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CONTENTS Introduction
Page 2
Booking procedures
Page 3
Section 1: Staff Induction
Page 4
Section 2: Management Training and Qualifications
Page 5
Section 3: Succession and Workforce Planning
Page 12
Section 4: Progression Pathways
Page 13
Section 5: Teaching Qualifications
Page 14
Section 6: Quality and Standardisation
Page 16
Section 7: Development Days
Page 17
Section 8: Higher Education CPD Opportunities
Page 18
Section 9: Outstanding Support Programme
Page 19
Section 10: Maths and English
Page 20
Section 11: IT Skills
Page 21
Section 12: Equality and Diversity
Page 22
Section 13: Safeguarding
Page 25
Section 14: Well Being
Page 27
Section 15: Health and Safety
Page 28
INTRODUCTION The Continual Professional Development Information Booklet This booklet has been designed to communicate a broad range of Gloucestershire College learning and development opportunities that are accessible to GC staff. The body of the training booklet contains information relating to a number of core in-house training courses plus internal and external qualifications. Topics have been divided into sections to aid use. The following section communicates key information about the Learning and Development (L&D) function and how to apply for training. I do hope you find this booklet helpful. The L&D Department The L&D Department sits within the Directorate of HR and has lead responsibility for the management of staff training and development opportunities. The aim of L&D is to equip and update all staff (support, academic and managerial) with the required skills and knowledge to carry out specific roles. GC is committed to the continual professional development of its workforce and recognises the value of internal talent management and therefore, where possible, supports training opportunities which aid progression. Training initiatives are based upon: • Implementation of the College strategic plan • Changes in legislation and Government requirements • Cultural changes within the College • Issues identified through College Self-Assessment Reports • The Appraisal process • Training needs analysis assessments First Steps – GC Induction On joining GC all full-time and fractional staff receive a College Corporate Induction. The induction is either one and a half days or three days in duration dependant upon individual job role. The induction sets out the College’s core values, vision, direction and expected standards of GC employees. Therefore, from the onset, GC staff are aware of the College’s drive for standards of excellence and GC’s commitment to training and development. Marketing and Communication Courses contained within this document are publicised through a number of communication channels including: Share Point, all staff emails, notices, flyers etc. Procedures for applying for training can be found in this booklet. For more detailed information please access the training and development policy via the following link: http://chelt01-sp-web2/Policies/Policies/Training%20and%20Development%20-%20POL-17.pdf Megan Corker, Learning and Development Officer (December 2013)
BOOKING PROCEDURES Procedures Application Process The application procedure for development activities contained within this booklet is set out below, and applies whether or not funding is involved (with the exception of Management and College Development Days). L&D TD1 Process The L&D form 1 process (TD1) is used when applying for courses leading to a qualification. Applications are completed by individual staff members and submitted through their respective line managers for endorsement. The application process must be made before the start of the course. All applications should be founded on a strong business related case. The Head of Learning and Development will grant approval against College priorities. Attendance on courses that lead to a qualification must be in the individual’s own time, not during working hours, and in agreement with respective line managers. Funding Where course costs are involved L&D will confirm agreement of funding sponsorship. The L&D Department will document and confirm approval by providing an L&D approval number, and will forward supporting documents, to applicants. Forms All training application forms, along with instructions for completion and submission, are available on Share Point. In-house Training Course Booking Attendance on in-house training programmes should be approved by line managers prior to booking. Instructions to book in-house events are communicated via the all-staff monthly training emails. December 2013
SECTION 1 Staff Induction On joining GC all full-time and fractional staff receive a College Corporate Induction. The induction is either one and a half days or three days in duration dependant upon individual job role. The induction sets out the College’s core values, vision, direction and expected standards of GC employees. Therefore from the onset GC staff are aware of the College’s drive for standards of excellence. This induction will be followed by a Departmental induction which will be carried out by the individual’s respective line manager.
Day One
Day Two
Main Induction Equality and Diversity Safeguarding Learning and Development Mentoring The Learner Experience Health and Safety Learning Support
Literacy and Numeracy assessment Logins Microsoft Outlook File Management Glosweb VLE E-Library Adding resources to the VLE course Adding various activities Improving the structure and layout of the course How to get help and further training
Day Three
What is expected of Tutors What makes a Good Lesson (including making learning active). Planning and Preparation including Lesson Plans and Schemes of Work Evidencing Learning Managing Challenging Behaviour Autism Awareness in the Classroom Embedding Equality & Diversity into teaching practice ILT in Teaching Active Board Training
Target Group
Contact Details
All new staff
2 days / 3 days
Administrator: Jamie Rose (ext. 2080)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Every fortnight, 09:00 - 17:00
Inspire room Cheltenham
SECTION 2 Management Training and Qualifications In-House Management Training L&D offers a programme of training for managers. This programme consists of appraisal training, training for those involved in the recruitment and selection process, use of annualised hours, managing performance, managing absence, amongst others. In addition, Management Development Days are delivered three times per year on relevant topics.
