In the Know - Spring 2017

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Unfortunately it is impossible to include all information submitted about each facility in a single newsletter, however all forwarded information will be kept for future reference. The next edition will be distributed July 2017 - any new information will be required by early June latest. If you would like to feature in the next edition, or have any queries regarding the newsletter, please do not hesitate to contact Mandy Eccles at: The Hamilton Davies Trust Hamilton Davies House 117c Liverpool Road Cadishead Manchester M44 5BG

telephone: 0161 222 4003 email:

Designed by Brian Wiggett

The information in this newsletter has been reproduced with the permission of the relevant facilities - The Hamilton Davies Trust is not responsible for any information that is incorrect. This newsletter is available in a larger print if required.

Registered Charity No. 1106123

For community events taking place see pages 14-17 for dates and times. For further information about facilities, groups and their events visit: Mandy


Introduction 2 News and Announcements 3-4 Achievements, Highlights, Successes 5-7 Parish Plan updates 8 Community Involvement 9 Youth Group Activities 10 Sports Clubs 11 Group Social Activities 12 Monthly Group Social Activities 13 Diary - March / April / May / June 14 - 17 Village Amenities (including opening times) 18 Getting Around / Road Safety 19 Pet Owners / Dog Fouling / Horse Riding 20 Rixton Claypits / Outdoor Pursuits 21 Parish Council / Public Services / Libraries 22 - 23 WBC / East Warrington Area Manager 24 Police / Important Contacts / Homewatch 25 Facilities Information / Venues for Hire 26 - 29 Contact Directory 30 - 31 2

07594 954647 0161 775 2340 0161 777 6957 01925 754770 0161 775 2802 0161 777 9726 07815 855016 01925 752373 01925 813298 0161 775 2340 07851 267891 07815 561372 0161 776 1639 01925 812443 0161 775 2935 0161 775 9360 0161 222 4444 07932 343438 07867 656659 07712 657351 01925 251221 01925 813939 0161 775 1314 07525 456291 Lynn Austin Linda Ogden Neil Fairfax Marilyn Lowe Pete Higson The Ranger Debra Adderley Rev. Stephen Froggatt Brenda Jeffrey Linda Ogden Bookings Elizabeth Patten Gladys Young Rev. John Gildea Christine Smith Alan Domville Stuart Wraith Tony Beckett Jayne Norris Karen Ward Cllr. Tony McCarthy Reception Sharon Leicester Michele

The Community Hall surveys have now been collected and the results analysed - these have been posted on our community website address below. Copies are available in the Hall and Village Shop.

LA Cafe Messy Church Parish Carnival Committee Parish Council Parish Plan Group Rixton Claypits Rixton Dog School Rixton Methodist Religious Worship Rixton Tennis Club Rixton Tots Rixton-with-Glazebrook Community Hall Rixton-with-Glazebrook Pre-school Rixton-with-Glazebrook Thursday Club SS Peter & Michael’s RC Religious Worship St. Helen’s C.E. Aided Primary School St. Helen’s Church and Sunday School The Black Swan The Rotary Club of Irlam Village Green Barbers Wasps Out of School Club Warrington Borough Councillor Woolston Neighbourhood Hub (Leisure Centre) Ye Olde Red Lion ZStyle - dance style Exercise Class

Welcome to the 31st edition of the Rixton-with-Glazebrook’s ‘in the know’ newsletter produced by the Hamilton Davies Trust and kindly delivered to your door by local volunteers. Congratulations to Jen, our front cover designer for the past ten years, on the birth of her baby girl Lily. To focus on motherhood, Jen has handed over the design of this and future editions to Brian.


Reception Denise Shaw Margery Green Joan Hill Julie Atkinson Liz Rainford Alan Domville Tina Connor Pete Higson Albert Phoenix Ray Jeffrey Peter Dodd David Richardson Judith Barnard Rachelle Ian Austin James Taylor Harold Bate Sam Barker Doreen Herridge Reception Lynn Nelson All Creatures Veterinary Centre Camsley Grange Riding for the Disabled Chapel Crafts Chill and Chat Social Handicraft Session Community Shop - Hollins Green Dance Rhythm and Adult Tap Class Friends of St. Helen’s C.E. Church Friends of St. Helen’s C.E. School Friends of Hollinfare Cemetery Glazebrook Badminton Club Glazebrook Methodist Church Glazebrook Post Office Glazebrook Residents’ Action Group Glazebrook Women’s Institute Hollins Green Art Class Hollins Green Beavers Hollins Green Cubs Hollins Green Indoor Bowling Hollins Green Scouts Hollins Green Sequence Dancing Irlam and Cadishead Leisure Centre Karate


0161 777 8484 01925 827335 0161 775 4372 0161 775 4925 0161 775 7022 07723 093920 0161 775 9360 07734 681239 0161 775 2802 0161 775 5600 01925 813298 0161 775 3538 0161 777 6843 0161 775 9934 0161 775 0524 07926 255263 07793 002025 07763 420035 07427 448026 0161 775 7248 0161 775 4134 07711 363831



n Hollins Green Community Shop celebrated its 2nd birthday recently with great success so far and sales continuing to grow. More volunteers are needed however - if interested, please call into the shop to leave your details or phone 0161 775 7022. See p.18 for address/opening times. This year’s community Garden Safari is planned for Saturday 3rd June - see p.17 for details. Anyone wishing to take part in this lovely community event by opening up their garden to the public can contact Mandy on 07767 075211. Rixton-with-Glazebrook Carnival 2017 will be held on Saturday 24th June 11am to 4pm - see p.17 for details. Updates of the event will be given on The Carnival Committee are encouraging all local groups to get involved. If you would like a stall, please contact Rebecca Medcalf on or 07918 054855. Anyone wishing to help with manning an entrance for an hour on the day of the event please contact Neil Fairfax on 0161 777 6957 or at Thank you to Sam Barker, our new Hollins Green Scouts leader, who is kindly taking over the role from Jonathan Ridge, who has been the Scout leader for many years - a big ‘Thank You’ from the parents and the hundreds of children Jonathan has supported. The Chrysanthemum Horticultural Society agreed at their AGM to once again put on the Village Show - to be held on Saturday 9th September 2017 at the Community Hall. Everyone is welcome to enter one or more of the categories which include flowers, plants, vegetables, baking, knitting and crafts - the more entries the better! If interested in entering or to find out more details, please contact Neil Trownson on 0161 775 0302. Also, if you are interested in lending a hand with setting up the Show, then Neil would love to hear from you. Following the Summer success Rixton Claypits are trialling Winter grazing in the meadows with 84 sheep from the Herdwick and Hebridean breeds. Amphibian and reptile conservation group workdays are lined up in February and March and the Newtopia project, funded by a Heritage Lottery scheme, is due to begin this Summer. A full news update from the Claypits can be viewed on 3

Hollins Green Scouts

18.30 - 20.00

19.00 - 20.45


Hollins Green Cubs

The Rotary Club of Irlam were extra busy in December, both in our Parish and Irlam and Cadishead, as they toured the district with their Santa float spreading festive cheer. Over £9,000 was collected - to be spent on local and international projects. They are now turning their green fingers to filling troughs and baskets for their Summer ‘In Bloom’ project. See p.9 for Rotary contacts. 4

18.30 - 19.30

Irlam and Cadishead Volunteer Drivers were proud to recieve the ‘Macmillan Volunteer Award’ for transporting residents from Irlam, Cadishead and Rixton-with-Glazebrook (those registered with GP in Irlam and Cadishead) to Christies Hospital for their radiography treatment. This free scheme is a life saver for many residents - in the past 4 years alone over 250,000 patient miles have been given. However, the number of volunteer drivers has slowly decreased from 12 to 6 and more are needed to continue this excellent service. If you can offer a little help please contact 0161 222 4003 or

Hollins Green Beavers

With funding provided by the Friends of Hollinfare Cemetery and in partnership with WBC, several old memorials have now been re-instated down the main pathway, vastly improving the look of the cemetery.

19.00 - 19.45

Places are currently available at Rixton Tots - see p.10 for details.s

Z Style Exercise

Glazebrook Residents’ Action Group are looking for new younger residents to join the group, as numbers have dropped lately. To find out what they do and for contact details see p.9.

THE SCOUT CENTRE The Village Green, Manchester Road, Hollins Green. WA3 6JT Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Some residents may be interested to know of an existing website that currently 46 local households are using to share information and news. Nextdoor is a secure website that facilitates communication amongst neighbours and helps build strong neighbourhoods. Nextdoor can be used to share local recommendations (plumbers, mechanics, babysitters etc); give away household items; publicise local events; exchange information about crime and safety issues; ask for advice; view a neighbourhood map or circulate important documents. If interested, why not give it a try on

The following community facilities are available to hire for a celebration, function activity or meeting:

With Spring in the air it is worth a reminder that Rixton Tennis Club facilities are open to all - see page 11 for details and contacts.


Glazebrook Methodist Church Hall Harry Hunt 0161 775 2263 Rixton-with-Glazebrook Community Hall Bookings 07851 267891 The Black Swan Bookings 0161 222 4444 The Scout Centre Katie Chambers 07766 232734 Rixton Methodist Church Hall Paul Ogden 0161 775 2340 St. Helen’s Church House Alan Domville 0161 775 9360 Ye Olde Red Lion Sharon Leicester 0161 775 1314 Phone contacts above for availabilty and hire charges. For details on what each venue has to offer visit:


The Community Hall is available for hire mornings and weekends. The hall can cater for parties from 72 people for sit down meals for up to 160 for buffet functions. Licensed bar and catering facilities are available on request.

Every last Wednesday of each month from 14.00 - 16.00

WI Craft Session

Every 2nd Wednesday of each month from 14.00 - 16.30

Womens Institute

Every 3rd Saturday each month 20.00 - 23.00 (except July and August)

Social Dance

19.30 - 22.00

Every 3rd Thursday of each month 19.45 onwards (except August)

Parish Council

20.00 - 22.30


14.00 - 16.30

Hollins Green Indoor Bowling

14.00 - 16.00

Rixton-with-Glazebrook Thursday Club

19.30 - 22.30

Hollins Green Sequence Dancing

13.30 - 15.30

Hollins Green Art Class

17.45 - 18.45


RIXTON-WITH-GLAZEBROOK COMMUNITY HALL Manchester Road, Hollins Green WA3 6JZ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

ACHIEVEMENTS, HIGHLIGHTS, SUCCESSES Congratulations to our local team from the Hollins Green Indoor Bowling group who have reached the quarter finals of the Cheshire Villages League - we’ll keep our fingers crossed for them! If interested in a spot of indoor bowling then see p.11 for times and contact details. St. Helen’s Church are proud of one of their younger members, Emily Lowndes, who is working as a volunteer with Y Care International in Bangladesh until April. Refurbishments to Church House have been signed off thanks to the kind support and funding from Hamilton Davies Trust, Warrington Community Chest, East Warrington and our Parish Council. Church has also had a new roof over the exterior boiler house and former choir room costing £3,000. Unfortunately this work was required because of leaks created by vandals climbing on the roof and breaking the slates. Re-decorating and new carpet in the main hall is to follow. The next project for Church is the restoration of the Garden of Rest. Friends of St. Helen’s Church held a tribute to George Formby at their annual Christmas event joining other Formby society fans in a good old sing song and reminisce. In January they enjoyed their annual dinner held at the Red Lion and their 2017 social calendar continues with talks arranged for April and June - see pages 15 and 17. Well done to St. Helen’s Sunday School who raised over £200 for the Children’s Society via their annual Christingle Service and collection boxes in their homes. The 17 pupils enjoyed a fun Christmas party hosted by the 3 Sunday School teachers and look forward to more fun in 2017. Congratulations to the Glazebrook Choral Society on the success of their 104th performance of the ‘Messiah’ in December - amazing! 2016 ended busily for Hollins Green Cubs with activities including: Cub camp in Dunham with lots of singing and hot dogs; forming a guard of honour at Remembrance Sunday; joining 300 Warrington Cubs for a 2hr run, game of bowls and renewal of their Promise on trampolines; and taking part in the Civic Sunday Service. Cubs have also completed lots of activity badges and are looking forward to more challenges in the Spring. Read more of their news on For Cubs, Beavers and Scouts details and contacts see p.10. 5


