Unfortunately it is impossible to include all information submitted about each facility in a single newsletter, however all forwarded information will be kept for future reference. The next edition will be distributed July 2015 - any new information will be required by early June latest. If you would like to feature in the next edition, or have any queries regarding the newsletter, please do not hesitate to contact Mandy Eccles at: The Hamilton Davies Trust Hamilton Davies House 117c Liverpool Road Cadishead Manchester M44 5BG
telephone: 0161 222 4003 email: mandy@hamiltondavies.org.uk www.hamiltondavies.org.uk
Designed by Jennifer Eccles
The information in this newsletter has been reproduced with the permission of the relevant facilities - The Hamilton Davies Trust is not responsible for any information that is incorrect. This newsletter is available in a larger print if required.
Registered Charity No. 1106123
For further information about facilities, groups and their events visit: www.rixtonwithglazebrook.net Mandy
Introduction 2 News and Announcements 3-4 Achievements, Highlights, Successes 5-7 Parish Plan updates 8 Community Involvement 9 Youth Group Activities 10 Sports Clubs 11 Group Social Activities 12 Monthly Group Social Activities 13 Diary - March / April / May / June 14 - 17 Village Amenities (including opening times) 18 Getting Around / Road Safety 19 Pet Owners / Dog Fouling / Horse Riding 20 Rixton Claypits / Outdoor Pursuits 21 Parish Council / Public Services / Libraries 22 - 23 WBC / East Warrington Area Manager 24 Police / Important Contacts / Homewatch 25 Facilities Information / Venues for Hire 26 - 29 Contact Directory 30 - 31 2
07594 954647 0161 775 2340 0161 777 6957 01925 754770 07530 895677 0161 777 9726 07815 855016 01925 633139 01925 813298 0161 775 2340 07511 667549 0161 775 5424 07815 561372 0161 776 1639 01925 812443 0161 775 2935 0161 775 9360 0161 222 4444 07932 343438 07582 719725 01925 251221 01925 813939 0161 775 1314 07525 456291 Lynn Austin Linda Ogden Neil Fairfax Marilyn Lowe Helen Weight The Ranger Debra Adderley Rev. Jackie Bellfield Brenda Jeffrey Linda Ogden Bookings Syd Walker Elizabeth Patten Gladys Young Rev. John Gildea Christine Smith Alan Domville Stuart Wraith Tony Beckett Karen Ward Cllr. Tony McCarthy Reception Mike and Neal Michele
Plenty has been happening in the parish since the last edition, not least the opening of the new Community Shop - catch up with this and other news on pages 3 - 8. Our community groups have been busy planning various social events - see pages 14 - 17.
LA Cafe Messy Church Parish Carnival Committee Parish Council Parish Plan Group Rixton Claypits Rixton Dog School Rixton Methodist Religious Worship Rixton Tennis Club Rixton Tots Rixton-with-Glazebrook Community Hall Rixton-with-Glazebrook Lions Rixton-with-Glazebrook Pre-school Rixton-with-Glazebrook Thursday Club SS Peter & Michael’s RC Religious Worship St. Helen’s C.E. Aided Primary School St. Helen’s Church and Sunday School The Black Swan The Rotary Club of Irlam Wasps Out of School Club Warrington Borough Councillor Woolston Neighbourhood Hub (Leisure Centre) Ye Olde Red Lion Zumba Style Exercise
Welcome to Rixton-with-Glazebrook’s ‘in the know’ newsletter produced by the Hamilton Davies Trust and distributed voluntarily by local residents - many thanks to them. The newsletter has been supporting communication throughout the parish since Spring 2007 and as we go into our eighth year we thought a reminder of the previous front covers would make a fitting image for the 25th edition - our thanks to Jen for the designs.
Kelly Pendlebury Denise Shaw Margery Green Joan Hill Julie Atkinson Leanne Sheehy Alan Domville Karen Bradbury Pete Higson Albert Phoenix Ray Jeffrey Peter Dodd Ann Farrin Judith Barnard Rachelle Samuel Barker Anja Brooks Harold Bate Jonathan Ridge Doreen Herridge Reception Reception Lynn Nelson All Creatures Veterinary Centre Camsley Grange Riding for the Disabled Chapel Crafts Chill and Chat Social Handicraft Session Community Shop - Hollins Green Fitness Class Friends of St. Helen’s C.E. Church Friends of St. Helen’s C.E. School Friends of Hollinfare Cemetery Glazebrook Badminton Club Glazebrook Methodist Church Glazebrook Post Office Glazebrook Residents’ Action Group Glazebrook Women’s Institute Hollins Green Art Class Hollins Green Beavers Hollins Green Cubs Hollins Green Indoor Bowling Hollins Green Scouts Hollins Green Sequence Dancing Hollybank Caravan Park Irlam and Cadishead Leisure Centre Karate
0161 777 8484 08452 414311 0161 775 4372 0161 775 4925 0161 775 7022 07703 449667 0161 775 9360 0161 775 2935 0161 775 2802 0161 775 5600 01925 813298 0161 775 3538 0161 775 6843 0161 775 9934 0161 775 0524 07427 448026 074636 24773 07763 420035 0161 777 8921 0161 775 7248 0161 775 2842 0161 775 4134 07711 363831
New Year ... New Shop! The Black Swan is no longer hosting a monthly Farmers Market but fortunately there is no shortage of locally sourced fresh fruit and vegetables at our new Community Shop and Glazebrook Post Office. Since first opening its doors on Saturday 7th February Hollins Green Community Shop has received a steady flow of customers, much to the delight of the management committee and staff team. Feedback received so far has been very promising with customers finding a warm welcome, from both staff and volunteers, and a range of good quality convenience store products, every day essentials and fresh produce all at fair prices. The shop is fast becoming a ‘community hub’ with shoppers catching up with other local residents for a quick chat or lingering for longer over a coffee and cake in the café, which is proving very popular. The shop is open from Monday – Saturday 7am – 7pm and Sunday 8am – 1pm so why not pop in and see for yourself! If you would like to volunteer to help out for a few hours in the shop please contact Shop Managers Julie or Amanda on 0161 775 7022. Following discussions with WBC, the Parish Plan Recreation and Leisure Action Group are pleased to see that new gates have been installed at Rixton Claypits Nature Reserve car park to replace the old damaged posts. Whilst this makes it easier for the Rangers to lock and unlock the car park, the gates will still remain closed at times as the Rangers are also responsible for maintaining Risley Moss so are not always on site at Rixton. To extend the car park opening hours the Recreation and Leisure group are looking for volunteers to assist with the locking and unlocking of the gates. If interested in helping please contact Andy Eaves on 07768 276922. Plans for this year’s summer community events are well underway with the Garden Safari planned for Saturday 6th June - see p.17 and the Parish Carnival to be held on Saturday 27th June - see page 8. See your Warrington Borough Councillor’s update on page 24 for the latest on the Rhinewood Hotel in Glazebrook. 3
Phone contacts above for availabilty and hire charges. For details on what each venue has to offer visit: www.rixtonwithglazebrook.net