Management Development Days The aim of the Management Development days is to improve the effectiveness and leadership abilities of middle managers. Management Development Days are scheduled into the College calendar each year. Target Group
Contact Details
Topics and target group to be determined dependant on specific event.
1 day
Administrator: Emma Roberts (ext. 2083)
20 June 2014
SECTION 2: Management Training In-House Management Training
Management Training Programme This programme of training is delivered throughout the year for new managers and managers in need of refresher training.
Appraisal Training Appraisals encourage effective communication between staff and managers, and ensure that staff work as a team. This workshop will provide insight to the theory, motivation and competency structure behind performing effective and productive appraisals.
Aims and Objectives The aims of this training session will enable appraisers to: Understand the philosophy behind positive appraisals and the College culture Understand the theory behind motivation and effective performance management Have a working knowledge of the GC appraisal framework and procedures Be able to structure an appraisal Deal with a range of situations which may occur at appraisal Target Group
Contact Details
2 hours
Administrator: Jamie Rose (ext. 2080) Delivered by: Megan Corker (ext. 2053)
Date / Time
04 February 2014 / 15:00 - 17:00
Inspire room, Gloucester
Mandatory for all new managers before carrying out appraisals
Recruitment and Selection This course encompasses the recruitment process from job analysis to interviews. The session includes writing job descriptions, short listing process, advantages of interviewing effectively, related legislation and equal opportunities regarding recruitment.
Aims and Objectives The course covers: The main stages of the recruitment and selection process Employment law surrounding the recruitment and selection process Analysis of jobs, writing job descriptions and person specifications Short-listing and interviewing Different methods of recruitment Post selection - inducting new staff, identifying mentors Target Group
Contact Details
All managers who are involved in the recruitment and selection process
2 hours
Administrator: Jamie Rose (ext. 2080) Delivered by: The HR team
Date / Time
20 March 2014 / 15:00 - 17:00
Inspire room Cheltenham
SECTION 2: Management Training In-House Management Training Annualised Hours The needs of the organisation can fluctuate, and will not always fit into the strict 37 hour week. This briefing session gives managers the information they need to enable flexibility within their departments and teams with regards to working hours.
Aims and Objectives
To learn more about the College’s annualised hours system To enable teams to be more flexible around working hours and use the annualised hours system efficiently Target Group
Contact Details
1 hour
Administrator: Jamie Rose (ext. 2080) Delivered by: The HR team
05 February 2014 / 14:00 - 15:00
Inspire room Cheltenham
22 April 2014 / 16:00 - 17:00
Inspire room Gloucester
All managers who line manage support staff
Managing Performance This Performance Management training course is designed for those who manage the day-to-day performance of staff, and equips delegates with the skills and techniques to ensure staff perform to the peak of their abilities.
Aims and Objectives By the end of the training session managers will be able to: Understand the principles of performance Recognise your role as a manager to ensure good performance Be able to identify the reasons for underperformance Plan and prepare feedback to identify performance gaps and address development needs Target Group
Contact Details
2 hours
Administrator: Jamie Rose (ext. 2080) Delivered by: The HR team
20 March 2014 / 11:00 - 13:00
Inspire room Gloucester
23 May 2014 / 09:00 - 11:00
Inspire room Gloucester
All managers that line manager teams or individuals.
SECTION 2: Management Training In-House Management Training
Managing Absence A half day workshop which will help managers to deal with employee absence more effectively. The session covers various aspects of employee absence, including: Managing absence Managing sickness absence Dealing with unauthorised absence Disability A legal overview College procedures
Aims and Objectives The aims of this workshop are to: Outline responsibilities for managing sickness absence. Inform managers about the reporting of sickness absence. How to conduct a return to work discussion.
Target Group
Contact Details
All managers
1 hour
Administrator: Jamie Rose (ext. 2080) Delivered by: The HR team
02 May 2014 / 11:00 - 12:00
Inspire room Cheltenham
SECTION 2: Management Training In-House Management Training
Duty Manager Training The function of the Duty Manager is to ensure that there is a clear management presence around the College. Duty Managers are in place to support managers, staff and students in the event of unusual situations that may arise and to react to emergencies. They are there to help students, facilitate the smoothrunning of the College, ensure the well-being of all and foster an ethos of co-operation within the College. Day Duty Manager Checklist
At least 5 minutes before each session commences, please sign in with Reception on the relevant site and collect the mobile phone assigned to the Duty Manager.