Every 1st Saturday of each month 10.00 - 12.00

Every 3rd Tuesday of each month 12.00 - 13.30

Soup and Roll Social


Badminton Club

18.30 - 19.30

Adult Tap Dancing Class

Religious Worship

Coffee Morning

10.00 - 11.00


Every 1st Monday of each month 15.30 - 17.30

Messy Church


GLAZEBROOK METHODIST CHURCH Glazebrook Lane, Glazebrook WA3 5AY Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Every 3rd Saturday of each month 10.00 - 12.00

Coffee Morning

Every 2nd Tuesday of each month 19.30 - 21.30

Chapel Crafts

Every last Tuesday of each month 13.30 - 15.30

Every 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month 18.30 09.30 - 11.30

Bikers Church

10.30 - 11.30

Rixton Tots

Religious Worship

Hollins Green Sequence Dancing enjoyed their Christmas Dinner Dance and superb 4 course meal at the Community Hall in December. Entertainment was emotional, as well as enjoyable, as Clare took over keyboard from her sister Ruth who had sadly died aged only 40 in 2016, after many years as regular organist - both accomplished musicians. 6


St. Helen’s Primary School were busy in their final half term of 2016 taking part in the East Warrington multi faith group and sharing some festive cheer! The choir got the chance to perform their growing repertoire of songs as they entertained the Senior Citizens Party at the Black Swan and the Christingle congregation in church. Year 4 presented the Christmas Carol Service and families and senior citizens also enjoyed the Key Stage 1 pupils performance of ‘The Sleepy Shepherd’. Class 2 children received comments on their excellent behaviour whilst enjoying interactive workshops at All Saints Church in Newton-le-Willows. 2017 kicked off to a busy start too with Key Stage 1 children visiting Liverpool Anglican Cathedral in January and the choir taking part in the Civic Sunday Service at St. Helen’s Church in February, followed by an enjoyable breakfast in the Community Hall. Percussion lessons, led by Mrs Lloyd, continue to be popular with Year 3 as are Samba drumming lessons with Year 5 which are taught by Warrington Music Service. Important safety messages have been learnt by Year 5 pupils thanks to Bike Right road safety training lessons and the Cheshire Fire Service presentation, which reminded pupils of what to do in case of a fire in the home. Footballl coaching by the Mancheter United Foundation and rugby coaching by the Warrington Wolves Foundation continue to be popular with the children as have the after school dance classes - see p.10 for details. School are now signed up to Twitter – you can follow them on @sthelensCEPS To find out more about the various school activities visit:

RIXTON METHODIST CHURCH Chapel Lane, Rixton WA3 6HG Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Rixton-with-Glazebrook Pre-school are very proud of their team member Caroline for passing her GCSE Maths exam in January and securing her qualification as a level 3 Early Years Educator.



Every 4th Saturday of each month 10.00 - 12.00

09.30 - 10.30 13.30 - 15.30

Chill & Chat handicraft sessions

Hamilton Davies Trust (HDT) aims to provide continued and enhanced charitable support to Irlam, Cadishead and Rixton-with-Glazebrook. Community groups are encouraged to apply to HDT for help - phone 0161 222 4003 or email To download a grant application form visit Grant applications are considered bi-monthly - the next Trustees meeting will be held 27th April 2017. HDT have supported several community groups with printing for their Winter and Spring fundraising activities and helped to publicise their news and events via the ‘in the know’ and the community website During 2016 HDT held 8 successful talks at Irlam Station on varying topics including ‘The Way We Were–A Trip Down Memory Lane’ which proved very popular, with over 50 people attending. Friends of Irlam Station will be organising further talks for 2017 to be advertised via their website, social media and in the Irlam and Cadishead Times. Anyone with an interesting topic they would like to share can contact Tony on or 0161 222 4003. In January HDT hosted a superb Burns Night celebration at the Black Swan providing an enjoyable evening for many HDT friends from Irlam, Cadishead and Rixton-with-Glazebrook. Guests were treated to music, song and dance from Martin Treacher and daughter Lucy from the Highlands and amusing and interesting tributes to Robbie Burns.

Coffee Morning

09.30 - 10.30

Sunday School (3 - 14yr olds)

Religious Worship

12.00 - 13.00

Sunday Saturday


ST HELEN’S C.E. CHURCH Manchester Road, Hollins Green WA3 6LA Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

15.15 - 18.00 15.15 - 18.00 15.15 - 18.00 15.15 - 18.00

WASPS After School Club

15.15 - 18.00

07.30 - 09.00 07.30 - 09.00 07.30 - 09.00 07.30 - 09.00 07.30 - 09.00

WASPS Breakfast Club

Fusion Dance Class

16.30 - 17.30

09.05 - 15.05 09.05 - 15.05 09.05 - 15.05 09.05 - 15.05

09.05 - 15.05

09.05 - 12.05 09.05 - 12.05 09.05 - 12.05 09.05 - 12.05 09.05 - 12.05

Rixton-with-Glazebrook Pre-school

09.00 - 15.30 09.00 - 15.30

09.00 - 15.30

09.00 - 15.30

09.00 - 15.30

Sunday ST. HELEN’S C.E. AIDED PRIMARY SCHOOL Birch Road, Hollins Green WA3 6JS Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday



Volunteers continue to support the work of HDT in various ways, e.g. gardening, researching, writing, litter picking. Their input greatly adds to the work HDT can achieve in the district. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Tony – details above. iTea & Biscuits courses will continue throughout 2017 benefitting many more learners. These popular sessions support local residents in learning about the wonderful world of online, helping them to improve their IT and digital skills and understanding of social media. The next 8 week course commences Thursday 27th April. To book a place contact David Taylor on 0161 222 4003 or 7

Parish Plan - Action Group Update


The Parish Plan Group welcome back Jill Eaves as Secretary once again having taken over the role from Helen Weight. Jill is no stranger to the group having been Secretary in the earlier years. Our thanks to Helen for her support over the past couple of years.

PCSO Bethan Roberts continues to patrol our village. Joint Police and local ward councillor surgeries provide opportunities for you to discuss any issues or concerns which are affecting you or your community - see diary dates. A monthly news bulletin is produced by Cheshire Constabulary which highlights community engagement and priority action taken in our area - visit then hover over the Warrington area marked on the map and click on Warrington East for information for the Rixton & Woolston area. Residents can also sign up for Cheshire Police Alert, a community messaging system, by visiting for more information and to register. By registering you receive news and appeals, local crime information and crime prevention advice direct as an email, text or voice message. To contact Cheshire Police call 101 - this is a non-emergency police number which should be used to report less urgent crime, for general enquiries or to speak to a local officer. In an emergency dial 999

Look of the Parish Action Group In February 19 volunteers braved the bitter cold weather to collect litter. An astonishing 62 bags were collected as well as old signage and broken car parts. The next litter pick is to be held on Saturday 17th June, meeting at the Black Swan at 10am - see p.17 for details. More hands are needed, so please support this if you can. The group continue to maintain planters and flower beds adding seasonal colour to the Parish and help address dog fouling by providing doggy bags - see p.20 for how to report incidents of dog fouling. Getting Around Action Group Following results of a traffic survey carried out on Glazebrook Lane, 9 new 30mph camera signs have been erected from the A57 traffic lights through the village to Woolden Road. Police are also looking at specific places and times to locate mobile radar cameras along the lane. The Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) on the lane has also been repaired so hopefully with all these anti-speeding actions in place it will be a much safer place for pedestrians as well as drivers. Recreation & Leisure Action Group In January 38 people donned their boots to take part in a 4 mile guided walk around the footpaths and lanes of Rixton-with-Glazebrook. The Group were very pleased with the turnout and the generous number of donated cakes which raised over £70 towards future Parish Plan projects. The route took walkers into Rixton Claypits Nature Reserve a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), where they enjoyed rambling through woodland and beside ponds. Local walking guides called ‘Footpaths Around Rixton’ are free to pick up or download - see p.21 for details. Next meeting - Wednesday 24th May 7.30pm, Rixton Methodist Church Parish Plan Chair - Pete Higson - Parish Plan Secretary - Jill Eaves - 8


Non-emergency calls to Cheshire Police..................................101 Crimestoppers...........................................................0800 555 111 Warrington Borough Council....................................01925 444400 NHS Direct.................................................................................111 Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline.......................08454 04 05 06 Contact Warrington (traffic and road safety issues)...........01925 443322


To find out if there is a current scheme in your area residents can leave a message for the Warrington East PCSOs at Warrington Local Policing Unit (LPU) on 101 with their contact details and name of the road in question or email If you are interested in becoming a Homewatch co-ordinator and would like to chat to someone already in the role, you can contact Karen Armstrong on

GOLDEN GATES HOUSING - Neighbourhood Housing Officer Deal with estate and tenancy management, anti social behaviour and the reporting of hate crime. For any related enquiries or to report repairs call 0800 252627 Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm or email 25

WARRINGTON BOROUGH COUNCILLORS (WBC) updates “Throughout the Autumn/Winter months many of the Parish road grids and gullies became blocked causing flooding. Problem areas were identified and a list sent to the Council officer, which we are advised have now been cleared. The frequency for clearing gullies is A roads twice per year, B roads once per year and road gullies on C and Unclassified roads once every 3 years. The new LED street lights have now been installed throughout the Parish. Some concerns have been raised that following this there are dark spots on certain roads. We have requested for some additional lights, but at the moment funding is restrictive. However, we have asked where possible if street lights could be adjusted so as to give out maximum illumination. Any real problem areas can be reported to the Council giving the number on the street light and name of the road its on. If a lighting column has no number printed on it, then the number of the house adjacent to it will do.” Tony McCarthy You can also report, view or discuss local problems at Tony McCarthy 01925 251221 Andrew Hill 01925 419481 Pat Wright 01925 823165 Residents’ Surgeries are held to enable residents another opportunity to go along to discuss any council related or policing issues. 2017 Surgery dates - all Saturdays 10.30am - 11am for your diaries: 11th March / 20th May / 15th July / 16th Sept / 18th Nov Held at St. Helen’s Church House, Manchester Road, Hollins Green. EAST WARRINGTON AREA MANAGER - Ruth Whitworth “The East Neighbourhoods team are hosting a fun Spring Tea Dance on 30th March - see p.14 for details. We are also planning to run a 4 week course at Woolston Hub starting 5th April called ‘Ageing Well Feeling Great’ for the over 50s. This will include a dementia friends information session, introduction to digital technology, introduction to exercise and more. For further details contact Ruth on 01925 241360 or email The next community meeting is on 29th March - see p.14 for details. 24


Time to get involved? The following would welcome your help. Hollins Green Community Shop is a not for profit shop managed by a small team of staff and supported by several local volunteers. This important village amenity needs continuous community support in order to succeed. It is never too late to offer your services - simply contact shop manager Julie Atkinson on 0161 775 7022 or email or pop into the shop, 533 Manchester Road, WA3 6JU for a chat or to pick up a volunteer form. Friends of Hollinfare Cemetery aim to make the cemetery a place in the community that we are all proud of. Volunteers are most welcome. All equipment is supplied - simply turn up on any of the action days between 10am - 1pm (see p.14 -17 for dates) or contact Pete Higson on 0161 775 2802 or email The Friends also offer a Grave Tending Scheme for relatives of the bereaved who are unable to tend their loved ones graves. For more information contact Sheila Breese on 0161 775 5640. Glazebrook Residents’ Action Group take up causes to promote the interests of Glazebrook and the village environment and host community events on Glazebrook Village Green. To find out more contact David Richardson on 0161 777 6843. The Rotary Club of Irlam welcome support from volunteers and applications for support from local community groups - visit To apply contact Tony Beckett, 16 Oban Grove, Fearnhead, Warrington WA2 OTG, phone 07932 343438 or email To join the Club contact Jane Williams via email at Camsley Grange Riding for the Disabled, affiliated to the RDA, provide 2 riding sessions on a Monday and Wednesday evenings at Church Farm, off Glazebrook Lane, 6.30pm - 7.45pm for 4yr olds plus. The group are keen to hear from anyone willing to volunteer their help. If interested please contact Denise Shaw on 01925 827335 or visit 9

