Cables & Cable Management
77 How collaboration between manufacturer, contractors and the end user helped meet strict time deadlines for the largest offsite manufactured electrical and building services solution in Europe
80 Why Marshall-Tufflex is going the extra mile to empower electricians with the knowledge they require
83 What are the most common IP ratings for outside connections?
84 Discussing the issue of fire safety in cable management systems
Special Reports
57 How the unique design of MK’s Masterseal Plus Rapid Fix helps with ‘right first time’ installation
in nine easy steps
The CPD Zone
36 NAPIT’s Richard Townsend ‘codebreaks’ more of the latest reader submissions
39 Earthing and bonding: understanding their different, but equally important, functions within an installation
42 Earth electrodes and the relevant code of practice associated with their application
45 A look at the problems facing designers who may be specifying heavy current using equipment connected to consumer units
48 The considerations that electrical professionals need to make when installing equipment in medical locations
50 ‘Dr Zzeus’ Tom Brookes advises on how to avoid false alarms
53 The importance of providing additional fire protection following the mandated use of AFDDs
60 Demystifying some of the myths surrounding installed audio/entertainment
63 What sets one LED driver apart from the other, and how can you ensure you choose the right one?
66 Following the launch of the new MR4 internal racking system, we put the questions to the team at Rhino Products Group
69 Why choosing the right socket tester just got easier
70 Introducing the new Essence floodlight and its advantages for contractors and end users
73 Exploring a use case for load monitoring when considering additions or alterations to an electrical installation
98 Which products have been specified, and where?
100 Rounding-up the newest products, tools and equipment to help you in your work
88 Why the Gripple brand has been able to meet deadlines on two significant projects through the use of pre-assembled systems
91 Steve Hewish runs the rule over some of IDEAL Industries’ top hero products
92 We find out more about Kempston Controls’ ever-expanding range of cable accessories
94 Why are cable aesthetics important and why this is now a sellable point for a contractor or designer?
96 PE talks to a former electrician about the inspiration behind the Socket & Wall Cover Plate
Prize Draws
28 WIN! Get your hands on a £200 Virgin Experience voucher with Scolmore
32 WIN! Two pairs of Solid Gear Reckon safety boots are up for grabs
70 WIN! We have 10 x Luceco Essence floodlights to be bagged
79 WIN! A DEWALT combi drill set and Wera screwdrivers to be won
Why teamwork makes dreamwork
We discover more about the inspiring journey of Chris Day and Mayday Electrical Solutions 27 Catching up with Veronica Jennings – winner of the 2022 ECA Apprentice of the Year award 7 VIEWPOINT 11 NEWS 32 THE TRAINING GROUND 86 MADE 2 MEASURE 112 ELEX PREVIEW 113 CAUGHT ON CAMERA Products & Business Solutions COVER STORY
Why should you be Q-ueuing up for Unicrimp? PROFESSIONAL ELECTRICIAN October 2023 3 October 2023 Volume 39 No 9 Total Average Net Distribution: 8 1 , 4 1 3 Certification period: 1 J a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 - 3 1 D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 2
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Cons t r uction industry can shine light on ‘hidden’ is sues
It wouldn’t be an understatement to say that the construction sector encounters more than its fair share of challenges. But despite the well-publicised problems which consume the news agenda, hiding away in the background is a more complex issue.
The National Federation of Builders (NFB), along with The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) and People’s Partnership, have conducted research on neurodiversity in the construction industry, the results of which show that the condition is surprisingly common, with one in four identifying as having a neurodiverse condition
Neurodiversity is the term used to describe the different ways in which people’s brains function, learn and process information, not better, not worse, simply different Autism, ADHD and Dyslexia are among the conditions that fall into the neurodiverse category
To understand how many of those working in the industry are neurodiverse, and the challenges and hurdles they face, the NFB commissioned some research earlier this year The survey sampled over 1,000 UK adults working in the construction industry
The report highlights that in the UK, it is estimated that 1 in 7 individuals are neurodiverse, with the construction industry being no exception to this diversity. 1 in 4 construction workers identify themselves as having a neurodiverse condition, and among these workers, ADHD is the most prevalent, accounting for 54% of the neurodiverse individuals in this field
34% of neurodiverse workers expressed that their condition actually heightened their desire to work in construction, while only 5% felt it made them less inclined to do so This indicates that construction is a field actively chosen by neurodiverse individuals.
disagreement These findings highlight the industry's potential for fostering inclusivity and embracing the talents of neurodiverse individuals
A significant 80% of respondents who disclosed their neurodiverse condition to their employer experienced reasonable adjustments made for their accommodation, with 71% receiving additional support These statistics are very positive, however despite progress in supporting neurodiverse individuals in the construction industry, concerns regarding stigma and embarrassment persist
The research shows that almost 40% of neurodiverse workers have not told their employers, and of those about a third say it’s because they’re worried about the stigma and embarrassment
It’s clear that there is much work to do when it comes to stigma, but the construction sector can be one that leads the way in creating an environment to support employees and empower them to feel more comfortable about disclosing their condition
With a better understanding and education around the intricacies and unique aspects that come with employing a neurodiverse worker, employers can take advantage of the different skills and perspectives that this introduces to the party. This can then further foster a culture of innovation and inclusivity
It’s proven that improved mental health and wellbeing will lead to increased productivity in the workplace, so with the right support and training the construction industry has a unique opportunity to lead the way and become a sector that is high on the list of career choices for neurodiverse workers If
Image References (Adobe Stock):
Pg 24 Empty wallet © Shisu Ka
Pg 24 Interest hikes © Tanoy1412
Pg 35 CPD sign © TreenaBeena
The construction industry is perceived as supportive towards neurodiversity, with 67% of all construction workers believing that the sector is capable of accommodating and aiding individuals with diverse neurological conditions, while only 11% expressed
you’d like to read the report, it is available for download at:
builders org uk/neurodiversity-report/ @proelectrician professionalelectrician pe@hamerville co uk Professional Electrician, Regal House, Regal Way, Watford, Herts, WD24 4YF Editor’s Viewpoint
B o wler
T h e n e w ‘ E l e c t r i c i a n P l u s’ c o n c e p t h a s b e e n l a u n c h e d b y T h e E l e c t r o t e c h n i c a l S k i l l s Pa r t n e r s h i p ( T E S P ) t o h i g h l i g h t h o w t h e r o l e o f a q u a l i f i e d e l e c t r i c i a n i s c e n t r a l t o t h e i n s t a l l a t i o n o f l o w c a r b o n a n d r e n e w a b l e t e c h n o l o g i e s . A d e q u a t e u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f e l e c t r i c a l s c i e n t i f i c t h e o r y a n d p r i n c i p l e s a n d d e m o n s t r a b l e o c c u p a t i o n a l c o m p e t e n c e a r e c r i t i c a l f o r t h e s a f e i n s t a l l a t i o n o f t e c h n o l o g i e s s u c h a s s o l a r p h o t o v o l t a i c ( P V ) p a n e l s , b a t t e r y s t o r a g e s y s t e m s a n d e l e c t r i c v e h i c l e c h a r g i n g p o i n t s ( E VC P ) . T h e c o r e c o m p e t e n c e o f a q u a l i f i e d e l e c t r i c i a n i s t h e f o u n d a t i o n f r o m w h i c h t o u p s k i l l a n d t r a i n i n t h e s e a r e a s . T h e E l e c t r i c i a n P l u s m o d e l h i g h l i g h t s h o w o n c e s o m e o n e r e a c h e s q u a l i f i e d e l e c t r i c i a n s t a t u s , a l l t h a t i s n e e d e d i s t o p - u p C P D a n d q u a l i f i c a t i o n s i n s p e c i f i c n e w t e c h n o l o g i e s , t o e n a b l e s a f e, c o m p l i a n t a n d c o m p e t e n t i n s t a l l a t i o n s . Aw a r d i n g b o d i e s s u c h a s C i t y &
G u i l d s , E A L a n d B P E C h a v e b e e n l e a d i n g t h e w a y i n t h i s a r e a w i t h t h e i r u p d a t e d E VC P a n d s o l a r q u a l i f i c a t i o n s , d e s i g n e d s o t h a t o n l y e l e c t r i c i a n s w h o m e e t t h e i n d u s t r y Le v e l 3 s t a n d a r d c a n e n r o l o n t h e s e c o u r s e s , h e l p i n g s a f e g u a r d a g a i n s t n o n - q u a l i f i e d a n d u n d e r - q u a l i f i e d p e r s o n n e l u n d e r t a k i n g r e n e w a b l e i n s t a l l a t i o n s a n d t h e p o t e n t i a l s a f e t y a n d f i r e r i s k t h i s p o s e s T h e n e w E l e c t r i c i a n P l u s l o g o w i l l b e u s e d t o e n d o r s e r e l e v a n t q u a l i f i c a t i o n s t o s h o w t h e y a r e i n d u s t r y a p p r o v e d i n t e r m s o f c o n t e n t a n d a s s e s s m e n t , p r o v i d i n g r o b u s t u p s k i l l i n g f o r q u a l i f i e d e l e c t r i c i a n s w h o h a v e a s o l i d f o u n d a t i o n o f e l e c t r i c a l s k i l l s a n d k n o w l e d g e “ T h e b o o m o f l o w c a r b o n t e c h n o l o g i e s h a s l e d t o s o m e m i s i n f o r m e d c l a i m s t h a t a w h o l e n e w s e t o f n a r r o w o c c u p a t i o n s a r e n e e d e d a r o u n d l o w c a r b o n t e c h n o l o g y
i n s t a l l a t i o n – t h i s i s s i m p l y n o t t h e c a s e,” s a i d R u t h D e v i n e, C h a i r o f T E S P.
“A s i g n i f i c a n t p r o p o r t i o n o f a c t i v i t y i s f i r m l y w i t h i n t h e s k i l l s r e m i t o f q u a l i f i e d m e m b e r s o f t h e e x i s t i n g w o r k f o r c e ; e l e c t r i c i a n s a r e l e a d i n g t h e w a y i n t h i s p a r t i c u l a r a r e a “ T h e E l e c t r i c i a n P l u s m o d e l h i g h l i g h t s t h a t , o n c e a r m e d w i t h c o r e e l e c t r i c a l c o m p e t e n c e, C P D a n d a d d i t i o n a l q u a l i f i c a t i o n s c a n b e u n d e r t a ke n i n a v a r i e t y o f l o w c a r b o n t e c h n o l o g i e s , h e l p i n g e l e c t r i c i a n s a n d c o n t r a c t o r s b r i n g a d d e d v a l u e t o b o t h t h e i r b u s i n e s s a n d c u s t o m e r s ”
H i g h l y r e s p e c t e d e l e c t r i c a l e n g i n e e r C u r t i s J o n e s h a s j o i n e d l e a d i n g e n g i n e e r i n g s e r v i c e s b o d y E CA a s Te c h n i c a l M a n a g e r.
C u r t i s h a s w o r k e d i n t h e e l e c t r o t e c h n i c a l i n d u s t r y f o r o v e r 1 3 y e a r s i n v a r i e d r o l e s c o v e r i n g a w i d e s c o p e o f d e s i g n , i n s t a l l a t i o n , m a i n t e n a n c e a n d i n s p e c t i o n a n d t e s t i n g H i s e x p e r i e n c e c o v e r s s m a l l e r i n s t a l l a t i o n s , c o m m e r c i a l s i t e s a n d i n d u s t r i a l a p p l i c a t i o n s f o r a r a n g e o f c l i e n t s – f r o m m i d - s i z e d e n t e r p r i s e s t o b l u e - c h i p o r g a n i s a t i o n s
M o r e r e c e n t l y, C u r t i s h a s w o r k e d w i t h i n e d u c a t i o n , d e v e l o p i n g a n d d e l i v e r i n g c o u r s e s o n t h e W i r i n g Re g u l a t i o n s ( B S 7 6 7 1 ) a n d i n s p e c t i o n a n d t e s t i n g , a m o n g s t o t h e r s , t o p r a c t i c i n g e l e c t r i c i a n s , e n g i n e e r s a n d d e s i g n e r s .
C u r t i s p l a y e d a n i m p o r t a n t r o l e i n d e l i v e r i n g t h e a p p r e n t i c e s h i p
f r a m e w o r k t o t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n o f e l e c t r i c i a n s a n d h a s s e e n h u n d r e d s o f a p p r e n t i c e s p r o g r e s s t h r o u g h t h e i n d u s t r y t h a n k s t o h i s w o r k H e s a i d : “ I ’ m d e l i g h t e d t o b e j o i n i n g t h e E C A i n t h i s e xc i t i n g r o l e, a t a n e xc i t i n g t i m e f o r t h e i n d u s t r y I ’ m l o o k i n g f o r w a r d t o u s i n g m y k n o w l e d g e a n d p a s s i o n t o a s s i s t M e m b e r s w i t h g r o w i n g a n d m a i n t a i n i n g t h e i r b u s i n e s s e s t h r o u g h o n g o i n g s u p p o r t I a l s o h o p e t o i n s p i r e t h e y o u n g e r g e n e r a t i o n t o m o v e i n t o t h e e l e c t r o t e c h n i c a l i n d u s t r y a n d h e l p r e d u c e t h e s k i l l s s h o r t a g e ”
M i k e S m i t h , E C A D i r e c t o r o f Te c h n i c a l , s a i d : “ H a v i n g C u r t i s o n t h e t e a m f u r t h e r c e m e n t s E C A’s s t r o n g l e a d e r s h i p i n t h e e l e c t r o t e c h n i c a l i n d u s t r y. H i s e x t e n s i v e k n o w l e d g e, e x p e r i e n c e a n d e x p e r t i s e w i l l h e l p
E C A’s M e m b e r s l e a d t h e
e l e c t r o t e c h n i c a l a n d e n g i n e e r i n g s e r v i c e s i n d u s t r y t o s u c c e s s . ”
E C A’s t e c h n i c a l t e a m a l s o i n c l u d e s
G a r y Pa r k e r, Lu k e O s b o r n e a n d D a r r e n C r a n n i s , a l o n g w i t h a r a n g e o f s p e c i a l i s t a s s o c i a t e s B e t w e e n t h e m , t h e y c o l l e c t i v e l y s h a r e e x p e r t i s e c o v e r i n g t h e f u l l r a n g e o f e l e c t r o t e c h n i c a l d i s c i p l i n e s , i n c l u d i n g e l e c t r i c a l , e n e r g y, f i r e a n d s e c u r i t y, s m a r t b u i l d i n g s a n d d a t a c o m m u n i c a t i o n s
New Technical Manager arrives at ECA PROFESSIONAL ELECTRICIAN October 2023 11 For the latest electrical news visit news @proelectrician professionalelectrician Professional
‘Electrician Plus’ concept launched by TESP
Electrician, Regal House, Regal Way, Watford, Herts, WD24
E a r l i e r t h i s y e a r, s i x p e o p l e f r o m t h e e l e c t r i c a l i n d u s t r y s i g n e d u p t o t a ke o n o n e o f t h e E l e c t r i c a l I n d u s t r i e s C h a r i t y ( E I C ) c h a l l e n g e s f o r a c a u s e, t h e P y r e n e e s F r e e d o m Tr a i l t r e k , r a i s i n g a n i m p r e s s i v e £ 1 5 , 8 0 0 a s p a r t o f t h e i r e f f o r t s .
C a l u m S h i e l d s , P r o c u r e m e n t M a n a g e r a t St e i n E l e c t r i c a l a n d M e c h a n i c a l S o l u t i o n s , c o m m e n t e d : “ T h e t r e k w a s t o u g h a n d t h e r e w e r e t i m e s w h e n y o u h a v e t o r e a l l y d i g d o w n a n d f i n d e x t r a s t r e n g t h b u t t h e m o t i v a t i o n t o s u p p o r t a g r e a t e r c a u s e ke p t m e g o i n g T h r o u g h o u t t h e c h a l l e n g e t h e o r g a n i s a t i o n a n d s u p p o r t g i v e n t o u s a l l f r o m t h e E I C w a s a m a z i n g ” A s i n d i v i d u a l s l i ke C a l u m c o n f r o n t p e r s o n a l c h a l l e n g e s o n t h e t r a i l , t h e E I C p r o v i d e s t h e l a r g e r f r a m e w o r k a n d p u r p o s e b e h i n d t h e s e a d v e n t u r e s Ka t e A d a m c z y k , D i r e c t o r o f M a r ke t i n g & B u s i n e s s D e v e l o p m e n t a t t h e E I C , s a i d :
“O u r C h a l l e n g e f o r a C a u s e e v e n t s s t a n d o u t a s a n e n c o u r a g e m e n t o f g e n u i n e h u m a n c o n n e c t i o n a n d p u r p o s e. T h i s i s n' t m e r e l y a f u n d r a i s i n g a c t i v i t y ; i t 's a n e x p e r i e n t i a l j o u r n e y.
“ T h e £ 1 5 , 8 0 0 r a i s e d i s n o t j u s t a f i g u r e, i t 's a s y m b o l o f t h e e n d u r i n g h u m a n s p i r i t o f o u r a b i l i t y t o c o m e t o g e t h e r a n d r a l l y t o s u p p o r t t h o s e i n o u r i n d u s t r y. We’ r e v e r y g r a t e f u l f o r t h o s e w h o t o o k p a r t a n d t h o s e w h o h a v e d o n a t e d W i t h o u t t h i s a m a z i n g s u p p o r t , t h e E I C w o u l d n’ t b e a b l e t o d o w h a t w e d o”
I n a n a g e o f e n d l e s s d i g i t a l c h a l l e n g e s a n d v i r a l t r e n d s , t h e E I C ‘C h a l l e n g e f o r a C a u s e’ e v e n t s b r i n g a t a n g i b l e t o u c h t o
f u n d r a i s i n g N o m a t t e r y o u r l e v e l o f e x p e r t i s e, t h e r e’s a c h a l l e n g e w a i t i n g f o r y o u . A n d b e y o n d t h e p h y s i c a l f e a t , y o u ' l l b e p a r t o f a g r a n d e r m i s s i o n o f m a k i n g a d i f f e r e n c e t o o u r i n d u s t r y
Smell of six-ccess for star trekkers Savings calculator will help make the switch to solar
Prolectric, the off-grid, renewable lighting, and power specialist, has unveiled an innovative new savings calculator to help companies fast-track and achieve their environmental and sustainability objectives by making the switch from diesel to solar
Serving a wide range of industries from construction, housebuilding, and rail to major infrastructure, the new savings calculator has been specifically designed to calculate the potential carbon, diesel and cost savings that could be realised when switching from diesel powered systems to Prolectric’s solar and hybrid power solutions
Rachel Preen, Managing Director at Prolectric, commented: “Our range of environmentally friendly, advanced performance products have been designed as direct like-for-like diesel replacements, making them a simple switch The environmental case is clear, but our new savings calculator provides a simple yet highly effective tool to
support businesses to see the full benefits and build a commercial case to switch to solar
“Since launching our first solar lighting tower in 2017, we estimate to have saved our clients 26 million kg of CO2 and reduced diesel usage by more than 10 million litres – that’s probably saved our customers more than £9 million in total ”
Rachel continued: “Our new tool offers another level of granularity for customers during the critical specification and procurement stages, with quick access to understandable data, so they can make informed decisions which in turn will help them achieve their net zero goals and save money ”
Prolectric was the first to introduce all-in-one solar street lighting to the UK
in 2011, with specialist technology specifically designed and developed for UK weather conditions The company’s solar lights, hybrid generators and CCTV provide high-performance temporary and permanent site lighting, power, and security – with minimal environmental impact and low running costs
For the latest electrical news visit news @proelectrician professionalelectrician Professional
Electrician, Regal House, Regal
Watford, Herts, WD24
Time to Ring in the Rewards
Ring is relaunching its Ring Professional Programme, a free educational programme for professional installers, by introducing a new Ring Rewards programme.