At the end of your session you must sign out at Reception and return the mobile phone.
If you are attending meetings during your duty, please explain to the members of the meeting that you are on duty and it is necessary for you to have the mobile switched on and that you may be called out.
As part of your duty you will need to walk around the front line areas at least twice, checking that everything is okay. Otherwise you will be contacted as normal.
The Duty Manager is the fire co-ordinator and will have undergone suitable training. If you need a refresher course please contact the relevant site manager.
Incident report forms are available on SharePoint and in the Duty Manager’s folder, and should be completed with details of any incident you have had to deal with. If you need to complete an incident report form while on duty, please ensure that at the end of your session it is immediately brought, or sent (under confidential cover), to the SMT suite at the relevant campus. These will then be forwarded to the Principal. Completed forms should not remain on the Reception desk.
If you notice anything untoward (example: graffiti, litter, empty leaflet racks, etc.) or an issue that needs to be raised, please complete the Needs Attention form you should copy this to the appropriate person (e.g. Estates, Student Services, etc) for action. The original will remain in the folder.
Duty Manager - Policies and Procedures The course covers the legal duty and HSE guidance to risk assessment. There are practical activities and discussion to ensure all candidates understand the principles of duty management and can apply these in an objective manner. Demonstration in the use of college forms is also provided and where possible practical application is undertaken.
Aims and Objectives Staff will learn about: Quick response Determining actions Delegating duties First Aid Target Group Duty Managers, those who lead groups on trips out of College.
Contact Details
3 hours
David Carrick (ext. 3253)
Training available on request
SECTION 2: Management Training In-House Management Training
Duty Manager Emergency First Aid Training At the end of the training delegates will be able to understand and demonstrate how to deal with a first aid situation at work as a duty manager.
Aims and Objectives The course covers: Health and Safety First Aid regulations What action to take in an emergency Breathing and circulation CPR Secondary Assessment Recovery Position Dealing with choking Wounds and bleeding Miscellaneous illness Target Group
Contact Details
Duty managers
Half a day
David Carrick (ext. 3253)
Training available on request
SECTION 2: Management Training Management Courses Leading to a Qualification Diploma in Management and Leadership Level 5 This qualification provides a specialist work related programme of study that covers the key knowledge, understanding and practical skills required in management. It offers particular emphasis through a choice of specialist units and is structured to accommodate the needs of a broader spectrum of managers. It serves a wide range of learners including supervisors or section managers or those aspiring to be in a position of first line management. Experienced managers will enjoy refreshing skills and working with others. This six unit (40 credit) qualification extends and deepens the specialist focus available in the three unit (20 credit) Certificate and broadens and extends the learners experience of management skills and knowledge. Course costs apply. Contact Student Services for further details.
Target Group
Contact Details
Those in management or supervisory roles
Part time -1 year
Student Services (ext. 2008)
Certificate in Strategic Management and Leadership BTEC Level 7 qualification in Strategic Management and Leadership is designed to provide focused and specialist vocational short courses, linked to professional body requirements and National Occupational Standards where appropriate, with a clear work-related emphasis. The qualifications provide short vocational programmes of study that meet the individual needs of learners. There is a strong emphasis on practical skills development alongside the development of requisite knowledge and understanding in the sector. Course costs apply. Contact Student Services for further details.
Target Group
Contact Details
Those in management or supervisory roles
4 months
Student Services (ext. 2008)
SECTION 3 Succession and Workforce Planning Aspire into Management The aim of the Aspire into Management programme is to provide GC staff who are not currently in a management post, (but are interested in progressing into a management role) an opportunity to embark onto a programme of management development. This programme is a great opportunity and may facilitate progression pathways. ‘Aspire’ consists of 3 core modules and one optional module. As an integral part of the course, candidates are required to undertake a small work related research project. Subsequently, the research findings will be presented in a written report of not more than 3,000 words. In addition, candidates will be asked to complete a 1,500 word reflective account which should demonstrate their learner journey. The programme is led by both internal and external delivery teams who will enrich the programme with their individual expertise, experience and skills. Target Group All staff wishing to learn more about progressing into a management role
Contact Details
5 Core modular programme
Emma Roberts (ext. 2083) or Megan Corker (ext. 2053)
The Aspire programme will be open for applications in Spring 2014 and will be advertised to all staff via email.