YOUTH GROUP ACTIVITIES The following Scout Groups are all open to both boys and girls: Beavers for 6 - 8 year olds is on Tuesday evenings 6.30pm - 7.30pm. For enquiries about a place contact Ian Austin on 07926 255263. Cubs for 8 -10 year olds is on Thursday evenings from 6.30pm - 8pm. Contact James Taylor on 07793 002025 for more information. Scouts for 10 - 14 year olds is on Friday evenings from 7pm - 8.45pm. Contact Sam Barker on 07427 448026 for more information. Scout Group Leader James Taylor can be contacted on 07793 002025. Rixton Tots parent and toddler group for 0 - 3yr olds, meet every Wednesday 9.30am -11.30am (term time) at Rixton Methodist Church. A chance to meet other families in a happy, safe environment and join in crafts, songs and rhymes. Cost £2 for 1st child and £1 for each additional child, drinks and snacks provided. Contact Linda Ogden on 0161 775 2340. Rixton-with-Glazebrook Pre-school have places available for children from 2 - 5yrs. The 3 hour morning sessions run from 9.05am - 12.05pm and full day care from 9.05am - 3.05pm Monday to Friday during term time at St. Helen’s C of E Primary School, Birch Road, Hollins Green. To book a place or to find out more about what Pre-school can offer contact Elizabeth Patten on 07815 561372 or or visit the Pre-school’s page on WASPS Breakfast Club offers weekday places for children aged 3-14yrs from St. Helen’s School, during term time. Costs are £5.50 from 7.30am - 9am or £5 from 8am - 9am. The After School Club sessions operate from 3.15pm - 6pm. Costs are £8.20 from 3.15pm 4.30pm or £10.20 from 3.15pm - 6pm. Activities include arts and crafts, outdoor play, role play, construction, baking, board games, playstation, painting, drawing and modelling. Also on offer is a comfy zone, book area and homework area. Contact Karen Ward on 07712 657351. Fusion Dance Classes, run by Warrington Wolves Foundation, for boys and girls 10yrs plus are on Wednesdays 4.30pm - 5.30pm at St. Helen’s School, Hollins Green. £3 per class (open to non pupils). Messy Church is at Rixton Methodist Church for children 0-11yrs and their families - see p.13 for details and contact. 10

PARISH COUNCIL INFORMATION / PUBLIC SERVICES Parish Councillor’s contact details (all residing in Warrington) Chair Cllr. D. Trenbath 14 Chapel Lane, Rixton 0161 776 1486 / 07921 103452

Vice Chair Cllr. E. Clarke 8 Briar Avenue, Hollins Green 0161 775 7838

Cllr. D. McLachlan 12 Birch Road, Hollins Green 0161 775 2186

Cllr. Bob Andrews 71 Glazebrook Lane, Glazebrook 0161 775 2218

Cllr. Tracy Wilson Cllr. Maureen Banner 7 Briar Avenue, Hollins Green 13 Margaret Avenue, Woolston 0161 777 9901 Cllr. Andrew Hill 01925 419481 Tweet: @andrewhill1993 RESIDENTS SURGERIES A Parish Councillor attends the Residents’ Surgeries, alongside the Borough Councillors and police officer providing an opportunity for you to chat with a Parish Councillor face to face about any Parish related issues you wish to share. See p.24 for venue, dates, times of surgeries. LIBRARIES Library Book Exchange Community Shop, WA3 6JU 0161 775 7022 For opening times of libraries in the surrounding area contact: Cadishead Library, Liverpool Rd, M44 5AN 0161 775 3457 Culcheth Library, Warrington Rd, WA3 5SL 01925 763293 Irlam Library, Liverpool Rd, M44 6FD 0161 775 3566 Woolston Library, Neighbourhood Hub WA1 4PN 01925 813939 FLY TIPPING Fly tipping can be reported to Warrington Borough Council via the customer contact centre on 01925 443322 or by emailing: 23

RIXTON-WITH-GLAZEBROOK PARISH COUNCIL (PC) Message from Chair Dave Trenbath “At the end of January, we held our Civic Sunday which was attended by the deputy Mayor Les Morgan and his wife along with dignitaries from our neighbouring Parishes, Borough Councillors and local community guests. This year’s theme was the acknowledgement of those people who regularly volunteer for activities within our community. May I again say a big thank you from the Parish Council (PC) - without your dedication and involvement our community would not be such a pleasant place to live. Unfortunately, fly tipping continues to be a big problem. If you witness or are aware of any tipping please contact Warrington Borough Council (WBC) on 01925 443322. Flooding of drains following heavy rain on our local road network is a major problem. The PC, with support from the Borough Councillors, have been successful in getting the commitment from WBC to unblock drains and gullies - we hope this will solve the potential for localised flooding. Every year I look forward to the spectacular show of daffodils and tulips planted around the Parish by volunteers and WBC. Last year the Spring show was spectacular and I am sure this year will be just as good. Thanking you all once again.” Your PC are still looking for volunteers to help manage Glamis Wood, the piece of wooded land at the entrance to our Parish that most visitors see first. If interested in lending a hand please contact Cllr David Trenbath see p. 23 for contact details. PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS The Parish Council meeting is a meeting in public for residents to attend as observers. Parish Councillors acting on your behalf meet on the 3rd Thursday of every month (except August) from 7.45pm at the Community Hall, Hollins Green - see diary for monthly dates. Questions for discussion should be put in writing to the Parish Clerk at least 7 days prior to the meeting at which the letter will be discussed. Parish Clerk - Marilyn Lowe , 5 Hartley Close, Lymm, Cheshire, WA13 0JJ You can now email your question(s) or read minutes of meetings on the Parish Council website: 22

SPORTS CLUBS Karate class for adults and children from age 6 at The Community Hall, Tuesdays 5.45pm - 6.45pm. The class develops respect, discipline, confidence, hard work, goal setting and self-defence. Lessons are taught by level 3 and level 4 dan instructors. No special clothes are required to start with. First lesson free - then £5 per lesson. Anyone interested can simply turn up or contact Lynn on 0161 775 0737 or Sarah on 07788 660055 or visit Glazebrook Badminton Club, previously held at Glazebrook Methodist Church is not currently running due to lack of players. However Church would still like to hear from anyone who may be interested in playing - contact Albert Phoenix on 0161 775 5600. Hollins Green Indoor Bowling encourages all ages, 12 years and over, to join them at the Community Hall. Bowling takes place on Monday afternoon 2pm - 4.30pm, Wednesday evening 7.30pm - 10pm and Thursday 8pm - 10.30pm throughout the year. Places available in all sessions. Simply turn up with a change of soft footwear 10 minutes before the start time or contact Harold Bate on 07763 420035 (under 18’s must be accompanied by an adult).

Rixton Tennis Club, Chapel Lane, Rixton, WA3 6HG is open from April - September all day except Tuesday and Thursday evenings on match nights. Facilities include 3 shale courts and a club house. Courts are open every day during daylight hours, weather permitting. Social tennis takes place on Sunday afternoons from 1pm and coaching can be made available. Membership is open to all ages. Fees per season are; adults - £55; students aged 16yrs plus and in full time education - £25; juniors aged 10 -15yrs - £15 and under 10yrs free. Players are welcome for the 2017 season - ladies, gents and mixed double matches. For enquiries contact Brenda Jeffrey on 01925 813298 or email For information on adult and youth sports and leisure activities and swimming in the neighbouring local areas visit: for links or contact: Woolston Neighbourhood Hub 01925 813939 Irlam and Cadishead Leisure Centre 0161 775 4134 11

GROUP SOCIAL ACTIVITIES ZStyle Exercise Class - a dance style exercise class using music from around the world. Held at the Scout Centre on Monday evenings 7pm - 7.45pm, sessions cost £4 each. Beginners welcome - contact Michele on 07525 456291. Adult Tap Class held at Glazebrook Methodist Church on Tuesday evenings 6.30pm - 7.30pm - beginners welcome. Tots, teens and young adult classes are also available at the Community Hall - for information on places available and times contact Liz Rainford on 07723 093920. If you enjoy meeting people and a game of dominoes then go along to Rixton-with-Glazebrook Thursday Club on Thursdays 2pm - 4pm in the Community Hall, Hollins Green. Tea and biscuits provided. If interested simply turn up at 2pm and enjoy the afternoon, or contact Gladys Young on 0161 776 1639. Fancy trying your hand at modern ballroom, sequence, old time or line dancing - then why not go along on Tuesday evenings 7.30pm to Hollins Green Sequence Dancing class at the Community Hall. No joining or membership fees, simply turn up and pay on the night, everyone made welcome. To find out more contact Doreen on 0161 775 7248. A Social Dance is held monthly every 3rd Saturday from 8.00pm -11.00pm and there is an annual Dinner Dance trip. Hollins Green Art Class continues to produce some fantastic original artwork. Classes run from September - mid June on Thursdays 1.30pm - 3.30pm at the Community Hall. Contact Rachelle on 0161 775 0524 to find out more about the class or to book a place.


The Claypits is a Site of Special Scientific Interest, designated a Local Nature Reserve in 1996. The new waymarked trails, of differing lengths, are up and running and all start from the Visitor Centre. Information leaflets are freely available to pick up from the Visitor Centre, Black Swan, Ye Olde Red Lion, Glazebrook Post Office, Hollins Green Village Shop and local churches. Information on what’s on in Warrington’s Parks and Green Spaces is available by visiting: (link - Parks) Groups wishing to visit the Claypits or utilise the Visitor Centre can contact the Ranger on 0161 777 9726 or email: The Rangers ask that visitors with dogs enjoy the Claypits, but please keep their pets on the lead at all times so as to encourage wildlife to the area.


Walking The area has several footpaths some of which can be enjoyed by following a series of local walks ‘Footpaths around Rixton’ - see p.19. Fishing in Rixton-with-Glazebrook

‘Chill and Chat’ social handicraft sessions (male / female adults). Hosted by the Friends of St. Helen’s Church every Tuesday 1.30pm - 3.30pm at St. Helen’s Church House. No need to book, simply go along with your handicraft - cost £1 includes tea/coffee. Contact Joan - 0161 775 4925. ................................................................................................. Digital Information Board (DIB)

Blundells Fishery - Prospect Lane (off Moss Side Lane) Day tickets available, 6 well stocked waters. Key species - Carp, Tench, Roach. Contact John Blundell 0161 775 2124 Strictly Members Only:Rixton Claypits - Key species - Carp, Tench, Bream, Roach and Perch. Contact Warrington Anglers Association, Frank Lythgoe 01928 716238 River Mersey, Moss Farm off A57 near M6 - Two stretches Prince Albert Angling Society - Cheshire Cheese Angling Club - contact Cheshire Cheese Public House, Latchford. Key species - Barbel, Chub, Bream, Roach, Tench.

Voluntary/community groups can advertise their events/activities FREE on the DIB near Tesco lights. To register and submit a message visit: 12

Please remember - when fishing you must have a current Environment Agency Rod Licence. You can buy a licence at any Post Office or on line at 21

PET OWNERS All Creatures Veterinary Centre, Glazebrook Lane WA3 5BL is open 8.30am - 7pm Monday to Friday and 8.30am - 12.30pm Saturday apart from Bank Holidays. Behaviour clinics are run daily to help owners understand their pet’s problems. Same day appointments are often available, emergency cases will be seen as they arise. For veterinary details phone 0161 777 8484 or you can now register your pet on line by visiting Facebook on All Creatures Vets / Follow on Twitter@newts_adventures Rixton Dog School is a purposely adapted indoor and outdoor training and behaviour centre at The Oaks, Brook Lane, Rixton, WA3 6DS. For information, advice or to book a place contact Debra Adderley on 07815 855016 or email For latest events visit: or their Facebook page.

