed serving in the US Navy. I did one term (four years) from 1959 to 1963 when I spent many months offshore, sailing around the Mediterranean Sea, but would really enjoy our landings in places like Turkey, Greece and Malta. I remember how much I had wanted to join the Navy and was inspired by my uncle who had also served in the US Navy. It is such a joy to become a father - and David has been a blessing for myself and Barbara. As they grow up, they become not just your child but also your friend - and one for life. I loved taking David to baseball games; in America, baseball is huge and it’s such a family past-time to go along and watch your favourite team. We had so much fun together. My advice to the younger generation is to spend time with your kids. Make the time, even though you may be busy with other priorities. For me, being a Dad is best summed up as working hard, enjoying life and being happy. We now have two grandchildren, Thomas and Matthew, and both are studying at TAFE and doing their HSC. I tell David to get lots of sleep; decisions and actions are always better decided on a well-rested head.

JOHN WILLIAMS, 73 Fairfield Aged Care Home, NSW

I’m the father of two - a son, Brett and a daughter, Michelle. I worked in insurance for 10 years and in sales for DRG Australia for a further 25 years. I was also involved with car exhibitions. A memorable family event was when my daughter Michelle enlisted into the Armey when she was about 21 years old. I loved watching them both grow up as they were very good kids, and they grow up so quickly. When they were small, I enjoyed coaching my son’s soccer team for the Under 7s and 8s. Now I have four grandchildren from my daughter but I haven’t been able to spend time with them as they all live in Perth. I would say that it’s important to be tolerant and loving as a father, and to enjoy life and your loved ones, to be in the moment. I’ve always tried to set good examples for them, be involved in their lives and be there for them when they need it.

VICENTE ACUNA, 80 Fairfield Aged Care Home, NSW

I’M VINCE and my wife’s name is Ediberta. We have three wonderful children too - Elna, Gretta and Melody. I worked as a mechanical engineer all my life but my best memories and achievements were being able to give my children a great education to help them have a good, secure and enjoyable life. It was very important to me to be a father - and not just an average father, but a very good one. I was unfortunate and had an unhappy childhood, so I used that as my motivation to make sure that I became a father offering much love and kindness - and to raise great human beings. When they were young, I enjoyed playing ball games with them, especially soccer and basketball. We loved being outdoors and playing any sports. Now I have five grandchildren and they remind me of my own children - they’re perfect little mini-kids! For young fathers, I would say respect others and be a good role model. Choose the ‘right’ choice for those you love and yourself. Ask yourself what your choices will lead to before you make them. I hope I’ve passed good lessons on to my children and to respect each other. It can be a challenge to do this throughout life but being open to this makes everyone a better person.

CARMEL PENZA, 83 Fairfield Aged Care Home, NSW

My name is Carmel Penza but I like to be called Charlie. My wife’s name is Lucy, and we have three children - Mario, Goodwin and Mary. I used to work as an engineer and my life goals were always to marry, have kids and see my children get married and live good lives. I love being a father. Playing with the kids when they were younger are among some of my fondest memories. Watching them grow up has been a privilege and I am very proud of my children, proud to be their father. When they were little, I enjoyed playing soccer with them, going outside and just kicking a ball to each other and trying for goals was so much fun. It was easy to win when they were young but as they got older, I could never score a goal!

I have five grandchildren now and they are all their own little people, each with little traits that I see in many of our family members and relatives. I hope that I have taught my children to be great role models for their own children and grandchildren - to smile, enjoy and be kind. For me being a father means always being a good dad, to show your love. Being honest and kind, and providing a good role model to your children are very important traits to growing great kids.

PETER NEDELA, 67 Mertome Aged Care and Retirement Village, Bayswater, WA

Ihave two children - Alexander and Elizabeth. I spent some of my career travelling through Asia and playing hockey and cricket. We spent holidays in the south coast around Albany and I remember the car journeys together. I was proud to see the children graduate from high school too. My kids are a major part of my life, being a father is a very important role for me. It’s been wonderful to see my children grow up into great people. When they were small, I coached their tee ball team, and would take my son with me when I went on trips to the country for work. Now that I have a grand daughter who is six months old, I see she is just as feisty and energetic as my daughter once was.

My advice for the younger generation about what it takes to be a good father is to encourage your children to achieve what they want to, treat them with respect and love your partner so that your children grow up around love. I hope I’ve passed onto my children the ability to enjoy life, to do what they do, the best they can and to not be rude. Being a good teacher, taking responsibility and enjoying life with my children, because life is fleeting, are how I would sum up being a Dad.

PROUD AS PUNCH Peter, pictured above with daughter Elizabeth and grandchild, has taken great pleasure watching his children grow up into great people.

ALLAN DONNELLY, 73 Mertome Aged Care and Retirement Village, Bayswater, WA

My name is Allan Donnelly but everybody calls me Dingo. I have one daughter, Noreen. I spent much of my working life on mining sites so had frequent periods away from my daughter, but I always remember bringing her things from trips. I loved seeing the excitement on her face when she’d look in the back of my truck when I got home. For me as a father, I loved that it was always a rollercoaster and there was always something you could laugh about. When Noreen was little, I loved spending time with her, being active and playing. I enjoyed catching up with them when I got home from my trips and helping them be mischievous. My two grandchildren - a boy and girl - remind me of Noreen. They act up, just like she did! My advice for the younger generation about being a good father is to give them a good education because then they’ll be set for life. I try to pass on lessons too - don’t make the mistakes I made and learn from me, but also enjoy life and don’t take it too seriously. The three things that sum up being a Dad for me are having unconditional love for your children, the joy I felt coming home to my daughter and getting her hugs, and believing that there’s always fun to be had.

SAKARAIA BALEILEKUTU, 68 Fairfield Aged Care Home, NSW

I LIKE TO BE CALLED JACK, my wife is Anna and I’m 68 years young. I have five daughters - Fulori, Melissa, Pele, Jane and Mereoni and my only son is also Sakaraia. I worked in the Department of Immigration for the government and my favourite memory is going to church with all of the children. We are a religious family and value the community of the church; we have made many great friends through our faith. For me, being a good father is being able to see all my children together - that makes me very proud. Taking the time, even when we are so buys with other things is important too for the family. When they were little, I enjoyed playing with them, anything from board games to soccer. And singing - we loved to sing together with my children when they were young. Now that I have six grandchildren, they remind me so much of my own as I love to play with them like I did with my own children many years ago. My advice to the younger generation is to love their children with abundance - to respect the elderly. Make sure you look after the generations that came before you. I have passed on to my children to respect and love everyone, no matter what their background may be. You can find love and compassion in all places.

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