Ring is also offering a 40% discount code to use at ring com when you sign up to the programme
The more you use the membership by completing training, installing product, or attending an event, the more points you earn to generate tangible rewards by supporting Ring’s mission to make neighbourhoods safer – from a Gregg’s voucher for food on the go, to big-ticket items to help you grow your business, such as discounted rates on Facebook or Amazon vouchers
To offer even more commercial benefits, Ring works with industry partners to bring exclusive offers and discounts, not only on Ring products, but also on
goods and services to unlock your competitive advantage These include:
Let’s Run Marketing –extend your social reach via local Facebook business campaigns with a reduced rate of £195/month on a rolling monthly contract (reduced from £250/month)
ARMD – Enjoy 25% off tool insurance and make use of a free online tool inventory App, thanks to ARMD, which specialises in protecting tradespeople and their property
The Professional Programme provides free comprehensive Ring installation training to professional installers as well as an integrated benefits and rewards programme for members Points are
offered for every ring installation which can then be redeemed for various rewards
What’s more, when you sign up to Amazon Business, you’ll discover a further range of exclusive benefits
For the latest electrical news visit news
Earn 6 x CPD credits with PE’s new CPD Book launch
Professional Electrician & Installer has launched a brand new, online-only publication, which offers electrical industry professionals the opportunity to earn 6 x CPD credits, or the equivalent of six hours’ learning time.
Introduced at the beginning of this year, the regular PE ‘CPD Zone’ section (starts on page 35 in this issue) contains content and articles from leading industry authorities and contributors that are collectively deemed worthy of CPD recognition Accredited by The CPD Group, The ‘CPD Zone’ has so far proved a big hit, with hundreds of readers downloading a bespoke, personalised certificate of proof in every issue
Recent changes to the Electrotechnical Assessment Specification (EAS) have introduced a requirement for individuals to undertake CPD (although there are currently no set minimum hours of CPD
listed for individuals under the EAS yet), while some professional bodies may also have set requirements The need for CPD is expected to develop over the years and there will likely be additional requirements introduced in future versions of the EAS
To help electrical professionals with proof of CPD towards their annual record, PE has wrapped up each of the first six ‘CPD Zone’ sections from this year’s editions (January through to June) into one handy 120-page publication, providing readers with a ‘must-have’ technical resource A second edition will arrive later this year
The CPD Book: Volume One is free to access and available now on the PE website
@proelectrician professionalelectrician pe@hamerville co uk Professional Electrician, Regal House, Regal Way, Watford, Herts, WD24 4YF
Recruitment campaign suggests the future is bright
JTL is supporting a transformative change to the Installation and Maintenance Electrician standard in England in its latest learner recruitment campaign ‘Your future, our planet’.
The updated Installation and Maintenance Electrician apprenticeship standard has been designed to provide learners with comprehensive knowledge in installing and connecting an extensive range of eco-friendly technologies
With a focus on the future, this change brings environmental responsibility to the forefront of learners’ journeys The newly revised standard encompasses training on a spectrum of sustainable and energy-efficient technologies, including Renewable Energy Systems; Energy-Efficient Lighting; Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure; Energy Storage Systems; Smart Building Technologies; Energy Conservation Techniques; and
Digital Skills.
Electricians armed with the latest green skills will be able to proficiently install and connect low carbon technologies which are all integral components of a sustainable future
The change to the Installation and Maintenance Electrician standard in England has been acknowledged in JTL’s latest learner recruitment campaign
The recognition of this revised standard exemplifies JTL’s commitment to crafting a workforce equipped with future-proofed skills, primed to usher in a new era of eco-conscious electrical expertise
The campaign is targeting individuals aged 16 and above across England and Wales to choose a sustainable trade that empowers them to make a lasting effect
on both their future and the planet. The four-week initiative also seeks to reach guiding influencers of these individuals, such as parents, guardians and career advisors
For the latest electrical news visit news GET MORE DETAILS ABOUT THE CAMPAIGN AT: WWW.RDR.LINK/EAV006
THE WIRE returns with new series
Building on the resounding success of the previous series, which amassed an extraordinary 150,000 views, THE WIRE is gearing up to set new milestones with an all-new season.
Free and exclusive to NICEIC certified businesses, the new episodes (which kicked off in September) will be delivered every fortnight and are set to delve into an array of vital subjects, all designed to help businesses remain up-to-date
Topics include:
l Earthing and bonding fundamentals
l Navigating the DNO’s notification requirements for electric vehicle charging and solar PV installations
l Understanding the NICEIC electrotechnical assessment
l EV charging installations – getting it right
l Nurturing mental health and wellbeing through the festive break
l NICEIC’s ultimate technical quiz.
Paul Collins, NICEIC’s Technical Director, said: “The success of THE WIRE has been phenomenal We’ve seen fantastic attendance numbers and have also received great feedback with average viewer ratings hitting 4.7 out of 5. "With the new series, we aim to build on this and further reinforce our commitment to supporting our certified businesses ”
All participants who tune in to a live or on-demand episode will receive a
personalised CPD certificate, contributing towards their CPD requirements
Registration is now open for the upcoming series of THE WIRE
@proelectrician professionalelectrician pe@hamerville co uk Professional Electrician, Regal House, Regal Way, Watford, Herts, WD24 4YF
For many, the traditional route of a university education is something that might be unachievable or undesirable, so it's important to recognise the diverse range of pathways that lead to success
The electrotechnical industry, for instance, offers a fantastic alternative, and is at the heart of the race to net zero, brimming with opportunities that cater to various skill sets
In addition to its pivotal role in sustainability, the sector also boasts excellent salaries, with an average annual income of £30,000/year Embracing such alternative paths can lead to fulfilling and lucrative careers that resonate with a broader spectrum of talents and ambitions
Standing as a testament to success and a prime example of why school results don’t determine failure or triumph, is NICEIC certified business and founder of Mayday Electrical Solutions, Chris May
At the age of 16, Chris found himself at a crossroads Having not received the exam results he initially hoped for and unsure of his direction in life, he grappled with the common questions that plague many young adults
A true passion
Undeterred by these obstacles, Chris entered the workforce at the beginning of 2008 and had to take up odd jobs like gardening whilst he put all his efforts into finding an electrical apprenticeship
During a search for apprenticeship opportunities, Chris stumbled upon his true passion – electrical work – and became an apprentice at the age of 17 This not only introduced him to a new career path but also ignited a sense of purpose and self-confidence.
By 2013, Chris had transitioned into working as a NICEIC qualified supervisor for a commercial company in London His
time there helped him better understand the trade, refine his skills and further expand his knowledge
In 2017, and armed with years of experience and expertise, Chris took the leap to start his own business – Mayday Electrical Solutions More than five years later the company is a resounding success and Chris even employs apprentices of his own.
He commented: “I deeply sympathise with those who might not have achieved the school exam results they were hoping for However, academic outcomes don’t determine our paths in life, and I hope that my story can serve as a reminder of this and inspire others to turn those results into an opportunity
“My business now employs apprentices, and I take a great deal of pride in helping young school leavers enter the trade We’re now recruiting for a third apprentice to help manage the workload ”
We find out more about the inspiring journey of Chris Day and Mayday Electrical Solutions.
Chris adds: “My advice to anyone starting out or thinking about setting up their own business one day is to not be afraid
we all have to start somewhere Work with an established team, learn as much as you can and when you’re ready to take that leap, go for it There will be hardships along the way, but navigating these challenges will only make you stronger as an individual and hopefully one day as a business owner ”
Registered and accredited by NICEIC, Chris says that being a part of the organisation has helped his daily operations from the beginning.
“Being supported by NICEIC is crucial for us When we first started the business, it was important that we had a line of communication with someone who could assist us with things that we were otherwise unsure of The support from NICEIC is second to none It helps us bring in business and the brand recognition gives our customers confidence that they’re using
someone who is thoroughly assessed ”
Chris’ journey shows that you don't have to follow set paths to succeed Mayday Electrical Solutions stands as a testament to his unwavering dedication, perseverance, and the courage to pursue
his passion
As young adults navigate the complexities of defining their futures, Chris’ journey offers a guiding light – and demonstrates that every setback is an opportunity for a remarkable comeback
riding the storm
As interest rates continue to rise, a worry is that the 'free money' generation will struggle to service the cost of this debt And if customers default in sufficient numbers, lenders will be at significant risk (noting that Silicon Valley Bank and Credit Suisse only recently managed to spook the markets)
But even if the rising cost of borrowing can be viewed as a correction to some bygone business as usual, we will still feel economic turbulence ahead, simply because money has been so remarkably cheap for so long
Disproportionate inflation
Alongside interest rates, of course, lies inflation The recent high rate of inflation was fuelled by supply-side pressures from global energy and metal prices and demand-led inflation due to a post-Covid mini boom (specifically in private housing and housing improvement), which interest rates and inflation have now quashed
As Winston Churchill once put it: “The further back you can look, the further forward you are likely to see”
Interest rates and inflation are currently presenting our industry with huge challenges but, for those who choose to take a long-term perspective, what's currently happening may be more of a national readjustment towards a more realistic price for borrowing money
The financial crash, which became apparent with Northern Rock in 2007, exposed the volume of lending by the financial sector to borrowers who simply could not afford the rates or the risk (the subprime crisis) Pumping customer debt drove wholesale, untenable risk into
consumers, housing, and banking and then into wider businesses The fix deployed to stop the UK economy from going bankrupt was quantitative easing – a method of keeping interest rates negligibly low
I'd go as far as to suggest that my generation has never really known the true cost of borrowing money Most current estimates predict that interest rates will peak at around 5.5% over the next two years.
That's quite a shock compared to even a few years ago, but still low if compared to the 15% or so interest rates in the early 1980s Indeed, the total cost of servicing debt in the UK today is double the percentage of the 1980s, even though today's interest rates are still only a third of those experienced back then
In 2022 the electrical sector endured materials inflation at more than 23%, in addition to wage inflation. Current inflation rates remain daunting and while the rate of increase is expected to fall this year, most of the increases we've already seen remain locked into material prices In addition, UK inflation is still significantly higher than in Western Europe and the US
Impact on public procurement
T h e g o v
u y i n g p o w e r E v e n a s l i g h t i n c r e a s e i n i n t e r e s t r a t e s w i l l t a ke t h e c o s t o f n a t i o n a l r e p a y m e n t s t o d o u b l e t h e n a t i o n a l G D P A n d a l l t h i s g r e a t l y a f f e c t s p u b l i c s e c t o r p r o c u r e m e n t
o w i n g i n t e r e s t c h a r g e s f o r n a t i o n a l d e b t ( m a i n l y d u e t o C o v i d b o r r o w i n g c o s t s ) a n d l e s s b
e r n m e n t i s f e e l i n g t h e i m p a c t o f a l l t h i s t o o, i n t h e f o r
o f
Rob Driscoll, ECA Director of Legal & Business, considers the impact of interest rates and inflation and how businesses can remain resilient in an economy that is struggling to right itself.
24 October 2023
If the average public project duration is 18 months, given Covid borrowing impacts and inflation, the government and others will struggle to deliver their post-Covid projects on budget As a result, I anticipate that over the next year, we will see the public sector re-evaluate budgets and plans to accommodate around a 10% inflation-led reduction in budgetary buying power
Procured activity might also swing from construction to maintenance as the public sector 'sweats the assets' and maintains existing buildings Given the impending election in 2025 at the latest, it's less likely that projects will be cancelled altogether, but it isn’t out of the question that some will be 'rescheduled' (put on hold).
It's usually held that, in economic downturns, construction lags 12 to 18 months behind the mainstream economy, as contracts are already in place on fixed prices This can buy time enough to see the biggest business storms coming but in this inflationary period, we are already witnessing dangerously increasing levels of insolvencies in construction.
However, even this traditional lag may be affected because, historically, commercial/industrial was the largest sector of construction Now, it is private house building, followed closely by private housing repair, maintenance and improvement, so the impact of rising interest rates and inflation on our sector may be sooner Moreover, housebuilding has fallen by 30% to 40% as many potential new buyers aim to sit out higher mortgage costs.
In search of resilience
In the meantime, ECA reminds businesses that resilience and informed risk are key to navigating these considerable challenges
If the one business constant is ongoing change, then spreading risk and being ready to pivot may be essential ECA maintains sources of helpful information, including links to the Construction Leadership Council Product Availability Group Statements on inflation, guidance on adjusting contracts for inflation and templates to help strengthen a risk profile Pointing clients to a third-party source can also help them understand the problems and reach a mutually beneficial agreement
If a business can stay away from fixed lump-sum pricing, it will be in a much better position to avoid losses due to inflation during a project For example, it could be a good idea to aim for a provisional sum so that a notional budget price is included, and only certain cost elements fluctuate
Also, don't forget to check on potential customers before considering contractual arrangements In the financial crash, bank lending fell by 5% generally but by 38% in construction When banks are reluctant to lend money, buyers can view their supply chain as a source of free finance. We saw this in the 2008 financial crash when extended payment periods tripled
Do your due diligence
It's vital to avoid being someone else's overdraft, so due diligence and credit control are vital It may seem obvious, but credit checks are cost-effective and it's simple to look on the government website for a buyer's payment record. Word of mouth is also a valuable source of information – when it comes to doing business, we're all only as good as our reputation Riding out the next 18 months means pricing long-term projects carefully and being strict about on-time payments
Despite these sustained business challenges, potential growth areas still exist, particularly in private housing repair, maintenance and improvement and energy management. If sweating the assets is economically counter cyclical, this sector is expected to grow by around 4% in 2024 as homeowners who aren't selling look to improve their properties
We also see greater interest in domestic EV charging and solar panel installation, which are not only present, but also future business opportunities
The overall message for the rest of 2023 and 2024 is that we can expect even more turbulence, but if we can weather the current storms and pursue opportunities, the business environment in 2025 might just be that much brighter
the first lady
Last year, Veronica Jennings of ECA Member firm Imtech Engineering Services was recognised as one of the country’s leading electrotechnical and engineering services apprentices, after winning the coveted 2022 ECA Apprentice of the Year Award. Since winning her award, Veronica has seen her career go from strength to strength We caught up with her to gain an insight into her success, and her advice for up-and-coming electrical apprentices looking to take the next step in their career
QWhatwas it like to win the Apprentice of the Year Award, and how it has changed your career?
I was very fortunate that my employer nominated me From filling in the
questionnaire to the final interview in London, I had the full support of my colleagues and managers I can’t express how happy I am to have won for them The ECA Apprentice of the Year Award offers unique recognition to those of us at the very beginning of our careers and I hope that it will help guide me to a really fulfilling and successful working life. I’ve since had the chance to speak to students at an ECA event, and I’ve been involved in a case study to help encourage people into electrical careers There’s much more to look forward to as well
QYourecently went on an overseas trip with Zumtobel Group Lighting (one of the prizes from the award). What was that like?
The trip with Zumtobel Group to Dornbirn, Austria was incredible. My hosts were absolutely lovely and so
knowledgeable I got to see all of Thorn/Zumtobel’s latest and greatest innovations, and it made me feel excited for the future of the electrical industry I found it so interesting to hear how powerful the impact of lighting can be on not just a building, but individuals and their wellbeing too!
QA s a y o u n g w o m a n i n t h e e l e c t r i c a l i n d u s t r y, w h a t b a r r i e r s h a v e y o u f a c e d a n d h o w h a v e y o u o v e r c o m e t h e m?
Unfortunately, there are still those that believe construction is no place for a woman On the other end of the scale are those who over-compensate by trying to help as much as possible, offering to carry anything they deem as too heavy “for a girl”! I can’t tell you which end of that
We catch up with Veronica Jennings, winner of the 2022 ECA Apprentice of the Year award.
spectrum I find worse!
I think it can be easy to focus on the negatives and there were certainly times that were hard during my apprenticeship – from fitting in to dealing with the shortcomings of others’ views That said, the good far outweighs the bad and the rewards are well worth it
As the only female on most sites, with no other women to look up to or to guide me, I certainly found that ‘imposter syndrome’ was a big personal barrier for me Having spoken to many tradeswomen, I think this is a very common feeling
Whether it’s because of the times we’ve been told we don’t belong, or the lack of representation on-site, it has made the feeling of accomplishment that bit sweeter when proving the doubters (and sometimes myself ) wrong!
The demand for Matt Black wiring accessories has been on the rise in recent years, as installers and end users look for an alternative premium finish for interiors. Scolmore has taken this feedback on board and has extended the popular Matt Black finish to its Deco and Deco Plus wiring accessories collections
QWhatdo you think can be done to better promote trade apprenticeships to school leavers?
I think, in schools, apprenticeships are still often seen as a route for those who aren’t quite as ‘book smart’ as others, but the idea of going to university is not the best option for everyone
I think it’s more important than ever to have the right role models from our industry making an effort to connect and speak with those who aren’t sure what they want to do after school
I remember going to fairs with hundreds of universities being advertised, and sitting with a career counsellor to discuss my future At no point did I see apprenticeships being put forward as an option
University is often seen as the ‘career’ route, which I disagree with, considering that an apprenticeship not only gives you the knowledge but also the hands-on experience for a rewarding and lucrative career.
QW h a t a d v i c e w o u l d y o u g i v e t o o t h e r y o u n g w o m e n w h o a r e i n t e r e s t e d i n p u r s u i n g a c a r e e r i n t h e e l e c t r i c a l i n d u s t r y?
Just try it! It does take a bit of confidence to make the leap into the construction field and I know it can be incredibly difficult to then get an apprenticeship But if you stick it out and find your place, you’ll not regret it It’s an amazing, often fun career that allows you to earn as you train For me, it was a no-brainer!
Adding the perfect contemporary look to any interior space, the new Matt Black finishes are available across all products in the extensive Deco metal and Deco Plus premium metal ranges Deco and Deco Plus switch plates are all modular as standard allowing the creation of virtually any switch plate design required With a wide range of MiniGrid and New Media products also available in the range, this will give contractors and installers total flexibility to customise bespoke designs and solutions quickly and easily on-site
The addition of the new Matt Black finishes brings the number of finishes in the Deco Plus range to eight – Polished Chrome, Satin Chrome, Polished Brass, Satin Brass, Antique Brass, Stainless Steel, Black Nickel and Matt Black The Deco range is also offered in Pearl Nickel and Georgian to bring the total number of finishes available to ten
The full Deco and Deco Plus ranges can be viewed on the Scolmore website and the product brochures can be downloaded from the website as well as from the Scolmore Group App.
One reader will win a fantastic prize, courtesy of Click Scolmore Matt Black wiring accessories.
Unicrimp was launched by Scolmore Group almost a decade ago, with the aim of bringing to the electrical wholesale industry a comprehensive range of cable accessory products that would complement Scolmore’s successful wiring accessories and lighting portfolios
Since its introduction, the Unicrimp range has been continually developed and expanded, and currently comprises three distinct product categories, with each one marketed under its own sub-brand and all available exclusively through the electrical wholesaler channel
These are the Q-Crimp range of cable and wire accessories, Q-Fire fire-rated and 18th Edition compliant cable accessories and the most recent addition to the portfolio – Q-NECT lever connectors and connection boxes – launched at the beginning of this year
Unicrimp is also the exclusive distributor of the original, multi-surface sealant and adhesive brand, OB1, through the UK electrical wholesale channel.
The Q-Crimp range of cable accessory products provides everything required to harness cable between the consumer unit and the end accessory The product offering comprises an extensive range of cable management consumables, including stainless steel cable ties, nylon cable ties, crimp terminals, PVC tape, copper tube terminals, cable clips, and brass and nylon glands Most electricians will carry all of these products in their tool bag, so in that sense they’re all key products Our cable clips account for the biggest part of the business and our customers are constantly telling us that they’re the best performing cable clips on the market – mainly due to their versatility The self-grip design aids installation and they have long, thick steel nails for good pull out value.