DOG FOULING Thank you to all responsible dog owners who pick up their dog litter. Unfortunately dog fouling continues to be an issue in the area. The Look of the Parish action group have placed stickers on bins to remind dog walkers that bagged pet’s waste can be disposed of in any council litter bin. Dog bag dispensers have been sited on the greens, which hopefully will assist dog walkers in disposing of dog poop. If witnessing dog fouling, residents are urged to contact 01925 443322 or email: - all calls are treated confidentially. Lines open Mon - Fri 8am - 6pm and Sat 9am - 1pm. By supplying the following information you can help Warrington Borough Council contact irresponsible dog owners:• Where does the dog foul • Description of dog • Description of dog walker • Distinctive features of dog walker (e.g. always wears a red coat)

HORSE RIDING Camsley Grange Riding for the Disabled, affiliated to the RDA, provide pony care sessions and rides for 4yr olds plus. For more information and contact details see p.9. 20

MONTHLY GROUP SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Doreen’s Social Dance is held at the Community Hall, Manchester Road, Hollins Green every 3rd Saturday 8pm - 11pm (except July and August). Just go along, no joining fee, simply ‘pay as you go’. Contact Doreen on 0161 775 7248 for more details. Glazebrook Women’s Institute encourage any local ladies interested in joining them to please contact Judith Barnard on 0161 775 9934 or If the group is full at the time of calling you will be placed on a waiting list. Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month 2pm - 4.30pm in the Community Hall. Non members are welcome to the craft sessions held on the last Wednesday of each month 2pm - 4pm (except July, August and December) at the Community Hall, Hollins Green. £2 admission - simply go along and make some new acquaintances or phone Judith for more details. Coffee Mornings held regularly each month10am - 12noon at: 1st Saturday Glazebrook Methodist Church 2nd Saturday - Wesley Methodist Church 3rd Saturday - Rixton Methodist Church 4th Saturday - St. Helen’s C.E. Church Pop in and enjoy some home-made cakes, a chat and maybe a bargain at the occasional ‘good as new’ stalls. Everyone welcome. Messy Church every 1st Monday, Rixton Methodist Church, Chapel Lane, Rixton 3.30pm - 5.30pm for children (0-11yrs) and their families. A time of fun, crafts, stories and songs followed by a meal - donations accepted towards the cost of the food. Arrive anytime. For more information contact Linda on 0161 775 2340. Chapel Crafts card making workshops every 2nd Tuesday 7.30pm - 9.30pm at Rixton Methodist Church, Chapel Lane, Rixton. £2.50 per session - materials provided for making 2 cards per session, but bring basic crafting tools i.e. scissors etc. Beginners welcome - simply turn up or contact Margery on 0161 775 4372. The group also hold a more informal gathering on the last Tuesday of each month from 1.30pm - 3.30pm at the same venue. Soup and Roll Social every 3rd Tuesday of the month 12noon -1.30pm at Glazebrook Methodist Church - costs £3 - everyone welcome. 13







































For regular group social activities see p.10-13 St. Helen’s School / Pre-school / WASPS and Scout groups are open throughout Mothering Sunday - Sun 26th Clocks go forward - Sun 26th

Monday 6th 7.30 Community Hall AGM, at the hall, WA3 6JZ - all welcome. Saturday 11th 10.30am - 11am Residents’ surgery with your WBC Councillors, Parish Councillor and local PCSO at St. Helen’s Church House - see p.23 for details. Saturday 11th 7.30pm ‘Dancing through the Decades’ evening with DJ Simon Roscoe, Irlam Catholic Club, Liverpool Road, M44 5BE. Tickets £10 (over 18s only) available in Pre-school - see Gemma or phone 07815 561372 email or Facebook. Payment required up front to reserve tickets - proceeds towards a much needed extension to provide even more places for children to enjoy Pre-school in the Parish. Thursday 16th 7.45pm Parish Council Meeting, Community Hall, Hollins Green - see p. 22. Saturday 25th 10am - 1pm Friends of Hollinfare Cemetery action day - volunteers welcome - see p.9. Wednesday 29th 10am - 11am WBC East Neighbourhoods community meeting, Woolston Hub, WA1 4PN. If you want to take a more active part in your community why not pop along or for more information contact 01925 241360. Thursday 30th 11am - 1pm WBC East Neighbourhoods team are hosting a Spring Tea Dance at Padgate Community Centre, WA2 0QS. Admission £2 includes tea, coffee and light lunch - open to all ages - for details contact 01925 241360. ................................................................................................. Rixton Dog School have wanderer days planned for the Easter Holidays - to find out more information see contact details on p.20. 14

GETTING AROUND By Bus Rural Rider local bus service runs all year apart from Bank Holidays. For information about the service contact James or Shirley Tormey on 01925 450687 or 07702 006000 or email A timetable can be downloaded from The No.100 Bus serving Warrington to Manchester stops in Hollins Green. Visit the online timetable on or phone Traveline on 0871 200 2233 for further information.or check (Transport for Greater Manchester). First Manchester Buses operate an half hourly bus service up to 2pm and after 5pm from Hollins Green, stopping at the Trafford Centre en route to Manchester. By Train Trains running through Glazebrook Station, Glazebrook Lane WA3 5BA are managed by Northern Rail. For information on services visit or or phone Enquiries on 08457 484950. The latest timetables are available at Glazebrook Post Office. On Foot Rixton-with-Glazebrook has several footpaths. Five mapped out circular walks entitled ‘Footpaths Around Rixton’ are freely available to pick up from Cadishead and Irlam Libraries, Rixton Claypits, Glazebrook Post Office, The Black Swan Pub, Ye Olde Red Lion or by downloading from The walks, varying in length from 1½ - 4 miles, are all easy walking on level terrain. Rixton Claypits has waymarked trails of differing lengths - see p.21. Polite message to dog walkers - please respect farmers’ land by keeping dogs on a lead at all times when using footpaths crossing fields and by bagging and disposing of dog poop safely - see p.20.


For traffic and general safety issues, for road users of all ages call Contact Warrington (WBC contact centre) on 01925 443322 weekdays 8am - 6pm or email The police are looking for volunteers to be involved with a Community Speed Watch Scheme in our area - if interested contact 19









Hollins Green Community Shop, 533 Manchester Road, Hollins Green WA3 6JU 07.00-19.00


Glazebrook Post Office, 100 Glazebrook Lane, Glazebrook WA3 5BE 07.30-13.00






The Black Swan, Manchester Road, Hollins Green WA3 6LA 12.00-23.30



Food served 12.00 - 21.00 Monday - Saturday and 12.00 - 19.00 Sunday

Ye Olde Red Lion, 516 Manchester Road, Hollins Green WA3 6JT 12.00-24.00


Food served 12.00 - 21.00 Monday - Saturday & 12.00-19.00 Sunday & Bank Hols

LA Cafe, corner of Moat Lane / Manchester Rd 07.30-14.30 breakfast / lunch / light snacks or drinks



Hollybank Caravan Park, Warburton Bridge Rd, Rixton, Warrington WA3 6HU 09.00-18.00

09.00-15.00 11.00-14.00

All Creatures Veterinary Centre, Glazebrook Lane, Warrington WA3 5BL 08.30-19.00



Village Green Barbers, 524 Manchester Rd, Hollins Green WA3 6JT 09.00-17.30


09.00-19.00 09.00-17.30 07.30-14.00


To check opening times during Bank Holidays see p.30/31 for contacts. Glazebrook Post Office offers ‘Click & Go’, an internet collect service as well as a full banking service for all banks and building societies and cash service from 7.30am for Barclays, Halifax, Co-op, Lloyds TSB, Alliance & Leicester, Santander, Yorkshire Bank, HSBC, First Direct and free cash ATM machine. Postmaster Peter also operates the Health Lottery. As well as non-food items essentials and newspapers, he also stocks a range of basic food items and fresh local farm vegetables. LA Cafe is well placed for visiting the Rixton Claypits Nature Reserve and as an alternative starting point to some of the ‘Footpaths around Rixton’ walks. The family friendly eatery offers hot and cold food and drinks - opening times above. Contact Lynn on 07594 954647. 18

M 3




































For regular group social activities see p.10-13 St. Helen’s School / Pre-school / WASPS and Scout groups close Fri 7th and re-open Mon 24th Easter Weekend Fri 14th - Mon 17th

Thursday 20th 7.45pm Parish Council Meeting, Community Hall, Hollins Green - see p. 22. Saturday 22nd 12noon - 2pm Spring Fayre Luncheon, Glazebrook Methodist Church - all welcome. Simply go along to enjoy home-made fayre including meat and potao pie, jacket potatoes, quiche, salads and mouth-watering desserts. Saturday 22nd 4pm - 9pm St George’s Day fundraiser, Scout Centre, hosted by the Carnival Committee. Family fun event including rounders, badminton and a treasure hunt. Refreshments and afternoon tea, will be available to purchase and all monies raised will help to fund the entertainment provided at the Carnival in June (see p.17). Tickets costing £1 per adult and 50p per child will be available soon and details of the event wil be posted on Interested in coming along? Please contact Rebecca Medcalf at or on 07918 054855. Saturday 22nd 6pm Hollins Green Sequence Dancing annual Dinner Dance, Community Hall, WA3 6JZ. Contact Doreen on 0161 775 7248 for more details. Thursday 27th 10am - 12noon and 1pm - 3pm iTea & Biscuits FREE 8 week course commences - see p.7 for details. Friday 28th 7.30pm Talk entitled ‘The History of the Warrington Glass Industry’ by Mike Kenwright, St. Helen’s Church House, WA3 6LA. Admission £2 on the night (members free) or contact Joan on 0161 775 4925. Saturday 29th 10am - 1pm Friends of Hollinfare Cemetery action day - volunteers welcome - see p.9.







































For regular group social activities see p.10-13 St. Helen’s School / Pre-school / WASPS and Scout groups close Thurs 25th May Day - Mon 1st Spring Bank Holiday - Mon 29th

Tuesday 16th 12 noon - 1.30pm Soup and Roll Social, Glazebrook Methodist Church, WA3 5AY. An opportunity to enjoy lunch and a chat, cost £3 - no need to book, simply turn up or you can contact Brenda Jeffrey on 01925 813298. This social is held every 3rd Tuesday of each month - all welcome. Thursday 18th 7.45pm Parish Council Meeting, the Community Hall, Hollins Green - see p.22. Saturday 20th 10.30am - 11am Residents’ surgery with your WBC Councillors, Parish Councillor and local PCSO at St. Helen’s Church House - see p.23 for details. Wednesday 24th 7.30pm Rixton-with-Glazebrook Parish Plan meeting, Rixton Methodist Church, WA3 6HG. Open to all residents - everyone most welcome. Saturday 27th 10am - 1pm Friends of Hollinfare Cemetery action day - volunteers most welcome. Tools, gloves and equipment provided - for more details - see p.9. ................................................................................................. Community First Responders continue to provide support to the North West Ambulance Service responding to 999 calls, as well as delivering FREE British Heart Foundation Heartstart courses in the community. If any community groups are interested in hosting a course for their members or individuals are wishing to find out more about becoming a responder please contact: Keith Hanson on 0161 776 2371 or ................................................................................................ To keep up to date with local events and activities please make sure you regularly check post office windows, community notice boards and posters around the Parish, or visit:








For regular group social activities see p.10-13





St. Helen’s School / Pre-school / WASPS and Scout groups re-open Mon 5th



























Fathers Day - Sun 18th Carnival time!

