MICE Revision Lecture Summary PDF

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Temasek Polytechnic Hospitality & Tourism Management Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, Exhibitions (MICE) Senior Year Exam Preparation


Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


Lesson 1: Business Rationale


Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


Why and what it means? •

Business rationale helps to understand the motives and objectives of MICE event.

Core Motives/ Needs Key Outcomes

• Develop & share ideas • Promote • Improve performance • Educate and inform • Network/ socialize

• Innovation • Personal development • Productivity & Sales • New skills & knowledge • Awareness

Business Event


Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan

Tourism Impacts •Direct Spend •Job creation. • Infrastructure investment 3

What makes a great MICE destination? Location


Good, Stable Economy


Example: SINGAPORE Technology

Safe and Secure

Innovation Tourism Components – wide availability

Political Stability Government Support

Look at a destination and its qualifications from tourism and business as well as opportunities that are available for investments. Can MICE be a sustainable tourism component in that destination? 27/8/2013

Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


Characteristics of a MICE destination. Geographical position, proximity and location.


Extent of infrastructure development – hard, soft and tourism infrastructure.

Government Support.

Brand Image of Destination.

Availability of competent MICE service suppliers.

Security, safety and political stability.


Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


Key MICE stakeholders

Event owners, organizers.

Government – NTO and CVB.

Venue owners.

Participants – delegates, tradeshow visitors, exhibitors, sponsors and event partners.

MICE service suppliers DMC.

Related sectors – food and beverage, attraction, retail etc.


Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


Lesson 2: Tradeshows & Exhibitions


Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


Characteristics of Tradeshows Physical Space

Buyers & Sellers

Venue & Time

Pre-set Expectations

Communicate, Exchange

Marketing, Image Building


Neutral Environment

Multi-Sensory Dimension 27/8/2013

Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


Why exhibit at tradeshows? Generate sales and leads

• Can follow up after exhibition ends. • Exposure of company brand, products to customer market.

Business development • Forging new businesses, exploring new opportunities • New ventures and investments with more clients and networking Product launch and beta testing

• Good platform to launch new product. • Presence of media and to get feedback from people.

Marketing, brand building

• Cost-effective way to market and build brand image. • Association with recognized tradeshows have positive impact.


• Opportunity to meet existing customers and new showcases. • Different types of customers – demographics, geographical.

Competitors 27/8/2013

• Necessary for companies to be seen. • Do trade shows because your competitors are doing so. Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


Exhibitors – training of staff for exhibition booths. • • • • • •

Product Knowledge Objectives Information Collection Survey & Feedback Duty Roster Roles

“Training helps the staff to know exactly what is going on during the exhibition. Helps the staff to understand key roles and responsibilities. Helps to clear any doubts and answers all questions and other clarification about information. Some staff are trained to collect feedback which is important for the company. Training makes sure that all staff speaks the same message to all visitors. No discrepancy or miscommunication. Training is to prepare staff for the exhibition day itself.” 27/8/2013

Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


Lesson 3: Conferences & Conventions


Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


Issues to take into account when organizing an international conference. • On-site Planning – outcome orientation, documentation, staffing, training, key areas, decisions and actions. • On-site Registration. • Areas of interaction. • Meeting Room Management. • F&B 27/8/2013

Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


F&B in the context of a conference – how it contributes to the experience. • • • • •

Important part of a meeting/conference. Aids in achieving objectives. Menu selection is important. Major cost item in the budget. Sensitivities to religious, cultural and medical restrictions. • Style of meal. • Timing and quantity. • Dine-around Concept. 27/8/2013

Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


Lesson 4: Post-Event Evaluation All Aspects


Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


1st Aspect: What? • Primary focus is to - gather information and measurements of the whole event (from start to finish). • It’s like a post mortem of an event – spending, marketing, sales/delegate registration, human resource management, customer communications, service delivery etc. • Qualitative and quantitative information. 27/8/2013

Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


2nd Aspect: How? • Surveys – written/ online forum, verbal. • Interview – exhibitors, speakers, sponsors, key stakeholders. • Focus groups – open discussion. • Observation. • Coding and counting – commonly used to tack effective of a marketing channel.


Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


3rd Aspect: Why? • • • •

Measure the event’s success or failure. Stakeholder management – reporting. Identify areas of strengths and weaknesses. Builds track record – exhibitors, sponsors, delegates, visitors.


Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


Lesson 5: Incentive Travel


Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


Characteristics that make travel special. Experience

“One-Time Only” Factor


Cash Reward = Guilty 27/8/2013


Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


Characteristics of an incentive travel award programme. Strict Crtieria & Guidelines for Qualification

Pre-planned Fixed Timeframe for Qualification

No pre-determined winners; rewards are earned

• A clear understanding. • No ambiguity in criteria for winning award. • To let the staff know. • Criteria must be in place beforehand. • Target setting for staff. • Typically one year programme.

• Everyone starts out equal footing. • No bonus points for being previous year winners.

Travel costs paid for by Company

• Company bears full cost of travel award. • Some cases, also pay for winner’s partner.

Publicity to announce winners, recognition

• To encourage non-winners. • Provide recognition for current winners.


Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


Characteristics of incentive travel planning and development. Funding


• Self-Liquidating • Fixed Budget • Unit Sales Allocation Method

• • • • •

Open-ended – multiple winners Closed-ended – fixed no. of winners Single-Tired – one type of award Multi-Tired – diff. target, diff. award Buy-In Component – missed out target by a few points, top up cash to claim award.


• • • • • 27/8/2013

Clarity – rules, no ambiguity Timing – definite Rules – equal treatment, achievable Awareness – easy to understand Reporting – accuracy, performance track Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


Factors considered when designing a travel itinerary. Objectives • Why?

Destination Profile

Destination Offerings

• Background knowledge.

• Uniqueness. • What?





• Acceptable. • No repeats.

• Gala dinner? • Teambuilding.

Balance • Individual & Group Activities


• Limitations.


Travel Time

• Set parameters for some items.

Preferences • Company culture.

No. of Travellers

Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan

• Time difference. • How far?

Length of Stay • Don’t cramp activities.


Lesson 6: Convention Visitors Bureau (CVB)


Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


Roles of CVB Govt.

Destination Marketing

Information Centre


Facilitate Conventions

Contact Point

Grants Funding

Promote Development



Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


How CVB helps an international MICE event organizer. Encourage holding of meetings in destination.

Helps in meeting preparations.

Helps in marketing destination.

Establish and monitor room blocks.

Official point of contact.

Liaison with govt.

Liaison with organizers and industry members.

Event operations assistance.

Special venue access.

Advice on activities.

Transport network system.

Information database: onestop shop.


Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


How CVB assists in the development of the local MICE industry. 1. Understand the roles and functions of a CVB. 2. CVB primary role is to market the destination. - highlight strengths, facilities - generating enquiries - converting enquiries to confirmed business 3. Product Development 4. Identify weaknesses in venue/facilities and general infrastructure and work to rectify the weaknesses. 27/8/2013

• Build

networks and connections for organizations (contact point, liaison with members). • Supports and encourage organizations (non-profit, government, grants funding). • Create awareness of the destination and its offerings as a MICE venue (facilities, market destination, one-stop information centre).

Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


Lesson 7: PCO & DMC


Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


Roles of PCO To assess Sequencing Allocate, control Advise

• Determine purpose/expectations of an event. Visualize, organize, synchronize the elements and actions needed experience. • Event elements/tasks to be sequence in a comprehensive and effective manner. • Must be able to allocate and control resources with the aim of hitting the objectives. • Provide advice to client on possibilities given the respective resources available.

Timeline, production • Need to be realistic and incorporate interdependencies and critical path of activities. schedules

Risk Timeliness 27/8/2013

• Need to account for and manage risk.

• Controls and communication is key – needs to be accurate, timely and relevant. Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


Roles of DMC 1. Professional Organization 2. Act on behalf of organizer 3. Act as subcontractor 4. Act as project manager 5. Service Listing 6. Areas of engagement DMC Offering Programme, Design • Venues & Activities • Entertainment • Theming, Messages • F&B • Corporate & Event Identity • Goals &Objectives • Destination Elements • Programme Confidentiality 27/8/2013

Logistics Planning &Management • Group Movements • Timelines • Arrivals & Departures • Alcohol Consumption • Traffic Management

Service Levels • Programme match with desired customer service level • Anticipate to ensure guest’s comfort and safety

Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan

Managing Suppliers

Finance & Accounting

• Negotiation • Evaluation of service suppliers • Managing service deliveries • Financial management and arrangement • Auditing of service supplier invoices

• Budget control • Audit of all vendor and event invoices • Ensure event service suppliers are paid on-time


Services provided by DMC Sight-seeing Options

Teambuilding Activities

Meeting Support Services

Dining Programs



Staffing Services 27/8/2013

Budgeting & Resource Management Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan

Transportation Planning

VIP Services

On-site Support Services 30



Muhammad Hamizan Bin Roslan


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