Q-Fire is an extensive range of fire-rated cable accessories that are 18th Edition compliant The range comprises fire-safe twin and earth cable clips, saddle clips and p clips, stainless steel mounts, metal cable cleats, all-round banding, masonry screws and fire-resistant sealants and foam. The comprehensive range provides installers with an expanded choice of fixing solutions, suitable across a range of applications and environments – helping them to satisfy the latest wiring regulations
The 18th Edition wiring regulations stipulate that cable support systems must be constructed with materials that will withstand premature collapse caused by
direct exposure to heat There are no applications excluded – trunking, conduit and cabling fixed to surfaces of the building or attached to cable support systems must all have fire-resistant supports in place
The launch of the Q-NECT range of lever connectors and connection boxes brings together a selection of products that work in conjunction with each other to provide installers with strong, quick and reliable solutions that will offer them versatility when carrying out their everyday tasks A total of ten products make up the full Q-NECT range, which comprises 2, 3 and 5 way lever connectors, IP66 weatherproof junction box, 2 and 3 way IP connection boxes and 5 pole, 3 way IP68 ‘T’ and 2 way inline connectors
Mike Jackson, Sales Director with leading cable accessories supplier, Unicrimp, talks to PE about the growth and development of the company since it was launched by Scolmore Group in 2014.
OB1 is a high-spec hybrid construction sealant and adhesive that has a tried and tested formulation which has been used by the trade for over 15 years What makes OB1 stand out is its versatility, flexibility and its 24-hour full curing time. It provides an alternative to mastics, wood and PU adhesives, silicones, acrylics and butyl rubber sealants This one product is capable of bonding and sealing an extensive range of materials including aluminium, wood and MDF, plastic, metal, steel, mirror, lead, concrete, glass, tile, polycarbon, PVC and felt OB1 also works in damp conditions and even under water. It contains no solvents so it will never crack or shrink, can be applied on wet surfaces, painted or moulded and it has a very high bond strength with resistance to fungal and bacterial growth
Quality assurance
I started out as an electrician nearly 30 years ago and I’ve seen a lot of changes in the industry throughout that time. However, just as important as ever is the need to have confidence in the products you’re working with and that means going with a brand of accessories that you can trust
Time spent replacing a faulty or unreliable product is time wasted that could be spent on another job Installers are increasingly looking for products that offer them flexibility and will help them get a job done quickly and relatively easily, and they will be looking to manufacturers who can offer products that do just that Quality and reliability and knowing that products have been tested and certified where necessary are all important factors The reassurance that there is good technical support will also play a part in purchasing decisions
All Unicrimp products are manufactured in accordance with Scolmore Group’s defined set of criteria and meet the requirements for the market for which they’re intended We achieve this in several ways by utilising recognised third party test houses to carry out compliance testing and performing regular routine maintenance/inspection of the products and manufacturing facilities All products are batch coded for improved
traceability and should any issues arise, we have the advantage and reassurance of the back-up of the Scolmore Group technical department
One-stop-shop supplier
By dealing with just one supplier to purchase their electrical accessories, wholesalers and electricians are able to tap into a whole range of other services that come with brand loyalty As a group we will look, where possible, to reward the customers we have built good relationships with, by adding value where we can They can benefit from considerable knowledge and expertise that we have built up over many years of successful trading and collaborative partnerships
They can access a dedicated technical support team and customer service department, trained to provide the right level of support, whatever the issue They can also take advantage of a range of marketing tools via the ‘Marketing Hub’ on the Unicrimp website, where they can
access and download product information, images and video tutorials, as well as access technical information
The future
We’re continually assessing the market for opportunities and reviewing our own product ranges to see if any improvements can be made We’ve been very proactive from a marketing point of view since our inception and we now have many electricians and customers following us on our various social media platforms
They can also look out for us at this year’s ELEX shows, which we’ve signed up to. This offers a great opportunity for electricians and installers to see the latest products and developments and to have an informative chat with some of the team members
I’ve seen mention of a new Experienced Worker Assessment for domestic electricians. How does this differ to the Experienced Worker Assessment that’s already been around for a few years?
The existing Experienced Worker Assessment (EWA) is for electricians who are primarily working in commercial settings and is aligned to the Installation & Maintenance Electrician apprenticeship standard
This new Domestic Electrician Experienced Worker Assessment is for those who work on/in domestic premises and therefore don’t have the access to the range of work that is included within the Installation & Maintenance EWA.
To be eligible for the assessment you’ll need to be currently working as a domestic electrician with at least three years’ experience You must also hold at least a Level 2 electrical technical qualification You’ll need to complete a ‘Skills Scan’, which helps you to check whether you have the relevant skills and knowledge to successfully complete the process.
Once you’re enrolled, you’ll need to complete the Domestic Electrician Experienced Worker Qualification, which comprises five practical performance units, plus the BS 7671:2018 and full Inspection & Testing qualification If you’ve already got BS7671:2018 and the I&T qualification you won’t need to repeat these
After you’ve gained the qualification you must then take the AM2ED assessment, which mirrors the AM2D End Point Assessment taken by Domestic Electrician apprentices at the end of their training So all domestic electricians, whether new entrants or existing workers, are being assessed to the same industry standard
With the increased focus from clients and customers on competence and skills, if you’ve never qualified to the industry Level 3 standard and want to gain an ECS gold card, the Domestic Electrician EWA is the recognised route to becoming fully qualified
We’ve got two pairs of Solid Gear Reckon safety boots to be won this month.
The lightweight, sporty Solid Gear Reckon boot has a microfibre upper with TPU reinforcement and a high cushioning PU midsole This comfortable mid-high boot delivers great grip through the outsole's distinctive pattern The BOA Fit System provides a fast, effortless precision fit with non-metallic protection in the toe cap and penetration board. The boots boast ESD function according to BS EN 61340-4-3:2002, offering a low electrical resistance under any conditions in order to prevent a strong, uncontrolled electrostatic charge Key features at a glance include:
l Strong and durable microfibre upp
l Poured PU midsole
l Metal-free
l Fiberglass toe cap
l BOA fit system
With a RRP of £158, Solid Gear is offering two lucky readers the chance to get their hands on a pair in this month’s prize draw.
continuing professional development (CPD) can be broadly defined as any type of learning you undertake which increases your knowledge, understanding and experiences of a subject area or role.
To help professionals to better document and prove this process, our brand new CPD Zone contains content and articles that have been checked, verified and accredited by a third-party specialist organisation
Collectively, the content within this section has been deemed worthy of 1 CPD credit, or 1 hours’ worth of CPD
Once this content has been consumed, readers will have the opportunity to scan a QR code which will provide a bespoke, downloadable certificate that can be used as part of a
professional’s ongoing CPD record
This means that if you’re a monthly reader of PE, you could earn up to 11 credits, or 11 hours’ worth of CPD, just by reading a regular copy of your favourite independent industry magazine in 2023
A large element of CPD involves self-certification and relies on professionals being honest about what they have actually read, consumed and digested A QR code has been placed with the final article in this month’s CPD Zone and ONLY once you have read ALL of the articles within this section, should you then scan the code to receive your bespoke certificate
By skipping any of these steps, you’re not just cheating the system, but yourself and your fellow professionals at the same time!
1. Read ALL of the content and articles included within this month’s CPD Zone
2. Find the QR code with the last article in this section and scan
3. Enter your email address.
4. Fill out your details on the contact form.
5 Download your certificate for use as part of your annual CPD record
1. Read ALL of the content and articles included within this month’s CPD Zone
2. Find the QR code with the last article in this section and scan.
3. Enter your name and email address.
4. Download your certificate for use as part of your annual CPD record
All certificates are valid for one year from the issue date If you’re having any issues with downloading your certificate or using the system, please email us at:
Inappropriate termination of armoured cables is something that seems to be happening more and more, and installers sometimes don' t understand the potential dangers associated with doing it.
Firstly, the use of BS 951 clamps is not acceptable for use on armoured cables in this manner This type of practice will put undue stress on the conductors, which may well damage them.
Secondly, the stripped-back conductors now only have basic insulation; the sheathing that surrounds them is a filler, designed to cushion the basic insulation from the armour strands This filler sheath does not possess the mechanical strength or proper ties required by the manufacturing standard for the cable.
So, in essence, we have two primar y infringements from a BS 7671 perspective, plus the obligator y failure to comply with manufacturers' requirements and installation using good work ing practices
On top of these basic faults, we also have a situation where the cable is unlikely to be suppor ted correctly, and so leading to a strain on the terminations
Armoured cable conductors liable to damage from compression due to inappropriate use of a BS 951 clamp 134.1.1,
Conductors with only basic insulation, not taken into an appropriate enclosure 134.1.1,
Strain on terminations due to lack of adequate armoured gland and cable support 134.1.1,
The Observations, Regulation infringements and Codes applicable to this observation would be: S
C2 GET THE BOOK AND CRACK THOSE CODES! Updated for BS 7671:2018+A2:2022, NAPIT ’s EICR Codebreakers publication is purpose -written to aid contractors, inspectors and clients, and now includes updates to align with Amendment 2 of the IE T 18th Edition Wiring Regulations The book is the per fect technical aid for electrical professionals and their customers
522.8.5 C2 C2
Need help with cracking those all-impor tant EICR codes? Ever y month the technical team at NAPIT will be studying your latest ‘Caught on Camera’ photos and offering advice on the next steps, should you find a similar installation. If you want the team at NAPIT to help crack your codes then send your pic tures through to us at: pe@hamer
This is precisely why EICRs should be carried out regularly in domestic proper ties, especially when bought, sold, or rented out There has been no regard for safe and correct wiring practices here; in fact, there are multiple potentials for serious injur y and/or fire
BS 1363 socket outlets are designed for use with a back box; a direct fixture to the plasterboard isn’t acceptable
The spur from the twin and ear th cable is only allowable if carried out correctly ; stripping the sheath back and twisting conductors onto it, as can be seen in one of the photos, is incredibly dangerous and carries a higher risk of fire due to the poor termination strength.
How this individual thought bridging out the cpc with a strap wire would solve their circuit protection problems is a myster y. Again, we have basic insulation not taken into an adequate enclosure
There are so many things wrong here, and it would warrant removing all of the other socket- outlets and accessories to check if they were in the same condition.
The Observations, Regulation infringements and Codes applicable to this observation would be:
BS 1363 socket outlet not tted to an appropriate back box/ mounting box
Inappropriate termination made to spur onto socket-outlet
No cpc for socket-outlet
Basic insulation not taken into an adequate enclosure
134.1.1, 526.8
134.1.1, 134.13.4
134.1.1, 411.3.1.1
134.1.1, 526.8
The A2:2022 18th Edition Codebreakers publication is priced at £22.00 (members) and £24.00 (non-members). It is available in both hard copy and digital versions * Price is VAT exempt and excludes postage and packaging.
C2 C2 C2
It would appear that many people, including some whose work requires involvement with electrical installations, are not aware of the differences between earthing and bonding. This article outlines their different, but equally important, functions within an installation.
in general, virtually all electrical installations will require both earthing and bonding in order to meet the requirements of BS 7671 However, some installations, or parts thereof, may not require bonding where other protective measures have been put in place, and some of the less commonly used methods of protection will require the installation of bonding but not generally earthing As such, an understanding of the purpose of, and the differences between, earthing and bonding is essential
In order to explain the differences between earthing and bonding, it is first necessary to consider touch voltage
What is a touch voltage?
Touch voltage is the voltage present between simultaneously accessible conductive parts; that is, any combination of exposed-conductive-parts and/or extraneous-conductive-parts, or between accessible conductive parts and Earth, under Earth fault conditions
It should be noted that the value of actual (or effective) touch voltage may differ significantly from that of the
calculated (prospective) touch voltage as a result of the difference in impedance of the person, or even livestock, making the contact
In general, the touch voltage limit for installations is taken as 50 V AC or 120 V DC (415 2 2) It should be noted, however, that the touch voltage in medical locations of Group 1 and 2 should not exceed 25 V AC or 60 V DC (710 411 3 2 5 and 710 415 2 2) BS 7671 also contains requirements for measures to limit touch current in locations intended to be accessible to livestock (705 415 2 1 and 740.415.2.1).
Earthing is a process that is intended to limit the duration of exposure to touch voltages Disconnection occurs when the relevant protective device, such as a circuit-breaker or fuse, operates under Earth fault conditions, disconnecting the supply to the circuit(s) in question within the time required by BS 7671
Such protective devices would not be able to operate within the required time without adequate earthing arrangements being in place.
Bonding, on the other hand – or, more correctly, protective equipotential bonding (411 3 1 2) – is a process that is intended to keep the magnitude of a touch voltage (as described earlier) below the conventional touch voltage limit – that is, the touch voltage which is permitted to be present indefinitely without constituting a danger to persons or livestock
The danger of electric shock due to Earth fault conditions arises from the voltages, which may occur in an installation between:
l exposed-conductive-parts and other exposed-conductive-parts;
l extraneous-conductive-parts and other extraneous-conductive-parts;
l exposed-conductive-parts and extraneous-conductive-parts; and
l exposed-conductive-parts and Earth; or
l extraneous-conductive-parts and Earth
The presence of bonding, while primarily intended to limit the magnitude of touch voltage, will also typically help to reduce the time that such a touch voltage is present. This is because bonding provides
a number of parallel paths, reducing Earth fault loop impedance and hence increasing the fault current This in turn results in the more rapid operation of the relevant protective device. There are two sub-sets of protective equipotential bonding:
l Main protective bonding; and
l Supplementary bonding
It should be noted that, while earthing and protective equipotential bonding are both constituent parts of fault protection, where the protective measure of automatic disconnection of supply is employed (411 1), supplementary bonding:
l is considered to be an addition that can be used to supplement fault protection; and
l may be applied to all, or part, of an electrical installation, or to a location, or to items of equipment (415 2)
Use of supplementary bonding where automatic disconnection is not feasible
Where it is not feasible for an overcurrent protective device to provide automatic disconnection in the event of a fault, or where the use of an RCD for this purpose is not appropriate, regulation 419.3 calls for the provision of supplementary protective equipotential bonding such that the voltage between simultaneously accessible exposed-conductive-parts and/or extraneous-conductive-parts shall not exceed 50 V AC or 120 V DC
Earth-free local bonding
Where Earth-free local bonding is employed as a protective measure in an installation controlled by, or under the supervision of, an electrically skilled or instructed person, protective bonding conductors must be installed interconnecting all simultaneously accessible exposed-conductive-parts and extraneous-conductive-parts (418 2 2)
However, there must be no connection between the bonded exposed-conductive-parts and
extraneous-conductive-parts and Earth (418 2 3)
It is essential to the effectiveness of this protective measure that persons entering or leaving the location cannot be exposed to a dangerous potential difference, especially where a conductive floor isolated from Earth is connected to the earth-free bonding (418.2.4).
For this reason, although not called for specifically in BS 7671, measures such as the provision of electrical safety matting complying with an appropriate standard, (such as BS EN 61111: 2009 Live working – electrical insulating matting) are required outside the location
Bonding is quite distinct from earthing in its purpose, its general arrangement and in many of the requirements of BS 7671 that it has to satisfy. Earthing is intended to limit the duration of touch voltages, while bonding is intended to limit the difference in potential between two accessible conductive parts (touch voltage)
A by-product of equipotential (main and supplementary) bonding is that,
under Earth fault conditions, it may reduce the duration (not just the magnitude) of the touch voltages in the installation The reduction in touch voltage duration is related to the additional conductive paths that the bonding provides, which are in parallel with the earthing arrangement of the installation
The parallel paths allow a greater magnitude of Earth fault current to flow, which reduces the time taken for the relevant protective device to automatically disconnect the supply to the faulty circuit and consequently reduces the touch voltage duration. Where Earth-free local bonding is employed as a protective measure, the installation, or part thereof in which this protective measure is employed, must be controlled by, or under the supervision of, an electrically skilled or instructed person. This is necessary to ensure that that no changes can be made that would impair the effectiveness of the protective measure
Fig 1 Touch voltage between an exposed-conductive-part and an extraneous-conductive-part
Jake Green, Head of Technical Engagement at Scolmore Group, takes a look at earth electrodes and the relevant code of practice associated with their application.
BS 7430: 2011+A1:2015 is a code of practice for protective earthing of electrical installations This standard is closely linked to the requirements of BS 7671, where relevant, and both should be considered when dealing with earthing requirements
BS 7430 provides recommendations on meeting the requirements for earthing of electrical installations The three areas include, protective earthing of low voltage installations, the interface between LV and HV substations (11 kV/400 V), and protective earthing and changeover switch arrangements for generators.
Earth electrodes
Earthing of a system (or equipment) requires a physical connection to the general mass of Earth The connection should have resistance such that any means of protection will operate as designed
There are many factors that will impinge upon the resistance of the connection to Earth. These will include the nature and properties of the soil within a location, rainfall, and the nature of the earth electrode For example, light clay soils will have a relatively low resistivity (c 5 Ωm), whilst granite has a resistivity in the region of 1,000 Ωm
The presence of low volumes of rainfall will also have a significant impact on soil
resistivity. For example, clay soil in locations having a normal rainfall exceeding 500 mm/year has a typical resistivity in the region of 5 – 20 Ωm, whilst locations having a rainfall of less than 250 mm will have a resistivity range of 10 – 100 Ωm
An earthing system should be of high integrity and robust construction The use of an earthing system using earth electrodes relies on the resilience of the earth electrode(s) for the safe functioning of the protection system within an installation
The types of earth electrode can vary Regulation 542 2 2 of BS 7671 recognises seven permitted types of earth electrode, including earth rods or pipes, tapes or wires, earth plates and the like The most commonly selected earth electrode is the rod
Earth electrodes are to be (or may need to be) installed for: TT and IT earthing systems, earthed generator sets, to conform to Regulation 411 4 2, swimming pools having a PME earthing facility, agricultural premises, mobile or transportable units, EV charging installations, and prosuming installations
Where earth electrodes are installed, Regulation 542.2.1 requires that the earth electrode can withstand damage and take account of possible increases in resistance due to corrosion The means of connection must be electrically and mechanically sound (526 1) and be accessible for inspection, testing and maintenance (526 3)
Earth electrode resistance
Depending on the requirement of a particular regulation, the resistance of the earth electrode will have a maximum permitted value
For example, for a TT earthing system, Regulation 411 5 3 details the conditions that must exist where an RCD is used for fault protection This regulation requires the disconnection time to be limited to:
i. 0.2 s for final circuits (411.3.2.2) or 1 s for distribution circuits (411 3 2 4), and ii RA x IΔn ≤ 50 V
Table 41 5 details the maximum earth fault loop impedances permitted for a range of values of RCDs
However, due to the risks associated with drying and freezing conditions, BS
7430 references a note under Table 41 5 of BS 7671 referencing a value in excess of 200
Ω not being stable
The earth electrode resistance is less a function of the diameter of the electrode and more to do with the depth that the electrode is driven, the ability of the rod to be driven into the ground without damage, and the number of electrodes connected in parallel
Clause 9 5 3 in BS 7430 details how the resistance of rod electrodes may be calculated Where rod electrodes are to be paralleled to reduce
the resistance, rods will have to be separated by at least 6 m to gain the maximum benefit (Figure 14a BS 7430) The formulae to determine the resistance of a single electrode and parallel electrodes are detailed in clauses 9.5.3 and 9.5.4 of BS 7430. Clause 9 of BS 7430 details many more methods of connecting electrodes, and reference should be made to this standard
Earth electrodes are a necessary requirement for many parts of BS 7671 BS 7430 details the recommendations needed to ensure earth electrodes are correctly selected and installed.
Unicrimp supplies all the necessary elements for the safe installation of rod type earth electrodes
Calculate or determine? That’s the question
Calculating the maximum demand of an installation’s capacity using diversity, along with taking account of equipment ratings, has always been a dark art There are numerous ways to calculate them; although the only real way is to use a data logger to determine what happens This is not ideal for the designer who is working with a clean sheet, and the installation currently doesn’t exist
As an industry, we’ve always used diversity factors, the most favoured being about 80 years old, so not ideal for today’s modern energy efficiency-driven industry It is, however, a starting point.
So, what is diversity?