Saturday 3rd 10am - 4pm Garden Safari - a lovely community event. Programmes £7 include free entrance to 10 local gardens and art exhibition and an opportunity to purchase plants and enjoy home-made cake, light lunch and afternoon tea. Programmes on sale in May from local facilities, Hamilton Davies Trust M44 5BG or by contacting Mandy on 07767 075211 or Thursday 15th 7.45pm Parish Council Meeting, The Community Hall, Hollins Green - see p.22 Friday 16th 7.30pm Talk entitled ‘Culcheth Workhouse and Pauper Apprentices’ by Zoe Chaddock, St. Helen’s Church House, WA3 6LA. Admission £2 on the night (members free) or contact Joan on 0161 775 4925. Saturday 17th 10am Parish Plan Litter Pick - volunteers required. Meet at the Black Swan car park. Grabbers, hi vis and bags provided, bring your own gloves. Free tea and coffee after the pick, courtesy of The Black Swan. Saturday 24th 10am - 1pm Friends of Hollinfare Cemetery action day - volunteers welcome. Tools, gloves and equipment provided - for more details - see p.9. Saturday 24th 11am - 4pm Rixton-with-Glazebrook Carnival - Hollinfare Village Green, Hollins Green. An exciting and fun family day out including a dog show, games, competitions, activities, refreshments, stalls, live music, dance and much, much more. Many local community groups and businesses will be hosting stalls and activities - an ideal opportunity to find out more about what your community has to offer! For further details or to book a stall see p. 3 for contact details. 17







































For regular group social activities see p.10-13 St. Helen’s School / Pre-school / WASPS and Scout groups close Thurs 25th May Day - Mon 1st Spring Bank Holiday - Mon 29th

Tuesday 16th 12 noon - 1.30pm Soup and Roll Social, Glazebrook Methodist Church, WA3 5AY. An opportunity to enjoy lunch and a chat, cost £3 - no need to book, simply turn up or you can contact Brenda Jeffrey on 01925 813298. This social is held every 3rd Tuesday of each month - all welcome. Thursday 18th 7.45pm Parish Council Meeting, the Community Hall, Hollins Green - see p.22. Saturday 20th 10.30am - 11am Residents’ surgery with your WBC Councillors, Parish Councillor and local PCSO at St. Helen’s Church House - see p.23 for details. Wednesday 24th 7.30pm Rixton-with-Glazebrook Parish Plan meeting, Rixton Methodist Church, WA3 6HG. Open to all residents - everyone most welcome. Saturday 27th 10am - 1pm Friends of Hollinfare Cemetery action day - volunteers most welcome. Tools, gloves and equipment provided - for more details - see p.9. ................................................................................................. Community First Responders continue to provide support to the North West Ambulance Service responding to 999 calls, as well as delivering FREE British Heart Foundation Heartstart courses in the community. If any community groups are interested in hosting a course for their members or individuals are wishing to find out more about becoming a responder please contact: Keith Hanson on 0161 776 2371 or ................................................................................................ To keep up to date with local events and activities please make sure you regularly check post office windows, community notice boards and posters around the Parish, or visit:








For regular group social activities see p.10-13





St. Helen’s School / Pre-school / WASPS and Scout groups re-open Mon 5th



























Fathers Day - Sun 18th Carnival time!

Saturday 3rd 10am - 4pm Garden Safari - a lovely community event. Programmes £7 include free entrance to 10 local gardens and art exhibition and an opportunity to purchase plants and enjoy home-made cake, light lunch and afternoon tea. Programmes on sale in May from local facilities, Hamilton Davies Trust M44 5BG or by contacting Mandy on 07767 075211 or Thursday 15th 7.45pm Parish Council Meeting, The Community Hall, Hollins Green - see p.22 Friday 16th 7.30pm Talk entitled ‘Culcheth Workhouse and Pauper Apprentices’ by Zoe Chaddock, St. Helen’s Church House, WA3 6LA. Admission £2 on the night (members free) or contact Joan on 0161 775 4925. Saturday 17th 10am Parish Plan Litter Pick - volunteers required. Meet at the Black Swan car park. Grabbers, hi vis and bags provided, bring your own gloves. Free tea and coffee after the pick, courtesy of The Black Swan. Saturday 24th 10am - 1pm Friends of Hollinfare Cemetery action day - volunteers welcome. Tools, gloves and equipment provided - for more details - see p.9. Saturday 24th 11am - 4pm Rixton-with-Glazebrook Carnival - Hollinfare Village Green, Hollins Green. An exciting and fun family day out including a dog show, games, competitions, activities, refreshments, stalls, live music, dance and much, much more. Many local community groups and businesses will be hosting stalls and activities - an ideal opportunity to find out more about what your community has to offer! For further details or to book a stall see p. 3 for contact details. 17









Hollins Green Community Shop, 533 Manchester Road, Hollins Green WA3 6JU 07.00-19.00


Glazebrook Post Office, 100 Glazebrook Lane, Glazebrook WA3 5BE 07.30-13.00






The Black Swan, Manchester Road, Hollins Green WA3 6LA 12.00-23.30



Food served 12.00 - 21.00 Monday - Saturday and 12.00 - 19.00 Sunday

Ye Olde Red Lion, 516 Manchester Road, Hollins Green WA3 6JT 12.00-24.00


Food served 12.00 - 21.00 Monday - Saturday & 12.00-19.00 Sunday & Bank Hols

LA Cafe, corner of Moat Lane / Manchester Rd 07.30-14.30 breakfast / lunch / light snacks or drinks



Hollybank Caravan Park, Warburton Bridge Rd, Rixton, Warrington WA3 6HU 09.00-18.00

09.00-15.00 11.00-14.00

All Creatures Veterinary Centre, Glazebrook Lane, Warrington WA3 5BL 08.30-19.00



Village Green Barbers, 524 Manchester Rd, Hollins Green WA3 6JT 09.00-17.30


09.00-19.00 09.00-17.30 07.30-14.00


To check opening times during Bank Holidays see p.30/31 for contacts. Glazebrook Post Office offers ‘Click & Go’, an internet collect service as well as a full banking service for all banks and building societies and cash service from 7.30am for Barclays, Halifax, Co-op, Lloyds TSB, Alliance & Leicester, Santander, Yorkshire Bank, HSBC, First Direct and free cash ATM machine. Postmaster Peter also operates the Health Lottery. As well as non-food items essentials and newspapers, he also stocks a range of basic food items and fresh local farm vegetables. LA Cafe is well placed for visiting the Rixton Claypits Nature Reserve and as an alternative starting point to some of the ‘Footpaths around Rixton’ walks. The family friendly eatery offers hot and cold food and drinks - opening times above. Contact Lynn on 07594 954647. 18

M 3




































For regular group social activities see p.10-13 St. Helen’s School / Pre-school / WASPS and Scout groups close Fri 7th and re-open Mon 24th Easter Weekend Fri 14th - Mon 17th

Thursday 20th 7.45pm Parish Council Meeting, Community Hall, Hollins Green - see p. 22. Saturday 22nd 12noon - 2pm Spring Fayre Luncheon, Glazebrook Methodist Church - all welcome. Simply go along to enjoy home-made fayre including meat and potao pie, jacket potatoes, quiche, salads and mouth-watering desserts. Saturday 22nd 4pm - 9pm St George’s Day fundraiser, Scout Centre, hosted by the Carnival Committee. Family fun event including rounders, badminton and a treasure hunt. Refreshments and afternoon tea, will be available to purchase and all monies raised will help to fund the entertainment provided at the Carnival in June (see p.17). Tickets costing £1 per adult and 50p per child will be available soon and details of the event wil be posted on Interested in coming along? Please contact Rebecca Medcalf at or on 07918 054855. Saturday 22nd 6pm Hollins Green Sequence Dancing annual Dinner Dance, Community Hall, WA3 6JZ. Contact Doreen on 0161 775 7248 for more details. Thursday 27th 10am - 12noon and 1pm - 3pm iTea & Biscuits FREE 8 week course commences - see p.7 for details. Friday 28th 7.30pm Talk entitled ‘The History of the Warrington Glass Industry’ by Mike Kenwright, St. Helen’s Church House, WA3 6LA. Admission £2 on the night (members free) or contact Joan on 0161 775 4925. Saturday 29th 10am - 1pm Friends of Hollinfare Cemetery action day - volunteers welcome - see p.9.







































For regular group social activities see p.10-13 St. Helen’s School / Pre-school / WASPS and Scout groups are open throughout Mothering Sunday - Sun 26th Clocks go forward - Sun 26th

Monday 6th 7.30 Community Hall AGM, at the hall, WA3 6JZ - all welcome. Saturday 11th 10.30am - 11am Residents’ surgery with your WBC Councillors, Parish Councillor and local PCSO at St. Helen’s Church House - see p.23 for details. Saturday 11th 7.30pm ‘Dancing through the Decades’ evening with DJ Simon Roscoe, Irlam Catholic Club, Liverpool Road, M44 5BE. Tickets £10 (over 18s only) available in Pre-school - see Gemma or phone 07815 561372 email or Facebook. Payment required up front to reserve tickets - proceeds towards a much needed extension to provide even more places for children to enjoy Pre-school in the Parish. Thursday 16th 7.45pm Parish Council Meeting, Community Hall, Hollins Green - see p. 22. Saturday 25th 10am - 1pm Friends of Hollinfare Cemetery action day - volunteers welcome - see p.9. Wednesday 29th 10am - 11am WBC East Neighbourhoods community meeting, Woolston Hub, WA1 4PN. If you want to take a more active part in your community why not pop along or for more information contact 01925 241360. Thursday 30th 11am - 1pm WBC East Neighbourhoods team are hosting a Spring Tea Dance at Padgate Community Centre, WA2 0QS. Admission £2 includes tea, coffee and light lunch - open to all ages - for details contact 01925 241360. ................................................................................................. Rixton Dog School have wanderer days planned for the Easter Holidays - to find out more information see contact details on p.20. 14

GETTING AROUND By Bus Rural Rider local bus service runs all year apart from Bank Holidays. For information about the service contact James or Shirley Tormey on 01925 450687 or 07702 006000 or email A timetable can be downloaded from The No.100 Bus serving Warrington to Manchester stops in Hollins Green. Visit the online timetable on or phone Traveline on 0871 200 2233 for further information.or check (Transport for Greater Manchester). First Manchester Buses operate an half hourly bus service up to 2pm and after 5pm from Hollins Green, stopping at the Trafford Centre en route to Manchester. By Train Trains running through Glazebrook Station, Glazebrook Lane WA3 5BA are managed by Northern Rail. For information on services visit or or phone Enquiries on 08457 484950. The latest timetables are available at Glazebrook Post Office. On Foot Rixton-with-Glazebrook has several footpaths. Five mapped out circular walks entitled ‘Footpaths Around Rixton’ are freely available to pick up from Cadishead and Irlam Libraries, Rixton Claypits, Glazebrook Post Office, The Black Swan Pub, Ye Olde Red Lion or by downloading from The walks, varying in length from 1½ - 4 miles, are all easy walking on level terrain. Rixton Claypits has waymarked trails of differing lengths - see p.21. Polite message to dog walkers - please respect farmers’ land by keeping dogs on a lead at all times when using footpaths crossing fields and by bagging and disposing of dog poop safely - see p.20.


For traffic and general safety issues, for road users of all ages call Contact Warrington (WBC contact centre) on 01925 443322 weekdays 8am - 6pm or email The police are looking for volunteers to be involved with a Community Speed Watch Scheme in our area - if interested contact 19

PET OWNERS All Creatures Veterinary Centre, Glazebrook Lane WA3 5BL is open 8.30am - 7pm Monday to Friday and 8.30am - 12.30pm Saturday apart from Bank Holidays. Behaviour clinics are run daily to help owners understand their pet’s problems. Same day appointments are often available, emergency cases will be seen as they arise. For veterinary details phone 0161 777 8484 or you can now register your pet on line by visiting Facebook on All Creatures Vets / Follow on Twitter@newts_adventures Rixton Dog School is a purposely adapted indoor and outdoor training and behaviour centre at The Oaks, Brook Lane, Rixton, WA3 6DS. For information, advice or to book a place contact Debra Adderley on 07815 855016 or email For latest events visit: or their Facebook page.