0161 775 2263 07851 267891 0161 222 4444 07870 966217 0161 775 2340 0161 775 9360 0161 775 1314 Harry Hunt Bookings Leanne German Colette Fairfax Paul Ogden Alan Domville Mike and Neal Glazebrook Methodist Church Hall Rixton-with-Glazebrook Community Hall The Black Swan The Scout Centre Rixton Methodist Church Hall St. Helen’s Church House Ye Olde Red Lion
Hollins Green Scouts
18.30 - 19.30
18.30 - 20.00
19.00 - 20.45
Hollins Green Cubs
Beavers completed their Global challenge badge and Creative challenge badge and are excitedly looking forward to a Scout Centre sleep over. Cubs are working towards several badges, two of which include activities held at Pets at Home and B&Q. Some of the 15 Cubs will be going to Chester Cathedral to achieve their Promise badge. In April they will be planting the Cubs Remembrance Garden in the cemetery. See p.10 for all Scout group contacts. 4
Hollins Green Beavers
The Community Hall have new booking contacts - phone 07851 267891 or email Bookings.commhall@outlook.com The hall committee are looking for a booking manager / facility manager. If interested contact David on 07801 354815 or Sharon on 07584 497183. The hall have been awarded £400 from Warrington Community Chest for new tables to compliment the newly refurbished committee room.
19.00 - 19.45
The Parish Plan Getting Around Action Group need at least 2 more people on the group, preferably from the Rixton side of the parish, so that they have an even balance of representation across the parish. If interested in finding out more about the group’s aims please contact Pete Higson on 0161 775 2802 or email pete.s.higgy@btinternet.com
Zumba Style Exercise
Glazebrook Methodist Church now have a website - check it out at www.glazebrookmethodist.webplus.net
THE SCOUT CENTRE The Village Green, Manchester Road, Hollins Green. WA3 6JT Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Your HS2 Action Group are continuing to monitor the situation with regard to the proposed line. “We are in regular contact with HS2 Ltd and are also in contact with the other local groups along the line who are going to petition parliament, probably after the general election. We have all been assisting with the production of a joint report on the subject in order to facilitate the petition. It is important that people get in touch that may be struggling to either buy or sell property within the area as your Action Group, together with the Parish Council are able to offer assistance with regard to contacting HS2 under their Hardship Scheme. This is a scheme that anybody is able to access but it is important to ensure the correct steps are taken in order for them to process any claims. Please contact us at info@warringtonstophs2.co.uk or via our facebook page warringtonstophs2 or on Twitter @warringtonhs2
The following community facilities are available to hire for a celebration, function activity or meeting:
Every 3rd Thursday of each month 19.45 onwards (except August)
Every 3rd Saturday each month 20.00 - 23.00 (except July and August)
Every 2nd Wednesday of each month from 14.00 - 16.30
Every last Wednesday of each month from 14.00 - 16.00
Parish Council
Social Dance
Womens Institute
WI Craft Session
20.00 - 22.30 19.30 - 22.00
14.00 - 16.30 14.00 - 16.30
Hollins Green Indoor Bowling
14.00 - 16.00
Rixton-with-Glazebrook Thursday Club
20.00 - 22.30 19.30 - 22.30
Hollins Green Art Class
19:00 - 19.45
Fitness Class
17.45 - 18.45
Hollins Green Sequence Dancing
13.30 - 15.30
18:00 - 18.45
09.15 - 12.15 09.15 - 12.15 09.15 - 12.15 09.15 - 12.15 09.15 - 12.15
Rixton-with-Glazebrook Pre-School
RIXTON-WITH-GLAZEBROOK COMMUNITY HALL Manchester Road, Hollins Green WA3 6JZ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
ACHIEVEMENTS, HIGHLIGHTS, SUCCESSES Over 200 people attended the Remembrance Day Service at St. Helen’s Church and at the war memorial. Thanks to all who attended the Christmas Fair, which raised £1,400 for school and church. The popular Christingle Service was well attended and raised funds for the Children’s Society. A games and quiz evening was enjoyed by all. Friends of St. Helen’s Church enjoyed their annual dinner at the the Red Lion, with more than 40 members attending. History of the local area was shared thanks to Mike Kenwright’s talk and slideshow. Pete Dodd wiishes to thank all who bought Christmas goods at Glazebrook Post Office. All profits from sales were once again donated, in memory of Joan, to Clatterbridge cancer hospital towards chemo treatment equipment. Pete has given the Post Office a bit of a refit and now offers extra products and a community information area. Rixton-with-Glazebrook Lions donated 2,896 pairs of spectacles to Chichester Lions who recycle them for the Third World. They also collected and distributed 875 toys to needy children in the area. Some financial support was also given to the Community Shop. The Lions hope to hold a Spring party in the Black Swan in May for senior citizens. Children in Years 3 and 4 from St. Helen’s School had a moving experience during the Christmas period when visiting Liverpool Cathedral to take part in workshops and a Christingle service, where they presented prayers and a banner. Some children attended the Education Sunday Civic Service at St. Helen’s Church and enjoyed a fantastic breakfast in the Community Hall afterwards. Sports clubs held after school have proven very successful - with dance classes held on a Monday and Wednesday and multisports on Tuesdays and Thursdays. A Key Stage 1 gymnastics club will begin from March. Early signs of Spring were on show at Rixton Claypits Nature Reserve with snowdrops and coltsfoot in flower. Recent sightings at this Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) have included kingfisher, siskins, redpoll, shoveler and gadwell ducks. Tawny owls have also been seen courting and great spotted woodpeckers have started hammering. Stoats and weasels have also been spotted. For information about the Claypits and forthcoming Ranger led events see pages 16,17, 21. 5
27 27
Every 1st Saturday of each month 10.00 - 12.00
19.30 - 22.30
Badminton Club
18.30 - 19.30
Adult Tap Dancing Class
Coffee Morning
10.00 - 11.00
Every 1st Monday of each month 15.30 - 17.30
Messy Church
Religious Worship
Every 3rd Saturday of each month 10.00 - 12.00
Coffee Morning
Every 2nd Tuesday of each month 19.30 - 21.30
Chapel Crafts
GLAZEBROOK METHODIST CHURCH Glazebrook Lane, Glazebrook WA3 5AY Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Every 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month 18.30 09.30 - 11.30
Bikers Church
10.30 - 11.30
Rixton Tots
Keep dancing! Members of Doreen’s Dance Class certainly know how to do that. Having danced their way through Christmas and the end of 2014, they continued to celebrate into the New Year with their three day trip to St. Annes in February, where the sun shone on them as well! They are looking forward to their annual dinner dance at Bury Town Hall in March.
