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Technically, a brilliant day out
Grafton Aged Care Home
Some of the residents from Grafton Aged Care Home in NSW headed off for a very special day out as part of Seniors Week.
The Clarence Regional Library offered tech help for seniors so residents Sheila and Uncle Rob took along their smartphones and got some much-needed assistance to help them make the most of their devices.
They got answers to all their technological questions while the boys tested their skills in the chill-out zone playing some PS4 games, a space usually reserved for local teens to enjoy!
Resident Sheila says she remembered the Library being built in 2014, but until today, had never been inside. She was totally amazed and described the outing as ‘absolutely brilliant’.
Oh, we do like to be beside the seaside Leighton Aged Care Home
Agroup of residents from Leighton Aged Care Home in WA climbed aboard the bus and headed north to Two Rocks for a day out altogether. It was a great chance to enjoy new surroundings and some lovely views over the ocean.
The group tucked into lunch and enjoyed a bit of a chinwag together at a restaurant which overlooked the sea.