SECTION 4 Progression Pathways
Higher Level Study Programmes Gloucestershire College sets a high value upon personal achievement, and therefore encourages all staff to undertake their own continuous professional development, leading where appropriate, to the award of higher level qualifications at Level 4 and above. In addition to GC’s in-house HE delivery, higher level qualification opportunities, where available, are encouraged through GC’s Partnership Universities. Please research course availability via the following links, or alternatively, by telephone or by arranging a personal visit. University of Worcester: http://www.worcester.ac.uk University of Gloucestershire: http://www.glos.ac.uk University of University of West of England: http://uwe.ac.uk Of note, where there is a strong business case for support of funding, staff may by wish to seek sponsorship of qualifications through the TD1 application process. Please refer to the Training and Development Policy for further details.
Study Leave Learning and development is key to the recruitment and retention of staff and is integral to GC’s HE strategy. Study leave may be requested for, personal study, revision, examination time, preparation for assignment, portfolios, research and other continuing professional as deemed appropriate. Please access the Study Leave policy on SharePoint for further details. 13
SECTION 5 Teaching Qualifications GC requires all lecturing staff to be appropriately qualified to teach. GC continues to support staff to achieve a relevant teaching qualification, but may require a 50% funding contribution from the individual in support of course fees. Dates of the PTLLS course, the Intensive PGCert and PCET and 2 year PGCert and PCET are given below. Please contact Jamie Rose (ext. 2080) for further information. PTLLS (Preparation for Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector) Location Cheltenham Campus Alexandra Warehouse, Glos Royal Forest of Dean Campus Cheltenham Campus Cheltenham Campus Alexandra Warehouse, Glos Royal Forest of Dean Campus
Day Tue Wed Thu Fri Tue Wed Thu
Time 13:00 – 16:15 17:45 – 21:00 13:00 – 16:15 09:00 – 16:00 17:45 – 21:00 17:45 – 21:00 13:00 – 16:15
Dates 10/09/13 – 17/12/13 11/09/13 – 18/12/13 12/09/13 – 12/12/13 14/09/13 – 18/10/13 28/01/14 – 20/05/14 29/01/14 – 21/05/14 30/01/14 – 22/05/14
Weeks 14 14 13 6 14 14 14
Entry Requirements: Level 3 or above qualification in your teaching subject.
Intensive University Diploma / Post Graduate Certificate (PGCert) Post Compulsory Education and Training (PCET) One year course Location Cheltenham Campus Alexandra Warehouse, Glos
Day Tue Wed
Time 13:00 – 21:00 13:00 – 21:00
Dates 10/09/13 – 17/06/14 11/09/13 – 18/06/14
Weeks 34 34
Entry Requirements: Level 3 or above qualification in your teaching subject for the Diploma or a Degree for the PGCert. You must have 100 hours of FE teaching available over the duration of the course.
University Diploma / Post Graduate Certificate (PGCert) Post Compulsory Education and Training (PCET) Year 1 of 2 Location Cheltenham Campus Alexandra Warehouse, Glos
Day Tue Wed
Time 13:00 – 16:15 17:45 – 21:00
Dates 10/09/13 – 17/06/14 11/09/13 – 18/06/14
Weeks 34 34
Entry Requirements: Level 3 or above qualification in your teaching subject for the Diploma or a Degree for the PGCert. You must have 100 hours of FE teaching available over the duration of the course. The second year will run September 2014 – June 2015.
£250 + £46 registration
Intensive Diploma / PG Cert (PCET)
Diploma / PG Cert (PCET)
Year 1: £3000 Year 2: £3000
SECTION 5: Teaching Qualifications Professional Formation and QTLS QTLS (Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills) status is the FE equivalent of QTS (Qualified Teacher Status) for schools. Although QTLS status is no longer a mandatory requirement for teachers in the FE sector, staff may wish to gain QTLS for their own professional development. Individuals with QTLS are also qualified to teach in schools. As QTLS status is regulated and conferred by the IfL. The IfL is an independent professional body for teachers, tutors, trainers and student teachers in the further education (FE) and skills sector. Individuals can find out more about how to join the IfL on their website: http://www.ifl.ac.uk/
SECTION 6 Quality and Standardisation GC provides the following courses to ensure the standardisation of assessment and verification for QCF and NVQ qualifications.
Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (QCF) This competency based qualification is for any assessors or quality assurers involved in National Vocational Qualifications (QCF). Those who deliver these qualifications will need to be qualified to meet the requirements of the Regulatory arrangements for the Qualifications and Credit Framework. Course costs apply. Contact Student Services for further details. Target Group Assessors with access to at least 2 candidates going through the same qualification
Contact Details
4 months
Administrator: Jamie Rose (ext. 2080)
Level 4 Award in Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice (QCF) This competency based qualification is for assessors and quality assurance staff involved in National Vocational Qualifications (QCF). Those who deliver these qualifications will need to be qualified to meet the requirements of the Regulatory arrangements for the Qualifications and Credit Framework. Course costs apply. Contact Student Services for further details. Target Group
Contact Details
Verifiers with access to at least 2 assessors with 2 candidates going through the same qualification
4 months
Administrator: Jamie Rose (ext. 2080)
SECTION 7 Development Days All Staff Development Days Three All Staff Development Days are scheduled into the College calendar each year and are driven by College strategic objectives. Topics may include some of those outlined in this booklet. Development Days give an opportunity to raise awareness and provide on-going updates in line with staff requirements. Target Group
Contact Details
All Staff
1 day / 3 per year
Administrator: Emma Roberts (ext. 2083)
5 March 2014
Management Development Days The aim of the Management Development days is to improve the effectiveness and leadership abilities of middle managers. Management Development Days are scheduled into the College calendar each year.
Target Group
Contact Details
All managers
1 day
Administrator: Emma Roberts (ext. 2083)
20 June 2014
SECTION 8 Higher Education CPD Opportunities HE CPD GC is a College of Further Education which also offers a number of full and part-time Higher Education programmes. Staff who teach on HE programmes are encouraged to undertake a variety of professional development opportunities that are specifically designed to support the HE element of their roles. A number of helpful resources are available via the HE SharePoint site: http://tinyurl.com/lrpu4m7 If you require further detail regarding HE development opportunities please contact L&D on 2080.
Study Leave Learning and development is key to the recruitment and retention of staff and is integral to GC’s HE strategy. Study leave may be requested for, personal study, revision, examination time, preparation for assignment, portfolios, research and other continuing professional as deemed appropriate. Please access the Study Leave policy on SharePoint for further details.
SECTION 9 Outstanding Support Programme The main objective of the Outstanding Support Programme is to aid internal College communication by gathering support departments together to share knowledge, information and expertise. The programme is headed by a Steering Group which feeds into a larger Working Group that is made up of representatives from each support service across the College. The Steering Group has responsibility for identifying topics and planning associated events on a range of cross-College topics. Events are then cascaded to the Working Group, which disseminates information to their own teams. A total of 3 Working Group events are planned for 2013/14. If you are interested in becoming part of the Working Group, please contact Megan Corker on ext. 2053.
Target Group
Contact Details
Invited representatives from each support department (Working Group members)
1 day events
Programme lead: Megan Corker (ext. 2053)
Date / Time
13 February 2014 / 09:00 - 13:00
C128a&b Gloucester
15 May 2014 / 09:00 - 13:00
C128a&b Gloucester
WHY? Improve your skills Continuing Professional Development Gain a Functional Skills qualification Gain access to higher level courses Flexible free courses for staff No set classes to attend and no set times HOW? Sessions are planned around your individual needs Online activities supplemented by additional resources for you to complete in your own time 1 to 1 sessions with your tutor for feedback, extra practice and individual tuition Opportunity to take either on-line or paper based exams up to Level 2 Staff will be granted 10 remitted hours for study time Contact Judy Heath on 3306/2135 for further information 20
SECTION 11 IT Skills GC recognises the importance of all staff being competent and confident with IT software and systems used internally.
Bespoke IT training L&D offer bespoke 1to1 training for staff, or workshop training for teams on the following subjects:
Using a PC and Windows (basic skills) Using a Mac computer and OSX Using the Internet
Word for writing letters, reports and other documents PowerPoint for creating basic presentations Excel for creating basic spread sheets Outlook and accessing webmail Publisher for creating posters and leaflets
Adobe Photoshop (basic image editing) Navigating and finding information on SharePoint (College intranet) Using GC Passport Self Service (HR system)
Contact the L&D team on 2080 to book.
ILT Training The Teaching and Learning Resources team deliver a variety of sessions regularly on a number of topics relating to Teaching and Learning and use of ILT resources. These include:
VLE/Moodle Activboard Adobe Connect Prezi Twitter Skydrive/Office 365 Mahara Harvard Referencing
Using the library resources including e-books Tours of the library Blogging Padlet GoAnimate iPad apps Finding images on the internet
Contact the Learning Resources team on 2114 or 3272 to book. 21
SECTION 12 Equality and Diversity Gloucestershire College is dedicated to welcoming a wide variety of employees and learners alike. We are committed to the fair treatment of all people. Everyone must accept responsibility for upholding this position as a basic requirement of working or studying at the College. The principles and practices of equality and opportunity underpin all areas of the College. Through our Equality and Diversity training for staff, we aim to continue this commitment.