DOG FOULING Thank you to all responsible dog owners who pick up their dog litter. Unfortunately dog fouling continues to be an issue in the area. The Look of the Parish action group have placed stickers on bins to remind dog walkers that bagged pet’s waste can be disposed of in any council litter bin. Dog bag dispensers have been sited on the greens, which hopefully will assist dog walkers in disposing of dog poop. If witnessing dog fouling, residents are urged to contact 01925 443322 or email: - all calls are treated confidentially. Lines open Mon - Fri 8am - 6pm and Sat 9am - 1pm. By supplying the following information you can help Warrington Borough Council contact irresponsible dog owners:• Where does the dog foul • Description of dog • Description of dog walker • Distinctive features of dog walker (e.g. always wears a red coat)

HORSE RIDING Camsley Grange Riding for the Disabled, affiliated to the RDA, provide pony care sessions and rides for 4yr olds plus. For more information and contact details see p.9. 20

MONTHLY GROUP SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Doreen’s Social Dance is held at the Community Hall, Manchester Road, Hollins Green every 3rd Saturday 8pm - 11pm (except July and August). Just go along, no joining fee, simply ‘pay as you go’. Contact Doreen on 0161 775 7248 for more details. Glazebrook Women’s Institute encourage any local ladies interested in joining them to please contact Judith Barnard on 0161 775 9934 or If the group is full at the time of calling you will be placed on a waiting list. Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month 2pm - 4.30pm in the Community Hall. Non members are welcome to the craft sessions held on the last Wednesday of each month 2pm - 4pm (except July, August and December) at the Community Hall, Hollins Green. £2 admission - simply go along and make some new acquaintances or phone Judith for more details. Coffee Mornings held regularly each month10am - 12noon at: 1st Saturday Glazebrook Methodist Church 2nd Saturday - Wesley Methodist Church 3rd Saturday - Rixton Methodist Church 4th Saturday - St. Helen’s C.E. Church Pop in and enjoy some home-made cakes, a chat and maybe a bargain at the occasional ‘good as new’ stalls. Everyone welcome. Messy Church every 1st Monday, Rixton Methodist Church, Chapel Lane, Rixton 3.30pm - 5.30pm for children (0-11yrs) and their families. A time of fun, crafts, stories and songs followed by a meal - donations accepted towards the cost of the food. Arrive anytime. For more information contact Linda on 0161 775 2340. Chapel Crafts card making workshops every 2nd Tuesday 7.30pm - 9.30pm at Rixton Methodist Church, Chapel Lane, Rixton. £2.50 per session - materials provided for making 2 cards per session, but bring basic crafting tools i.e. scissors etc. Beginners welcome - simply turn up or contact Margery on 0161 775 4372. The group also hold a more informal gathering on the last Tuesday of each month from 1.30pm - 3.30pm at the same venue. Soup and Roll Social every 3rd Tuesday of the month 12noon -1.30pm at Glazebrook Methodist Church - costs £3 - everyone welcome. 13

GROUP SOCIAL ACTIVITIES ZStyle Exercise Class - a dance style exercise class using music from around the world. Held at the Scout Centre on Monday evenings 7pm - 7.45pm, sessions cost £4 each. Beginners welcome - contact Michele on 07525 456291. Adult Tap Class held at Glazebrook Methodist Church on Tuesday evenings 6.30pm - 7.30pm - beginners welcome. Tots, teens and young adult classes are also available at the Community Hall - for information on places available and times contact Liz Rainford on 07723 093920. If you enjoy meeting people and a game of dominoes then go along to Rixton-with-Glazebrook Thursday Club on Thursdays 2pm - 4pm in the Community Hall, Hollins Green. Tea and biscuits provided. If interested simply turn up at 2pm and enjoy the afternoon, or contact Gladys Young on 0161 776 1639. Fancy trying your hand at modern ballroom, sequence, old time or line dancing - then why not go along on Tuesday evenings 7.30pm to Hollins Green Sequence Dancing class at the Community Hall. No joining or membership fees, simply turn up and pay on the night, everyone made welcome. To find out more contact Doreen on 0161 775 7248. A Social Dance is held monthly every 3rd Saturday from 8.00pm -11.00pm and there is an annual Dinner Dance trip. Hollins Green Art Class continues to produce some fantastic original artwork. Classes run from September - mid June on Thursdays 1.30pm - 3.30pm at the Community Hall. Contact Rachelle on 0161 775 0524 to find out more about the class or to book a place.


The Claypits is a Site of Special Scientific Interest, designated a Local Nature Reserve in 1996. The new waymarked trails, of differing lengths, are up and running and all start from the Visitor Centre. Information leaflets are freely available to pick up from the Visitor Centre, Black Swan, Ye Olde Red Lion, Glazebrook Post Office, Hollins Green Village Shop and local churches. Information on what’s on in Warrington’s Parks and Green Spaces is available by visiting: (link - Parks) Groups wishing to visit the Claypits or utilise the Visitor Centre can contact the Ranger on 0161 777 9726 or email: The Rangers ask that visitors with dogs enjoy the Claypits, but please keep their pets on the lead at all times so as to encourage wildlife to the area.


Walking The area has several footpaths some of which can be enjoyed by following a series of local walks ‘Footpaths around Rixton’ - see p.19. Fishing in Rixton-with-Glazebrook

‘Chill and Chat’ social handicraft sessions (male / female adults). Hosted by the Friends of St. Helen’s Church every Tuesday 1.30pm - 3.30pm at St. Helen’s Church House. No need to book, simply go along with your handicraft - cost £1 includes tea/coffee. Contact Joan - 0161 775 4925. ................................................................................................. Digital Information Board (DIB)

Blundells Fishery - Prospect Lane (off Moss Side Lane) Day tickets available, 6 well stocked waters. Key species - Carp, Tench, Roach. Contact John Blundell 0161 775 2124 Strictly Members Only:Rixton Claypits - Key species - Carp, Tench, Bream, Roach and Perch. Contact Warrington Anglers Association, Frank Lythgoe 01928 716238 River Mersey, Moss Farm off A57 near M6 - Two stretches Prince Albert Angling Society - Cheshire Cheese Angling Club - contact Cheshire Cheese Public House, Latchford. Key species - Barbel, Chub, Bream, Roach, Tench.

Voluntary/community groups can advertise their events/activities FREE on the DIB near Tesco lights. To register and submit a message visit: 12

Please remember - when fishing you must have a current Environment Agency Rod Licence. You can buy a licence at any Post Office or on line at 21

RIXTON-WITH-GLAZEBROOK PARISH COUNCIL (PC) Message from Chair Dave Trenbath “At the end of January, we held our Civic Sunday which was attended by the deputy Mayor Les Morgan and his wife along with dignitaries from our neighbouring Parishes, Borough Councillors and local community guests. This year’s theme was the acknowledgement of those people who regularly volunteer for activities within our community. May I again say a big thank you from the Parish Council (PC) - without your dedication and involvement our community would not be such a pleasant place to live. Unfortunately, fly tipping continues to be a big problem. If you witness or are aware of any tipping please contact Warrington Borough Council (WBC) on 01925 443322. Flooding of drains following heavy rain on our local road network is a major problem. The PC, with support from the Borough Councillors, have been successful in getting the commitment from WBC to unblock drains and gullies - we hope this will solve the potential for localised flooding. Every year I look forward to the spectacular show of daffodils and tulips planted around the Parish by volunteers and WBC. Last year the Spring show was spectacular and I am sure this year will be just as good. Thanking you all once again.” Your PC are still looking for volunteers to help manage Glamis Wood, the piece of wooded land at the entrance to our Parish that most visitors see first. If interested in lending a hand please contact Cllr David Trenbath see p. 23 for contact details. PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS The Parish Council meeting is a meeting in public for residents to attend as observers. Parish Councillors acting on your behalf meet on the 3rd Thursday of every month (except August) from 7.45pm at the Community Hall, Hollins Green - see diary for monthly dates. Questions for discussion should be put in writing to the Parish Clerk at least 7 days prior to the meeting at which the letter will be discussed. Parish Clerk - Marilyn Lowe , 5 Hartley Close, Lymm, Cheshire, WA13 0JJ You can now email your question(s) or read minutes of meetings on the Parish Council website: 22

SPORTS CLUBS Karate class for adults and children from age 6 at The Community Hall, Tuesdays 5.45pm - 6.45pm. The class develops respect, discipline, confidence, hard work, goal setting and self-defence. Lessons are taught by level 3 and level 4 dan instructors. No special clothes are required to start with. First lesson free - then £5 per lesson. Anyone interested can simply turn up or contact Lynn on 0161 775 0737 or Sarah on 07788 660055 or visit Glazebrook Badminton Club, previously held at Glazebrook Methodist Church is not currently running due to lack of players. However Church would still like to hear from anyone who may be interested in playing - contact Albert Phoenix on 0161 775 5600. Hollins Green Indoor Bowling encourages all ages, 12 years and over, to join them at the Community Hall. Bowling takes place on Monday afternoon 2pm - 4.30pm, Wednesday evening 7.30pm - 10pm and Thursday 8pm - 10.30pm throughout the year. Places available in all sessions. Simply turn up with a change of soft footwear 10 minutes before the start time or contact Harold Bate on 07763 420035 (under 18’s must be accompanied by an adult).

Rixton Tennis Club, Chapel Lane, Rixton, WA3 6HG is open from April - September all day except Tuesday and Thursday evenings on match nights. Facilities include 3 shale courts and a club house. Courts are open every day during daylight hours, weather permitting. Social tennis takes place on Sunday afternoons from 1pm and coaching can be made available. Membership is open to all ages. Fees per season are; adults - £55; students aged 16yrs plus and in full time education - £25; juniors aged 10 -15yrs - £15 and under 10yrs free. Players are welcome for the 2017 season - ladies, gents and mixed double matches. For enquiries contact Brenda Jeffrey on 01925 813298 or email For information on adult and youth sports and leisure activities and swimming in the neighbouring local areas visit: for links or contact: Woolston Neighbourhood Hub 01925 813939 Irlam and Cadishead Leisure Centre 0161 775 4134 11

YOUTH GROUP ACTIVITIES The following Scout Groups are all open to both boys and girls: Beavers for 6 - 8 year olds is on Tuesday evenings 6.30pm - 7.30pm. For enquiries about a place contact Ian Austin on 07926 255263. Cubs for 8 -10 year olds is on Thursday evenings from 6.30pm - 8pm. Contact James Taylor on 07793 002025 for more information. Scouts for 10 - 14 year olds is on Friday evenings from 7pm - 8.45pm. Contact Sam Barker on 07427 448026 for more information. Scout Group Leader James Taylor can be contacted on 07793 002025. Rixton Tots parent and toddler group for 0 - 3yr olds, meet every Wednesday 9.30am -11.30am (term time) at Rixton Methodist Church. A chance to meet other families in a happy, safe environment and join in crafts, songs and rhymes. Cost £2 for 1st child and £1 for each additional child, drinks and snacks provided. Contact Linda Ogden on 0161 775 2340. Rixton-with-Glazebrook Pre-school have places available for children from 2 - 5yrs. The 3 hour morning sessions run from 9.05am - 12.05pm and full day care from 9.05am - 3.05pm Monday to Friday during term time at St. Helen’s C of E Primary School, Birch Road, Hollins Green. To book a place or to find out more about what Pre-school can offer contact Elizabeth Patten on 07815 561372 or or visit the Pre-school’s page on WASPS Breakfast Club offers weekday places for children aged 3-14yrs from St. Helen’s School, during term time. Costs are £5.50 from 7.30am - 9am or £5 from 8am - 9am. The After School Club sessions operate from 3.15pm - 6pm. Costs are £8.20 from 3.15pm 4.30pm or £10.20 from 3.15pm - 6pm. Activities include arts and crafts, outdoor play, role play, construction, baking, board games, playstation, painting, drawing and modelling. Also on offer is a comfy zone, book area and homework area. Contact Karen Ward on 07712 657351. Fusion Dance Classes, run by Warrington Wolves Foundation, for boys and girls 10yrs plus are on Wednesdays 4.30pm - 5.30pm at St. Helen’s School, Hollins Green. £3 per class (open to non pupils). Messy Church is at Rixton Methodist Church for children 0-11yrs and their families - see p.13 for details and contact. 10

PARISH COUNCIL INFORMATION / PUBLIC SERVICES Parish Councillor’s contact details (all residing in Warrington) Chair Cllr. D. Trenbath 14 Chapel Lane, Rixton 0161 776 1486 / 07921 103452

Vice Chair Cllr. E. Clarke 8 Briar Avenue, Hollins Green 0161 775 7838

Cllr. D. McLachlan 12 Birch Road, Hollins Green 0161 775 2186

Cllr. Bob Andrews 71 Glazebrook Lane, Glazebrook 0161 775 2218

Cllr. Tracy Wilson Cllr. Maureen Banner 7 Briar Avenue, Hollins Green 13 Margaret Avenue, Woolston 0161 777 9901 Cllr. Andrew Hill 01925 419481 Tweet: @andrewhill1993 RESIDENTS SURGERIES A Parish Councillor attends the Residents’ Surgeries, alongside the Borough Councillors and police officer providing an opportunity for you to chat with a Parish Councillor face to face about any Parish related issues you wish to share. See p.24 for venue, dates, times of surgeries. LIBRARIES Library Book Exchange Community Shop, WA3 6JU 0161 775 7022 For opening times of libraries in the surrounding area contact: Cadishead Library, Liverpool Rd, M44 5AN 0161 775 3457 Culcheth Library, Warrington Rd, WA3 5SL 01925 763293 Irlam Library, Liverpool Rd, M44 6FD 0161 775 3566 Woolston Library, Neighbourhood Hub WA1 4PN 01925 813939 FLY TIPPING Fly tipping can be reported to Warrington Borough Council via the customer contact centre on 01925 443322 or by emailing: 23