D i v e r s i t y i s a f a c t o r t h a t w e a l l o w i n s o m e i n s t a l l a t i o n d e s i g n s , w h i c h t a ke s a c c o u n t o f t h e f u l l d e s i g n l o a d o f a c i r c u i t n o t b e i n g u s e d a l l o f t h e t i m e, t h e s o c ke t s o n a c i r c u i t n o t b e i n g l o a d e d t o m a x i m u m , o r i n d e e d s o m e c i r c u i t s h a r d l y b e i n g u s e d a t a l l , s u c h a s a b e l l t r a n s f o r m e r f o r a d o o r b e l l
We refer to this holistic approach to determine how much load the installation will actually draw in reality as ‘diversity’
It allows for a much more accurate actual maximum demand than simply adding all of the possible different circuit load currents together, which could well be two to three times larger than the DNO supply cut-out, so not ideal and far from reality
Richard Townsend, Principal Technical Author at NAPIT, looks at the problems facing designers
Calculate or determine maximum demand using diversity
The maximum demand of an installation is often difficult to determine; there is no single answer or way to achieve this The On-site Solutions publication recommends taking the largest rated circuit and adding 40% of the total of the remaining circuits to give a maximum demand figure
However, this is entirely subjective and can be fine-tuned if the designer knows the likely load characteristics of the installation
Typical installations measured with a data logger, not incorporating EV chargers, can see very low load signatures, often below 25 A, which helps immensely when looking at using diversity to calculate or determine maximum demand
Fig 1: CU Requirement for Rated Diversity Factor
who may be specifying heavy current using equipment
to consumer units.
Assembly rating
On top of the maximum demand, we need to look at the rated current of the consumer unit and its assemblies This rated current has the symbol (InA)
InA the rated current of an assembly (consumer unit) is not necessarily the rating shown on the incoming device and is required to be provided on the consumer unit designation label It’s important to understand that when we add supplies to an installation, such as generators and solar systems, these extra incoming supplies need to be taken into account and incorporated into the rated current of the CU
In is the rated current or current setting of the incoming circuit overcurrent protective device, either incorporated within the low voltage switchgear and control gear assembly or upstream of it, and Ig(s) is the rated output current of the generating set or sets; then the rated current of the assembly InA must be equal to, or in excess of, the combined values of In and Ig(s), seen here in the following formula:
Formula: InA ≥ In + Ig(s)
We can see this requirement more clearly in Fig 1.
The total required rating for the CU InA needs to be 116 A In reality, this is likely to be 125 A as this would be the next rating size above 100 A
Rated diversity factor (RDF)
After all of that, we need to look at how we arrange those loads within the CU.
When manufacturers give ratings to assemblies, they take into account how much load could be placed on them and how the thermal effects of those loads could alter how those incorporated devices react. W
charge points
The advice from NAPIT and manufacturers is to spread out high loads in a CU and put spaces or blanks between devices that operate at, or close to, their circuit design currents.
Where less used or lower load circuits are available, such as lighting, alarms, or external lighting, place these between, or next to, higher loaded circuits
r a 1 0 - w a y b o a r d a n d a b o v e, a s c a n b e s e e n i n Ta b l e 1
This is done because when a device such as an MCB or RCBO runs at its design current, it will start to warm up; if the device next to it in the CU is also loaded to its maximum, the combined heat of the devices will start to affect each other internally
Without adequate cooling, the bi-metal strips, which form part of the overload current protection within the devices, will start to operate These bi-metal strips operate on the build-up of heat, usually from the device running in excess of its load current, but when that heat is added to by a device placed directly next to it, the strip can operate prematurely, as the extra heat causes it to operate as if there was a high current being drawn
This means that with a diversity factor of 0.5, a 32 A MCB/RCBO could only be rated to 16 amps if the devices surrounding it are heavily loaded and its ability to cool adequately is hindered This isn’t new and has been around for a while now; manufacturers put the rated diversity factor (RDF) in place to combat future perceived high continual loads, such as electric vehicle (EV)
Doing this will help mitigate the thermal effects of heat transfer between devices and help higher-loaded devices to cool down naturally by being away from high loads Although we don’t typically see these issues very often, as more EV charge points and other high loads are installed, we could start to see protective devices operating in an unwanted manner.
As both designers and installers, we must resist the temptation to install devices in a CU in a uniform manner We often install the larger ones altogether, followed by the next capacity down and so on; installers need to take account of the possible RDF de-rating of a CU and mix circuits to aid cooling and high load separation
Add to this the input from a solar array or other generators, plus any further complications from a heat pump and/or electric heating, and we can see how complex our domestic installations will become in the very near future
h e r e t h e d e v i c e s i n a c o n s u m e r u n i t r u n a t t h e i r d e s i g n l o a d s c o n t i n u a l l y, w h i c h i s n’ t o f t e n , m a n u f a c t u r e r s d e - r a t e t h e d e v i c e s b y a s m u c h a s 5 0 % f o
Number of circuitsRDF (assumed loading) Number of circuitsRDF (assumed loading) 2 and 3 0.9 2 and 3 0.8 4 and 50.84 and 50.7 6 to 9 inclusive0.76 to 9 inclusive0.6 10 (and above)0.610 (and above)0.5
BS EN 61439-2 (typically Switchboards, Panel Boards and Motor Control Centres) BS EN 61439-3 (typically Consumer Units and Distribution Boards)
Table 1: Values of Rated Diversity Factor (RDF) / assumed loading
* Table information courtesy of BEAMA Ltd
In medical locations, it is necessary to ensure the safety of patients likely to be subjected to the application of medical electrical equipment. Here, Dale Fisher MIET MIHEEM MSOE, looks at the considerations that professionals need to make when installing equipment in such locations.
It’s important to start this article by explaining some of the references that are made throughout:
EBB = Equipotential Bonding Busbar
SEBCP = Supplementary Equipotential Bonding Connection Point
Medical location = a location (area or room), where medical devices with applied parts are used, intended for purposes of diagnosis, treatment including cosmetic treatment, monitoring and care of patients.
CPC = circuit protective conductor
Group classifications
Medical locations are divided into Group 0, Group 1, or Group 2
In medical locations of Group 1 and Group 2, (this is referenced in the (IET and
BSI, 2022) BS 7671 Table A710), the resistance of the protective conductors between the earth terminal of any socket-outlet (or fixed equipment) and any exposed-conductive-part and/or extraneous-conductive-part shall be such that the voltages of 25 V AC or 60 V DC are not exceeded, and the measured resistance between the earth terminal of any socket-outlet (or fixed equipment) and an extraneous-conductive-part shall not exceed 0 2 Ω
What does this mean exactly?
Any point in the location, inclusive of conductive fittings, socket-outlet earth pins, SEVBCPs, all being connected to the EBB, shall have a maximum resistance of 0 2 Ω Something to consider is that if you could aim for closer to 0 1 Ω with your design, this will put you in a more comfortable position when commissioning. Also, just be mindful that whilst 0.2 Ω is
conforming, readings that are closer to 0 2 Ω should really be looked at because, as mentioned previously, a reading closer to 0 1 Ω than 0 2 Ω is more suitable
Worked example
To provide a bit more clarity to all these figures and words, I will now detail a worked example using the figures given in the On-site Guide Table I1 Appendix I ‘resistance of copper and aluminium conductors’ (IET, 2022) (pictured on the next page)
In my experience, I’ve found that it is better to work backwards when calculating the CPC size, because the
limitation is at the end of the CPC circuit which is 0 1 Ω (0 1 being a better figure to design to than 0 2)
Therefore, if we can calculate the CPC from the furthest point to the EBB, then from the EBB to the earth bar (preferably a new dedicated earth bar within the electrical cupboard serving the medical location), then from the earth bar to the main existing earth bar (usually located within the main LV switchroom or electrical intake room), then we can justify our design proposals, and hopefully control the parameters of our earthing system for the medial location
Consideration needs to be made when sizing the CPC to install between the EBB and the socket outlets for instance, because there is a maximum cable size that the terminals can take There are many socket manufacturers where the maximum size their socket will take is 6 mm
So, we can use 6 0 mm cable as the first point of call for our cable selection
I calculated a maximum of 30 m from
my EBB to my furthest socket outlet or equipotential bonding connection point (whichever is furthest away). The 30 m is mentioned in the starskstrom guide (Starkstrom, 2016) which suggests 30 m for 6 0 mm and 21 m for 4 0 mm earth cable)
It is also worth noting that the 30 m cable would be the installed cable length, and not the direct line of sight between the two points.
When deciding which Ohm figure to choose from in table I1, we need to choose the ‘ –’ figure, as the other figures are for use when the ‘protective conductor’ is installed alongside the ‘line conductor’ (multi-core cable for instance).
Using my 6 0 mm figure, you can see that the figure is 3 08 milliohm per meter
I divided the figure in Table I1 by 1,000 (as this is detailed in milliohm, which is 1,000 Ω), as we want to calculate ohms in this instance, not milliohms Therefore, 3.08 / 1,000 = 0.00308 Ω.
I can then multiply this figure by my maximum length of cable (30 m because of the maximum terminal capacity)
0 00308 x 30 = 0.092 Ω
I then had a distance of 30 m from my new earth bar to my EBB
The size of this cable is personal preference as a starting point (but always better to look at the other sizes) I chose to go with 16 mm Again, using the table I1, I use the figure of 1 15 Ω 1 15 / 1,000 = 0.00115 Ω
0 00115 multiplied by my length of run
(which is 30 m) is 0 00115 x 30 = 0 035 Ω
I then had a distance of 160 m from my main earth bar to my new earth bar within my scheme I chose to go with 35 mm Again, utilising the table I1, I use the figure of 0.524 Ω. Therefore, 0.524 / 1,000 = 0.000524 Ω
0 000524 multiplied by my length of run (which is 160 m) is 0 000524 x 160 = 0.084 Ω
If we add all of these figures together, we then get the following result:
0 092 + 0 035 + 0 084 = 0.181 Ω
As you can see, I’ve designed the earthing system for my medical location to produce a reading below the 0 2 Ω.
As with everything I do, there is an element of engineering judgement, aligned with experience, industry legislation, and guidance If something doesn’t feel right, raise your voice and air your concerns
Key references:
* IET (2022) On-Site Guide Institution of Engineering and Technology
* IET and BSI (2022) Requirements for Electrical Installations Institution of Engineering and Technology
* Starkstrom (2016) Technical Guide - For Designers and Specifiers of Medical Facilities
Dr. Zzeus
Q. We keep getting false alarms in hotel bedrooms, usually caused by steam or deodorants/hairsprays. The fire service is now threatening the hotel with being in special measures. What should we do?
Fire alarms are a crucial component of any building's safety infrastructure, providing early warnings in the event of a fire outbreak and saving lives
However, the issue of false alarms has been a persistent challenge in the UK and around the world.
False alarms cause unnecessary panic and disruption and strain emergency services and resources
Recent estimates are that false alarms cost around £1 billion a year
The causes of false alarms can be diverse, ranging from cooking fumes and steam to dust particles and faulty sensors Such incidents lead to a reduction in trust in fire alarm systems and an overall complacency in responding to alarms, which can have dire consequences when a real fire emergency occurs
How do we ensure that a hotel bedroom has suitable coverage while keeping false alarms to a minimum?
The standard smoke detector looks at smoke particles, but it will often mistake steam and dust as smoke and activate as a fire. My first step is to check if the detector is sited suitably away from the bathroom door Bad positioning regularly causes false alarms
A call-out engineer who is under pressure will often choose to install a heat detector that may cure the false alarm problem but will reduce the effectiveness of detecting a smouldering fire If someone is sleeping very deeply,
they would most likely succumb to smoke inhalation before the temperature in the room is sufficient to activate a heat detector. By installing a heat detector in a hotel bedroom you’re taking the risk that the occupant of the room of fire origin may not survive
In recent years, multi-sensor detectors have emerged as a promising solution to mitigate the problem of false alarms, enhancing the reliability and effectiveness of fire alarm systems
Unlike their single-sensor counterparts, multi-sensor detectors employ a combination of sensing technologies, such as heat, smoke, and Carbon Monoxide detection, to provide a more accurate analysis of the environment
How do multi-sensor detectors work?
These detectors use a multi-pronged approach to analyse the air for signs of fire They’re designed to differentiate between actual fire-related particles and common sources of false alarms like cooking fumes or dust When a multi-sensor detector senses both an increase in heat and the presence of smoke particles, it’s more likely to trigger an alarm This dual confirmation
mechanism significantly reduces the chances of false alarms caused by non-fire sources
Some may recommend Carbon Monoxide detectors, which would cut down on false alarms from steam etc However, if it were a fast-flaming fire, a CO detector wouldn’t pick it up effectively
Over the last few years, ZZEUS
Training has spent time with Apollo Fire Detectors, understanding how multi-sensor detection works One of my favourites to help eliminate false alarms in hotel bedrooms is Apollo’s Discovery Carbon Monoxide (CO)/heat multi-sensor detector, which provides early warning of fire by detecting the presence of CO or heat, or a combination of both
We’ve seen this detector in the Apollo test labs, and it effectively reduces false alarms whilst still providing a detection time of 20 seconds in multi-sensor mode
Multi-sensor CO and heat detectors provide a much safer option than a heat-only detector, and will offer early warning of carbon-based smouldering fires; good detection of flaming fires; ideal protection for small-volume sleeping risk areas; and resistance to false alarms caused by steam, dirt, and dust.
Special thanks to Jessica Mann at Apollo Fire Detectors for her help with this article
Multi-sensor detector being tested in the Apollo test labs
Hager’s Technical Training Manager, Paul Chaffers, discusses the importance of providing additional fire protection, following the mandated use of Arc Fault Detection Devices (AFDD) in the latest Edition to the Wiring Regulations BS 7671:2018+A2:2022.
Way back in 2008 the 17th Edition of the Wiring Regulations was released and contained a new section “532 Devices for the protection against the risk of fire”.
Within that section, there was a mention of devices intended to provide protection from arc faults, but it was buried away in a “note” containing informative guidance Fast forward ten years to the 18th Edition 2018, where AFDDs became “recommended” and it is here that most designers started to really take notice
The issue with any recommendations provided in the Wiring Regulations is knowing when to follow them Some say they’re only informative and therefore can be ignored However, BS 7671 lists guidance on the language used within the Wiring Regulations and defines a recommendation as:
“Expression in the content of a document conveying that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding others ”
Furthermore, it states that the implication of a recommendation means you should do it
So, you can see why designers struggle with omitting safety devices when
they’re recommended
Mandatory requirement
BS 7671:2018+A2:2022 saw the mandating of AFDDs for the first time for a select amount of installation types. The Regulation addresses buildings with a higher risk, concerning the level of difficulty for evacuation in an emergency, and considers the habits and capability of users
Regulation 421 1 7 requires AFDDs to conform to BS EN 62606 and be used on single-phase circuits supplying socket-outlets with a rated current not exceeding 32 A in:
● Higher Risk Residential Buildings (HRRB),
● Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO),
● Purpose-built student accommodation,
● Care homes
For all other premises, AFDDs are recommended for single-phase circuits supplying socket-outlets with a rated current not exceeding 32 A.
Installation requirements
Regulation 532 6 requires that where AFDDs are specified they shall be installed at the origin of the circuit This means installations with more than one socket-outlet circuit will require one AFDD per a circuit, as illustrated in Fig 1
It’s clear that AFDDs will be required for
any work that involves the installation of new socket-outlets in one of the listed installation types, including:
● New builds,
● Rewires,
● Additions and alterations to socket-outlet circuits
It should also be noted that AFDDs will need to be specified for any of the four installation types requiring a consumer unit replacement Such additions and alterations are classified as new work and therefore must be designed, erected and verified in accordance with the latest version of BS 7671
Where socket-outlets need replacement for maintenance purposes and the client doesn’t wish to upgrade their circuit protection to include AFDDs, faulty or damaged accessories may be replaced without the addition of an AFDD This is permitted for safety reasons and is
Fig 1 Example of AFDDs used at the origin of socket-outlet circuits
deemed acceptable because adding additional cost to maintenance may prevent it from being carried out This only concerns a like-for-like swap of damaged accessories and no other alterations.
Increased protection
UK fire statistics report that electrical fires are still unacceptably high Traditional protective devices that deal with overcurrent, residual current and overvoltage protection reduce the risk and consequence of electrical fire, but none of these can identify an arc fault
See Fig 2 to understand more about levels of protection.
AFDDs use microprocessor technology to analyse the waveform of the electricity being used to detect any unusual signatures which would signify a dangerous arc on the circuit Numerous parameters are analysed – including the signature, duration and irregularity of the arc
enabling an algorithm to identify arc faults and to differentiate these from normally occurring arcs.
This is essential because every day switching activities produce arcs For example, from switched and contractors, as well as arcs from equipment with motors, such as portable electrical tools, vacuum cleaners and washing machines
From this, we can see that AFDDs are intelligent devices capable of avoiding unwanted operation
Inspection and testing
Electricians encountering AFDDs for the first time will need to understand the inspection and testing requirements for both initial verification and periodic inspection
Fortunately, there are no additional tests to be conducted other than general
compliance required by BS 7671 The product standard BS EN 62606 requires AFDDs to have manual or automatic test functions (or both)
The auto test function shall be performed at switch-on and at least every 24 hours Should a malfunction be detected the device shall trip and indicate failure. The self-test rate will differ between manufacturers, for example Hager AFDDs self-test once every hour
Functional testing
1. On the first installation of the device, push the test button
2. Once the test button has been pushed, the device should trip
Because AFDDs are available as standalone devices or AFDDs that incorporate integrated protective devices, particular care to follow manufacturer’s instructions is needed There are no requirements for test buttons and fault indicators to be standardised Hager’s RCBO/AFDD combined devices have a blue test button which doubles up as the RCD test button Regulation 514 12 2 requires this to be operated every six months.
Insulation Resistance (IR) testing
Internal components contain sensitive electronics which are connected to the load side of the device Therefore, caution is needed before applying the 500 V DC IR test, shown in Fig 3
For initial verification, Regulation 643 3 3
requires a 500 V DC test to be applied prior to the connection of any sensitive equipment that is likely to influence the result of the test or be damaged Following connection of such equipment a further test at 250 V DC shall be applied
There is a “Note” that accompanies the Regulation advising the need to check individual manufacturer’s instructions
For circuits protected by Hager AFDDs they may remain connected to the AFDD during 500 V DC IR testing, providing the following is observed:
● AFDD switch must be in the OFF position,
● AFDD test button must not be pressed
Earth Fault Loop Impedance (Zs) testing
If an earth fault loop impedance (Zs) measurement is carried out on a circuit containing an AFDD, it is recommended the low current (non-trip) setting is selected on the test equipment. Carrying out this test using the high current method will most likely trip the device, especially for RCBO/AFDD combined devices (see Fig 4)
Fig 2 Levels of protection Fig 3 Line to Neutral 500 V DC insulation resistance test
Fig 4 Earth Fault Loop Impedance (Zs) testing
Amy Burley, Offering Manager at MK Electric, explains how the unique design of Masterseal Plus Rapid Fix helps with ‘right first time’ installation –in nine easy steps.
The right balance of speed and quality is the sweet spot for electrical contractors If a project can be completed quickly and without compromising on quality, the happier customers will be and the more time contractors have to complete additional jobs
Switchsockets, as the most prevalent electrical device in most buildings, can make installation projects time-consuming Meticulously wiring and fitting each socket can be cumbersome for contractors, and any errors can quickly lead to lengthy fault-finding processes. If a contractor can get an install right first time, customers will be happy – but balancing this with an efficient install can be tricky
It’s with these challenges in mind that MK Electric has launched its Masterseal Plus Rapid Fix switchsocket Marrying the robust enclosures of MK’s renowned Masterseal Plus range with innovative Rapid Fix tool-less and spring-loaded cable clamps, the new sockets can reduce installation times by up to 45% whilst providing a safe, secure connection that won’t degrade over time
Come rain or shine
The switchsocket is IP66 rated for protection against dust ingress and high-pressure water jets when in use and IK07 impact rated to withstand potential knocks and scrapes from people and equipment It is made from high quality materials, and won’t discolour, crack or fade in UV light or extreme weather, making it ideally suited for outdoor power needs
Its spring-loaded clamps can accommodate all cable types for small power circuits, including up to 4 mm stranded cable. Individual cable entry and incorporated colour-coded terminals help make installation more efficient without compromising on product performance
The product is well suited for any job and can help to simplify challenging install locations such as corners and enclosed areas The clamps prevent over- or under-tightening, which can lead to the degradation of the connection over time,
l Upward facing access points that allow the insertion of test probes into the socket outlet This replicates the approach usually taken when using a standard screwed terminal socket, and ensures access posed by the new screwless terminal arrangement is not constrained
l Rear drill holes, which help deliver speedy on-site installation
l A fixed gasket and the seal attached to the mounting frame, removing the risk of error when placing a floating gasket
l 3-pin operated child resistant shutter system and double-pole switching, maximising end-user safety
by keeping wires in place with the right amount of pressure
The Rapid Fix switchsocket comes with a 20-year product guarantee and features a 3-pin operated ‘child resistant shutter system’ and double-pole switching for added user safety
Prepare enclosure for fitting: remove knockouts from the back box, and drill out drain holes as required
Mark install location: once you’ve aligned the backbox against the wall, mark up where you need to drill and fix enclosure backbox to the wall.