Equality and Diversity on SharePoint Find out more about Equality and Diversity via our SharePoint site, which includes useful E&D resources. Search for ‘EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY’ on SharePoint!
Diversity in the Workplace Online Training This training module enables staff to gain an understanding of the basis of Equality and Diversity and Diversity in the Workplace. This course is mandatory for all staff to complete within the first 6 months of employment.
Aims and Objectives By completing this online Diversity in the Workplace package you can expect to:
Become familiar with equal opportunities legislation. Gain an understanding of the broader issues of diversity and equal opportunities. Know your responsibilities and rights as a member of staff at the College. Target Group
Contact Details
All staff
1 hour- this training can be done at any time to suit the individual
For login details please contact Megan Corker (ext. 2053)
SECTION 12: Equality and Diversity Equality and Diversity Level 2 programme The course is designed for those who wish to gain an understanding of the diverse society we live in, antidiscrimination laws and GC’s approach to E&D. The programme covers different backgrounds, views, values and beliefs as well as all 9 Protected Characteristics. The workshops cover 3 modules for all staff, and a 4th module for teaching staff. WORKSHOP 1 Module 1: Equality and Diversity in the workplace Module 2: Equality and Diversity in the community Module 3: Equality legislation WORKSHOP 2 Module 4 (academic staff only): Embedding Equality and Diversity in the classroom
Aims and Objectives This qualification aims to:
Introduce the concept of Equality and Diversity. Explore equality in the workplace and the community and promote good practice. Understand equality and human rights legislation Explore embedding equality and diversity in the classroom
Start Time
End Time
22 January
E&D Level 2 programme: Modules 1, 2 and 3
Inspire room Cheltenham
22 January
E&D Level 2 programme: Module 4 (teaching staff)
Inspire room Cheltenham
27 January
E&D Level 2 programme: Modules 1, 2 and 3
Inspire room Gloucester
11 February
E&D Level 2 programme: Modules 1, 2 and 3
Inspire room Gloucester
11 February
E&D Level 2 programme: Module 4 (teaching staff)
Inspire room Gloucester
18 February
E&D Level 2 programme: Modules 1, 2 and 3
Inspire room RFD
18 February
E&D Level 2 programme: Module 4 (teaching staff)
Inspire room RFD
19 March
E&D Level 2 programme: Modules 1, 2 and 3
Inspire room Cheltenham
19 March
E&D Level 2 programme: Module 4 (teaching staff)
Inspire room Cheltenham
Contact details: Course tutor: Megan Corker (ext. 2053)
SECTION 12: Equality and Diversity NCFE Level 3 Award in Managing Diversity This qualification is ideal for managers and staff in a wide range of sectors and is useful to anyone managing or working with people from different cultures and/or backgrounds. It will develop awareness of equality and diversity concepts and how these issues impact upon organisational processes, management and delivery. The course will also enable the learner to gain knowledge of individual and organisational diversity experiences, skills and practices, together with an awareness of the different cultures within our diverse society. The course will cover the following areas:
Unit 1 - Raising Diversity Awareness Unit 2 - Managing Organisational Diversity Unit 3 - Equal Opportunities and Diversity Legislation
Aims and Objectives The Level 3 aims to increase:
Understanding the concept of Equality and Diversity. Awareness of how these issues impact upon organisational processes, management and delivery. Individual and organisational diversity experiences, skills and practices.
Target Group
Contact Details
All Managers
10 weeks, 3 cohorts per year
Course tutor: Megan Corker (ext. 2053)
SECTION 13 Safeguarding Gloucestershire College has an essential role to play in safeguarding young people and vulnerable adults. The College is committed to creating a whole organisation approach towards safeguarding.
Safeguarding on SharePoint Brush up on your safeguarding knowledge via GC’s safeguarding site on SharePoint! Find out more about our Safeguarding policies, procedures, who to report concerns to, as well as the background behind the government’s safeguarding agenda. Search for ‘SAFEGUARDING’ on SharePoint!
Safeguarding Online Package - Via the LSIS Learning Environment This course provided by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS) covers a variety of topics relating to safeguarding young people and vulnerable adults and safer recruitment, with an end assessment and printable certificate. Those who sit on recruitment panels should complete modules 3 and 4 with a separate end assessment.