Religious Worship
Children at Rixton-with-Glazebrook Pre-school’s performed beautifully at the Christmas Coffee Morning to the delight of friends and family. This concluded with a sad farewell to Debbie Williams as she left to start her new job after over 11 years at Pre-School. Elizabeth Patten has taken up her new role as Supervisor and Gemma Gorvett has become Deputy Supervisor. Pre-school also welcomed Lynda Buxton to the staff team. In February the children visited St Helen’s Primary School where they thoroughly enjoyed the performance of Jack and the Beanstalk. Thanks to a grant from Hamilton Davies Trust the children now have lots of new toys to play with including new bikes, scooters, tablets, jigsaws and a new stereo system. The next fundraiser is the Spring Coffee Morning on 2nd April. For contact details see p.10.
If you have not spotted him already you may like to pop into Hollinfare cemetery to meet ‘Reynard’ the new fox sculpture funded by residents from Cadishead and Rixton, the Friends of Hollinfare Cemetery and match funded by Hamilton Davies Trust. Whilst there, why not wander around to see the latest improvements or sit awhile and enjoy this green space with its swathes of seasonal colour. As well as the increasing number of sponsored benches in the cemetery, a seat has recently been installed next to the fox sculpture, thanks to funding from one of our Rixton residents.
RIXTON METHODIST CHURCH Chapel Lane, Rixton WA3 6HG Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Rixton Tennis Club are looking forward to the 2015 season starting in April. An Open Day is being held on Sunday 12th April from 2pm - 4pm - all welcome. On the first Friday of each month tennis is available for everybody of all standards 10am - 12noon. Racquets and balls will be provided and two months free trial membership is on offer. See p.11 for details of the Club and who to contact.
13.30 - 15.30
Chill & Chat handicraft sessions
Sunday School (3 - 14yr olds)
Religious Worship
Coffee Morning
Every 4th Saturday of each month 10.00 - 12.00
09.30 - 10.30
09.30 - 10.30
Hamilton Davies Trust (HDT) aims to provide continued and enhanced charitable support to the areas of Irlam, Cadishead and Rixtonwith-Glazebrook.
12.00 - 13.00
Sunday Saturday ST HELEN’S C.E. CHURCH Manchester Road, Hollins Green WA3 6LA Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
15.15 - 18.00 15.15 - 18.00 15.15 - 18.00 15.15 - 18.00
WASPS After School Club
15.15 - 18.00
07.30 - 09.00 07.30 - 09.00 07.30 - 09.00 07.30 - 09.00 0730 - 09.00
WASPS Breakfast Club
Fusion Dance Class
16.30 - 17.30
09.00 - 15.30 09.00 - 15.30
09.00 - 15.30
09.00 - 15.30
09.00 - 15.30
Sunday ST. HELEN’S C.E. AIDED PRIMARY SCHOOL Birch Road, Hollins Green WA3 6JS Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
HDT are proud to be working with several partners to help deliver more to the area and are very excited about the launch of Irlam Station, which will take place on 26th March. A lot of positive feedback has been received from the local community on the improved look of the station and there are even more enhancements to take place between now and the opening date. Since November 2014 HDT has provided the following grants and support to Rixton-with-Glazebrook: • £6,240 to St. Helen’s Church House for much needed refurbishments which will take place in 2015 to provide improved community facilities • £2,830 to purchase new and replacement play and learning equipment for both children and staff at Pre-school • £3,000 to install shutters on the early year’s outdoor work area at St. Helen’s Primary School As well as grants, HDT have given the following support: • continued provision of seasonal cheer by providing a Christmas tree and lights on Glazebrook Village Green and maintainenance and replacement of Christmas tree lights around the parish • publicity and printing for community groups and the newly opened Community Shop • updating the community website www.rixtonwithglazebrook.net • continued publication of the ‘in the know’ newsletter 3 times a year • supporting local residents in improving their IT and digital skills Community groups are encouraged to apply to HDT for help. For details visit www.hamiltondavies.org.uk or phone 0161 222 4003 or email hello@hamiltondavies.org.uk Local people are volunteering to help HDT to deliver more in the community, becoming involved in areas such as admin support, painting, litter picking, IT support and gardening. If you are interested in using your skills and / or experience please contact Tony Prescott for more details on tony@hamiltondavies.org.uk or on 0161 222 4003. 7
Parish Plan - Action Group Update
Following the successful return of the Parish Carnival in Summer 2014 after an absence of over 30 years, plans are well underway for the 2015 event. This year’s Carnival will be held on Saturday 27th June 2015 11am - 4pm on Hollinfare Village Green, Hollins Green. The Carnival will again host local community groups and local businesses with games, competitions, activities, refreshments, stalls, live music and dance and much more for an exciting day of family entertainment! Updates of how this year’s event is shaping up will be detailed on rixtonwithglazebrook.net If you want to get involved on the day or have a stall please contact Jane Sampson at janeasampson@aol.com or 0161 775 0898 or in writing to 14 Glen Close, Hollins Green, Rixton, Warrington WA3 6JQ.
