6 copie de literary terms

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A glossary of literary terms. You don’t know your literary terms? Maybe you can help you…or not! Well… if you want become more intelligent, just read this lexicon!

A play: It is not the verb “play” but here, it is a sort of story which shows characters who converse. A dialogue: It is a conversation between characters. A soliloquy: it is a long lyrical speech which is said by one character and when this one is alone. A stage-direction: It gives an indication about a character’s state-mind or how he/she must act. An act: It is similar to a chapter in a novel. It is composed of many scenes. A scene: It is a part of an act. A scene is different when the place or characters change. Prose: it is common language Verse: It’s a sentence with rhymes. Rhyme: We can find it in the end of a verse, it contains similar sounds.

….Now you know your literary terms about a play!

Bonvalet Melissa Dumetz Marie

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