Aims and Objectives This course will update staff on the wider context of safeguarding of young people and vulnerable adults, and emphasise how safer recruitment is key to the effective application of safeguarding practice in FE. Target Group Modules 1 and 2 All staff Modules 3 and 4 Those who sit on recruitment panels
Duration Upwards of 12 hours to complete all modules and assessments
Contact Details
Contact Megan Corker (ext. 2053) for login details
SECTION 13: Safeguarding Safeguarding Online Package - Provided by Marshall ACM This voiced-over online package provided by Marshall ACM for Gloucestershire College gives an overview of safeguarding, with information, scenarios, and an end assessment with printable certificate. This course should be undertaken by all staff within the first 6 months of employment, and forms part of the staff induction.
Aims and Objectives Staff will learn about: Your organisation’s role. Relevant laws and Government policies. Recognising and responding to concerns. Safeguarding and protecting vulnerable people. Target Group
Contact Details
All staff
1 hour - this training can be done at any time to suit the individual
Contact Megan Corker (ext. 2053) for login details
SECTION 14 Well Being
Well Being course - Delivered by the NHS Are you stuck in vicious cycles? Want to say no more often but don’t know how? Do you feel like you need to work on your relationships? Do you find yourself thinking negatively?
Well Being Online! Visit GC’s Well Being website!
This free 5 week course is delivered by fully qualified Cognitive Behavioural Therapists. Session
Dates TBC
Contact Jamie Rose on ext. 2080 for further details and to sign up for the next course.
This website provides information on Well Being and Mental Health, including advice on healthy eating, fitness, work life, and help and resources to quit smoking. Search for WELL BEING on SharePoint!
SECTION 15 Health and Safety The Health and Safety Unit provide training on a wide range of topics, in addition to those where students obtain a qualification which are published by Business Solutions. The aim of these training sessions is to ensure that employees are competent to carry out their role within the College. The training provides staff with essential information, and where appropriate, provides the opportunity to practice and demonstrate any skills required, in order to meet the aim of achieving competence.
Manual Handling (Objects) This course explains the muscular skeletal injury risks and the legal duties of employers and employees. It focuses on the practical measures to reduce risk and principles of the safe lifting technique. Candidates have the opportunity to carry out manual handling activity and instruct others in manual handling tasks. Minimum group size of 5 persons. Requests for Handling People training should be submitted to the Health and Safety Unit.
Aims and Objectives
An introduction to Manual Handling Information on legislation An understanding of Manual Handling Risk Assessment Information on injuries/conditions Lifting and handling techniques An understanding of the equipment Information on ergonomics Target Group
Contact Details
All those who carry out or supervise those who carry out manual handling activities
3 hours
David Carrick (ext. 3253)
Fork Lift Truck (College Operation) This course covers the duties of an operator to inspect the equipment and correct use of the controls. Demonstration and practice are carried out to ensure that candidates are proficient in the use of the FLT within the College for the range of tasks carried out. Maximum group size 3 persons.
Aims and Objectives
To correctly understand the control and use of a fork lift truck within the College. To demonstrate and practice correct usage of the equipment. Understanding applicable legislation Have an understanding of risk assessments Learn the basic controls Safety whilst mounting and un-mounting Basic manoeuvres and safe travelling Safe lifting, moving and travelling Target Group Those who required use or supervise FLT operations
Contact Details
4 hours
David Carrick (ext. 3253)
SECTION 15: Health and Safety Boom Elevated Work Platform This course covers the duties of an operator to inspect the equipment and correct use of the controls. Demonstration and practice are carried out to ensure that candidates are proficient in the use of the equipment within the College for the range of tasks carried out. Group size of 2 - 4 persons.
Aims and Objectives
To correctly understand the controls of the equipment and use of a boom elevated platform within the College.
To demonstrate and practice correct usage of the equipment. Target Group Those required to use or supervise the boom elevated work platform
Contact Details
3 hours
David Carrick (ext. 3253)
Essential First Aid This course provides information, demonstrations and practice in essential life saving skills. Information on assessing casualties and managing medical emergencies is also covered. Minimum group 5 persons. Aims and Objectives Learn how to deal with the following issues: First Aid priorities, examination of a casualty, recording and reporting, managing incidents, unconsciousness, burns and scalds, regulations, basic life support, control of bleeding, common illness, first aid kits. Target Group
Contact Details
Duty managers, those who lead groups on trips out of College
3 hours
David Carrick (ext. 3253)
Paediatric First Aid Training and assessment of paediatric first aid to Ofsted standard, including: Principles of Childcare, Primary and Secondary Survey, Airways, Unconsciousness, and medical conditions— Diabetes, Sickle Cell and Meningitis. Minimum group size of 5 persons.