PCSO Bethan Roberts continues to patrol our village. Joint police and local ward councillor surgeries provide opportunities for you to discuss any issues or concerns which are affecting you or your community - see diary dates. A monthly news bulletin is produced by Cheshire Constabulary which highlights community engagement and priority action taken in our area - visit www.cheshire.police.uk then click on Warrington East > Rixton & Woolston or visit the police page on www.rixtonwithglazebrook.net. Residents can also sign up for Cheshire Police Alert, a community messaging system, by visiting www.cheshirepolicealert.co.uk for more information and to register. By registering you receive news and appeals, local crime information and crime prevention advice direct as an email, text or voice message. To contact Cheshire Police call 101 - this is a non-emergency police number which should be used to report less urgent crime, for general enquiries or to speak to a local officer. In an emergency dial 999
Look of the Parish Action Group and volunteers held another litter pick in January collecting 27 bags of rubbish and several abandoned items. The changing seasons have also been keeping them busy planting bulbs and maintaining planters around the parish.
The Getting Around Action Group continue to liaise with local councillors regarding the condition of some of our pavements. They hope to meet with Rural Rider to look at possible ways to improve public transport between Hollins Green and Glazebrook to Culcheth, Glazebury and Birchwood.
Non-emergency calls to Cheshire Police..................................101 Crimestoppers...........................................................0800 555 111 Warrington Borough Council....................................01925 444400 NHS Direct.................................................................................111 Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline.......................08454 04 05 06
Following a successful funding application to Stronger Together, the Recreation and Leisure Action Group have purchased a community notice board to be installed in the Claypits car park. This will be used to advertise local walks and community events taking place in the parish. The group have been busy liaising with the Parish Council and WBC to discuss proposed improvements for Hollinfare Village Green as outlined in the Parish Plan. These have received tentative approval and the next step is to share the proposal with local residents. A stand has been booked for the Parish Carnival on Saturday 27th June where the plans will be on view for residents comments.
Next meeting - Wednesday 22nd April 7.30pm Rixton Methodist Church Parish Plan Secretary - Helen Weight - 07530 895677 Parish Plan Chair - Pete Higson - info@rwgparishplan.net 8
If residents wish to know if there is a current scheme in their area they should contact Warrington East Neighbourhood Police Unit on 0845 458 6390 with their contact details and name of their road or email warrington.east.npu@cheshire.pnn.police.uk. If you are interested in becoming a Homewatch co-ordinator and would like to chat to someone already in the role, you can contact Karen Armstrong (co-ordinator) on claydonhomewatch@googlemail.com
GOLDEN GATES HOUSING - Neighbourhood Housing Officer Deal with estate and tenancy management, anti social behaviour and the reporting of hate crime. For any related enquiries or to report repairs call 0800 252627 Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm or email info@gght.org.uk. 25
WARRINGTON BOROUGH COUNCILLORS updates “We would like to wish residents a warm welcome to 2015 and provide the following updates on what has been keeping us busy recently. As you may be aware the plans to demolish the Rhinewood Hotel and replace it with apartments was rejected at a recent planning meeting. We combined forces with Glazebrook Residents’ Action Group, arguing passionately that this should not be permitted to go ahead. We were delighted that the committee agreed with us and we welcome this news for local residents who were vehemently opposed to such an unsuitable development in the local area. We also raised the issue for the need for repainting of the junction with Manchester Road and remedial repairs to the tarmac - these works have now been completed. We are having ongoing discussions about parking issues adjacent to the St. Helen’s school on Birch Road and we hope to be able to update you on this issue in the near future. We continue to report day to day issues that need attention, namely street sweeping, gulley emptying and jetting to clear obstructions, lighting and highway maintenance. Regular surgeries for residents with council related or policing issues are held at St. Helen’s Church House - see pages 14-17 for dates and times or contact us anytime.” Bill Brinksman 01925 821922 bbrinksman@warrington.gov.uk Paul Bretherton 01925 852403 pbretherton@warrington.gov.uk Tony McCarthy 01925 251221 tmccarthy@warrington.gov.uk EAST WARRINGTON AREA MANAGER - Ruth Whitworth A vacancy has arisen for a resident of Rixton-with-Glazebrook to volunteer to represent the parish for the East Area Board in Warrington. The role consists of 1.5-2hour meetings bi-monthly from 6pm where issues and changes are discussed affecting the villages in the East of Warrington and the wider Warrington area. The meeting takes representation from the police, fire, health, housing and other council departments as determined by the agenda. If this role is of interest to you and you want to discuss it further please contact East Area manager Ruth Whitworth at rwhitworth@warrington.gov.uk or on 07827 232563. Community groups can contact Ruth to apply to the local fund or Community Chest. 24
Time to get involved? The following action groups welcome your help. Friends of Hollinfare Cemetery aim to make the cemetery a place in the community that we are all proud of. Volunteers are most welcome. All equipment is supplied - simply turn up on any of the action days between 10am - 1pm (see p.14 -17 for dates) or contact Pete Higson on 0161 775 2802 or email pete.s.higgy@btinternet.com. The Friends also offer a Grave Tending Scheme for relatives of the bereaved who are unable to tend their loved ones graves. For more information contact Sheila Breese on 0161 775 5640. Glazebrook Residents’ Action Group take up causes to promote the interests of Glazebrook and the village environment and host community events on Glazebrook Village Green. Contact Ann Farrin on 0161 775 6843 or email annfarrin@yahoo.co.uk or the Chair Peter Fillery on 01925 765708 or email infograg@aol.com. The Rotary Club of Irlam welcome support from local volunteers and applications for support from local community groups. To apply or find out how to join The Rotary Club write to the Secretary, Tony Beckett, 16 Oban Grove, Fearnhead, Warrington WA2 OTG. Phone 07932 343438 or email anthonyjosephbeckett@hotmail.com. To find out more about the Rotary Club visit www.irlamrotary.org.uk Rixton-with-Glazebrook Lions comprises of men and women and meet at the Black Swan pub on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7.30pm. If you are over 18 and interested in joining or finding out more contact Syd Walker on 0161 775 5424 or 07947 124069. If you are a community group and looking for funding the Lions would like to hear from you. Camsley Grange Riding for the Disabled, affiliated to the RDA, provide pony care sessions on a Monday evening at Milverton Farm and rides on Monday and Wednesday evenings 6.30pm - 7.45pm for 4yr olds plus. The group are keen to hear from anyone willing to volunteer their help. If interested please contact Denise Shaw on 08452 414311 or for more information visit www.camsleygrangerda.org.uk 9
The following Scout Groups are all open to both boys and girls: Beavers for 6 - 8 year olds is on Tuesday evenings 6.30pm - 7.30pm. For enquiries about a place contact Samuel Barker on 07427 448026. Cubs for 8 -10 year olds is on Thursday evenings from 6.30pm - 8pm. Contact Anja Brooks on 07463 624773 for more information. Scouts for 10 - 14 year olds is on Friday evenings from 7pm - 8.45pm. Contact Jonathan Ridge on 0161 777 8921 for more information. Scout Group Leader James Taylor can be contacted on 07793 002025.
