4 minute read
Two Places to Call Home — Willy's Story
You are a visionary who has made a legacy gift by including Hammer in your will or other estate plans. Thank you for your extraordinary investment in our mission!
Anonymous (7) * Leonard + and Mary + Aase Lisa M. Anderson Steven Argall Trust *Margaret + and James + Argall Lisbeth and Mark Armstrong David and Sue Astin *Dorothy A. Bailey + Leigh Bailey and Freda Marver Angela and George Bernhardt *Rae + and Albin + Carlson Rae Carlson + Trust Gerald M. Caruso, Jr. Richard and Judith Corson Carol A. Curoe Judith and Kent Davidson Lisa and Scott Dongoske John Estrem Marvin and Rosemary Fish Shirley (Rip) and Ted + Freeman Jean and Bill Gjetson Carol Gottschalk Don and Heidi Haberman *Donald A. Hartmann + *Robert B Hill + Estate *Claire + and Don + Hinrichs Robert and Sharon Hoffman Linda and Kenneth Holmen Beulah + and Ingvald + Hongerholt Dean Hongerholt Trust Patricia and Michael Houston *Mary Ann + and Jack + Huddleston Christopher and Peggy Klug Joan + and Bill Krippner Wayne Krippner Trust Laura Langer Robert and Michelle Luke Lewis and Jill Mithun Jean and Tim + Nelson Denny and Mary Newell Bruce and Merry Jo Parker Steven and Paula Peterson Father Don Piche *Robert M. Reed +Trust *Allen and LaVonne Ribbe Kent and Traci Scholten *Clara Schonlau + Elaine and Marshall + Siegel Don and Annie Smithmier Deloris + and Wallace + Solseth *Luverne Steffel + Estate Ellen Timmerman-Borer and Kevin Borer Barbara Tuckner *Grace + and Paul + Voetmann Pete and Carolyn Wahtera *Mary Wesley + *Karole Whipps +
* = Legacy gift received + = Deceased
To learn more about making your estate gift, go to Hammer.org/legacy. If you’d like to talk about your plans, contact Ellen Timmerman-Borer at ellen@hammer.org or Angela Bernhardt at angela@hammer.org or call us at 952-473-1261.
Make a gift directly from your IRA to Hammer. If you are age 70½ or older, you can give a gift directly from your IRA to support Hammer Residences. While you will not receive an income-tax deduction, you will not pay taxes on any distributions made directly to Hammer. A gift from your IRA also reduces your taxable income, which could help reduce your Medicare premiums and the amount of Social Security benefits that are taxable. You can contact your IRA plan administrator to request that a qualified charitable distribution be made directly to Hammer Residences today.
Lynn Aase lived at Hammer for more than 40 years and was surrounded by people who loved her. One of those friends was Karole Whipps, who thought of herself as a “big sister” to Lynn. Karole met Lynn in the 1960s while working at Honeywell with Lynn’s mom, Mary. Karole included Hammer in her will and so was named to our Alvina Hammer Heritage Society. In early 2022, sadly, Karole passed. We later received one of the largest gifts of the year, directed to our Area of Greatest Need. The impact of her lifetime of support cannot be understated. We are humbled and thankful for Karole’s generosity.
Lynn lived a full life at Hammer with the same group of five people for most of her life. Thank you for being part of our monthly donor community. You are among our most loyal supporters, keeping the care of each individual we serve, front and center with your monthly commitment. Thank you!
AK Material Handling Systems - Josh Smith Janet and David Anderson Lisbeth and Mark Armstrong John and Shelia Barbetta Lawrence and JoAnn Barbetta Mark and Carolyn Bauer Barbara Bencini and Bill Janahosky Rae Carlson + Trust Mary Coleman Pauline Coleman Patrice and James Dahl Rob and Susan Dahlin Judith and Kent Davidson Bob and Terrisa Fisher Rebecca and Ron Furnival Bruce and Kim Gillespie Jean and Bill Gjetson Sue and Ilja Gregor Susan Argall Haas and Brian Haas Jessica Hammer Jo Ann M. Henricksen Mary Marquretta Hill Mark and Nancy Hirschfeld Linda and Kenneth Holmen Sarah Homuth-Goar JK Interiors Inc. Brian Johnson Terry and Timothy Johnston Joel Kantola + Steven and Teresa Kastendieck Dorothy Keprios Hugh and Julie Kirsch Barbara and David Kleist Jill Kohler Jo Ann Koltes Ron Linebarger Michael and Karen Linn Elaine Loeffler Robert and Michelle Luke Bill Luther and Janet Robert Kenneth and Cathy Noblet Mary and Michael Ongstad Mary Patterson Father Don Piche Audrae Rosenzweig Jeanne Rouch Marvin and Judy Saarela Macy and Tracy Seymour Jane and Don Shaffer Renee E. Solinger-Audette Chris Strande Denine Taylor Richard and Nancy Timp Barbara Tuckner Michael Wesley Julie Wesley-Wong and Wymond Wong Frank Ziacik
Blue = New to Alvina's Angels
While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of donor records, errors occasionally occur. If your name is omitted, misspelled, or misplaced, please accept our apologies and contact Cari at 952-277-2454.
“I am proud of my connection to Hammer that I have had since 1976. That’s 45 years of stories of guys like Harold who would stop by looking for a Dr. Pepper I always kept on hand for him, or seeing full tables of Hammer individuals enjoying Bruegger’s Bagels, or being surrounded by a community that supports people of all abilities. How can you be in Wayzata and not know and love Hammer?! Being a monthly donor is a way that I can consistently, and easily, support an organization that I have a deep respect for and set an example of philanthropy for my 14 grandkids.”
— Bob “Shoebob” Fisher