Aims and Objectives The aims of the course are to provide detailed knowledge in the following areas: Assessment of danger, basic life support, head injuries, meningitis, asthma, febrile convulsions, diabetes, epilepsy, burns and scalds, eye injuries, shock, bleeding and bandaging, fractures, electric shock, anaphylactic shock and epi-pen, drowning, hanging, requirements of a first aid box, and parental administration of medicines. Target Group
Contact Details
Nursery nurses and child care workers
12 hours over 2 days
David Carrick (ext. 3253)
SECTION 15: Health and Safety Emergency First Aid at Work This course is suitable for those requiring Appointed Persons status, in accordance with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations. This one day course includes both theory and practical sessions within a relaxed atmosphere that is designed to promote confidence.
Aims and Objectives Staff will learn about: First aid priorities, examination of a casualty, recording and reporting, managing incidents, unconsciousness, burns and scalds, regulations, basic life support, control of bleeding, common illnesses, first aid kits. Target Group Those staff who are required to become appointed persons
Contact Details
1 day
David Carrick (ext. 3253)
First Aid at Work Once qualified, holders of this First Aid at Work certificate can be used as First Aiders in the workplace in accordance with the Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations. The First Aid at Work course is run over 3 days and includes both theory and practical sessions.
Aims and Objectives Staff will gain skills in the following areas: First aid priorities, examination of a casualty, fractures, heart attacks, recording and reporting, managing incidents, unconsciousness, burns and scalds, eye injuries, regulations, basic life support, control of bleeding, common illnesses, dressings, first aid kits. Target Group Staff who are required to become first aiders in the workplace
Contact Details
3 days
David Carrick (ext. 3253)
Work Placement Employer Vetting The course covers the legal duty to ensure that employers meet adequate standards, reflecting the Safe Learner Blueprint established by the LSC. It focuses on identifying evidence at an employer’s premises and recording the information. Minimum group size of 5 persons.
Aims and Objectives To learn about the procedures of work placement employer vetting, and have a greater understanding of the requirements, including recording of premises inspection. Target Group Train to Gain Assessors and those who wish to assess employers
Duration 3 hours followed by accompanied vetting visits
Contact Details David Carrick (ext. 3253)
SECTION 15: Health and Safety Administration of Work Placement The course covers the College’s procedures and operation of the database for work placements. Minimum group size 5 persons. Aims and Objectives Staff will learn about:
Accessing the database Administration using the database Revisiting requests and assessment of placements Target Group Department administrators and those wishing to access the database to submit requests and obtain status information.
Contact Details
1 hour
David Carrick (ext. 3253)
Risk Assessment The course covers the legal duty and HSE guidance to risk assessment. There are practical activities and discussion to ensure all candidates understand the principles and can apply these in an objective manner. Demonstration in the use of College forms is also provided and where possible, practical application is undertaken.
Aims and Objectives Staff will gain information on: Moral, legal and economical information on risk assessments Definitions Accident causation General principles Hazard identification Evaluating risk Recording your assessment Control measures Monitoring and reviewing assessments Target Group Duty Managers, those who lead groups on trips out of College
Contact Details
Half a day
David Carrick (ext. 3253)
Management of Off Site Visits The course covers the College procedures and simple risk assessment of low risk activities. Minimum group size of 5 persons required.
Aims and Objectives Staff will gain an understanding of the policies and procedures involved in low risk activities off campus with groups of students, and the management of the visit from start to finish. Target Group
Course leaders and those arranging enrichment or other off site activities.
Contact Details
2 hours
David Carrick (ext. 3253)
SECTION 15: Health and Safety Duty Manager - Policies and Procedures The course covers the legal duty and HSE guidance to risk assessment. There are practical activities and discussion to ensure all candidates understand the principles and can apply these in an objective manner. Demonstration in the use of college forms is also provided and where possible, practical application is undertaken.
Aims and Objectives Staff will learn about: Quick response Determining actions Delegating duties First Aid Target Group Duty Managers, those who lead groups on trips out of College.
Contact Details
3 hours
David Carrick (ext. 3253)
Managing Work at Height This course is designed to introduce those who have responsibility for working at height activities to legislative and industry best practice for procedures to work at height.
Aims and Objectives Staff will gain information on the following areas: Legislation Hazard identification Risk assessment Job safety analysis Harnesses, equipment & PPE
Target Group Those with the responsibility for undertaking, planning, supervising, or managing working at height activities
Contact Details
Half a day
David Carrick (ext. 3253)