Parish Councillor’s names and addresses (all residing in Warrington)
Rixton Tots parent and toddler group for 0 - 3yr olds, meet every Wednesday 9.30am -11.30am (term time) at Rixton Methodist Church. A chance to meet other families in a happy, safe environment and join in crafts, songs and rhymes. Cost £2 for 1st child and £1 for each additional child, drinks and snacks provided. Contact Linda Ogden on 0161 775 2340. Rixton-with-Glazebrook Pre-school have places for children from 21/2 - 5yrs. Their 3hr morning sessions run from 9.15am - 12.15pm Monday to Friday term time at The Community Hall. If interested in a place or finding out more about what your local Pre-school can offer contact Elizabeth on 07815 561372 or 0161 775 2771 (mornings only) or visit the Pre-school’s page on www.rixtonwithglazebrook.net. WASPS Breakfast Club offers weekday places for children aged 3-14yrs from St. Helen’s School 7.30am - 9am during term time and costs £4.50. The After School Club operates from 3.15pm - 6pm and costs £7.80 per session up to 4.30pm and £9.80 up to 6pm. Activities include arts and crafts, outdoor play, homework area, role play area, construction, baking, board games, playstation, reading area and team games. For information contact Karen Ward on 07582 719725. Fusion Dance Classes, run by Warrington Wolves Foundation, for boys and girls 10yrs plus are on Wednesdays 4.30pm - 5.30pm at St. Helen’s School, Hollins Green. £2.50 per class (open to non pupils). Messy Church is at Rixton Methodist Church for children 0-11yrs and their families - see p.13 for details and contact. Youth Groups interested in learning about CPR or how a defibrillator works can contact First Responder Keith Hanson - see p.14. 10
Chair Cllr. E. Clarke 8 Briar Avenue, Hollins Green 0161 775 7838 Cllr. J. Barnard 106 Glazebrook Lane, Glazebrook
Vice Chair Cllr. Maureen Banner 13 Margaret Avenue Woolston Cllr. M. Johnson 56 Dam Lane, Rixton
Cllr. D. Mee Cllr. D. McLachlan 11A School Lane, Hollins Green 12 Birch Road, Hollins Green 0161 775 2186 Cllr. D. Trenbath 14 Chapel Lane, Rixton - 0161 776 1486 - davidtrenbath@gmail.com RESIDENTS SURGERIES A Parish Councillor now attends the Residents’ Surgeries, alongside the Borough Councillors and police officer (see p.24) providing an additional opportunity for you to chat with a Parish Councillor face to face about any parish related issues you wish to share. Next Surgeries - Sat. 14th March and 30th May St. Helen’s Church House, Manchester Road, Hollins Green All dates for 2015 are posted on www.rixtonwithglazebrook.net LIBRARIES The Library Book Exchange is now housed in the Community Shop, 533 Manchester Road, Hollins Green WA3 6JU 0161 775 7022 For opening times of libraries in the surrounding area contact: Cadishead Library, Liverpool Rd, M44 5AN 0161 775 3457 Culcheth Library, Warrington Rd, WA3 5SL 01925 763293 Irlam Library, Liverpool Rd, M44 6FD 0161 775 3566 Woolston Library, Neighbourhood Hub WA1 4PN 01925 813939 FLY TIPPING Fly tipping can be reported to Warrington Borough Council via the customer contact centre on 01925 443322 or by emailing: environmentalcrime@warrington.gov.uk. 23
RIXTON-WITH-GLAZEBROOK PARISH COUNCIL (PC) Message from Chairman Cllr. Liz Clarke “ I recently had my Civic Sunday which was attended by the Deputy Mayor of Warrington, Chairs of other Parish Councils, many of the village organisations, the Scouts and the school children. It was a lovely morning and made extra special by the children who sang in church. Thanks to everyone who attended. Hollins Green Community Shop opened recently and it looks fabulous. Congratulations to the people who have worked so hard to get it up and running. I have been in for coffee and cake and have also put my name down for a couple of hours voluntary work each week. After a long trial unfortunately the parish Library Book Exchange has had to be disbanded due to lack of interest. However, the shop has installed shelving to house the books, so readers can pop in during opening times and browse at leisure and take away any book that takes their fancy! I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers who helped set up the Book Exchange, man it and those book lovers who came along to support it. A new bus shelter is to be erected outside the Community Hall, similar in size to the ones on Manchester Road at the end of Chapel Lane. This will be welcomed by all who currently wait for a bus on that side of the road. Spring is in the air and the bulbs around the parish are peeping through, promising another daffodil bonanza!” Liz
PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS You are most welcome to go along and observe your Parish Councillors acting on your behalf on the 3rd Thursday of every month (except August) from 7.45pm at The Community Hall, Hollins Green - see diary for monthly dates. Questions for discussion should be put in writing beforehand to: Parish Clerk - Marilyn Lowe 5 Hartley Close, Lymm, Cheshire, WA13 0JJ. You can now email your question(s) or read minutes of meetings on the new Parish Council website: www.rixtonwithglazebrookpc.org.uk 22
SPORTS CLUBS Karate class for adults and children from age 6 at The Community Hall, Tuesdays 5.45pm - 6.45pm. The class develops respect, discipline, confidence, hard work, goal setting and self-defence. Lessons are taught by level 3 and level 4 dan instructors. No special clothes are required to start with. First lesson free - then £5 per lesson. Call Lynn or Sarah on 0161 775 0737 or 07788 660055 or visit www.sskarate.com Glazebrook Badminton Club welcome newcomers of mixed age and ability from 16yrs plus on Thursday evenings from 7.30pm - 10.30pm at Glazebrook Methodist Church, Glazebrook Lane. If interested please contact Albert Phoenix on 0161 775 5600 before turning up. Hollins Green Indoor Bowling encourages all ages, 12 years and over, to join them at The Community Hall. Bowling takes place on Monday and Wednesday afternoons 2pm - 4.30pm, Wednesday evening 7.30pm - 10pm and Thursday 8pm - 10.30pm throughout the year. Places available in all sessions. Simply turn up with a change of