Install supply cable: once the enclosure is fitted, carefully insert the conduit – or armoured cable – and feed in the supply cable.
Strip wire and check length: strip back the outer sheath and trim the wires to length, allowing slack for cable ends to reach the terminals Carefully strip back the inner insulation to expose 10 mm of conductor A handy strip length ruler is incorporated into the socket design to allow wires to be stripped to the correct length and checked easily
Open the levers: a completely toolless operation, just make sure to fully open the levers before inserting the cables Due to the spring-loaded clamps this may take a little force but it is an important feature to provide a robust connection
Insert the cable: the Rapid Fix design features individual, colour-coded terminals to improve installation efficiency Each terminal accepts one rigid (solid or stranded) cable up to 4 mm2
Close levers: close each lever as you go, before moving to the next cable The spring-loaded clamps will snap shut and keep the cables in place with the right amount of pressure This prevents over- or undertightening and degradation of the connection over time, making for a reliable job all round.
Fit the socket: once the cables are connected to the terminals, you can safely screw the front of the socket to the box Carefully push the wired socket into the backbox, taking care to make sure the cables are not trapped or pinched and use the fixing screws to mount the socket
Test fixed socket: Rapid Fix features top entry access points so you can easily test the socket, if required, in the future
As more electricians embrace installed audio/entertainment as an additional skillset, Amit Ravat, MD of Lithe Audio, demystifies the installation process for an easy upsell opportunity.
In t h e e v e r - e v o l v i n g w o r l d o f t e c h n o l o g y, e l e c t r i c i a n s a r e f i n d i n g
n e w a v e n u e s t o b r o a d e n t h e i r s k i l l s e t s a n d o f f e r a d d e d v a l u e t o t h e i r
c l i e n t s . O n e s u c h a r e a g a i n i n g t r a c t i o n i s i n s t a l l e d a u d i o / e n t e r t a i n m e n t s y s t e m s H o w e v e r, w e s t i l l e n c o u n t e r m i s c o n c e p t i o n s s u r r o u n d i n g t h e c o m p l e x i t y a n d t e c h n i c a l i t y o f t h i s f i e l d
In this Q&A article, I aim to debunk myths, demystify the process and shed light on the opportunities that electricians can seize by embracing installed audio/entertainment as an extra string to their bow.
installed audio/entertainment a highly specialised and technical field?
Contrary to popular belief, installed audio/entertainment systems aren’t as complex as they may seem Many electricians already possess the foundational knowledge required to install and integrate these systems effectively. With a basic understanding of electrical wiring, circuits, and control systems, electricians can easily adapt their expertise to this area
Choosing Lithe Audio makes the task even easier, as our award-winning WiFi and Bluetooth 5 0 ceiling speakers offer an all-in-one solution with everything built-in, including the high quality amp They’re simply connected to the existing lighting
circuit or any power feed
IP-rated versions are available for use in bathrooms, and multiple speakers can be connected for a whole-home sound system operated via Apple Airplay2 or Google Chromecast. They can also be voice-controlled via Alexa or Google They’ll provide powerful, high-quality audio at a price that won’t break the bank, making them highly attractive to consumers looking for an affordable integrated audio system
QWhat are the benefits of offering installed audio/entertainment services?
By diversifying their services to include installed audio/entertainment systems, electricians can tap into new market opportunities Homeowners and businesses are increasingly seeking integrated audio solutions that seamlessly blend with their surroundings By offering these services, electricians can meet the growing demand and provide a comprehensive package that includes lighting, electrical, and audio solutions.
QAre there any specific training or certifications required?
While formal training or certifications in installed audio/entertainment systems can be beneficial, they’re not always mandatory Many manufacturers offer resources, tutorials, and support to help
electricians gain the necessary knowledge and confidence in this field Additionally, hands-on experience and collaboration with experienced audio professionals can enhance an electrician's skills in this area.
QWhat types of projects can electricians undertake in installing audio/entertainment?
The possibilities are vast Electricians can handle a range of projects, from installing in-ceiling or in-wall speakers in kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms to setting up whole home multi-room audio systems or installs in hotels or restaurants. They can integrate audio with existing electrical systems, ensuring a seamless, fast and efficient installation process Modern active systems such as Lithe Audio’s in-ceiling or surface mount speaker are
powered like a light fitting, making them installable in virtually any environment or project type Electricians can also collaborate with interior designers and architects to create customised audio solutions that enhance the aesthetics and functionality of a space.
QHow can electricians educate themselves about installed audio/entertainment?
Electricians can explore resources provided by audio equipment manufacturers, attend webinars or trade shows, and network with professionals in the audio industry Additionally, engaging in online Facebook groups, forums and communities such as Smart Homee or becoming members of organisations like Cedia can foster knowledge-sharing and provide valuable insights into best practices and emerging trends.
To help expand your expertise, we’ve developed a free ‘Lithe Audio Pro Installer’ programme which offers product training via online webinars or pre-recorded ‘on demand’ videos, access to exclusive POS, demo units, free speaker placement service, previews and updates, plus support and advice on specific installations Once authorised, we’ll also recommend your services to local customers by adding your contact details to our ‘find an installer’ map on our website
QAre there any regulatory considerations when working with installed audio/entertainment?
Compliance with relevant building codes and regulations is crucial in any electrical project, including installed audio/entertainment systems Electricians should ensure they adhere to safety standards, Wiring Regulations, and any local guidelines specific to their region Using fire and acoustic hoods in projects and power drivers designed for in-ceiling applications while working with manufacturers will provide clarity on these requirements for each project
Installed audio/entertainment systems present an exciting opportunity for electricians to expand their horizons By dispelling myths about complexity and embracing the available resources and support, professionals can confidently offer these services alongside their existing expertise
The performance, reliability and even return on investment of LED lighting solutions are significantly influenced by the quality of the LED drivers used.
Russell Parr, CEO at PowerLed, highlights what sets driver suppliers apart, and how to ensure you choose the right one.
There are many different applications for LED lights, from retail and industrial to offices, galleries and beyond. While each project may be unique, LED lighting systems, regardless of the size, complexity, or application, have a basic element in common – drivers
An LED driver is a crucial component that converts, regulates, and supplies the appropriate electrical power to ensure the optimal performance and longevity of LEDs. However, drivers are not one-size-fits-all –they cover a range of technical and quality-relevant properties and features –and they most certainly aren’t all created equal In fact, drivers can often be the weak link in lighting design This makes it vital to assess LED driver suppliers and their products when scoping a project
Impact of quality components
Because LEDs must operate failure-free in a variety of conditions, the drivers that power them should be durable, reliable, stable, and efficient As such, there are several factors to consider when selecting drivers to ensure optimal performance
These include voltage and current ratings, power capacity, dimming capability, compatibility, efficiency, and reliability
Higher-grade components should not be a ‘nice to have’ but ‘non-negotiable’ instead, particularly when selecting LED drivers. This is because it will ensure they:
l Offer good thermal behaviour, meaning all facets function safely,
l Can withstand voltage spikes, which pose a challenge for control gear,
l Boast a reduced ripple value, which serves as a solid performance indicator,
l Have no-load, overload, thermal and short-circuit protection, to resolve potential installation issues,
l Are EMC compliant, with the appropriate testing and certification
What’s more, the quality of the components used to manufacture drivers has an immense impact on power factor –
the ratio of real power used compared to apparent power into the circuit or, more simply put, how efficiently the electrical power is consumed.
A low power factor indicates an inefficient product as it draws more current into the circuit than is utilised by the load While there may be several contributing factors, inefficiency can often be attributed to poor driver design or low-quality components
Selecting the right supplier
As a key element of any LED lighting system, the quality of the driver is crucial Ultimately, LED drivers built with premium components will help to achieve the optimal performance, safety, longevity, and sustainability of a LED lighting system
The range of available LED drivers can
t challenging to choose the right
n – and the right supplier This is complicated by the fact that not all acturers provide the same quality or of technical information on their cts, leaving electrical contractors to make accurate comparisons.
h this mind, a good place to start is king for best-in-class solutions from ited suppliers with a reputation for y, and excellence Also add ergy-related Products (ErP) compliance to the list of criteria
The ErP directive is an eco-design directive intended to encourage manufacturers and importers to provide products that are more energy and resource efficient, and adherence to this directive shows that a supplier’s products meet the energy guidelines set out by the EU In addition to product peace of mind, working with reputable and compliant suppliers will result in
other benefits, from energy savings and reduced maintenance costs to longer LED lifetime, overall reduction in the cost of ownership, and reduced environmental impact
Working with a trusted and established supplier like PowerLed, part of Sunpower Group Holdings, will result in a dependable, high quality ‘fit and forget’ solution In addition to being an official Tier 1 MEAN WELL partner, providing access to more than 4,000 products from one of the largest switching power supply manufacturers in the world, Powerled has a UK-wide network which offers expert advice, bespoke technical design support, as well as premium LED drivers and lighting solutions for a range of residential, commercial, and industrial projects
Following the launch of the new MR4 internal racking system, we put the questions to Steve Egerton, CEO at Rhino Products Group, to learn more about why the company always has a plan for your van.
QWhy has Rhino Products decided to introduce an internal racking solution for vans?
Here at Rhino, we’re all about innovation, and after building a reputation as a leading manufacturer of products such as roof racks, roof bars, and pipe tubes, in many ways this was the next logical step The launch of MR4, our first ever internal van accessory, coincides with our 20th anniversary Over the span of two decades, we’ve expanded into seven companies, two factories, and multiple distribution centres Despite our growth, we’ve always stayed true to our roots with the tradesman in mind
every van Individuals who’ve purchased Rhino roof racks or bars in the past will be familiar with our bespoke fitting kits which help tailor the products to the specific mounting points of each vehicle. The same goes for our MR4 range – we supply unique fitting kits with easy-to-follow instructions that tell you how to assemble and fit the racking While some manufacturers leave you wondering, we tell you exactly where to drill
kinds of storage options and accessories are available?
meaning you can customise your MR4 system however you need
a trade professional fit the system or does it need to be carried out by a specialist?
does the MR4 system help to maximise storage space in the back of a van?
Our dedicated team of designers have mapped out every vehicle to ensure that all configurations are made to measure, to maximise the potential storage space of
Our standard shelving range is already available to purchase, with sleek aluminium fronted drawers being added to the range soon Also in development are drop fronts, kickplates, lockers, and assortment box systems
Several optional accessories are currently available for the MR4 range, with many more additions on the way We now offer ‘lin bin’ storage tubs that easily slot into your shelving, with the option of purchasing dividers to section off areas within the bins. If bins aren’t your style, we also offer steel shelf dividers that can be placed anywhere along the shelf to suit your needs
To hold your tools and equipment in place without moving around in transit, we also offer rubber matting to line your shelves with an extra bit of grip Our lin bins and shelf dividers are designed to slot in at any point along the shelving,
MR4 is designed with tradespeople in mind, so no specialist is required. We know that time is one of the most important resources you have, so we’ve made sure that fitting is quick and simple
Each kit comes with an easy-to-follow set of instructions, showing assembly and fitting, telling you exactly where to drill The bespoke fitting kits with innovative blind-bolts and self-fixing tek screws have been cleverly designed to make fitting an MR4 system as quick and easy a process as possible. Some racking manufacturers leave you guessing, but with our system, anyone can fit it with speed and ease, meaning you can get moving again quickly
Choosing the right socket tester just got easier, as the team at Martindale Electric explains.
Isafety, socket testers are a great way of keeping anyone working with electricity safe Consequently, there are a huge variety of socket testers on the market and it can be difficult to choose which one is best suited to the application you’re working on.
All socket testers will check basic connections have been made correctly, however three new Martindale Electric socket testers give professionals more features and less headaches when it comes to choosing the right unit for the job in hand
The BZ701, for example, not only detects the basic 28 socket wiring fault conditions and checks the mains voltage level, it also safely detects Line-Neutral reversal (cross polarity) at the incoming supply The polarity swap test detects fault conditions on PME/ TN-C-S systems (the most common type of supply) that cannot
the BZ701 Correct polarity is indicated by three flashing green LEDs while a fault condition is clearly indicated by three red LEDs and a warning buzzer
EZ does it
The recently launched EZ165 and EZ365 also detect the 28 basic fault conditions and check the mains voltage level too Both models also show how safe the earth wiring is by carrying out a non-trip earth loop test and indicating its value in six discrete ranges A low earth resistance is essential for safety disconnection devices to work properly and prevent electrocution when faults occur
In addition to all the features of the basic EZ165 model, the EZ365 not only checks for L-NE polarity swap at the incoming supply, as featured on the BZ701, but it can also be used to trip test 30mA RCDs by using the touchpad
Martindale Electric’s socket testers make it easy for electricians to choose the right level of features they need for their work and offer a crucial first line of defence when it comes to electrical safety
These three sophisticated testers are in addition to the Martindale famous Check Plug and
Buzz-it’ ranges
With over two million of these socket testers sold to date, the Martindale CP501 is the most popular socket tester available The classic check plug is a quick and easy way to ensure that 13 A sockets are correctly wired, indicated by three bright long life LEDs.
Wiring faults are indicated by one or more of the LEDs failing to illuminate, with the pattern of lit LEDs indicating the type of fault detected This fail-safe system means that any LED not lit indicates a fault
The robust ABS housing has a sculpted shape for easy removal and there is a look-up chart on the tester for quick fault diagnosis The plug induces less than 5mA of earth leakage, well below RCD trip thresholds.
Getting that ‘Buzz’
The BZ101 provides a fast and simple solution for checking that 13 A sockets are wired correctly It uses the same LED indication as the CP501 but has the added benefit of an audible sounder to confirm that the wiring is correct
This is particularly useful when checking sockets that aren’t easily visible or in difficult to access locations. With the audible indication, the Buzz-it can also be used as a basic fuse finder, so when the correct fuse is pulled the buzzer stops
Shyel Stark, Senior Product Manager for Luceco Lighting, introduces the new Essence floodlight and the advantages it will have for contractors and end users.
as part of Luceco Lighting’s aim to continuously develop and improve its products for contractors and end-users alike, the Essence multi-position floodlight range is the latest, improved offering of residential and commercial LED floodlights.
The Essence floodlight consolidates the key features from Luceco Lighting’s Castra and Eco floodlight ranges into one version, offering a broader range of features and functionality than available
This has been achieved through further design improvements, made to ensure quick and installation for contractors, while improvements in LED chip technology offer better light efficacy for end users
Innovation to make installation easy
The Essence floodlight has been designed with ease of installation in mind The innovative and patented multi-position, rotatable ball joint is carried over from the Castra floodlight, which allows for perfect directional focus and set-up This enables the floodlight to be easily positioned to illuminate exactly where it’s required, even in difficult-to-reach areas
A new two-part, slide-on installation bracket has been designed and engineered to make installation even easier Contractors can fix one part of the bracket onto the wall and the floodlight body bracket simply slides on.
The floodlight is also supplied pre-wired with 1-metre of H05RN-F cable, which allows contractors to connect it directly through wall internal wiring and terminations, for added convenience and time saving on-site
Improved lighting performance for end
Another important factor
Luceco Lighting considered when designing this updated oodlight was the high level of fficiency and performance it ovides to end users duct has 25,000 hours life span lied with a three-year warranty This was achieved by using 120lm/W long-life LED chips, which offer higher performance and light quality for the power used, while meeting Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) requirements.
The main body of the fixture consists of IP65 corrosion-resistant die-cast aluminium housing with tempered glass, and the PIR sensor is also IP65 rated This ensures that the product will last longer and guarantees confidence that both units are fully waterproof, and are able to withstand harsh weather conditions
Another innovative addition is the IP65 PIR sensor which now includes a dusk-till-dawn override This setting can be adjusted using the lux sensitivity dial on the rear of the PIR This mode allows the floodlight to automatically turn on when the lux light level drops below a specified setting, saving energy by only providing light when the conditions require it
The updated features and functionality of the new design combined with the best technology from the range’s predecessors, has created a truly innovative offering for contractors
To celebrate the launch of this great new product, Luceco Lighting is offering ten readers the chance to win one of the brand new Essence floodlights
Deadline for entries: 10/11/2023
Usual T&Cs apply
When the landlord of the Magpie & Crown in Brentford was contacted by the brewery with a request to put forward a costed proposal for a major refurbishment of the pub and kitchen, he called in his friend and local contractor Chas at Tentacle Electrical to discuss what electrical works may need doing
Upon first examination Chas discovered that the pub was being fed from a single phase 100 A supply which went on to feed three sub-distribution boards One of these supplied the kitchen, one the general pub and bar area, and the third fed several rooms on the second floor that were rented out on long term leases
The first clue that there might already be an issue with the suitability of the supply for the existing loads, let alone any gastronomic proposals for expansion, was the small pool of “black sticky stuff ” that had obviously oozed out of the incoming supply cable at some point and collected
on top of some trunking below it
It was at this stage that Chas decided it would be necessary to see what the existing current demand was on the supply, since it had previously already got hot He then contacted Chauvin Arnoux UK for some advice.
Power and energy logging
Once we’d considered the application a PEL103 3-phase power and energy logger was specified, complete with three flexible current sensors Although the supply was obviously not 3-phase, the PEL103 was utilised due to its ability to also log three single-phase circuits
Accordingly, one current sensor was connected to log the incoming supply so that we could see the total current demand, a second connected to the distribution board feeding the flats, and a third sensor on the cable supplying the distribution board feeding the kitchen
Those three circuits were chosen on the basis that we could then see and record the total current being drawn from
the supply, and the currents from the two circuits that most likely contribute the greater part of the total load
If there was any future requirement to know the actual current consumed through the third sub-distribution board, it would be able to be calculated by taking the instantaneous current readings recorded at the incoming supply and subtracting the corresponding currents from the other two boards
Returning after 24 days of continuous logging, the PEL103 was disconnected from the installation and the data from the SD card analysed on a PC using the included PEL software
The maximum current drawn from the supply during the logging period was 126.6 A which occurred at 20:16:40 on 10th March 2023 While this event only spanned a period of a few seconds, there were several other times where the current drawn exceeded 100 A On one particular evening the current could be seen to exceed 100 A for approximately four hours
The kitchen sub-distribution board saw
Julian Grant, General Manager at Chauvin Arnoux UK, discusses a use case for load monitoring when considering additions or alterations to an electrical installation.
a maximum current of 83 57 A recorded at 13:38:41 on 5th March 2023, however this event only occurred once, and then only spanned a few seconds, with the current draw from this area generally not exceeding 50 A
The board feeding the upstairs rooms saw a maximum current of 101.3 A which occurred at 20:44:32 on 1st March 2023, with similarly high currents being drawn around the same time every evening as the tenants returned to their rooms
By zooming into the graphs, we could see these currents regularly switching on and off, a typical waveform signature for
thermostatically controlled heating devices This was corroborated by a reduced THD reading at the times where the resistive heating loads were on due to the high harmonics caused by low power non-linear loads, PCs, IT, LEL lights, etc being dwarfed by the larger linear currents drawn by heating elements.