WARRINGTON BOROUGH COUNCILLORS (WBC) updates “Throughout the Autumn/Winter months many of the Parish road grids and gullies became blocked causing flooding. Problem areas were identified and a list sent to the Council officer, which we are advised have now been cleared. The frequency for clearing gullies is A roads twice per year, B roads once per year and road gullies on C and Unclassified roads once every 3 years. The new LED street lights have now been installed throughout the Parish. Some concerns have been raised that following this there are dark spots on certain roads. We have requested for some additional lights, but at the moment funding is restrictive. However, we have asked where possible if street lights could be adjusted so as to give out maximum illumination. Any real problem areas can be reported to the Council giving the number on the street light and name of the road its on. If a lighting column has no number printed on it, then the number of the house adjacent to it will do.” Tony McCarthy You can also report, view or discuss local problems at Tony McCarthy 01925 251221 Andrew Hill 01925 419481 Pat Wright 01925 823165 Residents’ Surgeries are held to enable residents another opportunity to go along to discuss any council related or policing issues. 2017 Surgery dates - all Saturdays 10.30am - 11am for your diaries: 11th March / 20th May / 15th July / 16th Sept / 18th Nov Held at St. Helen’s Church House, Manchester Road, Hollins Green. EAST WARRINGTON AREA MANAGER - Ruth Whitworth “The East Neighbourhoods team are hosting a fun Spring Tea Dance on 30th March - see p.14 for details. We are also planning to run a 4 week course at Woolston Hub starting 5th April called ‘Ageing Well Feeling Great’ for the over 50s. This will include a dementia friends information session, introduction to digital technology, introduction to exercise and more. For further details contact Ruth on 01925 241360 or email The next community meeting is on 29th March - see p.14 for details. 24


Time to get involved? The following would welcome your help. Hollins Green Community Shop is a not for profit shop managed by a small team of staff and supported by several local volunteers. This important village amenity needs continuous community support in order to succeed. It is never too late to offer your services - simply contact shop manager Julie Atkinson on 0161 775 7022 or email or pop into the shop, 533 Manchester Road, WA3 6JU for a chat or to pick up a volunteer form. Friends of Hollinfare Cemetery aim to make the cemetery a place in the community that we are all proud of. Volunteers are most welcome. All equipment is supplied - simply turn up on any of the action days between 10am - 1pm (see p.14 -17 for dates) or contact Pete Higson on 0161 775 2802 or email The Friends also offer a Grave Tending Scheme for relatives of the bereaved who are unable to tend their loved ones graves. For more information contact Sheila Breese on 0161 775 5640. Glazebrook Residents’ Action Group take up causes to promote the interests of Glazebrook and the village environment and host community events on Glazebrook Village Green. To find out more contact David Richardson on 0161 777 6843. The Rotary Club of Irlam welcome support from volunteers and applications for support from local community groups - visit To apply contact Tony Beckett, 16 Oban Grove, Fearnhead, Warrington WA2 OTG, phone 07932 343438 or email To join the Club contact Jane Williams via email at Camsley Grange Riding for the Disabled, affiliated to the RDA, provide 2 riding sessions on a Monday and Wednesday evenings at Church Farm, off Glazebrook Lane, 6.30pm - 7.45pm for 4yr olds plus. The group are keen to hear from anyone willing to volunteer their help. If interested please contact Denise Shaw on 01925 827335 or visit 9

Parish Plan - Action Group Update


The Parish Plan Group welcome back Jill Eaves as Secretary once again having taken over the role from Helen Weight. Jill is no stranger to the group having been Secretary in the earlier years. Our thanks to Helen for her support over the past couple of years.

PCSO Bethan Roberts continues to patrol our village. Joint Police and local ward councillor surgeries provide opportunities for you to discuss any issues or concerns which are affecting you or your community - see diary dates. A monthly news bulletin is produced by Cheshire Constabulary which highlights community engagement and priority action taken in our area - visit then hover over the Warrington area marked on the map and click on Warrington East for information for the Rixton & Woolston area. Residents can also sign up for Cheshire Police Alert, a community messaging system, by visiting for more information and to register. By registering you receive news and appeals, local crime information and crime prevention advice direct as an email, text or voice message. To contact Cheshire Police call 101 - this is a non-emergency police number which should be used to report less urgent crime, for general enquiries or to speak to a local officer. In an emergency dial 999

Look of the Parish Action Group In February 19 volunteers braved the bitter cold weather to collect litter. An astonishing 62 bags were collected as well as old signage and broken car parts. The next litter pick is to be held on Saturday 17th June, meeting at the Black Swan at 10am - see p.17 for details. More hands are needed, so please support this if you can. The group continue to maintain planters and flower beds adding seasonal colour to the Parish and help address dog fouling by providing doggy bags - see p.20 for how to report incidents of dog fouling. Getting Around Action Group Following results of a traffic survey carried out on Glazebrook Lane, 9 new 30mph camera signs have been erected from the A57 traffic lights through the village to Woolden Road. Police are also looking at specific places and times to locate mobile radar cameras along the lane. The Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) on the lane has also been repaired so hopefully with all these anti-speeding actions in place it will be a much safer place for pedestrians as well as drivers. Recreation & Leisure Action Group In January 38 people donned their boots to take part in a 4 mile guided walk around the footpaths and lanes of Rixton-with-Glazebrook. The Group were very pleased with the turnout and the generous number of donated cakes which raised over £70 towards future Parish Plan projects. The route took walkers into Rixton Claypits Nature Reserve a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), where they enjoyed rambling through woodland and beside ponds. Local walking guides called ‘Footpaths Around Rixton’ are free to pick up or download - see p.21 for details. Next meeting - Wednesday 24th May 7.30pm, Rixton Methodist Church Parish Plan Chair - Pete Higson - Parish Plan Secretary - Jill Eaves - 8


Non-emergency calls to Cheshire Police..................................101 Crimestoppers...........................................................0800 555 111 Warrington Borough Council....................................01925 444400 NHS Direct.................................................................................111 Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline.......................08454 04 05 06 Contact Warrington (traffic and road safety issues)...........01925 443322


To find out if there is a current scheme in your area residents can leave a message for the Warrington East PCSOs at Warrington Local Policing Unit (LPU) on 101 with their contact details and name of the road in question or email If you are interested in becoming a Homewatch co-ordinator and would like to chat to someone already in the role, you can contact Karen Armstrong on

GOLDEN GATES HOUSING - Neighbourhood Housing Officer Deal with estate and tenancy management, anti social behaviour and the reporting of hate crime. For any related enquiries or to report repairs call 0800 252627 Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm or email 25

Every 4th Saturday of each month 10.00 - 12.00

09.30 - 10.30 13.30 - 15.30

Chill & Chat handicraft sessions

Hamilton Davies Trust (HDT) aims to provide continued and enhanced charitable support to Irlam, Cadishead and Rixton-with-Glazebrook. Community groups are encouraged to apply to HDT for help - phone 0161 222 4003 or email To download a grant application form visit Grant applications are considered bi-monthly - the next Trustees meeting will be held 27th April 2017. HDT have supported several community groups with printing for their Winter and Spring fundraising activities and helped to publicise their news and events via the ‘in the know’ and the community website During 2016 HDT held 8 successful talks at Irlam Station on varying topics including ‘The Way We Were–A Trip Down Memory Lane’ which proved very popular, with over 50 people attending. Friends of Irlam Station will be organising further talks for 2017 to be advertised via their website, social media and in the Irlam and Cadishead Times. Anyone with an interesting topic they would like to share can contact Tony on or 0161 222 4003. In January HDT hosted a superb Burns Night celebration at the Black Swan providing an enjoyable evening for many HDT friends from Irlam, Cadishead and Rixton-with-Glazebrook. Guests were treated to music, song and dance from Martin Treacher and daughter Lucy from the Highlands and amusing and interesting tributes to Robbie Burns.

Coffee Morning

09.30 - 10.30

Sunday School (3 - 14yr olds)

Religious Worship

12.00 - 13.00

Sunday Saturday


ST HELEN’S C.E. CHURCH Manchester Road, Hollins Green WA3 6LA Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

15.15 - 18.00 15.15 - 18.00 15.15 - 18.00 15.15 - 18.00

WASPS After School Club

15.15 - 18.00

07.30 - 09.00 07.30 - 09.00 07.30 - 09.00 07.30 - 09.00 07.30 - 09.00

WASPS Breakfast Club

Fusion Dance Class

16.30 - 17.30

09.05 - 15.05 09.05 - 15.05 09.05 - 15.05 09.05 - 15.05

09.05 - 15.05

09.05 - 12.05 09.05 - 12.05 09.05 - 12.05 09.05 - 12.05 09.05 - 12.05

Rixton-with-Glazebrook Pre-school

09.00 - 15.30 09.00 - 15.30

09.00 - 15.30

09.00 - 15.30

09.00 - 15.30

Sunday ST. HELEN’S C.E. AIDED PRIMARY SCHOOL Birch Road, Hollins Green WA3 6JS Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday



Volunteers continue to support the work of HDT in various ways, e.g. gardening, researching, writing, litter picking. Their input greatly adds to the work HDT can achieve in the district. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Tony – details above. iTea & Biscuits courses will continue throughout 2017 benefitting many more learners. These popular sessions support local residents in learning about the wonderful world of online, helping them to improve their IT and digital skills and understanding of social media. The next 8 week course commences Thursday 27th April. To book a place contact David Taylor on 0161 222 4003 or 7


Every 1st Saturday of each month 10.00 - 12.00

Every 3rd Tuesday of each month 12.00 - 13.30

Soup and Roll Social


Badminton Club

18.30 - 19.30

Adult Tap Dancing Class

Religious Worship

Coffee Morning

10.00 - 11.00


Every 1st Monday of each month 15.30 - 17.30

Messy Church


GLAZEBROOK METHODIST CHURCH Glazebrook Lane, Glazebrook WA3 5AY Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Every 3rd Saturday of each month 10.00 - 12.00

Coffee Morning

Every 2nd Tuesday of each month 19.30 - 21.30

Chapel Crafts

Every last Tuesday of each month 13.30 - 15.30

Every 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month 18.30 09.30 - 11.30

Bikers Church

10.30 - 11.30

Rixton Tots

Religious Worship

Hollins Green Sequence Dancing enjoyed their Christmas Dinner Dance and superb 4 course meal at the Community Hall in December. Entertainment was emotional, as well as enjoyable, as Clare took over keyboard from her sister Ruth who had sadly died aged only 40 in 2016, after many years as regular organist - both accomplished musicians. 6


St. Helen’s Primary School were busy in their final half term of 2016 taking part in the East Warrington multi faith group and sharing some festive cheer! The choir got the chance to perform their growing repertoire of songs as they entertained the Senior Citizens Party at the Black Swan and the Christingle congregation in church. Year 4 presented the Christmas Carol Service and families and senior citizens also enjoyed the Key Stage 1 pupils performance of ‘The Sleepy Shepherd’. Class 2 children received comments on their excellent behaviour whilst enjoying interactive workshops at All Saints Church in Newton-le-Willows. 2017 kicked off to a busy start too with Key Stage 1 children visiting Liverpool Anglican Cathedral in January and the choir taking part in the Civic Sunday Service at St. Helen’s Church in February, followed by an enjoyable breakfast in the Community Hall. Percussion lessons, led by Mrs Lloyd, continue to be popular with Year 3 as are Samba drumming lessons with Year 5 which are taught by Warrington Music Service. Important safety messages have been learnt by Year 5 pupils thanks to Bike Right road safety training lessons and the Cheshire Fire Service presentation, which reminded pupils of what to do in case of a fire in the home. Footballl coaching by the Mancheter United Foundation and rugby coaching by the Warrington Wolves Foundation continue to be popular with the children as have the after school dance classes - see p.10 for details. School are now signed up to Twitter – you can follow them on @sthelensCEPS To find out more about the various school activities visit:

RIXTON METHODIST CHURCH Chapel Lane, Rixton WA3 6HG Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Rixton-with-Glazebrook Pre-school are very proud of their team member Caroline for passing her GCSE Maths exam in January and securing her qualification as a level 3 Early Years Educator.