soft footwear 10 minutes before the start time or contact Harold Bate on 07763 420035 (under 18’s must be accompanied by an adult). Rixton Tennis Club, Chapel Lane, Rixton, WA3 6HG is open from April - September. Facilities include 3 shale courts and a club house. Courts are open every day during daylight hours, weather permitting. Social tennis takes place on Sunday afternoons from 1pm and coaching can be made available. Membership is open to all ages. Fees per season are; adults - £55; students aged 16yrs plus and in full time education - £25; juniors aged 10 -15yrs - £15 and under 10yrs free. There is currently two month’s free trial - racquets and balls provided. Players are welcome for the 2015 season - ladies, gents and mixed double matches. For enquiries contact Brenda Jeffrey on 01925 813298 or email brenda.jeffrey02@btinternet.com. For information on adult and youth sports and leisure activities and swimming in the neighbouring local areas visit: www.rixtonwithglazebrook.net for links or contact: Woolston Neighbourhood Hub Irlam and Cadishead Leisure Centre 11
01925 813939 0161 775 4134
GROUP SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Zumba Style Exercise Class held at the Scout Centre on Monday evenings 7pm - 7.45pm - sessions, £3.50 each. Beginners welcome - contact Michele on 07525 456291. Adult Tap Class held at Glazebrook Methodist Church on Tuesday evenings 6.30pm - 7.30pm. Beginners welcome - contact Liz Rainford on 07723 093920. Fitness Classes held weekly at the Community Hall for both men and women of various ages and fitness levels. Tuesdays at 7pm and Thursdays at 6.30pm - £4 for an hour. Contact Leanne Sheehy on 07703 449667. If you enjoy meeting people and a game of dominoes then go along to Rixton-with-Glazebrook Thursday Club on Thursdays 2pm - 4pm in The Community Hall, Hollins Green. Tea and biscuits provided. If interested simply turn up at 2pm and enjoy the afternoon, or contact Gladys Young on 0161 776 1639. Fancy your hand at modern ballroom, sequence, old time or line dancing - then why not go along Monday 7.30pm or Tuesday 8pm to Hollins Green Sequence Dancing classes at The Community Hall. No joining or membership fees, simply turn up and pay on the night, everyone made welcome. To find out more contact Doreen on 0161 775 7248. A Social Dance is held monthly every 3rd Saturday from 8.00pm -11.00pm and there is an annual Dinner Dance trip. Hollins Green Art Class continues to produce some fantastic artwork - check some of these out when you are next in the Community Hall. Classes run from September - July on Thursdays 1.30pm - 3.30pm. Contact Rachelle on 0161 775 0524 if you wish to know more. ‘Chill and Chat’ social handicraft sessions (male / female adults). Hosted by the Friends of St. Helen’s Church, Tuesday 1.30pm - 3.30pm at St. Helen’s Church House. No need to book, simply go along with your handicraft - cost £1 includes tea/coffee. Contact Joan - 0161 775 4925. Belly Dancing taster sessions are available at Hollins Green Scout Centre, Monday evenings 7.45pm. If interested contact Michele on 07525 456291. 12
The Claypits is a Site of Special Scientific Interest, designated a Local Nature Reserve in 1996. The new waymarked trails, of differing lengths, are up and running and all start from the Visitor Centre. See diary dates on pages 14-17 for Ranger led organised events. Information leaflets are freely available to pick up from the Visitor Centre, Black Swan, Ye Olde Red Lion, Glazebrook Post Office and local churches. Information on what’s on in Warrington’s Parks and Green Spaces’ is available by visiting: www.warrington.gov.uk (link - Parks) Groups wishing to visit the Claypits or utilise the Visitor Centre can contact the Ranger on 0161 777 9726 or email: Rangers@warrington.gov.uk The Rangers ask that visitors with dogs enjoy the Claypits, but please keep their pets on the lead at all times so as to encourage wildlife to the area.
Walking The area has several footpaths - for details on local walks see p.19. Fishing in Rixton-with-Glazebrook Blundells Fishery - Prospect Lane (off Moss Side Lane) Day tickets available, 6 well stocked waters. Key species - Carp, Tench, Roach. Contact John Blundell 0161 775 2124 Strictly Members Only:Rixton Claypits - Key species - Carp, Tench, Bream, Roach and Perch. Contact Warrington Anglers Association, Frank Lythgoe 01928 716238 River Mersey, Moss Farm off A57 near M6 - Two stretches Prince Albert Angling Society - www.paas.co.uk Cheshire Cheese Angling Club - contact Cheshire Cheese Public House, Latchford. Key species - Barbel, Chub, Bream, Roach, Tench. Please remember - when fishing you must have a current Environment Agency Rod Licence. You can buy a licence at any Post Office or on line at www.environment-agency.gov.uk/rodlicence 21
PET OWNERS All Creatures Veterinary Centre, Glazebrook Lane is open 8.30am 6.30pm Monday to Friday and 8.30am - 12noon Saturday apart from Bank Holidays. Behaviour clinics are run daily to help owners understand their pooches and kitties problems. Same day appointments are often available, emergency cases will be seen as they arise. For veterinary details phone 0161 777 8484 or you can now register your pet on line by visiting www.allcreaturesveterinarycentre.co.uk Facebook on All Creatures Vets / Follow on Twitter@newts_adventure Rixton Dog School is a purposely adapted indoor and outdoor training and behaviour centre at The Oaks, Brook Lane, Rixton. For more information, questions, advice or to book a place simply contact Debra Adderley on 07815 855016 or email classes@rixtondogschool.com or visit www.rixtondogschool.com
DOG FOULING Thank you to all responsible dog owners who pick up their dog litter. Unfortunately dog fouling continues to be an issue in the area. The Look of the Parish action group have placed stickers on bins to remind dog walkers that bagged pet’s waste can be disposed of in any council litter bin. They have also received funding for bag dispensers, which hopefully will assist dog walkers in disposing of dog pooh. If witnessing dog fouling, residents are urged to contact 01925 443322 or email: environmentalcrime@warrington.gov.uk - all calls are treated confidentially. Lines open Mon - Fri 8am - 6pm and Sat 9am - 1pm. By supplying the following information you can help Warrington Borough Council contact irresponsible dog owners:• Where does the dog foul • Description of dog • Description of dog walker • Distinctive features of dog walker (e.g. always wears a red coat)