The results and graphs were converted to a report and presented to the Magpie & Crown landlord with Chas concluding that the existing 100 A supply would be adequate for the pub with headroom for some change and/or expansion of use
However, the additional load due to the
rented rooms above the pub was regularly causing the supply to be overloaded (unsurprising perhaps on the basis it was originally intend for single occupancy), and so either the flats needed to go, or the supply uprated to cope with them and any expansion of the pub. None of this detailed information would have been available without logging! GET
0 Leadenhall is a £885 million 900,000 sq ft office development with some retail and leisure facilities in the City of London. It consists of several stepped blocks that includes two towers, one of which is 34 storeys tall and the other 14 storeys high
The challenge for the electrical and building services was to find a solution that the contractors could install incrementally one floor at a time while sticking to a strict timetable to keep the project on track
Rising challenge
Due to the scale of the project, the building needed seven main risers, three in one tower and four in the other Four of
these were for electrical services, three for telecommunications and one as a fire rated riser for alarms, emergency lighting and other safety critical equipment The project also needed a cable management solution to run the cabling to services on each floor.
The proposed design for the main risers was for modular units that interconnect between each floor These would accommodate a huge amount of services, equipment and cabling Due to the complexity of constructing such units on-site, RMS decided that the best solution was for an offsite solution delivered to site incrementally to meet the build schedule.
RMS decided to prototype a riser module for testing and inspection to prove that the concept would work in practice
before committing to manufacturing
Produced in just two days, the team made some minor alterations to this test module before it was signed off by the end user and the contractors.
Ben Roberts, Sales Director at RMS, says: “It is one thing to have a design drawing for a solution but for large complex projects such as this it really pays to prove that the concept will work in practice It is better to test a concept than having to alter it on a busy construction site ”
For the main installation RMS manufactured 460 modular riser units that the contractors from LMOB installed one unit at a time. Many of these risers had services, such as electrical distribution boards installed within them To achieve this, electrical contractors from LMOB worked on-site at the RMS factory in
We discover more about how collaboration between RMS, contractors and the end user helped meet strict time deadlines for what is claimed to be the largest offsite manufactured electrical and building services solution in Europe.
partnership with the company This ensured that each prefabricated riser module with preinstalled services was quality checked before delivery.
RMS scheduled deliveries so that the riser unit modules for each floor plus standard cable tray, trunking and other cable management products all arrived one week in advance of installation as a complete package
Each riser module connects to the module on the floor above and below it using a flexible link also designed and manufactured by RMS. These all had different heights since the concrete floors between levels have different thicknesses depending on how high each floor is in the building, with lower storeys having thicker floors
Time saving solution
Using this prefabricated solution, LMOB reduced the time taken for the electrical
installation on each floor from an expected 2-3 weeks to just three days For the main contractors, time savings such as this can make all the difference to keeping the project on track when it comes to co-ordinating different trades.
Ben adds: “It was a major logistical exercise to ensure that the right modules and standard products were all delivered to a central London site on schedule
“When people talk about offsite construction, they often think of complete rooms or pods that are connected together Often, however, a manufactured solution removes complexity from the construction site to help save time and
More projects are realising the benefits of offsite construction with a survey conducted by the ECA, CIBSE and SELECT a few years ago showing that almost two thirds (61%) of respondents reported increased productivity and nearly one in two (47%) reported enhanced safety More than half (57%) saw improved quality of work and less project downtime (55%) Many respondents (43%) also had a reduction in their carbon footprint, which is an increasingly important factor for many UK businesses
ensure a high-quality consistent build for a complex system ”
He continues: “At RMS we’re often involved in projects that combine bespoke design with offsite manufacturing at our factory with standardised cable management systems from our sister company Armorduct. It is far from a ‘one size fits all’ solution Modern projects demand flexibility to meet the challenges of a construction site and being able to flex to meet different needs is an important requirement from manufacturers
“Over the years we’ve learnt that the best results happen when a specifier engages with us at the beginning of a process. In this case they understood what they needed and we provided the design and manufacturing expertise to help them achieve this ”
40 Leadenhall is due for completion towards the end of this year A major part of keeping the electrical and building services installation on track was due to offsite manufacturing removing complexity from the construction site to cut time on-site. With the shortages of skilled labour available it is vital to maximise your time on-site, so the role of offsite manufacturing is set to grow
WORTH £500!
To celebrate its 25th anniversary, Armorduct is giving one reader the tools they need to fit a cable management solution that will stand the test of time.
From its West Midlands base, Armorduct designs and manufactures a vast range of cable containment products including trunking, cable tray and cable basket Distributed via a network of national and independent electrical wholesalers, cable management solutions are available across a wide range of projects in the infrastructure, education, healthcare, industrial and commercial sectors.
By working closely with you and its wholesaler partners, the company can offer far more than standard solutions with its in-house design capability Getting Armorduct involved from the beginning with the design can help you win the tender Not only does this approach add value, but it can often provide a more
cost-effective answer than a standard solution.
Whether it’s a complete bespoke system that you need, or simply cable tray and trunking cut to length to save you time on-site, Armorduct can supply complete systems that are ready to fit It will give you all the benefits of factory-controlled quality, and reduced installation time to meet tight deadlines It will also reduce waste
And you won’t have to wait, as the company has its own specialist section within its manufacturing plant dedicated to this service Whether you provide a verbal brief, a BIM diagram or need a site visit, getting Armorduct involved can help you add value to your project It will give you a better solution that will often save you money, and could be the difference in winning the job
What can you win?
To mark 25 years of success in business, Armorduct is this month giving away a fantastic prize pack to one lucky reader Containing a DeWALT Combi Drill and Impact Driver Brushless Twin Pack as well as a Wera Kraftform Plus Mixed VDE Screwdriver Set (16 Pieces), the prize is worth over £500!
Deadline for entries: 10/11/2023
Usual T&Cs apply
just launched your first CPD-accredited course –Sustainable PVC-U Cable Management Systems. Why is this subject area important and what does the course cover?
With the construction industry being a significant contributor to waste in the UK, it’s crucial that electrical specifiers begin to look closely at the recycled content of the products they choose and understand the options that are available to them, to reduce impact where possible
Cable management can represent a substantial component of an interior fit-out, especially for larger buildings and sizable developments, so understanding where simple improvements can be made regarding sustainability can be a huge benefit – not only in reducing waste and embodied carbon, but also in terms of winning contracts where an environmental roadmap is required as part of the project brief or contract
Our ‘Sustainable PVC-U Cable Management Systems’ CPD provides an overview of how recycled material is used within PVC-U cable management systems and how its use can aid sustainability and
the circular economy It helps to make this important topic more readily accessible to everyone, as well as counter some of the (mis)conceptions that some may have regarding products that incorporate recycled material.
QHowdo electricians sign up for the course, and how is it delivered?
Individuals can register their interest via our provider page on the CPD Certification Service website, or by contacting either our technical services hotline or their local Marshall-Tufflex Area Sales Manager
The one-hour CPD is delivered in person, by a member of our specification team at a preferred location (typically at a customer’s premises) On completion, the delegate will receive an electronic certificate from the CPD Certification Service and 1 x point (one hour) of CPD learning
QWhy is it crucial for professionals to have a deeper understanding of subjects related to cable management systems?
When choosing a cable management system, there’s no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution Many factors must be considered, including the needs of the building occupants, the environmental conditions and installation factors This is then layered with more tenders being awarded on environmental criteria, so it’s important that
electrical professionals are familiar with the different cable management systems available in order to make an informed specification and select the most appropriate solution
QDo you plan to add more CPD courses and subjects in the future?
Absolutely Our plan is to release further CPDs which will focus on installation best practice of different types of cable management systems We also offer CPD resources on dado trunking installation best practice and underfloor wiring systems
We’re looking forward to receiving feedback from professionals on these, as well as any suggestions for future topics, so we can continue to develop a suite of valuable resources to help support the industry
QHow important is it for professionals to undertake CPD (and manufacturers to offer it), and do you see CPD's relevance growing further in the future?
Construction continues to move at a fast pace, with an increasing pipeline of work that needs a skilled and growing workforce in order to keep up with demand
At Marshall-Tufflex, we believe that CPDs offer an easily accessible, yet valuable opportunity to improve knowledge, skills and keep up-to-date with trends and innovations, regardless of where you are in your career.
We look forward to offering more CPD topics and seminars over the coming months to enable this
We catch up with Martin Russell, Group Product Manager at Marshall-Tufflex, to learn more about why the company is going the extra mile to empower electricians with the knowledge they require.
When it comes to outside connections and the use of junction boxes there are many factors to consider, especially when it comes down to the IP (Ingress Protection) rating classification of the unit.
For an effective sealing of a connection there are two main factors to consider: the intrusion protection (denoted by the first number) and the water protection (denoted by the second number)
Examples of the most common IP ratings which are ideal for outside connections are as follows:
IP 65 – Dust tight and protected against water spray from all directions
IP 66 – Dust tight and protected against low pressure water jets from all directions
IP 67 – Dust tight and protected against strong water jets and temporary immersion
Having a high IP rating on an enclosure is preferred for outside use. WISKA’s COMBI Junction Box range has an IP rating of 66/67 making it the ideal choice for the types of environments described previously However, there are other issues that also need to be considered
Fluctuating temperatures and other environmental factors can create pressure inside tightly sealed enclosures which then leads to a build-up of condensation as well as damage to the seal This results in the penetration and build-up of moisture and dirt.
Many products on the market claim IP68 protection without offering a solution for the build-up of condensation Common practice to counteract condensation and pressure build up has been to put a drain hole in the enclosure The issue with this is that you have then voided the IP rating of the enclosure, which defeats the original purpose.
So, to overcome this issue in a correct manner there are two options:
Option 1:
The first option is the use of a venting device such as WISKA’s VentGLAND or VentPLUG These devices allow air to flow through them thanks to their specially designed membranes, whilst at the same
time preventing moisture Due to their high IP rating (IP 68/69), this equalises the pressure inside the enclosure, preventing any condensation build-up and pressure damage to the seals.
Option 2:
The other option is with the use of insulating gel such as WISKA’s MP Gel This product is a non-conductive silicone based gel that comes as a two-part liquid which is mixed and then poured in to fill the enclosure After a short period of time (12 minutes at 23°C), the gel sets like a jelly which completely covers all the connections and protects against any moisture entering or building up within the enclosure This solution will also allow the enclosure to be buried
I P 6 8 – D u s t t i g h t a n d p r o t e c t e d a g a i n s t c o m p l e t e a n d c o n t i n u o u s s u b m e r s i o n i n w a t e r
The team at WISKA provide an explanation on the most common IP ratings for outside connections and offer two ideal solutions for enclosure protection against the elements.
Fire safety remains a key and sometimes confusing issue when specifying building infrastructure, including cable management systems However, despite these systems being fundamental to modern building design, there is no single British standard that applies to cable management in relation to fire safety
The standards
Since the Grenfell disaster, which has contributed to changes in the regulatory landscape, our cable management team has been frequently asked about the fire ratings of our cable management products. For designers and installers of cable management systems, there is now a growing need for a clearer understanding of requirements for cable management systems in relation to fire
It is understandable that there can be confusion when navigating the regulatory environment Steel cable management systems are widely used in construction projects and steel is categorised as A1 by
the Construction Products Association (CPA), meaning it doesn’t contribute to the spread of fire in buildings
The fire safety regulations that are in place trace the history of tragic fires and are there to regulate a pathway to safety While the progress in this area has been pivotal in improving safety in buildings, it’s not as clear as many in the industry would want It is therefore necessary that the industry takes a proactive approach to fire safety and ensures that cable management systems are tested to as high a standard as possible
For those who specify or install cable management systems, it’s important to have a thorough understanding of fire safety and the implications that product selection can have on a construction project
Tried and tested
For manufacturers, it is becoming increasingly important that, despite the lack of a harmonised standard for testing cable management products in the event of fire, they can evidence their products’
performance in a fire situation This can offer peace of mind to all stakeholders
To satisfy customers’ safety expectations, it can be beneficial to look to other standards as a helpful benchmark against which to test products For example, in Germany there is a standard test circuit integrity cabling that allows cable management manufacturers to fire test their products in a true to life installation
The DIN4102-12 standard can expose building components, such as cable management systems, to fire for in excess of 90 minutes and reaches a temperature of up to 1,000°C by the test's conclusion Swifts cable tray and ladder from Legrand, along with Salamandre distribution trunking, are examples of solutions that have been proven to withstand fire having been tested under DIN 4102-12 test conditions
When designing cable management pathways within buildings in the UK, it is of course paramount to follow the methodology and directions of UK standards For customers that may require
Mark Williams, Lead Marketing Manager at Legrand UK & Ireland, discusses the issue of fire safety in cable management systems and suggests how electrical professionals can ensure their buildings are meeting customer requirements.
evidenced fire testing of cable management systems, it can be beneficial to specify solutions that have been tested to the DIN 4102-12 standard for the additional peace of mind this extra testing allows
Regardless, it will likely fall to electrical designers and installers to explain the importance of fire rating, inevitably putting further emphasis on the need to keep on top of training opportunities.
To stay informed on fire safety, electrical professionals need to actively engage with the training and education opportunities available
To support the industry, Legrand has created a host of resources, available for free, to encourage best practice This includes its Creating Cable Pathways guide, which explains how to ensure cable management will not contribute to the spread of fire or premature collapse, and the Fire Safety and Cable Management white paper. There are also several CPDs on fire safety that further cover cable pathways, compliance and containment, which can all be completed for free through Legrand’s Training Academy
Included in the available CPD portfolio is the recently launched Premature collapse and fire rated containment seminar which explores the current UK standards landscape that applies to cable management systems The CPD can be undertaken virtually or at Legrand’s training facilities in London or Birmingham, and covers fire prevention, construction product regulations and wiring regulations.
Too often, the issue of fire safety is evaluated in response to events in which fires have caused fatalities It is therefore vital that the electrical industry is proactive when it comes to fire safety, taking the time to understand the products available and the standards they’re tested against
e respect how manufacturers always like to see their products doing the job
Because D-Line trunking deliberately looks nothing like trunking, and the wrap & lock fire-rated saddles can make a cable or conduit seem almost invisibly secured, this ability to seamlessly blend with the features of décor can make ‘D-Line spotting’ quite a skill
Sometimes, however, images can give a very different dimension, as was the case when BAP Electrical Services sent some post-fire pictures to D-Line These show D-Line U30 clips and D-Fix screws holding cables in-situ after fire broke out in a Bristol apartment
Safe evacuation for residents
By using D-Line cable supports the installation enabled residents to evacuate the building safely, and fire-fighters could tackle the blaze without risk of life-threatening entanglement
With tried and trusted solutions for securing all conduits, all cables in non-metallic trunking, and direct-to-surface cables, D-Line Safe-D fire-rated cable supports are available from all leading wholesalers
Working on your own? Need some technical advice? Don’t know where to turn? Ask Megger What it doesn’t know about installing and testing electrical systems isn’t worth knowing Every question will be answered by the Megger Technical Team, and the best will be published in Professional Electrician So, take advantage of the ‘ every question answered’ guarantee today Email your questions to:
meggermeasures@hamerville co uk
You ask:
Megger says:
Your best option is to use the new Megger MCT105 cable tracer kit This has two parts – a transmitter and a receiver You connect the transmitter to the cable you want to trace, and it injects a test signal The receiver picks this signal up, and by looking for the maximum signal strength as you move the receiver, you can easily follow the route of the cable Depending on soil conditions, it will work with cables buried at depths up to around two metres, so it will be ideal for your requirements You’ll find the MCT105 kit is also useful in many other applications It can trace cables in walls as well as underground, it works on live and dead circuits, and it provides a fast and reliable way of identifying which fuses or circuit breakers are protecting a particular circuit You can find cable breaks and short circuits with it and even trace metal water and heating pipes As an added bonus, the receiver incorporates a handy torch Once you have an MCT105, you’ll probably wonder how you managed without it!
We catch up with the team at Gripple to discover more about how the brand has been able to meet deadlines on two significant projects through the use of pre-assembled systems.
Many electrical containment projects are carried out under strict timelines, which can be a challenge when it comes to the current industry-wide skills shortage These projects are often in the public sector, on behalf of schools, colleges or hospitals, where there may be a short window of opportunity to complete, therefore requiring maximum efficiency and time optimisation
A recent example of this was the building of the new two-storey Welsh Medium Primary School in Rhydyfelin, Wales The school is being constructed on the site of the existing Heol y Celyn Primary School, on behalf of Rhondda Cynon Taf Council, by main contractor ISG, working with electrical contractor Whitehead Building Services The school, which is due for completion in January 2024, will provide modern, purpose-built facilities for 540 pupils.
Gripple's Fast Trak M&E trapeze bracket system was specified for the project, along
with its QT Compact Clamps, Universal Brackets and accessories to suspend electrical containment and pipework services throughout the building Fast Trak is a versatile, prefabricated, off-site solution that simplifies the installation of building services It consists of a pre-fabricated slotted channel, with a patented 'Track' and 'Cartridge' which allows contractors to safely install a complete trapeze bracket up to six times faster than traditional systems
W h i t e h e a d B u i l d i n g S e r v i c e s c h o s e t o u s e F a s t Tr a k a n d Tr a p e z e P l u s F R a s t h e company required a quicker M&E installation m e t h o d t o m e e t p r o j e c t d e a d l i n e s , r a t h e r t h a n u s i n g m o r e t i m e - c o n s u m i n g t r a d i t i o n a l s y s t e m s I n a d d i t i o n , a l l s u s p e n s i o n s n e e d e d t o b e F 6 0 f i r e r a t e d .
G r i p p l e’s Tr a p e z e P l u s F R k i t s a r e i n d e p e n d e n t l y t e s t e d a n d o f f e r f u l l y c o m p l i a n t , f i r e - r e s i s t a n t s u s p e n s i o n s y s t e m s , w h i c h a r e s u i t a b l e f o r a r a n g e o f a p p l i c a t i o n s
Dan Trott, Site Supervisor from Whitehead Building Services, explains: "In the past, we’ve used traditional rod and channel and have cut everything down to size on-site We like the fact that Gripple’s systems are easy to use, allowing
us to eliminate hot works and plant hire for cutting, giving us considerable cost savings The fact that the Fast Trak range and Trapeze Plus FR are fire rated was also essential on this project ”
For ease of installation, Gripple Cable Basket Clips, Cable Tray Clips and QT Compact Clamps were specified as these accessories have been engineered to easily slot into brackets during installation by simply turning them 90˚. Gripple QT Compact Clamps are suitable for pipe diameters ranging from 15 mm (1/2”) to 152 mm (6") allowing contractors to stock one clamp size instead of having to store various pipe rings on-site
The Gripple UK Technical Services Team worked closely with Whitehead Building Services to provide an installation design service, creating detailed drawings to further assist with the installation.
When a project requires significant savings to be made in labour, material weight and embodied carbon, contractors are increasingly looking for alternatives to threaded rod and channel for their cable management suspension systems
On this particular project, M&E subcontractor Orton Group and main contractor, Wates Construction, worked together to create a three storey residential hub for the City of Wolverhampton Council Due to project timeframes, the suspension system had to be carefully considered.
The project involved the creation of a new residential development by transforming an existing building for Wolverhampton Housing and Homeless Service, which would be used by the local council for housing 34 vulnerable people
Gripple’s pre-fabricated bracket solution Fast Trak was chosen for the installation of electrical containment and
pipework services in the renovated building The four-sided bracket provides a suspension point on every face; ideal for installing combined bracketry and multi-tiered configuration to accommodate additional services.
Orton Group chose to use Gripple’s solutions to suspend M&E services on this project, known as Peter Bilson House Gripple provided Orton Group with significant benefits in terms of reducing labour costs and lowering the weight of materials delivered to site which also led to embodied carbon savings.