The Community Hall is available for hire mornings and weekends. The hall can cater for parties from 72 people for sit down meals for up to 160 for buffet functions. Licensed bar and catering facilities are available on request.

Every last Wednesday of each month from 14.00 - 16.00

WI Craft Session

Every 2nd Wednesday of each month from 14.00 - 16.30

Womens Institute

Every 3rd Saturday each month 20.00 - 23.00 (except July and August)

Social Dance

19.30 - 22.00

Every 3rd Thursday of each month 19.45 onwards (except August)

Parish Council

20.00 - 22.30


14.00 - 16.30

Hollins Green Indoor Bowling

14.00 - 16.00

Rixton-with-Glazebrook Thursday Club

19.30 - 22.30

Hollins Green Sequence Dancing

13.30 - 15.30

Hollins Green Art Class

17.45 - 18.45


RIXTON-WITH-GLAZEBROOK COMMUNITY HALL Manchester Road, Hollins Green WA3 6JZ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

ACHIEVEMENTS, HIGHLIGHTS, SUCCESSES Congratulations to our local team from the Hollins Green Indoor Bowling group who have reached the quarter finals of the Cheshire Villages League - we’ll keep our fingers crossed for them! If interested in a spot of indoor bowling then see p.11 for times and contact details. St. Helen’s Church are proud of one of their younger members, Emily Lowndes, who is working as a volunteer with Y Care International in Bangladesh until April. Refurbishments to Church House have been signed off thanks to the kind support and funding from Hamilton Davies Trust, Warrington Community Chest, East Warrington and our Parish Council. Church has also had a new roof over the exterior boiler house and former choir room costing £3,000. Unfortunately this work was required because of leaks created by vandals climbing on the roof and breaking the slates. Re-decorating and new carpet in the main hall is to follow. The next project for Church is the restoration of the Garden of Rest. Friends of St. Helen’s Church held a tribute to George Formby at their annual Christmas event joining other Formby society fans in a good old sing song and reminisce. In January they enjoyed their annual dinner held at the Red Lion and their 2017 social calendar continues with talks arranged for April and June - see pages 15 and 17. Well done to St. Helen’s Sunday School who raised over £200 for the Children’s Society via their annual Christingle Service and collection boxes in their homes. The 17 pupils enjoyed a fun Christmas party hosted by the 3 Sunday School teachers and look forward to more fun in 2017. Congratulations to the Glazebrook Choral Society on the success of their 104th performance of the ‘Messiah’ in December - amazing! 2016 ended busily for Hollins Green Cubs with activities including: Cub camp in Dunham with lots of singing and hot dogs; forming a guard of honour at Remembrance Sunday; joining 300 Warrington Cubs for a 2hr run, game of bowls and renewal of their Promise on trampolines; and taking part in the Civic Sunday Service. Cubs have also completed lots of activity badges and are looking forward to more challenges in the Spring. Read more of their news on For Cubs, Beavers and Scouts details and contacts see p.10. 5

Hollins Green Scouts

18.30 - 20.00

19.00 - 20.45


Hollins Green Cubs

The Rotary Club of Irlam were extra busy in December, both in our Parish and Irlam and Cadishead, as they toured the district with their Santa float spreading festive cheer. Over £9,000 was collected - to be spent on local and international projects. They are now turning their green fingers to filling troughs and baskets for their Summer ‘In Bloom’ project. See p.9 for Rotary contacts. 4

18.30 - 19.30

Irlam and Cadishead Volunteer Drivers were proud to recieve the ‘Macmillan Volunteer Award’ for transporting residents from Irlam, Cadishead and Rixton-with-Glazebrook (those registered with GP in Irlam and Cadishead) to Christies Hospital for their radiography treatment. This free scheme is a life saver for many residents - in the past 4 years alone over 250,000 patient miles have been given. However, the number of volunteer drivers has slowly decreased from 12 to 6 and more are needed to continue this excellent service. If you can offer a little help please contact 0161 222 4003 or

Hollins Green Beavers

With funding provided by the Friends of Hollinfare Cemetery and in partnership with WBC, several old memorials have now been re-instated down the main pathway, vastly improving the look of the cemetery.

19.00 - 19.45

Places are currently available at Rixton Tots - see p.10 for details.s

Z Style Exercise

Glazebrook Residents’ Action Group are looking for new younger residents to join the group, as numbers have dropped lately. To find out what they do and for contact details see p.9.

THE SCOUT CENTRE The Village Green, Manchester Road, Hollins Green. WA3 6JT Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Some residents may be interested to know of an existing website that currently 46 local households are using to share information and news. Nextdoor is a secure website that facilitates communication amongst neighbours and helps build strong neighbourhoods. Nextdoor can be used to share local recommendations (plumbers, mechanics, babysitters etc); give away household items; publicise local events; exchange information about crime and safety issues; ask for advice; view a neighbourhood map or circulate important documents. If interested, why not give it a try on

The following community facilities are available to hire for a celebration, function activity or meeting:

With Spring in the air it is worth a reminder that Rixton Tennis Club facilities are open to all - see page 11 for details and contacts.


Glazebrook Methodist Church Hall Harry Hunt 0161 775 2263 Rixton-with-Glazebrook Community Hall Bookings 07851 267891 The Black Swan Bookings 0161 222 4444 The Scout Centre Katie Chambers 07766 232734 Rixton Methodist Church Hall Paul Ogden 0161 775 2340 St. Helen’s Church House Alan Domville 0161 775 9360 Ye Olde Red Lion Sharon Leicester 0161 775 1314 Phone contacts above for availabilty and hire charges. For details on what each venue has to offer visit:


Reception Denise Shaw Margery Green Joan Hill Julie Atkinson Liz Rainford Alan Domville Tina Connor Pete Higson Albert Phoenix Ray Jeffrey Peter Dodd David Richardson Judith Barnard Rachelle Ian Austin James Taylor Harold Bate Sam Barker Doreen Herridge Reception Lynn Nelson All Creatures Veterinary Centre Camsley Grange Riding for the Disabled Chapel Crafts Chill and Chat Social Handicraft Session Community Shop - Hollins Green Dance Rhythm and Adult Tap Class Friends of St. Helen’s C.E. Church Friends of St. Helen’s C.E. School Friends of Hollinfare Cemetery Glazebrook Badminton Club Glazebrook Methodist Church Glazebrook Post Office Glazebrook Residents’ Action Group Glazebrook Women’s Institute Hollins Green Art Class Hollins Green Beavers Hollins Green Cubs Hollins Green Indoor Bowling Hollins Green Scouts Hollins Green Sequence Dancing Irlam and Cadishead Leisure Centre Karate


0161 777 8484 01925 827335 0161 775 4372 0161 775 4925 0161 775 7022 07723 093920 0161 775 9360 07734 681239 0161 775 2802 0161 775 5600 01925 813298 0161 775 3538 0161 777 6843 0161 775 9934 0161 775 0524 07926 255263 07793 002025 07763 420035 07427 448026 0161 775 7248 0161 775 4134 07711 363831



n Hollins Green Community Shop celebrated its 2nd birthday recently with great success so far and sales continuing to grow. More volunteers are needed however - if interested, please call into the shop to leave your details or phone 0161 775 7022. See p.18 for address/opening times. This year’s community Garden Safari is planned for Saturday 3rd June - see p.17 for details. Anyone wishing to take part in this lovely community event by opening up their garden to the public can contact Mandy on 07767 075211. Rixton-with-Glazebrook Carnival 2017 will be held on Saturday 24th June 11am to 4pm - see p.17 for details. Updates of the event will be given on The Carnival Committee are encouraging all local groups to get involved. If you would like a stall, please contact Rebecca Medcalf on or 07918 054855. Anyone wishing to help with manning an entrance for an hour on the day of the event please contact Neil Fairfax on 0161 777 6957 or at Thank you to Sam Barker, our new Hollins Green Scouts leader, who is kindly taking over the role from Jonathan Ridge, who has been the Scout leader for many years - a big ‘Thank You’ from the parents and the hundreds of children Jonathan has supported. The Chrysanthemum Horticultural Society agreed at their AGM to once again put on the Village Show - to be held on Saturday 9th September 2017 at the Community Hall. Everyone is welcome to enter one or more of the categories which include flowers, plants, vegetables, baking, knitting and crafts - the more entries the better! If interested in entering or to find out more details, please contact Neil Trownson on 0161 775 0302. Also, if you are interested in lending a hand with setting up the Show, then Neil would love to hear from you. Following the Summer success Rixton Claypits are trialling Winter grazing in the meadows with 84 sheep from the Herdwick and Hebridean breeds. Amphibian and reptile conservation group workdays are lined up in February and March and the Newtopia project, funded by a Heritage Lottery scheme, is due to begin this Summer. A full news update from the Claypits can be viewed on 3

For community events taking place see pages 14-17 for dates and times. For further information about facilities, groups and their events visit: Mandy


Introduction 2 News and Announcements 3-4 Achievements, Highlights, Successes 5-7 Parish Plan updates 8 Community Involvement 9 Youth Group Activities 10 Sports Clubs 11 Group Social Activities 12 Monthly Group Social Activities 13 Diary - March / April / May / June 14 - 17 Village Amenities (including opening times) 18 Getting Around / Road Safety 19 Pet Owners / Dog Fouling / Horse Riding 20 Rixton Claypits / Outdoor Pursuits 21 Parish Council / Public Services / Libraries 22 - 23 WBC / East Warrington Area Manager 24 Police / Important Contacts / Homewatch 25 Facilities Information / Venues for Hire 26 - 29 Contact Directory 30 - 31 2

07594 954647 0161 775 2340 0161 777 6957 01925 754770 0161 775 2802 0161 777 9726 07815 855016 01925 752373 01925 813298 0161 775 2340 07851 267891 07815 561372 0161 776 1639 01925 812443 0161 775 2935 0161 775 9360 0161 222 4444 07932 343438 07867 656659 07712 657351 01925 251221 01925 813939 0161 775 1314 07525 456291 Lynn Austin Linda Ogden Neil Fairfax Marilyn Lowe Pete Higson The Ranger Debra Adderley Rev. Stephen Froggatt Brenda Jeffrey Linda Ogden Bookings Elizabeth Patten Gladys Young Rev. John Gildea Christine Smith Alan Domville Stuart Wraith Tony Beckett Jayne Norris Karen Ward Cllr. Tony McCarthy Reception Sharon Leicester Michele

The Community Hall surveys have now been collected and the results analysed - these have been posted on our community website address below. Copies are available in the Hall and Village Shop.

LA Cafe Messy Church Parish Carnival Committee Parish Council Parish Plan Group Rixton Claypits Rixton Dog School Rixton Methodist Religious Worship Rixton Tennis Club Rixton Tots Rixton-with-Glazebrook Community Hall Rixton-with-Glazebrook Pre-school Rixton-with-Glazebrook Thursday Club SS Peter & Michael’s RC Religious Worship St. Helen’s C.E. Aided Primary School St. Helen’s Church and Sunday School The Black Swan The Rotary Club of Irlam Village Green Barbers Wasps Out of School Club Warrington Borough Councillor Woolston Neighbourhood Hub (Leisure Centre) Ye Olde Red Lion ZStyle - dance style Exercise Class

Welcome to the 31st edition of the Rixton-with-Glazebrook’s ‘in the know’ newsletter produced by the Hamilton Davies Trust and kindly delivered to your door by local volunteers. Congratulations to Jen, our front cover designer for the past ten years, on the birth of her baby girl Lily. To focus on motherhood, Jen has handed over the design of this and future editions to Brian.


Unfortunately it is impossible to include all information submitted about each facility in a single newsletter, however all forwarded information will be kept for future reference. The next edition will be distributed July 2017 - any new information will be required by early June latest. If you would like to feature in the next edition, or have any queries regarding the newsletter, please do not hesitate to contact Mandy Eccles at: The Hamilton Davies Trust Hamilton Davies House 117c Liverpool Road Cadishead Manchester M44 5BG

telephone: 0161 222 4003 email:

Designed by Brian Wiggett

The information in this newsletter has been reproduced with the permission of the relevant facilities - The Hamilton Davies Trust is not responsible for any information that is incorrect. This newsletter is available in a larger print if required.

Registered Charity No. 1106123

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