1 minute read
d. SHORT FILM. Title, category, number of participants, length, brief description. The projects must be original, must have a title and be focused on promoting the use of the English language, emphasizing its cultural, social, linguistic values and the relationship of bilingualism as a city project. See the technical characteristics on point
• The author or authors of the selected project as the winner, will be informed of the date on which their short film will be screened and will be invited to the screening of the same.
• In case there is only one participant in one of the categories, they will be notified that there is no competition and a mention of participation will be given.
• The registration and delivery of the projects in the contest supposes the acceptance of the rules.
• The winners of this contest, once the jury's decision is known, must sign the cession of Intellectual Property rights, authorizing La Salle Envigado school of the publication, reproduction or distribution of the short film made. Said authorization will be an indispensable requisite for receiving the prize.