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Approved Student Fees, 2015-16 to Present
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19* 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Tuition (Rising Sophomore,
Junior, Senior)
Activity Fee
Parking Fee
Health and Wellness fee 39,920 41,516 42,470 43,446 44,532 45,690 47,014
400 416 416 -- -- -- -260 270 276 282 290 298 306
420 436 446 -- -- -- -Room (Double) 5,652 5,878 6,012 -- -- -- -Technology Fee (Double) 990 1,030 1,054 -- -- -- -Board (Unlimited Meal Plan) 7,408 7,408 7,408 -- -- -- -Combined Room & Board -- -- -- 13,558 13,712 13,876 14,278
Total Tuition & Fees (SO, JR, SR) 55,050 56,954 58,082 59,304 60,602 61,986 63,783
Tuition (Incoming Freshman) 39,920 41,516 42,470 43,446 44,532 45,690 47,014 Activity Fee 400 416 416 -- -- -- -Parking Fee 260 270 276 282 290 298 306 Orientation Fee 420 436 446 -- -- -- -Health and Wellness fee 420 436 446 -- -- -- -Room (Double) 5,652 5,878 6,012 -- -- -- -Technology Fee 990 1,030 1,054 -- -- -- -Board (Unlimited Meal Plan) 7,408 7,408 7,408 -- -- -- -Combined Room & Board -- -- -- 13,558 13,712 13,876 14,278
Total Tuition & Fees (Freshman) 55,470 57,390 58,528 59,304 60,602 61,986 63,783
FAQ’s (numbers are incl. above)
Required Fees total(technology, health & wellness, activity, and graduation) 1,810 1,446 1,916 2,300 2,358 2,420 2,490
Per Credit Charge 1,250 1,300 1,330 1,360 1,394 1,430 1,472 Room & Board Combined 13,060 13,286 13,420 13,558 13,712 13,876 14,278
* New fee structure implemented in 2018-19