Andy Lowe, Managing Director of Orton Group, said: "We trialled Fast Trak and it was so easy to use that we decided to use it for this site We’ve been very impressed with the speedy installation and the small number of components needed to install the M&E bracketry ”
During the pre-construction stage, Gripple provided a toolbox talk to Orton Group staff on the use of its products and carried out a pull test on-site to verify the suitability of the hollow core soffit prior to any M&E bracketry being installed
Gripple was then able to submit a pull test report, alongside the technical submittal, to provide Orton Group with key
information on the company’s product specifications including load ratings, safety factors and safe working loads
Gripple Area Sales Manager, Andy Riley, explained the pull-test process: “Our Technical Services team conducted on-site pull tests as Orton Group were first-time users of Fast Trak and we wanted to give their installers full confidence that we could deliver a value-engineered solution that was much less labour intensive than traditional systems.
“As part of the design process, our in-house team was able to identify areas in which services could be potentially moved so that Orton could utilise single tier Fast Trak brackets to suspend both electrical and pipework services ”
Gripple’s Fire Rated Clips were also specified to provide direct fixing of cables to ceilings and walls, because of their 30 minute fire rating. The clips are available in two sizes (single or double) to suit various amounts of cable and are supplied with fire rated concrete screws as standard
Steve Hewish, Approved Electrician at Turrell (Electrical Contractors), runs the rule over some of IDEAL Industries’ top hero products.
IDEAL Gen II Lever Connectors
Given that maintenance-free connectors are an everyday use item now for electricians and even heating engineers, IDEAL industries has now introduced its own improved lever connector to rival others on the market. These Gen II levered connectors are perfect for solid cables, stranded cables, and even flexible cables When testing the Gen 1 Ideal connectors a while ago, one thing I noted was that the levers could be cumbersome and hard to use IDEAL has clearly taken that feedback on board and developed the Gen 2, which are so much easier to use. These are a really good value, quality option, that I’d recommend you take a look at
IDEAL 33-866 Test-Tone-Trace VDV Kit
If, like me, you’re not prolific when it comes to tackling data installation jobs the IDEAL test-tone-trace kit is a brilliant addition to your toolkit From new installations to fault finding, it covers all
bases I've used it g data points and even rectifying others' poor installation of data points With this kit it’s almost impossible to mess up your data installation, confirming all connections are correct. If they’re not, the unit will then tell you what connections are poorly connected or cross connected The tone kit also ensures that if your cabling is altered in any way you can find your cables in the patch panel without having to route around and find the correct cable or disconnect other cables, possibly causing bigger issues with data points
Pro Series Large Mouth Bag 18"
If you’re one of those people that wants a good quality tool bag but don’t want to pay big bucks just because of the name of a brand, I’d recommend you consider IDEAL industries’ large mouth tool bags
For a really good price, you can get a tough built tool bag that can store almost everything you could need for a busy day I’ve been using this particular tool bag as
my ‘grab’ bag for a few months now, fitting all my basic hand tools, combi drill and impact driver and a small screw tray within With 26 pockets it is simple to organise various tools for easy accessibility, and also comes with a tape measure clip and a tape chain to keep a few roles of tape within easy reach I’ve mostly been using it with the handles but it also comes with a shoulder strap for easy carrying. The way in which it is designed means that once you open it everything is there ready to grab, which makes it the perfect bag for apprentices through to time-served electricians
In today’s demanding power-hungry industrial and commercial world keeping the power on and staying connected is essential Cable accessories are a vital link in the electrical power and digital communication chain, connecting and ensuring electrical supplies and networks are secure.
Whether you’re dealing with control panel wiring, a photoelectric sensor array installation or a complicated industrial electrical supply system, the correct cable accessories can make all the difference in guaranteeing your wiring and cabling is installed correctly and safely
The installation of a safe and reliable electrical wiring system requires a comprehensive range of both electrical connectivity products and cable accessories From metal enclosure cabinets and flexible conduit, to insulated crimp terminals, lugs, and cable glands, there’s a vast range of products available
At Kempston Controls we can’t emphasise enough just how important the correct electrical components and accessories are for the task at hand We
We hear from the team at Kempston Controls and find out more about the company’s everexpanding range of cable accessories.
understand how vital these products are for a safe and efficient electrical installation and you can find everything you will need with our offering
Reliable connections
For reliable and dependable electrical terminations, you’ll need quality crimp terminals, crimp lugs, bootlace ferrules and heat shrink tube to guarantee the reliability, durability, and safety of your electrical installation
Cable and component protection
Our selection of durable electrical enclosure cabinets, cable glands, cable grommets and terminal box products provide protection for the wiring and electrical components inside from troublesome environmental factors.
Safe and tidy wiring
Cable fastening components such as cable ties, cable tie bases, cleats and interconnection products such as terminal blocks and crimp terminals ensure your wiring remains where it should be and is safe and secure
As a company we know all about the correct organisation, termination, routing, and protection for all your industrial, commercial, and domestic electrical installations With a comprehensive product offering that also includes cable clips, crimp tools, insulation tape, and much more, we can provide all the cable management products you’re likely to need for the task at hand.
Products come with high performance, proven quality and reliability and they can be supplied at the best possible prices, with next day delivery available also For large quantity orders, global stock is available within a 2-3-day turnaround
Whether your installation project is a complex industrial automation and control solution, an offshore or onshore wind farm, or a photovoltaic installation, we’re confident you’ll find all the cable accessory and management products you’ll require at Kempston Controls
Why are cable aesthetics important and why this is now a sellable point for a contractor or designer to a client or homeowner? Lynne Jhangeer, Co-Founder and Global Sales Manager at LINIAN, shares her thoughts.
anyone in a public space, looking up
At L I N I A N w e s e e a n u m b e r o f r e a s o n s w h y t i d y a n d n e a t l o o k s a r e b e c o m i n g t h e n e w n o r m a l i n t h e w o r l d o f c a b l e i n s t a l l a t i o n s . M u c h o f t h i s i s d o w n t o c l i e n t e x p e c t a t i o n s i n c r e a s i n g c o n s t a n t l y, e v o l v i n g t r e n d s i n a r c h i t e c t u r a l a n d i n t e r i o r d e s i g n , t h e g r o w i n g i n f l u e n c e o f s o c i a l m e d i a , c l i e n t s a n d e n g i n e e r i n g r e q u i r i n g e x t r a p e a c e o f m i n d , a n d t h e i n c r e a s i n g a p p r e c i a t i o n o f g o o d a e s t h e t i c s
SuperClip caters to SWA cables, conduit, bunched cables and clip ties with diameters ranging from 12 mm to 25 mm
Easy to install and versatile
With no need for conduit saddles and no plastic plugs, screws or washers required, the SuperClip can increase installation time by 70% when compared to some traditional methods
As smart technology gains momentum, domestic installations gain higher levels of scrutiny on aesthetics from clients and homeowners
Exposed mechanical and electrical services are becoming increasingly more fashionable in new and refurbished public premises and even larger homes
Installations now face
With all of these points in mind, LINIAN cable clips are designed to be as discreet as possible. After all, fixings that are virtually invisible will assist in drawing less attention to SWA installs in homes for installations such as EV chargers, garages, outbuildings, garden rooms, and external lighting and power
EV, PV and solar installations are getting quicker and neater
Electricians and installers can say goodbye to the old ways of doing things thanks to the launch of the LINIAN SuperClip.
The product embraces a new era of efficiency, especially when it comes to EV charging PV and solar installations With clip there’s no need for rew fixings and it er and tidier installation ess without mpromising on safety or ality of the install. esigned to deliver ceptional fire sistance, the SuperClip l tick all the compliance boxes for the installer
With a range of colours and sizes available, LINIAN
Suitable for use in most substrates (plasterboard, masonry, light block, heavy block, hollow block, hollow brick, brick, concrete, timber/wood, stone), the product is easily removed and reusable.
Safety and compliance
With its metal construction, the clip prevents premature cable collapses and is 90 & 120 minute fire tested to British and European standards The BS 7671:2018+A2:2022 18th Edition compliant product has a > 1,200˚C melting point and is smoke emission tested to the London Underground Standard.
Discreet design
The patented LINIAN design includes a closed head/loop to secure the cable If there is any tension on the wire, the clip can't pop open and release the cable With a maximum tensile load of 44 kg, LINIAN clips feature barbed legs which expand in the hole to grip the substrate, providing a secure fixing.
The legs are strong but flexible and won't snap under pressure They work with substrates including brick, concrete, wood, and even plasterboard!
Although we might make some claims about the popularity of our products, we only need to take a look at what is being said and shared on social media every day in order to back these up
Check out this recent LinkedIn post from Steven Humphreys of Devon Renewables:
Solar installers – who uses the Doncaster Cables EV Ultra Cable? We do! Although this installation has a long and complicated cable route, this superb cable makes the job sweeeet!!!
Also, what makes it even quicker to install? LINIAN clips, of course! Drill a 10 mm hole, put the clip around the cable and hammer it in No wall plugs, no screws and drivers, just a hammer.
It’s not just Steven who is getting great use from our products, as the snaps below will show:
PE talks to a former electrician about the inspiration behind the new Socket & Wall Cover Plate, and why its journey from concept to reality hasn’t been without its challenges.
The origins of the Socket & Wall Cover Plate can be first traced back over a decade ago, when self-employed electrician, Mark Watson, became so fed up with measuring and marking the correct height and level for double socket installations on a massive luxury apartment conversion, that he decided to do something about it himself
Mark set about making a prototype of
the product out of a piece of cardboard which he used to mark out all of his new sockets, all of which were now perfectly level and the correct regulation height from the floor
Common scenario
After weeks of chiselling and chasing out walls and socket backs, Mark wondered if there was a way that could help an electrician avoid the all too common scenario of waiting for the plasterer to arrive, then the plaster to dry or wallpaper to be replaced, before the electrician can then return to undertake the second fix and finish the sockets
With his prototype in hand, Mark realised that if he could create something that was light, strong, thin and decorative, it could make a really good solution as a protective cover plate for the cables, negating the need for a plasterer or replaced wallpaper
His next step was to conduct a worldwide patent search and, after discovering there was nothing else currently like it, he contacted a number of companies in China and had a few prototypes made that were sent to him at home
At this point Mark hit a proverbial wall
he could not afford to manufacture the products himself and had no idea about
how to generate interest and potential investment in the product
It was at this point that he turned to the popular TV show Dragon’s Den, where he was asked to submit a video and create a website After submitting his application, he was then invited to conduct a filmed presentation for the ‘Dragons’
1. A marking out tool
Stand the unit against the wall on a flat level floor and you simply draw round the inside of the rectangle This gives you the correct level and provides you with the perfect height from the floor to the new double socket
2. A cover plate
After you’ve fitted your back box (into any kind of wall) you would normally have to plaster the cables into the wall With this tool you can trim it off at the same level as any skirting board, then peel off the backing tape and simply stick it over the cables to the wall, protecting the cables. Because the design is childproof, when the socket face is fitted the whole thing is mechanically locked in place And, as it is only 4mm thick, it isn’t intrusive like trunking or surface mounted sockets
Unfortunately, and as many who have been in the same situation will sympathise, the nerves ended up getting the better of Mark and he decided against
attending the filming. Following a bout of serious illness, which arrived straight after, Mark’s journey came to a grinding halt, with the invention sadly gathering dust in the garden shed. Until now!
Rising from the ashes
After a chance conversation with a patent expert at the beginning of last year, Mark decided to have another crack at rekindling the Socket & Wall Cover Plate flame With production in place and a little bit of help from his new acquaintance, he registered the design with the IPO near the end of last year Although the patent is currently pending, this hasn’t stopped the product’s progress and Mark has
managed to secure distribution agreements with both electrical wholesalers and specialist DIY stores
Mark believes that the product will be a useful aid for electricians and trade professionals working in private rental properties, council properties or Housing Associations, who require quick and consistent installation of sockets without the inconvenience of plastering and redecorating the wall afterwards Its use as a cover plate is an extra bonus, providing a neat and tidy aesthetic for customers
Mark’s story is proof alone, that if you’re passionate about bringing an idea or invention to market, it can see the light of day – regardless of the many obstacles you might face along the way
The Socket & Wall Cover Plate is now available from authorised stockists nationwide
Since 1976, Home Bargains has been providing individuals with a price-conscious place to shop, opening its doors to four million customers a week around the UK.
Now, with over 500 stores and 22,000 employees, Home Bargains is the largest independent UK grocer Growth like that doesn’t happen without being adaptive to change and, with the world rapidly shifting towards sustainable infrastructure, the Home Bargains team were looking for a company that could support them in their journey towards a greener future
Step one involved creating an EV charging infrastructure for its UK car park network Rolec EV has over 15 years’ experience with EV technology and has been a pioneer in the industry In that time, Rolec has developed a comprehensive range of chargepoints to suit every need with a range of charging capacity – from 7 4kW all the way up to 160kW – as well as options for fleet,
domestic and commercial customers
This made the brand a perfect fit for Home Bargains who were establishing a charging network that although predominantly would be used by customers looking to charge up their vehicles whilst they shop, also needed the capacity to support the charging of a fleet of delivery vehicles One of Home Bargains’ primary concerns was how to manage this dichotomy in its charging network, segmenting these payment groups and creating cohesive reports for the finance team
Rolec helps Home Bargains’ EV ‘hunt’ 98 October 2023 PROFESSIONAL ELECTRICIAN
To assess the type of hardware Home Bargains required, Rolec EV first needed to interrogate the site requirements
what does the customer journey look like for this specific company and how can charging fit into this?
As a high-street retailer, traffic to the site is largely shoppers who are travelling from their home and spending on average 30 minutes to an hour at the store In this
scenario, they would most likely need slower top-up charging
F l e e t v e h i c l e s , e s p e c i a l l y f l e e t d e l i v e r y v e h i c l e s , a r e s l i g h t l y d i f f e r e n t i n t h a t t h e y ’ r e p e r f o r m i n g a h i g h e r l e v e l o f m i l e a g e d a i l y a n d a r e l i ke l y t o r e t u r n t o t h e s i t e w i t h l i t t l e b a t t e r y r e m a i n i n g I n t h i s c a s e, a c c
With these considerations in mind, phase one of Home Bargains’ ongoing roll-out consisted of a mix of 25 AC fast and DC rapid chargepoints, all of which were designed with bespoke branding, incorporating the company’s brand guidelines
All chargepoints are managed by a smart back-office solution to meet the client’s specific needs for visibility, providing accurate reporting and allowing Home Bargains to set different tariffs for its fleet and customers.
The hardware Rolec EV has provided for Home Bargains has allowed the organisation permanent access to charging infrastructure at 14 of its UK sites, with plans to roll out the network to the rest of the premises throughout Britain
The decision to implement rapid charging reduced the amount of time delivery vehicles would remain off the road and increased vehicle uptime, optimising fleet charging for the requirements of the business
And, in advancing the UK’s public charging network, the company is encouraging people to make the switch to electric vehicles by making access to charging easier
e s s
l t r a - r a p i d c h a r g i n g i s e s s e n t i a l f o r m a i n t a i n i n g f l e e t e n e r g y l e v e l s
sponsored by www electricalcharity org
Office complex improves aesthetics and energy saving
A Belfast office complex embarked on a recent lighting overhaul with the aim of improving the aesthetics of the offices, delivering better light levels, and reducing energy costs.
Aurora Lighting was chosen to provide the luminaires for the project, spanning general lighting and emergency solutions With a leading range of superior lighting options, Aurora was able to fulfil the wide scope of the project’s lighting needs.
The refurbishment works began with a full on-site energy audit of the offices, conducted by Aurora A subsequent proposal was put forward to replace the existing, outdated lighting with LED equivalents As well as matching the existing cut-outs, the replacements needed to be dimmable solutions that suited the existing system This was essential to ensure a reduction of labour costs, and meet the allowable timeframe for the project.
The lighting products were supplied through a respected and popular electrical wholesaler located in the city The solutions, from across the Aurora Lighting portfolio, have been used in many differing locations throughout the office complex.
The project ran smoothly, with every solution being supplied to Harvey Group for an on-time installation The wide range of solutions from Aurora Lighting blend striking aesthetics with outstanding energy savings, meeting the original brief
and exceeding expectations
The upgrades to the Aurora Lighting solutions have saved 10,988 watts, and delivered 36,517.9 kWh of energy savings. The impressive payback period is just 28.65 months, meaning the investment will pay for itself in just over two years
Become the electrician of tomorrow
As the demand for electricians continues to increase, they find themselves amidst a landscape of many new work opportunities Government initiatives are creating a considerable boom as they target budget savvy, smart energy consumers, and sustainably minded businesses
Electricians are at the forefront of this new energy landscape, and staying ahead of the game requires a constant stream of information and training to upskill. Electricians must be proactive in seeking new projects and stay well-informed about industry developments to further capitalise on this new wave of opportunity
From projects focused on energy efficiency to the installation of smart technologies, electricians are turning to industry experts to provide easily accessible tools and reading materials that can be beneficial
This is where Schneider Electric can help to develop the electrician of
Schneider’s helpful e-book delves into different elements of running a successful business, ensuring that electricians are ready for the homes and buildings of tomorrow
Futureproof your skillset
Pursuing professional accreditations and certifications not only boosts credibility but also demonstrates a commitment to excellence. Businesses can invest in their workforce through apprenticeships, ensuring a fresh stream of talent, while also providing valuable training opportunities to keep their workforce ahead of the curve.
By managing projects effectively and adhering to industry standards, electricians can enhance their reputation and attract more customers There is a spotlight on a new wave of technology to support more sustainable energy solutions, therefore it is vital for
electricians to differentiate themselves from the competition through enhanced training
Make your presence known
An effective marketing and web presence is a powerful tool for electricians to reach and engage with potential clients The cornerstone of marketing success lies in a well-optimised business website By deploying keywords and local SEO strategies, electricians can improve their visibility in online searches
Utilising social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, can also facilitate direct interaction with customers, showcasing successful projects, answering questions, and receiving valuable feedback. Emphasising professionalism, customer reviews, and user-friendly website navigation can further boost the credibility and appeal of the business
Embrace the unknown
Electricians should embrace new technology and the specialised skills required if they want to remain ahead of the curve. By investing in new software tools, electricians can streamline project management, automate processes, and improve overall efficiency
By actively seeking out accreditations for low-carbon technologies like solar panels, heat pumps, and EV charging stations, electrical professionals can meet the growing demand for sustainable solutions Moreover, upselling additional products or services to clients can demonstrate innovation, create more significant value for customers, and lead to repeat business and positive referrals
By adopting these key strategies –alongside opportunities, upskilling and obtaining accreditations, optimising marketing and web presence, and embracing technology and specialisation – electricians can secure a successful and prosperous future in the rapidly evolving electrical industry
100 October 2023 PROFESSIONAL
round up
The new hybrid multi-purpose work jacket is a street-smart, highly versatile garment Great on-site or for leisure wear, it’s made of flexible, wicking jersey fabric with Repreve fabric insulation in the shoulder and upper body area. The product provides great freedom of movement and elasticated comfort for all types of work and warmth or ventilation when you need it Whatever top layer clothes you require – for work, play or protection against hazards – Snickers Workwear has a range of jackets that will work on-site for both men and women
ROBUS Triumph Slim 2 Part Connector
Designed to meet the demands of the modern electrician’s workspace, the Triumph Slim 2 Part Connector is an evolution in perfection It has the same slim design, the same satisfying twist close bezel, and the same convenient colour-selectable switch just under the trim as its prized predecessor, the Triumph Slim So, what’s new? The Triumph Slim 2 Part Connector has the added benefit of an enhanced connector, allowing for safe and accessible on-site testing post-installation. Part 1 of the connector is linked to the fitting Part 2 securely holds the cable in the terminal The result? You don’t stop until you’re ready Securely screwed flex retaining clips in the terminal allow for safe ongoing installation while on an active site This clever design extends to the connector's inner workings, featuring a removable 4-pole double push-in connector block for smooth wiring Easy to install, with a beautiful compact design, this is lighting tailored to both electrical contractors and end users.
Time to go the distance
All LED has introduced Seamless Pro – a long length dotless COB LED strip light that shines brighter and longer.