HORSE RIDING Camsley Grange Riding for the Disabled, affiliated to the RDA, provide pony care sessions and rides for 4yr olds plus. For more information and contact details see p.9. 20
MONTHLY GROUP SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Doreen’s Social Dance is held at The Community Hall, Manchester Road, Hollins Green every 3rd Saturday 8pm - 11pm (except July and August). Just go along, no joining fee, simply ‘pay as you go’. Contact Doreen on 0161 775 7248 for more details. Glazebrook Women’s Institute encourage any local ladies interested in joining them to please contact Judith Barnard on 0161 775 9934 or judithbarnard106@outlook.com. If the group is full at the time of calling you will be placed on a waiting list. Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month 2pm - 4.30pm in The Community Hall. Non members are welcome to the craft sessions held on the last Wednesday of each month 2pm - 4pm (except July and August) at the Community Hall, Hollins Green. £1 admission - simply go along and make some new acquaintances or phone Judith for more details. Coffee Mornings are held regularly each month at the following venues on Saturday mornings from 10am - 12noon: 1st Saturday Glazebrook Methodist Church 2nd Saturday - Wesley Methodist Church 3rd Saturday - Rixton Methodist Church 4th Saturday - St. Helen’s C.E. Church Pop in and enjoy some home-made cakes, a chat and maybe a bargain at the occasional ‘good as new’ stalls. Everyone welcome. Messy Church every 1st Monday, Rixton Methodist Church, Chapel Lane, Rixton 3.30pm - 5.30pm for children (0-11yrs) and their families. A time of fun, crafts, stories and songs followed by a meal - donations accepted towards the cost of the food. Arrive anytime. For more information contact Linda on 0161 775 2340. Chapel Crafts hold card making workshops every 2nd Tuesday 7.30pm - 9.30pm at Rixton Methodist Church, Chapel Lane, Rixton. £2.50 per session - materials provided for making 2 cards per session, but bring basic crafting tools i.e. scissors etc. Beginners most welcome - simply turn up or contact Margery on 0161 775 4372. Digital Information Board (DIB) Voluntary/community groups can advertise their events/activities FREE. To register/submit a message visit: www.rixtonwithglazebrook.net www.rixtonwithglazebrook.net13
For regular group social activities see p.10-13
MOTHERING SUNDAY 15th Clocks go forward 29th
Saturday 14th 10.30am - 11am Residents’ surgery with your WBC Councillors, Parish Councillor and local PCSO at St. Helen’s Church House (see p.23 for details). Saturday 14th 2pm - 4pm Afternoon Tea in St. Helens Church House, Hollins Green - for more information contact Alan Domville on 0161 775 9360. Thursday 19th 7.45pm Parish Council Meeting, Community Hall, Hollins Green - see p. 22. Saturday 28th 10am - 1pm Friends of Hollinfare Cemetery action day - volunteers welcome. Simply turn up and leave at whatever time suits you - tools, equipment and gloves are provided along with a warm welcome and guidance from the Friends on where and how you can help. (see p. 9) ................................................................................................... LA Cafe on Manchester Road, Rixton was transformed in 2014 as part of a scene for a new ITV 4 part drama called ‘Safe House’, a psychological thriller which will be on our screens this Spring. .................................................................................................. Public Accessible Defibrillator available at the Community Hall for use by the community / parish visitors in a medical emergency via 999. FREE LOCAL 2-HOUR HEARTSTART COURSES Free training of British Heart Foundation’s ‘Heartstart’ emergency life support. Regular courses are held at Irlam Fire Station and additional courses can be arranged for sports/community/social groups. If interested in registering for training or in finding out how to become a First Responder contact Keith Hanson on 0161 776 2371 or email kandolhans@hotmail.com. Visit: www.nwas-responders.info 14
GETTING AROUND By Bus Rural Rider local bus service runs all year apart from Bank Holidays. For information about the service contact James or Shirley Tormey on 01925 450687 or 07702 006000 or for a timetable visit their website www.jj-travel.co.uk or email jjtransportltd@yahoo.co.uk. The No.100 Bus serving Warrington to Manchester stops in Hollins Green. Visit the online timetable on www.gmpte.com/info or phone Traveline on 0871 200 2233 for further information.or check www.tfgm.com (Transport for Greater Manchester). First Manchester Buses now operate a half hourly bus service to and from Hollins Green stopping at the Trafford Centre en route to Manchester. By Train Trains running through Glazebrook Station, Glazebrook Lane WA3 5BA are managed by Northern Rail. For information on services visit www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glazebrook_railway_station or www.nationalrail.co.uk/stations or phone Enquiries on 08457 484950. The latest timetables are available at Glazebrook Post Office. On Foot Rixton-with-Glazebrook has several footpaths. Five mapped out circular walks entitled ‘Footpaths Around Rixton’ are freely available to pick up from Cadishead and Irlam Libraries, Rixton Claypits, Glazebrook Post Office, The Black Swan Pub, Ye Olde Red Lion or by downloading from www.rixtonwithglazebrook.net. The walks, varying in length from 1½ - 4 miles, are all easy walking on level terrain. Rixton Claypits has waymarked trails of differing lengths - see p.21. Polite message to dog walkers - please respect farmers’ land by keeping dogs on a lead at all times when using footpaths crossing fields and by bagging and disposing of dog pooh safely - see p.20.
For traffic and general safety issues, for road users of all ages call Contact Warrington (WBC contact centre) on 01925 443322 or email contact@warrington.gov.uk weekdays 9am - 5pm. The police are looking to introduce a Community Speed Watch Scheme in our area - if interested contact warrington.east.npu@cheshire.pnn.police.uk 19
Hollins Green Community Shop, 533 Manchester Road, Hollins Green WA3 6JU 07:00-19:00
Glazebrook Post Office, 100 Glazebrook Lane, Glazebrook WA3 5BE 07.30-13.00
Sugarfields, The Rhinewood Country House Hotel, Glazebrook Lane WA3 5BB Evening meals only served 18.00 - 21.00 Monday - Saturday
The Black Swan, Manchester Road, Hollins Green WA3 6LA 12.00-23.00
Food served 12.00 - 21.00 Monday - Saturday and 12.00 - 19.00 Sunday
Ye Olde Red Lion, 516 Manchester Road, Hollins Green WA3 6JT 12.00-24.00
Food served 12.00 - 21.00 Monday - Saturday & 12.00-19.30 Sunday & Bank Hols
LA Cafe, corner of Moat Lane / Manchester Rd 07.30-14.30 breakfast / lunch / light snacks or drinks
Hollybank Caravan Park, Warburton Bridge Rd, Rixton, Warrington WA3 6HU 09.00-18.00
09.00-15.00 11.00-14.00
To check opening times during Bank Holidays see p.30/31 for contacts. Glazebrook Post Office now offer ‘Click & Go’ an internet collect service as well as a full banking service for all banks and building societies and cash service from 7.30am for Barclays, Halifax, Co-op, Lloyds TSB, Alliance & Leicester, Santander, HSBC, First Direct and free cash ATM machine. Pete also stocks an extensive range of basic food items (enough for an all day breakfast!), milk and cold drinks as well as non- food essentials and newspapers. He also operates the Health Lottery. LA Cafe is well placed for local residents visiting the Rixton Claypits Nature Reserve and as an alternative starting point to some of the ‘Footpaths around Rixton’ walks. The family friendly eatery offers hot and cold food and drink. See above for opening times or contact Lynn on 07594 954647. 18
For regular group social activities see p.10-13 St. Helen’s School / Pre-school / WASPS and Scout groups close Thursday 2nd and re-open Monday 20th Karate class closed Tuesday 7th HAPPY EASTER
Sunday 12th 2pm - 4pm Open Day at Rixton Tennis Club, Chapel Lane, Rixton. Everyone welcome. If interested simply go along between the above times. Two months free trial - racquets and balls provided. Contact Brenda on 01925 813298 or email brenda.jeffrey02@btinternet.com For more details on the Club see page 11. Thursday 16th 7.45pm Parish Council Meeting, Community Hall, Hollins Green - see p. 22. Friday 17th 7.30pm Talk by Keith Thompson about his boyhood days in the local area. St. Helen’s Church House, Hollins Green. Everyone welcome - no booking required. Admission £2 (free for church members). Saturday 18th 12noon - 2pm Spring Fayre, Glazebrook Methodist Church - everyone welcome. Delicious home-made lunch consisting of tasty meat and potato or cheese and onion pies, jacket potatoes with various fillings, quiche, salad and assorted desserts. You will also have the chance to pick up a bargain from the bric a brac, cake stall and raffle. Wednesday 22nd 7.30pm Parish Plan Group meeting, Rixton Methodist Church - everyone is made most welcome and encouraged to contribute to discussions about future parish actions as identified in the Parish Plan. Saturday 25th 10am - 1pm Friends of Hollinfare Cemetery action day - volunteers welcome. Simply turn up and leave at whatever time suits you - tools, equipment and gloves are provided along with a warm welcome and guidance from the Friends on where and how you can help. (see p. 9). 15 ------------------------------www.hollinsgreen.net------------------------------
For regular group social activities see p.10-13 St. Helen’s School / Pre-school / WASPS and Scout groups close Friday 22nd MAY BANK HOLIDAY 4th SPRING BANK HOLIDAY 25th
Thursday 15th 7.45pm Parish Council Meeting, The Community Hall, Hollins Green - see p.22. Sunday 17th 1.30pm - 3pm Rixton Claypit’s Nature Reserve ranger led event - ‘Season No.1 Spring’. A look at the typical wildlife and activities which occur at this time of year. Meet at the Claypit’s Visitor Centre on Manchester Road. For recent sightings see p.5. Saturday 30th 10.30am - 11am Residents’ surgery with your WBC Councillors, Parish Councillor and local PCSO at St. Helen’s Church House (see p.23 for details). Saturday 31st 10am - 1pm Friends of Hollinfare Cemetery action day - volunteers welcome. Simply turn up and leave at whatever time suits you - tools, equipment and gloves are provided along with a warm welcome and guidance from the Friends on where and how you can help. (see p.9) ................................................................................................... Fancy some fresh air and summer sunshine? Then why not explore the parish on foot by following one of the guided walks - see p.19 for details. Having worked up an appetite, you may like to pop into the new Community Shop cafe or one of the churches for some refreshments and a slice of home-made cake - see p.13 for coffee morning dates and venues. ................................................................................................... Not all dates for events are known at the time of going to print, so make sure you regularly check post office windows, community notice boards and posters around the parish, or visit : www.rixtonwithglazebrook.net 16 --------------------------www.hollinsgreen.net-----------------------------------
For regular group social activities see p.10-13
St. Helen’s School / Pre-school / WASPS and Scout groups re-open Monday 1st
Saturday 6th 10am - 4pm Garden Safari - a self guided tour of private gardens. Programmes will be on sale in May via several local facilities within the parish or by contacting Mandy on 0161 222 4003. The event will once again include a Scarecrow Trail, with this year’s theme being Roald Dahl. If you would like to make a scarecrow, as part of this event, contact Colette on 07870 966217 for more details. Saturday 14th 7.30pm Talk by Ray Jeffrey about Hadrian’s Wall at St. Helen’s Church House, Hollins Green. All welcome - no booking required. Admission £2 (church members free). Thursday 18th 7.45pm Parish Council Meeting, The Community Hall, Hollins Green - see p.22. Tuesday 23rd 7pm - 8.30pm Rixton Claypit’s ranger led event ‘Field Identification Guide Plants’ - a look at those plants which helped secure Rixton Claypits as a nature reserve and how to identify them. Meet at the Claypit’s Visitor Centre on Manchester Road. For recent sightings see p.5. Saturday 27th 11am - 4pm Don’t miss out - come along and join in the fun of the Parish Carnival, Hollinfare Village Green, Hollins Green. Games, competitions, activities, refreshments, stalls, live music and dance and much more for an exciting day of family entertainment! (see p.8) Saturday 27th 10am - 1pm Friends of Hollinfare Cemetery action day - volunteers welcome Simply turn up and leave at whatever time suits you - tools, equipment and gloves are provided along with a warm welcome and guidance from the Friends on where and how you can help. (see p.9) 17