Able to run up to 20 m in a single length, the Seamless Pro COB LED strip is at the very pinnacle of cutting-edge illumination technology that combines functionality, versatility, and aesthetic appeal A high-quality replacement for traditional linear SMD strips, the range offers a myriad of features and benefits that cater to a multitude of applications and harsh environments
One of the standout features of the Seamless Pro is the impressive maximum length powered from a single end to 10 metres, and an unrivalled 20-metre stretch when the strip is powered from both ends. This length capability provides a seamless, unbroken flow of light across expansive spaces
The Seamless Pro range boasts an exceptional Colour Rendering Index (CRI) of 90 This high CRI ensures that colours appear vibrant and true to life, adding depth and richness to any environment Whether you're illuminating artworks, fashion displays, or interior spaces, vivid colours render spectacularly, enhancing the overall visual end user experience.
The entire range is available in multiple colour temperatures, including 2700K for a very warm and cozy atmosphere, 3000K for an inviting ambience, 4000K for a crisp and clean cool white light, and 6000K for a bright daylight effect Once the preferred colour has been selected, users can use the strip lights with a dimmable driver to adjust light intensity, setting the desired mood or brightness for any occasion
For those tougher installs, the Seamless Pro comes in a fully encased IP67 version The IP67 version is designed for tough environments, high humidity, and wet/damp locations, ensuring protection against dust and water ingress whilst retaining its performance and durability.
Additionally, this range provides maximum 50 mm cut points, allowing for customisation and easy adaptation to various installation spaces Users can trim the strips to precise lengths without compromising on quality or flexibility
To cater to unique lighting requirements and help reduce time
at site, All LED offers a customised bespoke service allowing customers to tailor the LED strip lights to specific lengths, ensuring a personalised lighting solution that meets even the most challenging project demands
Products round up 102 October 2023 PROFESSIONAL ELECTRICIAN
CED ELECTRICAL Axiom Extension Leads
If the need is for power away from permanently fitted sockets, Axiom has options to meet almost any requirement with its comprehensive range of 13 A extension leads, trailing sockets and blocks Extension leads start with simple 1 to 2 gang options and up to 15m of cable There’s a total of 20+ variants up to 10 gang in size, including leads with mini sockets, some 4 gangs with neons, individually switched or fused varieties as well as anti-surge leads with the largest 10 gang version being free-standing with neon Moving to trailing sockets, another wide range consists of 1 to 8 gang sizes in three categories –standard fused and individually switched, standard and individually switched and standard switched with neon 1 and 2 gang socket blocks complete this sector Finally, a free-standing pop-up tower socket with 3 x 13 A sockets and 2 x USB ports plus a 5 gang extension lead with remote control are also new to the range
FUSEBOX TPN Distribution Boards
FuseBox has introduced a range of TPN Distribution Boards With 3, 7, 11 and 15 usable ways, complete with 10kA devices and 125 A 4Pole main switch with T2 SPD fitted as standard, this is the latest reason the FuseBox brand continues to make electricians smile With continued focus on quality and practicality, the new TPN distribution boards offer the ideal solution for commercial, industrial and (where required) domestic settings. The robust 1.2 mm zinc galvanised steel enclosure, finished in RAL 9001 epoxy powder coating, ensures long life in harsh environments. The complete range of TPN Distribution Boards and 10kA devices is now available at all FuseBox stockists
Scolmore continues to expand its Elucian consumer unit range to provide electricians with the broadest possible range of units and protective devices to cater for all installation requirements New to the range is a 25 A rated RCBO which joins the extensive protective devices line-up The Elucian RCBOs are compact single module devices that allow for additional space above to make it easier to install and terminate outgoing circuits These devices are Type A rated, offering a resilience when DC current is present
Air Curtains & Energy-saving Controller
Consort Claudgen has launched the CA Screenzone extra-wide air curtains with energy-efficient brushless motors and an optional touchscreen Air Curtain Master Controller (ACMC) The air curtains are now available in a 2-metre width and additional 15kW and 18kW ratings, supplementing the existing 9kW to 16kW range With energy-efficient brushless motors, these air curtains ensure significant energy savings and extended product life due to less wear and tear For even more energy savings, users can utilise the optional ACMC It has intelligent features that dynamically adjust the air curtain's output to create the most effective air barrier between indoor and outdoor climates The ACMC has four different modes to suit commercial or retail applications. It offers eight heat settings, eight fan speeds and can control up to seven air curtains with the same settings It has a seven-day timer and displays the energy usage of all linked air curtains.
Products round up
MEGGER Test Leads & Accessories
Megger has released a comprehensive new range of test leads and accessories for use with its multifunction installation testers and other low voltage test instruments
Designed specifically to offer enhanced durability, the new items comply fully with relevant standards and guidelines, including GS 38, and have a safety rating of CAT IV 600 V/CAT III 1000 V in line with IEC61010-031 All of the new items and accessories are offered in sets For example, a three-lead 10-piece set is available for use with multifunction testers, incorporating the extended 1,400 mm colour-coded test leads, probes, grabber clips and standard croc-clips Similar kits, with appropriate contents, are available for use with insulation testers, loop testers and RCD testers
Separate fused test leads with either 10 A or 500 mA fuses are available, removing the need to purchase complete lead sets, instead utilising the existing accessories supplied with any standard lead set
XCITE New Bollards
Xcite has added two new bollards to its outdoor and emergency range, offering suitable fixtures for gardens, hotels, pubs, and walkways. You can choose from either the integrated LED bollard or the ES lamp bollard The integrated bollard is a low energy LED module for reduced running costs and comes in standard 3000K warm white The ES bollard is a unit that utilises a ES27 lamp holder to allow users to swap and change their bulbs/lamps throughout use
Both units are surface mounted via a separate base plate, which is provided
Consumer units designed for safety and convenience
Niglon’s latest offering is the Protego range of consumer units, designed with the installer in mind
Safety and user experience were the top priorities during the meticulous crafting of these units, aiming to streamline the set-up process and reduce installation time and effort for electricians. Niglon's unwavering commitment to supporting professionals in implementing essential electrical solutions is evident in the Protego range.
The new consumer units feature non-combustible enclosures, minimising fire risks and providing peace of mind for users and installers alike Precision knockouts incorporated in the range ensure effortless wiring, saving valuable time during installation and enabling efficient project completion without compromising quality All boards are BS 7671 (18th Edition) compliant, and third party tested to BS EN61439-3 SEMKO Certification.
For enhanced safety during maintenance and inspections, the Protego range comes with busbar shields as standard These covers protect against accidental contact, reducing the risk of electrical shocks
Convenience is further emphasised through the retained cover fixing screws with a short turn thread, ensuring quick and
secure fixing. Superior quality edging strips are also supplied to protect internal wiring from sharp edges
To simplify circuit identification, a clear and concise label set has been thoughtfully designed, accommodating various installation configurations The construction of the consumer unit from 1.2 mm thick steel, rounded edges, and radiused corners make it robust and easy to handle during installation
All mains switch isolators in the range feature incoming twin terminals, ensuring a re supply cable connection and reducing connections To further aid the ease of ards come with a tail gland kit included s the trust customers place in their existing consumer units.
The current range will continue to be available for purchase, providing customers with the option to stick with their trusted boards for their electrical needs Whether customers choose to upgrade to Protego or remain with their time-tested consumer units, Niglon guarantees a commitment to safety, quality, and innovation
With this dual offering, Niglon caters to loyal customers while also introducing advanced options for those seeking the latest in electrical installation and convenience Each consumer unit in both ranges embodies Niglon's hallmark excellence and reliability
106 October
round up
HAMILTON-LITESTAT Ultra-fast USB-A&C & 250 W Dimmer Plate
The Verve range from Hamilton now features combined USB-A&C charging plates and 250 W LED rotary dimmers
New ultra-fast combined USB-A 2 4 A & USB-C 3 A double switched sockets (4 8 A total) provide a faster and more convenient way to simultaneously charge laptops/tablets and mobile devices Additionally, the new 250 W LED 2-Way rotary dimmers offer 2 5 times the dimming capacity of the standard 100 W dimmer in the range With its proven LEDIT-B dimming technology, it’s the intelligent choice for controlling mains dimmable LEDs in rooms with two entrances/exits With its subtly tapered top and bottom plate edges, Verve’s design is a case of ‘less is more’ A traditional box-fix design with an ultra slim profile, the face plates come with white screw cap covers to give a sleek, screwless appearance.
Sangamo Wireless Heating Controls
The Sangamo Choice+ wireless programmable room thermostat is designed for controlling heating systems via an electronic sensor It operates via wireless communication between the thermostat and receiver and is 24-hour or seven-day programmable It regulates and maintains a desirable temperature through the home by calling for heat as the temperature varies through the day. For example, if the temperature drops below the set temperature the thermostat calls for heat from the boiler, heating the radiators until the set point is reached. It offers a TPI (Time Proportional and Integral) control feature to ensure a maintained temperature by analysis of the heating and cooling periods. In addition, it includes Optimum Start and Delayed Stop for additional efficiency, heating and cooling for the time programmed.
Four new finishes for Knightsbridge
Knightsbridge has enhanced its range pioneering 45 W USB charging solutions with the introduction of four additional decorative finishes in the company’s popular screwless format
At the time of their initial launch, Knightsbridge’s 45 W USB sockets and modules were among the fastest chargers available on the market and still remain at the top of the competitive tree Now, beyond curved or square edge moulded sockets in white, these powerful 230 V 13 A two-gang switched USB sockets come in anthracite, matt black, matt white and brushed chrome
The sockets offer up to 45 W PD (Power Delivery) over a USB-C port and 18 W QC (Quick Charge) over a USB-A port. This means that power-hungry devices like laptops can be charged from wall outlets with compatible cables using a 45 W USB-C port and without the need for bulky adapters. QC devices (mainly android-based smartphones) can be charged at up to 18 W, allowing for a quick charge of up to 50% in under 30 minutes with compatible smartphones Where multiple devices are being charged simultaneously, power is shared between both ports.
Knightsbridge also offers 60 W A-C and C-C cables, as well as a 100 W certified USB-PD C-C cables so that devices can maximise the power outputs available
The high-performance 45 W USB wall charger range is completed by three 50 mm x 50 mm Euro modules, in white, grey, and black; which are compatible with a variety of modular and multimedia combination plates, allowing for more bespoke installations.
The 50x50 modular inserts are available in white, grey, and black and may be paired with a variety of modular and multimedia combination plates, allowing for a bespoke creation
All designs are available with dual earths for high integrity earthing, angled top-down terminals for quick installation, and are designed to accommodate 25-35mm back boxes (depending on wiring conditions).
Finally, all Knightsbridge 45 W USB charger wiring accessories – whether 230 V 13A two-gang switched USB sockets or 50 mm Euro modules – are warrantied for two years
DigiFlex Current Meters
The DigiFlex range of current meters is designed to give clear current measurements in tight conditions where conventional hard-jaw current clamps struggle to fit Widely appreciated for its flexible current sensing ‘Rogowski coil’, which is now available in lengths up to 1-metre long, the MA400D range can be of assistance in applications where clear indication of the current is essential and space is at a premium The current readings are visible in real-time on a 4,000-count digital display with max hold functionality, further making the instrument suitable for analysing True RMS AC current measurements from 20mA up to 400 A. Its sensor closing system makes it extremely simple to connect, while the range also benefits from the magnetised MultiFix mounting system so units can be positioned at any given point. Categorised as 600 V CAT IV, this current meter is safe for use in the majority of test environments encountered in modern domestic commercial and industrial installations
‘Specification Solutions’ Brochure
Scolmore Group has released an updated version of its ‘Specification Solutions’ brochure, bringing together the ever-increasing range of products from across the Click, ESP, Ovia, Unicrimp and Sangamo businesses. Designed as a valuable resource for specification teams working on a range of building projects, the brochure helps to quickly identify the right products and solutions for any given application, whether based on cost efficiency, speed of installation, energy savings, sustainability credentials, legislative compliance, or health and safety It is divided into sections that cover the full spectrum of building environments – Residential, Healthcare, Hotel & Leisure, Education, Commercial, Industrial and Data Centres – with each section highlighting the products and ranges that are most suitable for the sector/job in question
ATC Heating Range
With rising energy costs, and dropping temperatures, heating is a concern for all of us this year. As such, customers can keep their heating bills to a minimum by choosing electric heating over gas or other fossil fuels The ATC heating range offers key energy saving features to ensure that you don’t use more electricity than needed with users able to choose from a wide selection of ATC smart, digital, bathroom, outdoor and commercial heating ranges. You can also get the temperature just right by pairing the products with one of ATC’s thermostats for simple, seamless control
Solar PV Testing Equipment
TIS has announced the launch of three Solar PV testers Applicable to all installations, but really focused on larger commercial and industrial systems, these units have the advantage of being able to test up to 1,500 V and 40 A
This is a one-stop test solution to meet IEC 62446-1 for category 1 tests PVCHECKs performs on single-face (SF) & bifacial (BF) photovoltaic systems up to 1,500 V and 40 A for commissioning purposes
Armorduct has launched a new range of IP4X trunking that will prove faster and easier to install on-site The trunking is available off the shelf with all the accessories, fixtures and fittings supplied as fully assembled components for every order The fixtures are all supplied with captive fittings and overlap covers, the latter to achieve the IP4X rating, to save time on-site. While the trunking is available in three metre lengths as standard, the company can also provide it cut to length for delivery to site to save installation time and waste As it’s designed and manufactured in the UK, Armorduct can also quickly adapt bespoke trunking solutions to meet particular market needs and solutions In addition to its standard system, Armorduct offers different options for specific applications including a weatherproof solution, tamper-proof systems for ministry of justice applications, and versions for the rail industry All can have multiple compartments supplied with equal or unequal splits The new IP4X trunking range is available in a wide range of different materials
WALLBOX Pulsar Pro Video
Wallbox has recently introduced a supporting video to show the benefits of Pulsar Pro, the ultimate EV charging solution for shared spaces Designed for businesses and EV drivers, Pulsar Pro perfectly fits into shared spaces including flats, workplaces and depot charging, while its reliability, and ease of installation enable a cost-effective solution for chargepoint operators and installers The unit features 4G, improving the charger's uptime through improved connectivity, which means maximum uptime and fewer failures It also boasts a wider operational temperature range, providing stronger reliability and a longer operating lifetime. The RFID function provides an intuitive charging experience, improving accessibility for tenants and employees
This advanced multifunction PV tester combines an I-V curve tracer to IEC 60891 with a commissioning tester meeting IEC 62446-1 TIS IVPRO is a one-stop test solution for categories 1 & 2 commissioning tests, with the ability to troubleshoot single face and bifacial modules in PV systems
all up to 1,500 V and 40 A
TIS IV600 A n I -V c u r v e t r a c e r m e e t i n g I E C / E N 6 0 8 9 1 f o r c o n f i r m i n g t h e p e r f o r m a n c e a n d f u n c t i o n a l i t y o f s i n g l e f a c e a n d b i f a c i a l m o d u l e s i n P V s y s t e m s , t h i s t e s t e r i s c a p a b l e o f t e s t i n g u p t o 1 , 5 0 0 V a n d 4 0 A
Taking place across two days, at one remaining regional venue, the ELEX 2023 tour is nearing its final stop. Don’t fear though, as we’ve got great news for visitors that are serious about their CPD!
Recent changes to The Electrotechnical Assessment Specification (EAS) which sets out the minimum requirements for a business to be recognised as technically competent by a Certification or Registration Body, includes a requirement for businesses to maintain appropriate records of qualifications, training (including Continuing Professional Development) and experience
To support this requirement, EVERY ELEX seminar is now CPD accredited, ensuring those individuals who make the time and effort to attend will receive a direct certificate of completion, which can
form a key part of your ongoing Continuing Professional Development record.
With industry regulation and legislation changing constantly, the extensive ELEX seminar programme will cover an array of topics, including the latest Amendment 2 to the 18th Edition and the changes this covers, along with best practice and technical advice for professionals to get stuck into Presentations will be delivered by experts in their field and the only cost to delegates is their time.
All seminars will take place in the IET Seminar Theatre located centrally in the exhibition hall and there’s no need for delegates to pre-book, just pre-register to attend the show
Whether you need some advice on the direction the sector is heading, want to chat with manufacturers about their latest solutions, view live demonstrations of the latest products or bag yourself a great
l At a venue near you
l Across two days
l Free parking (van friendly)
l Free entry
l Free T-Shirt & a free bacon roll* (*limited to first 1,000 visitors)
l Show bargains
l Hands-on demos
l Meet manufacturers
l Networking opportunities
l CPD accredited seminars and certificates
show deal on tools and equipment from leading brands, your regional ELEX tradeshow has it all
The ELEX 2023 calendar is nearing its conclusion, with one remaining show left this year It takes place at Sandown Park, Surrey on November 2nd and 3rd
Sponsored by PROFESSIONAL ELECTRICIAN ELEX 2023 The Electricians’ Exhibition 112 October 2023 PROFESSIONAL ELECTRICIAN
MARTIN CHAMBERLAIN: Take a look at this CU – not secure, no front cover and all circuits on the RCD side What a mess!
SHANE WALKER: This is a DIY immersion heater replacement gone wrong! it just keeps putting the trip out when we turn it on –maybe the L and N short on the thermostat could have something to do with it!
PATEL: This is a photo of a DIY light fitting I found on an EICR Top marks for thinking out of the box at least!
JOHN COOMBS: I bet this is the first time you’ve seen a sealing cap used for an outside socket? It was carried out by a bodging builder…
Get your regular fix of CAUGHT ON CAMERA!
PE’s website includes weekly Caught on Camera ‘Exclusives’, featuring the best (and worst) of the shocking snaps that readers have posted to our Twitter, Facebook and Instagram pages. Don’t forget to tag us in on your posts, or DM us your pictures and caption directly and you may just see your pictures featured on these pages or our website.
Here is a useful summary of all the adverts that appear in this issue of Professional Electrician. Each is listed with its page number and a direct URL that will get you straight to the relevant online information.
ALL LED Ltd .........................................................................pages 4,5 Armeg Ltd 95 ATC Electrical 61 Aurora Ltd 64 BG SyncEV 52 BMS Electrical Training 67 Carlisle Brass Ltd 107 Carl Kammerling International Ltd 71 CED 101 CHAUVIN ARNOUX UK Ltd 99 CMD Ltd 76 Consort Equipment Products Ltd 111 C-TEC Ltd ...............................................................................pages 8,9 C-TEC Ltd 49 Cudis Ltd 74 Deta Electrical Company Ltd ................................pages 16,17 Deta Electrical Company Ltd 22 Deta Electrical Company Ltd 43 Deta Electrical Company Ltd 51 D-Line (Europe) Ltd 111 Electrorad UK Ltd 13 ELEX 87 Elite Security Products Ltd 105 Engex 75 Fergus 104 FireAngel Safety Technology Ltd 29 FuseBox 72 Gripple Ltd 82 Hager Ltd 67 Hoyles Electronic Developments 21 Hultafors Group UK Ltd 6 Hylec-APL Ltd 89 JCW Engineering Solutions 67 Kempston Controls 90 LINIAN Supply Co. Ltd 90 Live Electrical Distribution UK Ltd .......inside back cover Luceco Group 18 Luceco Group 19 Marshall-Tufflex Ltd 97 Martindale Electric Co. Ltd 59 matt:e Ltd 93 Megger 34 Metrel UK 62 ML Accessories Ltd 44 NAPIT 55 Niglon Ltd ........................................................................pages 14,15 Olympic Fixings 81 Ovia Lighting 109 Panasonic Heating & Cooling Solutions 26 PowerLED 68 111 ROBUS 20 Rointe 23 Rolec Services Ltd 38 Saxby Lighting 47 Schneider Electric 10 Scolmore International Ltd 82 Selectric 51 Sevadis 71 STIEBEL ELTRON UK Ltd 111 Switchtec Ltd 103 Tamlite Lighting 65 Timeguard Ltd 56 ToughBuilt Industries UK Ltd .................inside front cover UNICRIMP Ltd 93 V-TAC UK Ltd ...................................................outside back cover WD-40 Company 41 Werner UK Sales & Distribution Ltd 33 Wise Controls 111